HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-07-27, Page 5Thursday, July 27th, 1916: When in Doubt Few it, Presen t for Ihe:lli de re -bet Choose Silver There is no other gift. for the bride -th'at' is so universally certain to -be •greeted with joy, used with pride, and treasured'- for years. =lVe carry a iarge: and well assorted stock. of •F&47 )Roger Bros Knives and Forks, Berry Spoons, Co'd Meat Forks, Pie Savers, Tea, toffee, Dessert and cable Spoons and numerous other use- ful pieces. Also a good assortment of Silver Plated Hollow- ware, Cut Glass, China and Clocks. W. 11. .1 MELEE and OPTICIAN EYES TESTED FREE Local News —••-- ,r�inARLY TWO-THIR.DS PAIL. Results of the recent 'High School entrance examinations in Toronto were issued last week. W the 703 candidates who wrote, only. 240 were nuccessdnl. Geog- • raphy and grammar were the ``Plucking" subjects. Clinton had a. good ,record on this exam. •CAN'T STOP PROHIBITION. A report hits gained eirculatiou that Sir John 'EfencirJe, Lirutenant Governor, had not signed the Ou:- 'tario Prohibition Act passed by the Legislature at the last ses- Sion, and 'night refuse to do so, but it is ;stated 'that the L' ieuten- ant-Governor has no option in the matter and must sign the mea- sure that will 'become law in 7Septem'ber. MINOR LOCALS Read the advertisements in The New Era. You should , rind it :;praff A sample of :Borden Camp dust has been brought to the New Bra. It is ate black as moulders sand but not as 'fine. end one can read-' ay imaging that with a high wind .and the marching of the soldiers that conditions would be far from 'pleasant. e Yes, itis hot; 'but this is what .every one teas nuking for during tie'wet spell, After his experience at Camp 'Borden, Sir Sawn may not be so nxioua dor. a khaki Lu, election. 1 trop. 'CANADIAN NATIONAL Ag. EXHIBITION sy *. Empire: Federation N Spectacle f 1,200 Performers; 10 Massed ;Bands; Chorus of 60 Voices Glorious Pageant symbolizing Im- perial Solidarity and Power Mammoth Scenic Reproduction of the British Houses of Parlia- ment, Westminster Abbey and the War Office, .Scenes that have thrilled the Em pire Re-enacted by Overseas Troops. ;Shells in Process of Manufacture mmense Munitions Exhibit Model Camp, Trench Warfare, Hand Grenade and • Bomb Throwing, De- •atruction of Warships by Hidden .Mines, Bayonet. Fighting, Federation Year fireworks, Complete New Midway. The King's�pas �r Norse Government Exhibits, Superb Showing of Live Stock and Agricultural Products; Acres of Manu- factures. FLY PADS WILL kll.l MOPE FLiES THAN'J $8°4-'WORT4 'OF ANY STICKY FLY CATCHER- Clean to handleeiS.old'by all Drug, •,gists, -Grocers and GeneralrStores, MINOR LOCALS , These sweltering dog days give holidaying fselings. QTJITE TREE. Listowel has had (i few !liquor cases in court find On Listowel Banner makes the following !edit- orial comment ; eSome peopie have good memories until they get into court. A pract'cal r 'lnedy for the ailment would he "$10 or ' hir'ty days.'" A NARROW BSCA1'.E, Ou Tuesday afternoon whee little Stella 13unnieford went alter her ;ball which had rolled on the street in front rot her tfeither's gro- cery ,store, an flute tom:ng .around the corner and fortun rtely Suttle* by good luck than (uneaten. else the Lender struck her tyro_, a loot more and the child C:oul"ci Naive been knocked clown. PRESENTED teIICLD KITCHENS Toronto News: --More thsn three hundred ladies, Member* of the Women's Institute of Simene G'o„ visited Camp Borden Thursday for the purpose of [presenting field kitchens to the 167th and 177th Battalions the Simcoe County bit- talions now there. The president of the,Women's Tns%itute is 'Mrs, Codd, Orillfa, The ladies came from Ori1Iia, Barrie, Elnrvale and. other points by train and auto. The field kitchens were acept'etl by Lieut. -Col ,J. B. McPhee, of the 177th Battalion aiul Lir ut.