HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-08-17, Page 3Thursday, August 17th, 1016.
During the month of 3nly the Man-
agement of the
received applications for over 100
office assistants they could not sup-
ply. The Central does splendid
work, It is one of Canada's 'hest.
Those interested in Business Edu-
cation should write the College for
its free catalogue.
D.A. McLachlan. Principal
We are in the market for 2,000
Young Chickens, and 1,000 Young
Ducks per week. The chickens to
weigh not less than two pounds,
and t]ie ducklings three pounds
each. Now is the time to take
advantage ;of the extraordinary
prices paid for live poultry.
Non-EeflikNew Laid Eggs
Now that the hot summer wea-
ther is approaching, we are in a
position to pay a premium, !Tor
Non -!Fertile Eggs not over !four
days old.
It will pay you to sell or kill
all the roosters after the breed-
ing Beason is over.
(, oo-broil^is & Co.. aired
Clinton ,Brandt Phone ISO
Pianos I
4 C
1 C
3 E
I Special values in Art,' C
• Cast's p
2 Il
A Pianos and organs rent
• ed. Choice new Edison
•• phonographs, Music & C
a variety goods. E
a Music Emporium
41 C. Hoare I.
See and here our finest
New Stylish designs of
Doherty Pianus and
Cori ogated
Steel Shingles
Felt Roofing
and Slate
Plumbing and
Furnace Work
Call or Phone for Prices
Estimates cheerfully
Repairs Done Promptly
Byam & Sutter
Sanitary Plumbers
Phone 7.
Oonneyance, Notary Public,
Commissioner, eta
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Huron St., Clinton.
Notary Public, Conveyancer, •
Financial and Real Estate
INSURANCE AGENT -Representing i4 Fire It
suranee Companies..
Division' Court Office:
Piano Tuning
Mr. James Doherty wishes to in-
form the public that he is pre-
pared to do fine piano tuning,
tone regulating, and repairing.
Orders left at W. Doherty's phone
61, will receive prompt attention.
M. G. Cameron, K.C.
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc
Office onAb cu t
Albert Street, occupied y
Mr. Hooper. In Olinton on every
Thursday, and on any day for which
appointments are made, Office hours
from 0 a.m. to 6 p m. A good vault in
connection with the office. Office open
every week day, Mr. Hooper will make
any oppointmentsfor 'Mr. Cameron.
Physician. Surgeon, Etc
eoeciB0' . Bar. Throat, and Nose f the
Eyes cal efuliy x unined, and imitable glasses
Office and Residence.
Two doors west of the Commercial Hata
Huron St.
4,111:EN and GA AI)IIR
Dr. W. Gann. L. R. O. P.. L. R. C. 8.. Edi
Dr. Cunn'e office at residence High Street
Dr.J, C. Candler. R.A. 111.111.
Office- Ontario Street, Clinton.
Night call, at residence, Bettenbar. St
or at hospital
crown and Bridge Work a Spcclaltyi
Graduate of C.O.D.S... Chicago,and P,O,D.S
Bayfield on Mondays, Slav let to l►
Woes over O'NEIL'S store.
eas pe a taken 00 make
n ie
k denial treat
Live stork and general Auction ter
Main] ERA sate, C ep0ol, pr, Cadets
,t .
NEW ERA office, Clinton, armer.iy attends
to. Terme reasonable. Fermate' •+lie not,
Drs. Geo .i; M. E Whitley
Osteopathic Phy.
Specialists in
Women's and
Children's Diseases
Acute, Chronic, and Nervous
Office-Rattenbury 'Hotel. •
Tuesday and Friday. 7 to 11 p.m.
G. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggar
McTaggart Bros.
General Banking Business
Drafts issued. Interest allowed n
Aug. I6th and 29th
:From a1 stations ,in Canada, Brock
yille, all
Jct., and East, also
north of Scotia Jot(
Aug 17th and 3Ist '
From allstetions Lyn, Ont, ,and
west to and including Toronto,
' Weston, Meaford, Po] rave ana
north to and Including Huntsville
Aug, 19th and Sept. 2nd
From all stations Toronto, Caledon
East, Owen Sound, Wia,rton and
;west and south thereof in Canada
,Further particulars on applies, -
tion 'to Grand Trunk Agents,
John ltanstord &Son, city paesen-
ger and Ticket Agents, phone 07
A. U. Pattison, station agent
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
Berm and Isolated Town Prop.
erty Only Insured.
