HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-07-27, Page 6PAGE SIS. NECKWEAR ITTHE !NEW BERKLEY CRAVAT AND POPULAR BATWINGS HAND IRONED THE FULLY GUARANTEED SHIRT THE CLINTON NEW MBA, Straw Fats'; AT Clearing Prices WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and Rouse !Furnishings Phone 67. Nett to Royal Bank MEN'S STORE. Custom Tailoring Men's i5'ur niahings. Phone 103. app o s illo P u b l icLi br ar y sepeeeessese07.4i•eeeeesueeeer.sseeempeeeeeeeee•eeees OUR--- JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New type and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA CLINTON c41tmsec©elrneaaa®®maootaceoeco zecoaCiisatrases9z¢'re"®ee•ttewr+••se mea>OasMara+rIZtat • Fancy furniture Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection. Light in can strnotion and design but ex- tremely well made in,every de. tail. Here ate the finest creations of the 'furniture makers craft, and at prices bat will temp the wise and discrimmatiug buyer. The Cheapest Spot in Ilion to buy alllsinds of Furniture 33 AMT.) & .A.T.La..IDT SO sr Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors—Phone 104 N. Ball 110=11ESIDENCE PII®Ii1S— J. D. Atkinson 186 0000 THINGS TO EAT. there is nothing more substantial or more easily prepared. Meats—Cooked Ham. Meat Loaf Breakfast or Back Bacon. they are always up to the mark. Jelly Powder and Minute Pudding —Jelly Powders are railways ra friend to the housewife, they are an ornament as well as a splen- did desert, Minute Pudding -Can be made in a jiffy. Ulaerors—Tapioca, lemon, vanilla, chocolate, etc. AND EGGS. No matter whether you remain at home or go camping or picnic - for yourwmet. als, ant nt whygstand overya hot stove when you can get aduch elleed Fs and wholesome W• eytake the liberty of offering a few suggestions that require very little cooking, 'Canned Goods—Peas, Corn, To- matoes Pork and Beane, salmon, dines, 'herrons, Haddies, eta. and i IIIGH'EST PRICES;S40R BUTTt'•fd NSON &• Phone 111 THE STORE OF IZUALYTY eeseeeeeeeeeeee•seseeeesees00000•000esees®eeseseseese ,• • • Popula Unes • A• • • • e. wFIoor • Sherwin-Williams Paints, Japal ® acia✓c ,• Campbell's Varnish Stain g Ablluminum Paint • Gold Paint I e •I na Bros.,and Everything •Are all carried by Harland 3 •m • else in hardware. 10 0 ®.0 O 0 0 is White Enamel • Buggy and Wagon Paint 1 New home Washing :Machines! Garden Hose and Sprays Perfection and Puritan OR Stoves ft Three Lawn Mowers at cost • a 0 e Polarise Bleck th Cylinder Linseed Separator r Ca for ® Harness, Neatestoo't 40 and the 'celebrated X X X X 'Heavy Machine oil—TRY IT. • • The amount? terms * nd price of ' son committing a breach of any I nation of succeeding generations. Louis Racmaekers has nail - O Vet Grand TrunkRailway System Time Table for Olinton Buffalo and Ooderich Going to Stratford 7.83 a in ,. 2.68pw 5,15pm Going to lxoderich .. 11.07 p m 1 35'p w 11.08 pm Loudon, Huron and Bruce; Going to London,., 1'05 a ain n Going to Wingham 1800 am nzer>dinS6aee'ree'o4454}L{rintitemeseetkYS No less than four radiating surfaces gather up almost every scrap of heat and send it through your comfortable rooms. Drop in some time soon and hear about McClary's : special installation service that gets out of every ton of coal all the heat there is in it. soy Sold by BYZM & SUTTER AALAAAAAAAA. sitikAAAAAAAgree.A.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAe.r®auss&A HAD A NARROW ESCAPE. While working at Rumball's saw ,mill last Thursday ,afternoon Mr. Arthur Tyndall fell about 12 feet off a pile of lumber and landed on his feet. Both ankles were badly bruised but no bones were broken., THE VICTIM OP CMOPL1CA- TION OF 'DISEASES. • The following obituary notice refers to an uncle et Mrs. A. T. Cooper of town;—The death of Jaynes B. Sellery (occurred this morning at 8 o'clock at the family home, 522 Lincoln Way east. Mr. Sellery has been in poor health fur some time and death was due to a complication of disea,ses. The de- ceased was 'born in Ontario, Can- ada, November 9, 1850, and was aged 63 years, 7 months and 29 days. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Seilory. In October; M889 he was united' in mar, i ge'WV h rs. Ella Beeleman, of 'Bucyrus.. No were to the he survivngelivearhis wit e, three sisters, Mrs. Ira Fisher, of Colorado Springs, Col; Mrs. Jessie Fleming of Toronto Mrs. Sarah Temple, of Kincardine Cab- ada, and 'four brothers, Win. Sel- lery, London, Canada; Alfred, of Niles, Nebraska; Samuel, of Cob- ourg, and !Frank, Kincardine. Two brothers are decetys,ed, also his parents. 