HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-07-13, Page 617, PAGE SIX.. THE CLINTON NE ERA. 71-11i Il13 1321ID922101ID91 IMI91M6NIM6a 1 Fcffl1 l Only here can you get such corsets 11111111411 161111111614141161; IIIA IIIIi1111111111111111III/ 1/I/I/I 111111.411111111 lII I 44 44 N 44 44 41 44 44 .:I .a 4. -s 44 4I `l+ -s 44 • 44 44 41 4. 44 44 444 eses 4 s 1116111144111111161146411 4,1141164 4141144 161111111 HIS STORE is always on the alert for better values, finer goods and articles of greater all -'round excellence for its clients. For this reason we have accepted the sole agency for Coilene Corsets — the only exclusively high-grade Canadian made corset on the market. The policy of this store is fully met by the quality of o ioille e onsoetto Fancy fiERMEMIIIIIRI111li P rrsols K. 11. '4. ,•F ,3• They are made in many models — both, front lacing and back lacing styles. We know that they are designed according to ' correct principles of tailoring in full accord with the unalterable lines of Nature. ' You will find Coilene Corsets a revelation in the sup- port they lend, the wondeirful ease in wearing, the faultless fit and fashionable figure they give. Buying your corsets here. you get the benefit of the quality of this fine make, and also the advantage of being properly and cleverly fitted by our corset department experts. .1. Cotters Cart ets $3.00 up 9," i :/►; tff Yf till n 4144 1 IIIIUIIII,,,,,, 0 1 pI 1 11 1 11 ryI1116 1I YI p III I I II1 11111114 1161111111111. I/I161111111111111I111APlll j Exclusiiie einem1.$Q.11C ,a11111141111101161)IN16111610111.19II 111M611i'711/k/g6llA1411N110/1114INII111161111.4111AWtt116111111101116iI1ItlIM666161101NI101116111I16iffle1 BROWN'S Ladies and Children's Summer Parasols at less than Wholesale Price WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phone 67. Next to Royal Bank tessss•••••••••••••.etesee o•Ii•••••e•satme see eeesace• JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New type and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA CLINTON 1 Fancy furniture Oe deletycharacter, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection. Eight in con ' struetioq and design but ex- tremely well made tn,every de. tail. there are the finest creations 'of the furniture makers craft, and at prices that *ill temp the wise and discriminating buyer. The Cheapest Spot in Enron to buy all kinds ofFurniture BAIL Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors—Phone 104 N. hall 110 ---RESIDENCE PHONES— 3,1/. Atkinson 186 Campirrg or Picnicin Days Summer is here again With its attendant fOHot Weather" and 'folk are talking oP going camping or oif a family picnic, and always bring an increased demand for (FRUITS AND READY=TO-TEAT FOODS Bot weather Suggestions— Meats, Ram Loaf Cooked dam , HIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER • Jellied Hoek Bologna, Corned Beef, Canned Goods Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, Batmen Sardines, Pork and Beans Tuna Fish, Ete., Etc. COOL DRINKS. Orangeade, Lemonade, Lime Juice fume -+grown Berries (tor canning AND: EGGS. JOHNSON &O• Phone 111 THE STOKE 01' Qi1JALITY .11110••••••••••••••••••••••••00•0•O•••••••••••••••O•••• •• • Our Assortment •• of Hardware. ,•• s is complete and large—equal to most city stores. We T •.;keep everything in .Hardware. What we run out of we e get in by express or parcel post. Our catalogues are open for our customers to select from. • e STAPLE GOODS •• Coil and Spring Wire, Barbed Wire, Black Wire • Brace Wire, Dr. Hess Stork Food and Panacea•, • • Perfection Oil Stoves. S. W. P., Jagalac and Floorloc. e Scythes and Snaths • • • Specials at Reduced Prices' ' 0 • 5 Lawn Mowers at costjob lot of Clothes Baskets '• g at 25c, Wheelbarrow regular 3 s for 3.00, job lot of t Nails, Ice Cream Freezers at big reduction, Marvel Floor Mops. at 5oc, Paris Green at 65c per pound, Bug o ` Finish 5c per ib, 8 lbs for 35c -a good fertilizer as well m as a bug killer • • • • •• •• • STOTES, HARDWARE ANI) NOVELTIES • •. •AM•••!