Bead Office-Seaforth, Ont
J. Connolly, Goderich, President
Jas Evans, Beechwood, Vice -Pres,
Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Sec.-Treas
Directors -D. 1+'. McGregor, hea-
forth; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop; W.
Rinn, Seaforth ; John Benneweis,
Dublin ; J, Evans, Beechwood; M.
McEwen, Clinton ; J. B. McLean,
Seaforth; .T. ,' onnolly, Goderieh
Robt !Ferris, Harlock; Geo. Me-
Cartney, Tuckersmith
Agents• -hid. Hinchley, Seaforth;
W. ';Chesney, Eggmondville; J. W.
Yeo, 'Holmesville; Alex. Leitch.
Clinton; R. S. Jarmuth. Brodhageo
Payments made at Morrish &
Co Clinton, and Cu'lt's grocery
store Goderich . an&, Jas. Beide
store Bayfield.
The highly organized, finely strung
'nervous system of women subjects them.
to terrors of nervous apprehension which
no man can ever appreciate.
The peace of mind, the mentalpoise
and calmness under difficulties, which
are necessary for happy womanhood, are
only possible when the sensitive organism
is in a perfectly healthy condition. If
there be any derangement in this respect
no remedy in the world so completely re•
stores womanly health as the wonderful
"Favorite Prescription" invented by Dr.
R. V. Pierce.
Chatham, Ont.- A few years ago I
suffered a general break -down and got
very weak and thin. I was in an awful
state. 3 was very much discouraged and
at times thought I would lose my mind,
I knew of Dr. Pierce's medicines so I got
his 'Favorite Prescription.' It gave me
immediate relief, and completely cured
me in a very short time. My sister used
it with good results also. She was in a
very delicate condition. I got her to
take it and two bottles cured her corn•
"I take great pleasure in recommending
Dr. Pierce's medicines; they are all that
is recommended of them." -Mas. MAR..
CARET BRYA'NT, 87 Park Ave., Chatham,
A Carload of Canada
Portland Cement
Phone us for prices
It will pay you
John Hutton
Fall Fairs 1916
Bayfield ..... Oct.10 and 11
Blyth ...feet. 3 and 4
Brussels ... Oct. 5 and 6
Dungannon ...... ...... ...Oct. 5 and 6
Exeter Sept. 18 and 19
th'ordwich ...... ..... ... .... Oct. 7
Goderich Sept. a to 29
London (Western Fair) Sept. 8-16
Lucknow Sept. 28-29
Toronto ...... Aug. 26 to Sept. 11
Seaforth ...... .Sept. 21-22
Zurich ...... Sept. 20 ana 21
We're now selling Timothy Seed
(Government Standard.).
We also have on hand, Alt alfa,
Alsike, and Red Clover.
We always have on hand -Goose
Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn
Highest Market Prices paid for Hay
and ,all :Grains,
Children Cry
egg Toast.
Break five eggs in it.shallow dish or
pan, add') pinch of salt and a cupful
of sugar. Bent up well. Dip slices of
stale bread in and fry in lard, not too
For Infants and Children
Ilre lise For Over 30 Veers
Always bears
Sirenature of
French aviators bombed a Ger-
man factory! at T.ottwell.
Th e Philadelphia( papers have
,decided to make a reduction in
Dr. John R, Mott said there were
5,000,000 prisoners in the camps
of Europe,
Lord Derby in an interview said
the allies were now bound to re-
tain the initiative. - --=—
A Sluggish Liver
Unless the liver is working properly
you may look forward to a great many
troubles arising, such as constipation,
severe headaches, bilious headaches, sick
headaches, jaundice, sick stomach, etc.
