HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-08-03, Page 2PAGE TWO. THN C1.LNTON N19 W HEA. Thursday, August 3:d,'1916, 1 I illilliaery Ready • to -Wear Garments Phan.) 78. sowuracennetinteince Couch&Co. Big Specials •for July and August Dry Goods House Far i nishings 'SPECLAL 110, 1 Ladles Embroidery Dresses 2.98 1 dozen only Ladies EmbroideryDresses,saes slightlyh tl y Soiled white and colored, sizes 16, 18. 34 and 36 only, values up to $9,00, your icn`, choice 2.98 SPECIAL NO. 2 House Dresses 98c dozen Ladies House Dresses, extra goodt ality print,. fast cola's, small sizes 34, 3 6a . _33, values up to 1.75 for 98c 3 SPECIAL Nib. 3 Muslins Ile 25o yards of Muslins and Chambreys good assortment of colors. values up to 25c, your choice lie yard St'ECIAL NO. 4 lion iery 34C 5 doz Ladies Fancy Lace Hose, good 1i:Ie threat' colorsgguaranteed. black, white, tan, pink, blue and rose regular for 34e pair 5 doz Ladies Fancy Hose, fast colors. black and tan only, regular 4oc for 19e pair SPECIAL N3. 5 • Millinery 1.49 1 dozen Ladies Trimmed Hats, values up to 5.00 for 1,49 1 dozen Odd Waists, sizes 34. and 36, regular 2.00 sale price 69e ■einellE1001.2SONIEL meareoneenwamkse The Great War assonsunseenkkeer Obituary •FISHER -In Clinton. on Tuesday, A;vg, 1st, Mrs Margaret 'Fisher, aged 83 years Mrs Fisher was` 'born in .Nova Scotia, and came to this section sixty Years ago with her parents who settled `at, Kennedy's Corners. west of town. coming to Clinton about 18 yeaa•s ago When the Satiny carie from Londoe it tons them three weeks to make the make the journey - thrugh the .'bush. ' She was .married 1n 1859, and has lived in Clinton aelnoSt co n- tinuousl'y', )since that time., Her husband predeceased her 51 Years ego., Mrs. Either was a staunch e'resl, yterian ,incl one of the Oldest ntimbers of Willie C hutch where ass She taught a Sunday School class for over twenty years, and was at church three weeks ago. She wag a sitter of the late Archie len- nedy, ardf as ,survived by one sister, 'Mrs, Mary C. Kennedy of toter, one dane•hter, Mrs. Cudnaore and. 'ono randiton, Mr Alex, Cud - more• and two poet grardehild- ren: Messrs. Norman and Donald Kennedy 'of town, L, (Kenn' dy i f Winghean;are nephews, and Mrs. ((Dr.) Bla.ekall of Blyth is ai ueice. The floral tributes were, a wreath from the 'children; also Jit. ° i d Mrs. iFred'Pickett; Misi•es Many McIntyre and Arlie Sloualin , Mre. .A. 0. Pattison; the Misses ,Powell; Mr. and 1Mis. D, Kennedie Mr, and 'bias. A. Kenn ed,y of Detroit. The funeral took place to Clinton cemetery this afternoon, the scl' rices'being conducted by Rev. Mr. a enielene of Beyfield. The pall- beaieid'vcrc W. G. Smyth, 3.Oen- Mehemet J. G, Chow*en T. Pickett,_ W. H. Watts and H \irilase. 1 men's Stars 'Wax and Wine in Tau s Years of Sig War Here Are Some of the Names Which Have Become Greater or Less joined . on the side of the Allies, and is draining the strength of the Austrians' an no mount .10 fight- ing inside the (Austrian border Italy, 'France, Russia Britain, the lattersale The great- war -the war posse including, every" are to- possession and dominion, are to - which to date has been namelesrl day arrayed, more iforniidable save as °'The War" -was on than ever like (Atlas, avhose strength 'wee renowect with every --•0-- touch of Mother Earth. are to -day i Germanys initial Sueees'ses closing in on the Teutonic pow - Two years have passed, In the ern Belgium, Serl.in, Morten, gg o, line fighting the Northern (France and 'Western early staged of g Russia are to 'be avenged, and German 'troops needed all before th 1 them Belgium. was' overrun, though not With the epeea 