HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-08-10, Page 1Established 1865, Vol. 51, No, 6
New ;Era Wants the News
W. H. Kerr, Editor and Publisher
From Fi.:uery Sideline Each week
Eggs are a staple commodity. They are an absolute
household necessity. They area high price now, but
will be a record price this fall and winter. Prepare for
your winter supply now by preserving your eggs in our
specially prepared
It keeps them perfectly fresh and the cost is a trifle at
Best anality Drag More The Bexall Store
W. ►S.'. E. 30 L1VX3MS Phm. B,
rile Royal gar*
Capital Authorized,..,, $25,000,000
Capital paid pp .. ... .,..,11,560.000
Reserve,and undivided profits 13,500,000
Total Assets •
.. ,. •1.,. 185,000,000
CO JEI r .-L4. 1 `� 4i.1111EI S
with World --wide Connections
Interest Allotived on Savings Deposits
General Banking Business Transacted.
RE. IYIANNING, handler, Clinton. Branch
1 S
vvwvvvvvvvvvvvve vvvvvvvvv eve vvvvwvaevaowv•wvvv••v
INCORPORATED 1855 •••••••••••••••••``.`�
96 Branches in Canada
A General Banking Business Transacted
Savings Bank Department
Interest Allowed at 1liahest Current ]tate
C.E. Dowding, Manager Clinton Broach
.<4#04#40.4#04#000 OotiO0000poo.<04 0.040.444.o.10
e I5 on1y,;Men'sg(two-piece
Suits, reg $7.5o and 8.5o
clean -sip price F. $5.00
• **.
• Reg $10, clean-up 7.50 ,
We forget all about cost and values when mark-
ing our clean-up prices on Men's Summer Suits as
you will see when you read these quotations
• • $Iz & $14 clean-up Io.00
• i 25 only, Men's 3 -piece
i Suits, in broken lines and
• sizes, very few lines with
• two suits alike._;;
• Regular $18, 20.0o and
22,00 clean-up price $15
See our Window ':1,'
Z ,
• 15 Only, Boys Romp
•'s Suits to cleark, at ,39C per
4 suit,
z, The Morrish C!oth I _ (19„
et Agent for C. 1'. 1t Telegraph Le' .
191i Co.
A Square Deal for Every Maiii ,
4,440A+D6664000••0 ,4••kYxrw44..4.00•4450Crffi•+7A41444+4'•044.
Try The ew Era,
for Job W r fl i
Interesting Letter from
Shonneiirfe Capp
• W®SAB®•••0•0••••••e••••<
Men and Events
Extia.cts of a, letter"fo a. eoldier's
1 parents, near here,
Shornclffe, .July 4,1916
My little trip to London was
;wonderful, and ,each night. Iwent
to bed very, very -tired. That
visit was; interesting and wits an
excellerih exucation. I.iy whole
time was taken up going :around
to'see the various .places of in-
terest, and some of them required
some time. • ,,
I stayed at the Y,M,C;A„ about
half an hour's walls: from .Charing
Cross Station, where all :soldiers
and sailors pare made welcome.
Large dormitories are provided
for sleeping accommodation with
bunks one on top of the other.
Breakfast is also available, .and
this is given for one shilling and
sixpence, ;which is very reason-
able, We arrived about 6 o'clock
at night, so did not go ,out that
night, as it was, dark 'by the time
we had our supper, and there is
no use going out to see London
at night, as it remain£ in com-
plete darkness. The 'next morn-
ing was spent in riding on the
top of penny busses, sightseeing.
In the. afternoon the Tower of
London was visited. Soldiers are
,admitted free, and the :guards
took us through and explained
everything, which reminds one of
the history studied 'when at school
(don't laugh, it"a not ;French).
First, there is the Bloody Tower,
where all sorts of notable people
were confined for execution.
There the two princes were moth-
ered to death. This was. all ex-
plained. Next we went to seethe
crown jewels; they are ma:gnifi'.
cent Of course they are 4vellpro-
tected with iron gratings and
guards. Talk about diamonds`
pearls, rubies and gold- t ''he
.crown studded with diamonds and
Precious stones, is beanti£u1.•
The armories were then visited
and all sort4 of armor from the
16th Century up W the present,
was df preyed, (Figure, sitting on
dummy horses! with both horses
and men armored, May he seen,
and A old cannon of every descrip—
tion, some with marvellous chrt•-
ing all over them, up to the mod-,
ern gun on whi^h the 'body of the
(ate King Edward, was conveyea.
