HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-07-13, Page 4PAGE FOUR
Tan oidsTOtt NW
Thursday. July 13th, 1916.
' ,o; eenenteefeel,e eien eeellyelyee 'on, •
ener‘ee__-1-e—cee ernee21-ele-eL
AVeee leer. Pear feria.
emitaling Est Fece, c•"; Pegee
nrigtheStomaehs arid Beeeleof
Pip:notes Digestioittlteaft1:
ncss and liestzsittainsnettitcr
NOT MARC 0 're C. i
1110,4i0 Seed-
Prverptini -
r •
•epereetlietneey fori-onslige
on Sour3lemeceeerri1ee,
ness and Lielee eneee
FOE Simile. etelee. e of
no. ergreeetnerner.
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
Ljr For Over
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
- 0
THC N ew Yam K CITV.
-ele'reee eneeneneneeeiienefileettiteeraleeeefeekeeekeifellneenneelea'! eelean
Honor For Swedish Woman
• 0
The Swedish Academy over -ruled pre.
judice and admitted e, woman to
membership. Selma Lagerlof, win-
ner of the Nobel prize for literature
In 1909, will in future have a voice
in awarding similar prises ti. art-
• lats. alme. Lagerlof s story, "Jeru-
salem," has been translated into
English. "The Wonderful Adven-
ture of Nils," which won the Nobel
prize for the Swedish writer, has
' been tran-lated into many lan-
Sparsely Settled Home of Fur Trate
ers and Indians
It is Inaccessible, except with light
canoes, from any of the southern and
more settled parts of Ontario, and
none of the main lines of travel used
by the early fur traders of the Hud -
sons Bay Company passel through
it, either on their way southward
from Moose Pactory to the Great
Lakes, or westward from York Fac-
toty to the plains a the Saskatche-
wan or the forests of the Athabasca
valley. No attempt has been made to
floystop_anz othmeleduatry bee_ the
Women boy
that they cannot afford to be
ill. They must keep themselves
in the best of health at all
times. Most of all, the digest-
ive system must be kept in*
good working order. Knowing
the importance of this, many
women have derived help from
ref fade; "Mid consequently, though
not at all the most remote, it is one
of the least known parts of Canada.
It is very sparsely populated, the
total number of people In it being
3,009, about 9 of whom are white
fur traders, while 3,000 are Indians
belonging to the Cree and Oilbway
tribes who live by hunting and fish-
ing, though a few of the more civiliz-
ed have small gardens in which they
grow potatoes. The above population
gives an average of one person, man,
woman, or child, to every fifty square
miles of country.
•Cook's Cotton Root Compoilnd.
el safe, reliabte regramtithl
enediozne, Sold in three de.
grecs of strongth--No, 1, Si;
No. 2, 13; No. 3, es per bom
sold by all drumsfs, or sent
gte.3i4p:feptIOZPt tierr`g:i
TORONTO, ONT. (termer Masa.)
A poultryman writes on marketing
as follows: Aim to please the custo-
mers, Dress and prepare the ,poultry
for market that .they at •once eared
the eye. See that the carcasses are
thoroughly chilled before packing, as
they spoil quickly if pecked while still
retaining the animal heat. See that
the crop of the fowl is perfectly empty
before shipping to market. It is al-
ways best to have regular set days
for killing and marketing. It is dif-
ficult to change a buyer's prejudices,
therefore it is best to cater to his
whims. It is more profitable to sell
the poultry live than to offer it poorly
dressed. Pure food and rapid matur-
ity produce the juicy broiler. Mon-
grels do well for family use, but are
no good for market. Appearance as
well as merit is required these days
to make goods sell. As a broiler can-
not be secured .on free range, and as
it can attain the required weight in
a given time only by a systematic
feediug -of pure foods, it carries with
it a reputation and demand on ac,
count of its Juiciness, tenderness and
The Western Fair
London, Ontario
September Stb to 1604 1916
.The Poultry Exhibit at the West
ern emir London, Ont., in Septem-
ber next promisee ftp be A very
large ()need usual, Poultry Breed
era ‘havenoind to the „conclusion
that A win at' tondon's Exhibition
means considerable to them. The
prize lists 18 24 ,verry liberal one
apdthe cups and trophies' offer-.
ed by the Exhibition Association in
addition to the cash prizes makes
tit very attractive from an Exhibi
tor's standpoint, Prospects are
very bright this year dor the
,whole Exhibition, .A very large
Amount of space is already plot-
ted and applications are coming 10
clarity. A reallivd program of at-
tractions willbe given, twice doily
before the eerandeStand. Prize
lists, entry dorms and all informer
Don regarding the Exhibition will
be given, on a.pp lice time t o the
Secretary, A.M. Hunt, Lozdon. Ont
These safe, sure, vegetable pills
quickly right the conditions
that cause headache, languor,
• constipation and biliousness.
