HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-07-27, Page 15,Vo1.51,N Established lii6 "Entrance to Norrnal Results are Announces this Week 1_.1NTON ONTARIOTHURSDAY JULY 27 1916 W, H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers MV„VV,n�vVww�VwVvvw�naVAMMnnM,vonovwnMMMMnn� srs �io of ta p Vie Have it Again RIGHT NOW is the time to use Willianls'Ely and Insect Destroyer It insures comfort for your cows and profit for the owner It is absolutely the best thing to keep your poultry free from vermin. Half Gallon 60c One Gallon $1 00 Best Quality DrugStore The itexan Store W. Si. Re, 0 LA/13336 Phtn.B, vM+venn+ p Borden By a Visitor 'From Toronto. o`� What's the matter .With Camp a iu promotions Borden? The visitor there these, days sees a huge camp in the making,'ancl to draw' anything FoiProni tions from F'oem I. to luke a comPaa•ison between it and ,Honors, other large military camps in 13n,- }} H Latvrenee 79.7 land 01 the united States would be 1 PaeH a difficult undertaking. But view- L. Elliott ,9.8 ing itin its present unfinished C. Durnford 72,8. • V. Snyder ,2.5.'• VVVVVVVVvWVVVVVVVMVVVVYVVVVVVVVYVVVV VVVVV state leads one to form the op- inion that presently Canada will II ,Forrester 6fl,9 MMMN+MOHM be able to boast that possibly no A. Ea keen 66.8. VVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVVVWwVW�MA!°MAe°�M�+ better equipped or laid -out camp tb'. 1VIcregol- 63.8 C.Smith 6s 9 • oYal Bark d d' id d flt- 13,500,000 can be forint anywhere. p, Sheen] 8'.3, Across the 'border large model M, Poweli 67.6, E. Wasmann 67. ,I OF CANADA F. Wallis 05,9, ?a 000 000 D. Stephenson 66.8, Capital Authorized • • • h R, McGowan 65,3, Capital paid rap : 11,560.000 s they G. Green 63.6, Reserve se undivided a pro s Total Asses • 18rr.000,000 t acquaintance with large ' .. .. d ,• n s 350 la.a1�TC1 ��; a camps have been seem in Which a. Rance 07.9 2, individual effort on the part of the , occupants has P1aYec1 an important part in making them "athing of I beauty and a joys'' as long a E Stirling 63,3, • lasted. The writer has a prettycx 1. ZTIo laatd3.2, , ensive a G. Middleton 62,9, military camps in Baglan --at p C. Jervis 62 which have grown old in milliary S. Draper 61.8, Vent Eh Vl i• id-wideColon eCt,1Olilr history -but 'peltas never Saw one E. Livermore 60.6, M. in: 60,`, Interest 14:110weit on Savings Deposits ?� with which he was more'favorably' G. Mills 60,., General' Banitiiig (Business Transacted. impressed than that at which he E. McCaughey 60.3 a ) lOoked a few clays ago when visit . 0. Murphy 09.7, R. E. MANNING, Manger, Clan Branch < ing Camp Borden. I Somebody Knew His Bus L. Reid 68 4, y B. Hill 57 6 fines• W. Hunt 57.; , • M, Grainger 56.6, , waeVevvvvvvvyvveiVelvwwvwuvvvervvvvvvvvvvvVe,• wseoVVV• The ratan who laid out the camp ,F Hanley 56,4, , t knew his 'business, an B gall ,...3 evidently d even if 13e has created whet It I S Jackson be.2, (ray may bedeared tvilf become a white G. Evans 94.2, F. Rutledge 63. ,: elephant, he will Have no cause to t.. .1.1!r:111 earn 2.2,be (ashamed of his handicraft, Shalt 3:2, in ! " Where can ave 'find a camp which the various lines forming I • the different brigades have been more fittingly ar_'angcd? It would be interesting to know of scamp wherein so short atime, and with apparent disregard of ex- pense greater effort has been made to