HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-08-03, Page 5i
tngust 3rd, 1916,
When in Doubt
for a Present for
the Bride -to -bo
Choose Silver
Tibere is no other 'gift..
for the bride that is, so':
universally certainto'be
greeted. with joy, used
with, pride, and treasured
for year$. We carry a large
and well assorted stock of
Roger Bros
I{nives and Forks, Berry
Spoons, Cold Meat b'orks,
Pie Servers, Tea, Coffee,
Dessert and Table Spoons
and numerous other use-
ful pieces.
Also a good assortment •
of Silver Plated Hollow-
ware, (Jut Glass, China
and Clocks.
W. 11. litliVAR
B Flt
I s• •
•• • 0'e�• m••.• o e•••••••
WESLL k CI1lr72Ci•I,
Sacrament will bL observedneat
Sunday .morning after the morn -
mg service
The Ladies Aid will `meet Thurs-
day afternoon at the home of Mrs
HB Chants
I•" The Pastor 'rein preach next
• Sundhy:
Sunday Was another warm day.
Blunder or Pinndee
(London Advertiser)
I er iser
".Lt is said the selection, ana os'-
sganization of Oanap Borden, re-
presents 'merely
epresents'merely the restlessness
and egotism of Sir Sdin Elug1 es
As a shatter of fact the minia-
ter of militia hats no particular
responsibility for Camp Borden
Such a camp became a military
necessity, The site was chosen
by the ministers representing
Ontario in the Cabbinet, The
land was purchased by two' of
the most reliable real ,estate
agents in Toronto, and at prices
vvliieh will bear the closest ex-
amination —Toronto
xamnination—Toronto News.'
, This is a new line of apology
for ,Sir Sam Hughes The gullible
reading public is now asked to
believe that Cainp Borden avas
bofew we weht eksind ago Hughes'
of )praise
of his genius for choosing Camp
Borden were being printed The
waning -Ontario 'Ministry is now
shonldered with .the blame.
As to _he "prices which will
bear the
st examination'
News 'may rest assuredthatits
test 'will be applied The • price
the farmers got.rs� one question,
a< to agents
i•1n .<l g
'h i n
andt ee
Whether Calm', Borden is merely
I a !blunder or a Plunder as well is
likely to be known
f. Oane is Named
Loan Commissioner
Member of License Board -to Work
in Northern Ontario.
Torouto, July 28 -lion W. Howard
Ferguson, minister of mines, forests
:aid lands, tonight announced that Mr.
F. Dane, at present a member of the
Ontario License Board, has beeu ap,
pointed loan commissioner,, in conn'ec
tion with the settlement scheme :Ln
Northern Ontario. Mr. Dane at one
time had charge of the colonization of
the. T. & N. O. Railway, was a member
of that commission, and is familiar
with the conditions in the north coup
the announcement was also made
that a supervisor. whuse duties will in
elude advising settlers with regard to
their needs, expenditures and so forth;
will he specially nam. d before Augu' t
1 The field staff will be liargely, made
up from the present organization in
connection with homestead inepecbiou
and location. It is expected that the
rchenu r\would have been put in opera
tion on`Aogust 1, but there will be a
fess daps delay, largely due to print
ing the necessary forms, and other
Town and Country
••••e•i1e••e0••••••6••••••• e••.•e••••te••••••o••e•••e
• 0
'ontoMrheIs man
• To
• ; •
• •
There was a meeting' held 00
Monday evening to make arrange-
ments for the holding of civic holi-
day. It was derided to hold it en
Wedn,sd:iy.. Augu t'3rd sal itwil
take the form of al picnic and
the proceeds fiomthe booths es.
Iwill 'be given to iti+Red Cross.
Rev; T.RL Mann of Porl Elgin
spent afotir days with friends here.
Mr. W.Fatman has bongtt anew
Hogs ;112.00
Butter 24c to 20c.
Eggs 30e,
Oats bac
Wheat $1.03
Cattle 18.75
Sheep $8.2.5
Lambs $14.75
Cheese 17 5-160
Barley 60 to 05
Hogs 41.1.15,
Butter 25c to 27c, / l
Eggs 26c', to 270.
