HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-08-10, Page 2PAGE TWO. EDITORIAL, Millinery Read 6o.Wear Garments. Phone 78 onch &Co. Dry Goods and House Fur matings Big spo.04.s...... for July and August aineliallaltatalearatal SPECIAL 1%O. 1 Dresses �. 8 Embroider9 Ladies Y I dozen only Ladies Embroidery Presses, slightly soiled, white and colored, sizes 16, 18, 34 and 36 only, values up to $9,00, your choice 2.98 SPECIAL NO. 2 • House Dresses 98c dozen Ladies House Dresses, extra 1 good quality print, .fast colors, small sizes 34. 36 and 38, values up to 1.75 for 98C SPECIAL No. 3 Muslins IIc 25o yards of Muslins and Chambreys good assortment of colors. values up to 25c, your choice 11e yard SPECIAL NO. 4 Hosiery 34c 5 doz Ladies Fancy Lace Hose, good lisle threat. colors guaranteed. black, white, tan, pink, blue and rose regular 50c for 34c pair 5 doz Ladies Fancy Hose, fast colors. black and tan only, regular 4oc for 19e pair SPECIAL NO. 5 Millinery 1.49 1 dozen Ladies Trimmed Hats, values up to 5.00 for 1.49 1 dozen Odd Waists, sizes 34 and 36, regular 2.00 sale price 69c '!a CLINTON NSW HEI. `- Thursday, Augur! 10th, 1916 411 It is all right to 'be on the Water wagon, but a, more Inviting "sit' just now ia, on the ice Amgen. -. Which would you, rather do or s o go fishing?, Most'of us these - t r mid days, if given the chance, would elect to go` fishing. --••-- I Despite an adverse majority at like e fsome hi election o g the last 3600, the Liberals have decided to put a can citable in the field to contest Southivest Toronto in the approaching. • !bye -election..: They hotel property and !business tax the seat, but they can .at least cut may not be successful in carrying to build up awinning peaty is to put up afight whenever an oppor- tunity is afforded. ' ' The Smiths Va11e News, one• of the staunchest Conservative news- papers of the province, sees defeat• ahead for the Borden Government if Major-General Sir Sam Hughes does pot change itis\ ways .or give up .the portfolio which he holds. News is owned 'by that well known military man, Colonel Baldersan, who is in etc position to see the mischief Sir Sam is doing Con- servatism by his thigh-hnan(ted actions as Minister of Militia and Defence, • All Indications point in Western Canada to Dominion general elect- ions. Party newspapers are brim- ming with boosting editorials in the interests of the respective fact- ions. Western ministers and lead- ers, have been unus4.taliy :active, and organization meetings in Win - p g have just been:hield, .l which 401. Personal Notes lY those !saving relatives or friend 44. .1;, visiting in town or going away k we a he toot snob wee nous n .oY t pl. wonid annonnae iti in the NwW �as� V/++44+4444444 +++ Rev. Mr. M illyard, of Listowel, was the guest of Rev. Mr, Agnew this week. ell i s the u est of Mitchell, Miss Baker, g of. Miss Sybil Courtice Tuesday's London Adver tiser:Joseph Routledge of Montreal, formerly a member of the editorial staff of The Loudon Advertiser, was in London ' 'ln with his par- ents vda after visit y e g atClinton. Mrs. J. Bailey, of Stratford; is visit- ing friends in and around Clinton. Mr. and. Mrs. John M. Wilson, Sea forth, Ont., announce the engagement et' their daughter, Lillian Isabel, to, Mr, 'IrvingSutherland of Owen Sound, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Janes Sutherland' , ontoaSudbury Line and 'East but Thousands of Men Required , not including oSmith's Falls or l Thousands) of men are required to help in the great work of harry vesting, the Western crop. The , :task of transporting to the ;Westj this great army of workers will I fall to the pot of the Canadian Pacific Railway. 