HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-07-13, Page 3Thure'da;y,'Jaly, iath,,1916.
Von can Secure a Posi-
tion It you take a
Course with Us.
The demand upon us for train•
ed helpis times
the num-
bergraduating.SGu enis are
entering muchweek. You may
enter at any time Write at once
for our free catalogue of
Commercial, Shorthand, or
Telegraphy Department
D.A. McLachlan, lPrincipal
� rVED
We are in the 'market for 2,000
Young :Chickens, and 1,000 Young.
Ducks per we,ek. The chickens to
Weigh not less than two pounds,
acid the ducklings three pounds
each. Now is the time to take
advantage pl the extraordinary
prices paid for live (poultry.
Non-tefiiieNew LAW togs
Now that the shoot summer wea-
ther is approaching, we are in a
position to pay a premium, for
Non -1 'ertile Eggs not over (four
days Old.
It will pay you to sell or kill
all the roosters after the breed-
ing season is over.
Gain-I,ol�1s & Via,, Limited
Clinton ICrati ll Phone 190
l� • Pianos and organs rent
a ed, Choice new Edison
: phonographs, Music &
variety. goods.
• !HumeEmporium
See and here our finest
New Stylish designs of
Doherty Pianos and r.
special values in Art
C. Hoare
Steel Shingles
Felt Roofing
and Slate
E avetroughing
Plumbing and
Furnace Work
Call or Phone for Prices
Estimates cheerfully
Repairs Done Promptly
Byam & Sutter
Sanitary Numbers
Phone 7.
Muskoka Lakes Lake 0t Bays
Georgian Bay A Igonquin Park
French River Rawartba Lakes
Maganetawan River,
Temagami, etc.
Round Trip Tourist Tickets now on
sale from certain stations in Ontario
at very low rates, with liberal
stop overs.
Leave Toronto 12,01 p.m. daily except
Sunday, and 2,05 a.m. daily, for Mus-
koka Wharf. Connections are made
at MuskokaWharf for MnskokaLakes.
Lease Toronto 10.15 am, daily except
Sunday, and 2.05 a m. daily for 1?unts•
ville, for points on Lake of fiaye.
Equipmeut the Palest.
Further particulars on appl'ien-
tion to Grand 'Trunk Agents;
John Ransford ds Son, city passen-
ger and Ticket Agents, phone b7
,A, 0. Pattison; station agent
W. tieteleY)o1e(te
a. S s. iia !s
Ocnneyance, Notary Public,
Commissioner,' etc.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
Huron St., Clinton,
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
Financial and Real Estate
INSURANCE ACMINT--Representing 24 Pirate
enraaco Companies,.
Division Court Oiriee.
Piano Tuning
Mr. James Doherty wishes to in-
form the public that he is
pared to do fine piano tuning, regulating, and repairin
Orders left at W. Doherty's phone
61, will receive e promt attention,
M. G. Cameron, K,C.
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, J]te
Office on
:Albert ifix' Albert S , tre t
e occupied -7i
Air.. Hooper, Tn Clinton
n on every
Thursday, and on env day for which
appointments ere made, Office hours
from 9 a.m. to 6 p m. A good vault in
connection with the office. Office open
every week day, M r. Hooper will make
any oppointmentsfor Mr. Cameron.
M di..a,J
Physician. Burgeon. Eto
moist attention given to diseases of the
Eye, Ear. Throat, and Noss,
Eves dully xamined, and suitable glasses
Office and Residence.
Two doors west or the Commercial nate
n uron St.
I@Its, GINA and C,5 SPUR
Dr. W. Gunn, L. R. C. P.. L. LC. S.. Eat
Dr. Conn's office et residence High Street ,:
Or -J. C. Candler. E.A. WE.
Office -Ontario Street, Clinton.
Nigh): nulls at residence, Rettenbnrp 55,
or at boieital
Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty,"P'
Gradnata of 0.0,51.1... Chicago. and 5,0,5,5
Itnyfleld on Mondays. MzeV IPI, to 0
Ofeeee over o'NEIL'E store,
Special once taken to make dental Lett
monk as painless as ooseible.
Live stock and general Auction lee
Pat eOose sales a epectalt), Orders at r
Naw ERA etee, Clinton, prOaD riy act endo
n. Terms reasonable, Partnere' enle ret,
Drs. Geo [tai II E Whitley
ilfllQ'iill inn
Osteopathic Phy.
Specialists in Women's and
Children's Diseases
Acute, Chronic, and Nervous
Diem 'dere
Eye, Ear, Nose, ad'
a Throat.
Office-Ratteineury 'Hotel.
Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m.
G. D. McTaggart M. D. lsloTagger
NitTaggart BVIO ,;
• General Banking 'Business
Drafts issued. Interest allowed a
The HIcKillop iflutuai
Fire Insurance K''o,
Parra and Isolated Town prmpe
erty Only Insured.
