HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-08-24, Page 6• PAGE six. ml.filtl•slsrral0.1124 •',1IIIIIIIIiIs iI IIIIH1411eii!IITIUIHI II IIHIIIIIIHIIIliMAIIiIIITT11Pll IIRlii I%IIII6TIHnHIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIII (III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIfIf a �N'• e 1 r en •'..�IIHIiHOHiululiHHntom jegILIIHHHIII_ WIIII i inHminIHIttest HHIsnHiiYlliiilentoHHIrtliiliHiH m nHIHHIHH HHI H A Bette' Fit and a Better Figure " Corsets make the clothes". The world's highest authority of ladies gowns said that, -no less a 'designer than the great Worth of Paris. Because we realized that no article of women's wear is more important than her corset and becPause - as usual -we were determined to give our patrons the same high values and style -ad. Vantages as the largest cities offer, we have secured and aro featuring the famous C';ofillepe One) C ILO There is a style for each type of figure - and every model is designed to set off that particular figure to the best advantage, Coilene Corset wearers have a pleasing con- sciousness that the figure is trim and fash- ionable. Thenthereis brat comfortable and hygienic support, that snugness and ease which tells of designing along the right lines, Let our corset depastrnent fit yorrwith your model Coilene Corset, PRICES $3.00 UP WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phone 67. Next to Royal Bank els TETE CLINTON NEW FRA. 1,sAAAAAALAAAA4AA4t.A®4A/LAAA sAeeclkAAAAAAAA • ANY MAG.AZINES? ring gal News If you, have something in the form of good 'wholesome reacting that you can conveniently part with, send it to Camp Borden for Prices the boys of the 161st Battalion, BACK TO C.A.MP. on as Skirts Fancy Parasols. Aprons an otisH Dresses i Cf651008O0.8••••••Q•m•ei43e'Aff, 6i•t••ee•t9•e6etae••®••00008e JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New type. and new Stock of paper just placed LLet., Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA CLINTON OUR1111111111•11111112111111111111iiN. sir+-.... ...... ..... .............._ .:. .,. ... -. Fancy furniture Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection. Light in eon structiou and design but ex- tremely well matte in,every de. tail. Here ate the finest creations of the furniture makers' craft, and at prices that will temp the wise and discriminating buyer. The Cheapest Spot lit Enron to bey all lcittels of Furniture B.,r IJ " . & .A.°I,i I-R..'etl S® Furniture Dealers and Funeral »ii•eetore-Phone 101 N. Dalt. 110 -RESIDENCE PHONES- <I, D. Atkinson 186 GOOD THINGS TO EAT. No matter whether you remain at home or go camping or picnic - peg you will want something tasty for your meals, and why stand over a hot stove when you can get such delicious and wholesome Ready Cooked Foods. We take the liberty of offering a few suggestions that ,require very little cooking. Canned Goods -Peas, Corn, 'To- matoes, Pork and Beans, salmon, dines, Herrons, Haddies, etc. and . IGAEST PRICES FOR. BETTER there is nothing more substantial or more easily prepared. Meats -Cooked Ham. Meat Loaf Breakfast or Back Bacon, they are always up to the mark. Jelly Powder and Minute Pudding -Jelly Powders are always a friend to the 'housewife, they are an ornament as well as a splen- did desert, Minute Pudding -Can be made in a jiffy. IFiavors-Tapioca, lemon, vanilla, chocolate, etc. AND EGGS. OHNS Phone 111 eat 193 STORE OF (VITALITY •oa••••••••••o•so••®••••••••®•e•®em®s•oe•••••••®•••_ e •PopuIai- ��ne �•• • • • •® O • • •Sherwin -!Williams Paints, • Janata° FIloorlalc • Campbell's Varnish Stain Alluminum Paint , Gold Paint I , 0 e e 0 0• e a • Are e;1 carried by Itarland Bros., and Everything • • else n hardware. • in e 0 0 White Enamel • Bu ,gy. a'Home Wagon Paint 1 •0 New Washing Machines) Garden Hose and Sprays • Perfection and Puritan Oil Stoves 0 Lw Three an Mowers at cost •, Grand TrunkJ airway System Time Table for Olintoo Buffalo and tioderich Going to Stratford .......... 7.33 a in 258prL 5.16 p m Going to Goderich 11.07 p m 1.35 p .