The Clinton New Era, 1916-08-24, Page 31 Thursday, August 34th, 1916. p....+.r.W•••••••••WINrxto.w A &eiHOOL WITH H REhpT11TIOldt During tbe month of July the Man- agement of the CENTRAL iG si:L'!X/ STRAATFORD, ONT. received applications for over 100 office assistants they could not eup- ply, The Central does splendid work, It is one of Canada's hest, Those interested in Business Edu. cation should write the College for its free catalogue. D. A. McLachlan, Principal Broilers Ducklings ANTED We are in the market for 2,000 Young .Chickens, and 1,000 Young Ducks per week. The chickens to Weigh not less than two pounds, and the ducklings three pounds each: Now is the time to take advantage o0 the extraordinary prices paid for live poultry. Non-FeftlleNcW Said Eggs Now that the hot summer Wea- ther is approaching, we are in a position to pay a premium, for Non-IFertile Eggs not over (four days did. ' e It will pay you to sell or kill all the roosters after the breed- ing season is over. GlnB-b11101Pil & GR,. Lilliterl Clinton Itraueh Phone 190 ti&AAAA AAA.AAAAA►,•4A►AAI.AAAAA tto»tattte u►►►kLe ►►►►.M►A►iAA PkIIIOS C See and here our finest New Stylish designs of E. Doherty Pianos and ►E, i r ► P a 4• Pianos and organs rent ed. Choice new Edison phonographs, Music & variety goods. Organs, . p.eciai values in Ari Cases Musa; Emporium b 4 C. Hoare N 41 enanaineearananaaaeareenaeneeweaAis RoOFIfNG Corrogated Steel Shingles Felt Roofing and Slate Eavetroughing Tinsrithing Plumbing and Furnace Work Call or Phone for Prices Estimates cheerfully given Repairs Done Promptly EOM Byam & Sutter Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7. UI1MIU -BUNK SYSTEM CANADi?!N NATIONAL EXIiIDITION. RETURN TICKETS at reduced fares to Toronto from alb stations, in. Canada, Special' train servicer and clow rate excur-1 Bions from all principal points on certain dates Full particulars and specla1 train ,service from Grand ,Trunk Agents. HARVEST HELP EXCURSIONS Stw 00 `I'Q1, WINNIPEG, Take the new Transcontinental, short route to Western Canada. The Grand Trunk Pacific Raulway is the ,shortest and quickest route between Winnipeg. Sasketoon,and Edmonton. r,, Full particulars and excursion dates from agents, John Ransford &Song city passen- ger and Ticket 'Agents, phone 07 .A. 0, Pattison, station agent W, ke tY DADel 90 BAIUUSTER SOLICITOR FOTARY, PUBLIC), ETO °Men ON N'F1ARLes 13. RALE 0onneivanee, Notary Public, Commissioner, etc. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Huron. SE„ Clinton. H. T. RANCE Notary Public,. Conveyancer, financial and Real Estate INSURANCE AGENT-Representing•14 Fire Is surance Companies,. Division gCourt Offiee. Nano Tuning air. James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone el, will receive prompt attention, M. G. Cameron, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc Office on Albert Street, occupied y 111r. Hooper, In Clinton t. n on every Thursday, and on any day .for which appointments are made. Cfdce hours from 9 a.m. to 0 p m. A goad vault in connection with the office. Office open every week day, Mr. Hooper will make any oppointmentsfor Mr. Cameron. Medial. DR al. W. THONI SON Physician,' Surgeon, Etc suede' attention given to diseases 01 the Ere. Ear, Throat, and Noes, Elves .a eruily Samined, and suitable glasses prescribed, Office and Residence. Two doors west or the Commercial Ilete Huron St. .. DIES. (C1NN and CA kI1IIIt Dr, W. Gouts, L. R, C. IP,. L. TLC. 6.. tall Dr. Cunn'e office at residence High Street Dr. J. C. Candler. B.A. 51,lt, Office -Ontario Street, Clinton, Night oallc at residence, Rattenbnr, St or at hospital DR. F. A. AXON DENTIST crown and Bridge Work a Specialty, Graduate of C.O.D.S.,a Chicago. and P,O,D,S Toronto. Bayfield on Mondays. May Ist to D, DR. R. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S atom. Special care taken to make dental Crest mnnt es painless se possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction lee GODERIOH ONT Imine etna,r sales n enemata). ()Idols et r NEW ERA or7loe, .Clinton, prt.m, sly attenne to. Terme reasonable. &armors' sale not, discounted, Drs. Geo M. E Whitley IillTeilelliann Osteopathic Thy. Specialiste in Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Cbronie, and Nervous Diem dere Bye, Bar, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office-Ratteabury Hotel. Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m, G. D. McTaggare ; M. D. MoTaggar McTaggart 13r s, BANNERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON General 16ankiss De/ainen teansaeted .TOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts leaned. Interest allowed e deposits The NIcliiltop Mutual Dire Insurance �'r(Pa Perm and isolated Town Preps erty Only insured. Read Oilicc-Seaforth, Ont OFFICERS. .T. Connolly, Goderie'h, President Jas Evans, Beechwood, Vice -Pres. Thos, E. Hays, Seaforth, Sec: Treae Directors -D. E. McGregor, Sea - forth; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop; W. Rina, Seaforth; John Benneweie, Dublin ; J. Evans, Beechwood; M. Mcl3wen, Clinton; J, B. McLean, Seaforth J, ^.onnolly, Goderioh : Robt !Ferris, Harlock; Geo. Me- eartney,. Tuckersmith Agents -lid. Hinchley, Seaforth; W. Chesney, Eggmondville; J. W Yeo, Holmes ville; Alex. Leitch, Clinton; R. S. Jarmuth. Brodhagen Payments made at Morrish & Co Clinton, and Cutit's grocery store Godei•ich and, Jas. ]Reids store Bayfield. A Carload of Canada P01118114 Coment Phone us for prices It will pay you John Hutton LONDESBORO c. FORD ft 'McLEOD We're now Gelling Timothy Seed (Government Stand:ara,). We al'ao have on, hand, 'Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Cohn. Highest Market Prices paid for Hay andl all ,f3Tains, FORD Nc6EOD MUSS OF A NEW REMEDY FOR BACKACHE, KIDNEYS, 'RHEUMATISM. Dear Mr. Editor -I suffered for years with backache. Last March I tried "Anuria" and have used this new kid- ney medicine recently discovered by Dr. Pierce, and it was wonderful the way it eased the pain and gave me relief in such a short time. I have tried several medicines, but ^Antic" is the only one that gave satisfaction. I feel it my duty to recommend °Anuric Tablets" to any one who suffers as I did. ( Signed) MRs, MARGARET E. S•NIDa%, NOTE: Folks in town and adjoining counties are delighted with the results they have obtained by using"e4NUIUO," the newest discovery of Dr. Pierce, who is head of the INvarans' HOTEL and SUktGIUAL INSTITUTE,- in Buffalo, N. Y. Those who started the day with a back- ache, stiff legs, arms and muscles, and an aching head (worn out before the day began because they were in and out of bed half a dozen times at night) are appreciating the perfect rest, comfort and new strength g they obtained from Dr. Pierce's Anuria Tablets. To prove that this is a certain uric acid solvent and conquers headache, kidney and bladder diseases e s a nd rheumatism, a m if you've never used the "Anuric;' cut this out and send ten cents to Doctor Pierce for a large sample package. This will prove to you that' "Anuric" is thirty-seven times more active than Lithia in eliminating uric acid -and the most perfect kidney and bladder cor- rector, orrector, If you are a sufferer, go to your best druggist and ask for a 50 -cent box of "Anuric." You run me risk for Dr. Pierce's good uatne stands behind this wonderful new discovery as it has for the past half century for his "Golden Medical Discovery," a general tonic made from roots with pure glycerine which makes the blood pure, his "Fa- vorite Prescription" for weak women and "Pleasant Pellets" for liver ills, some llarber. A. Mohammedan barber advertises as follows in the Indian Picture Mag- azine: 'Mahomed Osman, haircutter and clean shaver. Gentlemen's throats cut with very sharp razors with great care and skill. No irritat- ing feeling afterwards. A trial solicited." He should be very useful to the Turco -German Alliance. WHY YOU ARE NERVOUS The nervous system is thealarm system of the human body. In perfect health we hardly realize that we have a network of nerves, but when health is ebbing, when strength is declin- ing, the same nervous system give'sthe alarm in headaches, tiredness, dreamful sleep, irritability and unless corrected, leads straight to a breakdown. To correct nervousness, Scott's Rmul- sion is exactly what you should take; its rich nutriment gels into the blood and rich blood feeds the tiny nerve -cells while the whole system responds to its refresh- ing tonic force. Free from harmful drugs. Scott & Bonne. Toronto, Oat. Ring's net) slat. Though 'Fan; Peter has s•afu^oi to leave his Serbian soldiers, he is not a military man at bears.. Rather is he a scholar and philosopher, as in 100'ca ley his admiration of Jelin $tum 17511 whoee R Ores Its has anonymously translated into Serbian, When in exile in Paris and Geneva, Iiia; Fear liveil vs t,, ulcus eely, rent- ing upper Cats t6 , lee aye 'rt each place. Iii the egreement v'1i1 ler Geneva landlord •vas a stipulation that if he should be summered to the Serbian throne his leaee eimuld tnrnunete. Tt : eelaieen teemed out to his advents ee. Was Troubled With CONSTIPATION FOR OVER FIVE YEARS. Unless one has a free action of the bowels, at least once a day, constipation is sure to ensue, then in the wake of constipation comes sick bcadache, bilious headaches, jaundice, piles, and many forms of liver complaint. Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills will regu- late the Sow of bile to act properly upon the bowels, thus making them active ,and regular, and removing the constipa-, tion and all its allied troubles. Mr. Phil. G. Robichaud, Pokemouehe, N.B., writes: "I have been troubled with constipation for over five years, and I feel it my duty to let you know that your Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills have cured me. I only used three vials, and. i tan faithfully say that they have saved me from% large doctor's bill." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25 cents per vial, or five vials for 51.00; for sale at all dealers,°or mailed direct on receipt of 'price by The T. Milburn Co,, Limited, Toronto, Ont. Better Pay The Price • Don't be tempted to choose cheap jewelery. Far better to pay a fair price and know exactly what you are getting, Yon will never be sorry -for as a matter of money; it is easily the most economical. That has been said so often that everybody by Ibis tame should know it -and vet there is no scarcity of cheap jewelry in the land Now to get personal -If you would like to mise chat sort altogether- I9OME HERE If you would like to buy where nothing but high qualities are dealt in -COME HERE And even at that, no person ever said our prices were unfair Edison Records and Supplies Wa R.:.eounter Jeweler and Optician, Issuer et Marriage Licenses TBB CLINTON NEW ERA PAGE THREE eseesee•••ee•eee••••••em ' The Stowaway By LOUIS TRACY aemonsameasemoseeepeeteiecasoaa something. Those near thought after- ward that he stria: "Is it worth It? Who knows!, But be was surely president now. Seldom have power and place been more hardly won. Elis quiet ginnee sought Philip, Thnnit von, Ole. Elozier," he said, "5111 Tirtlzti is your debtor. As for we, 1 can never repay, you. 1 owe you my life, the elves of my daughter and of ninny of my friends end the sue• cess ottmy cause." Philip Beard hills 50 in a dreatn. tie was looking at frig. Her eyes were shining, her lips parted, yet site did not come to him. By her side was ttU t Rdfrig n white haired old man, an,. fenhlishnutn, a stranger; Beudingover Coke and Wringing his bands in in - Coherent sorrow was another elderly Briton A fear that Philip and.never before knowu gripped his heartstrings now. He was pale and stern, and his forehead was seamed with Coreboding. "Who is that with Miss Yorke?" be said to Dom Correa, The president had a rare knack of answering a straight question in a straight way. "A Ole, Balmer, 1 am told," be said. r CHAPTER XVIII, wn1:REIC' TUE PRESIDENT PRESIDES. EFORE the exciting story so rudely interrupted' is resumed • it may be well to set down in their sequence the queer work- ings of fortune which led to Philip's timely reappearance at Gas Flores. His troop of se'outs consisted of twenty-eight Hien. Five were sailors and Bremen from the Andromeda; three were Germans from the Unser Fritz. But the whole eight were ex - soldiers, and one man at arms trained on the European model is worth ten of the Brazilian product. The remain- ing twenty were lsilimen, good' riders, excellent shots and acquainted with every yard oC the wild country within a radius of a bundred miles. They would fight anybody if well led, and here it may be observed that when Philip called on them to storm the ballroom he said "Come one" between which curt command and Its congener, "Go on!" these baif breed warriors drew a Eine distinction. The language difficulty was surmounted partly by an interpreter in the person of one of the Germans, who spoke lenglish and had lived in Bahia, paltly by signs and largely by Philip's methods as a leader. He never asked his men to do any- thing that be did not do himself, and they were never dubious as to his tac- tics, since be invariably closed with any Nationalist detachment met dur- tug the day's operations, About midday, then, they came upon the advance guard of a column sent oil' a week earlier by the expert at Pesqueira with instructions to arrive at Las Flores before snoset that