Head Office-Seaforth, Ont
McLean, Seaforth, President
J. Connolly, Goderich, Vice -Pres.
Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Sec -Treae
Directors -D, 1". McGregor, Zea-
forth; ,7, G. Grieve, Winthrop; W.
Rinn, Sea forth; John Bennew els,
Dublin ; J, Evans, Beechwood ; M,
McEwen, Clinton; J. B. McLean,
Seaforth; T. Connolly, Goderich:
Robert Ferris, 'larlock.
Agents --Ed. Hinct3ley, 'Seafortb ;
W. Chesney, Flginondville; J. W,
Yeo, 'Flolmeevilie; Alex. Leitch,
Clinton; R. S. Jarmuth. Brodhagen
Payments made at Morrish. &
Co. Clinton, and Cutt'e grtscer�
store Goderich and Jas. Reids
store Basrfielld.
A Carload of Canada
Porno! Calle111
Phone ns for prices
It will pay you
John hn Hutton
We're now selling Timothy Seed
(Government ,Standard.).
We also have on hand, Alfalfa,
Alsike, and Red Clover.
We always have on hand --Goose
Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn
Highest Market Pieces paid for Hsi
and aril y0a'ai0ss
To Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg.
etable Compound.
Washington Park, I1I.-- "I am the
mother of our children and have sof-
..,.,...,. ,,,,,,.. W it
trouble, backache,
nervous spells and
the blues. My chil-
dren's loud talking
and romping would
make nee so nervous
I could just tear
everything to pieces
and I would ache all
over and feel so sick
T would no
want anyone to talk
to me at times. Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compoundand Liver Pills re-
me to health and I want to thank
you for the good they have done me. I
have had quite a bit of trouble and
wortbut it.
Y does not affect my youth-
l looks. s. My fiends say 'Whydoyou
look so young and well?' I owe it all
to the Lydia E. Pinkham remedies.".
-Mrs. RomT. SxoPIEI,, Moore Avenue,
Washington Park, Illinois.
We wish every woman who suffers
from female troubles, nervousness,
backache or the blues could see the let-
ters written by women made well by Ly-
dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
If you have any symptom about which
you would like to know write to the
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn,
Mass., for helpful advice given free of
Huron Co.
eeoe®eeoe•eooseeessele oese s
At Eastside, Oregon on June 6
6th Mayor R. C. Kittson and wife,
formerly of Wingha.m, celebrated
the twenty fifth anniversary of
their :wedding day. •
Children Cry
• A very pretty wedding was sol
emnized at 'She home of Mr. and
Mrs. A. Bell Wingham, Tuesday,
June elth, when their eldest daugh
ter Lila May, was united inmarri-
age to Chester M, Loutitt, of De-
troit, Mich. .Ceremony was per
formed by Ret'. J.R, Hibbert
Ch.i1d,rin Cry
Peter )Ferguson (formerly of
Grey Township, now of Winnipeg
has been appointed gland valuat-
or in Assiniboia, by the Goveirn-
ment. He should Sill the bil
Children Cry
On May 8th, Mary Jane White of
Winnipeg paned away ,to her re-
ward in her 55th yetar. She was
the daughter of Chalrles and Ann
Dobson iformerly 01 Ethel and
rem5mbered by the older residents
-,Wood.'s `liosphodize;
The Great Baglishfiliemedy.
Tones and invigorates the whole
nervous system, makes new Blood
,n old Veins, (Pares Noreen:,
Vebil1lt Mental and .Grain Worry, Deepen -
1,088 of Energy, Palpitation "f the
Ji arf, lulling Mentor* Price, 51 per box, six
for $5.» One wd!lease, ear. will nurc,t,Sold by all
druggivts or mailed in plcin pkg. on receipt of
rice. Vrs, pnrnplalrl vzailerl/,•ee. THE WOOD
IWEOISINE 00..5010150.055. trenatt Wiadior'
Corp. Ambrose Karl Zaple, one
time teller .in the Standard Bank
Brussels, whosebome was at Park
hill, previously reported as wound
ed is now officially recorded as
among ;those killed in action,
For Infants and Children
iia Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
the 44/007:::
5 flnature
Tuesday of last week George
Page, iOth Con. ,,o'fEast Wawa nosh
died at the (hospital Winghlam
whither ltehad gone for treat-
ment 'fol• cancer of•dhe stomach
'Fie :was 48 years of age..
Mrs. Margaret A. Campbell o4
Morris, ,announce the engagement
of ,her eldest daughter Miss Ms -
belle C. to Mr, Robert H. Johnston
of Bast Wawanosb, the marriage
to take placgearly in Juhy.
Better Pay
The Price
Don't be tempted to choose cheap
jewelery. Far better totpay a fair
price and know exactly ,what you
are getting,
Yon will never be sorry -for as a
matter of money, it is eaeiIy the
most economical.