-C 1 I a.Mae Laren, of the 157th Battalion, CROPS ARE HEAVY, 'Farmers babe had ideal, weather to gather in their hay crop, which in this vicinity is a. very tit fine crop, in ,fact it is said to he the best ,for many years, and will yield eonsideralbly more than two tons to the acre, The crop oe fail .wheat is rapidly turning and will 10011 be ready `for cutting, while the spring grains are looking re- markably well considering the late ,spring and very dry weather, The crop el beeek and red cher ries seems to be o't the vely test quality, There will also be a very large crop o.f raspberries, currants gooseberries and ether ema11'fruit to bo disposed of from this sec- tion, There is also eirespects for an abundant crop 00 Menne and a 'lair crop of apples, Officers Elected By Masonic Grand Lodge g London .7 env 20 --The Grand Lodge of Ontario concluded its annual commueicati ens today the total number et tit! g., t. a hiving registered being 1,007. Belleville was honored with 'the vote of the brethren for next year's meeting of the Masons, The suggestion to hold the annual gathering earlier 10 the year than the t'hlird'Wedl- nesday of July was not eccepted. At the election of officers today Grand Master R. W. Bro. Sydney Luke and D. G. `M:,, I3, W. Bro. Wrel rope were returned by acclamation In the contest for grand 'tenor warden, e Mr. W.Ii.Lif Line, o. Lon- don was elected, and Mr. Joseph Hickson of Toronto wrn the ga d treasurership Reis. W. F1. S.nel. grove, Galt, :grand chepiana end Mr. J. J Isaias, Toronto, grand ,junior warden. were elected by acclamation. The following were chosen for the board of general puepose—Thomas Rowe. London : A, • J. Young, North Bay; E. W; Harcourt, K.C.. Toronto ; J. 11 Reid;, Windi'sor, and W. M, Logan; Hamilton. HAD KIDNEY TROUBLE For SEVERAL MONTHS DOAN'S. KIDNEY PILLS CURED HIM. Mr. Fred. Stevens, Raymond, Alta., writes: "I am: writing to hear my testi- mony of your wonderful medicine. I had suffered for several months with kidney trouble. I" had been under the doctor's care for two months, when I read your advertisement. I at once purchased four boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills, and when I had used two boxes of, theca I was cured. I have recommcnded this treatment to several of my friends." When you ask for Doan's Kidney Pills see that you get "Doan's." The wrapper is grey and our trade mark "'The Maple Lear" appears on every box. Doses Kidney Pills arc 50cents per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25; at all dealers, or nailed direct on receipt of price by The 'Toronto Aug. 26 to Sept. 11 T' Milburn Co„'Limited; 'Toronto, Ont. When ordering direct specify'Moan's.” LMA . LADIES' COLLEGE OPENS ITS THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR ON SEPTEMBER TWELFTH: NINETEEN HUNDRED & SIXTEEN For calendar and terms: R. 1. Warner,M. A„DD., Alma College, St, Thomas, Ont, 0.51 • • WITH Tare CSURCUES, • 0 0 •••••••••0.0•••0.0•• ONTARIO 51', CIIUACH, Tne annul picnic was held' on Tues to .day field, A. good time, was spent by all, The day was warm. WILLiS cannon Dr, Stewart preaches again this Sun WBSI) li, e C1IURChi, Rev. Me.Oule, 04 Mchigan,toot the evening service while the pastor preached in the uiorning, to is The is l e t t expected co preach next 13 A ['PIS r• CHURCII. A social will he held on the lawn of Baptist. Uhurcb on August 3rd. Re freshments will be served, Silver collection. Band in attendance. London Road Last week Mrs. Bert Jackson of Morris, eccutnpeuied by .Mrs.' Will Graig, visited with her sister, Mrs.. Fred Nott, Pte. Albert Livermore or Petawawa camp ei Helping. his father with the harvest. The hailstorm last week did oonsid erable damagetotomatoes and corn, The rain however, was badly needed and helped the crops wonderfully. Good weather and good hay this year- crop nes sty harvested, The only thing wrong with the weether', its a little hot - The League meets next week at r4Ir. Georgo Layton's home, Letter from Ser t1 a Tambl � n y filrorneiltie Military Ttospltel, June S6th,1016, To The Editor or the Neter Era, Dear Sir;—Before Ileft home T promised some 04 my friends that I would drop them a line once and s, while through your valua- ble paper. This I (intended, ere this, to do, but I have 'found that promises are more' easily -made than kept, perhaps in the army more than in ordinary life. At any rate, though I have started several letters before, this ono must go. Though half way through my course tor my captain'sa!pers I enlisted as a private with the Queen's University reinforcements eu as to' be with my+ friends. Per- haps no bunch of fellows ever ler! home in better spirits than we, as we sailed away !bound 'dor Cairo. Egypt, as we thought. Our only worry