1 Excursiong from points in On- tario to Manitoba. Saskatchewan, and Alberta will be run, and spe- cial trains operated, making the trip in about thirty-six hours, -Without change or transfer. "Going. ,Trip, West," $12 to Win- nipeg. "Returning, trip East" $18 from Winnipeg, Consult C.P. R, Agents regard- ing! transportation west of 'Win- nipeg. Going Dates ' August 17th and 31st -(From Tor - Renfrew, also. from Main Line East of Sudbury to, but not including North. Bay. .August 19th' and September 2nd - From ;Toronto, also West and South thereof. !Further particulars from .Cana- dian Pacific Ticket Agents, or W. B,'Howard, District Paaeenger Agent, Toronto. hand of felilowship. b u 1 The annual S, S picnic was held on Monday when a very enjoyable time was spent (by all. I Prayer meetingon Wednesday ),veiling, ns tit. .al. Everybody welcome„ The awn socialheld on the T o L church 'lawn last Thursday even - ling; was a success in every way. Service as usual next Sunday. Mr. Eastman will preach morning and evening. i of Bognor, the marriage td take place the latter part of August. Mrs. Weatherwax, of Orillia, is the guest of her father, Mr'. D. A. Dante. ion. Mr, Harry Bartliff was in London on Wednesday. Miss Nettie Brown, of Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. 3, Leslie Kerr. Miss Olive •Floody, of Toronto, is cousin,ily ss Mublea couple �Cante1cu. with her •Mrs, Le Fortune and children of Simcoe, returned home to day after spending a Topple of weeks with her sister, Mrs. G. Edward hall. • oe•••o• 0000 ••• Local News •••••••••••••••••••••••••y• lNTOWN, RESIDE WILL of Mrs. E. Tervis., and children Weyburn, Seek., will make their. home in Clinton, for the time be- ing and •have'rented the house re- cently vacated 'byMr. E;E4,'Sunn:- feed on. Isaac !street, BAPTIST. PICNIC. The annual congregational Band ,Sunday School pica o' of the Baptist church was: held on Civic holiday to Bayfield. .An ,enjoyable tome was spent by alis who took in the day at the 'summer resort. GODERICH SOLDIER. GETS SECOND WOUND. James McVicar of Goderich re- ceived word that 'his son, Pte. J. McVicar received a bayonet wound in the arm on July 21st. This is the second wound for Private Mc- Vicar, -. Miss Mary Cornislt, of Dorchester, and Miss Lure Weir, of Lambeth, etre guests at. Miss 'Ida Coreish.tbis week. Announcement is made of the wedd- ing of Miss Alberta Delight Hobbs, daughter of the late Rev. Richard Robbs, to Mr. Kenneth Gordon, the happy event taking place on Angus!• 4th, at her mothers residence, 20 Mem- eller. ave., Toronto. The late Rev. Mr. Hobbs had occupied many important Methe filist endsh f SeS hisiif: mily rare owide spread. • nr e fiery speeches were made calling Badly In!oredon the "faithful'' to gird up 'theirB loins. The making of new voters' • fists in the cities of Manitoba will -begin neat 'week. Hon. Robert Rogers has been very active all month in the city. of • Winnipeg and announces that Sir Robert Borden bas postponed, afrip to England, and with. 'Hon. Thomas White will tour the West Ibis fall, Wagers are freely! offered that a Dominion campaign will follow the West's 'big harvest. ••••••••••••••0••••••••••• • • • GOING ON HOLIDAYS • • • • New Era treaders going •. • out of town for holidays, • • may wish to have their pa- • ,• per Gent to their :summer • • address. Phone 30, and our • • circulation department will. • • attend to it foyou. mow w ERA • ee60.0•e•••••seesse•eo•••• .uaanwmaamwr� •eeeeeeeea ••0.0.90•• A • • • • • • • • • • •• • • •••• P1?3R We make these only from Genuine 'Vegeta'ble Parchment We carry in stock a line printed with the words Choice Dairy Butter for immediate delivery. They are sold at the • following prices: • w 1000 Sheets $:).25 50o Sheets - 1.50 0 250 Sheets .75 • loo Sheets •35 • illb • Wrappers specially printed from your own e copy, we can supply them at the following a e prices— O 0 5,00 $2,00 0 • 1 325 ®, • 2to4M 2.75perM • SM 2.5operM 0 to MVI., 2.25 per D2 0:0 0 The Nera o 0 s % g 0 .'0 '9 0 000 CLINTON0 0 e 0 ♦••••••••Si!