HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-07-20, Page 3Thursday,
July 20th, 1916.
PAG1! k I VI'
When in Doubt
For a Present for
the Bride•to-be
Choose Silver
There is no other gift
or the bride that is so
universally certain oto be
greeted with joy,, used
with pride, and treasured
for years. We carry a large.
and well assorted stock of
1847 Roger Bros
Knives and Forks, Berry
Spoons, Cotd Meat Forks
Pie S.-rvers, Tea, Coffee,
Dessert and Table Spoons
and numerous other use-
ful pieces.
Also a good assortment
of Silver Plated Hollow-
ware, i:ut Glass, China
and Clocks,
W. IL WL IL li 1•'fiR
Time to Remove
Weak Ministers
:•Outspoken Advice of independent
Conservative Paper of
Kingston ,July 11 -The Daily*
Stand -ed (Ind. Con,) of this city is
one of the Conservative newspa-
pers o Ontario that refuses to. ac•
.sept ,With complacency the result
in North Perth. In aleading edi-
torial in Which the Standard de-
clares that the re,u't is not With
" out significance both for the
Ontario and:fate the Dominion
•1Government,that newspaper de-
clares pointedly that itis idle to
. disguise .the'£actthat the resultis
'decidedly disappointing or to es-
cape the coneliusion that it is a
:distinct blow to the Government..
Bidebound arty newspapers de-
clares the Standard may profess a
smug complacency. but they will
not he sincere. ,
1 Trouble Deep -Seated
The Standard 'vh'1e inclined to
• the Opinion that the liquor• ques-
tion and the nickel export policy
anay h the had some inluenc^_ upon
the result, says that ieits opinion
the trouble is deeper and beyond
andthen makes the startling dee-
'laration than it is time for
the removal of men like Tien, Dr.
Pyne end'Hon, Mr. Duff from the
lEipia ae Federation
R Spectacle
lig In
1,200 Performers; 10 Massed
Bands; Chorus .of 60 Voices
Glorious Pageant symbolizing Im-
perial Solidarity and Power
Mammoth Scenic Reproduction of
the British Houses of Parlia-
ment, Westminster Abbey
and the War Office.
Scenes that have thrilled the Em
pire Re-enacted by Overseas
'Shells in Process of Manufacture
immense Munitions Exhibit
Model Camp, Trench Warfare, Hand
,Grenade and Bomb Throwing, De-
struction of Warships by Hidden,
Mines, Bayonet Fighting, Federation
Year Fireworks, Complete New
ft DI The King's
Government Exhibits, Superb Showing
of Live Stock and Agricultural'
Products, Acres of Manu-
"Toronto, Aug. 26 to Sept. 11
Celbinet •
Alter paying a high tribute to
?remiei Hearst par:onnly and rto
lith general government, the Stind
e era says ;--
Cabinet Needs Sha:icing Up
Willhe w• 11 dor the P otin,f1i
Government to take the advice of
its real driencls instead of its smug
kont'towing friends, and to make
more thana causal examination of
itself and of its own inner con-
dition.Perhaps il'a stronger man
orttvb. extra Were,injected into
Cabinet in the steed of one or -two
of the men now there, there might
be a different story. Premier
Hearst is a; very able, a very clean
and ta, very honorable man, and de.
serves all the support of the Gov-
ernment, and if he will shake up
his Cttin -t and replace weak men
like cion. Dr. Pyne and Rona. Nir.
Duff by strong men he would find
Ills position decidedly 'strengthen
ed. • We, inEastern Ontario dor ex'
ample, have not dorgotten Dr,
Pyre's spineless position on, bilin
rguadism ,when first that question
was brought up, which of itself
was enough to digmn him,wbile as
for Duff he is too colorless a char-
acter to add strength to any Ad-
Ottawa Given Similar Advice
In conclusion The Standard pays
abr•ief word or two of attention to
the Ottawa (.government, in the
course ,of which it says, -"I1 the
Ottawa Government, _ too, were to
listen to some o'f its candid friends
instead of
bending the
ear sow' r
rngly' to the sycophants and
toadies evho use governments only
in the end to misuse them, the Ot-
ta;tva Administration Wou_d be in
a stronger position than it is to-
day. Tnere is no Conservative 'but
must admit that -lire Ottawa Gov-
ernment also -needs 'sr•tengthening
and at the Moment is rather weals
er than stronger than it was
some months ago in the pablic es-
teem. The whitest sepulchres in
the party will of course shudder
at this treasonable declaration, Out
it is the cold truth nevertheless.'
