The Clinton New Era, 1916-07-20, Page 4PAGE 'SIX. THE CLINTON NEW BBL Thursday, July 20th, 1916. N ECK WEAR TFiE NEW BERKLEY CRAVAT AND POPULAR BATWINGS HAND IRONED THE FULLY GUARANTEED SHiRT MADE IN CANADA SHIRTS ana NECKWEAR The c✓ Lana7aras of Full QUALITY 6uar�fee/ MATERIAL Shire WORKMANSHIP Prices VIENCZNIPMININIONIMINIO Brown's WOMAN'S STO,rIE Dry Goods and House S'r•nishings Phone 67. Next to Royal Bank MEN'S STORE. Custom Tailoring Men's ,Furnishings. Phone 103. Oppo siiicPu bl icLibrary ess•••sail•se•s•e•eoe•••••••as•e•••e••s•e•••ss••••es• OUR JOE DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New type and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE ,NEW ERA CLINTON ,4111111111•111111111111d OZ00000e000000000000.0•••• 06•••e00A00••••••••••••••• 111119301.-4.11511.10,141. Fancy furniture Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for our inspection. Light in con fo truction and design but ex- remely well made in,every de - ail, Here are the finest creations f the furniture makers craft, nd at prices that will temp the ise and discriminating buyer. Tho Cheapest Spotin Jhiron to buy all kinds of Furniture BA7_,D & .M=11\1'6014" Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104 N. Sall 110 —RESIDENCE PHONES— T, D. Atkinson 180 GOOD THINGS TO EAT No matter whether you remain at home or go camping or picnic- iag, you will want something tasty for your meals, and why stand over a hot stove when you can get such delicious and wholesome Ready Cooked Foods. 1 ,We take the liberty of offering a few suggestions that .require very little cooking. Canned Goods—Peas, Corn, To- matoes, Pork and Beans, salmon, dines, Herrons, Haddies, .etc, and RICHEST PRICES iI+OR BUTTER • there is nothing more substantial or more easily prepared. Meats—Cooked Ham, Meat 'Loaf Breakfast or Back Bacon. they are ,always up to the mark, Jelly Powder and Minute Pudding —Jelly Powders are ,always a friend to the housewife, they are an ornament as well ass a splen- did desert. Minute Pudding—Can be made in a .jiffy. Flavors—Tapioca, lemon, vanilla, chocolate, etc. AND. EGGS. JOHNSON & et.9.. Phone 111 TIIE STORE OF Qi]ALITY •••••••••••••e•••e•s•s$Se 6••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •. • • Our Assortment s • • •• • of Hardware. Is complete and large—equal to most city stores. We keep everything in Hardware. What we run out of we get in by express or parcel post. Our catalogues are open for our customers to select from. STAPLE GOODS • Coil and Spring Wire, Barbed Wire, Black Wire Brace Wire, Dr. Hess Stock Food and Panacea, • Perfection Oil Stoves. S. W. P., Japalac and Floorloc. Scythes and Snaths • Specials at Reduced Prices • 5 Lawn Mowers at cost, job lot. of Clothes Baskets Vat 25c, Wheelbarrow regular 3.5o for 3.00, job lot of • Nails, Ice Cream Freezers at big reduction; Marvel l+'Ioor Mops at 5oc, Paris Green at 65c per pound, Bug Finish 5.c per lb,'8 lbs for 35c—a good fertilizer as well. as a bug killer. • i • • • ••• •. • • ••• ••• • • i. • • •• •• • • ••• Grand TrunkRailwap System Time Table for Clinton Bnifalo and Goderich . Going to Stratford ' 7.53 a in a in 5.15 p m Going to Goderich 11.07 p m 1,35 p iw 6.49 p rr 11.03 p m London, Huron and Bruce Going to London 8,05 a m 415pm Going to Wingham 11.00 a in 6,40pm !WHAT DAILY DO YOU' WANT? if you want a daily paper, call at The New Era. We can save you money and trouble. Whether you are a subscriber to The New Era or not makes no deference. We act as your agent and you take no chances. MANY SOLDIERS P10 419. , There were many soldiers home for the weekend from Camp Bor- den. They all stated that the sand and mosquitoes make life mis eraible up there, but thait orders DOW call for week end trip every two weeks that Odds a little joy. BIG DEMAND FOR STRAWBERRIES. The strawberry season is over and the cropwas not up to .the expectation owing partly to the dry Weather. It was expectecf that there would be an abundant sup- plywith prices fairly low and manY waited for the drop in price but were disappointed at last and were unable to get an ample sup- ply. Strawberries were p'cked un very fast after being marketed. MINOR LOCALS, This here 'world is just chuck full of disappointmnt,, Its u-irrhty 'seldom that our sweet pea vines climb as high as the strings we tie up for 'em. Your local newspaper is about the cheapest thing in the world. II any of the readers of the New Era Are desirous of <ativing in 0105- er' that desire can be easily grati- fied just now„ Swarms of mosquitoes, we