Then there is they St. John's capol
where many noted olden , timers
w ere marrieds, and worshipped.
Underneath, prisoners were con-
fined and beheaded. The block
and axe are, to be :seen, as well
as the dungeon, There axe some
very reniarkalble design'/ carved
on the ',valla and etone floor, by
prisoners. Of course this took
the greater' part of the afternoon
but welled pelf an hoer to go to
( London Bridge and look up and
down the Thames River. The of-]
tr,.rnoon was finished 'by riding
home in the Tube, , 'seventy feet
under ground, several miles for
sixpence, and the, cats travel like
"sixty?' 'Mighty safe place if
there should bei•Zeppelin around.
At night we went to the Palace
theatre, which is very large. We
Continued on Page 4
fall fairs 191e
Bayfield . •.. ,..Oct. 10 and 11
BI th
Brue.sels Oct. 53a and 6
Dungannon Oet. 5 and 6
Exeter Sept. 18 and 19
h •Oct. 7
odexich ...... Sept. `17 to 29
London '(Western Pan) Sept. 8-16
Lueknow Sept. 28-,29
Toronto . Aug. 26 to Sept. 1i
Seaforth ...... .. ...Sept, 21-22
Zurich ...., Sept. 20 ana 2,t
Myl But they are good !
Cool, Tempting, Healthful.
It tyod are fond of Olives,
Large picnic size 30c ,'bottle
Large Queen Olive, _.,.. 25c
Pamento stuffed 15c Sr 25c
Manzanilla Stuffed lee & 20c
The Store of Quality
Y' 1 � Y �af��,q y�
W., Al•, 0 •1,.� , ,A J E A.
Phone 48
who, in spite of his . overwhelkn-'
ing desire for active service is
liksly to succeed Brig. -Gen. Log-
ie in command of Campli Borden
if the latter goes tothe front.
'Major: -Gen; Leesarct is at vresent
Inspector -General for basted,
t Local Dews t E.
OWing to the long continued
drouth, potatoes are likely to be
a poor crop, in this vicinity,, •
Mrs, L. Cudmore wish•
es to thank
all the neighbors and friends for
their kindness and sympathy dar-
ing, the illness and death of her
mother, Mrs. Fischer. •
Clinton was well represented at
Bayfield on Civic Holiday .as weld
as on Sunday, The Baptist church
picnic was also held on Monday,
There weremany also who went
out to Burke's for the holiday.
The annual garden party of the
Baptist Church wa,s held on the
church grounds last Th,ursda;y
evening, The 1Liltie Brass Band
and Pipers s,upp'i6ecl .the mu meal
Program , A booth did a good heal
ness, during the evening.
The Royal Black Chapter of the
Black Knights of Ireland will at-
tend Divine Service at St, Paul's
church ou Sunday afternoon at
2,30 when Rev. 'Mr. Robinson will
preach a special sermon. Visit-
ing brethren from Wingham,Blytll
Lucan and other 'points are ex-
pected to attend; the service.
Mrs, Robt. Mutch ;las sold her
house and property on Ontnriost.
next Public School to Mrs. Ken-
nedy,, formerly of Mitchell, who is.
sister of Mrs. 11, 'Fitzsimons and
Mrs. McMurray, The transfer will
not be made until October 1st.
Mrs, Match will probably move to
Goderich to live with her son, Mr,
Joe, Mutch,
Odds and, Ends
of the Council
Brevities None the Less Interest-
ing Because or Their
Th.e coal for hall 17 odd tons
from A, J. Holloway 'w'as $1.32,42,
The fire and 'Water ,Committee
had an account -2! coats 915.15;
and salary for 15 firemen for .six
months $150.
Th, racefpts for the market se' Lie
was $7.85, t
--^ /---
The Hall rent for SuOy was $12,50..
• --MP--
The license fees from Booths for
July 12th/ was 9124.50.
Superintendent Shobbroak at the
Cemetery reported 912 for sale of
cemetery lots; 920 for ,care in.per-
petuity and *25.50' for work.