Hlea t Palpitated
Would Have to Sit Up in Sled.
Mrs. Francis Madore, Alma, P,E.T.,
writes: "My heart was in Mach a bad
condition I could not stand any excite-
ment, and at times when I would be
talking my heart would palpitate so
that I would feel' like falling. At night,
'when I would go to bed and be lying
down for a while, 1 would have to sit up
for ten or fifteen minutes, as I would
feel as though I was smothering, I read
in the daily paper of a lady who had been
in the same condition as I was, and was
cured by rising Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills, so I bought a box, and they
did me so much good, my husband got
another, and before .T had used half of
the second box I was cpnrpletely cured.
I feel as though I can never say enough
in favor of your Heart and Nerve Pills."
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are
composed of the very best heart and
nerve tonics and stimulants known to
medical science, and are for sale at all
dealers, or will be mailed direct by The
T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Price, 50 cents per box, or 3 Loxes los
Mr', J B, Tyretnan. who recently
sold his f,arrn on the 12th concession of
Least Wawanosh, and sold his crop to
Mr. V. J. Currie.
A Grand Fair for the Allies Nations
in aid of the 101st Battalion will be
held In Victoria Park. Seaford.), on
Wednesday August 2. Mayer Stewart
has proclaimed t.ivic fit:di/lay for the
day and t he.comniittees:have arranged
a splendid program of sports, baseball
matches, dancing etc. -big ralithum•
pian procession, bands, floats, drill
norps, school children, societies -the
funniest of clowns, and deacons -Vic.
toots Pell: will he a veritable midway
with the booths of the Allies- one
grand blaze of tight the biggest spec
tacutar event of the year demonstrr
tier of tire protection and water fight
by the Senfotttt Fire Brigade garden
party,' band concerts, drills of the Allies
and dancing in the evening, Some big
day -Scan a hill for further patrti.
cultwara°d add1tionai attractions,
Local. News
Capt. Dowding P. G. Courtiee,
W. Grant and J. Dowding,
took in the
Seaforth Tourney this week. They
were to play off for (the finals
this afternoon. 1
Last (Friday while Mrs. W. T.
O'Neil was carrying a. chair down
from the verandah she tripped and
fell, 'Fortunately 'Mrs O'Neil es-
caped with a batt bruise.
A quiet wedding took place a,t
'Holmesville, on Wednesday, at
dour -thirty, when Mr. A. Wilken
of town was united in marriage to
Miss Sarah Tebbutt, by Rev. Mr.
Sinclair. They returned to Clinton
in the evening and will ' reside at
the groom'shome on Ontario St.
The Bell Telephone Company will
proceed at once with extensive tri
provement in the toivn of Clinton,
a new twitch board is tole installed,
with the, capacity for eitht hundred
'phones, and the wires on the firth•
street to be placed under grocrd. The
new connection ordered hy the provin
cial hoard between the Colborne and
Godeirich Township municipal systems
with connection at Clinton, is nearing
For calendar Fail tt•".•ms; R. 1.'Narner,M, A,, D.D„Alma College, Sr. Thomas, Ont,
Inquest at Gorrie,
Death of Mrs, Arabella Brownlee
Investigated by Coroner's Jury.
The coroner's jury empanelled to in
quite into the death of Mrs. Arabella
Brownlee, which oeeured at Grant,
Ont.. near Cochrane, early in March
last, returned an open verdict at its
sitting at Gorrie on Tuesday of last
week. Mee Brownlee died under' very
tragic circnrnstances. Sbe had not
been feeling well and, it is alleged, to
obtain relief she secured medicine
from a medical practitioner in the
north country She took a dose one
morning before breekfas, and shortly
afterwards was found in convu'eiens
by her sister, a professional nurse, who
alsittaken a dose of the same medicine.