conduce to the comfort and ef- fectttu military tc'in-n--o: th?liege population which inhaibit it. It would be difficult to point to a camp anywhere possessing such an abundant supply of •the purest water one could wish to drink.lnil where better lavatory and w'ashine accommodation has been provided nsn 1 nssoswa,�. _ Lor al ranks, Sates✓ cJ8e♦♦♦4♦;s ♦®®i49Y6♦e4,b ♦•0000♦400®4®•♦iPbo om♦o♦•Tzuet3ei n un erab e ashit a n are eincovered„ a condition of INCORPORATED 1855 Till - MOLSONS ,BANK CAPITAL AND RESERVE $8,300,000 oo Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDERS Savings Bank Department Interest Allem cd al Dfi hest Cul rent Rate it ID(111'd�ill60, .7i!1h111:1a•(•r 6 eiBifdPli ;1ouirll sly Iai C. 1 Copturos The Haws In the Huron list I01 suec_seful students in the exams, for en- trance to Normal, published on Saturday last. Only three (,were successful in taking Honors and these three are students pc the •C, C. I. This ,speaks highly !bolt for the Collegiate and true staff. ' as well ars the pupils. The fol- lowing ;are the successful students from the Clinton Collegiate Honors - S. J. Aspin I{ Helena Middleton B. M. McBurney, Pass- E. M. Churchill • W. H. Draper • f E. K. Elliott . E. S. Eyans s. A. Fingland A. J. Gilchrist L. 1VI. Holmes , P. Ladd M. M. M. Lansing M. G McMath R. P. MCMath A. M. Pickett D. H. Rattenbury , C. I. Sheeley • W. Townsend ,Entrance to Normal Examinations 4, i things which would prove agreat d �-to-i1'car 4• drawbael: should wet weather set 4• Clothing Ready thin 'but Who knows but what one ((yy tliin•r Clothing , in, ill b troops • a ' to • n stl 111G1 rat et e 0 f these Lin •c o d 4 a 4. •b 4 4 4. tThe The o m known quality 'at 'Camp Borden. ains • e con- ' th •'n that awake ofi d va will •1 wtl 't struction camp men have got busy in the -night and placed.( a caopy s exist in '� Large comps L L over each'? g are shower e r b ath8 but which there generallY speaking, these ere used exclusively by the "elite' of the camp, while the rank and dile have tote content with a rinse. 1300 here in Camp Borden there Isno lack of 'showers -I mean showee baths. The ordinary shower is or was at the time of writing, an un - 4 h, J 4 •L 4• ♦ ; w em en is Good. d, ♦ 0A all s A rr. ♦ b Nies g �l d i MIK C 9 Parrishf e. an t vv Y p • i The 1Fe I .1, ♦ • • ams are to be found • 4' where the messing arrangements' m ,� ®,N • have been •♦ ra '- List of Those • Who Passed the LowerSchoolTests is Announced The candidates named below have passed the lower School ex- amination schools nand Faculties ance into tlof Education. t addition to above they In a x ,1 SC 10 ' de stheMtcll 1 require to pas 1 be examination before they - can admitted to the Normal Schools and the 'Upper School examination before tbeY can be admitted to the Faculties of Education. Those who 0 ftte • 5 either 1 s d e d s e h e passed already a have 1 a Y1 a that sacred u s rue rem] exarnination. the Normal Schools open on Sent- ember ent- '0 1 1 ienir t and that 1 r1 faPp ent be made to the 'be therefore unlet b t Deputy Minister of Education not later than August 25. For infor- mation eon ermng the Faculties ira f •i Education, applicants at,:re cred "snivel.- 0096102d)®OEiB©.09G op®8'e0011 to CIVIC TI0LIDAN. • Mayor Thompson has announc- ed that Civic Sloliclay Twill 'lie held on Monday August 7th, pia dC the Roman of ll gg '� 1 Q,.0 also in Charge' ,p (i! ..5'.