was that we might Isave long enough in England to see a little of the country. We soon found that, owing to the fortunes of war, we were to spend more time in England than we had ex pectod. The very day after our arrival our unit was broken up and placed in the various hospit- als around. We could not im- agine why this was, (but after- wards learned that our hospital was being moved to Era.nee, In the meantime, I was at the C.A. M,C, Training School, Somehow 1 was 4ortunate and got .a good amount of escort duty 'which falls to sergeants of the school, 'Just. at the very best part of spring I lad the privilege of seein°', Ash- ford CantenburY, Ramage, London Coleliester•, Bishop S.tobford, and Many other places of interest Shortly after, T got my six days' pass and with aLfriend, spent sit wonderful trays, most of them in the lake district of "Bonnie Sent - land,'” No wonder the Soot likes to talk of his hone land.. As ,soon as T came back from this trip T was promoted to Phy- afcal Instructor in a class of Non - comm s i e d 'f ane ,Officers., e t fc rs.It was rather st range drilling some who had been soldiers a,s many as ninc- teen years. IfevertheleeS I en- joyed egery minute of it and in some ways wish I Were at it yet But when T, got the cl arae° to carne to the hospital which was being taken over ihy a new unit rand be ing reorganized, T said '"Yes'e at once. Welled to work Utmost day and night 'for the firstfew clays, but it has been a wondeerirl chance to learn the -imide workings, ot. an hospital Sol-teeth/le Inlay tele yaw comething'ofthe wonderful system of caring for .our ,wounded heroes, At present'' must think ofstdp ing dor the 'birds are beginning to sing, all ;only . English: birds n ca sing, and daylight le last coming on. They remind me T must soon snake my rounds. • I guess I did not tell you that though T am here officially as Physical Instructor, I aru, till we getmore .hetp do'ng duty as night Ward master ,for the hospital, Very intereating work even though it takes thirteen hours to da anight s work. Much of that time the hard est part is.keeping awake for any dmergency call. This Bart af, the time T spend practising on the typewriter and inflict the results on lay friends, as you see by the above letter, Hope you wilt forgive nae for not writing at a, time .when I would be "more awake'" to make this letter interesting, but I have very little of ''halt time at my disposal. I wish I could take you out with pie for a minute. A glorious ]English morning is breaking forth. We would 'stand on the cliff over - 'looking the channel and wculclsee the morning light glittering on it sea as smooth as glass, and ;see ship after 'ship 'gliding gracefully to "Somewhere," I have seen lee many es sixty in a line stretching as ler as the eye can see, and at equal distance from each other, 1 am going to sencl you nay ad- dress with the intimation that mail !from anyone in the old home town dons much to 1jrive away some ioneeene `moments ,and would a.lwatya be (received with pleasure, '.Chis mazy !tette my ad these Ifo- very long, for T hope soup to be":.omuwhcra lug) an e,'• but this will always dincl rare. Hoping and rather expecting to be back by Xmas, I remain, i - JJSlieerely, Will Tarnblyn. .Serge W. 3.'Taambiyn, No. 535409, Shornelilfe .Military Hospital, Shornelitfe, Bent, Filigreed. THE CLINTON NEW ERA'. PACS RIRR ••a ossee0•aaseassame••0•• ••s•••S0*Se 0•sser ra••M•s• it Toronto iarkei S mon = • b ••••••••••••••NN•••••••• Tlogs 11.5.00 Butter 21e to 26e. Eggs 30e, Oats 63e Wheat e1.51 Cattle 11,75 Sheep 38.23 Lambs $14.75 Cheese 17 5-16e Barley 601010 1 • •0.0••0•s•••0•s••0••0••••• Bogs $11.15, Butter 25c to 17c, t Eggs 26c to 27c. Oats 60c to 56e, Wheat 90c to Be. Peas 1.75. Shorts g27. Bran 1,5. Barley 60c to 65c, Buckwheat $Oc to 55c. Hay 'tor Balding t$9 and $10:00. DISTRICT VIEWS eonstance • Mr, and Mrs, John Milson of Bothwell and Mrs. Thomas Hill of London, spent 'Friday. the ;guests, of the former's mother, 1VLrs.M.i1 son. 1 ' Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton and chit- dren and 'Mrs, J. C. Botham visit- ed their friend, Mrs, Geo. Steph- enson, over Sunday. Miss Addie Love .of Walton spent a while the guest of hey Sisters, Mrs. Britten and. Miss Mar- garet Love, The adult Bible Class , held their ;: