HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-08-24, Page 5Thursday, August 24th, 19i.. THE CLINTON NEW ERA, `► smose••ea•••ares•Seise•e•e9•er••••e•oeeeeeeso aassee•o • • When in Doubt promoCfluIO For .iPtl.Benttol o. the Brtde•to!be Choose Silver ere is no ocher gift he bride that is so uraiversa'ily certain to be greeted with joy, used with pride, and treasured for years. We carry a large and well assorted stock of 1847 Roger Bros Knives and Forks, Berry Spoons, Cold Meat 1+'orks, Pie Servers, Tea, Coffee, Dessert and .Table Spoons and numerous other use- ful pieces. Also a good assortment of. Silver Plated Hollow- ware, (Cut Glass, China and Clocks. W. 11. OE[LYAR JEWELER and 011111 -MN EYES TESTED FREE •ee••ee0ee00e0Q0•eeeee•Me• Men and Events. e to •• 0000a0c alta e6000•o•e0•000 :LIEUT;-,CUL. JOHN STAN,F1FLD, MP,, who was operated upon at 'the Bialifax Infirmary, for ap- pendicitis, was reported most favorable. He was resting, easy andunless complications set in, all danger is considered passed, i aseoesseeeestm0eeseereecoo Local News til •e000•00ee•0a00®•sOs0eee••t MINOR LOCALS Advertising in the New Era is • like buying Government bonds. It .is a sound investment. _ Send us in your news items. 'Ther, are others like Yourself who enjoy reading the home news. The New Era is in receipt of a prize list of Toronto ,Fal Sotek *show which will be !held December .8th and 9th. The telephone men 'were here ,:his week looking over the plans .for the laying of the wires under ground. , The change from torrid heat on Tuesday to nearly icicles at eight rr'elock in the even net Was some .quiok ehaogo artist. Nobody had trouble to sleep Tuesday evening L. O. L. 'viii hold their r'egultee meeting on Friday evening of ;this week, 00e0•ts••E's!s••e••ss.•••ei• • I. ' 'ib the Patrons of Our ., • - Job Department • C P ••. e0000••ee0sse•e•••0!•0S••e• • a. eili We solicit a continuance e. d! of your patronage, ,and we • r • ,promise that your orders • 'g' will have our usual careful 0 8 .attention, No effort will be; • `A spared to furnish you 'with • *the quality ;ofWork that • customers of The New Era .-• have always expected. • • Orre thing, however, we • .<0 have no control of, and that I g is the rapidly rising prices .• .is printers' ,stocks of all ei! • ideseriptioes, A great malty • times lately We have ,hart • 0 to answer telephone coma i,f plaints that. ehax'gest are 0 higher than they 'Vere six 8 months or twelve months p,y,a,go. But all lines of pa'. • •• 'per have advanced some. • • Some lines have doubled In 0 • price. A few have quadrupl- • • d •. Black ink is .,,up 100 0 • ,j,er cent, Some colors are. 8 ge ',most unobtainable at any :• figure Metal priees are' 0 ;• (oaring. Wages have ad - • steamed, Tlie printer' who 0 ,• 1111 attempt to sell his out-; 0 • phut to -day at 1.011 or even its '• 1015 prices is headed for 0 • tr able. And reasonable • ,+• p ogle will not expect the • :0 impossible from frim, • ,.9e0000000000000009419a 00410a • • e 0. s 0 eaaeeo•poeSsosese•eecemceesompR t00•n0eosoeeeee•e•e 'Hoge $12.60 Butter 27%e to 31c, Eggs 32s. Oats 56e. Wheat $1:25. Cattle $9.75 Sheep t8{00 Lambs 112,401 Cheese 19;¢e. Barley Ole to 56c; DI 'Hogs .$11.60 Butter 27e to 28e. Eggs 25e to 26c. Oats 50e to 55c. Wheat 90c to ,95e. Peas 1.75: Shorts $'27. Bran $Ge. Barley 50c to IOc. Buckwheat 'KM to 85c,. Hay dor Bailing ,$9 and $10.00 T� IST ISI EWE. Wingham LIeut. Edward H Saer, son of Rev: 'J. B, Saer, of (Toronto, is repbrted wounded. This young man will be remembered by the elder residents of Wingham, iris .father having neon 'apastor of the Congregation:Li church here. Lent. Saer was a splendid athlete and had a, brilliant college career, having won many seholarsh:ps, Be- fore the call to arms, he bad begun ai.iw