'Funeral services will be held Monday morning at the residence„ followed by interment at New Haven. The deceased was aboiler maker by trade and has been aGalion -resident for eight years• -+prom Galion, Ohio, paper: Local News vVYY'6vvvvvvwVVYVyYY9vWiwvvv.,wvvvav'*VvvvvvvvovrV' 1 �►,. A BUSY SPOT. ( t MEN STLLL REQUIRED. 5. ► • D i ► The drinking fountain on , the The present: strength of -rt e "Mli,dwayr; is -"one of ;the finale* hurons' t+sthistyTfour u'f'leers_ and spots these Warm days. 839 `Wren, To , bring the baitai8•n SIINOii LOCALS Listowel tax rate $411 be 32 mills. Next Tuesday is the dist :of Aug- ust. r • Many of the 161st boys are home. for the harvest. The cirizens are glad to wel- come home the soldiers. If you stand up fon yourself, others can't sit down on you. Official returns for North Perth show that the majority for Hay is 567. ' ' The Kittle Band played' at a garden party at Varna on Tuesday evening. ' The New Era is $i 90 a year pay- able in advance. Look at the label on your paper. : 1 lFriday, August 4th,is the second ann'versarY of the Great W rwl when En up to full strength two officers WON 11IRST AT LONDON. and 239 men are still required • At the tourney of (the Thistle SOLD BhSTNESS. Lawn Bowling Club at London last week... Mr. Israel Taylor, a former After conducting a marble busi- resident of Clinton, skip1ed ' the 'noss here 'for some years, Mr winning rink on Saturday last, James Doig sole[ out here to T3r11l Atkinson, who are busy mining the stock to their own premises. Mr. Doig, who has hot been in good health Will take a year's rest before going into business again. THOMSON—.HILL WEDDING. , RENTS' HOUSE. Goderich Signal; •— Mr, Wesley Walker has rented the residence of Mr. Geo. Price on Waterloo lstreet .and will (take possession early in August. •• SECOND WOUND FOR , • BENMILLER PRIVATE. Mrs. James Long, of Bengriller, received official notification on Sunday that her son, Pte. Elmer Long, had been wounded -in the shoulder. This is the second time he has been wounded. • NEW AUTO OWNERS. ; Mr. Adan McKenzie, Townsend street pow drives a Saxon. ' Mr. Vodden, (Jntario st., has sold his five-passanger ;Car h•nd purchased a !Nord runabout from A. Langford. 1MIr. Lorne Tyndall has purchased the car run by Harry {Twitchell. HYDRO WAS Cv^T. Owing to some trouble' on (tire high tension line of the Hydro Commission, Clinton was in ilarlt- nese and semi larknees from 5 o'clock last Monday evening un The Marriage took place on Jnne ffsth, at the home of Mr. and'Mrs. Leatherdale, 728 Spading Crescent of Miss Ruby. Vivian Hill and Nor- man Keith Thomson, both of Se - ikatoon, Sask. Rev. C. W. Frown officiated. The attendants were Miss Margartet Hood and Mr. Geo L. Paw. The bride received many beautiful gilts, the groom's gift to the bride being. a large cabinet of flatware. The bride is the only daughter of'Mr. Hiram Hill, anti a nelee of Mrs. W. J. paisley. Her many friends in town offer hearty congratulations. t A ROYAL PROCLAMATION. Proclamation issued in the On- tario G-azette by the Lieutenant - Governor, urging that on Tricia,y, August 4th, the .second anniver nary of the declaration of 'war, public meetings should be called throughout the province 'tor the 11 o'clock, 'Tlac newer. which Siad purpose of stimulating the de - Oland ou practtealdy tt i votion and patriotism of our Pea- beenday, failed eniiaely about 6 o'docic, ple, and or enibod;ying those sen - The trouble continued on Tuesday timents iu appropriate resolutions at certain periods but the house- holders had light in the ev nbs in,te,td o: darkness as on Mond;'y. IMPBO VEM.ENTS. Mr. Jos, Townsend has had a cement walk put in gat the side entrance of his home on Kirk st. The house owned 'by Nir. J•.ltn Gibbings and ;occupied by Mr. Murch, on .Ontario as is being a e - painted. Air. Thos. Graelis has the non- tiact ler painting the outside trf (the postoaiice. The home of Airs. J. McGarva, is being brightened up with a cost of paint. . . •. MIN OR LOCALS. Not inucir complaint nate p1 wet weather. The weather man still p ontinues thereby uniting them effectually 'for the supreme effort which is necessary to fiing' to a. Vlctorialts issue tbo struggle dor the main- t-enenee of those ideals of Lib- erty and Justice 'Which dra the common and sacred cause of the allies, C'IT_\1'L AIN Olt THE 161.st BATT1r. Bru ,gels Post—Re s. J,K Pa'rfull recently pastor at the Baptist church. Clinton: who enlisted with the 1.01st Huron Battalion last tearing, has been appointed' lain, thereby settling, we suppos,. , a question 'of no ,small interestto this county and !one that provok- ed considerable bad 'feeling in con - lection with the filling of the post. We expect Rev. Me. Fair - dill! will prove worthy of the best expectations or numerous friends to keep the furnace going Reith all as he is at good - level headed the drafts open. • I fellow with a wide experience in Keep +our horses as cool its 1 things pertaining to certain formas 1 S i of military Ole both in this'mot. vines and the Old Lend. He is' now at Camp Borden where the 161st is Located for the season's drill. Thursday, Joly 27th, 1916. , S...leti,YsY.E %.•R:P T!'le•n•..ux. BB�Sr L,10,. possible these warm days—is isoucl advice to horse owners. The blackbirds have been snore inumerous and voreciout than lis- ual lately. They have made 15' 1 ole sale havoc ;of garden peas 'Kurd SOVEREIGN 73ANIf. MATTERS. ehereies, I The payment .Uy the United The man who first suggested a States Government et the final race for tat men at everylpicnicI a•ment of '659,nt on the 070 that's held •sluould' hie put to •the Alaska iterol ern Railway disposes front line when the Get - 'next (big' of (lie.largest asset in' the hands charge is made against the Get- of the International Assets Co , mans, 1 1 which is distributing the substance Try to keep coal. Hat less, Wear Of the Sovereign Bank The first less (if possible). Keep Your homes 1p�ayment of $500,000 was made in well ventilated and your offices September, 1015. It ;will ba re- stores 'well filled with liresht air membered that the Sovereign take things las easy as you can. Bank stopped, business in 1901. go - And then, if you are /,till hot jualt' ing technically into liquidati;n, "keep cool' about it.' . some years later. The remaining What day is Civic Holiday? /The largest asset of the Bank„the Chi•. Bowlers had ,a petition out for cago and Milwaukee, should be Aug. 9th, while the factories end disposed.of this summer, it is uthers are asking for Rhe 1st Mon- thought, and by that time tb.e day in August, so that any one Bank should be out of indebted- wishing,to go out of town can slave ness, and the sbareaield'ers may a ;week end ticitet. . ,, commence speculating Sys to tvho- ther there will be any return for WILL ENFORCE THE them. REGULATIONS _ ' At the last meeting of the Pub- arc Utilities Commission the Sup- R`de aeke 1s9 Cartoons crintendent was 'instructed to strictly enforce Clause 49 of the r a i waterworks Byelaw, and in this land entered it. . matter the Commission asked for The New Era • Acknowledges itcheli has (already had five the co-operation of all :citizens es- Receipts of a Co With boys killed at war. She repay- . pecially diose who have been vio- p Copy ing Jrex share alright. toting this.Clause. There is cer-! Thanks Daylight Saving abheme is not tainly no excuse for any store- -- giving satisfaction in some places keeper' or house -(holder being 'with — ancl several cities ere going back connection when it The New Era has received "with out aavater to the old schedule. 1 may'ie secured' at such glow pr;ce, the comp�imcnts oaf Sir Robert Two per cent. beer, according to The adecision of the license depart- ment, is a fermented malt liquor, and it cannot be sold in Alberta. When you advertise in The New Era you know you are placing e your announcement where it will o do most (good—t.hat le, bring at most business. o The mao who gets mad at what O the \nett spapers ,say about him lit of others, 'or to any . other 0 ,ougglrt'to return thanks three times ' item ibis ben use- orbenefit or 1 cies in the papers have been for- tc allay for what the not eprrpers all increase the supply of gotten and the innumerable books o, knew about trim and suppressed. o , General notice is given that Can- e ada's second domestic War loan O will be called for in September. Tl Clause referred to reads as follows. 41—That no person being an occupant, tenant or inmate of any house 'building or oath rr place supplied nvith water from the Waterworks system. shall lend, sell' of dispose of the !water thereof, or give away, or permit the same to be taken, or Icarilited-away, or use 0r.su iply it to the use or 'bens-, Borden,v, a set of Louts Raemae- kers' famous Dutch cartoons. 