They are free from habit-form-
ing drugs. They do not irri-
tate or weaken the bowels.
Women find that relieving the
small ills promptly, prevents
the development of big ones.
They depend on Beecham's
Pills to tone, strengthen and
Keep Them Well
Direction, with Every Boo of Special Vele, to women
Sold Everywhere. In boxes, 25 eon*.
41 Men and Events
PREMIERBORDEN, , ato, eonfer-
ence of Dominion and provincial
authorities promised ae More
• equitable ,seheme of recruiting,
any proposed changed to be gen
era]. over the various provinces.
• 0
T9.WO and Country
Pte. Harvey Hoover, who enlieeed
with the Bruesels company of the idiot
Huron Battelion, was presented with
a fine wrist 'mai uhh by the pupils of
Leadbury schwa, where he was teach
De. Adams. phyeician in Wingharn
for some p ars before he went over-
seas with the Cenedian Army Med ieal
Corp, has returned and to visiting old
friends here. Dr. Adams was ill tor
months with feyee, diphtheria and
o her ailinente, and spenr some time
10 hospital hefore being sent Mime
W. W, Harris, prnprietor of the
Brussels ere., melee end one of l.be best
known checae and butter men in West
ern Ontario, died at his home there
merle on fe linty morning at the Age of
52 ye Les. The deceased ha I been
in poor health for a number of years
and hie death was not nnexpeeted. Re
was a member of the Masonic order,
an Odd tallow and Cannaien Forester.
lee is survived bv a widow. two (btu
ghters and a son. Ris mother is also
a resident of Brussels
Among the relines of the wounded
in Mondays cesuelty list we notice
the mime of Oluerlee Fetincis Bowyer,
Guelph. Pte. Bowyer is a son of Mr.
and hire Bowyer, formerly of Gerrie,
and was born and raised in the( vie
De. Thome Benderenn. aged 01,
formerly of Exeter, Ontario, ermui
nentDetriot physiciee, formes presi
dent of the board of education and for
more than three decaclee it resident of
Detriot, died in his horue, 895 Alt,
Ddiott venue Although he had
suffered a parayitie stroke three years
ago, he bad recovered bis health end
did not become serinuely ill until Men
day noon. 1115 death was due to
uremia poisoning, Dr. Benderson was
born in Exeter. Contra 1855, He
was educated In the dntario schools,
;indite. several years taught sehool in
his native town. More than 30 years
ego lie came to Detroit to attend the
Detroit College of Medicine. After
graduating be began to practice
medicine and au the time of hie death
had built up one ot the largest prae
tices on the cad side of Detriot
96r. Robert Winter Seaforth,s
Yeteean .buyer shipped from Sea -
forth on Saturday last. ,six of tee
finest eteere that ever letb that
staion and for which he paid a
record pricelor this county. Four
of these were Durhams purchased
from Messrs. 16 and T. Scott of
McKillop which 'weighed 6.130 lbs
and were bought at the record fig
ure of 104c thefour netting their
owners the •hande om e sum o f $63e,
One was purelmaed erom Mr. Sol.
Shannon, of McKillop at $174.90.
This animal eveighed 2,120 lbs.,
and the price was elec. The other
steer comprising the lot was
bought erom Mr. .James McIntosh
of Tuekersmith. 'elle animal whish
Weighed 2,61011,s., was also bought
at 8ge and brought its owner the
comfortable sum. of $215.30.
Watters, of Oordhvieli, re-
ceived word on IVIonday !from Por-
tage La Prairie of the death of a
nepheW.. Pte. Edwin John Watters,
who was killed in action in France
Pte. Watters was the youngest son
of eelte and Mrs, Thos. Wafters- of
Portage La Prairie and went over-
seas with the 45th Batton.
