HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-08-17, Page 5aeamesmasagoommust • Thursday, August 17th, '191h. THE CLINTON mow ERA. PAGE FIAT' When in Doubt 6 For a Present for the Brlde•to•be Choose Silver here is no other gift fir the bride that is so universally certain to be greeted with joy, used with pride, and treasured for years. We carry a large and well assorted stock of 1847 Roger Bros Knives and Forks, Berry Spoons, Cold Meat k'orks, Pie Servers, Tea, Coffee, Dessert and Table Spoons and numerous other use- ful seful pieces. Also a good assortment of Silver Plated Hollow- ware;Cut Glass, China and Clocks. 9111=11•111111, W. IL II[ILYAR JEWELER and OPTICIAN EYES TESTED FREE 'Honor Jrlatri, Results The results ut the examination :For honor junior 'matriculation are .given below. The standing con- tained in each subject is indicat ,ed after a candidate's name -I in- •z3icating, first-class honors; •1I. second-class honors, and III third class honors, respectively. The statement of standing of all candidates w:Ul 'be Mailed in Abe course of a few days to the ,principals or inspectors. In the 'case of those who wrote at the :University of Toronto their state - .men t wilt be sent to the Regis-+ rtrar of that institution. Candi- .states should apply to these par- ties and not to the Department of Education for further information, The marks obtained by scholar- :ship candidates have 'been re - :ported direct to the universities :conoerned. ed l Scholarship candidates willbe informed of their by the Registrara :of these ani versa ties. HURON W. T. Armstrong- French IL ; A. ..A, Catueron, French II ; M, C. Gunn Eng. ,III, French I; S.G. Henry ;biol. II1.; E. R. 'Manning, ,French IL; J, A. McBurney, iFrench a; A, J?etrie, .Eng. TTI, math. IIT, Wrench III,; A, G, Rintoul, French II.; 3, L. Stepan, French III ; 1I, F. R, Shaw, Eng. HI , French 11, ; J. .:'Smith, Eng. 1II. 'French I„ Ger-. man L Junior Matriculation Toronto Aug. 11 -The following .gist contains the names of the Western Ontario candidates who were successful in whole, or in part, on the pass junior ratricu- _aation examinations. Normal en- trance candidates who were also reendida les for matriculation have ;been considered in the results, which are as follows,-- HU.RGD, Group I -W, NV, Ament; H. Cana .telon; 1;..F, Dougherty; J.2 Fer- guson 1 JAI Geddes ; 13, 0, Grey; R.I. Hartwell; N. W. Hibbert; J. J, Johnson; J L Kerr L A. Mac- Kay : ac••Kay: J. W„ McGregor; K.McLean rG G. Newton; A,H, Noble; F.'Pen- mebaker; C. G, Pickard; C. E. Pow - ,ell; G,O; Robinson; L. K. Ruther- iord; u, J', Seldon ; E. P. Stott; L. Wright. `• Group IIs- L.lt, Burrows, chem ; E. J. Grainger, enc„ Hhist„ Phys„ 'chem., Lat, C. ; E. Kerne 'lag„ phys „chews,,Lat.C,; IM, A. Kemp, ••••1119111111•0064109•••••••• ••• • 1 NUTIeE ^� A • -o- • ' To the Patrons of Our • Job Department.' • • •- •••••••••••••••••••••••••fie• • • :• We Solicit a continuance • .,• of your patronage, wancl we _ as •• ,promise that your orders •• •• will have our usual careful' •' • ,attention: No effort will bet • ..• spared to furnish you (with • r the quality ;of 'work that • ;• customers of Orbe New Era • A have always expected, • •• • One thing, !however., we 0 • • have 40 control of. and that • • is the rapidly rising prices • • .of printers' stocks of ,all • • descriptions, A great many, • times lately 'we have had • to answer telephone cora- • • plaints tha,, charges, are fi ,higher than they were six :40 ,months or twelve tnouths • ago, 131st all lines o1 pa'' • per have advanced some. • home lines have doubled in • price. A few, have quadrupl- • ed. Black ink is ,,u1) .100 • la per cent. Some colors are • • almost unoibtainabie at any • • figure Metal prices are 0 ;• soaring. Wages have ;acl- •. • van cec , The printer who, 0. • will attempt to sell his out-; • , • put to -day at 1911 or even ., • 7,015, prices is headed 'for • • trouble. And reasonable • .