HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-07-27, Page 2PAGE TWO.
I T.huraday, July -27th, 1910.
to• W Car
Phone • 78
Dry Goods -
and •
lit' rise Trtr
Big Specials
for July and August
Ladies Embroidery Dresses z1$
1 dozen only Ladies Embroidery slightly
soiled, white and colored, sizes 16, 18, 84
and 36 only, values up to $9,00, your
choice '2.914.
House Dresses 98c
3 dozen Ladies House .Dresses, extra
good quality print, fast colors, small sizes
34. 36 and 38, values up to X.75 for 98
Muslim 11c
25o yards of Muslins and Chambreys'
good assortment of colors, values up to
25c, your choice He yard
HOr ie.ry 34c
5 doz Ladies Fancy Lace Hose, good threat -
colors guaranteed. black, white, tan, pink, Nue and rose
regular 5(h for 34e pair
5. doz Ladies Fancy Hose, fast colors. black and
tan only, regular 4oc for 1.9c tritir
Millinery 1.49
1 dozen Ladies Trimmed Hats, values up to 5.00
for 1,49
1 dozen Odd Waists, 'sizes 34 and 36, regular 2.00
sale price 69e
Neither Justified
Nor Excused
C Conduct of0
Can C t COI. A lis n is
1 0 ,
Finding of Meredith -Duff
Allison's conduct in arranging
Tor a commission on the fuse con-
tract "can be neither justified nor
Price allowed for graze fuses in
American Ammunition Co. contract
Was too high by at least $i per
fuse.. . e •r
Gen. Hughes knew nothing o2
Allison's arrangement for com-
The Shell Committee's integrity
is pot 'found impugned:.
Canada was not ready in May
1915,0 make time Muses, but could
have made graze doses.
Col. Carnegie is+found to have
been overburdened, but his in-
tegrity is not questioned.
Conclusion is reaehea that Shell
1 Committee did not intend to
cone theimpression
y that in
order 1;o get a contract T,A. Rus-
sell and Lloyd Harris would have
to "see Allison.'"
Divisions ;of commissions on
contracts is a "common practice
among promoters"'
There is nothing more inspiring
in the annals of military history
than the 'bravery and devotion to
duty of the young officers in this
The immigration into Canada for
the past discar year was 43,537, the
smallest since 1900.
About 800 of tete 1.00th Bruce
Batt. have 'been granted a motnhs
'furlough to assist in haying and
e ♦eeesreeaeseeeee�eseeeeee
James Whitcomb Riley the Hoose
ter poet, died at Indianapolis, an
Saturday ,night 'from paralysis.
The population of the town has
been reported ,11y the' assessor as
52 More than last yoar, and last
year was a slight increase over
the preceeding year,
On Sunday mornin�g Edwin Fer-
ris. principal of theWeyburn, Sask.
Public School, passed away `at'his
father's residence, in . Clinton, in
his 44th year. Deceased only r,e-
turned on July 8th for' medical
treatment, but the end' Came'sud-
denly. He is survived by his wire
who was formerly Mums' Hamilton,
and four children. His death eves
due to heart trouble, He is else
survived by hie, parents; Mr. tend
Mrs. C. E. Jervis, and feveradtbro-.
there and .sisters. The ;iunera0
took place on Tuesday afternoon
to Clinton cemetery. Services at
the house and grave evere con-'
ducted by Rev. 14Ir, A.guew ler i5 On-,
tario Street Methodist Church,
The Weyburn paper makes' the
following reference to the late
M'', Jervis at the time ,of his, re-
signing his position;-
"The educational interests or the
city, and residents of 'Weyburn
generally will experience a, ells -
tinct, toes in the enforced u'esih'n-
reluctantly accepted his resigna-
tion. During the years he Pas.
Spent in Weyburn as a member
of the Public schools 'staff, 'Me.