Oats 50c to 550.
Wheat 90c to 66c.
SShorts $eas 27.
Bran 426.
Barley 50c to 55c.
Buckwheat $0c to 85c,
Hay ifor 'Balling• 49 and $10.00
car from Mr. Wm. Logan of Blyth
By purchasing a bond you will help
to WIN THE •WAR and obtain for
yourself an investment of the highest
class yielding a most attractive rate
Of interest.
agent for the Chevrolet car.
Mr, F. Carter lost a horse on
Sunday last by it 'becoming mired.
The loss is particaly severe et
present as Mr. Carter will be start
ing with his thresher in a few days.
Jas. Donaldson and Wife are visit
ings at the home of their parents.
Mrs. Han and Mrs. Rolland of
Toledo are visiting at the home of
Mr. Thomson. l '
The serious illness of Gordon
Struthers of Xoronto, who has
been spending the holiday ,season
on the farm of Mr. Thomson is
here fully; stated; the ltd
cidently aboutfellslightly
lcg cutting his
right hand on the sharp corner of
aboard. The cut was attended to
in the usual way and was, (Loon
healed; but two weeks after the
lad took 'suddenly ill, when Dr.
'Woods 'was called ant( decided that
the blest medicial aid was neces-
sary for the boys recovery as there
Were symptoms of blood poisoning
and lock ttw, tr. Stint has, the
father of the boy wee at once noti-
fied at Toronto, who in turn at
once v'wired Dr. Ross of
sick to attend the slcl bed not he
could arrive on the first 'train.
When Dr. Struthers arrived he at
once wired Dr. Williams the speci-
alist from London to attend al' 0
but in the consulation the doctors
all decided there was no hope,
Dr, S'ru h.rs however brrugl.ttwo
nurses from Toronto, who be-
lieved there was hope and every
Possible necetsarY administration
was confered upon the sick boy
and for five days life was on the
balance, but at this time Tuesday,
before going to press,. we are pleas
ed to say that the lad is Kotler
recovering and Dr. Struthers now
entertains good hope, unless un-
expected complications forces a
setback on the present conditions,
Tho 'boy's mother and little sister,
Margurite are anxiously watching
at the 'bedside.
Wm. Roche of Kirkton who has
lately lived: in our vilfa!gle for 6
mouths while attending, the rural
telephone, passed away on McndaY
morning after a brief illness, Ho
had an operation for appendicitis
en Wednesday of last weelc. Tits
parents and other friends were
with him during his illness. Dur-
ing his residence in our midst he
made many warm friends. Ashort
funeral service was conducted by
Rev. H.I. Woods.
• Pte. John and Clarence Aiken-'
last head visited at the heels las eek
They 'left on Monday for Camp
Borden and expect to go overseas
Mrs. Elliott wife of Dr. Elliott of
Denver, Col., is the guest of Mrs.
A.T. Scott of our village.
Misses Annabel and Violet Petrie
who were teaching school at the
Soo are 'spending their holidays
in our midst. 1 -'
'Henderson ;Forrest( of the Soo
is spending 6115 vacation at
home. Ho 18 re-engagecf to teach
in the same school!.
Edwar dMorl•ison has purchased
.aRegal auto from Seetey & Barth f
Fred Toinlison has bought a
Saxon runabout, e
Miss Elliott of Clinton is eng ag
ed to teach the Stanley' school near
our village. -
Miss Alice Davidson has retuin'd
from visiting in Port Huron.
Miss Jessie McMillen of Egmond-
vilae visited in our village last
week, 1 •
Aug. 4, 1914—War Declared
A ug. 4, 19116—Allies Winning
for Victory!
THE THIRD YEAR OF THE WAR calls for the organized co-opera-
tion of every citizen of the Province of Ontario. ALL must help to hasten
the day of final triumph. For the sake of those who have made the Great
Sacrifice, and of those now overseas or in training, every citizen must give
the best service possible. No one need feel "out of it" when the great day
of Victory comes, but everyone must qualify now by sharing in the Sacrifices
';which the War demands.
