HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-08-31, Page 3Thursdays. August 31st, 1016.
Carom t rdial, Shorthand
and Telegraphy
a mentS
Students may enter at any time,
We plane graduates in. positions,
Dari July During 7u and
Augnst we i -
g yttw cev
ed applications for over 200 office
assistants we could not supply.
Write for our free catalogue at
D.A. McLachlan, Principal
Fos the Coming Poultry, Season is
100 s 1t yToo of Pou r
To ship the above amount will
require at least,
t_ 20;000 Chickens,
". 1. 20,000 Hens,
5,000 Ducks,
3,000 Turkeys,
1,000 Geese,
We are in the Market for all your
Live Poultry, at top prices.
It will pay you to give your
Laying Hens the 'best, a attention as
NEW 'LAID EGGS are expected
to reach record prices this winter,
gm -LI 01R & Go., Led
Clinton Branch Phone 190
See and here our finest
New Stylish designs of
Doherty Pianus and
,special values in Art
Pianos and organs rent e•
ed. Choice new Edison
phonographs, Music &
variety goods.
Music Elslporiilnl
C. Howie
Steel Shingles
Felt Roofing
and Slate
• Plumbing and
Furnace Work
Call or Phone for Prices
Estimates cheerfully
Repairs Done Promptly.
$yam & Sutter
Sanitary Plumbers
Phone 7.
Single Fare
Good going and returning Sep. 4.
li'iU'4•, assns One Third
Good going Sept. end, 3rd, 4th, -
Good to return Sept. 5, 1016.
Return tickets will be issued trona
all stations in Canada east of Port
Arthur and to Detroit and Port
Huron, Mich., Buffalo, Black:Rock,'.
Niagara; !Falls and Su p.nsion
Bridge, N. Y.
Tickets and full particulars( on ap-
plic-tion to Agent,
el;lsad'an National Exhibition.
RMaim, tickets at reduced fares'.
to Toronto from all 'stations in
Canada. Obtain particulars of ape
tial train service and low rate ex-
cursions from G,T.R Agents.
John llansford & Son, city passen-
ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57
,A. 0, Pattison: station agent
W. FltYltc).N Ni
(Jonneyance, Notary Public,
Commissioner, etc.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
Huron St., Clinton.
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
Financial and Real Estate
INSURANCE AGENT—Representing 14Fire In
enrance Companies,"
Division Court Office.
Piano Tuning
Mr. James Doherty wishes to in-
form the public that he is pre-
pared to do fine piano tuning,
tone regulating, and repairing.
Orders left at W. Doherty's phone
61, will receive prompt attention,
M. G. Cameron. K.C.
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc
Office on Albert Street, occupied by
Mr. Hooper. In Clinton on every
Thursday, and on any day for which
appointments are made, Mee hours
from 9 a.m. to 6 p an. A good vault in
connection with the office. Office open
every week day, Mr. Hooper will make
any oppointmentsfor Mr. Cameron.
Physician. Surgeon, Etc
suede!! attention given to diseases of the
Eye. Ear, Throat, and Nose,
Eves a dully xamioed, and suitable glasses
Office and Residence.
Two doors west of the Conw,erckal (late
Miran St.
11118. GINN and CA SPITE
Dr. W. Gann, L. R, C. P., L. It, CS.. Edi
Dr. Cuan's office at residence Hieb Street
Dr•J,. e. Gaudier. R.A. MX.
Office—Ontario Street, Clinton,
atgbt oath, at residence, Rottenbnr, St
or at botpitai.
DR. k', R. AXON
crown and Rrldr.e Work a Specialty,
Graduate of C.O.D.S.,t Chicago, and P,O.17 S
llayneld on Mo)1dars. MRS. 15t to le
Offices over O'NEIL'P, store.
Special care taken to maks dente] tree!
mantas painless as possible.
Live stock and general Auction ter
lint m shoes sales a epectatt,', Otte, s at a
NEW ERA office, Clinton, pr(,mntiy attends
fn. Terms reasonable. Farmers' sale not,
Drs. Geo td M. E. Whitley
Osteopathic Pity.
Specialists in Women's and
Children's Diseases
Acute, Chromordic, anders Nervous
Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat.
Office-Rattenbury Hotel.
Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m.
G. D. McTaggart el, L. MuTagger
McTaggart arias,
General Banking 13nnleseee
Drafts issued. Interest allowed n
The Mcltiitop Mutual
Fire Insurance en.
