The Clinton New Era, 1916-08-10, Page 3Thursday,
Thursdajr, August 10th, 1116
Fail Term troin Aug..28th
Commercial, Shorthand,
and ; Telegraphy
Our graduates are placed in peel.
tions, 110 3 months we received 210
applications for trained help, Write
ue at once for our treecatalogue,
D. A. McLachlan, Principal
Broilers ��o•
We are in the market for 2,000
Young Chickens, and 1,000 Young
Ducks per Week. The chickens to
weigh riot less than two pounds,
and the ducklings three pounds
each. Now is the time to take
advantage ;of the extraordinary
prices paid for live ipoultry.
Non-Fe?UikeNeWE Wtees
Now that the hot summer wea-
ther is approaching, we are in a
Position to pay a premium, Tor
Non -Fertile Eggs not over (four
days old. • r,
It will pay you to sell or kill
all the roosters after the breed-
ing 88000n is over.
111119-L9lnlnis & Go., LINO
Olin toil Branch Phone 190
1,AAbA.aA**eA6AAAAA fall
See and here our finest
New Stylish designs of
Doherty Pianos and
leeiat values in Art
Pianos and organs rent
ed. Choice new Edison
phonographs, Music &
variety goods.
Music Emporium
C. Ho
Steel Shingles
Felt Roofing
and Slate
Plumbing and
Furnace Work
Call or Phone for Prices
Estimates cheerfully
Repairs Done Promptly
Byam & Sutter
Sanitary. Plumbers
Phone 7.
Muskoka Lakes Lake ot Bays
Georgian Bay .Algonquin Park
French River I€awartla Lakes
Maganetawan River,
Temagami, etc.'
' Round Trip Tourist Tickets now on
sale from certain: stations in Ontario
at very low rates, with liberal
stop overs.
Leave Toronto 12.01 p m, daily.exoept
Sunday, and 205 daily. for Mus.
koka Wharf. Connections are made
at Muskoka: W turf for Muskoka Lakes.
Leave Toronto 10.15 a.m. daily except
Sunday, and 2.05 a tn. daily for Hunts.
vide, for points on Lake of J3aya.
Equipment the Finest,
'Further particulars on applica-
tion to Grand' Trunk Agitate.
John Raneford & Son, city paeten-
ger and Ticket Agents, phone 37
A.O. Pattison, station agent
W. BitYl)ttiSE
PiJI3L10, ET()
Oonneyance, Notary Public,
Commissioner, etc.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
13uron St., Clinton.
H. T, R_A N C E
Notary Public, Conveyancer,''
Financial and Real Estate.
INSURANCE AGENT -Representing 19 Fire In
surence Companies,.
Division Court Officer
Piano TurnnP,
is to ID
e o wt
Mr. James her
y hes
form the public that he is pre-
pared to do fine piano tuning,
tone regulating, and repairing.
Orders left at W, Doherty's phone
61, will receive prompt attention.
M. G. Cameron, K.C.
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc
P.e occupied
Office onAlbert Street, o 1
Mr. Hooper., In Clinton on every
Thursday, and on any day for whicb
appointments are mode, Cffice hours
from 9 a.m. to 6 p m. A. good vault in
connection with the office. Office open
every week day, Mr. Hooper will make
any oppointments for Mr. Cameron.
Physician. Surgeon. Eto
seeclal31tenti0n' given to diseases of the
Eye. Ear, Throat, and Nose,
Eyes ' a, gully samined, and suitable glasses
Office and Residence.
Two 8,1010 W030 or the Commercial Rot.
Buren St,
DVS. GINI% and CA tllI7It
Dr, W. Gann, LE. C. P., L. B. C. S.. telt
Dr, Conn's office at residence High Street
Dr. J, C. Bendier. B.A.,
Oaiee-Ontarlo Street, Clinton,
Night oaks at residence, Rattenbur, Si
or athosnita1
VR. 3,' R. AXON
Crown and fridge Work n Specialty,
Graduate ot C,C,D.S..a Chicago. aid 0,0.13,8
aaytleld on Mondays, May 1st to 10
Offices over O'NEIL'Paetore.
Special care taken to make dental treat
meat es painless as ooa4ibie.