course, r Pte. H. R. Maxwell in writing recently from Belgium, said that he had received the gift from the Citizens of Winglam, which was greatly Appreciated, and extended his sincere thanks, and also for the socks sent by th Woman's In- stitute, His wors•lx:p Mayor M K'bhon ac- companied by Mrs. McKibtion, is attending, a convention of drug- gists in .Boston. Dunjng the all: - Bence from town of the 'Mayor, Reeve Mitchell will hold that of- fice,. sacred concert was held in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening at the close of the regular service, Mir. D. Loughead, record keeper for the local Tent of the Knights of the i5tacemeen, bas received word from the 'grand commander to the effect that the policy held by' the late Percy Syder, who was killed in action, will be paid in full to Private Syder's mother, who resides in Norwich, England, Blyth. The Blyth Flax Company has, a large gang engaged in plating flax having secured all the help aivial- a!ble around town, besides bring- ing in lugge gang of Indians. The company expects to start rap the mill next week. There is a 'Lig crop this year, ,abut it is turnivag out well. Jas, Bowman, NI, P. for North Huron, was in ;town looking at - ter. the revising of the voters' list, and itis expected Judge Dickson will be called there to add c lealf dozen names and strike off sone, The local baker has received word from the provincial author- itiesthat bread must be brought up to a certain' Weight, in con- sequence he thinks he will have to raise the price fa'om 115e cents a, loaf to seven cents, 'but that the users will not be paying any more as they, will be assured of getting areguletion size loaf. I There tine at present "here, a visiting her friend, !tiiss Mayme I1a11. Mr. and Mrs. ^Hugh i,1eDoneed and soil of St. Thomas spent a couple of weeks the 'guests of his sister, 'Mrs. Ea•nest Adams, acrd other friends. Quite a number from around here picniced at Goderich•' on Sattu•day. Miss Jennie Batson of London is ependind a couple of tweaks or more the guest of het' aunt, Mrs. Ernest Adams. t Mr. Ephraim Clark has g?'iven 1 his house a good conk of paint, Wolnteaville Rev. Mr. Pickard took the ser- vice on Sunday moruing and breached very acceptably, Rev. Mr. Sinclair, pastor of the 5 etliodist church, left Monday on his vacation for two weeks: • Mr. A. Courtice, wife and family of Winnipeg are visiting at their panel -del horse, this is the third One of Mr. and Mrs. Courtieete bus- ily who have visited home with their families inside of a month„ Pte. Percy Gliddon„ of the 16tst who has been ,home harvesting for a month returned to camp 130r• - den on Saturday. Mrs. R. Robertson and daughter o1i3ufialo, N.Y, are visiting her sister, airs. J, R.Alcock. , Mr. and OIrs, Whiteman and fam- ily of Detroit, who mOtoeed over have been the guests of Mie. Beds-' worth and Mrs, A. Jervis, Mr. Johnson of Woodstock and Mr. Barber, of Seaforth visited the cheese factory Tuesday. Porter's mill 1VIr. Sam Dawson, of Springbank spent the week end at Mr, John Coxal. Mr. James Harrison !has strated threshing a. ads Bruce ane! .Wallaee McDougall left for the West on Saturday. Ladies Aid will meet on Thurs- day next, August 3let at the home of Mrs. Wesley Vandenburgh, Xr. au1 M,' . W1 i.MeDOn 111 have .returned to Detroit having spent a. few days in the neighbot•houd. Major and Mra McPhail motored to London on Saturday returning on Tuesday, Lilian Potter is,home again hay- in spent two weeks in Mitchell. Mrs. ltur'gess and daughter re- turned to their home In To,rcrnto having, spent a couple of weeks at Mrs. Lindsay's coaple of cases of typhoid fever, Mr. and Mrs. Glen McDonald mo,- but these are of a mild form, •torcd here from •Detroit oe Sat- urday. Rruc stield Di•, Rogers ,has sold put