'which I the creators of the German mii terry machine had hoped for, .01e ing to the desperate re istaalcel of the Belgian army, small, 'but icer - 010, IFranoe .evita swept 'almost to the horde, of Pa is, the British ex= peditionary 'force of le0,000 men being caught in the tide, a:nd (if-. . ter making aspeendid stared 'Mons, , ,retreating to the south Just in time General Gahieni, m 1i- tary governor • of Paa'is brought up his famous "taxica.'b'' army General ,Joffre made his thrust at the Marne • The Colman right wing under von Kluck was aught in flank and hurriedly retreated, extending :the lines to the. t'.'ea, where (both sides dug' in, ard.have at .amp y. ( •000soiacseoceacoeuieaoe©ee Local News in Belligerent Countries STARS 'HAVE RISEN' e Great Britain Admiral 'Beatty,, cmmmender of British ,battle cruiser squadron Gen Botha, conqueror of Ger- man South-west Africa and of hoer South African revolt Gen 'Monro, director of B. itish evacuation 'of Gallipoli without loss, of a( man Gen Robertson, chief of British general staff . Admiral ro ' a Stdee commander it British. fleet in Ba ofttle of Falk- lands ., L Sir Douglas Haig, commander on west fron}t trance Gen J'o[Ere, commander-in=chief of '.french ,armies STARS HAVE DIMMED Great Britain Winston Churchill,d'irst Lord of the Adiniralty c. Prince Louis of Barttenbei•g,Fir•st Sea Lord of the Admiralty e Admiral Carden; commander of first British naval attack at Dar- danelles 1 Gen. Sir h.r. Hamilton, cowman-•' der of British. Gallipoli Army Gen Nixon, ,commander of Brit- ish 'Mesopotamian army Prance • of inch Pau, commander o z Gen a army in Alsace M Delcasse, Foreign Minister in first 'French War Cabinet M Millerand, Minister of War in first 1French War Cabinet Russian Gen Dimitrueff, Bulgarian com- mander of Russian army in Ga - Gen 'Poch: commander of French lician operations r central army that played decisive Gen Rennenka.mpf, commander part in Battle of the Marne of Russian armiesthat tried to Marquis de 0aatelnau, commane invade Shit Prussia in second cler of Stench western front after campaign Battle of the Aisne Gen Petair, coniinandet of the French defence of Verdun Russian Gen Alexeioff. commander of Russian ermies after retirement of Grand Duke Nicholas Gen Rrus•i:pff, commander of Russia's present south-eastern of- fensive , r ' Germany Marshal Von Hindenburg, env - lour ,of East Prussia, Marshal Dans Von Bulow, Von Jlindenburg's chief lieutenant in 0613606ie6e®e0000e004"560 0.0 Mazurian Laker battle A ,311.1L19 NOT LIVED UP TO Marshal Von Mackensen, con- 7'he passibility. that the fly, quer'or of Galicia and Servia and probably more 'particularly Gen IFalkenhayn, German 1VIin- the' stable fly, has something to inter of War at outbreak of war and later chief of general strife Copt Von Muller, commander of the Emden i GRADE STALLIONS ,Notices Etre beino' .sent out ,by the Ontario Stallion Enrolment Board, ,.(innouneingl chat grade stallions which have been placed in das:( two must be eliminated from service by August 1st next This step taken under the legisla- tion pained a few years ago, for the purpose elf improving the breed of horses in the province, wwin withdraw only acomparniive ly small number of animate, being about 100 in the province Grade stallions ,placed in class two are poor in conformation acct have some ibileiniehes ' MIGHT WORK HERE ALSO. remained so up to 1 e 1591. three Mr. E. GulItet, proprietor o1'the weeks, when the British army, no loading ,grocery in ('obcurg. puf- longer but 1.0,000, but fouril mlions fishes the following notice in the strong co -,operated (with the Lown nein°spapers; "while the n ar Ike