HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-07-27, Page 3.Thuz day, July 27th, 1916.
Fall Term from Au 18th
Commercial, Shorthand,
and Telegraphy
Our graduates are placed in pi.
tons, In 3 months we received 210
applications for trained help. Write
us at once for our tree catalogue.
D.A. McLachlan, Principal
We are in the market for 2,000
Young .Chickens, and 1,000 Young
Ducks per 'week. The chickens to
weigh not less than two pounds,
and the ducklings three pounds
eaeh. Now is the time to take
advantage Pt the extraordinary
prices paid for live poultry.
Non-EeFtiteNew lel Eggs
Now that the hot summer wea-
ther is approaching, the are in a
'Position to pay a premium, dor
Non -(Fertile Eggs not over . (four
days old. t
It will pay you to sell or kill
all the roosters after the breed-
ing season is over,
& Go., Limited
Clinton Rrnneh Phone 190
he/. a ♦a as a an.aanses4A0raali♦ •
t MHOS 3
e ►
i See and here our finest ;
31 New Stylish designs of
i Doherty Pianos and 1.,
6peeiai values in Art E.
P'anos and organs rent
ed. Choice new Edison
phonographs, Music &
variety goods,
mum E`ij )oriilm
C. H's;are.
Steel Shingles
Felt Roofing
and Slate
Plumbing and
Furnace Work
Call or Phone for Prices
Estimates cheerfully
Repairs Done Promptly
Byam & Sutter
Sanitary Plumbers
Phone 7.
Muskoka Lakes Lake of Bays
Georgian Bay Algonquin Park
French River Kawartha Lakes
Maganetawan River,
Ternagami, etc.
Round Trip Tourist Tickets now on
sale from certainstations in Ontario
at very low rates, with liberal
stop overs,
Leave Toronto 121.01p m. daily except
Sunday, and 2 05 a.m. daily. for Allis.
koka Wharf. Connections 'nae made
at MuskokaWbarf for Muskoka Lakes.
Leave loronto,11t15 am. daily except
Sunday, and 2.05 a m. daily for Hunts.
ville, for points on Lake of Bays.
Equipment the Finest.
Further particulars on a'ppliee
Con to Grand 'Trunk Agents.
John Ransford &Son, city ppasses-.
ger and Ticket Agents, phone 67
4.0. Pattison; station agent
CHARLES 1f3. 001.E
(ionneyance, Notary Peblic,
Commissioner, ete.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
Huron St, Clinton.
H. T. ,R:A N C E
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
Financial and Real Estate
iNSURANOa AGENT -Representing 14 Fire In
surance Companies.,,
Division (bort Office.
Piano Tuning
Mr. James Doherty wishes to in-
form the public, that he is pre-
pared to do fine piano ''tuning,
tone regulating, and repairing,
Orders left at W. Doherty's phone
el, will receive prompt attention,
1'I. G. Cameron, K,C.
Barrister, Solicitor, conveyancer, Etc
Office on Albert Street, oceupied ty
Mr. Hooper. In Clinton on every
Thursday, and on any day for which
appointments are made. Office hours
from 0 a,m. to 6 p m. A good vault in
connection with the office. Office open
every week day, Mr, Hooper will make
any oppointmentsfor Mr. Oatneron.
Physician. Surgeon. Ete
imolai attention given to diseases of the
Eye. Ear. Throat, and Nose,
Eyes * efuily xapresm4bnlieed, andod. suitable glasses
°ince and Residence.
Two doors west or the Ceurmorclal Hata
llalton St.,
DRS. eil'11N end fA AVM/
Dr. w. Gnun, L. R. C. P,. L. R. 0. S., Fill
Dr. Coon's office at residence High Street
Or. J. in, Gaudier. 15.A. MX.
Office -Ontario Street, Clinton.
Night eons at residence, Rattenba.• St
or at hosultal
DR. i`, R. AXON
e'rown and Bridge work 0 Specialty.
Graduate of 0.c.D.8... Chicago, and 5,0,0.5
Iayneld en Mondays, ;lily Ise to It
Offices over O'NEIL'S store.
Special oare taken t0 make dents] lied
,,rent as painless as possible.