-8.45 p r.. 11.03 pm London, Huron and Bruce Going to London....,...,'8.05 a in 4,15p»i Going to Wingham 11.00 a w „ 6.40 p m Many of our soldier boys who i,ave'been on harvest furlough re- turned to Camp Borden on Satins day mornieg. The rest 'of the soldiers' will return this week. FIREMEN'S CONVE'NT'ION AT ACTON NEXi i7FsAR. The annual convention oft the Ontario Firemen's Association was field at Hamilton recently. The usual tournament which was co have been held at Actonswas with- drawn this year. The convention for 1017 wilt beheld at Acton. INDIANS HAVE PLAGUE, 1 Two cases of infantile paralysis have developed among, a group of Indians living ' about six raises from" Clinton, in Hallett township. They are Muncey Indians who have been here pulling flax, and' while, here they have lived in tents near their 'work. The par tients are children, L MITCHELL STILL HOLDS CUP. Mitchell, headers of the Feti1 Trophy defeated St. Marys 'bowlers by ascore of 48-42 on Wednesday of last week and still retains the cup. t OATMEAL WILL BE SCARCE. Owing to the poor oast crop this season, local deelors have been advised to lay in it supply of oatmeal at once, as it is rumored that the price will advance con- siderably in, the near future, AXLE BB0K,AN, , While going to Hanover last week to attend the funeral of the late W, J. Mitchell, Mr. Wm. Jack- son had the misfortune to havetho back axle of his ear break, The delay held them up at 'Hanover en- 4il Thursday evening. Fortunately the break -down occurred just neer Hanover. t A NEAR FIRE. While Mr. Tony Lawson, the Ontario Street barber, was out on a fratectnal • Irisit. `to his ;br'other barber, his oil 'stove for heating the water, took fire and only for the prompt work of A. J. Morrish and others anise little fire wou1Ff have started Less -a new stove required. MAKES NDW( TAX. RATI9. Rineardine Reporter ;-The ad 1ourned meeting of the council en Wednesday evening, Aug. 9th, de- cided that bit tax rate for; the year would be 35 8-10 mills on the dollar. This will: cover the Present year and reduce the over- draft slightly. A.. committee was appointed to look into the matter of consolidating the town debt. IS BAND INSTRUCTOR. Promotion has come to Band- (master Sergt. S. D. Grant, of the 161st Huron Battalion, He has been appointed band instructor for Military District No. 1with headquarters at London, and as- sumed his new duties on Friday. Serge. Grant is ;well known in Clinton having been here for some time. The hand was selected here. Ile is a returned soldier ,who is still doing bis 'best tor the cause of empire and freedom. (For the past several months he has peen in charge of the 161.st ;Battalion Band which now ranks among the best in the district. Bandmaster Grant has been granted pennies, sion to conduct this band at the National Exhibition tat Toronto. Both Col. Com'.be, 0.0., of the 101st Battalion 'and Adjutant Captain 4anstone speak very highly of Sergt. Grant's abilities las a'lead- c�r, and express regret that the 161st is losing his services, ACCEPTS BIG 3013 Walkerton 'Herald -Times- 1V.Lr, Geo. D McKay has accepted the big poitron offered (him asi the chief recruiting, officer (for Midi-'. tary District No., 1, hind on Sept. 1st will jump into. harness and at- • tempt to raise the 7000 men which 0 this diviion is shor in the matter • 2 of recruiting, It seems that • sc- .• • cording to population this. division 0' was assessed to raise 36,500 men, • • but to date has only come across e with 20,3000,leaving above balance 0 1`• It I which Mr. McKay has,' been assign •' yq • I ed to raise from the elevetn coign- es Ilit ' 1 e ties of Bruce, (J3uion, Lambton, 0 $ ® Essex, Kent, Elgin, Middler,ex. Ox - 0 ford, Perth, Waterloo and Welling e 00 ton. Mr. McKay's lheaclgeartore e will beat London, and his stiff of IOt aassistants will 5neluda ,a returned officer from the front as a, re - „r ees �1a t', `' • cruiting agent for, each county. of is • „9 9_ the new; force 13ruee is asked' to w raise 700, and a campaign to en - 2 !let this number will be launched e•,t in Walkerton oh Sept. let, and 00 the entire County will be combed ed •,otq�,0easesecaarkeeeneeeose0®useaD®aeaaeaeneeseseeeeei1 see over for men. . . Pol,arine C tinder Separator , ' arness Ela,ek e Linseed 1 Castor Neatesfoot and the. celebrated XXX X Heavy Machine Oil -TRY IT. rw ",t ,n ••, v a , :<.+e. x , xtine, x.:a ,rws'.t0 N 00 A ar • to vas. STOTES, EIARDWARIE AND NOVELTIES PAPER STILL ADVANCING, Acton (Free .Press. -The Free Press received notice from the paper mills this week of another increase of twelve per cent. In the price or the' paper used in the week fly isitue, This ;makes about 70°%, increase since the first ofJanuary. -It may be stated here that the Free Press is a grade higher than must of papers and uses acoated Paper eaelt week, heeled: the big raise in the price, but a;11 newsprint is up and going strong. . Dr. CLARK A JUDING EXPERT. Dr. W. F. 'Clarks of Goderich, has been appointed by the .Pro- vincial Department of Agriculture to the list of expert judges on light horses for fall fairs. Dr. Clerk has had along experience with horses and should 'be able to (fill all the requirements of his new position. He has been four years with the Department lin connect- ion with the 'Stallion Enrolment Board under the new act and has won areputatiou for thoroughness in this capacity. SCHOOL GRANTS HELD ljP, The County:Treasurer infertile lie that the' grant to rural public and separate schoolain'Huron County amounting to 811,917.45, is held uP by the Bureau of Industries owing to some county official's n11ieged neglect. No one knuws which of- ficial is accused of the crime, what the crime is, or what harm has been done to anyone. In the Imcwtime, ,the School 'sections can plod along without their money, and the Bureau of Industries can ,proceed industriously with its pin- ing up of statistics which few peo- ple trouble to read and which still fewer can understand, J. B., HOOVER, WINS TROPHY. ,In the final game for the Wil- lison Trophy, in the primary doubles, at the Dominion Ellyn Bowling Tournament it Toronto. J. Bl Hoover land 11, Logan of Guelph defeated George Orr and James Code of Granites b3 ti score of 18 to 13. On the seventh end with the score 5 to 1 in favor of Orr, the Granite man tried to run the jack and took nut a couple of his own. bowls giving the Guelph skip aseven end. This, with a'big four in the• thirteenth end, gave Hoover the victory. Scores; t . Guelph. Granites R. Logan - Jas; Code 3, 13 'Hoover.. Geo, FI Orr Skip 18 skip Score by ends Guelph -20040S0100402-38 Granites -011101002022020-1.3 MINOR LOCALS Labor Day is Lite nest holiday. Owing to the increased cost of paper, the New York papers have decided to cut down their papers 121 pages. a week. Regular meetingl of the L. 0. L on Friday night of this week. 'The South Toronto returns made. a lot of people happy in this town on Monday night. Keep children at a safe distance from strange. canines during the hot spell. A bite from a dog may be a dangerous, experience. Bet- ter be sure than sorry under the circumstances. i • The London papers can't agree on anything. A headline in one of them says; "Will Bet a Great Wheat Crop:" The otbex declares "Manitoba Wheat Crop Worst 5n Years;" Thursday, August 24th, 1916. VEIL NEW JUN1011., Mr. Charlie Cantelon, son (AM,. and, Mrs. Peter Cantelon, com- menced the banking business on Monday of this week as junior at the Molsons Bank, TRAINS LATE. 1 1 la a. nc from' Tortmto, on Saturday was over an hour late and the even- ing, tradn,from London was also an. hour late. Connections was , the cause. GOOD WORK. Messrs,•dantel'on and Whitt .are, snaking an excellent lob of the cem. unit steps at Willis church andtbe work 'shows the thoroughness .in. which these men finish' up their work: THE SCOUTS AT CAMS'. The Clinton Bpy 'Scouts under the charge of their Scout Master, Rev.• 3.A. Robinson, lett Monday afternooif , for to ;spend the week at the lakeside near Buck's Camp, The boys are having aline time -- ARCH 11/METING. Tivo loads of Li! D, L memters. of Clinton Lodge drove out to Tip- perary Lodge to help through five 'candidates in the Arch, and an enjoyable evening, was spent. Af-" ter the, wale was over lunch was served and speeches followed, There Were over 56' members pre- sent. LATE JOHN ELLISON. 1 ' The death occurred at the Strat- ford General Hospital, on Satur- day afternoon, 'of John Ellison, aged 53 years. Although ailing for some years, the deceased has been working up to a- short time ago, When heIncvtaken quite 511 and forced to give up his duties at the Red Star Brick Yards. Born at Seaforth, the late Mr. Ellison spent his cartes days there, " 'but three years ago came to Strtaford with his family, Who reside at 100 Trinity Street. He was of a cheerful disposition and will be greatly missed, by his fellow work men. Besides his wife he leaves to mourn their loss two daugh- ters, Mrs, Cecil Cooper, Clinton, and Mrs. Nelson, Parson, Stratford and three sons, Lawrence, Ernest and Isaac all of Stratford. His father, Mr. Lawrence Ellison, of Egmondville, and