Suggestions for Organization
In many Municipalities there are already
active patriotic organizations, such as Recruiting,
Red Cross, Soldiers' Aid and Patriotic Fund Com-
mittees. In such cases, one of these, or, better
still, a joint committee of these and the citizens
generally, might undertake to co-operate with
the'Central Committee at Toronto.
Where there is no active representative
organization, it is suggested that one be formed
at the earliest moment. It should be non-
partisan (in the broadest sense), and represent
every interest affected by war conditions -
What Organizations Should Do
1. Find more men for Overseas service.
2. Help in keeping our, munitions plants working
to full capacity.
Induce every possible worker, men and
women, to nerve on the farm and in other
essential industries.
4. Find money for the coming WAR LOAN
and war funds.
5. in short, assist in the organization of
Ontario's resources to meet war conditions
and .after -war conditions.
THRIFT' and ECONOMY, and a careful consideration and preparation
for our problems are essential if we would meet the present and future needs.
For further suggestions and information you are cordially requested to write
at once to ALBERT H. ABBOTT, Ph.D., Secretary, Orga "zittion of
Resources Committee, Parliament Buildings, Toronto,
sike-& /1(e4koleA
Chairman of the Organization of Resources Committee
• ,,,emanz=ussoozosomer
Mr. Chas, Breckow is busily en-
gaged in sinking a.vvell this 'week.
Toe tneagrment is.annouicid of
Miss Florence .Irene Snyder, dauggbt r
of Mr, and Mrs. L. B. Synder, of'Ool s
bourne township, to, Mr. Clifford S.
Gledhill, son of Ivir. and Mrs. A. S.
Gledhill of the Bayfield road; the
weddirg to take place the latter part
of August,
Mrs. John Bartley and duaghter,
Miss Pauline, 'of Vankleek 1:Iill,
were visitors) with Blyth friends
for a week or so.
Civ Ie 'Hol diY W', s spent at Gode-
rice at the annual' Sunday School
picnic. A 'gold crowd 'went on the
excursion. k
Blyth Band now intends giving
'weekly open air concerts. Ane
band stand has been erected. •
Many went to Seaforth on Wed-
nesday. • •+ll
Next Red Cross Circle will be held
Tuesday evening on the lawn of Jas.
Ballantyne, Queen St. The proceeds
will go to the 101st Battalion.
Among Brussels school teachers' en
gagersients are Mise Pearl Backer, to
Berlin; Miss Jennie Rands, to Turonto;
Miss Elsie Wilton, to Dunnville, and
atess Juneve Taylor, to Glenaonan,
The 50 acre farm adjoining Brussels,
owned by George Robb, Sc, Uatbarines
has been purchased by Edmund Brew
er of this Gown.
Ptes. 1+'red Campell and Wilfrid Lott
were presented with wrist watches,
and Pte. Harvery Hoover with a mono
grain gold ring.
Dr. W. Telford of the villsge of
Cromarty, Hibbert Township died at
the Commercial hotel here at noon
AlolmesvIlIC last Friday. The doctor has been al
Sir. and Mrs. Johnston and dim- most a helpless invalid from apoplexy
ghter of Toronto are spending a during the past 17 years, but the int
few days at Mr. Will. Jenkins. midiate cause of his death was peep
Mrs. J.R. Alcock and daughter I atonia, which he contracted since com
are spending a few days with Mrs. l leg here, Re and Mrs. Tuffurd have
Hudson o London. ondon. .
Mrs. (Dr.)Palmer m,rreturnedi
to Detroit after spending, a couple
of weeks visiting friends here.
Mission Circle inet at the home
of Mr. Geo, iFfolland on lleliday i ferment took place as Paris, his native
evening and spent a pleasant time. place, on Saturday afternoon.
The August meeting of the lysis
sion Circle es to be beta at the home
of Mr. Trod. Potter,
Mrs. 'McRoberts and daughter of
London,' are spending: a couple of
days at the former% brothers Wm,
and tlizra Pickard's. • ,
's visit-
McCartney vi r
Miss A tt Mc r y
1 1
in : her friend, Miss G. Tebbutt,
Mr. W. Jenkins and Mr. Johnton
' and family motored to Thedford
on Sunday_
Mrs. N. W. Trewartha spent a
couple of days in Goderich.