Live stork and general Auction 'e•
'Pala, steed 811,100 a epees .), Cider ° sr
NEW ERA of0oe, Gunton, prt,m.r,y actena,
to. Terme reasonable. Farmer.' sal,. not,
Drs. (ren tt til 1'; Whitley
osteopathic Pity.
Specialiste In Women's and
Children's Diseases
Acute, Chronic, and Nervous
Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat.
Office-Battenbury 'Hotel.
Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m.
G. D. McTaggart a'l, 1). McTagger
Merag«are w; row,
General Banking Business
Drafte issued. Interest allowed a
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance eo.
Farm and Isolated Town Props
erty Only Insured.
(lead Office-Seaforth, Ont
J. B. McLean, Seaforth, President.
.1. Connolly, Goderich, Vice -Pres.
Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Sec. -Trees
Directors -D. F. McGregor, Mea -
forth; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop; W.
Rina, Seaforth ; John Benneweie,
Dublin; J. Evans, Beechwood; M.
McEwen, Clinton; J. B. McLean,,
Seaforth J. Connolly, Goderich:
Robert Ferris, 'Harl'ock,
Agents --Ed. Rinchley, Seatortlr;
W. Chesney, Egmondville; J. W.
Yeo, 'ilolinesvilie; Alex. Leitch,
Clinton; R. S. Jarmut'h. Brodhagen
Payments made at Morrish &
Co, Clinton, and Cutt'e grocery
store Goderich and Jas. kteids
store Bayfield..
A Carload of Canada
Portland Cement
Phone us for prices
It will pay you
John Hutton
We're now selling Timothy Seed
(Government.. Standard,).
We also have on hand, Alfalfa,
Alsike, and Red Clover.
We always have on hand -Goose
Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn
Flighted Market Prices paid for He
and all Grains.7
Dear Mr. Editor -I wish to tell you
of a recent experience I had when suf-
fering from baokaobe, weak back, rheu-
matism, dropsy, and congestion of the
kidneys. I tried a new medicine celled
"Anuric,!' which has recently been dis-
covered by Dr. Pierce, of whose Medi-
cines and Surgical Institution in Buffalo,
N. Y., you, have no doubt heard for
years. This medicine acted upon me
in a wonderful manner. I never have
taken any medicine so helpful in such
quick time.. I do wish anyone in need
of such a remedy would give it •a trial.
(Signed) G, H. Herm.
nen: Folks in town and adjoining
counties are ,delighted with the results
they have obtained by using «.d NURIC,"
the newest -discovery of Dr. Pierce, who
is head.. of the INVALIDS' HOTDL and,
SmteIOA't INSTITUTE, in Buffalo, N. Y.
Those who started the day with a back-
ache, stiff legs, arms 'and muscles, and
an aching head ( worn out before the
day began because they were in and out
of bed half a dozen times at night) are
appreciating the perfect rest, comfort
and new strength they obtained from
Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets. To prove
that this is a certain uric acid solvent
and conquers headache, kidney dneY
bladder diseases and rheumatism, if
you've never used the "Anuric," cut
this out and send ten cents to Doctor
Pierce for a large sample package. This
will prove to you that "Anuric" is
thirty-seven times more active than
Lithia in eliminating uric acid -and the
most perfect kidney and bladder cor-
rector. If you are a sufferer, go to your
best druggist and ask for a 50 -cent box
of "Attune." You run no risk for Dr.
Pierce's good name stands behind this
wonderful new discovery es it has for
the past half century for his "Golden
Medical Discovery" which makes the
blood pure, his "Favorite Prescription"
for weak women and "Pleasant Pellets"
for liver ills.
4icepnsg to Order.
The ]ate Lord Alverstone could go
to sleep at any time and wake up at
•t 'predetermined hour. This excep-
tional capacity has also been attri-
buted to the great Duke of Welling-
ton and to Lord Roberts.
_phial' Our B. C. Fisheries.