Jervis has built up 'a splenclld
reputation both •es a teacher, and
a citizen, and his departure for
Elastern Canada in the -near future
will create at void what will not
be easy to fill, In all matters
that have made for dere betterment
of things educational, social and
moral, he has -'been always ea the
fore, and he and ;his 'family{ will
leave the city, followed by the
hope of everyresident that he;
may speedily be restored to
Huron County News
• •
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
of the 111.h concession. AshHeld
sn4fered a sad bereavemen t on Timed ay
on last week, Amite Viola, pitssed away
at the early age of twelve yes. Tee
young girl' was ,i viot,m ofinherculnsis
rwhich rapidly developed from a cold
contracted last Easter,
Word has been received by friends
at Exeter thnt Pte, Edward H11 has
lean killed in a recent engagement in
Preece, He is a San of Mr, Patrick
ation of Mr. C,' W, Jervis frarn ]his Bali 0£ Detriut and furme,tly of Mount'
position as preemie of the les-
siniboia echonili. l9tr. Jervis has
been in failing health dor some
time past, and quite recentlywas
compelled to relinquish his work,
his condition became ilerious.
It was afs once realized /that be
could not hope, for honkie time at
(Lee.st, to resume his duties, ..Mad
for that reason the school `hoara
Otome .
fee ,Tnhn Gril611an hoe pnrchased the
old Turnbull farm, on the 10011 eon,
of Ushoroe, from Mr, ltd. Snort for a
gond' figure, the price being $7400'00
John Mooney, 5th line, who has
spent n.31013' 00 years in Morris, and
who has attained to his 77th year, does
not improve much in health. we are
sorry to stale.
A Purse of Gold
the church,
The chair was occupied by John
+Farrell who said, in u. slhoet ad-
dress, that the congregation was
stayinga tribute to a man who
had served for 40 years in the
priesthood. During (Father West's
110 yearshere the had built 'tee
most beautiful church home, ex-
cept the cathedral, in the diocese
of London, and his church was
recognizes( by the Bishop as the
best in the diocese. Mr. B'arr'el
said they wereaying a tribute to
•the biggest, - little man in the
diocese and ia.more self-(sacridic-
ing man could not be found any-'
The Presentation
The following address was then.
read by, Peter Reath. •
"To the Rev. T. West, pastor of
the Church of the Holy Angels, St.
Thomas, on the fortieth anniver-
sary of his ,ordination to the
priesthood, -
"Forty years at the Altar of
God. (Forty years, Is. long period
in the longest life, ofreeing daily
the great saeridiee for the souls
of men, for whom His life \vas
given IForty years ministering to
their spia-alai needs, preaching to
them the Gospel's ;message of
warning, of hope, of peace, and
of love; loosening by the potent
words of absolution the bonds in
which stn has abound them ; feed-
ing them with the Bread of Life;
bearing the Holy Viaticum to the
sick and dying; 'baptising, bless-
ing' exhorting, praying.
',Reverend n'' 1•.
and Dear i1 Ill ri. 1
bow in reverence ;before these
sacred merit -laden years. To tom-'
memo,ate the close of this Jong
liue of years spent in such holy
intimacy ,with God. so fruitful in
benediction for his peophe ,through
your ministry, we have gathered
hero to -night
r•We thank God that twelve of
these .blessed years bare been giv-•
en to us in this parish of the Hely
Angels. No need to recount their
history. The zeal that never nag-
ged, the laibor that took no note
of weariness, the utter selfless
nese, that marked your pastorate
here, are well known to every in-
dividual member eel the parish,
k own and 1 pproem
n 1 ted, Known
olid appreciated elsewhere, thank
God where estimates are .absu-•
lately true, and reward is given
in right measure into the bands or
God, the faithful and the true. we
Place to -night the account of your
labor in our behalf. May Re cause
to fruitily the seed you have so
sedulously sown, and frirggiee us
that we have not responded as we
should to the ;,.fronts for our spirit-'
nal good', made by the must self-
elfdenying, pastors.