�,it ►yl 'Wn''?'+ ».•- Catholic churches in bylmcr. rr Port Stanley and Fingal. nurse ofGold For Rev. ThomasWest •` Holy Angels People of -St. Thomas Honor Priest Who has Reached 40th Anniversary of His Ordin- ation -Was a former Priest in Clinton, A public service was held last Wednesday morning in the church of the Holy Angels, St. Thomas, f at nine -thirty in 1,0000 of the,oOth anniversary' of the orcltnat'vi.n to the priesthood of Rev. Theme West, priest of the diocese, The Right Bev. M 0 •allow, D.D., Bishop of 'London was present, and preached an appropriate ser- mon. iFr. Doyle and Fr. 1Vlnil]ett, C. S. S. R., of London. were deacons of honor and SFr. West the cele- brant, while four of Fr. West's pest assistants also took part in the ceremonies. rte V. Fr. ,0 Nefll, of Parkhill, Deacon; Rev. Fr. Goetz, of Tillsonburg, sub -deacon; Fr. W. T. Corcoran, of London, master of ceremonies; Fr. J. T. Mahoney, Bothwell Thur ifier i 'Fr. W Lang- lois and Fr. T. McCarthy, acoylites. Other priests presept were Fr. Goodwin, of Merlin : ]I'r. I,eur•th, of West Lorne; and Fr. Brennan, of LaSallette, Special music wars rendered by the choir under the leadership of Mrs. Sohn McManus. Miss M. Gott as:.(ii ed ¢t'ith the violin., The Ru mit Peb. gth, 1846 i OMAss.Sthe township of Sheffield, County eft Adding - :to -n.5. He received his education at the public sato ,1. St. Thomas High School, St Michael's Col- lege, Toronto, St. Therese Col- lege, Que., and the Grand Sem in•iry Montreal. ale graduated in theology from the last-named 1 choir sang ]Farmer's Kyrie, Gloria. institution in 1876, and was or- and A.gnus Dei in Bl flat; Gounod's gained to the holy priesthood by ¢,meths and nosewig's Benedietus Archbishop Walsh, July 1 0,1878. in F. \Ziss NI. !Hickey rendered He was first oppointecl assist- (At,e 'Marie during the offertory. ant priest to Ret. Dr, 'per oy, o0 1 The soloists on the mass were Stratford and after n period ill l Mea, Walters, Miss M. Hickey, C. eight months,was removed to No per, 'It. L. Price, N. Me Bev. to tl,. � - ,=s' tent pp �s Carte •. Dublin as]slvalbb and M' , z Dean Murphy In ]88D 1Father West w ai sent a parish priest to The Bishop's Words. the Mission at Raleigh and laid- Bishop Fadlon's address was an getown, where he remainedfour explanation ofthe nod fol - years and rendered efficient and loNed bya few appropriate words t rel, f• , • the church t work 8 fol- permanent Rather t e of r She ministry ti's h P concerning t e mi ] ry and diocese. In 1864 he repC i;h West. The'text was °Saccrclos est the . Apug 01i n to the parish alterus Christos,"' (the priest is years't St. Au pastorate and, after four I another Christ.) wasappointedp 1 in Itis charge Tais lordship said that this was ishfis 1883 to the on- nota text from the scriptures, but ro of .God rich and 0 Clinton St. atruth that had come down from whichohne he canto to e. through the .,Years of Christendom. Thomas nlhcut ]5 years ago. Since taking charge of the SL 'Iti was atruth, hes.ud, with a Thomas parish the work of the tremendous andgthenifl ance. pfest s gross, has v tt church r pen- enlist called to the baptism and by that gees a new been ural resid rite dedicates the life of the child well having' 1been erected as to the service of God, thus fulfill - well w m.iny other rnlaneut iii one of the fundamental pre - ie oly;Aii , rat d In Westest;os cents of the teachings of Christ. C 1 9 Holy Ane.els, s cathr toHl Y otraining 'n the the mattert i i i to whatt `o mat rg A n •'s the cit o itis, , home or in the s 1 priest that will stand beside him in the years to come. As the child glows he will in ,time be taken into the sanctuary' and instructed', and the confession exill1in d. Later e of as the chile[ teaches the age n[ist •1`"".'