Pro.essor Willey, of McGill, 15 a
h?o1oT;:.st concerned in discovering
wifere s,nd wben the Pacific coast hal-
ibut lays its eggs. Aside from this
perhaps pardonable tnter'est in the
dtreeslfc arrangements of a decent
lie , he ai*ords us, in his report of a
insenner spent among British Colum-
tala fisheries, absorbingly interesting
1t.imeece of the B. C. fisheries, His
rt,rulrt: reveals another of those too -
minter -wee worlds within our own
werirk-even within our own country
—wlatth we do not comprehend, In
Indian ralio 0, gasoline schooner,
Moamar, or pltchlnp dory, Professor
Wliloy pursued his quest; examining
tee egge of halibut, their scales and
markings, and the characteristics of
the other strange things dragged out
of the sea in the hots; the octopus
which the Indians use to bait halibut
lines; the red cod—a valuable food
Bab—floating dead and rejected in
brilliant red patches in the wake of
the halibut ship; the Rat Fish; the
"stone" which a captain picked from
the deck to toss overboard only to be
nipped by its claws—a stone -crab;
schools of playful fin -back whales;
ashes; sea lilies; sea 'anemones;
basket stare; heart urchins and
strange leeches that Gaston on the
white belly of the halibut; the
orange -red Sea Pens ("Stickfish")
that live half -buried in the sea bot-
tom; and flocks of "whale birds" or
shearwaters whose sport on the sur-
face always cheers the bleak halibut
skipper, In short between the lines
of a scholarly report are countless
bits of colorful description, captur-
ing the fancy and widening one's
horizon,—Canadian Courier,
Itis" rav mistake f e
or mothe
rs to neg-
lect lect the r aches and pains and suffer in
silence -this only leads to chronic sick-
ness and often shortens life.
If your work is tiring; if your nerves are
excitable; if you feel languid, weary or
depressed, you should know that Scott's
Emulsion overcomes just such conditions.
It possesses in concentrated form the
very elements to invigorate the blood,
strengthen the tissues, nourish the nerves
and build strength.
Scott's is strengthening thousands of
mothers -and will help you. Try it,
Scott & Down*. Toronto. Oat.
A Skin Tonic.
Salt is finer i'or the ektn than Any
other known tonic if properly used.
The face should never be washed in
salt water wben it is not properly
clean, for salt is in the nature of au'
astringent and it ill contrast the pores.
ft i5 eeellent for enlarged pores, and
the solution will net es a veritable
at4+aulant to the wbole skin,
Better Pay
The Price
Don't be tempted to choose cheap
jewelery. Par better tolpay a fair
price and know exactlyiwhat you
are getting,
Yon will never be sorry -for as a
matter of money, it is easily the
most economical.
That has been said so"often that
everybody by this time should
know it -and yet there ie no
scarcity of cheap jewelry in the
Now to get personal -If you would
like to miss shat sdrtaltogether-
If you would like to boy where
nothing but high qaalitiee are
dealt in -COME HERE
And even at that, no person ever
said our prices were unfair
Edison Records and
W. , Counter.
Jeweler and Optician,
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
ee eee•eseeeeeeeeeee•eeeeeese
The Stowaway
eeetweeeeeeeeeepeee •ere•••
ti n
A fierce Joy leaped' up in her wh
Verity spelt° of en early departure.
"You see, Iris," be, explained, "th
Brazilian bucks uhay be months to s
'Lin' their differences, Dickey_tin',r'
'elped a lot by our consul, squeezed
pass out of the president -beg parse
tides,. but 'e is president, in Perna
buco at all events," be said in
;ipologene aside to Ca mels -"an' Y
trooper ate make tracks for ole Lu
laud the better it'll be for all
us. Wot do you say to an early eta
tomorrow?. We'd be off tat Ig LI 00
I'm feared my rimuulatidry ,bon
wouldn't stand the racket."
The color ebbed from Iris' face, b
she gals at once;
"I shall be ready, uncle, dear,
promised Dom Corrin to look after Ur
hospital appliances
t a r
that tmile
d by the poor soldiers, but th
Senbora de Sylva will attend to tha
much more effectually than 1."
"Good! Then; that's settled."
Carmela, of course, did' not believ
Ina woman's complacency in such
vital matter, She was ever prepared t
spring, to strike, to wrench their plan
to suit her owe ends; but, contrive a
she might, sire could not succeed i
leaving Iris alone with Bulmer, di'u
of device, she was foiled'at each turn
The day wore, the sun went down, th
starlit sky made beautiful n parche
earth, but never a word in privacy di
Iris exchange with her husband to b
Caramel's Malice was not hidden fro
het•, but she despised it. 'There wa
some ease for her tortured brain In de
fearing it. If the Senbora de Sylv
had only understood bow thorough!
the Englishwoman loathed her pett
jealousy it was possible that the fe
remaining hours of tbeir enforced inti
macs, might have been rendered les
The future is the inost cunning
playwrights. No man may tell wha
the next scene shall be. And no ma
nor any woman could guess the mad
revel of hate and war that would rage
that night around the placid home
stead of Las Flores.