Rev. Mx. Jones of Bayfield tools
the services', there on Sunday,
preaching excellent' sermons.. Rev.
Mr, Sinclair, taking an niversary
services for Mr. Jones,
Mrs. Rohl: Acheson is visiting
1 • d gl t r Mrs.D Cabick of
SPorIiHij ghees
Do you bowl, play tennis, lacrosse. or any of the
numerous sports that demand a hght elastic shoe ?
If you do, it will pay you to see our range of
New Felt Foot Goods
We have all the newest lines in Men's,
Women's and Children's Shoes in both
high and low cut.
Our ices the Lowest Possible
(; Prices
Plurnsteel res.
Small Profits Phone 25.
More Business
at the
hotel for the past
been staying
five weeks, in hope that the change at
cheer him.
et would hearten aitch and
His widow, but no family, survive.
His mother and a sister reside in Mon
treal, tie was 53 years of of age. In
19th. at four o'cloek-Rev. Mr. Sin- Connell, Roy Dunkin and Russell
clair tied the 'matrimonial knot Austin.,ud es were Charles Steak
The t of 1
ebbut g
Sarah T J
'Miss Sa
between ,
Holmesville and Mr. A. Wilken of and Wellington Johnston.
Clinton, The Wedding took place
at "Highview'"'the home of the• lllullett
bride's brother ..Mr. John Tebbutt, I
'Maitland Concession, The c upl I Mr. and Mrs. John Medd left for
were away'unattended. The bred, was I the West to spend the next three
given e by her brother, the months iwith their aeon and dau-
ontered the drawing room to 'th, ghter,
strains of the wedding march, 1
rayed by the bride's neiee, Miss 1 TownshiP Coun 11 met last Thiers
Gracie 'Tebbutt. Only the Immo- day all members present Minetes
diate 'friends were present. After of last meetng read ani conf irmed,
the tbridal supper, the bride and ; Jas 'McConnell met' Council re ars
groom left to make their hone ' rangement concerning alteration
in Clinton. Many handsome .and I of 'bridge on S' R. 30 and 31 Con.
useful presents were made to the ' 13 Moved by Messrs Watt and
teem i testifying the high cin Howson00 and t tuber oube t of o,d blidg
aid the SUM
teem in which both are bel o
the community, , I for the privilege 'of bringing
water down the side of roadway
instead of crossing twice, he to
maintain the entrance into his
own 'lot Communication from A.
+IIamilton, re McCall Extension
plain read (and on motion of
Messrs Miller and McMichael the
reeve was instructed to go to Mit-
chell and interview him as soon as
possible • Communication from
Live Stock Branch Dept of Aes i.,
culture re tax on dogs and tom=
pensation'1or sheep killed by dogs
read and fyled Communication
from County Clerk Wm Lane re
County rate read and passed Co,
rate to be same its last year viz
4 1110 mills on the doiQ.ar Com-
mon e
+m r
' n f •
D et La s.
o, tom t
1 n`cail
nu r
d k
• a n C 1
> e
n � d a d a 1.
b B e
Walker ur t i g
instructed to ,write to hint im-
mediately urging prompt'aetion.
Messrs H, and 'W'.Lyon arkcd Conn
cil to have ditch cleaned on Con,
15 and 03' Lots 27, 28, and; 'on mot -r
ion of Messrs Miller and W'att,the
Clerk was instructed to 'notify Jas
Shobbrook and Geo Miller to clean
lei au i e , D.
Pte,, 3.11. Lowery, of Camp Bor-
den is visiting his )grandfather
and friends here.
Mrs C.T. Dale and Mrs, Jobe
Medd and daughter Nellie, left on
Tuesday for a trip to the West for
a couple of months
Mrs S.B, .KinsY and son;• of Tor-
onto are spending a cpup-le of
weeks with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs D, Sutherland. '
Quite a number ^round here took
in the sports at Sea)!orth on Wed-
nesdays 1
Most of the Pall wheat is being
housed this week., i
Distressing Accident,—A distressing
accident bet. 11 Mrs. Herman Buboiz at
the home of her son in law, Mr. E.