his prac- tice in our village and expects to leave in few 'weeks, He `o's been here, for thirteen years. Our village is very 'quiet, farm- ers are alt busy harvesting, Miss A. Aikenhead of London is tine guest of her uncle, Wm. Aik- euhead, She has the 'honor of having a brother, Pte. Ii. Aiken- hrad, at the front in Belgium, He has been there for some time. George i5 orrest and family of Loudon visited at the home of his i ro:her•, Wi balm .Forrest of St 'Do last Week, returning. ,home on Saturday Ptos. John and Clarence Aiken - bead left for overseas last week with the 153rd Battalion. Sergt.-Major Patterson of Lon- don, who lilts been visiting at the home of Mr. Welsh, left last' week for London, where .his Bat- talion received their colors. Threshing has again coterie etc- ed, Mrs. Hannah''a.hma of Beef (lath was last week the guest of :Mrs, Scott. Mrs, Addison and family visit- ed friends at London last Week, Constance A special sermon wee be preach- ed in the church to the Canadian .Order of 1Forresters, on Sunday, Sept.. 3rd, at 2.80 pm, 911 mem- bers of the Order are ,5511:011 to attend. Mr. and Mrs; Chas, Riley, sr., of. Tuckersmith spent Sunday the guests of 11:15' brother, [vfr. Ben. ?Riley. • S 'Miss Lois' Iiolines of Clinton is Unable To Sleep Or Do Any Work. SUFFERED FROM' HER NERVES. Mrs. Thomas Harris, 8 Corrigan 'St., Kingston, but„ writes; "I had been a constant sufferer, for many years, with my nerves, and ,was unable to sleep at night, or do any work through the day. I at last decided to consult a doctor and find out what was reallythe irou ble . The first one told meIwould have to go under an operation before I would be well, but I would not consent to this. One day I took a:fit of crying, and it seemed that if anyone spoke to me, is would have to order them out of 'the house. I must have been crying :redo hours when my insurance agent came in. Ile advised me to try a box of Milburn's heart and Nerve Pills, and I at once sent to the drug store and got two boxes, and before I had them takers I felt like a different person. I have told others about them, and they have told me they would not he without them. I.aiu very thankful I started to take Milburn's heart and Nerve Pills." Milburn's Heart and Nerve bills are, 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for 51.25, et all dealers or nailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Auburn Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marsh left on Saturday to spend three months in the West Mrs, D.11;<et:iui:l'cudy., of Toronto. leit on Sarururty after spending, a few days with old acquaintances here. • ,Miss Eva lelarah of Detroit came ,home on a Alit on adotrrlay last. Most of the farmers in this vicin ity have finished harvest which is 'better than expected. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Moore, of Goderich is visiting in the village this week. Mr, Joe, Lawson spent Sunday with friends in Goderich. Rev. Mrs Conway chats purchased alelaxweli ear. This manes seven new cars this season lathe village and vicinity.' Mr. John • Evans former hank teller is spending his holidays here. Moven Cn Mrs. Jim, Whiteman, is visiting her sister in Peterborough, Presentations were made hy the neig,hbors and friends to James Collins and Geo. Weekes last week before they returned to Borden. Mr. and Mrs. Brownlee and Mrs Wm, Iviwort Were finLuean this week visiting at the home of Rev; Or. Barnby, Mrs. Ivison's son -in - taw. Mrs. R. Alton, oL Belfast, 'and Mrs. D. K. Alton of Lanes, have returned home after a pleasant visit with their sister, 'Mrs, John- ston, , Geo.ge SteP.iensen of the Sirn..1- Ong corps training in Ottawa,and Murray tL isher, in the same work In Toronto were home,recentjy on ehOrt furlougg'h. Mr. and ales. 'Harry White t and, eons Oliver, motored over from Stratford last week and visited, that lady's brother, W. Ali. John- ston. They .are now 'visiting with •friends rn Ashfield and West Wa e. wanosh. James Jarrott who was trans- ferred from, the Plurgns •t o. the Western University Hospital Unit left London last 'Friday with the rest of his company for overseas, His father, a her M r. I. Jarrett , alt ai;nd uncle, Mr. J, McDouald went down to see him off, Miss Ethel Dayman who tinder - Went an operation for appendicitis two weeks ago ,Qias made a rapid recovery, ' Miss Etta Jarrett is visiting friends in Brigton, • Miss Josey Young' of Loudon 10 (ePonding avist with friends in this vicinity, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Copper who have 'b •en sprn.line some time With friends in this community, have. returned to their westirn home. Sirs, ibex, Monteith, who has been spending, ftViSit 'yids Jriencts tar Northern Ontario, has returned• loins, Mr, and Mrs., T. CraifWford, of Ripley spent a few days With the formers sister, Mrs, J, B. ,MeLeen, PAGE: PI V 1 the latter+ part of the week, ' getting well on 10 years they are still Lope conducted inccted the s,erviced in StRv,MaSamie'fNorth East hale and hearty. Andrew's church on Sunday. Master Chaviee Th!rmp f in of London, is stiending a few da{ys with IvJr. and Mrs, Isaac Jarrod, Mr: ClJfi0, d Watson „of Camp norden spent , the week -end at his home hone. Itir,. Freeborn Jobneton, who has been with the Carnegie Institution of Washington, for the past six years, is now at 'borne visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs, W.11, .Johnston, While in New Zealand last fall he was impress, de by the intense loyalty of the,peoplo, there and felt that he should place' himself at the disposal ofhis native land and at first opportunity hehashastened home 'to do so, and after, a short visit have be expects to go into training fee overseas service. Mr. Johnston has had an eventful Mettle past few years The niftier •portion of hie time was spent aboard the nor.• magnetio survey vessel Carnegib. On his first cruise he was away from the first of February, 1911, to the first of February,' 1914 fie sailed first to Liverpool, and then included' the tol lowing polls s on the cruise Freetown, Canary and Madeira Islands, Gape' Town, Ceylon, Mauritius, Batavia, Philippine Islands, Fi i, Society Isi ands, Chile, Falkland lslande, St. Helena and Bahai, Brazil, Siete he was detached for land magnetic (Meer vations and led is successful expedition through Brazil, Argentina, Peraqusy, and Uruguay. His last stiction was at Oorvmba 1500 miles into the interior. On the two r' next v o trips of the Carnegie he bad charge of .the Atmospheric electric ca serrations. The second trip included I3amtiierfeet, Norway, Spitz Bergen, Iceland and Davis Strait. The vessel got within 000 miles of the North Pole 00 thea cruise. The third cruise froin New York began March, 1915, and included the Yinama Oanal, Sandwich Islands, Alaska and New Zealand' From New Zealand a cir cumnavigation trip was completed around the southern ice cap through. the Antartic Ocean, making one call at South Georgia, This trip lasted four months, during which time the vessel sailed 17, llltl'milee, passing see' erl hundred icebergs, the longest of which was six miles long and two miles broad, Heavy weather mat hed nearly the whole of this U'ip. The wind blew more than seventy miles an houm.. on fifty five different days. On returning to New lealrnd he trained) in this sue censor and on his homeward way con ducted some special investigations at Tobiti, San Francisco and San Diego, Be arrived back in Washington etuly in August, and in order to enlist for active service, his resignation was ac cepted by the Carnegie Institution. Goderich A swim in the bake while overheated ccnsed the death Monday afternoon of George U. Caron, aged 23. sou of Ur. Laron, of Detroit, who bee been holi laying here. Five doctors who work ed over the body of Ottron after it wale taken from the water expressed the opinion that heart taillike was the cause of death. There was no water in the lungs. A recent graduate to lave echo ,l, Mr. Caron had corse here on Saturday with his parents, IVlonday father ant son. went from Hotel Sun set to the beach for aswlm, It wars 90 in the shade, and the younger man was rather warm when he entered the water When some distance beyond his depth, Caron was suddenly seen to sin lc without warning. His. body was soon taken out, and his father at tempted to restore lite. Dr. ,aylor, Dr. GnItow, Dr. Abbott, a! London, and Dr. Bolmes later attempted to reunsemate the young man, The re mains were torwarded to Detroit. A Goderich elan white in 1*auiit'a re. ceutly milled up a livery there and ar i'ani4rrd to be taken to Guderieh that nil ht,; claiming he was manager of a well know hotel here,lvnim the nein, 'Phe price was settled at 522, and the party left Elmira aa,d arrived here Mug before daylight. The man told the driver, be would see him in the-inovniug. and its i.er as the Ulan is cnneerne'd t„ornieg hasn't rums yet, The authorities are expecting to pick the nitre up any day, as he is well known. Mr. and Mrs. \V'm. Swaffield, of Bei tannin road, Monday celebrated their diamond weddalg anniversary. In 1850 M.r. Swel'flrld married Margaret Salton in Dundas and a short tittle of terai,nved to trudorich, This was he fire there were any railroads in this part of the country, when it was neoes nary to haul every chio;A from. Loudon, Me, Sw.ttlleid himself teamed many a toed frim Londuo to Gudericli and Kincardine. They had seven children live of whom ate living: W. S. Swat field, of Piston, Sask.; J. B. of Cleve sand; Mrs. G. M. SUlott, of this tuwri; There are 1.1 gl an Jehildren and 0 great grandchildren. All the childieu were Hume to celebrate the eeeaelen with. the exception of the son Out West, The grandchildren presented their grand ate thet, with a beautiful diamond pin and their graudt'.ither with a dia mond watch fob. They were also the recipients of ether h tudsuwe•gifts and many letters and telegrams from it distance, all congratulatingg tberli en reaching their GUth oauniversary of. their wedding. Although 1101(1 are. lilEN AND, EVEN TS • ti es00•oe31ee04 tese eee•esaes4 Goderich Township 'harvest is pretty well through, A big time 'was ispent at Tipper-' ary Lodge on Thursday evening of last week, The "goat'' was working well, after a long holiday. It is rumored that Cole's' church which has been closed for sonic time, may be bought And turned into a lodge room, A, number from this township took in the Western excursion on Saturday. ? Miss Olive Johnson of Wood- stock is'the guest of Mra and Mrs, Fred, Leonard. Mrs, 'Hell and 'daughter Evelyn' of Clinton spent Friday with Mr, and Mrs, U. Leonard. ' The Toronto Fair 'Will draw some.• People from this section next Week Varna Alex, Davidson visited in our midst last week. He Inas been in Bayfield . for some'time 'recover- ing, from an operation for appen- dicitis, fle is al eon of R,V. 'IVIr. Davidson, formerly' of our village now of Queen Ann. His brother, Harvey Davidson, left for over- seas last week, Another brother, William Davidson, was killed in Action some time 'ago, Mr. Day.-', idson has paid la dear price 'for the wa'r, giving two sons."The wag is already a costly affair. There was a 'big crowd at the garden party here on • Tuesday "night. The weather was a trifle cool but that . did not interfere with the crowd. The music was supplied by the Clinton 1 1ltie Band and Pipers and the Tipper ary Fife and Drun? Banc(. The proceeds go to the Varna Ladies Patriotic; Society. Stanley Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Taylor and family of Hardistie, S?i•lberta are sPanding amonlh With the former's parents, Mr. ane Mrs. Wm, Taylor on the second of .Stanley. Taylor is a C. P. R. engineer at llardistie. The trustees of S.S. No. 1, Stan- ley, have xaiseu the school' house and are putting 'a cements founda- tion under it. The 'basement will be used fora storeroom, furnace and play room. The school: house Ahielt is frame, Will aliso be resid- ed and ptinted Mr, Tho.., Wig- ginton of Clinton bas the con tract. Mr. John Diehl has the contract ffor drawing cement gr.tvel for ,Pepper's bridge. Mr, Archie Bryant of London ,visited at the home of Mr. John McCowan last week, 1 Exeter Ili', Wm. Russell, of Exeter, who re calved word several weeks ego that his son, William, who was on active service in France, had been admitted to a hospital, suffering from injuriesin the arm, received further word that has had his left arm amputated at the shoulder, and is still in the hospital. William was about, 23 years of age and enlisted in London with the 70th Bat talion and went overseas with that unit:, Word was received from England that. Private Leon Treble, who was wounded went on active service some time ago, is progressing nicely and expects to be out of the, hospital be fore long. Private Abner Harness, who was wounded the same time, is not progressing as favorably as Leon. Bgtli were members of the fanloue 33rd. The death took place in Hay 'fawn ship on Sunday of Robert Campbell, at the age of 55 years, He had been ill for some time, and on Sunday sof feted a stroke of paralysis, passing away a few hours later. Besides his wife, he leaves one daughter, Nellie at home and three brothers. The funeral took plane to Grand Bend Cemetery Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Robert Hicks, of 'Windsor, preached in James Street Methodist Church on Sunday, both morning and evening, and Rev. Ostertrout of Thed ford will preach August 27th, morning and evening. Rehm Kerslake of Usborne bought Thornes OolIingwood's `house on An drew street, and Rev, Mr, Yelland of town bought Mr, alarshall's house on Andrew etrest. Seatorth A party of young ladies from Sea forth while returning from a picnic at I3aylied bed a narrow escape from serious injury. While driving down the hill front the park with a team and carryall, the pule slippedthrough. the neck yoke allowing the hetivy rig to run 00 the horses which became unmanageable and overturned the carryall in the ditch. Miss Geraldine Carpenter had her shoulder dislocated but the 'other occupants escaped with a few bruises and a bad shaicen' up. Lieut. 17. Stewart Scott, of the haler Battalion and formerly of this 'town,,. was married in Guelph on Thursday to Miss Kathleen Stephenson, of that city, 1)r. J. LI, McFaui, of Toronto, is vis' icing at the home of his father, Mr. L. L, Mcraul, who has peen seriously ill for some time, Mr. John Hawthorne hes been en. gaged as superintendent of the Tucker smith Telephone System as successor co the late Mr. Roach. Mullett Miss' Della Britton has returned home after spending two weeks at the I I 1 home of Mr, henry Aflame. Mrs. Inglis of Kincardine and little sou spent one day, last week at .the home of her cousin per. Henry Adams. The following information ie glean ed from Hulletr, voters' list for 1910, the first posting of which appeared on August 7th. There are in the town iihip 878 voters, 523 of which are quail' fled to act as jurors, There 112 per •F sonsentitled to vote at bothmunicipal al and elections to the LeKielative AeseAssort bly; 143 at municipal elections .only, and 23 at elections to. the Legislative Assembly only. Toronto Daily papers were unstinted. in their praise of Miss lsabell Scott, daughter of Mx". Rohl. Scott, of Rullett p y who was a .nurse in a hospital in the tire stricken district in N Ontario. 