Behind the veranda was a huge ball
room concerted by the exigencies o
the campaign into a dining ball for the
many inmates of the tinea, The Bra
zilian ladies, the sailors, some sick or
wounded officers who were not con-
fined to bed, even the household serv-
ants, took their meals tbere in com-
mon. Supper was served soon after 9
o'clock, When cigars and cigarettes
were lighted and the company broke
up into laughing, gossiping, noisy
groups, the place looked more like a
popular continental cafe than a room
in a private mansion.
Thougb De Sylva, General Russo,
San Benavides and some score of
members of the president's staff who
usually dined at the tinea were now
absent, there was no lack of lively
chatter. A very Babel of tongues
mixed in amity. The prevalent note
was one of cheery animation. Carmela
exerted herself to win popularity, and
a'reside '
p ttts daughter need not put
forth very strenuous envie 10 that di-
rection to be acclaimed by most.
Iris was listening with real internal
to Verity's descriptiou of the ending
of Macfarlane in the Andromeda's boat
by a Cardiff bound collier three days
after be 'bad drifted away from Fer-
nando Noronha.
"The yarn Item to us through the
consul at Pernambuco," he said, "Evi-
(tently, from wot you tell me, It's all
right. Poor ole Mac 'ad a bad time
afore 'e was picked up, but 'e was
alive, an' I'm jolly glob of it, for
be a first rate witness w'en this busi-
ness comes up in court"
"Wot court?"
dem 1
odes o
C ke sharp-
"The court that settles our claim, of
course," retorted Verity, with a quick
ferret look at his fellow conspirator.
"There'll be no claim. The president
means to stump up in style. You take
my tip an' shut up about courts," said
"It'll cost Brazil a tidy penny," re.
marked Bulmer thoughtfully,
A criado, a nondescript manservant
attached to the household, stooped
over Iris and whispered something.
She gathered that she was wauted.in
the pateo, or courtyard, whicb, owing
to the construction of the house, stood
on one side instead of in front, where
the !awe ustirped its usual position.
"Wino is it?" ase asked,
"Colonel San Benavides, Senbora."
"Tell him to wait," sbc said, hoping
to gain a moment wberein to decide
bow best to act.
"It is urgent, senhora-ao mesmo
tempo, the colonel said."
"Go! Teat is my answer."
Iris had no wish to meet San Dena -
vides. If she were seen with him in
the dark paten at this late hour fuel
would be added to thefire of Carme-
la's foolish spite. She was aware of
Carmela's covert glance watching ber
from the other end of the long room.
What wasito be done?. Why not send
Carmela in her stead? They were al-
most of the same height and dressed
somewhat alike in ' flowered muelin.
It would be an amusing mistake,
though annoying perhaps to San Bene-
vides. At any rate, Carmela would not
object, and Iris was folly resolved not
to keep the t2;ysi' in person.
She walked straight to her enemy.
"Colonel San Betel vides awaits you
in the palm" she said in Lngiieh'.
"Awlits me!"
There was uo mistaking the gleam
in those jet black eyes. The smolder-
ing,Sre Cared into furnace heat at the
implied Indignity of such a mandate
being delivered by les.
"I suppose so." said Iris carelessly.
"A servant brought the message, Ile
came to me in flit: first; instance, but I
stn Joel: going to my room to pack my
few belongings. We leave here et
dee break, you knew."
So at last Carmela would learn the
Meth. Satvador was opt
there alone.
She would soon judge him. If he were
Huron County 'News
e3tleatete0®eeeeeee • eaeseeneee
Miss M. L. Brock, has been pronnot
ed to the Principalship of , Wingham
Peleic School, at a salary of 8800.
The June make of Silver Oorners
cheese factory has hien sold -to James
Biiifn, Stratford, at 101 cents per Ib,
There were 498 boxes.
Children Cry
Sheriff and Mrs ( a'dbick anti child
ren, of ,galley b r;, Northern' Ontario,
havebeen holidaying with' relatives
and Mende. Mrs. Caldhiek is a daugh
ter of Mrs, Joseph Smith, eta lute,.