are told, mean 'bumper crops, Could the present prospects easily 'be better? In numbers, size and 1er- ocity, mosquitoes this season are said to beat the record. Just to think and two weeks ago we were praying; that it would get warm! The sand may be had, but the principal 'trouble at Camp Borden seems to be Pir Sam Hughes., Now for the exodus to the sum= mer resorts, Show but sure hats been the pro- grese on the west front, t Most any one wi11 clutch at a straw today, provided the other end 19 in an `rice ere= coda," The %VesterU Pair ' London, Ontario September Sth to 10th, 1916 The amusecneut programme at the Western Fair, London, Ontario, this year in omiser to he an espec'ally a'trac rive one. Here are a few of the acts under contract. Lawrenceand Hurl. falls. a comedy ehair act, which is aim` ply wonderful Dio's Dog and Pony Hircus; this is the act the older people like to take the children to see. Taisier Bros, two Jape doing some wenderfnl feats. Rice,, Sully and Scat 1, a comedy rub. her act. something new and novel, The Dayton Family, twelve people who give a remarkable exhibition. The four .Aerial Bells, the greatest aerial artists, ano others. The new steel` Grand ;;hand, with every seat a good one, will he filled no.doubt twice daily. A grand display of fireworks by the International Fireworks Co. of London every night, The Meverholf' Carnival Co. will the Midway with a fine ant` : 'll till h iVI'd h I IH A R LA N D B R ((►�+ cf good clean shows. Two speed, • �!! ■■■ LL.�R • iJ �.! • r events on the track daily. Everything • • will he in full siring at this rear's Ex • ' R NOVELTIES • hi'bition SepLemher8th to 16th<' All', ▪ STOIES, HARDWARE AND • • into m: tion from the Secretary, A,M1 D••••••••MO•seme••••••esu•••O•••N•+••••+•••••e••e ---1 No warping, bulging or breaking at the centre of heat— the strain is taken up by the two-piece fire -pot which permits no ashes to cling or clog. .acre Let meshow you the special features of the Sunshine that help to effect that economy in fuel for which it is noted. 810 Sold by B YT%M & SUTTER AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAkAA;LAA/1AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Local News pV • VY't"7VVVV VVVVYTYV'1'VT/VVVVVVrfiVIYVVVVVVVV/7RIFYIFVp^'r\i; A BOWER ON UE,AUTY. MIG'HT HAVE BEEN A BAD SIRE Goderich Signal ; — Registrar IPriday afternoon at about a Coats' garden. with its 'hundreds el quarter to one the fire bed called rose bushes, 1e one of the sights of out the brigade to the home of the town just now. It is a veri- Lieut, A J. Grig g, when it was table bower od'beauty'. l found that the tarn had caught on She.. A few pails of water was PICNIC WEATHER. all that' was needed. The Willis Sunday School was held at Bayfield on Tuesday. Today (Thursday(, :the Sunday School of St. Paul's church is being held at Bayfield, • VOTERS' LIST POSTED. D. L. 'Macpherson, Clerk of the Town, posted up the 1016 Voters List in his office on the 17th. There are 912 names on the List; 501 in part 1; 315 in part 2, and 96 in part 3. There are 331 quali- fied to serve as jurors. GETS GOVERNMENT, APPOINTMENT. Mr, John E. Scott, of Exeter. who recently disposed nd'his creamery in that town received a government appointment as offi- cial abutter grader (with head- quarters in Toronto, and let Wed nesday to common^e his new duties. His position is somewhat of an of- ficial referee between buyer and seller. The family will remain in Exeter dor the present. (Mr. Scott is to be congratulated on his ap- pointment, LIKES CORNWALL. Rev. T. Wesley Cosens, 'former- ly Methodist pastor of Ontario Street Church, writes from Corn- wall, Isis new charge; "We are comfortably settled in our new home. Co nwa 1 is al eaut:fu, town We have p.splendicf church and large congregation. People have given us a royal reception and we are delighted with the whole situ- ation and are expecting a happy and prosperous term, DeWitt is taking Bible' Society work again this Summer, chiefly in Hamilton Conference, OVER SIXTY YEARS AN ORANGEMAN, Wingliam Advance—Mr. !William Cornyn moved to '• tWiner,ham over sixty years Jago from Hamilton and in that long period has never missed a twelfth of July cele- bration, being amember in good standing continuously of L. 0. L. No. 754. Mr. Cornyn was at the Etitioa to sec the Orang-m n leave to celebrate in Clinton at 6.30 on 'Wednesday morning, but did not 'feel well enough to go along with them, although his heart wa,s with them the entire day, WON MILITARY CROSS. Capt. C.H. Derr, who