Hydro for ligting hall was $1.98.
t The pay sheet for street for July
was 868,60.
S.3, Andrews had an account of
$14,25 for cement 'wort.,
--••_ —
The various salaries for the
quarter were paid—Clerk, $112,50;
Chief Wheatley $100; Sergt; 'Welsh
$100. •
The printers printers hada an account for
$75.25. This included, the Voters,'
Lists. r ,
The street ''watering cost 4982.40
for July. It Was a;dry month.
The new dog tags cost $3.83 for
65, including duty and cartage;
80 ---
The iiydre account 'for streets
was $137.50.
deter •ega!C®p•OP•••ett9beett oe
Over The Teacups
• •
Oseee•ted$t•ai Yac e•esae`®0erileeet
Dr. and Itt's 13liicicail of Blyth
were here last week- attending the
funeral of lhi. late Mrs, 4+'isber,
Mr. and Mrs L. Kennedy: of
Wiegham, Were here last Week at-
tending the' funeral of the lite Mrs•
Miss ;I Ila.yden, of Hamilton is
the guest of her (sister, ;Mrs. .1.
Hawkins,. for a couple of weeks,
Rev. Mr, McCormick, o4 Jllyth,
made a, business trip to Clinton on
lfrs. Thos, Hawk;n, ani cla'ldr'n
refs: y,.ster lay fe a couple of w, ek
1, ith friends at'Ramilton,
Grand Chaplain of la 0.0, F, Grand lodge
Rev, J. A, Robinson, Rector of
Se Paul's church, Clinton, hats been
appointed Grand Chaplain of ,the
I; 0.0,:F„':Grand Lodge of Ontario.
now assembled at Chatham,
Rev. 'Mr. Robinson ha.s .been an
active •Oddfel''3ow for a, goot1i
number of years, and this ,appoint-
ment only comes as arecognition
of his good work for Oddfellow_
ship. ,
The reverend gentleman is now'
attending Grand Lodge at Chatham
and Wilt 'be Installed into his new.
office on /Friday of this week,
Since ;coming to Clinton Mr,
Robinson hag, taken an active in-
terest in the local Lodge and the
members here offer hearty con-
gratulations (upon .his appoint-
Regular Session of Council
Mr. T. R, 'Watts, of Stratford, was
here last week attending ;the fun-
eral of the late Tars. lFither, Council met on Tuesday evening I -rite 0:5 'Co„ that if oil is not
with Mayor Thompson in the chair ! here by Monday, to cancel the
and Reeve Ford and Councillors order,
Wilase, Hawkins, /Paisley, Shep- { Councillor Wiltse sked that
pard and Wallispresent, men be put on !s;t once to fix
Minutes o"la't regular ant spec` sidewalk in front of 'Mrs, Bea -
lei meetings were read and con- corn's en Ontario street and other
Stratford, and formerly of Cline• firmed, i places :around town, The mayor
ton. The marriage will take veep. '
• ,Mrs. W. R, Counter :and Master
Norman returned from their visit
at Brantford on Monday,
• Mrs. W Jermyn of Winghatn.
announces the engagement other
daughter, 'Verdi, May, to Norman
L. Murch, B. A., of Toronto, son of
Mr, anci Mrs. Thomas Murch of
auiotly in Toronto on the last Tues --o-- „ promised to see the chairman of
day in August.
Communications. : the Street Committee,
Mrs. McGarva' and bliss Wallace '' The Property Committee chair -
left on Saturday to spend a ,Short Two letters were ,received 'from man had no report, 'but Councillor
venation at Southampton, Messrs. W, Collyer and J. Raw Wiltse and Reeve Ford asked that
Mr James Sims, of Blyth was a kins for arebate on booth fees the fountain be painted and the
visitor in town last;Friday, for the I2th,
Mrs, G. E, Ferguson and dnugh- ;From The British American Oil �groueid seeded at once.
ter Jean returned to Toronto The Mayor referred to the cut-
ting spending a couple of weeks 'Company stating that ofl teas on ting of the weeds at the park and
with the former's sister, ;Mrs. J. L the way and should be here by Wednesday or Thursday, ocher questions re park matters Dr. and bars, Axon Were at (''hes- Letters from Royal and Molson's and it was a left toC Parilor;Hawk-
ins,'Chairman of thee Park Commit-
tee will, look into the matter at
Reeve Pord spoke ie regards to
the oil after interviewing the Sea -
'forth people,
ley for Civic 'Holiday. Mrs, Axon
will remains at the parental :home
for a7week or so. ,
Rev. Mr. Argo of Seaforth, vas
in town on 1Friday,
'Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Byaan spent
rale week 'end with relatives at
Goderch Signal;—)Kajor E. N.