May the angels of God to whom
oar parish i.s dedicated 'keep watch
and ,ward over you through the
years -and many may they be-i1i
which you will continue to guide
us in the upwara way, till that Clay
most blesseu' and happy of ail y ur
days, the day that shalt erolln
:youriabor.your patience and your
•zeal in God's holy cause.
"When the Angel at List. your fie -
parting soul,
Shall foltf in his wing of light,
And Gear you away to the Angel's
Mid achoir of angels 'bright;
Away from the weary World below
To tile Angel's world above,
To gaze on the face of the Angel's
King \
And feast in His endless love.'
Your Grateful •a ftParishioners.u
T11e address 'was accompanied'
by the presentation of a purse of
gold (about $400), 'Jeretuiah Sulli-
Ivan making the presentation,
gather West Gives Thanks
Father West thanked the p:'ople
'veru kindly tor the levety address
and present, and wished the peo-
ple all the blessings and good
wishes he could hest 0w upon
them, 'He also complimented the
committee 'for the splendid pre
gram it had prepared Inc him
and said also that lie hoped a
greater number of bays would
follow the priesthood mid work
in the vineyard of the Lord,''.vhictit
is the greatest work on earth. He
had not accomplished all the work
he hard expected tows in. priest,
but he had endea vetted to do his
share earl the people must have
considered it sufficient 10 have
honored 'him in such a manner.
He said he felt very much youn-
ger during the day as a reset(
of so much' encouragement and
cheerfulness about 'him.
jUnder the above headring, the
St, Phonies Journal of Thursday
last, made the following editor-
ial reference to Bev. Pr, West --
Yeeterrlay at the Church of t'ie
Holy Angels, Rev. lather Thomas
West, the esteemed' rector, celee
heated his fortieth anniversary of
his ordination to the ministry
of the Roman Catholic Churdh.
The occasion was marked 'ley spec-
iat services presided over by His
Lordship, Biahpp -'gallon, of Lon-
don, and in which many visiting
priests took pert. The congrega-
tion turned out in large numbers
to de honor to the popular ,pastor
and in the evening -0+ather Weet
Was presented with a puree of gold
as a' tangible tribute of love ' and
esteem. Forty years in the minise
try is a record compernt:ively few
men may boast. Tor four decades
,Father Wept has ministered to the
'spiritual wants or dtis fellow men
and his service has been blessed
With' success. Three score and ten
years Mitre finds the pastor of
Holy Angeles in good health and
spirits, keenly 'alive to the needs
of the day and'ready ancf, willing
to carry on hie good works Tor a
long time to come, gather West's
friends are not confined to the
members of his church ; citizens
generally know him rkindly man
and 0 good. citizen. All hope that.
he may 'bespared for many years
eceegn'ttnue his ,'nission of hope
and cheer,
.. - 0
• New E,ira. (readersoin
O out of town 'for holiic.Taye, •
O may wish to have thein• per 0
q ,per gent to their laminae,' •
• ;settees. Phone 30, .and our
• circulation department will 0
• attend to it for you. a
• TUB N ,1W ERA •
Senaae•0m0•.••0•teaesee "'^F a*
The I6Ist Huron C.E.F. Band
A recent number of The Comedian
Bandsman contains a reproduction
of a photograph of the 161st 13att,1
band to which the following re-
ference is made , -".bandmaster B.
D. Grant is proud of Ihfs band and
he has reason to be. The are 37
strong, and, alai one of the pro-
minent even ,f Clinton says,
"They are aefine .a set of • hen,.
both as regards 'their general char,
atter, appearance and proficiency
as you will find anywhere. Mr. S.
D. Grant was asked to take the
appointment of the 181st Battalion
Band hist January. At theta time
he had only eleven men, :nestle
men belonging 10 the Clinton Kb -
ties, and a leve from Wingham.
Since then, however, Bandmaster
Grant has increased the member-
ship to 31, all recruited from the
County of Huron, (being 'mostly ,
members of the Amon County
military ,hand.