°vdpsi y�4:a,.pm (•d� ......�•....++�r ffZ illf v y + tt�'lo BUYS A CAR. c tlaLast( Saturday 'while moving v to 'e- l umb iL. � 1 hydrant, Lint 3 t d3. fire i Air. o all e Wilglys- is the i y teff, 1 discretion and c.io realize the dif- ovvner o£ a new' Willy's-((might car. is on the P ante ,Iitito as, fereuce between ordinary bread had e the hydrant h and 'pito Iron o- and Wine and that 0=hsch has been "the man , c o inn- L. O. L, MEIETING. ( his left leg. 1 @ baneti£ied it is taken to the altar arc in escaping with :t bruised leg Regular mewling of Murphy which confined hien to toe idose Lodge 110 on Friday evening i,t for several days, s weer' this of JUNIORS, si to the Toron o of the Queen DEFEATED THE JUNI , errs of Toronto or of Queen's W C T U MEETING. F _ Before 0 very v sc is et University, g ?ill] ,sten.. The W,0.T.1J. will elect 1olt• ria.udience, HURON,' clay evening of this week, in the so that. the nitro, `tnutct notfeel S. J. Arlin (honors), Cr. E. Ames, Wesley Church, at 8 o'clock. All heir es -]3e ens" 1l17 the junior G, E, Andrew, ,L'. L. Adams, D A. ladies are invited to attend. , team of town a played a junior Brooks ..E.:51, I;rooks.E• M.Chu^ch I, 0, 0, 4F, NLEi'0TI770 I on Monday evening. At the 4000 ill, G, K, Chapman, M. ML.. Cuthill, L. ' of the seventh inn103s the game NI, Coulters G, 11.. Case, .w.n. Dr All members of the Ocldfellows {was ca,llect off, owing to the dark - per, tI. Deere, JI. R. Dickson,E are requested to meet in the lodge 1 ]less and the. scorer ihanded out l ]]lett E• S. Leans WI, M. Edmunds, room on Tuesday evening, Aug• 1 -the results as 8 to 3 for the ole( 1er ,• McDermott d L.""'".61, •rue 4� fn 1° eDer nM '9 0BobOl) 1B A. J. vvoi tt 8s. l e� ClalS if ,� 1a11C ` s e L Alin UAL, 1 hider, , s . is P D II 1 > 1s1 m tt ba to ill 1 is t d that c li en t0.0 . F. ggi refreshments, OL1S i Goldthorpe, e H.reties Gilchrist L L, G i p ,by ] Godkin, J A Grant, L.'NI Holmes strikes• and made an efficlentum- J, R. Flays, L. holland, E. F Har- DENTISTS ALSO CLOSE. pine, Those who played were - Wednesday afternoon of this 'Has Beeps-Ec1.Johnson 1G; W. Teel: was the beginning of the , Johnson rb; 'F.'McCaugheYp; B. half holidays Along with the 1 Johnson s 5 ; 'J . Haiwkins c 1 L. Kerr' stores that close are 'the two r f ; M. Draper 3b; M. McEwen 31; dental parlors. 4 A. Cousins cf. ACCIDENTS, 4 Juniors -Steeps; 'Glazier 2b; Last Sunday afternoon Earnest T Cooper P ; Livermore lb; Picket rf • 'lt di: e9 b • $i ev Y lc f: D e 3 , Carrie 1 ISordc,, youngest sionort mt., JVhn 1 Hill a Ford, had.'t'lie misfortune '60 Tall The score by innings seas- on the railway track and 'break his _ left arm. Earnest can't see (where Juni Bee SO 7r 0 0 2121-8 t1r8 run comes in during the holi- vey, 3.A, 'Hume, E. James, B. better looked after. In 6 Johnston, A, E. Johns, B.A. Ker - cases as every 'old soldier ' slake, Percy Ladd, 511.151. M. Lens - .1 sing,E. X. Maxwell, M. B. M hnows‘ When the cook gap sounds, the tent or er • sand ♦ b k lines a sizes•, of the well known brands • 1 2 • 75 Men's Felt Hats, in ro en a • i b d ♦ King, Ritweil and BorsalinoC. e♦- t now. -We want 'no f roll ue silo ' not a P e Ills 9 ♦ �► to clear out the entire. summer stock of `hats !