Mrs. J, Sbellsworth, 227 Albemarle
St., Halifax, N.S., writes: '"I take
pleasure in writing you concerning the
great value I have received by using your
Milburn's Laaa-Liver,Pills for a sluggish
liver. When my liver got bad I would
have severe headaches, but after using a
couple of vials of your pills I have not
been bothered with the headaches any
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are, with-
out a doubt, the best liver regulator on
the market to -day. 'Twenty-five years of
a reputation should surely prove this.
Milburn's Lasa -Liver Pills are 25 cents
per vial, 5 vials for $1.00; for sale at all
dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of
price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
Better Pay
The Price
The Stowaway
• pi; do not touch the foreigners unless
they resist!"
With yells' of "Abajo De Sylva!"
"Morro pot reroltadost" the assailants
closed. In. Neither side owned magas
eine,rifes, so the fight was with ma-
chetes, swords and bayonets wben the
first furious bail of lead had spent it
Beit. No man thought of quarter nor
ceased to stab and thrust until he fell.
When 300 c!esperndoes meet 01ty of
like caliber in a hand to band conflict,
when the 300 fueau to end the busiuess
and the fifty know that they must die.
fighting for choice. but die in any
event, the resultant encounter will
surely be both fierce and brief.
137 one of those queer chances which
sometimes decide the hazard ard d U tween
life and death the window nearest that
end of the room where the sailors
strove to protect a few shrieking wo-
men nal not been broken tn. Here,
then, was a tiny bay of refuge. Prom
it the men of the Andromedaand the
Unser Fritz, Selmer. Verity. Iris and
such of the Brazilian ladies as had not
fled to the upper rooms at [.1111 initial
volley looked out on an amazing Uutch-
ery. De aylva. n0 longer young and
never a robust man. had been dragged
from mortal peril many times by his
devoted adherents. Carmelo bad
snatched u marnete from the fingers of
a dying soldier and was lighting like
one possessed or a fiend.
Once when n combined rush drove
the defenders nearly en top of the non-
combatants Iris would nave striven to
draw the half demented girl into the
little haven with the other women.
But'Coke thrust her back, shouting:
"Leave 'er alone! She'll set about
you if you touch her!"
Dickey Bttimer, too, who was dis-
playing a fortitude hardly to be ex-
pected in a man of bis years and hab-
its, thought that interference was use-
"Let 'er do what she can," he said.
"She doesn't know wot is 'appeuin'
now. If she was on'y watebin' she'd
be a cavi)' lunatic. God 'elp us all!
We've got ourselves into a nice mess!"
But If Dickey Bulmer's simple words
exalted him into the kingdom of the
heroic David Verity occupied a lower
plane. Prayers and curses alternated
on his lips. He was stupefied with
A tall, distinguished looking g man
wearing a brilliant uniform. his breast
decorated with many orders, now ap-
peared on the scene. He shouted
something, and the attacking force re-
doubled its efforts. He raised a re.
volver and took deliberate aim at Dom
Corria. Coke saw him, and his bull-
dog pluck combined with avarice to
overcome his common sense, Without
thought of the consequences he
sprang into the swaying mob and pull-
ed De Sylva aside. A bullet smashed
into the wall behind them.
"Look out, mister!" be bellowed.
"'Ere's a blighter 'oo wants to finish
you quick!'!
De Sylva's gituice sougbt bis adver-
sary. He produced a revolver which
hitherto had re-
mained hidden in
a pocket. Per.
baps its bullets
were not meant
for an enemy. Be
fired at the tall
man. A violent
swerve of the
two irregular
ranks of soldiers
screened each
from the other.
An opening• of-
fered, and the
man who bad sin•
geed out D o m
Oorria for his
special vengeance
fired again. The
bullet struck
Coke in the
HE PULLED DE SYLVA breast. The val-
AsrDE. rant little skip-
per staggered and sank to the door.
dis fiery eyes gazed up into Verity's.
"Damme if 1 ain't hulled!" he roared,
his foiee loud and bareb, as if he were
giving some'command from the bridge
in a gale of wind.
David dropped to his knees.