Capt. R. Beattie Martin, R.A., 1111.
C.. son of Bev, W.lel and Mrs. Mar-
ten of London and formerly of Ex
eter, visited with Exeter friends
on Sunday and Monday of this
we*, Capt. Martin went over -
semi Ayear ago last April With fee.
3 Stationary HospJal 'Unit. and con
sequently elerved 'for many menthe
at the front as enedical officer
of Ind Northamptonshire Regiment
Capt. Martin is home on a three
months furlough. Re 'wee taken
ill'with some month,s eigo with
rheomatisna 0 wing to exposure in
the trenches and for two montho
before returning home was under
taking weerle again in a hospital in.
Rouen. lOveing to his connectime
with the British Iltgiment Capt.
Martin ran neress a 'few of the
boys ,whom he knelw from Canada,
lir. and Mee. W.C. Landeborough
who veoentiy sold their farm un
the Kippdn ioad, left on last Wed
nesday eriorning for Toronto, wheee
they intend to make their future
Hobert Watson, M.D., writea: 111a;
begin with a remark made :ey Glad-
stone towards the end of his career.
'1 am losing,' he said, the only really
great gift 1 over pcesessed—the power
oe sleepGladstone„ who keew how
brain and nerves could be worried
and wrought, appreciated What 'sleep
did for bum Using the moot wonder-
ful instrumene in the world in a way
that taxed Re .capaeilities and endue
ance to the utmost, and moving from
crieis to crisis in a 1011 Hee with Ito
opportunity or desire to evade mese
testing times, Ise could measure and
appreciate the value of eleep.
• Smaller men, lose tried by cement-
etartees, might never-DiScovo, thc e.e-
tent 01 this Mon. But alt of us outlet
to know it, and one of the melee es.
Mutate In a seasoned physical culture
is • co Manage this daily bueinees of
sleep in a way to secure all the pewit
that -ere owe by righe. Too ofte18-0
act as if we did not understand whin
sleep was---snove it off until there
5001115 110 longer any excuse for re-
maining awake, and then take it
• stupidly, brutishly, unprofitably save
In the barest senae--and all just be-
cause we failed to realize that there
is an actual pleasure in sleep.
Meals, like sleep, are for our benefit.
We grasp that tact. • More often tuan
not, however, our zest for the Lame
ispurely sensual; eyes, nose, and pee
ate are tickled; and that satisfaction
brings us back at the appointed hour
tor the next feed. Sometimes there
is an actual can from the exhausteu
frame. But about sleep there seems
no attraction save for the lowest 0110
Highest of mankind, the indolent wail
enjoy it as an escape from work, and
the dile spirits who appreciate 1115
keen edge a propel. sleep puts upo16
all their taculties.
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Men and Events
+++++ + + ‘4«. .' 14'te
Noisy Plaids Are More Popular
Than Ever For Sport Clothes.
This worsted skirt, eut on the bias
is white and saffron plaid. The hem
• is "cuffed," and from a fitted belt
• closed with two huge white pearl but -
nonagenarian ot the Canadian
Senate, who is °lithe way to the
Yukon, a 4,000 mile trip.
Railways .Give Advice to New Em-
ployes on Taking Precautions
Vice -President Howard G. Kelley of
the Grand e•runk etallwag System, has
ordered inserted M. the book of nom;
governieg me operating department,
the following message to new ene-
ployeei "Your success in the service
you are auout to enter will depend
upon the care you exercise in we
discharge of your duties. The best
record you can make, Loth for your -
sett and for che Company, is the re-
cord of a considerate and careful man.
There are engineers, conductors and
others who have worsted for the Grand
Trunk from twenty to thirty years
without receiving injury tnemeelves
or causing injury to a siugle one 01
their feltow einpioyes. Everybody re-
spects the man who cau make that
kind of record."