210 better ability to the ability of this cartoonist than that paid by the Westminster Gazette, as,,..fol- lows,— r "A genius—apparently the only genius produced by the war'—hats come amongst tri als oua Ifs}end andmostpowerful oily. Long'af- ter the leading und 'leaded' arti- water 'beyond that agreed with on the 'tvrir have Fallen yin the the Corporation, or wrongfully dusty crept of back numbers, the neglect or improperly waste the cartoons of Mr. Louis Raomaeker9 ter•.'' The pcnaIty for any per-' will live to foe the fierce indig- e ® few days ars soono the issue will nasitheuorosnee us. Ila$, sa finesion of lc Waterworks lnott exceeding' $LG, ed mortal ins ter to a. cross 0f im-. • G is read but the Superintendent would the, e Y • ,-' 16 Q� Have you notices( how - big an' very sone' tot have to lay acharge Those who wish to possess the • • + o on approval, slaonld 'write • � [the new 'Secretor 11 ® STO''l'11 5, FIARI:DWARE ANI. NOVELTIES 6, for War has readied the Llloycl' !blame the uperinteoclent•, This (to the publisher, Cartoon Depart- * George status: Nobod i, m< 1' F '!'> ti ns of •i dr simile rerrocluc o1 � s+ <r e c 4i 1 p >a ,� t a. t • g ��, � � is dwarfed by the prefix 'Mr? Ti'Y that *maid lead o such �a pen 1 1, sew' it on ,Milton, or Shakespere It is and yet he is pledged to do his Mr. Raemaekors' cartoons, as u significant, that !th n w S t v duty, so if you are caught dont above, pp 1, y now applies ;to ail users of water, men! , "LandanWater,' Empire p Speaks .' ;of Mr. George,, , whether they have motels pi not. I House, Kingsway, London, W.C, •000009000000000000000•000 00•000•0••0•00•000••60000;• Add a cool room to your house by'equiping your verandah with shades—wall let in the air and keep the heat out. Sizes 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 arrld ro feet wide, The W. Do ram t Offte,n,thss eineapest'—Aiways'tta;u y est �,°.�a`5F' ,� 6g4,k'. a0=01 Hx� ung•,+�•,.•,r.,,�•1t1=1aw,wm;,a.m - efaemul ;ice Berger': English Pads Greer Paris Green is used for •i purpose which makes poor grades worse than useless It wont pay you to experir.tent, Get ]3ergers then you will have the best in original lb and alb packages, Arsenate of Lead also in stock. V .MICIVRTY 'NYAL QUALITY STORE Dispensing Chemist The Features of Our Furniture. To which we invite special attention are its beauty, its assured comfort, its.. solid uol,strucl.lon, and its below the 11$51 prices. Any one of these points would he sufflciant to earn it your preference. When they are all com- bined we feel sure you will realize that this is a furniture buying oppor- tunity you cannot afford to ignore, j Undertaker and Funeral Director. • Phone 28. aright and Ser iday Cells answered at Residence over store .... _ ,,... . , ... -..... "anmmcav, mi7c :uorcia*seC rx It wHI pay you .poi The Corner Grocery "Live and Let Lire" Get our Prices on your Plumbing Heating or Eavetrou ;hang Estimates given free Material and Workmanship the Best. Agents for heel.' Furnaces Let us Meet the Eatable& far f our Calupiltg 'Trip Our stock of canned goods has• been specially selected 'for their quality and purity, and in .'fact; everything we suggest to ,you. will 'have your unqualified appro- val. Cheek ifrom this list the goods• you know yon want; come in and let us show you others..., Canned Tomatoes, Corn. Beans.ete Concentrated Packet and Canned'. Soups; Meat Extracts; Canned Preserves and Jams; 'Marmalades. Bacon. All kinds f Cooked Breakfast roods; Condensed Milk. Coffee, ,and Cocoa. Canned Salmon: Sardines; anal•,' Kippered Herring. pectais Raspberries, cherries. currents, Peaches, oranges lemons,' bananas tomatoes, cucumbers, new pota-- toes ,and beans. Thos.11awkins �i E. Hf�wp�ptB l! Plulul►iug and !tearing IQ. E. i • un all Afo d; Shop -over Itoulaudts Hardware. PHONE 46: 3 1' 9 45 Great Shop dale Our Mid=Sut nier C!ean=Up Modern methods demand that a shoe stock be closed out during the season for which it was in- tended, and that there be no carryovers to mar the appearance of the New Footwear of another season. On Saturday, the igth, we place on sale our entire stock of Summer Footwear. at factory prices, and will continue until the entire stock is disposed of. You have read about our Good Shoe You have seen therm, perhaps you have worn them. Call soon as the shoes will move out rapidly at the very low prices, FRED. JPIC2ISSON HOUSE OF BE"TTER SHOES /44 "+""k '>L:*4.3' 44ge0 Ail** ?t+,S,af:•y.1.