"For Gawd's sake, Jimmie!" he
moaned, '
"Yes, rve got it. Serve me dam
well right tool No business to go
ag'in me own pore old ship. Look 'ere,
Verity, I'm done for! 1i yon get away
from this rotten muss see to my
misses an' the girls. If you don't -
Don't be tempted to choose cheap
jewelery. Far better to pay a fair
price and know exactly what von
are getting,
Yon will never be sorry -for as a
matter of money, it is easily the
most economical.
That has been said so often that
everybody by this time should
know it -and yet there is no
scarcity of cheap jewelry in the
Now to get personal -If you would
like to miss that sortjaltogether-
If you would lilte to buy where
nothing but high qualities are
dealt in -COME 1311R16
And even at that, no person ever
said our prices were unfair
Edison Records and
W. a unit;,r
Jieweler and Optician:
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
NAVE YOU BEEN. SICK?''A Patent Reversible Poem
Then you realize the utter weakness
that robs ambition, destroys appetite, The following 'lines may be
and makes work a burden. ' read either up or down without
Torestorethatstrengthandetaminathat altering the sense ; ;
is so essential, nothing has ever equaled The stars, were all alight,
or compared with Scott's Emulsion, be- The moon( was overhead ;
cause its strength -sustaining nourish- I, named her queen of night,
merit invigorates the blood to distribute As she my footsteps led.
energy throughout the body whileits tonic So wondrous fair 'was she„
value sharpens the appetite and restores I asked' her to be mine,
health in a natural, permanent and,
t As she glanced up et Inc
If you are run down, tired, nervous, I thrilled with love divine.
overworked or lack strength, get Scott's
Emulsion to -day. '''At any drugstore. Beside the meadow !bars,
Scutt&Bowne. Toronto. Out. As she stood lingering there, t
' "Fire]" shouted ,a strong English
voice from without A withering vol•
ley crashed through the open windows.'
Full twenty of, the assailants fell, Dom
Miguel de Barmen among them. There.
was an instant of terrible silence, as
between the shocks of au earthquake.
"Now, come on!" shouted the same
voice, and Philip Horter rushed into
the ballroom, followed 'by his .scouts
a'nd a horde. 00 Brazilian regulars.; No
one not actually an eyewitness of that
thrilling specmcie would, believe that
a fight waged with such -determined
malevolence could stop so' suddenly
as did that tiny !u Las Flores: It
was true now as ever that men of a
mixed race cannot withstand the un-
foreseen. Dem Miguel fallen unci his
cohort decimated by the leaden stoma
that tore ID at them from au unex-
pected quarter, the fest lied without
another blow., They faced nindly for
their 110101s, ee trod that every tethered
group was In the bands of this uew
contingent, alien the dnrkness swat•
lowed them, Dom leignel'seeavatry
was dist-eluded.
At once the medley within died
down. Alen bad no words as yet t0
tweet this astounding development.
Dom Corrin taut t0 where Ins . rival
lay. Dorn Miguel was dyilig. HIS
eyes met De Sylva's 1u a strange look
of recognition. Cie tried to spotlit, but
choked and died.
Then the diving president stooped
over the dead one. fie eiurmul'ed
!Her eyes: were like the stars,
- In radiance, wondrous fair,
Salt Will �O "You're all the world to me,"
®Ghat She murmured, sweet and s;hy,
A thrill of ecstasy 1
Salt will revive adyi:ng fire. I fedi ather .rep]y.
Snit will remove stain,s', on mar Levo led us all the da 3',
ble. AS the turned home again,
Salt- coarse -is a (goof cleanser Our hearts were light and gay,
of neon, The world was 'blissful then,
Salt mixed with soda is a rem- Though shadow
the sky,edy, for bee stings. No glodln our hearts can know,
Salt in water or other fluids will True 'bliss] is ever nigh
retard the boiling. 1 When hearts are blended so.
Salt and water make an excellent 1 .
throat gargle. __
Salt and hot water will thaw a
drain pipe.0 r
frozenp1. i 0hildren]y
Salt will remove teat stains from
haunts will kill the pests. FOR FLETCHER'S
delicate china cups. ff
Salt spread lin black beetle i C , '� R l A
Salt added to snow makes the -
mixture ranch colder. !