• people' will not expect the • • impossible from him. • :• - •: ,00000.00011000000000.000.00 • • • • t9 •. O phys., chem., Lat, 0.1 S. H. Nelson phyc., chem,; A, Petrie, 13. and C. hist.; chem.; A. O. Rankin, chem; C E. Reid ,hem. Lat. A, ; H. M, Shackleton Lat. A Lat. O , 1 K. Stothers, phys, chem.. Lat. 0 , G. E. Wallis, phys., chem., Lat ,C.; N. G. Whitely, hhys„ chem. Successful Clinton Pupils Group I., - H. Caaitelon, J. P. Ferguson, L. A. MacKay, Penne:baker, C. E. Powell, E. P. Scott, / Group IIT„ - E. ,T. Grainger, ane. 'hist , phys., Lat. C, a 1, E, Kemp, alg. phys. chem Lat. C M, A. Meilfutlehie, phys„ chem; Lat. C,, S, 13. Nelson, phys„ chem I. J. Stothers, Abyss ehem,Lat,C G. E. Wallis, Phys., chem, Lat,C • • Over T p _The 'Teacups • • 0.000•300000000•00900.0390 Mr.. B, Edwards of Brussels was in town on Friday. He wasiook- ing up some contracts for deep- well digging, His father finished up one of the town wells a few years ago, Mr. R'obt, Holmes, of tToronto, who was present at the Floody-, Chant wedding last Friday, hardly gave hie old friends here a chance to shake hands' with hint, as 'he Caine up tiled returned the same day. • Mitchell Recorder-rMiss' Cowing, of Clinton, is a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. Robert Culhber- ton.' • St. Marys Journal; -Walter 'Hep- pler, of Clinton • was e guest on Monday of Mr. and Mrs. C. W Noice, Mr. Woods, of the Woods Mach ins Co., mane a business trip to Brantford, last week Mr. C, D, Boeck, Who has been at Bracebridge for the summer Model school term returned last week an'l is now busy With the Model term here. ' 11r. Neelands, of Hensel], wlio re Gently sold 'out his •paper there after conducting it Inc 20 years, was a call- er in town on Monday while eiii'Ouie to points arotw<l Toronto for e visit. Dir. Clark and son, and Mr. George Mitchell of 13auover, were home on Sunday euruute to London owing to tate death of ,Ole. IV. 3: Mitchell. Me. Clark is a brother -in law while Mr. George Mitchell who is the editor of the Hanover Post, is 0, nephew, Mrs. Falcoebridge and Miss Falcon. bridge, of Leamington, were guests at the Rattenbnry House over the week end, Mrs. Falcoubridge is a sister of the late Dr. Appleton, one of the Physician of this town and came up to visit nld sights again, Miss Mabel Cantelon and mother. Mrs. Cantelon accompanied by Mr, and Mrs. E. Floody and Miss Olive Moody spent a day last week at Blyth - Nes. Geo. Roemer and Masters Just. in and Malcolm of St. Louis, are the guests with the fat mer's mother, DH's. Thomas Trick, Ratteubury street. llr,J W.Craigie, of G,kterich, made a business call iu Clinton on Saturday Mrs.' Chant sr„ of Unionville, is visiting with her son, Mr. H. B. Chant. DIe. P. Kerr made a business trip to Woodstock on Monday, The infant child of alt.. and Mrs, Lorne Murch has been seriously ill, but we hope the baby' will soon be better. Mies Thompson, of Godecieh, was Che guest of Miss Curter for a few clays. alt'. and Mrs. Thomas, of Blyth, were visitors in town last' Saturday. Miss Jule Barttiff weer a visitor at Brussels oil Sunday. Her niece, Miss Dorothy. Bartlitf returned with her. 11,'. J. K. Wise spent the week end at Sarnia and on his return trip he was accompanied Monte by his wife and daughter, who has been there for some time. Mrs. 0. A. Alcam is spending this week visitiiug with friends in Auburn. Miss Edea Penuebaker is spending a few days in Goderich. Mr, D, Cantelon returned last night •from Orillia, where he, ,vent to see Mrs,. Canteloe.and slaughter Dorothy, before they left fbr a trip to the West, Grocer, "'Good morning, Mr. Popp e. How is that cutter that I sent you " Popple: "Better, thank you. It le gaining strength every minute!" Blyth. Miss Barnby, of Toronto, will take the place of the public schoot teaching staff in place of Miss Bissitt, who re signed. r Rev. Walter. and Mrs, McLean of Hanover, are' spending . the holidays with, her parents, Mr, end Mrs, Alex. Elder. Mr, and Mrs. H.A. Thomas motored to Waterloo on Saturdn,y, Mr. John Hamilton of Walleceburg, who was Judge in the Agriculture Society Field Crup . Competition, in white oats, was pleased to see the thrift and enterprise mauifisted by the farmers of this section. The fields of grain inspected were exceptionally good. The following are the names of the prize winners; Jas, F. Laidlaw, James Jackson, J. and. Wm, Gray, David Laidlaw, Wm. McGowan, 3, Cummings, Duncan £Vlc0ulium. Stanley Mr Hu •.h Me iar I'd g D rm, and.wife and Mr, Kato McDiarmfa ;visited at the home of Mr: Thos Baird one day last week. They were accompanied by Mr, Kenneth and his mother fromRn 0te la e. Miss 'Daisy Copp Lf Clinton is visiting at present at the -home of Mr, Hugh McGregor 1V/r. 