•••••••eosese04." dyeeeeeteoemoseeineeseseens 0 • • ft • 0 0 • • • • •• i" • • 0 C'II1U1lier Complaint% Intl Little Ones At the first 'sign of illness dur- ing the hot 'weather give the lit= tle ones Baby's' Own Tablets, or in a feet hours be may be beyond cure, These pills{ will prevent summer complaints if given.oc- willoprl the cure theselid and t'oubles will promptly if .they some on suddenly. Baby's Own Tablets should always be kept in every home where there are young, children There is no other medicine as good, lend the mother has the ,guarantee of a government analyst that htey are absolutely safe. The Tablets are sold by medicine 'sealers for by mail et 65c a box from the Dr. Williams' Medicine 'Co., 13roek- ville, Ont. 1160.0101106100111$000000.0.011100 SMen and Events. soosoo••m••••m000000••••9• • • ••• • q. • • 0 •• 0 • • • 1 Word was received ;here on Monday by Mr. E. Blacker that his mother ,hod been badly in- lured by a cyclone which des., troyed their :house near Keppel, Sask., and that !site was not ex- pected xpetted to live. 1 Word was received on Tuesday that Mrs. Blacker :was getting better. She resides with her :son, Mr. R, J, Blacker. Saxon for Sale. Saxon Roadster for sale. In good condition. Apply C. N. CONNER Assignee's `ale. of valuable Rend Estate,Standard Bred, Registered and Grade Horses, Farm Stock, Imple- meats and Chattels. The undersiereed Assignee of the Estate of Napoleon A. Cantin, Insolvent, will offer for :sale by public auction at St Joseph Stock Farm, St. Joseph. Ont on Wednes- day, the 23rd day of August, 1916, at 2 p.m. HORSES -7 standard bred and registered mares andentire horses including •"Emperor McKinney' said to be one; of the most prom- ising stallions in Canada; 2 light road horses; 1 chestnut colt; 8 Young draft mares; 1 grade 'Per- cheron colt. 1 year 010; and 7 good useful farm horses and mares. CHATTELS -1 Binder; 1 Mower; 1 Cultivator; Wagons; 1Harness; Sleighs ; 1 White Steamer automo- bile, and various other chattels, for particulars of which( see pos- ters. 1 REAL ESTATE -Parts of lots 9, 10 and 11 L.B.E., and parts of lots 9, 10, 11 and 12 L.R.W , To(wnship of HaY+County of TERMS OF SALE REAL ESTATE -10 per cent. on day of sale, balance in 30 days without interest. 'HORSES -Standard bred horses and colts, cash. On the remainder of the chattel property, four 'months' credit on furnishing ap- proved joint notes. A discount for cash( will :be a,1i.owed on credit amounts. Dated at Goderich this let day of August, 1916 Proudfoot, Killoran & Cooke, Assignee's Solicitor Thos. Gundry, Assignee, WESTiERN FAIR WANTS THE K1LTIF BAND. The management of the West- ern rFair, London, asks the Kiltie Bend to submit terms for Thurs.-- day, hurs.-day, August 14th, to play at the S'ai". The Beni will submit their :prices right away. ARE AT EXETER. : Capt, Dowding's trophy winners of Serif oath tourney are attending the Exeter Bowling tourney this week. W, J. Nediger also 'took down a rink composed of r.Pen- nebaker, C. Libby, and E,Carla: 1on but they went out 1, 2, 3. Dowd- ing's rink lost in the trophy, but at the close of the play on Wed- nesday had won the third game in the as80eia,tion WILL USE BUILDING &OR OFFICE. • c The frame building used' for a 'garage next Mr. Josh. Corac',s, re- sidence on Ontario :street, is be- ing removed and :iVlr, A. J 'Hollo- way will use 'it for hfsl ,coal of- fice at his scales at G. T.R. Mr, Wm. Wheatley Inas the contract of Moving building. t3EV. R. C. McD(E'RMIT) IS Reaching For a Strap "Bobby," said the lady in the car, severely, "why don't you get up and give your seat to Jour father? Doesn't it pain you oto see him reaching for the strap?" "Not in a car," said Bobby. "It does at home." SIR JAMES AIKt11NS, ex -M, P., of Winnipeg, - 'Ihas been appointed Lieutenant -+governor pf the trovinee oQ' xanito132, succeed- ing ;Sir Douglas Cameron, :whose term o f office expired last week. KEEP THE BOWELS .REOU,LAB AND AVOID CO,NST1PA iQPr•. 