Parm and Isolated Town Prop.
erty Only insured.
Head Oi lee-Seafortle, Out
J. Connolly, Goderich, President
Jas. Evans, Beechwood, Vice -Pres.
Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Sec,-Treas
Directors D. le 'McGregor, 13ea-
forth; J. G Grieve, Winthrop; W.
Rion, Seaforth; John Benneweis,
Dublin ; J- Evans, Beechwood ; M.
Mc:Ewen', Clinton; J. B. McLean,
Senfortii : 3. "lonnolly, Goderich
Robt Verrit, Garlock; Geo. Mc-
Cartney, Tuckeramith
Agents• -Ed. llinchley, Seaforth;
W. Chesney. Eg mondville; J. W.
Yeo, Hotenesville; Alex. Leitch.
Clinton; R. S. Jarmut'h. Brodhagen
Payments made at Morrish &
Co Clinton, and Cult's Grocery
store Goderich antis Jas. Heide
store Barfield.
A Carload of Canada
Portland Cement
Phone us tor prices \
It will pay you
John Hutton
We're now selling. Timothy Seed
(Government Standard,).
We also have on hand, Alfalfa,
Alsike, and Red Clover;
We always have on hand -Goose
Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn
Rig'heat Market Prieee paid for Hay
and all Grains.
A Prescription -That From Girlhood
to Old Age Has Been a Blessing
to Womankind.
When a girl becomes it woman, when
a woman becomes a mother, when a
woman passesthrough middle life, are
the three periode of life when health and
strength are moat needed to withstand
the pain and distress often caused by
severe organic disturbances.
At these critical times women are
best fortified by the use of Dr, Pierce's
Favorite Prescription, an old remedy
of proved worth that keeps the entire
womanly system in excellent condition.
Mothers, if your daughters are weak,
lade ambition, are troubled with head-
aches, lassitude and are pale and sickly,
Dr. ;Pierce's Favorite Prescription is
just what they need to surely bring the
bloom of health to their cheeks and make
them strong and healthy.
For all ailing women Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription is just the right
medicine. During the last fifty years it
has banished from the lives of tens of
thousands of women pain, misery and
distress. It makes weak women strong,
sick women well.
If you are a sufferer, If your daugh-
ter, mother, sister, need help, get Dr,
Pierce's Favorite -Prescription in liquid
or tablet form from any medicine dealer
to -day. Then address Dr. Pierce In-
valids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., and get
confidential medical advice entirely free.
Every woman should be careful that the
liver is active and the poisons are not
allowed to clog the system -get rid of
these poisons by taking Dr. Pierce'e
Pellets, which regulate and invigorate
stomach, liver and bowels. Keep the
body clean inside as web as outside!
How to preserve health and beauty le
told in Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medi-
cal Adviser. It is free. Send Doctor
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., fifty cents or stamps
to cover wrapping and mailing only.
The Western Fair
London, Ontario
September Sth to leith, 1916
Queen's Park is a very busy place
these days where many men are en
gaged preparing the buildings' for
the big I+xhibition, which takes
place September 8th to 16t1). The
management of the Exhibition
have been considerably handicap-,
ped with the work, butit is hoped
this week nothing will be allowed
to interfere with the preparations
for the Exhibition.
There will be several new feat-
ures this year The Dominion
Government Is putting on adenton-
stration in the new Process Build-
ing of the care of Eggs, With a
view to increasing 5nterestfamottg
the farmers In the care and pro-
duction of Eggs. There will also
be an exhibit of Wool put on by
the Government with the same ob-
ject in view. 1,
There has been a, good demand
for space, and judging from pre-
sent indications every available
place will be filled. If any space
is required for an exhibit or con-
cession a,ppbicnti;on should be
made to the Secretary at 'once, If
entries are to be made it should be
attended tont once and toot left'
until the last day. All informar-
tion at the General Offices, Dom-
inion Savings Building, London.
Fail Fairs 1910
Baytield ..... Oct. 10 and 11
Oct. 3 and 4
... Oct. 5 and 6
Oct. 6 and 6
Sept. 18 and 19
Blyth ......
Dungannon -
lFordwich ... Oct, 7
Goderich ... Sept. 27 to 20
London (Western Pair) Sept. 8-16
Lucknow Sept. 28-,29
Toronto ...... Aug. 26 to Sept. 11
Seaforth ...,.. ........Sept. 21-22
Zurich ....., •...... Sept. 20 ana 21
Salvation! Army Captain.