'ibe Torouto Star says "Oo many lips today wore heard words of praise, al r y� most of veneration for Miss Isabella dlsss Seotttt the nurse and heroine of the , er, Miss Annie Geddes, Sed.line, Morrie, has been engaged to teach the Me; Vir,tie school on 13th Con. Bullet, netts:', m ISnndesboro at a salary of 5000, Miss'; SIR 'RRY'P131 L ET'C of Tnto ' Ges haphsbe a Else,; formerENeonrmaradcr oforolire teacddeher andg wilt doroven werellelf to Hallett. to Queen's Own, note' created a Rev,, Bohr, Pearson, recently of Brigadier General t Calgary, has been in France since'2nc1 .t.t1111r ate, August Specials During the Balance of O are we August. Offering feting • some Wonderfully law Prices on the following Lines Women and Children's ' s Wash Dresses; Gowns, Under- skirts, Drawers, etc. Wash Goods, Muslim, Voiles, Ginghams, etc. SHOES --All white canvas shoes at cost. Special prices on patent and don, pumps. Also extra special prices on boys School Suits and odd pants, boys and girls School Shoes, etc. Qive us a Call—We can . n Save you Money Agents for Semi ReadyTailoring and New Id ca Patterng Plumsteel Bros. Small Profits Phone 25, More Business of August, He went, overseas as Cap rain in the 89 Battalion, hut has been transfered to the 49th of Edmonton, This is the Battalion his brother in law Pte. Coiling. was with when he met hie death. We wish Capt. Pearson a We crusade. The. Capt. is a brother of Mrs. Wesley Beacom of this, town ship. IRIyth MMlr, and Mrs. McCormick of Listowel, visited their son, Rem -R.3. Mc0or. miek. Mr. John Rolm of Winghaw, and Mr. Reid Wright of London, attended the funeral on Sui.L.ty of the late Mr. James Gibson. Ma A, M. (iarthew, manager of the Baulc of Hamilton, is enjoying a two week's vacation. Miss Gladys Laundy has secured . a school near Wiarton. Rev. D. W. Turner is spending his vacation in Eastern Ontario. On Sunday Mr, .A, T. Cooper of Olin ton will have charge of the temper once services in the Methodist church. Mrs, I3, Marshall ie able to be around again after her 'scent illness, A. band concert will heheld on Tues day evening in aid of Red Grose fund. This section has lost another good citizen in the death of James Gibson, On Tuesday night he was striken with paralysis from which he never rallied, He was one of the older residents of this section and always held the re speer of the whole eunimunity, Mr. Gipson Was born in the township Of Kility, Leeds County, in 1814, and at the age of 19 came to Morris township. Ia1871 he was married and moved to the farm where he had since resided. Two sons and eight daughters survive, name'y, bliss Ella aod. Mrs, J. C. Law son, Blyth; Mrs McCall, William, James, and Miss Same, Morris; Mee. Atkinson, I{agersville; ' Mrs, Cole, Saskatchewan; Miss Rnhy, Edmonton; Miss Gerrie, Thainesford, Mr. Gibson was an active member of the ?deaho diet Church and also of the Orange order having occupied every chair in the lora) lodge and marched with them et the last 12 of July celebration, In polities be was a Conservative. The funeral was held Sunday after noon and was under the auspices of the Orange order, Personal Teacher: "What conies after 1.1' Small Boy: "Dunno." Teacher: "What have 1 op each side of my nose7" Small Boy: "Freckles." Sympathy, For Audience Scene: Soldiers' concert at whicb no alcoholic liquors are being sup• plied, the men being served With mineral waters by young lady heipera Soldier (to young lady helper): "Do you see that the man who Is singing has got his eyes half shut?" Young Lady: "So he has. What's he doing that for?" Soldier; "He can't bear to look at us. He _knows wot we're cufferin' " •r••Seeessresescoosoor•r•r, Local News 800880000000000080061008080 one Sq Sepal pesssid 513.1 1i0e11100 tit ae,i u — t, 0 '.