Social and Personal
Miss Ethelyn Scott and Mies
Jessie Johnson of C-'liitfore lure
Visiting the former's aunt, talcs. W.
S. Downs ,
Miss Zette. Bawden is visiting 1
friends in Blyth.
itir. W. F. Vanstone and (Mists
Norma Vanstone end, Muss (Des-
con and Mr. Williams of Wing,
ham were sailing on frionds in
town on Sunday.
Postmaster and Mrs R. J.,Duns-
more of St. Thomas were lcisiters
with Councillor and Mrs. Ne. J.
Paisley for a few days. Mrs Duns
more 95 a daughter of 111(•. Paisley
and the postmaster etas ,raised in
Tuckersrnith, but has been editor
of the St. Thomas Times (for
Years until 1'e was made pastillas-
t stnlas-ter• this .spring.
Stratford Beaco),-Rev. W. T.
Clufr underwent a severe opera-
tion at the General Hospital on
Tuesday morning. Mr.Cluff',s old
friends will wish los a speedy
,Miss Jule 13artlin` spent a few
days with friends at Wingham,
Exeter Advocate -Mrs, T. Houl-
rien returned'11o1ne after spending
a few days in Clanton,
Mrs. Carl Draper and 'Master
Billy of Nin:gnim. galls are spend-
ing the summer with relatives in
town. i
Paisley Advoetac 9lr. John aionw
fort el. A.. of Winnipeg. is visitlni;
old friends in lienee county. and is
spending 10 few days at the home of
Ins nephew, 1)r, Iiuuston. Me Roas-
t, n is one of the veteran teacbors of
this Dominion, I1avite< followed the
profession for over fifty years dot public
school, high school and collegiate in-
stitute positions.
n To e
i1Ls..1 s. I u o, end returned 1
to t home
front lingliundon Monday noon. The
trip bus been a benefit. to Mfrs. Town-
Mr. and Mrs. 71. H. Cute Goderich,
announce the engagement of their,
daughter, Jean Muir, to Thus. E. Roes
of U1deri<•h, the marriage to take
place curly in :\ngi s1.
Miss Minnie Cooper and bliss
Bessie. Morrish are spending their
holidays are Collingwood.
Miss Jennie :Rands of Brussels,
who taught here during the last
Model term, has accepted r posi-•
tion on the staff of lthe Perth
Ave. School, Toronto,er the summer and will
vacation. 'She is rt fine teacher
commence wort. after
and has met with splendid success.
Mrs. Geo. Reenter and Meste's
.Tustin and Malcolm 0f ,Bt. Louis
are expected here to spend aug-
ust with the farmer's nmother,M4lrs. I
Thomas Trick, Rattenbury St.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. ;Grewur and
Mrs. Ballatyne of .Brussels, and
Mrs. (Dr.) 2lossock of Innerlcip
were Sunday visitors with alr. and
Mrs. Geo Roherton:
Ma M. Gremlin is visiting in
Detroit clueing thin week. 115.
sister has been seriously ill. !
Miss Joe Topp' of Se 'Louis will
spend August with Mrs. Thomas
Trick. I'
Mrs. W. R. Counter and Mester
Norman ore visiting ht !Bruit -
ford and 'Simcoe.
Mrs. Guy Jones a1)cl 'baby are
visiting in Toronto.
Nurse Neches of Sea!forth .was
(0.01sito in town on grittily.
Brussels Post -Mr. E.0. Dunfora
has been quite ill from blood
poisoning. We hope he will soon
,ho free 'Prole such a troubiespnie
raiment. The aibove mentio»ed
gentleman is a brother of Mr. Jas.
Dunford of town,
Godorich Township
Mr. 'Harry Steep lost 11 yearling
steer in very ,simple manner, •1 .11:
was eating grass beside the bar-
rows and in some manner got
caught, and pulling' back, the teeth
penetrated the brain, and Mr,
Steep had to kill the iinimatl.