Capt. Wm. E. Sanford (Salvation
Army), 38Rarlscourt Ave., Toronto,Ont.,
writes: "A short time ago I suffered from
heart trouble, which seemed to come on
me very suddenly. I was so bad, that
at times it seemed as if it was all I could
do to breathe. I noticed an announce-
ment of Milburn's Heart and Nerve
Pills, and decided to give them a trial.
After taking two or three clays'treat-
ment I felt fine, and my heart has not
bothered me since. If this testimony
would be of any service to others you are
at liberty to use it."
'To all who suffer from any form of heart
trouble Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills
will give prompt and permanent relief.
They strengthen and,invigorate the action
of the heart, and tone up the whole sys-
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are
.50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25.
For sale at all dealers or mailed direct
on receipt of price by The T. Milburn'
Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Better Pay,
The Price
Don't he tempted to choose cheap
jewelery. Far better to pay a fair
price and know exactly what von
are getting,
You will never be sorry -for as a
matter of money, it is easily the
most economical.
That has been said so often that
everybody by this time should
know it - and vet there is no
scarcity of cheap jewelry in the
Now to set personal -If you would
like to miss that sort;altogether-
If you would like to buy where
nothing but high qualities are.
dealt in -COME L1I1111:
And even at that, no person ever
said our prices were unfair
.Edison Records and
W. R. Counter
Jeweler and Optician;
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
The Stowaw
WHEN BUYINGYEAST Gadsby on Allisonbiliousness
' Don't For get
a3% INSIST ON H AV I M G that, when constipation, oe
THIS PACKAGE indigestion is neglected, it may cause
.iY001•111lti®ii0U01Bl•1000O Ole ilea
was telling the truth and that Carmel
was fibbing ou that occasion. But
let well encugb moue, it was good f
Salvador that be should obey comet
Be ',leased them and remarked that
really ""smart" wedding would be ju
the thing to Inaugurate the new'.ref
at filo de' Janeiro.
Fie Was liar na n's perplexed by the
untimely wrath of. (Mille Heeler. He
thought of It for at least' bye minutes
next worming,. 'Then its sought Drcl ey
Bulmer; who, had just quitted Coke's
bedroom ;nd was examining the rare
tlorubs that bordered the lawn.
'What crews 'of that brave titan?'
asked. Dom Corria, and his deep voice
vibrated with real feeling.
"First rate, sir," said Dickey. "The
bullet Is extracted„au' the doctor says
'e'll soon be all right. Leastways,
that's coot iris tells me. I can't talk
Portuguese meself, an' pore uld Jim-
mie's lahgwidge ain't fit to be repeat-
The president laughed,
"He is what you can a bundle of
contradictions, eh -a rougb fellow with
the heart or a bull? But he saved my
lite, and that naturally counts for a
good deal with me. And bow is your
niece after last night% terrible experi-
ence ?”
"My niece? D'ye mean tris?" de-
manded Blamer. obviously somewhat
annoyed. he
"S's not my niece. She's"-
"Your granddaughter, then?"
"No, sir. That young lady 'as done
me the honor of promisiu' to be my
"Ohl" said Dom Comae, fixing his
brilliant eyes on Bulmer's vexed face.
"There's no 'oh' about it," growled
Dickey. "It was all cut an' dried
weeks ago, an' she 'asn't rued of 'er
bargain yet. as far as 1 can make out."
"You mean that ,,,the marriage was
arranged before the Andromeda sail-
ed?" said Dom Corria gently.
"W'y, of course, It couldn't very
web be fixed after, could it?"
"No --not as between you and her.
I can vouch for that. Forgive me, Mr.
Bulmer, 1 bare a daughter of mar-
riageable age, you know, and 1 speak
as a parent. Do you think that it is
a wise thing for a man of your years
to marry a girl of twenty?"
"If I didn't I wouldn't do it"
"But may it not be selfish?"
Then downright Lancashire took
,hold of the argument.
"Look 'ere! Wot are you drivin' at?"
demanded Dickey, now in a white
heat of anger. fie bad yet to Learn
tbat the president preferred a straight-
forward way of talking.
"1 want you to forego this mar-
riage," he said.