Milking Records Enabled Farmers to
Increase Their Profits
°he of the most difficult things to
comprehend to.day is, that it is the
amount of clear motley, over and
above the cost cf feed, that deter-
mines what each and every cow fa
worth. Not what gross returns Silk:
melees. IL is only when we begin EC
test systematically that we realene
this. A farmer M Oxford Co. 168-7,
in 1906 had a herd of cows proeuemo
about 5,000 emote per cow, Lo lour
years, by selecting his best producera
and breeding from them, using good
• bulls, he edited the average p106110 -
don of his herd of 70 COWS over 1,600
pounds per cow. Twenty of these
produced over 3,000 pounds. And
he hoped in a couple of years more
to raise the average of his whole herd
to 8,000 pounde, which be has seize
accomplished. Most of this work was
on grade cews, attained by keeping
records and hg weighing the milk only
three times per month. Of coeree,
he fed generously, hut it does not mat-
ter if our cows do consume a little
more feed, If they give in turn a
greater net profit. Another man in
Wentworth County graded up, his herd
until it is now produciug nearly 7,000
pounds per cow. These are only two
instances. There are dozens of them,
but there are not nearly enough. They
demonstrate, however, that tees thing
can be done.
• When. Fowl Lose Weight
Experiments show that the loss in
weight by killing and dressing show-
ing that the total loss i16 weight et
chickens starved for 36 hours, pre-
pared for market by having their
necks broken, dry plucked and not
bled nor drawn, was 20 per cent. of
the live weight. When the chickens
Were prepared for the oven there was
an average lose of 83 1-3 per cent,
Fifty-four per cent, of the live weight
of the chicken was the drawn weight.
Birds that weighed alive, five pounds
eight ounces, weighed when prepared
for the oven two pounds fifteen
fiancee. ik
Two Fallen Religions
The two "heathen" religions of
Japan have fallen Into decay and
Shinto especially Is now practically
nothing more than a cult of loyalty
to the Emperor and remembrance of
°nets father. -Imre is no reason why
an "agnostic" of the indifferent mod-
ern type should cause trouble by
breaking with it.
Color of Fowl
It is common for cock birds that
were white • as cockerels to turn
brassy in color when two or more
years old. By wing or mating two -
/ear -old cocks that are pure white
on pullets the brassy trait can gradu-
ally be bred out of the flock.
• Modern Definitions • •
Benedict—A married male. '
Benedictine—A married female.
Benediction—Their childre
• Hens will get broody from one to
three times during the season. Oc-
casionally liens will become broody
four times, but seldom over twice.
When hens lay extra, large egge it
Is, as a rule, due to the hens being
too fat. Such eggs should rather be
a cause for alarm than Lor rejoicing.
Salvini, the great Italian actor,,
saved $110.000 in eighteen velars.
A quiet WeiddIng Was solemnized
in the leleeliodist Parsonage, Ex-
eter, June 28th, when Miss' !Flossie
Frame's only daughter of Xr. and
MC& R.H. 'Francis of Thnmes
Road gees married to 'Prepaid Law
reece, of Mcleill op, son of Mrs.
Roe tinerence of
Sommer Heat
Hard on Baby
No seeson, of the . year is so
dangerous to the e, oflittle • ones
as Is the summer. The excessive
heat throws littlel estoeriach out
at order so quickly thee unIese
prompt aid is at hand the baby
may be beyond all human .help be
fore the mother realizes he is
Summer is the season when diar-
rhoea, ehole ea, ineuntum, dysen-
try and colic are most pretvalent,
Any one of these . 'troubles enay
prove deadly if not promptly
treatedi. During the summer the
mothers beet' friend is Baby
Own Tablets. They regulate the
bowels, ,sweleteri thestomach and
keep' baby' healthy., The Tablets
are sold by medicine dealers or
by mail at 26 eente a box erom The
Dr. Willie:rase leidecine, Co., Brock
'Mr. Clarence Shepherd, son et
5irs. Shepherd, Townsend street,
and evh 0 has beeln at leaf:11.1-'1e foe
some years With the Molisoina
Bank, has enlisted with the Met
Batt. midis now on the Paymast-
er's staff.
BlueVale school cloned on Fri-
day last and on the closing al ter -
noon the pupils held alparty for
their teacher Pte. Leslie S. Winch
of the 161at ' who 1 eineeeted
several ,weeks ago but secured per
mission to remain off duty till the
end of the term.
To be healthy at seventy, prepare at
forty, is sound advice, because in the
strength of middle life we too often forget
that neglected colds, or careless treat-
ment of slight aches and pains, simply
undermine strength and bring chronic
weakness for later years. es
e'o be stronger when older, keep yonr
blood pure and rich and active with the
strength -building and blood-nouruileng
properties of Scott's ;emulsion which is a
food, a tonic and a medicine to keep year
blood rich, alleviate rheumatism anti
avoid sickness. At any drug store.• 4,
SC04±8t Dowse. Tosonto. oat.