+b.r a',t d•+F:+?44!.,6.9"144.:t'i°dl14 ''''',1, ,5 ,. -tL! 0. '��� 4.,s'' as• 0" a 44V.., ... , . / � 1 ,MADE /N CANADA /e y R.e.1 ra.. �F. The �' Fu11 QUA L i T Y auaranieed MATERIAL; Shire WOrtKMANSHIP THE CLINTON NEW MBA, Straw Fats'; AT Clearing Prices WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and Rouse !Furnishings Phone 67. Nett to Royal Bank MEN'S STORE. Custom Tailoring Men's i5'ur niahings. Phone 103. app o s illo P u b l icLi br ar y sepeeeessese07.4i•eeeeesueeeer.sseeempeeeeeeeee•eeees OUR--- JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New type and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA CLINTON c41tmsec©elrneaaa®®maootaceoeco zecoaCiisatrases9z¢'re"®ee•ttewr+••se mea>OasMara+rIZtat • Fancy furniture Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection. Light in can strnotion and design but ex- tremely well made in,every de. tail. Here ate the finest creations of the 'furniture makers craft, and at prices bat will temp the wise and discrimmatiug buyer. The Cheapest Spot in Ilion to buy alllsinds of Furniture 33 AMT.) & .A.T.La..IDT SO sr Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors—Phone 104 N. Ball 110=11ESIDENCE PII®Ii1S— J. D. Atkinson 186 0000 THINGS TO EAT. there is nothing more substantial or more easily prepared. Meats—Cooked Ham. Meat Loaf Breakfast or Back Bacon. they are always up to the mark. Jelly Powder and Minute Pudding —Jelly Powders are railways ra friend to the housewife, they are an ornament as well as a splen- did desert, Minute Pudding -Can be made in a jiffy. Ulaerors—Tapioca, lemon, vanilla, chocolate, etc. AND EGGS. No matter whether you remain at home or go camping or picnic - for yourwmet. als, ant nt whygstand overya hot stove when you can get aduch elleed Fs and wholesome W• eytake the liberty of offering a few suggestions that require very little cooking, 'Canned Goods—Peas, Corn, To- matoes Pork and Beane, salmon, dines, 'herrons, Haddies, eta. and i IIIGH'EST PRICES;S40R BUTTt'•fd NSON &• Phone 111 THE STORE OF IZUALYTY eeseeeeeeeeeeee•seseeeesees00000•000esees®eeseseseese ,• • • Popula Unes • A• • • • e. wFIoor • Sherwin-Williams Paints, Japal ® acia✓c ,• Campbell's Varnish Stain g Ablluminum Paint • Gold Paint I e •I na Bros.,and Everything •Are all carried by Harland 3 •m • else in hardware. 10 0 ®.0 O 0 0 is White Enamel • Buggy and Wagon Paint 1 New home Washing :Machines! Garden Hose and Sprays Perfection and Puritan OR Stoves ft Three Lawn Mowers at cost • a 0 e Polarise Bleck th Cylinder Linseed Separator r Ca for ® Harness, Neatestoo't 40 and the 'celebrated X X X X 'Heavy Machine oil—TRY IT. • • The amount? terms * nd price of ' son committing a breach of any I nation of succeeding generations. Louis Racmaekers has nail - O Vet Grand TrunkRailway System Time Table for Olinton Buffalo and Ooderich Going to Stratford 7.83 a in ,. 2.68pw 5,15pm Going to lxoderich .. 11.07 p m 1 35'p w 11.08 pm Loudon, Huron and Bruce; Going to London,., 1'05 a ain n Going to Wingham 1800 am nzer>dinS6aee'ree'o4454}L{rintitemeseetkYS No less than four radiating surfaces gather up almost every scrap of heat and send it through your comfortable rooms. Drop in some time soon and hear about McClary's : special installation service that gets out of every ton of coal all the heat there is in it. soy Sold by BYZM & SUTTER AALAAAAAAAA. sitikAAAAAAAgree.A.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAe.r®auss&A HAD A NARROW ESCAPE. While working at Rumball's saw ,mill last Thursday ,afternoon Mr. Arthur Tyndall fell about 12 feet off a pile of lumber and landed on his feet. Both ankles were badly bruised but no bones were broken., THE VICTIM OP CMOPL1CA- TION OF 'DISEASES. • The following obituary notice refers to an uncle et Mrs. A. T. Cooper of town;—The death of Jaynes B. Sellery (occurred this morning at 8 o'clock at the family home, 522 Lincoln Way east. Mr. Sellery has been in poor health fur some time and death was due to a complication of disea,ses. The de- ceased was 'born in Ontario, Can- ada, November 9, 1850, and was aged 63 years, 7 months and 29 days. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Seilory. In October; M889 he was united' in mar, i ge'WV h rs. Ella Beeleman, of 'Bucyrus.. No were to the he survivngelivearhis wit e, three sisters, Mrs. Ira Fisher, of Colorado Springs, Col; Mrs. Jessie Fleming of Toronto Mrs. Sarah Temple, of Kincardine Cab- ada, and 'four brothers, Win. Sel- lery, London, Canada; Alfred, of Niles, Nebraska; Samuel, of Cob- ourg, and !Frank, Kincardine. Two brothers are decetys,ed, also his parents. 