Live stock and general Auction me
S•armetosa sales 8 eneoml11, O0dees d e
Nino FnA ol3ce, Clinton, prom•ti3 octane,
to. Terme reasonable, Farmers' rel,, note
Drs. Geo di M. E. Whitley
Osteopathic Phy.
Specialists in Women's and
Childrem's Dieeaaee
Acute, Chronic, and Nervous
Diem' dere
Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat.
Office-Rattonbury 'Hotel.
Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m,
G. D. McTaggart M. D. McTaggar
eTagqart"t ,rosi.
General Banking Business
Drafts leaned. Interest allowed n
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance eo.
Perm and Isolated Town Freya
erty Only insured.
Bead Office—Seaforth, Ont
J. Connolly, Goderich, President
Jas Evans, Beechwood, Vice -Pres,
Thos. E. }lays, Seaforth, Sec; Treae
Directors -D. .P'. McGreggor, Bea -
forth; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop' W.
Rhin, Seaforth; John Benneweis,
Dublin ; J. Evans, Beedhwood; M.
McEwen, Clinton ; J, B. McLean,
Seaforth J. ,Connolly, Goderich:
Rout >Ferris, 'Harlock; Geo. . Mc-
Cartney, Tuckeremith
Agents• -cd. Hinchley, Seaforth;
W. Chesney, Eggmondville; J, W.
Yeo. Holmesville; Alex. Leitch,
Clinton; R. S. Jarmuth. 'Brodhagen'
Pa ments made at Morrish &
Co Minton, and Cutt's grocery
store Goderich and Jas. Heide
store Bayi'ield.
A Carload of Canada
Porliand Cement
Phone us tor prices
It will pay you
John Hutton
We're now seiling Timothy Seed'
(Government S;tandara.t.
We also have on hand, Alfalfa,
Alsike,, and Red Clover.
We always have on' hand -'loose
Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn
i3- ]ghost Man0 ,all! arket Pricesampaid for Ray
Letter retia of sono -rocked -for Presertplfon,
,Dear Mr. Editor -4 suffered form
lame batik and a constant tired,
worn-out feeling. At times 'I was
unable to stand erect and scarcely
able to get around. It. would usually
come on at first with crick in small
of my back. I took one box of Dr.
Pierce'" Anuric Tablets and my back
commenced to get better soon after
starting to take them. I did not
i0 walk doubled over, as I did
before using the "Anuric." It is the
best remedy I have, ever taken for
what it is intended to relieve.
1 hope those etiho' are in need of
such a remedy will give the "Anuria
Ta'bfete" a trial.
(Signed) A. G. Mediae.
NOTE : Up to this time, "Anuric"
has not been on sale to the public, but
by the persuasion of many patients and
the increased demand for this wonder-
ful healing tablet, Doctor Pierce has
fipally decided to put it into the drug
stores of this country within immedi-
ate reach of all sufferers.
Simply ask for Doctor Pierce's Anuric
Tablets. There r can b b e no imitation.
Every package of "Anuric" is Gists to
be Doctor Pierce's. You will find the
signature' on the package just as you
do on Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip-
tion, the ever -famous friend to ailing
women, and Dr. Pierce's Golden Med-
ical Discovery, proven by yeare to be
the greatest general tonic, Send 10
gents to Dr. V, M. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.,
for large trial package.
At any rate don't give up hope of
being cured of your malady until just
a few doses of "Anuric" have proven
that it will make you feel like a
different person.
Enrroa-Please .insert this letter in
some conspicuous place in your paper.
• •
Huron County News
• •
Miss Ida Hogg, daughter of .Mr. and
Mrs, W. S. Hoeg, of MCKilia1i, who
captured the county scholarship, is a
student of excellent promise. This
young lady. is jnst 12 years of age.
Children Cry
During the electrical storm nn Wed
nesday of last week a bolt of lightning
struck Mr. 11, Sbaefer's house on the
431i con., Howick, demolishing one
chimney and causing considerable
damage to the interior of the house.
The little seven year old son of Mr,
Jno. Goy, Turnberi'y, had his leg badly
lacerated by a dog, last Friday ever'
Children Cry
The Exeter Canning and Preserving
Company commenced operations on
Monday, and among the many excel!
ant and up•to•date machines they have
in operation is the noteworthy Premi
er silo filling or'' fit, made by the Con
nor Machine Company of town. This
machine is cutting the pea straw and
Hitting the large new silo built by the
company this spring ata cost of 31000,
it being 20 feet in diameter and over 511
feet Melt, The work of elevating so
high looks like a stir proposition but
the 7 horsepower Premier Engine,
which the Canning Company employs
seems to have an easy title.