'Hugh Thomson' and his 'son William left the home of his'bro Cher Atex. Thomson, on Monday, on their way to their home ' in Moose Jaw, after a visit of 'sev- eral weeks, • Londoshorlo Miss Ednal Lyon es visiting Bel - grave friends, "Matthew Bruce and " lli. ,Lyon spent Sunday with the formers sister, Mrs. Murphy, of Exeter. Mr. J. Lounsberry, and Miss Bell motored, to Delhi on Sunday, Mrs. Lounsborry returns . Swith there. Mies Elsie Lyon .returned home after spending a couple .of weeks with Aurora friends. .' Blyth Mr. and Mrs, Peter Douglas ` and family of Hamilton, are visiting, at the borne o1 Mr. John McInnis, Morris Mr. James Gibson of Morris,, was strikes down with paralysis ;on Sun day evening and is still in a precarious conditson. Ile attended service in the Methodist Church Sunday morning. abs, and Mrs. Duncan McKellar of Stralhroy, are visiting friends in this locality. DIiss Money of Stratford, has been engaged as principal of the public school and will commence her duties atter the holidays. Nippon Mr, Thomas Dallis, of this village, has beeu appointed as delegate of Kip pen Lodge to attend the High Ceurt of .Foresters, which is being held at Ni agar& Fails in the near future. the many friends of Mr's John Mc Gregor, of Tueleersmith, will be sorry to learn that she is not improving as restate her many friends would wish, Mr. Thomas Brown, the veteran auctioneer of Enron. passed through the village the latter part of the Week and met a few of his old time friends, Miss Adams and nephew Frank, from London are paying a visit with 01,'. and Mrs 3, Detweiler, of ousivill s ge. eeeeseseeeeeeeseeseeeeeeue Local News 000000000000000000.00110000 NEW BUS Mr. Josh. (look, the old reliable bus- man has anew bus which he will put into commission right away. The old one has served its day. BAND FOR LONDON FAIR The Clinton Kiltie Band has secured the engagement at the Western Fair, London, on Thursday, Sept, 14th. No doubt many from this section will go down that day to the' fair. A SUCCESSFUL PARTY The S. A. Oorps of this town held a successful gardeu party on the grounds of the Baptist Church on Thursday evening of hist week. Outside officers were here to help with the program, ATTENDED FIREMEN'S CONVENTION Dlr. Norman 'Kennedy was the 're presentative of Clinton Fire Brigade to the annual Convention at Hamilton last week. The usual tournement was cancelled on account of the war, A "SHOWER" The yound lady friends of Miss Hattie Holloway visited her home on Wednesday evening of this week and "showered" the bride•tothe. A very pleasant evening was spent by all, KILTY BAND TO VARNA The Varna. ,Patriotic Society will hold a garden pparty on Mr. McNash's lawn, on Tuesday evening, Aug. 22nd. The Clinton Kiltie Baud will be in at tendance, CLL AT WINGHAM HOSIPTAL ' Dir. L. Levis, eldest son of Mr, Geo. Lavis, of town, was taken ill at his home in Wingham on Friday last and was removed to the hospital op Sun day, At present he is doing as well as could be expected. Miss Elva Levis, nurse in training at Toronto General Hospital is waiting on her brother. A NARROW ESOAPd T'be following from the 5t. Thomas Times will be of interest to the many friends of the Dunemor'e family in town and country, Lieut. Densmore being a son of Mr. 11. J. Dunsmore, postmaster of St. Thomas, and a form er well known Huron boy and a grand son of Councillor Paisley. The Times says; -"Mr. and Mrs. Rs 3', Dunemore, Elgin street, received aletter Saturday afternoon' from their son. Lieut. E.L. Dunsmore, with the Canadian engin eers in Flanders, who was reported slightly wounded two 'weeks ago. He writes as follows: -Tuesday night on my way home from the work d was carrying a Ross rifle I had found, I stopped at a certain point to give directions to my sergeant about a sign to be erected. Suddenly I felt a punch in the ribs and beard a metahc'crack. I had been bit. So I felt in my shirt to see if I could find a hole or feel