While endeavoring to relieve her sister
it is said that the. nurse experienced
similar eymptons and suspecting poi
sorting she promply took an antidote,
which had she desired effect. By this
time; however, Mrs'. Brownlee was be
yond all htunan aid. Doctors were
summoned, a burial permit was issued
and the body of Mrs, Brownlee was
brought to Gorrietor interment, Later
a request for an inqury into het death
was forwarded '0 she Attorney,,Geu
eral's Department.
Coroner liolmes had the holy ex
hurried and the stomrsch and viscera
sen ten Teronto for anelvsie, while the
medicine which the unfortunate wo
main drank before her death was an
ale zed and found to gontain a strong
proporation of strychnine. The an
a]ysis of the stomach and viscera fail
ed to disclose any trees of poisoning,
and an investigation by a detective
did not reveal any facts of importance.
The jury. therefore, returned a verdict
stating hat they were Tunable to deter
mine the cause of the unfor(nnate wo
marls death
leave for flaying
and Harvesting
The 'following letter from the
Adjutant -General of the 'Cana-
dian Militi:q speaks ifor itself, --
W. ,Brydona, Esq., Clinton,
Sir, -1 have the honor, by direc-
tion, to acknowledge receipt of
your letter oe the 8111 inst, with
reference to the subject, "Leave -
!Haying and Iiarvesting; • anti in
reply to stare that 'instructions
have recently been issued grant-
ing members of the ICER. such
leave as may he required 'tor the
'purpose of haying and harvestin
It is :suggested, therefore, ;that
you communicate with the officer
commanding 101st ,O's Battalion
and your wishes will be attended
to. I Slave the honor to ,be,' air,
Your Obedient Servant.,
.'Major D.A.A. G, for Adjutant -Gen
Local News
le. J. Densmore, postmaster of St.
Thomas, has been advised by the war
ot]ice at Ottawa that his son, Lieut. R,
Lionel Densmore, hue been slightly
wounded at the front, but was remain
ing on duty. Lieut. Densmore enlist
ed with the Ottuadian Engineers re
craitrd teem Queen's University, and
was arterwarue given a commission
for gallantry oh the Held. The young
soldier is a wee:la a of 67.r. W, ”, Pais
ley of town. .
The following is a list of the N.
C. O: s of the 101st who tlualp'lied
as instueto s itbayonet f1
axle physica1 drift at the
last school
eh, svo,k wits eerlied on in the Lon
eon armories, and was completed
on June 21, -Corp, C. a. Cox, Corp.
R. Redfern, Corp. I3,H Bell Corp,
R. P. R. Dougall, Corp, P, b -Man-
uel, Corp. G. B. Sewell, Corp L J,
Wasmann and Corp. M. Plea. Her-
oni'-es offer hearty eongratul'stions
to the pew instructors., , •
Blyth Standard -Mr. Jas, Mrc-
Murchie's garden is profuse with
many varieties of roses which are
1'1011' in full .bloom and the admir-
ation of all who see thein.
The people arc hieing treated
nowadays to a feast 'of good war
.news. May the feast know no end,
Get your job printing done at
The New Era office. .
Crop prospects are looking up
wonderfully these days. ,
How would you like to dispense
the ^weather?? People are now
complaining of the dry spell, while
two weeks ago every person was
'protesting against the rain.
A fine rain cooled off the hot
temperature here on Wednesday.
Before leaving Ivorthwood. Mr•,
and Mrs. 'Hawke, =former residents
of town, were presented with an
address and presentation Brom the
congregation, Yellowing was the
,address,,• -
Dear Mr. and Mr's. 'Hawke,
We, your tcongregation- and
'friends, are met together to -night
to spend a social time with you
and to bid you good-pye.. We
deel ,we could not let you go from
our midst without fn snore way
showing our appreciation of your
earnest and dl:LUL i work among
na as pastor and Wife. You have
labored with us for the past four
years, These years Stave been
null of true Christian labor, Chris-
tian (friendship and Christian help
We have alt (been greatly blesser.