Morris, Towuahip,
The aminal bowling tournameer will
be teed 011 the Exeter green on Wed
nesday and Thursday, August Oth and
MI'. Silas Johns of Usliorne had the
misfortunate to get his hand cut last
week requiring several stitches to close
the wound,
Children Cry
Alr '`arm: tilnrdy. a former web
known resident of Wmgham passed
away at his home near Auburn on
Theredtty bait after a short illness,
Mr. Sturdy wits held in high esteem
by many old friends in Wingharn who.
will regret to ihear of his deeth.
We regret to record the death which
took place at the residence of her
farther on Monday July 100, of Jessie
Louise Belt daughter of Mr. It, P. Bell
of Seaforth, 'at the early age of 28
years 8 mood's and 11 clays,
Tuesday's caeuahty list reports Pte.
Robest tx, Jackson, of ]tipper, as kill
ed m action and Pte. Jack 0 Connor,
of Granton, died of wounds.
The ,Exeter Electric Light and Pow
er Co. having disposed of their engine
to Ale, Sweiszer of the Cr'edition hoar
mills ceased operating their electric
light plant last Friday evening and
arrangements are being made to move
the engine to Crediton.
Gook's Cotton Root Compound.
A sate, reliatle reg,° strop
medicine- Sold in tbreo de-
grees of strength—No. 1, $L
No. 2, $3; No. 3, 55 per boar
Sold by all druggists, or sent
prepaid es receipt of olio.
tee pamphlet. Address:
`.. " 7050070, ONT. (formerly Windier.)
Mr. Rny Dirk who has been assist
ins the G T. R. agent at Hensel! for
years has been appointed night epeeist
or at Hyde Park and has entesed upon
his dupes,
Mr. George ^Woods, who has been
principal of she Saltford Public School
for the bast seventeen years, hits tend
ered his resignation.
A quiet wedding took pace on Tues
day of last week et the home of Mr.
and Mrs P. w. Scheeler, Milverton,
when their eldest daughter, Mise Vine
Margaret, was united in marriage to
ler. Goldie H. Smith, of Goderich,
Alma's Pllaspiaodinc,
The Great 1$ng!iaA4P;Reiscsi,•
Tones and invigorates the whole
- nervous system, makes new Wood
•in old Veins, Cures Nerce,tn
Debil,ty, Menial and. Brain Worm Despon-
denev, Loss of Energy, Palpilatipn. pt the
Heart, Failing Arearma'p, Price 51 per box, six
for 55.0jOne wd1 please, six will rurc,q Sold by nil
druggia,s or mailed in plain ;iIti on receipt of
price. New gwnsphlet mailed tree. THC WOOD
It)EDICINE CO- 7080170. 0117. tro;morla Wiaier
After a long and trying illness from
a malady of the heave, Alexander
Davidson, a well known citizen of
(3orlerich, was call to his eternal home
On Thursday of last week. Mr. David
son was been at Mahler, Aberdeen,
Scotland, 09 gears ego. When he was
tt lad of thirteen, his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Alexander .Ds.vidson emigrated
to (Weide and settled at Goderich,
where the late deceased re teived his
education. He was mended forty
three years ago to his now bereft part
per in life and after farming for is
number of veers in Colherne township
he removed to Goderich, where he had
since lived.
Timothy hay measuring 5 feet 05 in
/one ch ea 1ill, was loll: at the Fordwieh
post (Mae last week by Mr. ,las, Gra
hath, of the 10th con, llowick.
Keep Children Well
During riot Weather
Every mother knows show fatal
The hot summer months are to
small children. Cholera irufantum,
diarrhoea, dysentry incl stomach
troubles are rife ht this time and
often a precious little life 11 lost
falter ,only a few hours illness.