Lewis was; in town over Sunday.
He expects to go overseas this
month, c,
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kennedy of
Detroit were here attending the
funeral of Mrs. Fisher, •
Mr. and Mrs, J, Cx Medd and Miss
;Florence Garrett spent Lest Thurs-
day evening at the 'home of Mr.
and Mrs, Norman Carter,
•Miss Nellie Kemp returned home
last week alter atwo weeks' visit
at London.
Mrs, Edgar East and son return-,
ed home from a pleasant ,visit at
bit•. and Mrs. Treleaven and Mrs,
B. J, Gibbings returned from thole
visit in Michigan.
Pte, Clarence Shepherds of Che
18154 Bait.,l.oni was 'home for the
week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Doherty were
holiday visitors at London.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kemp and son
George of Lonlo,i motored upand
spent the week 'enol with bis. and
:Mrs. S. Kemps
Mrs McPher_on ,of .Ged.'rich
was calling on old friends in town
.on Saturday.
Mrs. W. Lawrence of Revel-
stoke, B.,C., spent a few days at
the ]home of her cousin, Me. 'Wrn.
Grant. Mrs, Lawrence was a ter-
mer 'Hallett• girl, but has lived in
the West for a nemben of years.
Dr. and Mrs. W W. Sloan of To-
ronto were Sailing' on friends here
fox a feu days this week.
Capt. J Ic. Faiitull chaplain of
the 181st Battalion, and Mrs, Fair -
full and Miss 'Lifllian spent e few
days at Leamington 'with M-,
Ptui'fu'l's mother, ,
Mr, Patrick O'Connell :was avis,•
ter 131 London on Civic 'IIo i:fay,
Mr. W. Heppler of the Royal
Bank staff spent the week end at
the parental home 'at Stratterd,
Mr. Fdwara Shepherd of Toron-
to is spending his :holidays with
his mother In town,
Miss Jessie O'Neil returned on
Saturday from Toronto, where
she has been taking a special
course at the University.
Miss M. 'Southcombe has re-
turned• from her Western t rip,
where she ]hats been visiting with
relatives ana friends.
Mr. John Mulholland i@ repre-
eenting Clinton I.0.0 V. 'Ledge at
Grand Lodge, at Chatham.
Mr. and Mrs. E. 9, Hunniford
tine daughter spent :a couple of
days at Port Stanley.
Rev,t J, K. Knight of'ensall wee
in town on Tuesday. '
tIias Mai g -:rat Walker. of Clinton
spent a few days at '0. W.'.Polter's
Porter's Hill last ?week.
Miss Bessie Mc1Wen has been
spending ate% days 'with friends
at Port Stanley' and London.
Bank that afee of10e on each tax
receiPt collected would be charged.
;From Bell Telephone Co., on con
struction of opening of Streets in
Clinton. The letter states; :that
to meet the demand of customers
for telephone service, they wish to Several of the Committe,;s ;had no
,open portions of the streets in rep its to offer this month.
Clinton toPdee therein 'their 'Wires.
The finance Committee's report
Albert St..,at intersection of Baron was react and adopted.
one manhole; Albert street at in- The question of rates for the
drinkng,' n`•r
tersection of 73uron, to present brougiht up
foufortaiins finaald settletapsmwasent
Central dffice togbther with the and on vote it was decided to pay
necessary branches to the inter- 96 for tap in Council Chamber and
seating ;streets namely; —'.Huron 920 each for drinking fountains
street West; Ontario 'street east; and water trough at Normandie
Victoria street south; King street Hotel,
South, Isaaq street, south; Albert Council adjourned,
street, North. Asha to place three
10 foot poles on Icing street east
side south from Mary street.
groin the 'ffydro-Oilectri:e Rail-
way y Assocint(an asking for fee
Iti9±0 for membership fee..
(What Council did :with then/,
The Banker's letters were fyled,
All town booth owners on lath of
July Will be given arebate so that
fee will be only $5. ) .
The Mayor, .'.Reeve ;Ford and
Councillor Watse are a commit-
tee to interview the hell Tele'-
ele_phone Company, •
The Jlydro4Electric letter was
fyled. , e
The clerk ';vas instructed to
The Conversation Closed
Talkative Passenger (trying to
start conversation): "I—er-500'
you've lost your arm!"
Gentleman: "80 I have, How care
less of mei”
Scholars Pass Nor al entrance
Toronto, Aug. 3—The results of arty, 3•.11, Geddes, honors; H. C.
John -
the middle school examination for Grey, 3, N. W. Hibbert, H. I, Hart
entrance into the Iloimal Schoolart-
sten, M.well, :3. Johnson, X. ee, John -
were given out by the dep1'. Johnston, J. J. Kerr,
went of education! to -night, The L. A. Icing, , S. M Little, () , L.
certificates of the successful can- Lockridge, L. O. Longman, F. Ae
dictates and the !statement of
marks of those who ;failed will
be mailed to the principals or in-
spectors in course of a fewdays
W. W, Anent, L. G. Atnent, K.E.
Burrows, ME. Bowest, H. Cante-
don, W, H. Denman, RE, Dough -
Marquis, L A, MacKay, (honors;
A. McKay, K. McLean, honors; A.
L. McGill, J. W, Ms(',regor, M. I.
.McLaughlin, ,A. 'H. Noble, r. 38,,
Powell, C. G. Pickard, G. O. Robe.
inion, honors; L. K. Rutherford, E.
P. Scott, II, B. Shaw, A.E. Spar -
ling, 13.3. SeldenE. J. Wiseman, L.
Wright, G E, 'Wooten. .
No Standard Hotels for Huron
Toronto,, August 3rd.—There will No Control.
Mrs. (Dr.) Christie and ,two child-
no t'standa,rd' hotels" in ]?eel, The discovery of the legal l g l es -
ren of rFstexlrazy, are visiting ports is (chiefly important be-
relatives in town and vicinity. Perth,- Heron or on{. Manitoulin cause it means there will Rte no
Mir a si Mrs h tr Mi gain 1. Irl:,,nd. The legal' advisers of the control of the class] 04 I oto] ac -
Mr. and', Mrs, Jars, Milder• ,spnt Government and the Ontario Lic- aom s. Irk furnished in these
Capt. Town of 181st ease Board have decided after areas, Iii the rest of the pro
considerable inquiry, 'tont" the vinco the term "hotel' will aseure
mond old spending afew days a board' has no; jurisdiction in the the traveller a certain degree of
Mxs. J. 1L, en se and Mies Viola three counties and the nortlr,ern comfort, it will also mead that
are visiting with relatives, Ret Sar -
because 40! rt
fast that the Hotel will he Protected against
nig. the Canada Temperance Act ie in competition from places of the
Miss Cook 'of London,. tivas a force there, , boarding house
visitor wftb? Mt7 tW. J. Miller of , e type and Rvfll have
Ontario street, Tlifs means that/ the board will the sole right to ,sell soft arinlcs,
Miss 011ie' Eniigh, of Myth, 'vas be .powerless to regulate /hotels or cigars, cigarettes, etc,
a visitor in to.avn on Wednesday.. hotel !accommodation ha those'' The license board `will Shealy
:Miss Eva Stinson ,of Bayfield '2'etricts, or to do anything else issue its regulations dealing with
is the guest of M.ss StellatCopp. &crop:: to enforce the Canada Tem- the sale of native twines, The
.Mrs, Alf Torrance and slaughter perence Act. The federal measure chief
of Toronto are :guests of Mr. and Point will 'be the section Be-
takes precedence ♦7nc[, ac_°irSi'''g elating that such may be :sold only
to the present interpretation, is at the place of manufacture.. The
nota affected in stay , tt ay by the board in drifting this regulation
pas'ang el the Ontario Temperance' has disregarded the appeal in the
Act. 7 large centers,
Mrs. John Torrance.
,Misses Mabld and ;Eva, •fluff
spent the holiday with Goderich
township friends. ,
• Co.itinued on page 2: '