Mrs, F. G. Sperling, of Wingham,
has sold her beautiful house on Minnie
street to Rey, J. F. Dingman, pastor
of the Baptist Church, who will get
possession semi,
Had Weak ack
and Kidneys.
When the back becomes weak and
starts to ache and pain it is a sure sign
that the kidneys are not performing their
functions properly.
On the first sign of backache Doan's
Kidney Pills should be taken and serious
kidney troubles prevented.
Mr. Francis McInnes, Woodbine, N.S.,
writes: "I deem it my duty to id you
know the wonderful results I have re.
ceived from the use of Doan's Kidney
Pills, For a long time I had been suf-
fering from weak back and kidneys. I
used to suffer the most at night, and some
times could hardly move in bed with the
pain. I could do no hard labor on
account of my back, A friend advised'`
me to give Doan's Kidney Pills a trial,
and I am glad I did for the pain in my
kidneys is gone; my back is strong, and
I can perform any hard labor and get,
my good night's sleep. I only used three
boxes of the pills."
Doan's Kidney Pills are 50 cents per
box, or 3 boxes for $1.25; at all dealers, or
mailed direct on receipof price by Tho
T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
When ordering direct specify"Doau'It.'1
Better Pay
The Price
Don't be tempted to choose cheap
jewelery. Far better to pay a fair
price and know exactly what you
are getting, •
Yon will never be sorry -for as a
matter of money, it is easily the
most economical.
That has been said so often that
everybody by this time should
know it -and vet there is no
scarcity of cheap jewelry in the
Now to get personal --If you would
like to miss chat sortlaltogether-'
If you would like to buy where
nothing but high qualities are
dealt in -COME WERE
And even at fhat, no Hereon ever
said our prices were unfair
Edison. Records and
W.R. counter
Jeweler and Optician;
Issuer of Marriage License -s
The -Stowaway
wrist back to a house.
hold that paid scant Beed to her'
screaming, Dom Cor•r•ia was
there,• bareheaded; his gorgeous
uniform sword slashed and blood be
sloa11eroll, General, Russo, too, was
beating _.Ins.capacious ['nest' and SEOUL -
"Cod's bones! Let us make rt -fight
A sprinkling of soldiers, all die..
mounted cavalry or gunners, a few
disheveled' officers, had necompauled
De Sylva In his dight. With reckless
bieivery he and 1tuseo had -tried to
rally the troops camped at.headquar
tors. It was a Hopeless effort. half
breeds can never produce a milliary
caste. They may -fight valiantly In
the line of battle -they b
y will not Mee
the unknown, the territlle, the harpies
,that come at night, borne on the bur -
define wings of panic. Unhappily
De Sylva hod his bodyguard were the
messengers of their own disaster, The
cowardly genius at Pesqueira bud
planned o surprise, He would not lead
It, or course, but In Dom Miguel Bar
raca he found an eager substitute. It
was a coup of the Napoleonic order.
An.Infantry attack along the entire
front ot the Liberationist position
cloaked the launching against the cen-
ter at n 'formidable body of cavalry.
The project was to 'thrust this lance
into the rebel position, probe It thor-
oughly,. -ns a surgeon explores a gun-
shot wound, and extract the offender
In the guise of Dom Correa,
The scheme had proved eminently
successful. 'rhe Liberationists were
crumpled up, and here was Dom Cor-
rin making his last stand.
Ile deserved better luck, for he was
magnificent in failure. Calm as ever,
the tried to be shot or captured when
the reserves in camp failed him. Rus-
so and the rest dragged him onward
by main force.
"They want me only," he urged.
aMy death will eod a useless struggle.
1 shall die a little later, when mauy
more of my friends are killed. Why
not die now?"
; They would not listen.
f. "It is night!" they cried. "Tbe en-
emy's horses are spent. A determined
-stand may give us another chance."
But It was a forlorn hope. As San
Benavides lurched into the 90100 the
horses of the first pursuing detach-
ment strained up the slope between
the house and encampment,
Carmela, all her lire gone, the pallid
guest of the vengeful woman who
would bare shattered her lover's skull
were the revolver loaded, was the first
to see bim. She actually crouched iu
terror. Her tongue was parched. If
5)le uttered some low cry none heard
Dom Corrin, striving to dispose his
(meager garrison as best be could, met
bis trusted lieutenant. His face la
witu joy.
t'A0, my poor Salvador!" Ile cried.
"I thought we bad lost you at the
• No," said San Benavides. "1 MD
Even in his dire extremity De Sylva
"Would that others bad ran like you,
my Salvador!" he stud. "`!`hen we
'should have been In Pernambuco to -
The Brazilian looked around. Ills
eye dwelt beedlessly or' the cowering
Carmela. Ile was searching for Iris,
who had been compelled by Coke and
'Bulmer and tier uncle to take shelter
behind the score of sailors who still
remained at Las !times.
"It is true nevertheless," be said In-
conlcally. "i knew the game was lost,
so 1 cisme here to try to save a lady."
"Ali -our Carmela? You thought of
I Then the spell passed from Carmela.
She literally threw herself on tldi•
"Yes, it is true!" ebe shrieked. "He
came to save me, but ( preferred to
die here -with you, father, and with
Dom Corrla did not understand these
(fireworks, but be had no time for
thought. Bullets were crosb}ngthrough
the closed venetians. Light they must
have or the defense would become an
orgy of self destruction, yet tight was
their most dangerous foe when men
were shooting from the somber depths
'of the trees.
1 The assailants were steadily closing
around the house. ,"Their rifles covered
every door and window: Each minute
brought up fresb bands in tens and
twenties. At last Barraca himself ar-
rived. Some members ofhis staff
made a hasty survey of the situation.
There were some 300 men available,
and in all probability Dom Corrfa could
!not muster one-sixth of that number.
lit was a crisis that called' for vigor.
'The cavalry lance was twenty miles
'from its base, and there was no know
Ing what accident might reunite the
!scattered Liberationists. Oho column
at least 6.3 the Nationalists had failed
to (keep its rendezvous or tele last des-
.perate stand at Las Flores wontd have
proved a sheer in)palsihility.
So the house lutist be rushed, no
matter what the cost. This was a war
of lender's. Let Dom Coatis full and
,his most enthusiastic snppor'teis world
, nay Coen Miguel's taxes R•ithoilt fun'.
cher parley, A scheme ot concerted
, 11 )ten witshastily arr,uiged, tiinlul•
tit neauvly five ii«d:act,Wents swarwcd
atm met the reoseu 1)011118 of assault
One oro19ed the pace to the me'r'it
iuntber 11700 ter the stable et)n•nnee.
a third 'litnelttd the garden door, a'
rearlh }ISSN lIrd servants' quarters,
and rile fifth, strongest of rill and in.
'1,Ired by Doul 31i50ers presence, hat
iris.' in the shutters and tore away.
;,tie pea up furniture of the ballroom,'
rile eintion>tilst lenders final order
i lia1' >r )nP:
I ib1'g the women;; shoot every reb
Lesson VII.—Third Quarter, For
Aug. 13, 1916.
Text of the Leeson, I1 Cor. IX-
Mem-ory Verses, 10, 11 -Golden Text, Acte
20 -35 -Commentary Prepared by Rev
D. M. Stearns:
'The topic of this lesson is "The Grace
of Giving" and covers chapter viii, as
well as our lesson chapter, but we.can
not refrain from a glance at the whole
epistle even though we shall have an
other study in it in a few weeks. Sec-
ond epistles are apt to have special
reference to things future, and this on
Is no exception. Noticetheresurrec•
tion, and the glory, and the things un-
seen and eternal of chapter iv. 14.18.
The beast of the lesson 'is to me the
1s r
last verse of our chapter, "l'hauis be
unto God for His unspeakable gilt"
(ix, 15), or as WW'eymoatb has 1t, .Elis
unspeakably precious gift." '1'be wore}
"unspeakable" is used only three times
-here and chapter sit, 4; and i Pet.
I, 8. In each place it 15 a different
Greek word, and used only this ouee.
if such a gift from such a God does
not constrain ue to be all that He
would like us to be and du all that he
would like us to do it is only !mother
evidence of our blindness and hardness
of heart, This letter Is from Paul and
Timothy and has a good deal In it con.
cerning sufrering and deliverance ail
comfort, but Specially concerning com
fort, as in i, 3, 4; 11, 7; vii, 4, 6, 7. 13:
xiii, 11.