and helped by your ministry, your
Christian character, Your comfort-
ing ;words, grin yore• overflowing
optimism erre the Master's service,
As a small token of our appre-
ciation 0 year friencfship and
labors .among us, we asic you to
accept this purse, We will 'miss,
you : jboth drotn our' t ommunity
and Onl elcu'Cls work ,.blit we trust.
and pr'a,y that God's richest bless
ing, will attend Your laabors 00 your
new dield Signet( On behalf of
your many 1ri.ends;
Mrs, lilobeet McCann
Mrs. Henvy Lenover
Tornio IaP1i
• eiv •
Bogs $11.40
Butter 24c to 26c.
Eggs 30e,
Oats 55
Wheat 1.00 ,.*
Cattle 58.90,
Sheep $8.50,
Lambe $1.1.00.
Barley 60 to e5
Cheese 151-10: ;Hay for Bailing ,$9 and $10.00
Hoge $10.75.
Butter Pito 22
Eggs 25c to 27e,
Oats 50c to • 55e.
Wheat 90c to eye.
Peas 1.75.
Shorts 527.
Bran 520.
Barley bee to e5e.
Buckwheat iOc to 85e.
In response to a request from Secre
tory R. N. Creech, of Exeter Bowling
Oluh tournament for a trophy to re
place the one captured for permanent
possession hy the .London Thistles last'
year, The London Free Press gladly
offered to donate a silver emblem in
keeping with the title of first event.
The Exeter tournment, to be held this
year on August 0 and 10, is gaining• in
favor year by year, always having
about 40 rinks entered, and last year
the entry list numbered 54 without a:
single default being registered. The
Exeter Club will he trustees of this
new trophy to be played for :as the
premier event at their annual touru),
trent and to stay in compebitlon
until one club succeeds in winning it
three bines, The Free Press also re
tains the privilege of donating another
trophy when its trophy ie won the
third time,
A memorial -service for the late
Spence I•lentsworth, who was killed in
action in France, was held on Wednes
clay evenineinthe P.esbvferian churah
in connection with the regular monthly
pattiotic service.
Miss Grace Cochrane, of Owen Sound
has been engaged by the 73russels
school board as successor to Miss Me -
Pherson, in the continuation depart -
meet of tbe school.
The next Red Cross tea will he held
in the public library on Tuesday after
noon next and will he under the direr
tion of the W. O '1'. U,
W,, F. Stretton has commenced ex
eavating the sellar for Itis new resi
dente on William street.
lilies Brothers, who has resigned as
teacher in the public school, was pre
canted by her pupils with as kindly ad
dress and a marble clock.
While assisting at a barn raising in
Hunett Township, Samuel Bar, of that
township, was injured by being struck
on the hip by a large bent that slipped
wbeu being raised. lie is doing fairly
w el at present.
The lawn social held on the Presby
terian church grounds on Tuesday eve
ning by the ladies of St. Andrew's
Church was a success in every puttee
lar. The evening could not have been
improved on,eind there was a large at
tendance, The receipts amounted to
Civic Holiday is on July 20th.
Nesedcesday, July 12th completed
the 58th Orange walk for Bro. James
Gibson, lie having joined the order in
1858 and has never missed a celehra
tion in all those years, lie bas for
many years been Masterof0eremonies
and again filled that position this year
A great many from this section ea
companied the Orangemen to Clinton
on the 12th by G. T, R. while others
autoed-and drove, in consequence the
town was quite deserted.
Mee 'McLean. of Goderich, is at guest
at the home of Mr. A, Elder. She is
the widow of the hate Rev. Dr. Me
Lean who for many years was pastor
Lieut. Duncan Aikenhead is v1,-
iting et his old 'home.
Farmers are having hard work'
to house their hay, the crop be-
ing unusually ilas-ge, it is aemost
impossible to get help.
The erection of Mr. John Brigham's
new residence, Hallett, is well under
way. It is of solid pressed brick, two
and 30
IDIr Robt,
, Lott
Howard hats the mason work and L.
Hill the frame work.
An interesting letter was received
too late for this issue. l'rons Sorge. W.