The mother who . keeps Baby's
Own Tablets in the house feels
saife. The occaisional use of the
Tablets prevents stomach and 'bo
Tablets prevents stomach and 'bow
el troubles, of if trouble comes
auddenty-as it ,generally dpes--
the Tablets will bring the batby
salfely through. They are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams>
Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont,
Description of
Camp Barden
work there is every prospect that
they will have ample opportunity
to do ao. Thereis no limit to the
space which can he utilized for
this important work, and although
the private parade grounds are
too small to permit of battalion
manoeuvres taking place upon
them, there is plenty of sp-ee avail
able for the ipur-pose within easy
marching distance of the great
"tented city,' whilst, in prepara-
tion 'for the difficult 'work which
is posisIibly before them later on,
the men .have the 'Advantage. of
'working .over rough ground. The
musketry instruetors will present-
ly get 'busy °teaching the young
idea how to shoot;' and when the
"commence ,firing" sounds and
the gigantic iriifle range opens,
Camp Borden will be the possessor
of one of the finest ranges it
has ever dollen to the 101 of a sole
dier to "go down,. on. 1
I. .To Retieve Itl;te Isolation.
The of dsaying that "aII work
and no play makes Jack a dull boy>
applies With equal ifoyce to the man
in khaki es to. the civilian, and
..{'fat., I,tf,,r>+, ,: *�1'7MII{^✓t� 5l'stl444;:,'
o -U rrfkli ufitete oeuvre
Children,Cry for Fle the °s's
Tho Kind ion Dave Always Doe;,/it, and which has been:
In3,2' fol' oi'or 01 701 8, £ttts borne t'10 signature of
sand bee been made under bis
_. por-
e/ r-
* !(n3rt,ic.i-siea 'ince Its inf nel.eebee h eSese ie?1 Allow tt
one (;()deceive you ialthis.
All Cs>ulitt 1:Seita, t ethtiti( es a el .. 3eist-as-good" aro but
Experiments Veit trifler with. feel endanger the health of
Infants find 'Children -1. 'tre:r1eace atgaiusl; Experiment.
11t1��tF'P ,(Ri �'' r41.*‘,
0astvA'i'.z 1s a iflt Bless rnbstit t",o low Castor Oil, Pare.
goric, Drops mod. Soothing `+3-"i lbs%. It iz pleasant. It
contains neither Opitt .1, i(Jo1 t?ii t') e'nr other Narcotic
snlbstanee ite age i, its emeriti: tee It destr.•oyi; 'Worms
and allays reve> L h mss. Poe risen thirty' years it
slI been 1 ha constant rise Fc1 d':e+
At. fLt UE rtiflajF1atilcncy, Wind Collo, ell t T:otiblbs and
Ditirrhtlea: It re hlt/tes ten i +e 1 1 soh and Rowels,
assimilates the ](oocl, giving t n ,y end net -nave sleep.
The Children's Pan.neect-'.ulxs li:Zuther'a Friend.
gFrm 3 arsj the Signature of
hG�E-rySl'� r'.
4� f
in Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
General Logis and his e'f,eient staf
seem to realize the importa.nc
of encouraging the men in the in
diligence of every kind of sport
When Captelanagan gets througl his 'fatigue party the cam
will have an athletic field, with its
haiif-mile track, whish any encamp
went might Weil be ,proud of
Once a week atleast the big sta-
dium will he used dor meets, ane'
with 30,000 men, all more or less
lovers of sport, to draw from, it
is easy to realise that they will
prove asueeoss and awelcome nt-
traction to the soldiers,
Camp Borden is goodness knows
how many miles Iron everywhere
a.nd 71 the men want enjoyment in
the evening they must; in a great
:measure, provide it for themselves.
And the most enjoyable time to
see the camp is riaer .sundown.
When the troops have aet�through
their day's duty the scene on the
private parade grounds and in the
lines 'beggars tfescription. No
matter how hard' they have u'orlr-
;ed during the flay, when playtime
arrives the boys 'are ready for it,
and if you have heard that the men
are down -hearted as a result of
certain conditions you may satisfy
yourself' that there Is no desp,nd-
ency in the way' in which they en-.
engage in their evening pasti nee.
At any rate th, rc was none on the
occasion ofthe writer's visit to
the camp
Every comet eahIc amu em
seemed to be indulged in, Several
organized baseball games were in
progress in various parts of "the
camp, and the dust which the men
had swallowed during the da.y
didn't appear to have ef£ected the
lungs of the fans one iota, Lac-
rosse, ifootball, cricket, and quoits
bayonet fighting, boxing bouts, to
say nothing coif open-air concerts,
picture shows. and card parties alt
'found afloat of \participants and.
when the shades of night fell o'er
the lu a camp,fires werelighted
d g t
and everybody appeared to be as
happy (as sand -,boys, but were
ready to turn in when the "Last
poste' was sounded.