very day. Instantly the twenty-nine charg- ed. With equal celerity the advance guard bolted. From the crest of a rocky pass Philip looked down on a column of fully a thousand men. The situation was critical. it called for prompt handling. Five men bell tbe horses, twenty-three spread themselves among the rocks, Philip unstring his carbine, and twenty -Cote• rifles indulged in long range practice on a narrow mouutaiu path crowded with men and :wheals, Nothing more was needed. It bas been uoted already that the Brazilians disliked long range shooting. -There wits a stampede. The scouts occupied the ridge until sundown and were re- turoiug leisurely to report the pres- ence of the column when 'they fell to with the first batch of fugitives from the valley. Forthwith Philip became. a general and each scout an officer. They reasoned and whacked the run- aways into obedience, picked up quite a number of men who were willing enough to dgbt if told what was ex- pected of them, and the rest was a matter of simple strategy sueb as Macaulay's schoolboy would exhibit in the escalade of a snow fort. But it was a Dear thing. Five minutes later and Hozler might have seized the pres- idency himself. And now as to the night and the next day. Russo and his diminished staff took Philip's little army as_a nucleus. Bra- zil bad duly elected Dom Corria, se provided by the statute, and the news spread like wildfire. 'Before morning the Liberetioufste were 10,000 strong Before night closed the roads again he Pesqueira genius wrote to Dom rria under a flag of truce and point- d out that be served the president, of any crank who saki be was press - dent, but the honored Individual in whom the people of Brazil placed their rust. Dom Corral replied in felicitous rms, and, as the newspapers say, the cident ended. The navy sulked for while, because it held rbet L'tmsso's atment of the Andorbina was not ricket or baseball or whatsoever game ppeals most to the Brazilian sports- man. It was Dot even professional' abate it said, but ao acrimonious emission was -closed by a strong Mut cum the treasury thnt pay day 'might postponed indefinitely if too mach ere made of a regrettable necldeut to e guns of .the Maceto artillery, , Meanwhile Dorn Correa, the man who d' not forget, Rasp1Wzlecl by two Dir. mstances not of national importance. an Beuavides, Dever a dernonstrntive ver cohere Carmela was conccrued, as a changed mem 110 was sereroly elided during the fight, anti Cathleen urseo Min assiduously, but there) old be no doubt dint he was under r thumb and.. would remain there. he indications were subtle, but' un- istnlsilhie. Ogura to even announced e date of their marriage. Dom Correa remembered. or course, hat San lienavides and bis daughter 5 said wbee they all met in the ball - em. It seemed to him that Salvador CONTINUED NEXT WE'E . t Co e n tr in a tre c a fo di f be w til df cu S to w 0 co he th w ba r0 You will find relief in Zan--Ruk1 it eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zam- B uk, means cure: Why not prove this 7 du Avoids baaan�d Storm-. .:anaoizws on enontxery, T13e' Canadian :soldiers' :opinion of the English magazine story, as re- flected In the columns of The Twen- tieth Gazette '(the trench organ of the 20th Battalion, Northern ` and Central Ontario Regiment), is not flattering. It. says: "Why docs every short complete story of the war centro round person- ages of no less rank than a secoud ileo tenant .W r 1 Y is this individual usually in the Guards or the Buffs? Wby is he invariably tbe Hon, Billy, or the Hon. Dicky, or Lord. Blinking., barn, amere happy-go-lucky, o-l uck Y, blase sort of ab o educated y, UCat ed at Eton and Oxford? Why, in fact, is he the Hon. Any Diminutive of a character fondly imagined by a title -worshipping pro letariat to be typical of the average Englishman? 