Salt and water, warm, will stop
chilblalins a,nd itching,
Salt, thrown ons; 'fire, will ex- tinguish a burning chimney.
Salt and lukewarm 'water is an t I am more powerful than the
excellent lotion. for eyes. combined armies of the world.
Salt and warm water is an em j am more deadly than bullets,
,etie in cases of poisoning. and .have nvreeked snore homes
Salt mixed in colt? }eater will than the mightiest of,seigre guns.
remove 'bloodstains from linen. I steal in the United States alone
Salt sprinkled on a, range will over eal ill
each year.
absorb all grease splutterings.
Salt, wiu•med, and rubbed on a I spare no one, and find my
soiled light coat, will dean it. victims among the rich and poor
alike; the young and the old; the
strong and the 'weak; widows and
orphans know me.
Who Am I?
Need a Laxalive?
Don't take a violent purgative. Right
the sluggish condition with the safe,
vegetable remedy which has held pub-
Jic confidence for over sixty years.
Laogeat Silo of Any Medicine in the World.
Sold everywhere. In boxes, 25 coo..
B•3444«4.4•4+4.4.444.ig+ Le• .F
4+ r-
4+ '
* Unquestionably the most ideal
+ plan of sowing timothy stud ole '1•
A ver is to put in the nurse crap 4.
4. with a drill after properly pre. 4
+ paring the soil and at the some es
4• time using a grass serer, art44
tachmeni. When this plan is 1-
+. followed the grass seed will be .•
+ scattered between the grainrows ✓P
+ and the disk drill will cover the Is
4. seed sufficiently, but It will
not 4^
bury it deeply enough so that the
plants will never got tbrongh the
surface. There is some advan-
tage in having grass seed come 4'
up between the rows of grain, 4•
because iu that case the sol! from 1.
4• which the timothy and clover +
4+ draw their nonrishmert is not 4•
4+ so thoroughly dried out as it .
,. is in the immediate vicinity of 4+.
4< the rows of grain. 4+
4• In some cases the plan is fol- 3
4+ lowed of harrowing drilled grain 4•'
M at least once after sowing, the +
4' theory of this being to more com-
pletely distribute the grass seed 4!
+ and, furthermore, to uncover +
+ that part of it that may have 4,
+;. become embedded too deeply and 4+
4+ thereby insure a more uniform le
se growth. In any event, let it be 40 ,
understood that more mistakes 4(
are made in undercovering grass 4.
seed than in covering it too deep- 4(
4• ly. A. few days of warm weath- 411'
+A er in the spring will dry out the 4b
+ surface half inch of soil, and no +
4 plant can germinate in a dry seed
4+ bed. On general principles we 0
4. believe in getting it down where 41
the soil is moist, and moist long
enough so that there is plenty
of time to insure germination: +
Iowa Homestead.
I massacre thousands upon thou- 4+
sands 'of wage-earners in a year. +
0R ALL PARENTS3 lurk in unseenplaces, and do 4.
most of my work si1Lntiy You
are warned against me, but you
--- heed not.
Children Olio Seen] to Pine relentless. .I am every
w131ere;am fn the home, on the street-
Almay and' Ordinary in the factory, at railway cross,-
-Medicine „Wits Not
Help illeni
The health of children between
the ages of twelve alnd eighteen
years, particularly in the case of
girls, is la eour'e of serious
Worry to nearlyi every mother.
The growth and development
takes so much of their strength
that in many cases they actually
iseem to he going into a decline.
The appetite is fickle, brightness
gives way to depression, there
are headaches, fits, of dizziness,
palpitation of the heart at the
least exertion, .ana ,sometimes
fainting. The blood has become
thin and 'watery aud the sufferer
must have something that will
bring the blood back to its nor-
mal condition. At this stage no
other medicine ran equal Dr. Wil-,
Hams' Pink Pillts.' Their whole
snission is to make new, rich blood
which reaches every part of the
body, bringing back .health,
strength and energy. Miss Helena
Taylor, West Toronto, ,says, "Two
years ago I was so 'badly run
down with anaemia that some of
my friends did bot believe I could
get better. 1 could not go up-.
stairs without stopping to .'nest,
suffered from headaches, loss .1
appetite, and for two months of
the time was confined to the bcusc.