is home with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Iferr, tat Vancouve E. C.) re- cuperating 'from wounds received at St. Eloi, France, is malting lee- bra(ble progress. He is regaining use of left arm and leg which were partially paralyzed and is able to walk out alone now. A few days before he was wound- ed he was promoted to be Captain and was presented with the Military Cross, next to Vietosil cross for bravery. In one engage- ment only one out of 40 escaped from [.tbursting lsthell., Lieut. Harold "Kerr has gone to camp Sew ell with Vancouver Battalion and may be moved to Camp Borden, EXETER PEOPLE SAFE WHEN AS'HCRO,FT IS ON FIRE,. IFanned by a high wind, flames swept through and destroyed the (whole business section of Ashcroft B. C., on Wednesday otlast week, causing 'a loss estimated at $225.- 001 With Mall in-urane;. Mr. W,'M Rueston,, son of Mr, 1i. E. Hueston. o Exeter, owns n drug. store there and fa,telegram stated that his house and store were s'fe from the flames. Two hotels, the Domin- ion Government 'buadipgs a dozen stores. bank buildings and amass of old wooden buildings were all burned.; There 'were no•casualities. Mr.'Hueston was very .ortunate•to escape. -The 'cbgve mentioned gentleman is abrother of Harry Huestion, formerly teller in the Molsonis Bank here. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. I. The Na.panee Express speaks of an uncle of Mrs. .A.T. Cooper' and his wife ars follows ;—The Sunday School Hall .of Trinity Church was well filled on Wednesday evening not only dor the mid -week service but chiefly to say farewell to Rev. and Mrs. Sellery, who leave ,for Cobourg, their -new field of labor. At' the close of the Prayer Service `Mr. and Mrs, Sellery were eaIled to the piat.forin;' when an address was read and the 'follow-, ang presentation: made;='115.rs, Sel••, lesy was•1lresented With abeauti- ful 'gun-metal Cb rtelsne' bag; weld lined with crropa.89000'1)i114 Mr„ Sellery received a•liandaquie leath er lined Flub.' bag- or the iinest duality;: Mr:'ancl Mrs. Sellery, in their reply, gave expression to. 'their appreciation of the senti- moats of the address and of the valuable and substantial gifts of Which. they have 'been the recpi- ents. VVVVVVVV SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING. A special meeting of Council was held on Monday evening. Mayor Thompson was in the chair and Reeve (Ford. Councillorss Wiltse. Hawkins and Wallis were present. The matter up before them was the oil question and on motion of Hawkins and 'Ford, the Clerk was instructed to order the oil to he here 'by August 1st. The motion was carried, The rest of the even- ing was spent in discussing the way of putting on the oil. A CHICAGO WEDDING. Goderich 'Signal;—In the First Methodist church '(lite oldest church in Chicago) e very pretty wedding was solemnized by Rev. Dr. Macirfee, at 4 p,m, on Thursday. June 29th, the groom being Mr. James Benjamin Allen Smith, of Chicago, for•merlY of Goderich. and the bride Miss Marie Leontine Lind Strom, or Chicago. After the wed- ding ceremony was performed the bride and groom took the train ,for Goderich on avisit to the groom's mother, Mrs, Abraham Smith, South street. They have since returned to their home at Chicago,—The groom is a nephew of Mrs. James Smith, Ontario St. 0e0•eeeeee•0•00000ee000•0ar O [pal Queries @ 0 aneeocemeactioseees.®®eeon ao A.T.C., Clinton.— Does section 141 of the Liquor License Act ap- ply to a county 'where the Canada Temperance Act is in force? Ans.—Section 141 of the Liquor License Act was amended in 1911, and again in 1915, The amend- ments are patchwork and do not harmonize with the original pur- pose and plan of the Act. 130108e the amendments, the section in question made it a punishable of- fence to he found in an intoxica- ted condition in any public place, "Where a local option by-law was in force.''' The ;amendment of 1514 expanded tkis to include all places "in which no tavern or shop li- cense i,s issued!• It is clear that this amendment bus nothing to do with the Local Option by -Law. All municipalities have power to pass by-laws for the punishment of drunkenness, if they wish to do so. This amendment was there- fore unnecessary'. Wherever such by-huw is in 'ioc•c0' Any person 'found in an intoxicated condition in any public place can be ar- rested. .Phis being so, 'why should another Act have been passed? 