♦• i regardless of profit or cost. 4 • e •2 Regular $2.00, 2.5o, 3.0o and 1 o flats, your pack 1 .50 1 1: . . 3.5 for & •z •• • It's Your Opportunity j• a • • GRAS? IT. 40 ♦ p 0 4', melpisorseximmosagnmaImus=nszmacme=minisocavirs=0123M3romMwrant •4. • The Morrish Clothing Ca, 46 4 Agent for 11. P. R. Telegraph Co. ♦ • A Square ire Deal for Every num 0 • A e♦♦♦,♦• 49•A•4, 444a4.4'4#,O854>.,"S'0 404,1$4,04.4,0 0.A®df�♦Md•!•A0040.. 1X.LI a• e ICi -house bugle e , Helena`- (Middleton "'honors), d lies troop . A Murphy, E. t., Miller, S.L. Nlilne D.L. Macdonell M. G. IVIcMath, R. C inche N. N. 111c 1 •h M. Y McLeann,itE. NI, McBurney (honors), K. C, McDonald E.C. McArthur, B. Mackenzie,. A. 5. MacEwan, W. 13' Nigh, X.3, Nolan, M. G, O'Connor, A.M. Pickett, 7/1.10. ?eerie, D H. RattenburY, G G. Hose,, D. C. Roth, D.E. Ross C, 3. Sheeley, M. T. Shillin law, M. 17. • :tt0,0, i 1c g Scarlett, Sellers, S.K. Smith, L.B. Sanders, M. A. Sha rre, L. V, Smith, V. Stewart. LB. Taylor,W. Townshencl,Fra01c Tate, 'M G t'. %Cied'ade, Z. M. Tur vee D.E.Wilson, KM ;Walters, A. S. Williamson, E. R aalace, off for the meals, and return with them tone tents, where, in more or less discomfort, they are de- voured, At Ctunp Borden, how- ever, every company of every bat- talion has its own mess -tent im- mediately racing the ]head of its lines, and -t e when the ever vvelcom . call, is sounded, the men 8x11, iii in their respective lines, march to their mess -tent, land partake b4 ?their meals like ordinary Christ -4 isms. , If the men at Camp Borden Want to become proficient ix trench ,Continued on t1 age 3 Try The New Era for Job Work in 66111.11110 Holland Rusk The Idea.l.Summer Food, SERVED WIRE 3411110 and Cs;eam, Coffee, Tea, Cocoa, Iloui.t, 1 Poached Eggs, Cheese, butter: d belidou,9 if simply Price only 10c a package SEE 'WINDOW D1.MPL&Y SOF HOLLAND RUSKS The Store of quality W r w . 5 N u !t L ..4 THE 2. I'alt, BUB GIedJG Phone, 48, These May 'Qualify. The following candidates at the Lower Sshonl examination, were not suecesflu, but fn ltiew of their luarlcs they are permitted under the regulations to qualify for a Lower School certificate by taking the subjects named in brlekets hong with another departmental examination '5Midcllte or Lower School) which they have not ale reedy passed„-- B. assed„B. A Argo (;rami.), J S Bogie (art), ill. D Ch.owen darlth ), A. i Fulton tart), C M. Isla ci 1006;, M. V. Kelly (art), R C. Laidlaw lard) A. L. Sanderson (101111) az. M. Stewart (art), B, Wright (art). A. Clinton motor truek has been purchased by R Thomson, Pews-: sells, to be• utilized in connection with his large produce business. It vvi11 be delivered.. in the near suture. "CANADA IN FLANDERS'' The Editor of the 'New Era. has been 8av'ored 00617 two copies of the book "Canada in r'landerv"' the ..o ficial story. el' the Ca'nadi.a0 Expeditionary Sorer,, written le,' o The book i.k Aitken, M.P.7. Sir Max A Si -.t of b has been Weil spot,ei Y the book readers. A GOOD RAIN. 1 This vicinity ha.cl a good rain on Thursday afternoon, though . near IIolmesv ills there was only a d o sprinkle. e will d a 1 f Itof o good in this vicinity. St. Paul's Sunday School was'fortunate in escaping , the rain at Bay^fiel.d this year. Gohgto Switzerland in confirmation 'H. --re again the priest takes an important part. So a , I suds a. when theyoung mat fl 1'14 i 'u he new )base oflite ltelibre htl ue i brings his bride to the presence of the priest where the sacred vows are made and the priest's bieneclic tion received More particularly when a man has reached the brink of the grave,said Bishop Callon.is the priest necessary. It is the 'Priest who administers the last rites, utters the words of comfort and ushers the soul from time to eternity. hi s f the t n : O e 0 These are a m g 1 Which the priest does for the in- dividual, said the Bishop, but how much more is he to the congrega- tion, At the altar he is no longer the pian 'but 'another Christ. True he retains .the outward resemblance of the m&n but eSI his, lactipns, deeds .and Iworcfs are those of other Christ, In the maws he isa� Christ, and' the stupendous truth 1.0 fail to cannot t al • statement .a eta terve true of leave its influence on every one. "Such is the life of the priest;"' .said Bishop !Fallon, "1 11av0 not come ,hero to eulogize Father West who has spent 40 years in such service. But, let us thank. God tham to seetthhie her is day.'perHisted lordship said I said that he would make no see- ret of the (fact that' no priest was closer to the heart of the bishop than Father West• Few priests extended themselves; to the same extent physically in the pursuit of their duties.. The bishop .then • thanked the 'congregation for turning out in such large numbers and said he felt it a pleasure to take part in the services, Father West's Reply. Rev. Father West replied brief-. ly to the 'bishop's' words and said he could find no words to express Iris feelings o8 gratitude for the honor done him. He considered the greatest honor that could be- fall anyone was to be privileged to act in the capacity ofapriest. His aim in lite, he said, was to do his duty a,s iie saw it, andthe demonstration in his honor would' give him fresh inspirations. Cel. Albeit Larkin t110 chief n sec- retary i t retaty ,of the F.alv'attol .S1 Y Canada East, New,foundl:and and the Bermudas, is unser orders to take u leave Clnadt and t P simi- lar sn lar position in Switzerland and Italy. For the past 20 years Col. Congregation Entertains The ladies of the congregati)n added to the festivities of the day 'by preparing a splendid din- ner which was served at noon to the vlaiting :clergymen at the priests' residence. After dinner the priests nvere entertained briefly by A.W G,mble the mental arithmetic aitiSt ap- 1 peering at the Star 'theatres 1 The fortieth anniVersarY of Rev. Father West'e ordinaytliton to the priesthood cb 1 ated •' S 1300 d was further tther cc z Angels Wednesday night in Hely auditorium when the conga g ltinn met and listened to an excellent musical t1to 1 ataradpresented , Sr West With a pulse of $900 in gold and an ieuiogistie tadd'ress to Commemorate his long service in , Continued on page 2 , Gaskin ]lass filled the most import - exit positions fn this country, anti since the Empress of Ireland dis- aster hats:ably -filled t he ei positsecion of chief secretary, ud command of the Salvation Army here.