Mr. and M,•ti. John Wilkinson, of
Vesenstein, aro spending a few days
with ,nr, and Mrs Jncnh Detweiler
Pre, Genrae''Llendly and Clifford
l0arson, of (lamp Borden, called on
old friends on Sat urday.
Mr. Jones Jarrett tint sass Bate
McDonald, of Lonclnn, visited at the
none, of leo, 15119.0 Jarrett the latter
part of ,he mete.
Mee. , i
M s. h r, R e l Cooper, who has been
sick Inc some time, has removed to the
London Hospital, where she will have
to undergo an operation.
Miss Birbeu:t McIvoe, who has
been visiting her sister, Ma;forie, has
reh,rned to bei home in Clinton.
311•, Aiello,. Porte) Held nf5eeforth,
spent',umbra with Air. I'. 1Vi'tlie,
Phe Miss Meleerzie and Miss Brown
of dui, eill,ge, are spar,ding'a few days
with friends in Hayfield and (oderich.
Create it tun ettes of the young people
or the Method st, church attended the
spacial cervices at Vomit on Sunday.
bIr, Mitchel', of (Minton, visited at
the home r'f his sister, Mr Thos, Kyle,
near one vil'age,
ltlr. AIhert Jehnstnn, of Toronto,
has heel spending it few days at his
home here, left on Saturday to resume
hia sl adios. ,
Rev. 1fr. l{are of .400on5 anndected
the eervioes in St. Andrew's Church
on Sunday and delivered two excellent
®®tx•®•®toss•®esacosesseeetae ••e••••e••••••o••••••s•o•'D
With The Lawn Bowlers
09•••0*•esese••0••••••••Oe •••••••••••••••••••••N•••
lgeed. T'ollowing are the names
•. ,pamid cores 8 the two blabs -
geed. s OinkWort the Tro h a n o� nb
Y ClintonC Blyth
a a, .
t'Se f orth A.T. Hawkins . alder
As .stated 'last 1Vpek, itl'e Clinton
RI)* skipped `by Carpe Dowding,
was in the finals, the peat tints
VMS a4010 to win out iby' ,q score
of 17 to 93. The 'following ere the
games 91109001 ,'by the Clinton reek
at tate tourney: -
Trophy -est hound
Dowding ,20 Willis, Sctsfortl' 10
and Roulet
:Dowding 21. 1Tr:ffumem s, Boatel 14
•Final ,
Clinton Goderich
W. Grant
J. Hitler ' Stewart
33. G. Courtice W. Powell
Dowding sk i7 'F.'Hunt ,skip 13
Hunt -210010301.0101.00210-13
Dowding 0010010.0:0301.2001-17
Defeated Blyth 0:1. Shots.
Last Trirlay- evening three k'inlas
or Blyth bowlers motored down
and ,lead a friendly game 1(010, but
for Some rupee or other were
unable to get their bowie going'
C S. Lathy 1, Rohineon
A. J, Morrish J. dlainilton
.T. Pe Hovey 10 Dr. Allison sk-13
11, 131 rant 1, Denbolm
R. Reid I, Stothers
N hall A. Robinson
Dr. Axon, -22 (1. McTaggart - 6
J. Miller G. Blacken
J. Hardy it Thomas
\v, l/rant Jas. MOM11rchie
W. 14rydonn-13 Dr McTaggart- 0'
'Pita,ls 60 25
(ehovey Cantelon's Rink 'Won '
While the Clinton bowlers (were
edtertaiu1n r the Blyth bowlers
Shorty Cantclon had a.select (tufa
tying to show the i3elgltite rink
the inside of 'bowling, The ('lel
gr eve gentlemen ate , lust aegiil-
,vers egad so do not 1001 badly
about the defeat. The final !Score
wLS 1.4-4 for Clinton, The players
CL(inton il3elgrave i ,
(F.Penneba:iter• .Lf, Whaaeler
E Hnnniford W. Geddes
J. Wiseman llev. Boyle
E. Ca:ntelon 14 J. Stewart sk 4
Was Troubled With
Unless one has a free action of the
bowels, at least once a clay, constipation
is sure to ensee, then in the wake of
constipation comes sick headache bilious
headaches, jaundice piles, and many
forms of liver complaint.