Tile °leer on lease of Herm, ene of
the smallest of the inhabited Channel
Islands, provides a chance to some
rich man of becoming an island king
on his own aecount. There are several
monarchs of that kind in the Islands
adjacent to Great BrItaine Brawnsea.
the picturesque little island le Poole
Harbor, is in the ooesess en of the
Van Raalte family The Marquess of
Bute is the owner and Wog of the
island of elute, one ot the largest
island kingclome round elm coast, with
an area of ova, 31,000 aeres and a
papulation of 10,000. The islands of
Colensay and Oronsay belonged to the
late Lord Stratitcona, and there are
generally one or two of the Hebrides
for sale. Sark itself, with ceveral of
the smaller Channel 'steeds, changed
hands in the 'sixtlee, and the Calf of
Man, which has a coast line of five
miles, was sold to 111r. Samuel Haigh,
of Huddersfield, Perhaps the most
absolute monarchy is to be found on
Innishmurray, off the coast of Sligo
where live Welty ineabitants, many
of whom have never been on the mein -
land. There are no police on the
Island and no clergyman, and the Lae -
collector is unknown. The "king" Is
Michael Waters, who succeeded to the
throne on the death of hie father,
who reigned for thirty-five years.
• NVILS40,N'S.
Par more effective than Sticky Ply
Catchers. Clean to handle. Sold by
Druggists and Grocers everywhere,
E0/15 depend interesting satchel Pockets.
The skirt is worn with a white crepe
de chine giblet waist, whlte buck shoes
and a tailored hat.
How to Take Care of Your Nether Garb
• and Keep Neat.
• If It were possible to lay, in a spring
and fall supply of, say, three or four
pairs of shoes we would give our feet
a good chance of Always looking neat.
However, it is possible on a more lim-
ited number to accomplish the same
end If we are careful with those we.
do buy.
In the first place, it Is mechmore
advisable to pay a good piece for ono
Pair than to buy two pates of cheap
shoes. Cheap shoes get out of shove so
quickly they are never an economy.
Cheap shoe leather is deur at any price.
To preserve the shape of a shoe you
must have a pair of trees, and imme-
diately you take ole your shoes put
than on the trees. Never allow your
shoes to run deceit at the heel. As soon
as they show the least signs of wear
send them to be Geed. If you wear
them until they are right down et the
heel it is not only bad for your foot
andlooks most slovenly and untidy,
but you get them so out of shape that
no amount of subsequent repairing will
put them right again.
ir you happen to get your Shoes wet
don't put them near the radiator to
dry. This cracks the leather and makes
them hard. Put them on the trees and
let them stand somewhere warm and
dry. Wait until they are quite dry
before having them cleaned.
You can keep patent leather sboes,
from cracking by rubbing vaselineinto
them before wearing them for the first
time. .•
Mock Tatting 1r Clover Leaf Creche*.
There are many uses for this mock
tatting in crochet of clover leaf design:
Begin with ch 27, catch back into the
15th st from beginning of chain, form. -
ing a loop. Into this I, cr 5 e p of 8 env
(2- s -p) four times, 5 s, catching With
first p Into 5th a froni beginning of
cluten; lobe Ch 12, catch back at base
of first leaflet Fill in this 1 the same
as the first, joining first p of 26 leaflet
to last p of first leaflet. Third leaflet
the same as second. Slipstitch along 5
of remaining 15 eh for stem. Cat
eittch into Met p of Sd leaflet. Repeat,
joining second clover leaf to first by 3d
p of opposite leaflets. Crochet a head,
ing of trebles with 2 eb between each.
Home Suggestions.
labor pursuing clothespins ween a
Many laundresses waste time and
clothespin bag made to slide along the
line would save both.
Glee the average girl a peaty shirt
waist or dress bag and see if the best
things are not more carefully put
Give the average boy a good looking
shoe bag for Ills closet wall and see
how quickly he will display pride in
keeping his shoes clean so that the bag
will not be soiled.
Eat Ripe Olives.