'Funeral services will be held Monday morning at the residence„ followed by interment at New Haven. The deceased was aboiler maker by trade and has been aGalion -resident for eight years• -+prom Galion, Ohio, paper: Local News vVYY'6vvvvvvwVVYVyYY9vWiwvvv.,wvvvav'*VvvvvvvvovrV' 1 �►,. A BUSY SPOT. ( t MEN STLLL REQUIRED. 5. ► • D i ► The drinking fountain on , the The present: strength of -rt e "Mli,dwayr; is -"one of ;the finale* hurons' t+sthistyTfour u'f'leers_ and spots these Warm days. 839 `Wren, To , bring the baitai8•n SIINOii LOCALS Listowel tax rate $411 be 32 mills. Next Tuesday is the dist :of Aug- ust. r • Many of the 161st boys are home. for the harvest. The cirizens are glad to wel- come home the soldiers. If you stand up fon yourself, others can't sit down on you. Official returns for North Perth show that the majority for Hay is 567. ' ' The Kittle Band played' at a garden party at Varna on Tuesday evening. ' The New Era is $i 90 a year pay- able in advance. Look at the label on your paper. : 1 lFriday, August 4th,is the second ann'versarY of the Great W rwl when En up to full strength two officers WON 11IRST AT LONDON. and 239 men are still required • At the tourney of (the Thistle SOLD BhSTNESS. Lawn Bowling Club at London last week... Mr. Israel Taylor, a former After conducting a marble busi- resident of Clinton, skip1ed ' the 'noss here 'for some years, Mr winning rink on Saturday last, James Doig sole[ out here to T3r11l Atkinson, who are busy mining the stock to their own premises. Mr. Doig, who has hot been in good health Will take a year's rest before going into business again. THOMSON—.HILL WEDDING. , RENTS' HOUSE. Goderich Signal; •— Mr, Wesley Walker has rented the residence of Mr. Geo. Price on Waterloo lstreet .and will (take possession early in August. •• SECOND WOUND FOR , • BENMILLER PRIVATE. Mrs. James Long, of Bengriller, received official notification on Sunday that her son, Pte. Elmer Long, had been wounded -in the shoulder. This is the second time he has been wounded. • NEW AUTO OWNERS. ; Mr. Adan McKenzie, Townsend street pow drives a Saxon. ' Mr. Vodden, (Jntario st., has sold his five-passanger ;Car h•nd purchased a !Nord runabout from A. Langford. 1MIr. Lorne Tyndall has purchased the car run by Harry {Twitchell. HYDRO WAS Cv^T. Owing to some trouble' on (tire high tension line of the Hydro Commission, Clinton was in ilarlt- nese and semi larknees from 5 o'clock last Monday evening un The Marriage took place on Jnne ffsth, at the home of Mr. and'Mrs. Leatherdale, 728 Spading Crescent of Miss Ruby. Vivian Hill and Nor- man Keith Thomson, both of Se - ikatoon, Sask. Rev. C. W. Frown officiated. The attendants were Miss Margartet Hood and Mr. Geo L. Paw. The bride received many beautiful gilts, the groom's gift to the bride being. a large cabinet of flatware. The bride is the only daughter of'Mr. Hiram Hill, anti a nelee of Mrs. W. J. paisley. Her many friends in town offer hearty congratulations. t A ROYAL PROCLAMATION. Proclamation issued in the On- tario G-azette by the Lieutenant - Governor, urging that on Tricia,y, August 4th, the .second anniver nary of the declaration of 'war, public meetings should be called throughout the province 'tor the 11 o'clock, 'Tlac newer. which Siad purpose of stimulating the de - Oland ou practtealdy tt i votion and patriotism of our Pea- beenday, failed eniiaely about 6 o'docic, ple, and or enibod;ying those sen - The trouble continued on Tuesday timents iu appropriate resolutions at certain periods but the house- holders had light in the ev nbs in,te,td o: darkness as on Mond;'y. IMPBO VEM.ENTS. Mr. Jos, Townsend has had a cement walk put in gat the side entrance of his home on Kirk st. The house owned 'by Nir. J•.ltn Gibbings and ;occupied by Mr. Murch, on .Ontario as is being a e - painted. Air. Thos. Graelis has the non- tiact ler painting the outside trf (the postoaiice. The home of Airs. J. McGarva, is being brightened up with a cost of paint. . . •. MIN OR LOCALS. Not inucir complaint nate p1 wet weather. The weather man still p ontinues thereby uniting them effectually 'for the supreme effort which is necessary to fiing' to a. Vlctorialts issue tbo struggle dor the main- t-enenee of those ideals of Lib- erty and Justice 'Which dra the common and sacred cause of the allies, C'IT_\1'L AIN Olt THE 161.st