1 1 lir i .. 1 :- When the bowels are not kept regular sthey become clogged up with waste, and • poisonous matter, causing constipation, • biliousness, sick headaches, piles,, and all kinds of liver troubles, a,a She: "Rave You ever been wounded in an engagement?" Fie: "Oh, yea When my fiance broke off our last one; I Was fearfully cut up." Milburn's LaxaLiver Pills will regtl- late the bowels so that you may have a free and easy motion every day. One pill every night for thirty days will cure the worst cases of constipation. , Mr. John J. Smith, Elginburg, Ont., writes: "I lead been troubled for a great while with constipation, and tried many different remedies which did me no good. I happened to try Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills, and I have found thein most bene- ficial." Milburn's 'Latta -Liver Pills are 25 cents per vial, or ,Ove vials Thr $1.00; for sale at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, 9 I'ut, " ._ . CALLED TO GODRRIC'H. At a tangy gatonal meeting of Knox Presbyterian Church, Tues- day night, a call was extencledto Rev, R. C, McDcrmi3 of Stayma td succeed Rev. Geo, E. Roses as pastor. Rev. Mr. Ross accepted a call to St. Matthew's "Murch, Montreal, anti entered upon his new charge on June 1st. OFFICERS CONFIRMRD IN MILITIA RANKS, District orders 'issued by Col. L. W. Shannon for Military District No. 1, announce that the follow- ing previously appointed officers in militia regiments of this dis- trict. having• qualified themselves are confirmed in their ranks, (lieutenants) accordingly For 33rd Regt..-D E, Holmes, D. S. Scott, D.L. Reid S.A.: Scott, C.A,Thomp Son, L. E. Yeo, A.1I. Jane, R. L Page. CHURCH WEDDING; ' A Wedding took place in St. Joseph's church on Tuesday morn- ing of last week, when !Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Levy 'of town Was united in mar - rings to Mr, Gregory C. Campbell ,of Galt, Ont leaving the church, the bridal party andWguests 1e - paired to the home ! m of the bride's Parents, where the Wedding break- fast wee partaken. Mr. and Mrs. Smaller Coal Bills , Let us reduce your coal bills. We can do it by sup- plying you with a coal that lasts long, gives a steady heat and leaves only a small amount of ash. This coal is LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE The Goal That Satisfies It will save you money. Give it a trial. II..1. Hollonray, Clinton Western University. London ANOTIIEB GREAT ADVANCE Income Doubled -Now $75,000 Another large addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine Greatly Increased Enrollment in view Write for particulars to: Salesladies Wanted Salesladies wanted to f11 posi- tions open on our :Wales staid made vecant by men ealisted. Either temporary or permanent. Income three dollars per day up- ward. Address The Scarborough Co. of Canada, Limited, biap Publishers, Hamilton, Ontario Told His Superior They were about the roughest, raw• est lot of recruits the sergeant ever had to tackle. He worked hard at them for three hours, and at last thought they were getting into some sort of shape, ea he decided to test them. "Right turn!" he barked. Then be- fore they had ceased ta move came another order: "Lett turn!" one Yoitel slowly leftahe vanirs and made oil toward the barrack room. "Here you!" yelled the sergeant ankrily, "Where are you!'off tot1' "Ah've had enough," replied the re- cruit, in disgusted terse. "Tha doesn't know tha own mind for two minutes ruemal' sistee••s ®saamo•a.