Rat ripe olives mal take four table-
spoonfuls of olive oil every 8-107, saye
one who knows. Wily ripe olives? Be-
cause they are picked fool packed just
at that stage of their development
when they are rectiti nutritious and
edible. Each olive contains a large per-
centage of olive oil, Do try them if
you leave not as yet. Purplish black in
color, the more one eats of them the
better, one like% tketoe
"Frult-a-tives" Builds Up The
• Whole System
Those who take "Fruit-a-tives" for
the first time, are often astonished at
the way it builds them up and makes
sham feel better all over. They may be
taking "Fruit-a-tives" for some specific
disease, as Constipation, Indigestion,
Chronic •Headaches or Neu ra I gia,
Kidney or Bladder Trouble, Rheu-
matism orPain in the Back. And they
find when "Fruit -a-tives" has cured the
disease, that they feel better and
stronger in every way, This is clue to
the wonderful tonic properties of these
• famous tablets, made from fruit juices.
50e. a box, 6 for $2.10, trial size, 25c.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit -
a -tires Limited, Otlawa,
'Eo Eradicate Weeds.
During the past four years the,
Ontario Agricultural and Experi-
mental Union have carried on eo-
operaticve experiments in the eradica-
tion of weeds. .Some lite -eight far-
mers have taken part in these export
menta and some vory interesting andt
valuable results have been obtained.
The weeds experimented with were,
Perennial Sow Thistle, Twitch Grasse
Bladder Campion, Wild Mustard, anal
0 -eye Daisy. The results obtained'
may be summarized as follows:
1. That good cultivation, followed',
by rape sown in drills, provides al
means of eradicating both Perennial'
Sow Thistle and Twitch Grass.
2: That rape Is a more satisfactory,
crop to use in the destruction o1'
Twitch Grass than buckwheat.
3. That rape gives much better re.,
sults in the eradication of Twitehi
Grass and Perennial Sow Thistle
when sown in drills and cultivated'
than it does when sown broadcast.
4. That thorough, deep cultiva-
tion, in fall and spring, followed by a;
well -cared -for hoed crop, will destroy
Bladder Campion.
5. That Mustard may be prevente4!
from seeding in oats, wheat, and bare
ley by spraying with a twenty pers
cent. solution of iron sulphate with -i
out any serious Injury to the stand-,
ing crop or to the fresh seedinga of;
Had Weak Back
and Kidneys.
When the back becomes weak and
starts to ache and pain it is a sure sign
that the kidneys are not performing their
functions properly.
On the first sign of backache Doan's
Kidney Pills should be taken and serious
kidney troubles prevented.
Mr. Francis McInnes, Woodbine, N.S.,
writes: "I deem it my duty to let yell
know the wonderful results I have re-
ceived from the use of Doan's Kidiaese
Pills. Por a long time I had been suf-
fering from weak back and kidneys.
used to suffer the most at night, and sown
times could hardly move in bed with the
pain. I could do no hard labor on
account of my back. A friend advised
me to give Dome's Kiduey Pills a trialel
and I am glad I did for the pain i11 my
kidneys is gone; my back is strong, and
„I can perform any hard labor and get
my good night's sleep. I only used dare*
boxes of the pills,"
Doan's Kidney Pills are 50 cents per
box, or 3 boxes for 81.25; at all dealers, or
mailed dieect on receipt of price by The
T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Iiiihenorderiag direct specify "Domee.4
Friendly Solicitude,
The inauguration of the through
telephone service between Montreal
and Vancouver was made the occa-
sion of an interesting ceremony at
the Rita -Carlton Hotel, in the forum'
61'0,A number of prominent men and
women being invited to witness the
demonstration. The honor of being
the drat person to speak from the
metropolis of the Dominion to the
Pacific port city fell to Baron
Shaughnessy, who conversed with
Mr. P. W. Peters, general superinten-
dent of the C. P. R, at Vancouver.
.After being assured that the railway
was being operated as usual in the
coast Province after the temporary
inconvenience caused by the snow
blookade, Baron Shaughnessy con -
eluded by asking a question in which
a spice of humor and malice was
mixed. "Say, Peters," he eald, 'ms
tbat Canadian Northern train got in
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feil. Purely reset.
eble—eet surely
balmily on
the liver.
Stop after
ewe indi-
gestion—improve the complexion—brighter' i
the eyes. Smell PA Small Dosa, Small hien'
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