any blood. I couldn't, I said to my ser geant, I guess it's nothing, but we will have a look in this dugout and make sure. So we crawled into an old dug out and lit a match. We found' the skin had been taken off for about a square inch. We decided it must have, hit something before I got it, There was nothing in breast pocket to stop it so I picked up the rifle. I found that the magazine was all bent in. We came on back to the billet and I look ed things over. There was a hole in my tunic right at the belt line, by the little pocket. The bullett had hit the magazine at an ankle glanced off and gone through my coat, knociting me nearly fiat. I put iodine on thecut when 1 got in and found it was more of a bruise than a cut -a bruise about four inches square with the cub in the centre, am quite satisfied shat it was no closer. A peculiar coincidence was that the following evening nzy sergeant happened to be standing in the same place, as I had a working party near there, The sentry told him he had better get down from there, as there had been a chap hit there last night. Sergt. Lewis said, "Oh that was my officer," Was it, said the sen try, "Well I found the bullet this morning,' He gave it to Lewis and Lewis gave it to me.. IL sure must have been corning some,. for the steal nose is bent right over lino i hook. I have the tiflo and the billet, 111 he tempted to carry *mine a rifle 'every night now. ••••• 0T••••rOo•.•rn OOoi0•'••••O••r ••• ••r•O•' ••••0••e•••itMo o•Nn••••o• • w • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Bogs 513,25' i Butter 26e to 30c, Eggs atm. Oats 56c, Wheat 51,00 Barley 55c to 66e., Cattle 59.00 \ • Lambs 512.754 Sheep 58.75, Cheese 18 1-16c, Hogs 512.0,1 Eggs 84 to 25c,t Butter 250 to 27c, Oats 60c' to 55c, Wheat. e0e to 15c. Peas 1.75. ( Shorts *27. Bran $20. Barley 50c to 55c. Buckwheat FUG to 85c. 'Hay ,for Bail'ing 59 and t$10.00 • DISTRICT: NEWS London Road Mr. and Mrs, Douglla,.1 Wheeler -and Gracie returned to London af- ter spending a month's holidays with Mrs. Wheeler's 'parents. Last Thursday Mr. Arthur Steph enema raised a, bent to his barn, malrang it a good deal larger and roomy: Mr. Henry, `Livermore 'had the misfortune to lose ofe of his works ing horses. The animal had been kicked on the leg which broke, and it had to be destroyed. Mr. Frecl Waldron, who ,heal 'a sunstroke afew. weeks ago, is not improving as his friends would like to see, though he is getting 'better, Last Friday one of the men work ing at the barn of Arthur Stephen- son, fell off the barn, and although badly shaken elp had no bones broken. t r Mr. anct Mrs. Henry Livermore visited friends in the Maitland lSloek Tuesday of this week, Brumfield Mr. P.athwell and wife, of Tor- onto, are the guests of 'Mrs, Wm, Rotten bury. Sergi. Jackson and family are .the guests of Mr. Welsh, Stanley. Mr. Win. Henry, Stanley has 'bought the brick 'cottage of Nlrs. Chas. Savers, " (occupied by Mt', ,Buckler. Mr. 'Henry and wife ex- pect to move in to their new home in asltort time. Our 'village will. be glad to welcome them. Miss Marion Gibbings of Clinton was last week 'the guest of blrs. B.R, 'Higgiae, • Rev. 13.3. Woods visited with his parents in London last week, 'His father is very 01 Miss A, Foster, of Varnaled the song service in the Presbyterian church Sunday last, Miss Margaret Ross 4s visiting :her uncle, Dr. Ross, of Clifford. ' Those who keep ,bees say that this is the 'best season for honey that lia,s been ,for many years. John Murdock, Stanley has the largest colony in this neighibor- hood, Rev. Charles Mustard and family of Toronto, is visiting at his old home. r i Bayfield The death of Mrs. James John- stone on Wednesday, was a sud- den surprise to the vih0,ge, as Mrs, Johnstone wag considered in good health 'the previous evening. The cause was- from ,acute indigestion and slie died in her 72nd year, leaving many friends ,'to mourn het loss. 1, The death, of Gordon Strothers was met. with the greatest sym- phthy ever known to this com- munity. During hie "illness the villagers and tourists in nutty all inquired eagerly after the welfare of the young Toronto boy net wore glad to hear -of any glimmer of hope that the doctor's could