1 ' Thank God for the "showers: •
e They are the men's salvation, and
- without them Sit' Sam only knows
what they would do.
h Gen. Logte may sit up nights
p dictating. camp orders to mitigate
the discomfort of his big army,
but he cannot prevent the men
inhaling and swallowing dirt, and
whilst they continue to indulge in
this operation there will be no
end to the discontent which pre-
vails throughout the camp. Apart
1'front the rtkickin"'which is pretty
general because, having been sent
to camp before it was realty for
ithem, the men have ,tad to per
form laborious work in excessive-
! ly hot weather, the dust and dirt
is the only fault they find with
idle encampment. Many of the
1 men and particularly among some
of the city 'battalions, are taking
the situation philosophically and
1 are making the best of a bad job,
but the majority are loud in their
complaints, and many make no
1secret of the fact had theyknown
they were to be submitted to
such co ndi it
to os they would never
'.have enlisted. The train upon
Imeswhich, the writer returned to To,
ronto carried a couple of hundred
i ] had 'obtained a month's
furlough and had they 'been leav-
ing 'for the front, jested of going
on to farms, they could not pos-
sibly have displayed more enthu-
siasm in giving expression to
their joy a,t the thought of leav-
ing Camp Borden,
The Sight Criticized
Now this has all been written in
(praise of Camp Borden. But what
",`bout the other side of the pict-
ure? The inan [who made Cense
'Borden was all right, but the man
who selected the site must have
done so with This, eyes closed.
Here in Canada as a rule, we have
hot summers, and to expect Men to
train and become efficient and
healthy soldiers on a Bendy des-
ert .strikes one as being one ' of
the ,funniest things he ever heard
of. Of all the dirty military camps
on earth commend me to Camp
Borden. EverY man, we are told, is
supposed to eat a 'bushelof dirt
in his j fetime. The man at Borden
Camp must eat a'busbel every day
of his existence. anu''the strapge
part of the 'business is that' to all
appearances they are thriving up-
on it, because (from the gaelant
general himself down to the small -
eat drummer boy everY one You see
is looking the picture of Stealth.
Put to realize this you have to see
them After they have washed. To
see them at any other tune you
couldn't tell whether they Were
a'boriginals or southern foreigners:
and' you couldn't +find a ragman
in Toronto who would give a dime
tor the ''best working suit among
the crowd. It's dust everywhere
and black, booty dust at that.
People moving from one place to an-
other are very subject to diarrhoea ors
account of the change of water, change of
climates change or diet, etc., and what at
first appears to be but a slight looseness
of the bowels should never be neglected
or some serious bowel complaint will
be sure to follow.'
The safest and quickest cure for diarr-
hoea, dysentery, colic, cholera, cholera
morbus, cholera infantum, pains in the
stomach and all looseness of the bowels
is Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw -
Mr. Ernest Jeffery, Moose Jaw, Sask.,
writes: "A few years ago, when 1 first
came out to Canada, I went to the har-
vest field to work. Somehow or other
the water did not agree with me. I had
the darrhoea so bad that blood was
coming from me, and I thought my last
days had come. One of the harvest
hands advised me to take Dr, Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry, and before
I had used the bottle I was able to go to
work again. My advice to all is always
keep a bottle of this wonderful diarrhoea
cure 017 hand."
'Dr. Fowler's" has been on the -market
for the past seventy years, and has beers
used in thousands of Canadian homes
during that time, and we have yet to
hear of a case of bowel complaint where
it has not given perfect satisfaction.
The genuine "Dr. Fowler's" is mane.
factored only by the T. Milburn Co. >.
Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Price, 35 cents.
Public Opinion Indorses
this family remedy by making its sale larger than that
of any other medicine in the world. The experience of
generations has proved its great value in the treatment
of indigestion, biliousness, headache and constipation.
relieve these troubles and prevent them from becoming serious ills by
promptly clearing wastes and poisons out of the digestive system.
They strengthen the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the
bowels, Mild and harmless. A proven family remedy, unequalled
For Digestive Troubles
Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St, Helens, Lancashire, England.
Sold everywhere in. Canada and 21. S. America, In beams, 2$ cants,