BATT1r. Bru ,gels Post—Re s. J,K Pa'rfull recently pastor at the Baptist church. Clinton: who enlisted with the 1.01st Huron Battalion last tearing, has been appointed' lain, thereby settling, we suppos,. , a question 'of no ,small interestto this county and !one that provok- ed considerable bad 'feeling in con - lection with the filling of the post. We expect Rev. Me. Fair - dill! will prove worthy of the best expectations or numerous friends to keep the furnace going Reith all as he is at good - level headed the drafts open. • I fellow with a wide experience in Keep +our horses as cool its 1 things pertaining to certain formas 1 S i of military Ole both in this'mot. vines and the Old Lend. He is' now at Camp Borden where the 161st is Located for the season's drill. Thursday, Joly 27th, 1916. , S...leti,YsY.E %.•R:P T!'le•n•..ux. BB�Sr L,10,. possible these warm days—is isoucl advice to horse owners. The blackbirds have been snore inumerous and voreciout than lis- ual lately. They have made 15' 1 ole sale havoc ;of garden peas 'Kurd SOVEREIGN 73ANIf. MATTERS. ehereies, I The payment .Uy the United The man who first suggested a States Government et the final race for tat men at everylpicnicI a•ment of '659,nt on the 070 that's held •sluould' hie put to •the Alaska iterol ern Railway disposes front line when the Get - 'next (big' of (lie.largest asset in' the hands charge is made against the Get- of the International Assets Co , mans, 1 1 which is distributing the substance Try to keep coal. Hat less, Wear Of the Sovereign Bank The first less (if possible). Keep Your homes 1p�ayment of $500,000 was made in well ventilated and your offices September, 1015. It ;will ba re- stores 'well filled with liresht air membered that the Sovereign take things las easy as you can. Bank stopped, business in 1901. go - And then, if you are /,till hot jualt' ing technically into liquidati;n, "keep cool' about it.' . some years later. The remaining What day is Civic Holiday? /The largest asset of the Bank„the Chi•. Bowlers had ,a petition out for cago and Milwaukee, should be Aug. 9th, while the factories end disposed.of this summer, it is uthers are asking for Rhe 1st Mon- thought, and by that time tb.e day in August, so that any one Bank should be out of indebted- wishing,to go out of town can slave ness, and the sbareaield'ers may a ;week end ticitet. . ,, commence speculating Sys to tvho- ther there will be any return for WILL ENFORCE THE them. REGULATIONS _ ' At the last meeting of the Pub- arc Utilities Commission the Sup- R`de aeke 1s9 Cartoons crintendent was 'instructed to strictly enforce Clause 49 of the r a i waterworks Byelaw, and in this land entered it. . matter the Commission asked for The New Era • Acknowledges itcheli has (already had five the co-operation of all :citizens es- Receipts of a Co With boys killed at war. She repay- . pecially diose who have been vio- p Copy ing Jrex share alright. toting this.Clause. There is cer-! Thanks Daylight Saving abheme is not tainly no excuse for any store- -- giving satisfaction in some places keeper' or house -(holder being 'with — ancl several cities ere going back connection when it The New Era has received "with out aavater to the old schedule. 1 may'ie secured' at such glow pr;ce, the comp�imcnts oaf Sir Robert Two per cent. beer, according to The adecision of the license depart- ment, is a fermented malt liquor, and it cannot be sold in Alberta. When you advertise in The New Era you know you are placing e your announcement where it will o do most (good—t.hat le, bring at most business. o The mao who gets mad at what O the \nett spapers ,say about him lit of others, 'or to any . other 0 ,ougglrt'to return thanks three times ' item ibis ben use- orbenefit or 1 cies in the papers have been for- tc allay for what the not eprrpers all increase the supply of gotten and the innumerable books o, knew about trim and suppressed. o , General notice is given that Can- e ada's second domestic War loan O will be called for in September. Tl Clause referred to reads as follows. 41—That no person being an occupant, tenant or inmate of any house 'building or oath rr place supplied nvith water from the Waterworks system. shall lend, sell' of dispose of the !water thereof, or give away, or permit the same to be taken, or Icarilited-away, or use 0r.su iply it to the use or 'bens-, Borden,v, a set of Louts Raemae- kers' famous Dutch cartoons. 