"Because than: charming girl loves
another man, but feels that she is
bound to you. 1 understand the posi-
tion at Inst. Mr, Bulmer, you cannot
wish to break ter beart and drive that
fine young fellow, Philip Dozier, to
despair. Come, now: Let you and
me reason this thing together, Possi.
bly when she agreed to marry you she
did not know what love was. She Is
high minded, an idealist, the shut of
honor. What other woman would have
consented to be separated from her
friends on Fernando Noronha merely
because it increased their meager
chances of safety? How few women,
loving a' man like Philip Dozier, wait
is assured of a splendid reward for his
services to this State, would resolutely
deny the claims of her own heart in
order to keep her word?"
Bulmer had never heard any one
speak with the crystal directness of
Dom Corrin. Each word chipped
away some part of the fence which he
had deliberately erected around his
own intelligence. Certain facts had
found crevices in the barrier already.
Dom Corria broke down whole set-
tees. But be was a hard man. and
stubborn, end bas heart was set on
"You are mighty sure she is wrap-
ped up in this young spark?" he
"Were I not i would not have inter-
fered. Take my advice. First ask
yourself an honest question, then ask
the girl, She will answer, I promise
you that."
"I'm a rich man," persisted Dickey.
"Nobody forced 'er one way or the
"Possibly. One wonders, though,
why she hid herself on the Androm-
"It's true, I tell you. David said"-
"Who is DaTId?"
"Her uncle."
"In England, 1 take it, If a man
'elates to marry a girl be does not woo
ber uncle. 91 coarse these custofbs
vary. Here in Brasil"-
'Phew Selmer said something' about
Brazil that was not to be eapeeted
from, one of bis staid demeanor, In
fact, he regarded Brazil as the cause
of the whole trouble, and his opinion
concerning that. marvelous land coin-
cided with Rozier's. He turned and
walked away, looking a trice older, a
trine more bent perhaps, than when he
Came out ofthe house.
An hear' later Dom Corria and Car-
melo met in a corridor. They were dis-
cussing srrannements for n speedy
more to the .capital when leis ran into
them• tier face was flushed, and she
bad beets crying. Much to Carnnela;s
amazement, the ltngtish girt clasped
her round the neck and l issed tier.
"Tell your father, my dear', that he
has been very good G,' tae." she t� itis-
perod Then her fare grew scarlet
again and she hurried away.
"Excellentt" said the president.
"That old span is n getitletnatt. His
friend is not. Yet they are very much
,tants in other respects. Odd thing!
t7artnela, earn. Ctul you spare a few
reinutes from your invalid?"
"Yes, fattier",
"c,"o, then, and and that young Eng.
'M'*, ORONTO OMoeRpe0'•
Local News etra
Bread' is up another cent. Some
of us will soon have to enlist to
escape the high cost 'of living. t
Children Cry
We're coming to registration,
Next wilt 'be the Derby plan and
then conscription, 'Far better 0.0
go, 'boys, as a volunteer than a
conscript, t t
More fires originate in rubbish
heaps than from any other source.
That the rubbish heap is a menace
because there is always a possibi-
lity of fire starting up in it, and
it may start when least expected.
Consider what might happen and
then without delay eliminate the
menace of the rubbish heap by
laving it promptly c."r`ed away. -
Canadian Conservation,
Children, Cry
° A .. i" f+iC" O R I A
It is announced that there will be
a further increase in the price of
dYe-stuffs immedjately•k Already
dye -stuffs that before the war
brought 50 cents apound are
quoted at $$15, .
The Dominion Government t by
order -in -council has removed the
name of J, WesjeY Allison from the
list of honorary colonels. The
only friend Allison appears to
have is on the other' side of the
big water.
For Infants and Children
Ira Use For Over 30 Yews
Alwaysh bears
the {��.,r ,�
SitTature of guts [�/g
Good torn;ng I Have you renew-
ed your New Era subscription?
Please examine your address la bel
and act accordingly,
Cut the weeds on the t'acant lots
now. .
Most of the oats and barley t in
this section are harvested.
Dona throw away lighted match
ea, cigars or cigarettes, ,
A warning against anowi disease
which he found attacking certain
trees and vegetables ltas been is-
sued by W.A. 'MeCubbin, of ,the
Dominion Pathologic Laboratory.
who has been conducting expper.-
ments and research in St. Cathar-
ines locality. It is a rust which
attacks, currants, goieeberries
and white pine, and which if not
rheeked, he says, will in: time des-
troy all the white, pine in Canada,
The Doctor's Theory on the Time to
Partake of "Adam's Ale"—Helps
• the Constitution
The proper tirele to drink water is
when one is thirsty, no matter under
what conditions the thirst may arise
or when. Such, at least, is the present
Position of the more : rogreseive of
the medical fraternity.