'Again, why does the n. -e. -o, drop 731s aitches and speak English like a grass -eating cow -puncher from west- ern Manitoba? He is never an edu- cated man. He is never 'their' class. The private of the story is always a bovine creature of no account, who doesn't know hishead from a cauli- flower, and who makes rude, ill-bred jokes which his superior overlooks: in fact, they condescend to laugh at them, "Why all this twaddle which goes for story and plot in these strenuous days? Why all the nauseating snob- bery contained in every magazine, every weekly paper?" _�- A Lesson From h .Australia eaa • TLE Nea or Mnothing has• ITbeen T told in Canada as to what ■i./- has been done In our sister Dominions of Australia and New Zealand in the manu- facture and delivery of shells and other munition: 'of war, says The Canadian Liberal Monthly. It may therefore come as a surprise to many to learn that, despite many natural difficulties not known in Great Brit- ain nor in Canada, the Federal Gov- ernment of Australia has grappled energetically and successfully with the problem and that the resources of the Island Continent are being worked to their utmost in order to render the maximum of aid to the Mother Country. When the call for shells came from Great Britain in the early summer of 1915, the Fed- eral Government immediately ap- pointed a Federal Munitions Com- mittee, and co-operation 'with the different States of the Common- wealth resulted in each of these forming State Munitions Committees which at once got actively to work. Munition Bills were passed by the Federal Parliament, giving the Gov- ernment the power to manufacture and contract for trio manufacture of munitions, and the different States also passed similar regulations giv- ing them similar powers. The work was thus entered upon in a public and official and thoroughly systema- tic manner. The great difficulty encountered from the first lay in the fact that Australia, unlike Canada and unlike the United Xiugdom, is not a me- chanical manufacturing country. The necessary tools and machinery did not exist in that country and the tremendous distances from countries where these necessary supplies could be secured caused much vsexatious delay. While this problem was be- ing solved, however, active prepara- tory steps were taken in all other possible directions. The leading engineers of the Com- monwealth were called into confer-. once to canvass the ' situation and supply all possible information on which actual progress could be based. A Metal Exchange wee established tby the Federal Government to ar- range for the control of metals pro- duced in the country, so that all sup- plies would be readily available as required. Thee Munitions Committee was in- structed and .proceeded with the formation and enrollment of a Muni- tions Workers Corps, to include all men of military age who are indis- pensible for the manufacture of munitions, and these menwere given certificates to indicate that they have Performed their full share of work in defence of their country. After due enquiry and consultation with the British War Office, the Fed- eral Munitions Committee decided that the Dominion of Australia could best serve the needs of the Empire by the manufacture of 18 -pound high -explosive shell bodies. A price of $5.05' per shell, including the cost of the steel, was set, and all con- tractors willing to accept this price cue prate origtna.ty nxeu rut nuc a,'o- shining and assembling of 18 -pound high -explosive shells was $5.70 each, and that orders for many thousands of shells were let at this price, This Canadian price did not include the cost of the steel forgings for the shell bodies, which were supplied free to the contractors, For Canadians the most notable lesson from AngfooIia. is in ,the fem. Here given Open contracts to sapply all the shells they could manufac- ture tee to June 30th, 1918, with the provision that this price might be revised, if so decided by the Govern- ment, on or after March 31st, 1916. Ii was also undertaken that the British Government should give three months notice when no more simile were required. On ibis basis, 31 tenders had been received up to November 1st,. of which 11 had been formally accept- ed, the balance being still under core- sideration. Those tenders revealed one Very significant difference between shell - making in Canada, which is appar- ently inseparable from huge, and un- rensonaote prout-maarng, ana snell- maliitig in. Australia, where. national service and the good of the Empire is apparently the first consideration. Pour of the tenders were from the Governments et New South Wales, South Australia, victoria, and Queensland, the contract for the lat- ter State being'' undertaken by the State Government Railways De- partment. In each of these cases the Iarger part of the work was to be done at actual cost in Government- owned and Government - operated shops, moat of which are part of the equipment of the Railways Depart- ments and other Government depart - But the State Governments were not alone in their offers to manufac- ture shells at