�,n 0 QO,tO. p'lst 'eLaas izo ate, r,u s A as SSI Ontario Government giving effect on SePteMber est to the vete of the people of BerlinOut,, to change the name to Kitchener, Ont, PLAGUE OF CRICKETS, This section was visited with swarms of crickets which appeared over the week end. They were very thick on Monday night. A SPLENDID IDE A, Mr, Joseph Copp, the Isaac st. painter makes the following sug- gestion.—'Now that the main streets are oiled _let the merchants in sweeP.ng. put the dart into boxes enstead of sweeping the refuse into the gutter, which will cause dust to fly when there is of slight wind. —This is a, splendid 11105 and should be taken he leart by the storekeepers. Let us be tidy, 'FORMER RESIDENT PASSES AWAY AT TARA. I At Tara, on Sunday, Isabella A, Riddell, relict of the late Thomas R.FPoster, aged 86 years, passed away. Deceased was a former re- sident of Clinton, when her hus- band ran the 'woollen mills here, but moved away from here 40 years ago. 'Her husband Predeceaseu her over 9 years ago. The funeral was held from Wm Cantelon's home on Thursday morning •apd burial took place at the Clinton cemetery Fuller particulars 1v5i1 be given next week, BROTHER 13URIEID, The funeral took placedast Fri- day of Sohn IvIt'Konzle of. Ashfield, 'brother of T. McKenzie and Mrs Wm. Cooper, of Clinton. 1VIr Mc- Kenzie was in his 72nd year, and was assisting in taking .off the her,. vest atthe home of his eon-in-laey, John McKay, of Kintell, and; While on a joad of grain was overcome by heart -failure and fell Mt the load. He fell on his head,lbut the doetnrs i bink it was not the fall that caus- ed 'his death as no 'bones were broken. Two :daughters survive him. 'He had lived: almost all hie life in Ashfield Township, coming here as an early'. settler from low- er Canada, over 55 years ago. REX. CL•Ure' NOW A LIEUT. Stratford Beacon —The many friends of Lieut, Rex Cluff willhe pleased to hear that he has re- ceived an appointment with the 161st Huron Battalion as lieuten- ant. Rex, enlisted last January with the 161st J3attalioi and tools the officers' course in London, ob- taining his commission, 'However" as no appointment Presented itself R:eie rejoined 'hie battalion as a eo.rporaj. He 18 at present At his bone in the, city and will assume his new elution ore Monday next. This is the second son of Rev. W. T. Cluff to.holct acommies' .on in the Canadian army., Lieut, Howard Cluff having let t hei:eevith the 71st I3attatlion, t til Toronto 0 Elects aLiberal 1e- the substantial majority- of 643 Mr, Hartley Dewart,K.C, Lib-• eral, defeated Mr. James A, Norris, Conservative, in Monday's bye- tlectiOn fn Southwest Toronto. The polling took place to ff1 the vac- ancy caused by the death? of :lion, J. J, ?Foy, Attorney -General ia the Whitney Administration, The Conservative, majority for the seat at the last election was 3,783. Mr. (Dewart is the first in:lorala elected to represegt .a Toeronto seat in the Legislature in 26 years. In' 1890 Mr. Joseph Tait, Liberal, 'was elected with Messrs,. E. P, and ''ILE. Clarke, Conservatives, Mr. Tait sat 'only for one term, Whether on the Political plat- form, upon which he has appear- ed for upward', , of twenty -live years, in the court groom, or among Qri,i hosts of friends, QVIr. H. Hartley Dewart has 'been for years a conspicuous figure inTo., ionto, and far beyond, AMLMA LADIES' S' �% COLLEGE A OPENS ITS THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR ON SEPTEMBER TWELFTH :\ NINETEEN HUNDRED &- SIXTEEN Fotroalendarand terms: R. !, W erner,M, A., D.D„ Alma College, St, Thomas, Ont,