ex- press in his favor. But the little lad died at the coming of the morn "to make one Mere -jewel Hie crown to adorn.' Services 'were held in the house the same elven-, Ing by the Rear. Mt•. Mc'b'arlane with the relatives and friends of the tittle boy, alter which the parents took the remains to Toronto) where the funeral took place among the city friends who decorated the last' resting place of the young Gordon with many wreaths of valuable flowers, ununesvme Mrs. Robt Acheson returned last week accompanied by Mrs. Cal 'beck her daughter, ;of Winona where she had 'been visaing for a couple of weeks, Mrs, Eldred Yeo is Also home again after avisit to her uncle, Rev. T. J, Snoivden, of Aiisa Craig accompanied by bliss Wells. ; Prof, and Mrs. 'Elford, of Ottawa arrived' Monday at the home ,of Mr. A, J. Courtice (where their three daughters have been visiting their grandparents for some time, Miss McVicar was the guest 1 of Mrs, S+' Ford last week, t { Dirs. McMath visited her two daughters last week, !Mrs. N, and Mrs .B Trewaetha., Mr, anal (Mise .Pickard were guests at 'Mrs, W Jenkins over, Heart Palpitated. Would Have to Sit Up in Bed. FELT AS IF SMOTHERING. Mrs. Francis Madore, Alma, P;E.L, writes: "My heart was in such a bad condition I could not stand any excite- ment, and at times when I would be talking my heart would palpitate so that I would feel like falling. At night, when I would go to bed and be lying down for a while, I would have to situp for ten or fifteen minutes, as I would feel as though I was smothering. 0 read in the daily paper;of a lady who had been in the same condition as I was, and was cured by using •&Iilburn's I'Ieart and Nerve Pills, so I bought a box, and they did me so notch good, my Husband got another, and before I had used half of the second box I was completely 'cured. I feel as though I cal never say enough in favor of your Heart and Nerrgi PiIls." Dailburtt's heart and Neiv1 Pills are composed of the very best heart and nerve tonics and stimulants known to l medical ,science, and are for sale at all dealers, or will be, mailed direct by 'she T. Milburn Co,, Limited, Toronto, Ont. Price, 10 cents .per, box, or 3 boxes for Sunday, 1 1 ' 'Mrs. Thomas W'altets entertained quite a lot of young folks on Tues day 'evening, among !whom were not a few visitors, ( 'Mrs. N, W, Trewartha also enter- tained her Jr. 'Adult Bible Class last Friday evening. , Porter's 0111 • Roy Browvnlee, 01Kippee isholi Baying at S. McPhail's, Miss Monk returned to Goderich Saturday having spent a week at Geo. Vanderburgh's Miss Alda, ,McDonald has re- turned to Detroit, having spent a couple of months at her mother's Mr. incl Mrs Charles Whiteman and family, of Detroit, ,are visiting in the neighborhood, , Major McPhail is home from Camp Borden for afew days, Rev, Brooks, of Sombra and Rev Jones are exchanging work for the next two weeks. 1 ,• eonaetance Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Riley and son leave for the West on Thurs- day, The Adult Bible Class held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Robert Rogerson on .Thurs- day of this weelc. Miss Jean Govier of London, is visiting her cousin, 'Miss Vera Col- coiough. Mr. and Mrs. W. Verus and sons ofRensali spent Sunday the guest of her grandmother, bit's. Cooper. Miss Elizabeth and Louie Mills of !Restocks spent a week the guest o'F{they gri'Wdlm•other, MIrs, ,W,m. McIntosh. t Quite anumber around here pic- nicked at Granit Bend one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pollard, Mrs Adam Glazier and son 'Herbert and J.' erguson motored to Ethel o0 Sunday where they spent the day with friends. Brussels 1Srusselites are being cut out of their annual Sunday school excursion to Kincardine this year owing, to the Grand Trunk being unable to furnish a special train, on account of the rush of work in other (parleys. It is a great dieapointment to a large num her, James Ireland, of Morris 'township, has puechased the Cameron bailee, on John street, and will move into it in the :.ear future. A. car of fine horses was shipped from here this week and will go over seas. Mies, Jardine, of Port Credit, has been engaged an assistant teacher in Brussels continuation