cost. Several private firms tendered, or rather accepted the price 'of 21 shillings, but under- took that if actual cost was found to be below this price, the balance would be refunded. It 90 well known that in Canada that every available Government machine shop in the Whole country was at once used for the manufac- ture of shells at actual cost. Also the fact ' t hath t e State Governments e nme pts (corresponding practically to our Pr;ovincial Governments) were asked to co-operate with the Federal au- thorities and did so, How thoroughly, the Australian Federal 'Government , handled the work of getting the maximutu output of shells possible in the Common- wealth is shown by the fact that it was announced that firms confining themselves to private work and re- fusing to make shells were in danger of having their plants taken over by the GoVdrnmont. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Ruined by Rust. [w'. 03. Edmondson, Colorado station,] It 1s a proved fact that machinery, where exposed to moisture, rusts out very rapidly. In fact, rust does more damage to the exposed machinery than the work which the implement is called upon to do. This is a needless waste, however, because rust can practically be over- come by taking the proper care of the machine when not in use. Farmers could get more than twice as much wear out of most implements if they were housed properly. This alone will not suffice in some climates. A very good wey to keep the rust from attacking parts exposed to moisture Is to coat all the iron with a very ehcap oil. This oil should be thick and heavy, so tbat when applied to the iron It will not run off. This coating of oil will keep all of the moisture away from the iron and will prevent rust from starting, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S A� OASTORIA Queen's Favorite Name. - Maurice Is Queen Mary's favorite boys' name. Her Majesty considers 1 ;tit L LETT'T; A�5 � LYE 4 LEANS -DISINFECTS ';. neatness an'd deepateh, Call—or phone The New Era ,office when in need of printing, • Digestive estive Troubles a b cause headache, biliousness, constipation, impure blood and other unpleasant symp- toms. If these troubles are neglected they weaken the body and open the way for serious illness. l ness.Ni chronic Many c diseases may be traced epied back to indigestion that could have been immediately In Intel Y reliev ' d by m s Beec11¢r,l s Pills. This well- known home remedy has proven itself dependable, safe and speedy during sixty years' use. The fame of having . a larger• sale than any other med- icine in the world proves the dependable, remedial value of 6 Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World; Sold Everywhere. to hexes, 25 cents. CANADIAN NATIONAL, 26 .oLXHIBITION S1 ate Empire Federation 0 Spectacle 11 e 1,200 Performers'; 10 Massed Bands ; Chorus of 60 Voices Glorious Pageant symbolizing Im- perial Solidarity and Power Mammoth Scenic Reproduction of the British Houses of Parlia- ment, Westminster Abbey and the War Office. W ON AND UNDER w SEA A ON LAND A R iN THE AIR R Scenes that have thrilled the Em.. pire Re-enacted by Overseas Troops.' Maurice the masculine of May, The' 'Shells in Process of Manufacture , QMother, tamedDuchess allof ]ler gTeckodthesons h£aueenur'stce. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Sigaatute of o USE PRINTED STATIONERY, When making out your accounts use aprinted 'billheads A. well ex- ecuted billhead gives you a, stand-, ing with your 'business customers, 'Toronto Aug.26, to Sept,We execute letterheads, billheads l11 and other (printed matter ;with. Immense Munitions Exhibit Model Camp, Trench Warfare, Hand Grenade and Bomb Throwing, De- struction of Warships by 'Hidden Mines, Bayonet Fighting, Federation Year Fireworks, Complete New Midway. Anmer ThHorse ,$ Government Exhibits, Superb Showing of Live Stock and Agricultural Products, Acres of Manu- factures. nt l e aaeri- l�S. W Sere mal You feel warmer at 65 degrees when the air is moist than at 70 degrees when it is dry. Keeping the air mellow is just another way the Hecla 'saves coal. A heating system with large air ducts, to keep the air moving freely and with the gener- ous moisture supplied by the Recta Furnace gives the most healthful—and most economical -heat you can buy. We can help plan your heating. Ask for plans and figures. . T. Hawkins, ClHntor Representatives of CLARE BROS. & CO. Limited, Preston, Ont., Makers of the E C L MEI, LOW A I R p'URONACE