on and so many of our young men have gone to the fight- ing line, there is a great deal of difficulty fu securing good d fve.rs for delivery waggons. Our eue- tonic army was. deep The the i,omers'Who have ,,phones can help signs endeavored to draw off do with the spread of that dread ed disease, infantile paralyafe, makes it doubly important that piles of manure be not alilowcd'to remain exposed withn tee Tennicf- pality. Provincial 'Regulations require that the keeper of eves y stable ishall .permit not move than two wagon loads of manure to. accumulate, and shall keep ouch manure in properly covered re- ceptacle The Provincial Boars of Health are insisting that the above regulations be carried out PRESENTATION WAS MADE On 'the eve of their ctepartu• e for Cornwall, Rev T. W. Cosenza and Mrs ,Cos•en.i were honored at a banquet, held in Empress Avenue Church, London, when they were presented with a purse containing over sixty dollars At •i pievic held a few d says 'before, the young ladies of the F delay . Sunday Scheel class gave Nies lholderens The Banner Bible Class previously bee - quoted Mr Cosens as d made him the recipient of a goecHher d,esli umbrella On all ,these oeCasion5 eon-intim(id a •y sic di eases revere given, referring to the pleasant associations of the past four years 'French army,.rebuilt anti e"lectiye, opened a drive that is to. be main- tained until Feanee;isfreecl ofn- vaders, and 113etgium ,restored Elsewhere the first rush of the Tee ' Germans ray all attack don,East t Prussia They at paid ahigh price, for the Germans soon tra.nsfeerea their a it energies, and crushingly defeated sien forces, which 'were poorly ms equipped Withllguns and the bravest aofnitmen Russian , Poland was occupied, al'd the Teutonic forces spread in time into Courlfan.d, to the gates of Riga. and eastwards un1.i'l the great VolhYnaan trien;'lo fortress- es was in their possession Later to the south, Sea^big anri•Mont:e- nogro after 6esistirig 011 attempt- ed invasions of the Austrians, were caught in the flank by the -Bulgars, and in front by the com- bined Austro-GCrmanie brides They 'were wired out as countries only their shattered armies eecap-- ing British efforts to delve •at Constantinople through the Dar- danelles 'were foiled, and an ex- pedition up theMeso'potamia' carie' to grief Only on the seas and in the capture of the German co- lonial poeeessions olonial'pobsessinns did the British make headway, until recent months, when, after they had lost m,any ,gamy corps take Version, cessful attempt the Germans were attacked by the British and Punch forces, rated, driven 'back a considerable din= ranee. under an offensive still con- tinning. - -- Vengeance Will Be Exacted The enormity of Germany's crime 'against }civilization (was shown by the refusal of Italy to join in with her allies in this war and after some hesitation etaly, [ us very much by ordering once a day instead of three or four times daily. We 'will appreciate it very much if they will kindly het on this suggestion as far as possifle. • The hint might possibly be taken by not afew Clintonians• Was Troubled Klin Liver Stomach and FOR SEVEN YEARS. MI .BURN'S TAXA-LiVE'R PILLS • A B3G CROWD WENT TO S'ErAii'ORTH. Clinton was well represented at Seaforth on Wednesday, itt The Fair of the Allies, but most of them 'vent down to gee the band boys of the 161st Battalion, who were present for the day. Bard master Grant had 35 members un- der .him. on Wcdncsdny and gave a good prr gratin afternoon gird ea ening, To the New Fra 13s i d- maeter Grant stated ,that the band was oa?e.of three from Ctunp 13 Or- den to play at Toronto Exhii:i- tion this year. Many, or the boys came up on the evening, trete and rpcnt a. -couple of Hours Herewith their many friends, MINOR LOCALS • Hydro (was off early Sni dpy mot riing, 11180' Intl that evering and off part ofMorday morning Gardens ase beginning, to ree- fer from drought, but are looking iVe11 Const boring the bong peri' d ofdry, lint weather. 1 "Where shall 1 store my graina 4 is everywhere the question which confronts the farmer when he guts . his) hay into the bri,rit, , On one of the ]tot ':est days of the 'week. ai wild-eyed stranger, presumably from Codcrich lc.peci into Baatlrff's' .inti- raked foe oysters Dvet 'since, the astonish,- ed aionish-ocl 'waiter 1188 been suffering; from shell shock . NEW T. 0 0. 11.OPFICEBS. CURED HER. Mrs. Thomas Sargent, Berkeley, Ont. -writes: "%.have beeu troubled with my stomach and liver for the past seven years; also have had constipation cans-, ing headaches, backaches and curry spells, and at times 1 would almost tail down. I tried all kinds of medicine, without obtaining any relief. 1. com- meneed using Milbiarn's Lamb -Liver Pills, and they have cured me. I have recom- mended them to many of my friends, and they are all very mach pleased with the results they have obtained from their use.". Milburn's Lasa -Liver Pills Have been on the market for the past twenty-five years, and can be procured from all dealers. 'rhe price is 25 emits per, vial, or five vials for :$1,00. If your dealer does not keep them, they will be maileddirect on receipt of price,,. by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, To. route Or' General Sukhomlicn.off, Russian Minister of War during first year of the ,war Germany Prince Von Buelow, German Am- bassador to Italy General Von plunk, commander of German army defeated before Paris 1 Gen: raI Von H u' en, commander of defeated :German central army in battle of the Kerne Admiral Von Tirpitz, German Minister of Marine tet outbreak of the 'war . Austria-Hungary1. + Personal Note s 4i. 1r those having relatives or friend 446. Visiting in town or going away. notify us or the taut eaoh week, we, would announce it in the blew (GRA.. Warden Livingston of Huron County was in town on Thursday. Miss Emma Levis hail charge of the or an at OntarioSt Church nSunda during the absence of Mrs, Treleaven, y Mrs. Albert Gerry and son of Indian Head were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Adam McKenzie, Kirk street f or a few days. The ladies are sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mutch of Goderich spent a few hours in town on Wednesday. The little daughter of Amos Cartwright who underwent an operation is gaining in strength. Misses Annie and Maud Fergusonof Walton and Miss Mabel .klaycroft of Fort William, spent a few hours at the home of Mrs, J. L, herr on Wednesday. even- ing. Mr, Walter Jarvis of Alberta came • home Tuescay on a visit to see his father. Miss Lyla Powell of Toronto is home on her holidays. Mr. Wilbur Ford, of Brown's store is taking his holidays. Mr, Wm. Jarvis of the London Road who has been sick for some time is not making the progress his many friends would like to see. Miss Violet Argent spent several dtiys in Auburn last weak. Mr. William Brown incl his son Robert and his youngest sister Miss Bessie Brown, all of Detroit, are visit- ing this week with Mrs, Robert Brown of Hullett. They carte with Mr. Brown's automobile on Monday and they are all visiting Mr. and Mrs, Walter Habkirle to -day (Thursday) at Hentiall and expect to return to Detroit on Saturday. General Auffenbueg., commander of Austro-Hungarian Galician army. General Danks, commander of Austro-Hungarian first 'offensive in Poltind A t Count Berelitold, Austrian Pre- mier at outbreak df war. ' Italy General Br•usati, commander of i Ttalian-Trent.ino 'army: ono••••o••••e••.•••••••••••••e•••••••••••••ae•e••••• With The Lawn Bowlers •• • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • O The new officers for the coming' terra were installed on Tuesday night as follows, - Jr Past Grand, 'Bro, Mulheliane, N.G., Bro. u. Watson. V.G., J. Sutter. Rec. See,, Tiro. Il. ,Gould, . Sin, Sec•, Bro . J Wiseman, Prean, Bto. Be 1:1 Chani:, Bro,, J. W. Moore,.. L S.N.G., Bro, A., Mftehcll, R.S,V.G, Bro:, T. Managlian, Pro, ,11'.'Meteh, R.5.5,, Brie, W. H. Hellyat -- L S.S., Bro. E. tFisnel , I.G,',;, Bee W. T. O'Neil, 0.G4 Deo. 11.:Kerr, Cotetnethr, Bro. W. Johnson. Warden, Bro. I1 Miller :Chaplain, Biro i•. Hall. Atte tate work was through, the members adjiourned. I:o . Bartliff's resta.rlarani• the guests of the newly Metalled Noble Grand, Woo Both Games from Exeter Bowlers hour .links 01 Exeter bkewlens A. J, Morrish J. Hamilton paid a friendly visit to Clin- 1+. Peneabsker - Ms'nre [ W. li,irland H, Thomas ton, on Friday afternoon aur J were defeated in every rink by a E. }Dovey -'S Dr. Allison sk-15 80®00000000000®000000000 Smaller Coal Mills Let us reduce your coal bills. We can do it by sup- plying you with a coal that lasts long, gives a steady heat and leaves only a small amount of ash. This coal is LEHI,GH VALLEY ANTHRACITE The Coal That Satisfies It will save you money. Give it a trial. J. Holloway, Clinton y v Cl Western University, London ANOTEIEB GREAT ADVANCE Income Doubled -Now $76,000 —so— Another large addition to Faculty and Equipment Medicine q ni tin Arte and M dicine Greatly Increased Enrollment in yiew Write for particulars to: The Hol mesviIle Mission Circle spent their social evening on Friday last at the home of Mr. Geo. Holland. • Pte. D. A. CAtnlelon, who is a mem- ber of the'Sinacoe Co. battalion -is hero for a vacation. Miss Irene Holmes, ut Ltcknow is the guest of Miss Jenne .Holmes, - Mt'. and Mrs. l9gan of Toronto, are holiday ing with Mrs. A, D. Beaton. The laches are sisters. Miss Iliva Lavin, who is training for nurse at Termite General hospital, is spending a short vacation at the parental home, Mrs. Jelin Jarksoo, of Lethbridge, forrnei,ly bliss L'nrigh, of Blyth, was a visitor with Mrs. Bawden;on Tnesday. Mrs. Holmes and grandson Master+ Gerald Holmes, were visitors at Gode• rich last week, Mrs. Flurry Bart•Iitf and children are holidaying at Brussels. Miss Mabel l'iilttidge returnd to her home ill Woodstock after it visit with Mr. end Mrs. 19. D. Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Couch and Mester Jack have returned from their visit in Stanley. Mt', and Mrs. Frank Sellery, of Kin- cardine, were guests this week with Mir, and Mrs. A. S. Coopor, Mr. Sol- leryis an uncle of the -hostess. Misses Celia Beacom, Helen Middle- ton anti 1liario0 Guuu of town tinct Miss Mary MoMurchie of Blyth, are spending two weeks at Grand Bend. Miss Lockerbie, of Winnipeg is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. Bryeti:Me. Mrs (Du) Wintheope and children from Saskatoon and Miss Smyth are visiting thea parents tlir. and Mrs. W. Smyth and other old friends in town. • Mts. Couch sr. and Ma's. I•toss and Miss Boleti am spending August at Biiytield. • Salesladies Wanted total of 21 shots in the afternoon Following were the players ;- Clinton, e Exeter J TIiller ' • A 'Rastingf{, , A. 1, llolloWay FE Spaekivan ' W Grant 11 N','Creech E G. Conrtice • W. D. Cllai4c Slip - 110 skip- 8 C H. Holland , 0' May C 1'. Libby : : J:i:I.'Grieve ;I Wiseman R G. Golden A J. •Morrish\, , S W: Madman 