210 better ability to the ability of this cartoonist than that paid by the Westminster Gazette, as,,..fol- lows,— r "A genius—apparently the only genius produced by the war'—hats come amongst tri als oua Ifs}end andmostpowerful oily. Long'af- ter the leading und 'leaded' arti- water 'beyond that agreed with on the 'tvrir have Fallen yin the the Corporation, or wrongfully dusty crept of back numbers, the neglect or improperly waste the cartoons of Mr. Louis Raomaeker9 ter•.'' The pcnaIty for any per-' will live to foe the fierce indig- e ® few days ars soono the issue will nasitheuorosnee us. Ila$, sa finesion of lc Waterworks lnott exceeding' $LG, ed mortal ins ter to a. cross 0f im-. • G is read but the Superintendent would the, e Y • ,-' 16 Q� Have you notices( how - big an' very sone' tot have to lay acharge Those who wish to possess the • • + o on approval, slaonld 'write • � [the new 'Secretor 11 ® STO''l'11 5, FIARI:DWARE ANI. NOVELTIES 6, for War has readied the Llloycl' !blame the uperinteoclent•, This (to the publisher, Cartoon Depart- * George status: Nobod i, m< 1' F '!'> ti ns of •i dr simile rerrocluc o1 � s+ <r e c 4i 1 p >a ,� t a. t • g ��, � � is dwarfed by the prefix 'Mr? Ti'Y that *maid lead o such �a pen 1 1, sew' it on ,Milton, or Shakespere It is and yet he is pledged to do his Mr. Raemaekors' cartoons, as u significant, that !th n w S t v duty, so if you are caught dont above, pp 1, y now applies ;to ail users of water, men! , "LandanWater,' Empire p Speaks .' ;of Mr. George,, , whether they have motels pi not. I House, Kingsway, London, W.C, •000009000000000000000•000 00•000•0••0•00•000••60000;• Add a cool room to your house by'equiping your verandah with shades—wall let in the air and keep the heat out. Sizes 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 arrld ro feet wide, The W. Do ram t Offte,n,thss eineapest'—Aiways'tta;u y est �,°.�a`5F' ,� 6g4,k'. a0=01 Hx� ung•,+�•,.•,r.,,�•1t1=1aw,wm;,a.m - efaemul ;ice Berger': English Pads Greer Paris Green is used for •i purpose which makes poor grades worse than useless It wont pay you to experir.tent, Get ]3ergers then you will have the best in original lb and alb packages, Arsenate of Lead also in stock. V .MICIVRTY 'NYAL QUALITY STORE Dispensing Chemist The Features of Our Furniture. To which we invite special attention are its beauty, its assured comfort, its.. solid uol,strucl.lon, and its below the 11$51 prices. Any one of these points would he sufflciant to earn it your preference. When they are all com- bined we feel sure you will realize that this is a furniture buying oppor- tunity you cannot afford to ignore, j Undertaker and Funeral Director. • Phone 28. aright and Ser iday Cells answered at Residence over store .... _ ,,... . , ... -..... "anmmcav, mi7c :uorcia*seC rx It wHI pay you .poi The Corner Grocery "Live and Let Lire" Get our Prices on your Plumbing Heating or Eavetrou ;hang Estimates given free Material and Workmanship the Best. Agents for heel.' Furnaces Let us Meet the Eatable& far f our Calupiltg 'Trip Our stock of canned goods has• been specially selected 'for their quality and purity, and in .'fact; everything we suggest to ,you. will 'have your unqualified appro- val. Cheek ifrom this list the goods• you know yon want; come in and let us show you others..., Canned Tomatoes, Corn. Beans.ete Concentrated Packet and Canned'. Soups; Meat Extracts; Canned Preserves and Jams; 'Marmalades. Bacon. All kinds f Cooked Breakfast roods; Condensed Milk. Coffee, ,and Cocoa. Canned Salmon: Sardines; anal•,' Kippered Herring. pectais Raspberries, cherries. currents, Peaches, oranges lemons,' bananas tomatoes, cucumbers, new pota-- toes ,and beans. Thos.11awkins �i E. Hf�wp�ptB l! Plulul►iug and !tearing IQ. E. i • un all Afo d; Shop -over Itoulaudts Hardware. PHONE 46: 3 1' 9 45 Great Shop dale Our Mid=Sut nier C!ean=Up Modern methods demand that a shoe stock be closed out during the season for which it was in- tended, and that there be no carryovers to mar the appearance of the New Footwear of another season. On Saturday, the igth, we place on sale our entire stock of Summer Footwear. at factory prices, and will continue until the entire stock is disposed of. You have read about our Good Shoe You have seen therm, perhaps you have worn them. Call soon as the shoes will move out rapidly at the very low prices, FRED. JPIC2ISSON HOUSE OF BE"TTER SHOES /44 "+""k '>L:*4.3' 44ge0 Ail** ?t+,S,af:•y.1.+b.r a',t d•+F:+?44!.,6.9"144.:t'i°dl14