'l'he old superstition which forbids
water at nasal -thus passes, Itwas a
superstition which had much show of
reason, to be sure. It seemed quite
evident that the •drinking of water
with meals unduly diluted the food
and so hindered': the mastication and
insallvation that are 'essential. to Its
proper preparation for the stomach.
The doctors seemed correct in stat-
ing that water, when introduced into
the stomach with food, diluted tate
gastric and other digestive juices, so
essential to the digestive process, and
so very materially interfered with
It was 'confidently stated, too, that
a quantity of water in the stomach
actually flushed that organ, ano that
the food was thus carried On into tine
intestines before the digestive
changes that should be brought about
had been satir•factorily inaugurated.
Bet. re Science Intervened
On these grounds, to which tate lay-
man could not demur, we were con-
demned to thirst at mealtime by the
edict of our physicians, although it
is pretty safe to sal that the majority
of us, heeded the voice of appetite -
just as the doci:ois did in practice.
All thls was before science load en.
abled men to actually see the diges-
tive mechanism at work or to ap,pre•
bend the delicate chemistry of the pro -
ceases involved.
It now develops Haat, in so' far as
the digestive process is concerned, the
principal effect of water is to greatly
stimrlate the flow of V.'s? essential
fluid, the gastric juice. No other
agent in our food coos this so quickly
or as effectually. Mora significant
stili, the gastric juice ams i ac.etc-d
has a higher conemtration of acid
than that produced pre'•r,us to .the
introduction of tile. water.
That is to say, water is quite t,ssen-
tial to the free pre duclton of tate most
important of the -e-agentswhish na-
ture uses in tzaz forming food foto
life. _. _.
hat'en't trio heart to do it wit
he comes home. Sam has tl
Borden Governmen'l' buffaloed
has east over them some spe
which only works whew he is
the ;mot. When he makes a tri
to England the sI lases • i `
power -it std
doesn't P s
to 'be able
a serious illness; Act upon the first
en symptomep your..
digestive organs;
to ingoodor-deicerbythetirnelyuseof
tie f
oln i
to cross Vater and Sam has no wa
of giving She situation absen
treatment, /
What is Son's spell? Some say it
is fear, some say it is a Stunned as-
tonishonent at his .colossal nerve.
Nobody mentions love, Whatever
itis Sam puts it over. To this day
there subsists an affection) be-
tween Premier Borden and Sir Sant
which Vies with (the famous at-
tachment between Mary and her
little lamb.
What makes Sir Sam love •
'Borden so?
Oh, Borden's itind to Sam
.you know;
And there, the matter stands,
Nobody has any better explana-
tion. Of course, the analogy is
not on all fours, because Premier
Borden doesn't appear to r50 as firm
a. character as Mary and Sam is
certainly no lamb unless it's the
kind ,of lamb one might raise in
Pittsburgh but it's the only com-
parison we caa think of that gets
anywhere near the tender relat-
ions between the Premier and his
most conspicuous colleagues. Si
Robert is true to .the last. 'H
stands by Sir Sam 'as long as Sir
Sam is here to stand by. It's only
when Sam is three thousancll miles
of 'blue water away Troon his lob
of keepinga close eye On 'em' the
Sir Robert lets Sir Sam's rivals ge
their work in, And even thenthpy
are only allowed to slaughter Sir
Sam's friends, Sir Sam ,himself mus
not 'be molested.
Meanwhile the zeal and abandon
with, eb(ich Sir Sam's colPna`vnes
fleshed their *harpoon in Colonel
John Wesley Allison suggests that
they would take real pleasure in
doing the same thing for his pe-
tron and 'benefactor it Sir Sam
would let them. But Sir Sam must
be consulted first -Premier Borden
sticks to that. With Sam away the
cabinet 'will play butA with Sam on
Parliament (Hill again ,'Premier
Borden may expect to get back bis
spine and rescind these hasty or-
ders -am -council. Nobody will ever
believe that Colonel John Wesley
Allison is finally' disposed of un-
til Siam announces publicly that
ha has dropped •atearl and laid a
wreath on the Morrisburg, super -
patriot's grave.