1. Tantblyn, son of Mr, and Mrs. J.W.
Tareblyn, Hullett, from Shorneli'lfe
Military Hospital. England. The
letter will appear; in full, next issue,
Goderieh Township
ltev. W. Cole and wife, Flint Mich.,
motored ,over to spend about three
weeks with hie brother and other
friends in this section,
;flies Retta Keyes, of Stanley is visit
ing friends in Chicago.
Reeve Lnhb now sports a new Ford.
The rain this week did good to the
Good haying weather.
Goderieb township council has made
a grant of 50 dollars a month for the
remainder of the year to the five pat.
riotic societies of the township: While
sum ie far short of what is needed the
women are grateful to tbe Reeve and
the councilors who are helping in this
needed work.
A large number of the khaki men
of the local unit of the "Hurons" now
encamped at Camp Borden were home
over the week end but few had
very many "good" words for the camp
in Sitncoe County.
Mr. and Mrs, Alex Robinson last at.
received official word from Ottawa on
Sunday that their son, Pte. Wen. J.
Robinson of the 4th battalion O. M. R.
is a prisoner of war in Germany. '
Mr. and Mrs. W, 0, Johnson, Bruce
street, have also received a card trout
their son, Pte, Walter Johnson, stab
ing that Ile, too, is in a German pri
son. 'These boys were pals Isere togeth
er, enlisted together, fought for nine
months together and on June 2nd last
were captured by the Huns.
Large quantities of grain are arriv
ing at this part daily from Fort Will
Fishing for black hetes has become
the past time of the evenings.
No ,one will deny that there is
a fighting spirit at Camp Borden
When Ontario's weather is good
It ie inimitable; {when it is bad,
it is ditto. ' ?
Tip to C. N. Smith; 'Move the
Sault Ste. Marie Express plant to
any plate east of the Ottawa river.
July 10th, 1703 -•Gibraltar captur-
ed by Britain
poFboq groes
Do you bolivi, play tennis, lacrosse, or any of the
numerous sports that demand a light elastic shoe ?
If you do, it will pay you to see our range of
New Felt Foot Goods
We have all the newest lines in Men's,
Women's and Children's Shoes in both
high and low cut.'
Our Prices the Lowest Possible
,f. rl -
Ph " ' . ( el
Small Prolits
, Phone 25. More Business
Entrance Desalts
Reggie Kerslake
,Willie Laing, honors
Edna McGregor, honors
• Ethel McKay, honors
Gladys McLean,
Evelyn McGrath
(Mildred McGrath
,Leslie McKay
Mary McKay
aroltf McKinley, honors
Grace McNamara
Alfred Moffatt
Loretta Nigh, honors'
Alvin pke, honors
George Pinkneyie ,
• vine Rogerson
Roes Savauge, honors' .
Beulah Scott
•Fergus Somers, honors
I,tniea $Ontele hone r3
Cecil Smith, 'honors a
Earl Smith, hopors
Fred Smith, honors
Charles Stodgill, honors
The highest marls obtained at
this centre 'wee 'by Margaret. Mc-
Laughlin, tvho made 565; Dorothy-
orothy(Holmes was st close eecond With
563 to her credit.
Edythe Ames
' Johnston Armstrong,
Evelyn Baker, honors
Nellie Brawn, honors
Harold Cardiff, honors
, Bernice Cole
Nellie Crozier
Mynota Danford, honours
Clifford Ferguson,
Eyre Graqy
7sIayme %a11, honors ,
Vera Hall
Vivian Harris r
Dorothy Holmes, honor . ,
Ross Bunter
Russell Erauter •
Harry .Lott
Edna McCall, honors
Jean McDonald
Wesley McCutcheon
Leslie McDonald
Ina McKay
George McKee
Gertrude 'McKenzie
Margaret McLaughlin, honors
Sarah McLaughlin, honors
(Flora McLean
Gertrude Miller
Madeline Ryrn, honors
Marie Ryan •
Eva Scott
Esther Shortreed
Mary Shortreed
Andrew Simpson
Grace Thompson ,
Annie Spence
• tr
• ,u
••e•••oese a••Isr7g••
The minister is on lois vacation
this month.