••••••••••••••••••• u••••••••••••••••••••••••• HARLJ ND BR Grand TrunkRailway System Time Tabic for Clinton Buffalo and Uoderich Going to Stratford 7.33 a lu 2,58pu, ., 5.15pm Going to roderich .......11,07 p m 1:35 pm 11.03 p m London, Huron and Brace Going to London... ,8.05 e m 4.15 p Going to Wingham 11.00 am 0.4O.p MINOR LOCALS. Our town fathers thrive decided to give the tax payers a discount for early payment. of taxes. The schededef' may he read ie the: council minutes. Does the 'average taxpayer be- lieve the' School Board is doing the right thing inpaying out OW of good maney for plans for new schools, when nothlurg 2s doing? To The NevtEra it looks like bion eg in money with a ven-• Caught by the Curbstone , Some crowds, •----•®--- 1 No accidents were reported. --MI-- Mervin Hanley band for made No 306, Thiel is their (first season. They won second prize. Instegreens awere of the acktacig ked to postever- greens street banners; were used instead. "twelfte h' is fa'dirnrgi.tfoa way. Silof l hats and frock -coats are fuast d,lsappearing, from the annual arade --OS-- Here's to the Orangemen avho were in parade, 'Here's to their sons and daugh rs, 'Rerel4 to King CWilliam, who •fought thee' great fight. ,When he lead his troops 'over the Boyne waters, L --O•-- Why Walk? Some people even wore tiger jibes. --ease-- Some of the sill: 'hates daites back to 1690. —•s -- Is yellow a fast color? Sure it is, a Bellfacst color. --MO-- Nothing like keeping( up to date "Everybody's Doing.) rt"' was a popular :yir. The brethren who hard to carry around big family Bibles envied the others'' who were only called on to bring, along a small testament. --••-- "There goes Daiddy leapd a little woman to a, wee girl and the latter beamed as the (father eanght her eye and waved a flag, Many of the regelias; on view are precious heirloolm4 beetled down from father to soar. ''The power behind the Orange dtaun never goes otif. l i . An Innocent Abroad:, "I'd no idea so many persons were interested . in orange.s4" mut- inured one ,onlooker truly an in- nocent nlbroad 1 "What kind of a figure would King "Billy'' thave made if he had crossed the Boyne in a Prince Albert coat and;aplug hat? was J aquestion one ma,n asked a friend srapasaxtanllraat Thursday. joky 13th,1916,. Thrice the capacity of ordinary grates is given because the Sunshine grates are three -sided, one side at a tune meeting the fire. Bulldog teeth smash clinkers easily. Firtra Wouldn't you like to know the cost of installing a San- shine in your home? I'll gladly give you, particulars without obligation. sos Sold by BYAM c SUTTER AAkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAa•A ► Local News rvvvvvvvrvrvvrvvvvvvrvvvvvvrrr,evvvrvvvvrfTweerreve tl� TAX RATES T0R 1915 i INQUEST IrRIDAY The" inquest of the late Mr. Weatherall will be held on i1'rlday day afternoon et the (House of Refuge. • I WESLEY S. 13. PICNIC Wesley Sunday School had an ideal : day foe their picnic at Bay- field last Thursday., Everybody enjoyed thefnsell es.. HURON OLD BOYS( There were many Old Boys and Girls 'from Toronto here over the weekend. The big crowd went to Sarnia, for the water trip to Dee trek:. A ICARROtiWf ESCAPE • Last'Trlday afternoon Mrs, Petrie had a narrow escape at her home rwhen the gasoline stove ex- ploded. Neighbors ,succeeded in extinguishing the 'fire;without call Ing, out the the brigade. ODDFELLOWS HONOR T'HE'IR D'E;s1 D Sunday .afternoon lite Clinton I.O.OIF. Lodge held its annual dec oration services at Clinton Ceme- tery where the graves of former members were decorated. The -procession left] the Lodge rooms at 3 o'clock headed by tape Cline ton Kiltie Band. MINOR LOCALS , At the regular meeting of Blyth Connell held nu Monday night 675 was voted Blyth Bane to assist in the par) ukase cf Uniforms, ®••Orli®•000.0i11460CPS VSe,104004, a • 03 0 te • o so• of the Hour a • a e • weeocteeemsoccteoccocceoetoeet It4lIde in Germany Wingham' will have a tae rate of 33 mills this yeaar, 1 Clinton. will have Similes. I USE (FOR OLD STRAW RATS ,Old hats may be ripped 'apa-L and sewn into weste-lpaper bask. eta., Wire the baskets 'tits keep them in shape using lfirni round covered hat -wire. ORANGEMEN ATTEND STJNDAY SERtr1C6. !Members from Clinton L. 0. L. ai'ternded Sunday Serviees tit. Mid•- dletor's, Sharnonas ,Londeshoro and also a carryall load went . to Seaforth in the evening RECOMMENDED FOR V. 0, Many friends in this county of T. J. 3t'aneiga n, of Guelph secre- tary of the Hydro -Radial Associa tion, will be delighted to learn of the goocl acres that came to h.m or,Wednesday His sou John flan, nigan, who ettested al Guelph al a private. has been recommended for the Victoria, Cross for bravery at the front. MAJOR McCRiM14ION TO FRANCE, Among the officers :who havt gone from England to (France is Major i, D. 141eCrimmon, 3rd le command of the 33rd Battl. Some time ago it was ated tart feeler eleCrimmon would be one of the officers to return home •to Assist in training here but the announce- ment 'that he has left (Cor Prance sets, et rest tall other rumors., .I•IALLMAN—SUTTER t A quiet wedding was solemnized on Wednesday mornings at Trinity Methodist parsonage Stratford by the Rev. G. W. Dewey, when Molly Christiana Sutter, 'daughter of, Mr. Conrad Snttor, was united- in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr, William, Slallman, Douro sir.. Stratford. The "bride looked handsome in a suit of brown„ With tuacan waist and hat to nrttch The wedding breakfast took place from the ltoire o,f her sister Mrs, (Dr 1 J. A Beatty Jones street .rd the young toe fee unties;"', d, After ashort honeymoon in De - trait Mr, and n1'rs, Hallman •Will take up their residence in the city. Mr. John ' Sutter of town attended the wedding of his sister MINOR LOCALS. elnve you renewed your New Era subscription. Haying has commenced in 0711,1 section, The crop is a bumper one on most farms. Good healthy' tax rates appear to be in fashion this year. It le easier to put texas up than it is to pull them down and the pay - meet is rarely made with mei, relisi1, , What about the lamps not light ed on your car et night. This its not according to law.. 'Miss McFarlane, Albert Street North, can boast .of some, very • fi»e rose . Half of ,fuly gone by. Saturday Mitchell has e bank indebtness of ;$16,100, ' 1 Civic Roliday,.,will be the next holiday. I No word about the Entrance re sults yet. • Swet thefiy and also the mos- quito. L t 'How fast do you run your buzz waggon when you. go through town? 76 miles an hour is the Slat utory speed, Purchaser: "f don't want it if it's made in Germany, it would be euro to play some, flirty trick, Go off in the middle of the night, or something of that sort!" In the Wrong Place The heavy tragedian was in a tee rib's rage. "What's the matter?" asked the manager. "Matter! howled the actor. "That fool of an orche-tra conductor has spoiled the play!" "Flow did he do It?" "ire struck up 'Where did you get that hat?' when the Judge put on the black cap and sentenced the prisoner to death!" rks of the 161 Nov. 36,1916—County Battalion mootedi Meeting !held alt! . Wing - ham 01 Huron and Bruce officers in have a battalion betweeen 'them, The idea. does not meet (favor tvii.'h of Minister of Militia„ ' Noy. es—Minister odMilitia order ed Col, Combe and officers to go on and raise a'Balttalion in Huron County. I Dec; 2—Battalion starts, ;Fred Thompson, son ofi Mayor Thomp- son, first. tot sign .followed by Percy Hitchen. George Webber and Alex McIntyre. Dec. 9 -Partial list el fi1eadc)uart e0's ,staff announced—:20 men en- listed a t Citation, Dee. 1t0—Ca.pt, Alien, Quarter- master, in charge.: Dec. 19 --First Sunday Service held at Wesley- Church., Dec. 20—F'1rst recruiting rally In Clinton Dec. 21 Terill1Sergt, Seeley transferred from 71st I"Ittl arrives Dec. 22—Staff aril 'srs move into Headqu'it ter:+ DI Clin,tle,n. Jan 10, 1930- Pastime Club makes gift of $70 for recruiting. Jan 13—01d rink rented for 'Drill hall •• Jan 23—,fudge Barron of Strat- ford, speaks in aid of recruiting. Jan, 17—Bandmaster Grant ,takes charge el Batt(a11on band. Jana of -Co. Council votes $2,000 ler recruiting ,purposes. ('Feb. 1—Rev. H. B. Parnaby of Belgrave appointed as churnlain: IFelh. 