school. The following were the winners of the standing crop competition held in connection with the East Huron Ag ricultural Society: 1 Andrew Lamont;" 2 W'' R. Moses; 3, James Nichol; 4, Wm, Slemmon:5, R. J, Hoover; (1,1, Lowe; 7, 0. Hemingway, Miss Clams McCraken is home from Edmonton, where she has spent the past three years, / iiensall The quarterly board of the Metho dist Churches of Hansen.. and Chisel horst met 'Monday evening and in creased the salary of the minister, Rev. J. F. Knight, 5100, making it 81,200 The union Snuciay school picnic held at P. Bell's dam on Monday afternoon was largely attended the crowd being estimateclat over 800. A booth ren on the grounds for the benefit of the Red 'Cross Society had gross receipts of 555. A fine program of: sports was carried out, and all, especially the chit clren, had agaud time, Pte. Dougal is home from ' ictoria Hospital, London; and is on the high road to recovery. Three rinks of Blyth bowlers came down recently and played a friendly game with unequal numbers of Hen sail rinks. At the conclusion .the vie hors were a few up, Kippen Miss Mabel Whiteman, of Toronto, is spending a few days at her home here. Misses Ruby and Peary McKay, of London, are visiting friends in this community.. Mrs. R, Clegg, of London, is spend ing a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Jarrott, of our village. On Sunday Rev. Mr. Brown, of the Methodist church, preached a.special sermon especially to the boys who en listed and•at the close of the service several of the boys were presented with fountain pens, Mrs. Robert Cooper, who underwent a operation in the. London hospital a short time ago, is improving nicely, Rev, Mr. Nichol, of .Amherstburg, conducted the services in the Presby terian church here 00 Sunday. Miss Edna lileKibbnn, of Kirkton, is spending a visit with her uncle, Mr. Henry 'mon, near this village. Miss Emily Ivison, of Toronto, spent a iew days at the parental home. Mrs. Alex. Monteith, of the London Road, is spending a visit up at Lake Nipissing Rev, A. j. Ross, of Wyoming, will preach i'n St, Andrew's. Church on Sunday. , Miss Mary Fay, of Stratford, visited her sister, lairs. Robert Thompson, Se., of the London road south. eliss Meinie Sproat, who has been visiting at Grim fur some time, has returned home. 5tr, and Mrs. James Moore, of lien sail, visited the home of the former's brother the latter part of the week. The refreshing showers on Monday evening was much appreciated by everybody and especially the farmers,. as the crops were beginning to go back for the wasnt of rain, Hugest' Specials � During the Balance of August we are Offering some Wonderfully low Prices on the following Lines Women and Children's Wash Dresses, Gowns, Under- skirts, Drawers, etc. Wash Goods. Muslins, Voiles, Ginghams, etc. SHOES -All white canvas shoes at cost. Special prices on patent and don. pumps. Also extra special `prices on boys School Suits and odd pants, boys and girls School Shoes, etc. Give us a Call -We eau Save you Money Agents for Send IteadyTailoriu►g and New Idea Patterns Pluumsteel Bros. Small Profits Phone 25 More Business Have Your Inds. in New Era (LMA LADIES' COLLEGE OPENS ITS THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR ON SEPTEMBER TWELFTH: NINETEEN HUNDRED rT SIXTEEN Par calendar and terms: R. 1. Wamer,M.A., D.D.,Alma College, St. Thomas, Ont. SAVE YOUR MONEY (FOR THE DOMINION WAR LOAN TO BE ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER; By purchasing a bond you will help to WIN THE WAR and obtain for -yourself an investment of the highest class yielding a most attractive rate of interest. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OTTAWA. Farm r � Lab® +e rs s f WE MUST HAVE Han { 1'' Excursions Going Trip Wert $12.00 TO WINNIPEG' ReturnTrip.East $18.00 FROM WINNIPEG Going Dates August 17 and 31 From Toronto Sudbury Line and East, but. nut' includingSmith's Falls or Renfrew, also from Main Line. East of Sud- bury to, but not includ- ing, North Boy. August 19 and September 2 From Toronto, also West and South thereof Further pa ticuiars tront Canadinn Ticket Agents. o t+' 1t ileward, nisirict i ars teed Aunt. Toronto Advertise Your Wants