Leatherlaod on Sunday morning last
•land hadgone down stairs
Mr. Leather
to get some water for ne of the child
ren and Mrs. Bubolz hearing him got
up to see if she could be of any assist-
ance. In returning to her room she
mistook the door, and instead of enter
ing room stepped into the open stair
way and fell to the bottom, fracturing
her hip and terribly bruising herself.
She' had just been down from Auburn
for a few days visit when the accident
Miss Beatrice Stapleton, of Ham-
ilton is visiting, at the home of Mr.
0. R.,Forster.
,and Mrs. H, Hillier 'of Toren-,
tos are renewing old acquaintances'
with ' friends on the• Maitland, s -
Mr. N. Truemner of Hensall
spent last week visiting at the
home of Mr. J. C. Durst.
Miss Rose 'Durst is visiting with
her sister, Mrs. If. Groos.
� l PPimples and
London goad
Mr. Albert Livermore, Gunner
was called back to Petawawa Camp
to prepare for his trip overseas.
1♦ir. and 1 Mrs. Filed Nott sand
friends .antoed back to Grey Co.
on Sunday to visit their aunt, Mrs.
Eunston. t
Miss Nellie Medd gave a. spapn
did address at the League at the
home of Mr. Geo, Layton on ',Real
Patriotism"' last Tuesday evening,
Miss Medd is a good speaker.
We are pleased
to have
Knight aOma againaft( ihi9 recent
operation and hope he will be re-
stored to good health,
League meets next week at the
home of Mr. Geo, Watts.
We ,are pleased to state that Mr,
Fred. Waldron is recovering from
the prostration of heat which he
suffered last meek. : i •
Mrs. Young visited at the home
of Mr. Thos. Campbell teat week,
Miss Beatrice McKay returned to
her 0iome in Hamilton last 'Satur-
day. , '
Mrs. J. Linklater of Saskatche-
wan is at present visiting relate.
ves .and acquaintances on the line.
Mies. Linklater 'left this district
for the west 28 years ago. She is
the guest of Mrs. Neil McGregor.
A number on the line attended
ilii Brucelieltt Oddfellows picnic
in Bayfield on ,Friday of last week.
Miss •Margaret'Gilmour returned
to her home in Winnipeg on Fria
day of last week after a short visit
ether old home.
Mr. )Falconer's sister from Lon- out their portion of the Shobbrool.
don motored down last Spndayand, award Petition 'frolu Peter TaY ,.,
paid him a visit. +. ler and six others presented 'aslt-
ing for the construction of a drain
and on motion of Messrs 'Howson
and Miller that petition be receiv=
ed and the necessary steps taken.
Varnaheist their Civic Holiday
Moved dna seconded, that done
at Bayfield on Tuesday of this ger sign boards be placed on road
week, and everybody enjoyed north of Union cemetery
themselves. An interesting game 1The following accounts were
of football wales p'(ayed between . g
two teams of boys;, ]Following I passed and. payment ordered,-•-
were the prize winners in the Samuel McCool, laying floor on '
l bridge, side road 25 an 26, $17 85.
'1VI Holtzhauer. shoveling and.
spreading. gravel, $1100.
man, Lee NIcClanaghan, and Irene John Carter, gravelling COP. 2
Clmter, ' and 3, $09.75;
Ind 'race—Dorothy W a.i d, Chra. John Smith, service as assessor,
Stephenson, Margaret Johnston, ; re equalization of Manchester pee
3rd race—Pearl Stephenson Ada bee :village 45 00,
Reid, Lula Coielough, S. Glidden, spreading gravel on
5 r. 26 and 20, i,9 00.
Young ladies—Floss Stephenson E, Lawson, bridge plant $110,85.
Elsie Coleman, Mrs. S. Johnston' John 'Hutton, 75 barrels cement
B ace -Percy Johnston, Carl at $1.40, 111(15.00.