1 skip -1.0 skip -15 T Hawkins A P.: Kuhn W Johnson ' W Fritz J 'Hanliend 1 W IT. Levitt • N '13x11 C R, Snell t rkip-1.7 skip -15 eF Pennabaker R N. (Rowe 1) L, 'Macpherson e A. McDonald 13 1i. Paul • W J. DOi'e W Jackson. • Jae Taylor skto-14 skip- S Totals. (17 40 In the everting, the same clubs, µlith' the exception that 1t 0. Sel- don,.skiPPed instead of. Mr Gla d man for Lx.eter, played four other rimes of Clinton bowlers, but fell further away by a total score of 78 to 00 The Clinton' and Exeter players'tvere;- ', t Clinton. Exeter T Hardy A 53ast.ings(, 5 '1 Hawkins `H Spacicmals Bert Hovey R N, Creech, J Nediger W D Clark skip -10 1 Pennabnker F May R Ci, !Reid - • J T. Grieve A J, Morrish aF W, Gladman J :h. Hovey ., 12 G. Selden skip- 20 skip -l2 Len'Ilaelned 1 A E: Kitten W Johnson W (Fritz IL Wiltse, ' W H. Lovett or Axon C 1;, Snell 1 skip- 20 skip -12 R Manning i R N. (Rowe C iF. ,Libby J A\. McDoneld W' 'Grant W J. Dore E G, Courtice Jas Tatyl(or Skip -10 skip -48 Totals 10 42 Summerhill NIr. end Mrs. John Murray end children of New Voile ane visit- ing isiting with Mr, and Mrs. T.11. Lind- say, 5 Local News E, E. BRAITHWAITE, M,A„ Ph.D. President. For Sale Two frame houses for sale, one an 8 -roomed House, corner of Kirk and Townsend Streets, and a six- roomed cottage on Kirk Street. Electric lights and town water in 'both. Will sell cheap for quick sale. 'For further particulars [IP - ply t. JOSEPH TOWNSEND, Ontario street SH015 STOCK MOVED. The (bankrupt stock of shoes Were moved out of town onToes- day to St, 'Thomas, , GARDEN PARTY. A garden party will be held' tbis , evening,, at the Baptist Church, under . the ,auspices' ••of the Ladies. Aid, The Clinton (tie Brass end Pipers Band w,i11 furnish tnusicai • program. Re- freshments vserved during elle evening. Silver collection, skip -18 New Prices Aug1 e 1916. The 'follow ingg prices' for Forl cars will be effective on and ed - ter ,August 1st, 1916, Chassis Runabout Touring Car Coupelet Toµ'p Ca.c - . Sedan Totals 70 • 50 --00-- LUST AT 13LYT'17 *0000 4,61e0O®•ege6e800•®0.•0 Taco rinks of Clinton bowlers 0 •: - GOING ON '.HOLIDAYS • ✓ New Bra -treaders going e • ,out of town 'for. holidays, • O may wish to have their pe ,0 .per sent to their, • 9•nmtne 0 • address. Phone 30, anti our ®. • circulation dePartreent illi • attend to it for you. 0 • THE N(9WI ERA s• oelmootspeoe ossesse•eeemis went to Blyth op W'ecinesday, but were unable to keep np theiewie- ning streak, a,nd lost by 20 shots. i'ollowieg were the players and score,- s Clinton Blyth W. grant A. W, Sloan J. Wiseman , . _G..Blacltapl DEALER:' N, Ball' vas, McbIurchie Dr. Axon - 8 Dr McTaggart -17 PHONE 183,•, f , , CLINTON. Salesladies wanted to 111 posi- tions open on our ;gales staff made vtcant by men enlisted. Either temporary or permanent. Income three dollars per day up- ward, A,cldres,s , The Scarborough Co. of Canada, r Limited, Man Publishers, Hamilton, Ontario $150.00 •175.00 196.00 095.00 780.00 800.00 . rP. O. B. FORD, QNP. These 'prices are positively guar-, anteed against any reduction be- fore ,August 1st. 1917, but there is no guailntee against ata advance ;price n.t• any, time. , t Bert Langford Fat Clens and Chickens Wanted. Taken at any time. Highest Market Prices W. MARQUES. CLINTON Phone 14 on 166 Seed eorn Prince George Welsh Potty Stallion. Color -White and black. 