1t is in effect forcing a criminal law upon certain sections of the com- munity where the people may not desire such a lane, It may be argued that the Legislature, hav- ing by the Municipal Act con- ferred power upon the municipali- ties to pass .by -Lanus dor the pre- vention and punishment of drunk- enness, etc., has thereby divested itself of the power to legislate on this subject. 1't is not at all clear that a Legislature may not divest itself of Legislative authority by delegating it. The question is,— Can a sovereign authority con-; tinue to exercise legislation over a ,subject which it has, delegated to another?? -Hodge v, The Queen (1633) 9 Apph Cases 117, Dillon on Municipal Corporations. sec. 573. Gloversville v. Howell,. 70 N.Y. 287, ft is competent for the Legisla- ture to delegate to Municipal Cor- porations,the power to nlake•'by- lalws and ordinances, etc., which have the same force as latus pass- ed by the Legislature itself, A Municipal Council is a miniature Legislative Assembly' and its au- thorized 'by-laws incl ordinances have the +force of laiws passed by the Legislature. Dillon sections 02 to 108, 22 Missouri 105, 52,'Missouri 513. Hopkins v. Swansea., 4 1V1'eeson and Welsby, pages 621 and• 640, "Canada's Federal System"- (Le- froy) pages 69 .and 70. B.R.R., Goderich—(1), May any person prepare deeds, mortgages, leases and other legal documeints without a license and charge for Or '55411e, and eollect 1115), charges? h(2)e Maydoes any person nciadverting? se that conveya Ane.—There .is no 'laav in this province that 1 am aware of, re spin g conveyancing ao'be livens- ed.".Any' person nvho knows how may draw deeds, mortgages, lea- se's, Kills, contracts alnd. other legal documents. But no person possessing ordinary sense • would employ a baker to make a suitof c1¢thes 2—Any person may ad- vertise that the does conveyancing and'may charge for his work, and may enforce payment: i( the court ore' lodge think the work of any tattle,' + G kulli IMh't .% Add a cool room to your house by equiping your verandah with shades—will let in the air and keep 'the heat out: Sizes 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and ro feet wide, The W. D. h- eo. Often the eheap:st--Pliways the Best ' Berger's English Paris Green Paris Green is used for a purpose which makes poor grades worse than useless It won't pay you to experiment, Get Bergers then you will have the best in original lb and r Ib packages. Arsenate of Lead also in stock. NYA1. QUALITY STORE Dispensing .Chemist ■awaineaw 10/00/11y - The Features of Our - Furniture. To which we invite special attention,. are its beauty, ifs assured comfort, its solid construction, and its below the - usual prices. Any one of these points would be sufficient re earn it your preference. When they are all com- bined we feel sure you will realize that this is a furniture buying oppor- tunity you cannot afford to ignore. AVIMM SAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 28. Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store.. It will pay you 110 The corner Grocery "Live and Let Life" Oen our Prices on your Plumbing Heating or Eavetroughing Estimates given free Material and Workmanship the Best. Agents for IIecia Furnaces Thos. lawkins Plumbing and ![eating Shop -over Rowland's Hardware , PHONE 45. Let as Select the Eatables" ler i'our Camping Trip Our stock of canned goods has been specially selected dor their' quality and purity, and in tract, everything we suggest to you: will have your unqualified appro- val. Cheek from (his list the goods you know you want; come in and, let us show you °them—, Canned Tomatoes. Corn, Beans.etc Concentrated Packet 'and Cameo Soups; Meat Extracts; Canned. Preserves and Jams; Marmalades Bacon, All kinds of Cooked, Breakfast Foods; Condensed Milk: Coffee, and Cocoa. !Canned Salmon: Sardines; and: Kippered Herring. Specials Strawberries, Lettuce. Raddishet Tomatoes, Cucumbers and Green Onions, E. E. Hunniford t 4.+•P .Hsi feiF +44++++4.+++44,1441"44 !'Mit•1.3•d• •9.4 ++1•a•4.4.8'•P4•1.4•'F+4's 4. 4. 4. 4 h t' • creel snoe Sale Our Mid=Summer Clean=Up Modern methods demand that a shoe stock be closed out during the season for which it was in- tended, and that there be no carry-overs to mar the appearance of the New Footwear of another season. On Saturday, the isth, we place on sale our entire stock of Summer Footwear at factory prices, and will continue until' the entire stock is disposed of, You have read about our Good Shoes—You have seen them, perhaps you have worn them. Call soon as the shoes wial move out rapidly at the very low prices, • FRED.i A KS ►N HOUSE OF BETTER SHOES