I•was under the care an. doctor,
but the medicine I tools did not
help me in the least. A friend ad-
vised my mother to give me Dr.
Williams' Pinlc. Pills, and although
I did not expect they would help
roe after the doctor's medicine
had failed, I thought they might
be worth trying. After taking
two boxes there was such a mark
ed, change for the 'better that peo-
ple asked me if I ;had changed
doctors, and! I readily told them
tate medicine that was helping rue.
I' continued taking. the pills until
I had used eight boxes, when my
health was fully eestorecf, and I
,heve since enjoyed the best of
health, I hope my experience may
be the means of convincing ,acme
sickly person that. Dr. Will Mins'
Pink Pills can restore them to
h rail th+"
'7'ou can get these pills through
any dealer in'med+icine, or by mail
post paid. at 50 cents a box or
six borete for $2.50 from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Ontario. •.
Famous "W hens"
hen firienzl' I'ett-'yeze borrow
his doh
!{sautes you that Sport's a
regi lever,'
You shoot a dw:dt, dead,
And he 0111d.S on his head
Tell friend that he died of a
ings and on the ?sea. • 4.
• I bring sicl,neos, degradat'i;on 4.
and death, and yet few seek to 4,
avoid me.
I destroy, crtieit ai17d main; I 4,
give nothing, 'but take all. ,p
I am your 'worst enemy.
Thousands of Men Required
Thousands: of men are required
to help in the great' work of har-'+
vesting the Western crop. The
task of transporting to the ;West
this g'rea't army of workers Will
fall to the tot of the Canadian
Pacific Railway. 1
Excursions from points in On-
tario to Manitoba. Saskatchewan,
and Alberta; will be run, and spe-
cial trains operated, making the
trip in about .thirty-six hours,
without change or transfer.
'°Going. Trip West," $12 to Win-
"Returning, trip East." $.18 from
Win nip eg,
Consult C. P. R. Agents regard-
ing transportation west ofWin-
nipeg. `
Going Dates
August lith and 3Lst-From Tor-
onto -,Sudbury Line and East, but
not including ,Smith's .Falls or
Renfrew, also from Main Line East
of Sudbury to, but not including
North Bay.
August 10th' and September Ind -
From (Toronto, also West and
South thereof.
(Further particulars from Cana-
dian Pacific Ticket Agents., or W,
B.'Howard, District Passenger
Agent, Toronto.
isees ee•e•e0•••ealtem•o••••
eb •
• --- •,
• New Era (readers going •
• out of town 'for holidays, O
• may wish to have their pa-
,. per sent to their eumrner • ,'
• address. Phone 30, and our a
le circulation department will e
• attend to it for you. Zt
,.- THE Now, ERA •
®eemi•se•••••cesee•e••• k
Bracing corner posts.
Whoever has had anything to do
with wire fencing knows he is up
against it constantly when he comes
to the corner posts. Try as hard as'.
one will, that corner post will sag and.
turn in in course of time. You can
brace it with rails ill the ground or
pile stones in at the front of the post,
yet when wet weather comes and
frosts pulls and tugs the post will
yield and gradually slacken up.
The accompanying sketch shows one
way of bracing these corner posts.
While stones have been used for brac-
raniug at the front and they give good
service, the use of two other larger
stones farther from the base and at-
tached by wire to the other posts ad-
jacent to the corner post will material-
ly assirtt in lightening the burdens the
corner post must bear. Further de-
scription of how this is done is not
necessmy, since the sketch shows this
very plainly -American Agriculturist.
Stop the waste of coal. The furnace we
put in your cellar saves a day's coal
every week.
It saves one ton in seven.
It is the Hecla' with patented Steel -
Ribbed Pire-Pot--a coal -saver, proved
in thousands of homes—a fire -pot that
is guaranteed for five years.
Installed under our guaranteed system
this economical heating is healthful, free
from gasand dust, and costs less than
other good Heating Systems.
Ask for plans and figures.
T. Hawkins, Clinton
Representatives of CLARE BROS. &CO.
Limited, Preston, Ont., Makers of the