Milburn's I,axa-Liver Pills will regu-
late the flow of bile to act properly upon
the bowels, thus making .them active
and regular, and removing the constipa-
tion and all its allied troubles
Mr. Phil G. Robichaud, Pokemouehe,
N.B., writes: "I have been troubled
with constipation for over five years,' and
I feel, it my duty to let you know that
your Milburn's I,a(a-Liver Pills have
cured me. I only used three vials, and
I can faithfully say that they have saved
me' from'a large, doctor's hill."
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25 cents
per' vial, or five vials for $1.00; for sale
at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt
of'price by The t. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont,
Patriotic Notes
• •
The Glrl's Patriotic, Association will
lint.) a meeting tonigbt (Thursday) at
8 o'clock. Business of importance.
The L'dies are asking for all the
magazines that eau be spared to he
sem; to 'Camp 73orllen to the 101st
Bette Any person having env can
leave thein at. either, 1V, T, O'Neil's
store or P,, E. Hunnieford's.
JERVIS-In Clinton, on Sunday,
July 23rd, Edwin W. Jervis, it
his 44th year.
• isalesladies Wanted
Sasextolios wanted to f l posi-
tionopen on our 'salesstaff
made vircant by men enlisted.
Either temporary or permanent.
Income three dollars per day up-
ward. Address ,
The Scarborough Co. of Canada,
Limited, Map Publishers,
)Hamilton, Ontario
For 1916 of tbe Municipality of
the Frown of Clinton,
County of Huron
NOTICE is hereby given that I
have transmitted or delivered to
the persons mentioned in sections
8 and 9'ot the Ontario Voters' List
Act, the copies required by said
sections, to be so transmitted or
delivered, of the' lists'. made, pur-
suant to the said Aet; of alt per-
sons appearing by the last revised
Assessment Roll of the said Muni-
cipality, to be entitledto vote at
elections for members of the Leg-
islative Assembly, and et Munici-
pal Elections, and that the saialist
was 'first posted up in my office,
in Clinton on the 17th day of July.
I9l8.and remains there eor inaP
c -
trop. ,Electors are called upon to
examine the said list, anct 10 any
Omissions or any other errors are
found: therein, to take immediate
proceedings to: have the saes
errors corrected. according to law,
Town Cleric.
Dated this 17111 day of July, 1016.
Prince George
Welsh Pony Stallion.
Color -White and black. 'Height,
14 hands,. Reputed to be the
prettiest pone in Ontario and is
the sire of many beautiful .animals
R. T. DUNLOP owner
Zurich, Out
Machinists and tattle hands
wantedt Apply tt'',
Clinton, Ont,
Colts for hale
Three Colts -2, 3 and 4 years
o1d4, Apply to
Dinsley Terrace
Rouse for Sale
House on Rattenbury'Se, formerly
occuptei by the late Mrs. vVilltam
Morley, Apply to
te. D, MeT A:GGART
For Sale
Property occupied by Dr. Gan -
flier, including two lots, house, of-
fice aind stable. Willbe sold sep-
arately or togetker. Electric
lighting throughout, water in the
stable., 'Hard and soft water in
bath -room, kitchen and summer
kitchen. Apply to
Wool Wanted
Wool wanted highest price paid
-Cash or trade. g ' p
Young ld1e n
Young omen or others who are
unable to join for overseas ser-
vice, can serve their King and.
Country by helping on Munition
Work, Apply to,.
The Robert Bell Engine and
Thresher Co., Limited,
Edtntllg & Paper Ranging
Painting ancd Paper Banging neatly
and prornptly done, Orders left at
t unnilesd s Grocery Store 00 a0 my
residence, Victoria Street,
Smaller Coal Bills
Let us reduce your coal
bills. We can do it by sup-
plying you with a coal that
lasts long, gives a steady
heat and leaves only a small
amount of ash. This coal is
The Coal That Satisfies
It will save you money. Give
it a trial.