Goderich Township
Mr. and Mrs, L, E. Gray, of Colborne
spent Sundayat the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jesse Gray here
Misses Ila and Mary Grigg arep
ing their holidays in Goderich town
with their grandfather and grandmo
Miss Annie Cooper, of the Wingham
hospital staff, is at present spending a
few holidays at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo A. Cooper
Haying is near wound up in this
neighborhood and the fine hot dry
weather has enabled the farmers to
make a fine lot of good hay this year,
which' will be needed
Rev. Vim, Cole and wife, of Flint,
Michigan, are visiting at the home of
.1 and Geo. Cantelon and other friends
L 1
Girls under 5 years—Grace Cole-
Fe terz •M Sores in this neighbrhod, ik4r. and rs.
g Celeuiotoredthroughfromtheirhome
/ Farmers are preparing for cutting
®N 1.,, Eft FAC E. wheat, so harvest will soon he in full
swing. Wheat appears to be an all
round fair crop but spring crops are
i, bolls, i snffereng for want of rain and corn is
[When the blood gets nearly a failure•
to ahs L O L hand
pimples and festering sores are sure
break out on the' face and body. To get
rid of them the blood should be' cleansed
by Burdock Blood. Bitters,
Mrs. Charles Jewell, Orrville, Ont,
writes: "I feel it my duty to write and
tell. you about what Burdock Blood
Bitters has done for me, I was so pale
T had no color at all. I also hod pimples
and festering sores on my face, and my
head ached nearly all the time. I had
been reading in the paper, and saw that
Burdock Blood Bitters was good for
er a to
of No: 880 of the
Bayfield line, went to 'Varna to play
for a garden party last Tuesday even
ing, They made their first display in
Clinton on the 19th and carried cit the
second prize, Our friends wisn the
boys seeress.
Miss E S. Grav, who has been . at
tending the summer school at St.
Thomas and Kingsville, returned home
on Saturday and this week goes to her
new field of mission work in the city
of Edmonton, Sask. Friends here wish
Miss Gray success in her new work
Mess Verna Gledhill, of Toronto, is
such troubles so I tri i , i itis anal before visiting her grandparents, Mr, and
it was half,cionc I' felt (Inc, and when the Mrs. Thos, Gledhill, Goderich, and her
bottle was finished T felt like a new wit aunt Mrs, Oswald Ginn, Goderich
Johv ton, Bruce Foster. I R. M. McKay, 5 wristlet watches
S oung men's race—W, R. Steph- nt $7.66. $38:25. 1
enson, Roy Keys, Will. Johnston M, .Armstrong. formaldehyde for
Married rmen's race—Ed. !Foster, desinfecting, ,$1.011 1
D. Johnston, Amos Keys. , James Woodman, refund of ate -
Biscuit Eating Contest -Dorothy tote labor, village of Londesnoro,,
Ward Ruth Reid, Eunice Reid. I for 1515, 858 00, 1 i
3 -legged race—W. B. Stephenson Council adjourned to meet again
and —. Page, Geo, Reid and L. 'Mc- on Aug. 31st, at 1,130 pm.
.,.�••••••=r ..err
0 00000000•080000.00.08•000000oo•000fe•••••.•••••••••:
• • •
A ••
• •
oe o
The long, hot, dry spell has advanced th' season, i
• Black Currants are now coming strong. •
o •.
• Lawton Berries and �IAGA$Il!j�•
Thimble Berries are at er - NP1IpSULAo
their best, R �. �'' a 6
g ,i_ •
�+ 11be next
Plums will f
• Pl'. •
B a• ,nsist on this map—it stands "n •
• forquality and honest pack GROWERS yp 2 - 4:
• m
• •
• •
• •and keep your money in Canada.
• •
• eseeeRte•eeeseseeseeoeesee00000000000o•o010000000S00
township fora couple of weeks. On
her return she will be accompanied' by
her cousin, Miss Gladys Ginn, who
will, spend a month with ben in the
.Intended for last week.
On 'Wednesday; afternoon. July,
man. I tell all any friends about it, an
advise everyone suffering • from such
trouble to use ii,B,B,"
Tilers is only one B.B.B. That is the
genuine, manufactured by The T. Mil-
burn Co., Limiter), Toronto, Ont.
r .s!•,
For calendar said terms: R. I. Warner,M, A, D D , Alma College, St, Thomas, Ont.