'Height, 14 hand's. REputed to be the prettiest pony in Ontario and. is the sire of many beautiful animals R. T, DUNLOP owner Zurich, Ont Wanted, We now have in stock a quantity of Seed Corn which we cin offer you at a reasonable price, also Good Seed Buckwheat This is the hatching season and that means lots of feed foe the baby chicks. We have a large stock of Baby Chick Feed and also Chick Grit on hand Try some of our Oreemeal and Oilcake' for young calves and pigs, there rs nothing better Since Lard has risen to such a high prioe, why not try our Easifirst Shortening as it is not so expensive and goes farther, \'Te have it in 5 and 20 the pails Bran, Shor ts, Low grade Flour, oat meal, Breakfast Food, and Flour always kept 3n stock Highest Prices paid for Grain .Nld Wool at "Elevatolr" Machinists and lathe hands wentedi Apply tb'e W0,OD MOTOR Co., Clinton, Ont. Mouse for Sale Rouse on Rattenbury St„ .formerly nccupiei by the late Mrs, William Murvey. Apply to G. D. 1IcTAGGART W.Jenkins&non Flour and Feed. phone 199 For Sale Property „occupied by Dr. Gau- dier, including two lots, house, of- fice and stable, Will be sold sep- arately or to,getlier,. Electric lighting throughout, water in the I '.t in stable. Hard ,and softµ tea' bath -room kitchen and summer kitchen, Apply 0 DR. GANDIERI Popular Stallions The following stallions will stand for the improvement of stock this season as follows:- DNURD GAItTL] (3321) Enrolment No. 07 11I0NDAY-Will leave his ownstable West end Tuckersmith, and gra north by way of the Huron Road to the Gra ham House, (Minton, for noon, then by way of the 10th con„ Goderich town ship. to Mr, Bert Lobb's for night, TUESDAY--Bv way of Maitland con. to win, Durst and Soti for noon. then by way of Bethel and Benmiller to \Vm. Lobe's for night. WEDNESDAY -By way of the 0 and Sth eon, to Wm. Ounninghem's for noon, then by way of the Sth con. to Fred Quaid's, Dunlop for night. THUIRSDAY - To Union Hotel, Goderich, for noon, then by way of 1st con. to Salkeld's corner and 4611 nen, to Huron Road to Wilmot Haacke's:for n FRIDAY -By way of 0 3i con. and Porteright,'s Hill to Fred Pickard's for noon; then by way of 7th con., toJoh u Stewart's for night. SATURDAY -By way of Bayfield Line to Jae, Jackson's Sud of Stanley for noon; then to hi9 own stable where • he will rennin until the following Monday morning. 'Perms, 613 to insure. G. W, Nott, r proprietor; 3. P. Fisher, manager Wool wanted Wool wanted highest rice paid -Cash or trade, g p BENMILLBR WOOLEN MILLS, Young Alen Young na00 or others who are unable to join for overseas ser- vice, can serve their Kinn and Country by helping' on Munition Wort., Anply to,, The Robert Be11 Engine and Thresher Co., Limited tSea:fertli, Clnt, �e'Hanging �kaiRltln . & Paper t ani,ng Painting and Paper Banging neatly and eromptiy done, Orders left a Hunnitord's Grocery Store' or at my reeidenoe, Victoria Street, ',le /6' ,.iUTAELLS k GUINEA GOLD (130.70) [75191 Enrolment No, 1995 iIONDAiY-Wi11 leave his own stehle, Vest End. Tuckersmith, and go south to the Mill Road to Pftlle ar Sous for noon, then across to Huron Road and west to Wm. Dales for night. TUESDAY - 'Io Grahauia House, Clinton, for noon and until the tallow ing morning WEDNESDAY -By way of Huron Road to N. Trewartha's, Holmesville, for noon, then by way of 9th con. to Thomas Cole's for night TIH'UiISDAY-By way of Middle ton's corner to George (Holland's for poen, then to his own stable where he nt ill remain until the following Monday morning Terms $15 to insure. G,W• Nott, prop. 3111It•Ar J. Standard Brett Trotting Stallion Will stand tut the 1ormendie Barn, Clinton, every Saturday during the ' season. He is a very fashionably bred colt. and while not yet 8 years old, he is a ,big horse now. No. 01882 American Trotting Register, No. (1101 Canadian Standard Bred Society, Ne. 4410 Ln velment. Terms -$12 to ensure with foal ED.70IINSTON, Prop,. Phone 8 on 102 Clinton