A congregational meeting Was
held on ieriday evening to ois-
euse the question of minister, in
the absence of Rev. a Mr. Harper,
who is chaplain as tate 177th. '
Rev. Dr, Stewart will occupy his
old pulpit for the next two Sun-
days, His many old friends will
be glad to belts him once more. ,
The Sr. League will be con
Hutted during the •ummer months,
An eight weeks Contest in the
Epworth League has 'finished. The
members were divided ,into two
Masses -the Whites and the Reds.
Miss Shipley was ''captain of the
Whites, and Miss A. itia,y of the
Reds. The marks were given dor
•literary and musical talent and
attendance. The Whites won by a
small margin, The Whites put on
the dinal program and the Reds
served lunch.
Rev. W. H. Cole of flint, Mich
will preach on Sunday evening.
The pastor will preach in the
The W.M. S. met on Tuesday
of St. Andrew's Church, here,
Miss Proctor, froth the West, was o'eleeeeee•t@.t►eeee•@8989•••S••®•••®A•®•@•e0@•@@@eee•!e•
the guest of Mrs. R. M, McKay during •
the week. •
Rev. T. Oourttce took for .his text
last Sunday evening "1 am debtor"
ltom. 1.14 and was much appreciated.
Mrs. Sineleir's mother who has been
visiting her tor nearly. a week return
ed to Winghtttn on Wednesday.
Rhee T. Crooke is visiting her adut
Mrs. Rohl. Acheson.
Bev lig J. McCormick wife and baby
Peed a flying visit to the village last
Monday taking the Misses Rutledge
home with them for their vacation,
51r. J Proctor enjoyed good health
on his eightieth birthday and his many
friends wish him many happy returns
of July 131h,
Mr, and Mrs. DZcliorie, 'sr., of
Warwick spent Sunday the guests
al their daughter. Mrs. W. Britton,
;Miss Mayme d3'ail passed her
music exams , in history with.
t Miss Addie Love of Walton
spent a couple of weeks' the
Lneat of her .sisters, Miss Margaret
ove ,and 'Mrs. E, Britton.
Mr. and Mars. John Riley ane
children ,of Breeefield spent Sun-
day the guests of the formers.
parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riley.
Quite u number around here at-
tended the 'funeral of the late 1VIrs.
Percy Taylor, •
Miss Mayne Hall attendee the
wedding of her cousin, Miss Keys.
in Sealforth on Tuesda=y of this
Mrs. Chas. McGregor is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Pickett, of Wind -
For, for .a week or two.
Nil. Robt. Clark no.w sports a
new Overland auto he purchaseo
in Seaiforth.
Rev. 'H, I. Woods and wife at-
tended the funeral sof Mrs. C
Fletcher of Thames Road on Wed-
nesday last.
Dr, .t1. Aikenhead and Wife and
three daughters of Ciallgary are
visiting at their old home.
Mr. Neil Yellowil.eos and family
of Bownianviile are visiting r'e1a-
Lives in our village.
Appleton Elcoat has purchased a
Maxwell automobile.
Mia90s Mary Walker and Eliza-
beth ,Sntitli took an examination •
in ouuaie in Exeter latelee both are •
oThe New Era Job Department is
w capable of taking care of your job work,
instead of sending it out of tc:wn.
Paper is advancing in price, but we
have some on hand at old prices,
If You Need .any
Bill Heads'
'Cheques or Check Books
• Envelopes
Letter Heads
Memo Heads
Note Heads
Note Circulars
Receipts, or
• •
pupils of Miss Foster of Varna.
;Miss Hazel Elcoat has gone to
Toronto to take a summer course
in the Toronto Univeraty.
Everyone is wishing for rain.•
Ptes. Johnson and Clarence Aik..
enhead of Camp Borden are visit-
ing at their home, , •
We can Supply
Your Wants.
I The New Era
Clinton, ent. Phone 36
arses NOW;
p : •.
u. .. •
, •
r: •
t''t •
',-m, ale ip of e400et®000etree00•e*00ew e0ee00•00ee.•sev•e••0•09 •