There is reason to 'believe, in-
deed, that the late Colonel John
Wesley Allison is not dead -in fact
that the reports of hiss death have
been much exaggerated -and that
be has simply gone, nn a, tourney to
the United States nvhere he is still
"scratching -gravel" 'but 'not in
connection 'with the Muni lions
Board at Otta.wa. Me scratched
once to often and far t'o0 herd
even for that complacent body and
his name has been removed from
the list. But that does not bead
off his activities for other ;War Of-
fices, although he may find it
more difficult to get business now
that he isn't a colonel any more,
It is stated with •1 great' cleat of
frankness that the only reason
John Wesley Alllison was made a
colonel was to enable him to get
business from people who like to
deal with colonels, Of course the
fact thea 'he was a holanel of Sir
Sam's making, and thus had the
oblique endorsement of the Dom-
inion Government ;helped some too
but We need not dwelt, on this point
It came out clearly' enough in the
evidence before the Duff -Meredith
Commission. Allison needed to be
an honorary colonel 10 hie business
and an honorary colonel site was. It
10111. probably be founcl'tbat the tato
Honorary Colonel John Wesley .Al-
lison is(suffering ' less right now
from the withdrawal of his' honor-
ary colonelcy, than he is from the
falling off in !business 'which ie
the direct result, One does not ire
•tgine tltat Colonel John Wesley
Allison was ever lie love with tI'e
Y Leigeet Sole of Any Md
ne Medicine I.n,, , 25 Den Weed,
t said everywhere. In bong.. 26 cents.
uniform, grand' as it is-yott can't
Wear the uniform when You're mak
ing fuse contracts ioi the United
States -nor With his 'military
duties, light as they were. Nm in-
deed, he was an honorary colonel
for the money there was in it, and
money, as Shakespeare. says, is a
good soldier and 'will march.
The episode throws anew light
on honorary' Colonels. Broadly
speaking such as are not honorary
colonels for ornament are honor-
ary colonels as 'Honorary Colonel
John Wesley! Allison was -that in
to say for the money: there is in it,
Let us -so say the honorary col-
onels who made up the "infusion'•
of steel manuf etu-•crs maimed to
by Mr. LionelRiehens-let us make
the shells of this country and the
care not who fires them. Let us
fill the munition 'contracts of
our beloved Canada and we don't
care who fills the trenchse in''1lan
ders. Let others do their 'bit -we
get ours. Thus honorary colonels
r ill the manufacturing ori commies-
' ion business are no%grea5 hogs for
glory, They are content toremain
honorary colonels so long as it is
made up to them in( other ways.
Occasionally one of ;them be-
t comes aBrigadier-General tut that
t is nsuadlY a sign that he has got
all ,he wants, It is also a sign that
the Government loves hirer for the
t profits he has made and the im-+
znlnent dangers of Kyte enquiries
which helms escaped. Honorary
colonels of the 'business sort may
resign Orbe shorn of their rank,
but they neve,• .surrender- the,
dividends, Mr. Frank Bailey gave
back 8758,000 profits tho other day
-incidentally' it shows wha,c gen-
erous idea of price .the old Shell:
Committee Thad -but that is no
boost for the honorary colonels
because Mr, Bailey 'is not an hon- .
a y colonel and probably does
not wbe, t,
O1 couleeantto Ronorary Colonel John
Wesley Allison deserved all he got
as an honorary colonel 'whet incau-
tiously gave the public an inkling
of•hoty much money an honorary
colonel can make 'when` he has the
friendship of the Minister of' Mat-
te behind hem. No one Wastes
any pity on 'him.. Be •nearly gave
the whole game away. Het was on
the way, so we are told, to save
fifty million dollars for the' British
Empire, but he changed his mind
and saved.alot for himself, Which
reminds ns that the olclf Shell Com
'nittee savecf thirty-two million
dollars fox the British Empire,
whish is a sign that they had eaten
heartily and were suffering from
ilndigestifon, 'However, they kept
it on a shelf where they coulcflook
at it and there Baron Thomas found
it. Observing that their mouths'
watered and that there were signs
of returning 1 !appetite, Baron
Thomas suggested that the melon
Inc taken out of the ice box and
sent to England. Which wa,s done ,
bo colds settle on your chest or in your
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Such troubles should have immediate
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