The great adversary is mentioned as
Satan. the God of this world, the sea
pent (}f, 11; iv, 4; xi, 3). We are taken
back to the first recorded words of God
in the Bible, "Let there be light" and
are taught to find there a foreshadow-
ing of the light that shines into our
souls when we are born again by re-
ceiving His word (iv, 6), Such love
and grace as were seen lu the Lord .le.
sus Christ becoming poor for us that
we might share Ills riches constrain•
ed these people first to give their own
selves to the Lord and then, in great
affliction and deep poverty, prove the
sincerity of their love by unusual lib-
erality (chapters b, 14; viii, 1-0). They
were so enriched spiritually in every-
thin; -in faith, In utterance, in knowl-
edge, in diligence, in love -that they
abounded in giving to others, so that
Paul wrote them that it was superdu-
our for him to say anything to them
concerning ministering to the saints
(I Cor. 1, 4, 5; II Cor. viii, 7; ix, 1, 11,
12). Etc euconraged them by saying
that' their zeal had provoked many to
do likewise, end now he trusted that
they would be on time with their gifts,
so that his boasting might not seem In
vain (ix, 2-5). There had been the read-
iness to do a full year ago, and now it
only remained for them to perform the
doing of it.
No one was to be burdened, anti there
was to be no anxious lougiug to do
more than they were able, but all must
remember that a willing mind was ev-
erything, and God only expected them
to do that which He gave them the
ability to do (chapter viii, 10-12). Many
waste time and breath talklug of what
they would do if they could, or if they
had the time and money which Some
one, else has, but t um constantly
thankful that we rue only responsible
for the use of what God gives us ei-
ther of time, or money, or talents, or
ability of any kind.
All our service must be from the
heart, unto the Lord and cheerfully
willing, for God loveth a cheerful or
hilarious giver. (verse 7). God gives
so bountifully, first His beloved Son
and then with film freely all things
(John lei, 16; Rom. viii, 32). Brit our
giving is not always on those lines,
and We need to remember verse 6,
with Prov. 01, 24: "He who soweth
sparingly sball reap also sparingly, and
he who soweth bountifully shall reap
also bountifully;" "There is that scat•^
tereth and yet increaseth, and there is
that witbholdeth more than is meat,
but it tendeth to poverty." When the
tabernacle of Moses was built the peo-
ple gave so willingly that they had to
be restrained from bringing, and the
same spirit was manifest on the part
Of David and hie people in the matter
of gifts for the temple (Ex. aril, 21,
29; xxsvi, 5-7; I aim. zxis, 1.9, 17).
Ever since 1884.I have found pleas-
ure•and profit in' giving to the Lord
at least one-tenth of all that 1:Ie sends
Jme as an egidelice that I recognize that
all is His, and I have found much
blessing in doing this and earnestly
commend the plan to others. It is not
Jewish, for it is pt least as 01d as the
tithe of Abraham. Neither Is there
any bondage in it, but the most per-
fect freedom. I have associated in
my mind viii, 9, and ix, 8, of these two
chapters (tbe figures are easily re-
membered) and rejoice in the grace of.
,Him who became poor that we might
be rich and who is able to make all
grace abound toward us, that We, have
Ing such all sufficiency, may abound to
every good work. I have seen such
cheerful giving on the part of my own
congregation of less than 200 people,
resulting in'as much as $10,000 a year
for missions, that I desire the same
blessing for others See my tract "Se,'
cret of Missionary Intere ." .Box 216",
Harrisburg, Pit. And note that all
chis giving of $50,000 a year from my
church and Bible classes is wholly on
premiliennial' lines, according to I Cor.
I, 7; iv, 5;. xi, 26; xv, -50-52; xvl, 22;
II Cor. iv, 14, 17; 3, 10, the coming of
Cbrist for FIi,0 saints and then, with
us to set up Hie kingdom being the
Inspiration to let Him use us to the ta-
mest to Piro,aiL
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
' Nv as
The liroprietaryor intent MeilicineAct
Aller table Preparallel) rotas
stm)tatinglhels 3711(1300584
i; Il, C 1lCCtlal
Op11uat0(crl)llinc fi'wrNiucral.;
v'r venPUldLIMta:107RE R
f'brmlrn Seed-
Rash%! JMh
Ams" J, t
lax ,freJ-
c7m, li.'d,fagr,,r.
laoTerat or.