6—,Lieut,)-,Col. Cooper, of Toronto addressed big. Recruit- ing meeting in sad of 161st. 7Feb. 2D Nurse Neel ne address- es big meeting. (Feb. 21 Clinton soldier's march eel to Bayfield, ,March 17— Rev, Parnathy resigns as eht6;pli1in. 1 , April 6—First molilizat'ioti of troops 18,0 Clinton.. Tu s iC tion held by Col. Shannon ;D,O,L:,, 01 London and CCI Smi� ,ft Aril 8—Claes left for London ;foie Beyenet .13111., May 4—Big drive made to fill —up the ranks. May 13. Lieut: Cot. mottos aa - dresses big! meeting. May 15 R,, v. J.K. Pairfull joins 00101'4 3446 private. May 2lth Fluron Ba{galion mob- ilizes here. u 14Iay 311—Battalion leave C1n ton for London: July 7 -Rev. ,11.K, Faiefull ap- pointed chaplain l June 9—Battalion 1a1t ,London dor Camp Borden. Add a cool room to your house by equiping your vetandah with shades—will let in the air and keep the heat out, Sizes 4, 5, 6. 7, 8 and To feet wide, • Often the Cheap?St-'-RfWays the t est IMINIMS.stmeoacuomemorenmesurstamessurzawsurmamarcarasecremeassammaurnmaramoksasentowtorrnava7m..../. 'Berger's E igiish Pars Green Paris Green is used for a purpose which makes poet grades worse than useless It won't pay you to experiment, Get Bergers then you will have the best in original ,,lb and i lb packages. Arsenate of Lead also in stock. . � 17.--.1077M-5r V MUT., QUALITY STORE Dispensing Chemist SIOD/DEZSgimulffitainintamEa The Features of Our Furniture To'which we invite special attention. are its beauty, ea aysu red comfort, its. solid r:ot,struction, and its below' the- me -ell prices. Any one of there points: mould he sueieient to earn it your• preference. When they are all com- bined we feel sure you will relieve - that this is a furniture buying oppor- tunity you cannot afford to ignore, L'ndertal4er and Funeral Director. 31110115 2S. Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store R will pay you t0 Oen our Prices on your Plumbing Heating or Eavetroughing Estimates given free Material and Workmanship the Best. Agents for 1leela Furnaces ThnS. Hs.wk.in • The eorner Grocery "Live and Let Live". Let, us Select rile Entabkes tor if our Camping '!('rip Our stock of rannecl goods bast been specially selected 'for their, quality and purity, and in fact, everything we suggeut to you: will have your unqualified appro , Check 'from this list the goods• you know you want; come le and let us show you others.-, Canned Tomatoes. Corn. Beans. ete Concentrated Packet and Canned Soups; Meat Extracts; Canned Preserves and Jams; else/naiades.. Bacon. A11 kinds of Cooked Breakfast I400ds; Condensed Milia Coffee, ,and Cocoa. Canned Salmon: Sardines; and Kippered Herring. I S.peciats Strawberries, Lettuce, Raddishea. Tomatoes, Cucumbers and, Green Onions. Plumbing and IIeatting :E . l'lunnifordl Shop-overRowland's Hardware PHONE 46. 4,,,14,H44.+++++++++++++43+.4.14 t.144.4+1!.1.4..4.44++4.4.1.+4�. Grey 3h0¢ Sole Our Mid-Sulinrner_, Clean=U Modern methods demand that a shoe stock be closed out during the season for which it was in- tended, and that there be no carry-overs to mar the appearance of the New Footwear of another season. • 1 On Saturday, the igth, we place on sale our entire stock of Summer Footwear at factory prices,and will continue until the entire stock is disposed of, You have read about our Good Shoes --You have seen them, perhaps you have worn them. Call soon as the shoes wid move out ,rapidly at the very low prices, 0010111 FRED® JPietCSON HOUSE OF BETTER SHOES