PI. J. Holloway, Clinton
Western University. London.
Income Doubled -Now $75,090
Another large addition to Faculty and
Equipment in Arts and Medicine
Greatly Increased :Enrollment in view
Write for particulars to:
Fur Sake
Two frame houses for sale; one
an 8 -roomed house, corner ofKirk
and Townsend Streets, and a six -
roomed cottage on Kirk Street.
Electric lights and town water in
both. Will sell cheap for quick
Bale. "For further_ particulars ap-
Ontario Street
Fat dens and Chickens
Taken at any One.
Highest Market Prices
Phone 14 on 166
We now have in stock a quantity of
Seed Corn which we can Meer you at
a reasonable price, also
Good Seed Buckwheat
This is the hatching season and that
means lots of 'feed for tbe baby chicks.
We have a large stock of
Baby Chick Feed
and also Chick Grit on hand
Try conte of our Oreameal and Oilcake
for young calves and pigs, there
is nothing better
Since Lard, has risen to such a high
price, why not try our
Easiflrst Shortening
as it is not so expensive and goes
farther, We have it in 5 and
20 ibe pails
Bran, Shorts, Low grade Flour, Oat
meal, Breakfast Food, and Flour
always kept in stock
Highest Prices paid for Grain
and Wool at "Elevator"
Flour and 1 ted. phoue 199
The following stallions will stand for
the improvement at stock this season
ae follows:-
(0221) Enrolment No, 07
MONDAY-Will:leave his ownstable
West endTueltersmith, and go north
by way of the Huron Road to the Gra
ham house, Clinton, for noon, then by
way of the 10th non., Goderich town
ship. to Mr, Bert Lobb's for night,
TUESDAY -By way of Maitland
eon, to Wm, Deese and Son for noon.
then by way of Bethel and Benmiller
to Wm. Long's for night.
WCDNESDAle-By way of the 6
and 8th con, to Wm. Ounningham's
for noon, then by way of the 8th eon.
to Fred Quaid's. Dunlop for night.
THURSDAY - To Union Hotel,
Goderich, for noon, then by way of lin
con. to Salkeld's corner and 4011 con, to
Huron Road to Wilmot Haacke's for
FRIDAY -Ey way of 6th con. and
Porter's :Hill to Fred Pickard's for
noon; then by way of 7th eon., to john
Stewart's for night.
SA?V 1fAY-By way of. Bayfield
Line to Jas. Jackson's 2nd of Stanley
for 11000; then to his own stable where
he will remain until the following
Monday morning.
Terms, 813 to insure. G. W, Nott,
proprietor; J,. P. Fisher, manager
(18090))7810) Enrolment No, 1998
MONDAY -Will leave his own
stable, WestEnd, Tuekersmitb, and
go' 'south the Mill Road to Pfifle &
Sons for noon, then across to Flacon
Rend and -west to Wm, Dales for
TUESDAY - To Graham Rouse,
Clinton, for noon .and until the tollow
ing morning
vie EDNLDAY-By wily of Huron
Road to N. Trew,irtha's, IIolmesvil'le,
for noon, then by way of 0th con. to
Tbnma,s (Jnle's for night
THURSDAY -By way of Middle
ton's corner to George Holland's for
noon, then .0o his own stable where he
irillremain until the following Monday
Terms $15 to insure, G, W' Nott, prop,
Standard Bred Trotting Stallion
Will stand at the Normandie Barn,
Ulinton, every Saturday during the
season. Re is a very fashionably bred
colt, and while not yet 3 years old, he
is a big horse now, No, 01882 American
Trotting Register, No, 0101 Canadian
Standard Bred Society. Ne, 4419 Pen
velment. Terms -832 to ensure with
Phone 8 on 108 Clinton.