Aperfrcl Remedy forConslipa• j
lion, SourSlomath,1iarrhaca, • it
Wornte,Conet ]sinus,Feverish•
ness and Loss Or SLO,i&P.
racS,�iim{Iile Sigilrtreof
The C011AU11 '.".?ANL'.
MON'teartelitalf :'OR}t
For Infants and Childreen.
Know That
Bears the
� �. �T'e
Fg 5varr
lids a,y, liltutludiii
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
TI, C Et,1rAUe CC A GAY' vC„K C,Y�•.
• •
Town and Country
• •
Exeter's Civic holiday is on Monday
Aug. 7th.
A quiet wedding wee solemnized at
the hLme of Mr. G. R. Bedford, Huron
Street Exeter, on Thursday, July 20th,
at 9 a.m, when his second daughter,
Bernice ernice, was united in marri
age to Gordon Clifford Heywood of.
Mr, Robert Marshall, of East Wawa
nosh, who, with lits wife, bad a few
-weeks previous, gone to Lanark Go,
to visit relatives and amid the scenes
of early days recuperate the health of
Mrs, Marshall which had not been good
for some months. She was rapidly re
gaining strength wben, without warn
ing, Mr, Marshall was striken with a
cute indigestion and succumbed after
one day's illness,
The Goderich Bowling Oluh is ar
ranging for lights for evening play for
the remainder of the season.
J. P. and Mrs, Barrows, Walton, an
nonnced the marriage of (heir laugh
ter, Mabel ', ictor;a, to Thomas Henry
,Jackson, of Wiwi, Rill, Sask., Satur
Say, Iuly 20th, 1916. at the hone of
her sister, Mrs G W. Jackson, Pleas
ant Vale Farm, Wiwa Hifi, Sask.
A pretty wedding was solemnized at
high noon, on Saturday, July 22nd, at
the home of Jno, and Mrs. Watson,
Mota'is;tTownsbip, when their third
daughter, Florence Ethel, became the
bride of Melville Williams, SVinghsin,
Grey' Township Voters' Li,t for 1010
was first posted up Wednesday of last
week, There are 1068 names on the
livt, sub divided as follows: -Part I.
801; Part II, 243; Part III, 24. Persons
qualified to serve its jurors 475.
An old resident of Morrie township,
in the person of Thos. Garniss, 3rd line
had the misfortune to fall and brake
his right hip, He is now at the home
of bis son iu law, Fred Brewer, where
he is being sell cared for. Mr. Garniss
is about
85 years of age hence is not
very welt able to combat, such an ac
cident but is good stuff,
New hay is selling at $7 a ton at
Ebmuud Brewer, Brussels, bas our
chased the 60 acre farm adjoining Brus
sets on the Smith. from George Robb,
of St. Catharines and gets pnasesslon
next Spring.The present tenant is
Irl Griffith. +_ M
Last, Sunday afternoon Douglas
Currie, son of Andrew Currie. of Brus
sets fell off the mill date, a distance of
14 feet and injured one of his legs
quite seriously.
about your digestive
troubles, sick headache,'
tired feeling or constipation.
The depression that induces
worry is probably due to a
disordered liver, anyway.
Correct stomach ailments
at once by promptly taking
They aid digestion', regulate
the bile, gently stimulate
the liver, purify the blood
and clear the bowels of all
waste matter. Safe, sure,
speedy. Acting both as a
gentle laxative and a tonics
Beecham's Pills help to
Right The
Ler e.t Sole of Any Medicine in the World.,
add everywhere. 10 boxes, 25 cents.
Save looney when you put in your fur-
nace—but not too much, It takes a
mood furnace to turn coal into heat—a
good furnace well installed.
The heating system for every wise matt
is the one that saves money for him
every winter. On that basis the Hecla
is by far the lowest in cost.
We will plan such a system for you and
furnish estimates free,
Thos. Hawkins, Tinton
Representatives of CLARE BROS.&CO.
Limited, Preston, Ont., Makers of the