two sisters also survive. They are Mrs. James Ward or Petrolia, and 'Miss Ellen in the West. The funeral was held on Monday afternoon from his late .residence, to Avondale cemetery. The services Wel e con - duetted by Rev. Mr, Dnnselth, act- ing; in the absence of Dr. ,11Lartin of Knox Church., A number of floral offerings shotn'ed the high esteem in which the deceased was held. Among the out of,,. town relatives present at the funeral hvere Mrs. Cecil Cooper, Clinton; Miss Rate and Mr. Lawrance E111- 5011, Egmoedville;l and mfrs: Chas. hezo of Clinton. es04444',$easeQA1A'L•RL't3Dk^iea �069gt02 Men and Events eeve,10•61e00003.30•000eace0ca GEN. RUSSKY, who has resumed ' command of the Russiln forces before Riga, succeeding Gen. R uropatkin. aoGeee easemeeese•eeeeeaseeeeea paeeeseeeneasee•eeeeag • • 0 e 1n m e • • 00 • • e e m • e0 to e m tt e9 Qa 4. intOpMe®egeek45 O W STE".N FAIR LONDON, ONTARIO. • S epternbeii' 8th to 16th, 1916 WESTERN (ONTARIO'S e POP 3LP1 R EXilliiiTitON 69. 00 Ain, MUSIC. AGRICULTURE and AMUSEMENT a. A FINES COMBINAT'ION' AT torgDo 811'S EXHIBITION A (teal Live 'PrOgratn of Attractions Twice Daily 'Two Speed Events Daily FIRl+'.ITO1186S E:9'?:CtW NiGHT New Process i9iiildint;'. Every lu',Stiltlittg Full of Exhibits S SINGLE BARE ivcr all Hallways 's test tri Toronto " • 0 • • SPECIAL EXCURSION (DAYS Prize List, Entry Forms and •ill infornsation • from the Secretary •ea W. 3. REIED, President A. 108. I1I11NT. Secretary ea e•esoaseeC0saeseeeeeeeeeeseetimaseseeee ssGYS99iD•tPQ4t98Ji's®,0 Add a cool room to your house by equiping your verandah with shades -will let in the air and keep the heat out. Sizes 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and so feet wide, 0 Often the cheapest--Fliways the I. est Male. ,M =Matte te CEITEg Leos®®a.sscessemeeumnrososissesset+ Berger's English Paras Green Paris Green is used for a purpose which makes poor grades worse than useless. It won't pay you to experiment, Get Bergers then you will have the best, in original ib and s lb packages: Arsenate of Lead also in stock. tT.a _ HOU ET :rYAL QUALITY STORE (Dispensing Chemist The Features of Our Fri iture To which we invite special attention are its beauty, its assured comfort, its. solid construction, and its below the usual prices. Any one o' these point" ' �: would he sufficient to earn it yot� preference. When they are all con, tined we feel sure you will reaze: that this is a furniture buying centers. tunity you cannot afford to igno1P,. Sa DEJNFeRD Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 25. • Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store r a»-ewmmav .. ... ...._.__ :xnuar... - rnr.�.mcerneaaws , The eorlier Grocery. "Live and Let Live" I et ear • Sclera the Eatables.. ler l otlr Camping Trip Our stock of canned goods has been specially selected 'for their quality and purity, and in facts everything we suggest to you. will have your unqualified appro-• val. Cheek from this list the goods you know you want; come in and` let us show you others. - Canoed Tomatoes. Corn. Beans. ete Concentrated Packet and Canned Soups; Meat Extracts; Canned Preserves a.nd Jams; Marmalades• Bacon.. All kinds of Cooked' Breakfast Foods; Condensed Milk Coffee, and Cocoa. Canned Salmon: Sardines; and, Kippered Herring. Speeiais Raspberries, cherries. currents,.. peaches. oranges lemons, 'bananas,' tomatoes, cucumbers, new pota toes and beans. It will pay you to Get our Prices on your Plumbing Heating or Eaveti'oughing Estimates given free Material and Workmanship the Best. Agents for Ueda Furnaces Thos. Hawkins Plumbing and Heating E. . E. un ifO' d Shop -over lRowland's Hardware PRONE 46. 1' m 00 ,g s m p,: 84.441. is+1t 4. teat : f rt Paniily Shoe St We meet every footwear requirement c.f every member of the family. Among our patrons there are many families where we shoe every foot from grandpa down to baby. We shoe every member because they know where to come for Perfect Shoe Satisfaction Shoes of comfort for elderly people, shoes of style and durability for middle aged, shoes made for strenuous wear and adapt- ed to the growing feet of boy or girl. We stand ready to prove a benefit to any family It will be worth your while to test us. You will. be quick to discover why so many families call this "'heir Shoe Store," HOUSE OF 'SUTLER SHOES 4 l�' rlu ts•1 00 .rd. a' aq A 0 . .rte iF++1.1t7asfba�N+t13t+ 4+'4e..