•oe• • • • WITH THE CHURCHES. • E. E. BRAITHWAITE, M,A., Pb.D. President. Prince George welsh Pony Stallion. Color -White and black. Height. 14 handle. Reputed lio be the prettiest pony in Ontario and is the sire of many beautiful ,animals R. T, DUNLOP owner Zurich, Ont Wanted, Machinists and lealhef hands wanted! Apply tb. WOOD MOTOR Co., Clinton, Ont, Fur Saie Two frame houses for sale; one an 8 -roomed house, corner of Kirk and Townsend Streets, and a six - roomed cottage on Kirk Street. Electric lights and town water in both. Will sell cheap for quick sale, 'For further particulars ap- ply to JOSEPH TOWNSEND, Ontario Street House for Sale House on Rattenbury St., formerly bccupiei by the lata Mrs. (Vibram Murray. Apply to G. D, MCTAGGART For Sale Fat liens and Chickens' Wanted. Taken at any tirne. Highest Market Prices W. MARQUIS. CLINTON Phone 14 on 166 Property occupied by Dr. Gan - tiler, including two lots, house, of- fice and stable. Will be sold sep- arately or together., Electric lighting throughout, water in the stable. 'Hard ,and soft water in bath -room. kitchen and summer kitchen, Apply to DR. GANDIERt Campbell have taken up their re- sidence in Galt and have the best wishes of all for 'a happy married {Life, TTEW JUDGIP FOR KENT COUNTY. Ottaeva, ,Augest 8,-3. J Cough- lin, K. C„ of Stratford, has been appointed county judge of Kent County in sucees•sion to Judge John L.1)awlin, who resigned, J. J, Coughlin,lr, C. 'Is a mem- ber of the firm of Robertson & Coughlin,, of Stiatforcf. 'He is 45 years old and is'a graduate of Toronto University' and .Ocgoode Hall. Ile has been in the practice of larw at Stratford since 1894, ane! though not active in municipal politics,; other than teethe' city's legal representative, he has always been e most valuable citieen, :For Isome time he has been acting mag - 1 !S istrate atratford. He is a Roman Catholic " Judod Coughlin is a cousin of Mrs, J. W , Kilbride of SL•rathroy, formerly of Clinton, and IVIrs, J. Shanahan jr., of Rullett,-The Judge is a native of Huron Co. end got his early education at Mount Cermet 5, school and later at Parkhill High School. •0000.00000.0••:•.•0•• WILLIS CBURCII Rev. Mr. Boyle of Belgrave oe- •eupied the pnIeeit of this church, on Sunday, and will preach next Sunday. r . WESLEa CHURCH. • The Quarterly Official Board met on Tuesday evening. The Women's Missionary Society bold their regular meeting in the form of a picnic, at Burks, on the lake shore, bo' -day. The pastor expects to preach next Sunday BAPTIS1` CRURCII. Wo were pleased to see Pastor iFairfull in the pulpit on Sunday, Mr. Eastman preached in the morning on "Unity_'' Rev, Tail - full taking the service in the evening. The ordinance of ,the Lord's' Supper was observed aL• the close of the evening service, when two Deal members receiyed the, ,right ed, • Seed corn We now have in stock a quantity of Seed Corn which we can offer you at a reasonable price, also Good Seed Buckwheat If This is the hatching season and that means lots of feed for the baby chicks. We have a large stock of Baby Chick Feed and also Chick Grit on band Try some of our Oreameal and Oiloake for young calves and pigs, there is nothing better Since Lard has risen to such a high price, why not try our Easilirst Shortening as it is not so expensive and goes farther, We have it in 5 and 20 lbs pails Bran, Shorts, Low grade Flour, Oat meal, Breakfast Food, and Flour always kept in stock Highest Prices paid for Grain and Wool at "Elevator" Wool Wanted Wool wanted, highest price paid -Cash or trade. BENMILLER WOOLEN MILLS. Voting Hen Young men or others who are unalble to join for overseas ser- vice, can serve their King and Country by helping on Munition Work, Apply to Robeii , t P i Robert Bell Engine and The Thresher Co., Limited, !Seaforth, Ont, Painting & Paper Hanging Painting and Paper Hanging neatly and promptly done, Orders left at lunnrtord's Grocery Store or at my residence, Victoria THeOS GRAELIS MINOR LOCALS, ' Home grown. potatoes, .tomatoes and cucumbers are now op the market. Only 11 out of 65 students of Oweu Sound Collegiate passed the Lower School examinations, e :Poi 9 the short cool 'smell eve are very thankful. l .Ittb. P1uV., would be a welcome visitor now for a few days. r The latest libel on wonten'r- "Women are made before mirr'ors'. "Yes, and have :been before them ever since."' . The Clinton Model School 'will open .en August 1.8tb, Of course it's dry but emit till you see it after the 16th prole. Cheer up -it will he cool enough next winter, Infantile p Dralysis has claimed hundreds of victims in the con- gested areas of the larger cities in the last CAW weeks. Too much care cannot: be exercised in guard ing, the little ones against this dread malady, Cleanliness pnci proper feeding, doctors Nay,' is as good a preventive as can toe Bevis,- { W. Jenkins& on Flour and :!reed. phone 199 Popular Stallions New Prices Aug.'. 1916. The 'following prices for Port cars wall be effective on and ,af- ter August lst, 19111, The following stallions will stand for the .improvement of stock this season as follows:- DUNUItE GetJtTLY ((1221) Enrolment No. 97 MONDAY -Will leave his ownstable West end Tuckersmitb, and go north by way of the Huron Road to the Gra ham House, Clinton, for noon, then by way of the 10th con., Goderich town ship, to Mr, Bert Lobb's for night. TUESDAY -By way of Maitland non. to Wm, Durst and Son for noon, then by way of Bethel and Benmiller to Wm. Long's for night. WEDNESDAY -By way of the 6 and Sth eon. to Wm. Ounningham's for noon. then by way of the 8th con. to Fred Quaid's, Dunlop for night. THURSDAY - To 'Union Hotel, Goderich, for noon, then by way of let non. to Salkeld's corner and 4th can. to Huron Road to Wilmot Haacke's for night. FRIDAY -By way of Gab con. and Porter's Hill to Fred Pickard's for noon; then by way of 7th con., to John Stewart's for night. SATURDAY -By way of Bayfield Line to Jas. Jackson's 2nd of Stanley for noon; then to his owh stable where he will remain until the following Monday morning. Terms, MS to insure. G. W, Nott, proprietor; J, P. Fisher, manager Chassis $450.00 Runabout 476.00 Touring Car 495.00 Coupelet 696.00 Town Ca,: .., 780..00 Sedan .. , 890.00 E. 0,13. FORD, • ,ONT, These 'prices are positively guar» antoed against any reduction be- fore August 1st, 1917, but there is no guarantee against an advance in ;price at any time, 9 Bert Langford ' DEALDR. PHONE 183, e CLINTON. GUINEA GOLD (13070) (78191 Enrolment No. 1998 MONDAY -Will leave his own stable, West End. Pnckersmith, and go south to the Mill Road to Piffle & Sons for noon, then across to Huron Road and west to Wm. Dales for night. TUESDAY - To Graham House, Clinton, for noon and until the follow ing morning WEDNESDAY --By way of Huron Road to N. Trewartha's, Holmesville, for noon, then by way of filth con. to Thomas Cole's for night of Middle THURSDAY -By way ton's corner to George Holland's for noon, then to his own stable where he w ill remain until the following Monday morning Terms $15 to insure. G.W • Nott, prop. JE1UIY J. Standard Bred Trotting Stallion. Will stand at the Normandie Barn, Clinton, every Saturday during the season. He is a very fashionably bred colt, and while not yet 3 years old, he is a big horse now. No. 01852 American Trotting Register, No. 0101 Canadian Standard Bred Society, No. 4410 En' rolment. Terms -512 to ensure with foal ED. JOHNSTON, Prop,, Phone .S on 162. Clinton