That bas been said sosoften that
everybody by this time should
know it -and yet there is no
scarcity of cheap jewelry in; the
Now to get personal -31 you would
like to miss chat sort altogether
If youwould like , to buy where.
nothing but high qualities are
dealt in,-OOMl7 HERE
And even at that, no person ever
said our prices were unfair
Edison Records aaad
.Reeount r
Jeweler e and 0 '
ilei. n
Issuer of Marriage Licenses CONTINUED NEST WEEK.
The Stowaway
"What, then? Does thiswoman conte
here and take n117" she cried.
e q
p q do notbe angry?'.
said Muria. "Who save the good God
could tell that you would come from
Paris today? And the Senhora legless
will be glad to give place to you Sbe
is so kind, so ,unseltisttl - All the men
adore herr"
"So I hear," murmured Carmela, try-
ing to still the passion that throbbed
in her heart, since ebe was aware that
neither Maria uor any other among
the old
•r r
, t Las t lorey knew
of ber engagement, and' pride was now
coming.. to her aid.. -
"She -w
will have •
say o
t any
of them," gabbled Maria. ""There is a
young Englishman -well, it is no affair
of mine, but 1 am told she loves him,
yet '
rs promised d t 4
P 0 . notb r
e ono
td man
too Santa Mae!
That would not suit
me if 1 were her agel"
This homecoming of Oarmela was
quite 00 important event in its way.
At first eight it bore the semblance of
a mere disillusionment such as any
girl might experience under like eie<
cumstances, She had been taken from
Las Flores to occupy a palace at 1/16
de .Janeiro and was driven from the
palace to the botel life of the conk.
tient During two years she bad not
seen either father or lover, and lovers
of the San Benavides ilk are apt to
console themselves during these pro-
longed intervals, Yet (Jarmeia's shat-
tered romance was the pivot on which
rested the future of Brazil.
Rad she gone straight to Iris
leaving ber fatber and made kno
the astounding tidings that Verity a
Bulmer were riding up the Mos
valley barely three miles away 1
would surely have devised so
means of acquainting Philip Hoz
with the fact- In that event, assum
that be awaited their arrival. Sheth
march of an extended reconnolssan
which he thought desirable would n
essarily be postponed. And then -w
the recent history of Brazil won
have to be rewritten, since there ca
not be the slightest doubt that Do
Corria de Sylva would never have
copied the presidential chair again.
it would ,be idle now to inquire t
Liveluso the springs of Philip's
solve to take service under a fore;
flag, Perhaps the irksome state of a
fairs at Las f+lores, where there w
no mean between loafing and soldie
ing, was intolerable to a epirite
youngster. Perhaps San Benavid
constantly riding in from the fron
irritated him beyond endurance by hi
superior airs, or it may be that
growing belief in iris' determfnatio
to sacrifice herself by redeeming to
bond made nim careless as to wha
happened in the near tuture. The on
come or one or all of these influence
was that be sought and was readil
given a commission in the army o
liberation. Like all sailors, he pre
£erred the mounted arm, and De Sylva
baying the highest opinion of his tbor
ongliness, actually appointed him t
command a braucb of the intelligent
Philip, trained to pin bis faitb f
maps and courts, came to the couclu
siou that Las Flores could be attache
from the rear, which lay to the north
west. '1'bo Brazilians laughed at tb
notion. Where were the troops t
come from? !Seneca must bring al
his men by sea. There were none sta
tioued in those wild mountains.
"Better go and make sure," guo
He ascertained the president's inten-
tions as to the next twenty-four hours
assembled his little body of scouts
saw to their forage and equipment
took leave of Iris and hurried off.
When two stout acid elderly fellow
countrymen of bis climbed the las
mile of the rough valley beneath th
Las Flores slope Philip and his troo
were a league or more beyond th
Moxoto's watershed.
If San Benavides were really Car-
mela's accepted lover, then, indeed,
Iris bad good cause for foreboding.
Though the Brazilian bad never di-
rectlyavowed his
passion, since be
knew quite well that she would re-
fuse to listen, she could not be blind
to his infatuation. Only the threat of
her dire displeasure had restrained
Bozier from an open quarrel with
him. Her position, difficult enough al-
ready, would become intolerable if De
Sylva's daughter became jealous, and
she had no doubt whatsoever that San
Benavides would seek to propitiate
the woman be loved by callously tell-
ing the woman he bad promised to
marry that his affections were bestow-
ed elsewhere,
Her beart sank when she,dlseovered
this new maelstrom in her sea of trou-
bles, but here was Carmelo. hermit
speaking to her and in Englisb. '
"So you are leis Yorke!" the girl was
saying. "I have beard so much of you,
yet you are so utterly different from
what I Imaginedi"
"You have heard of me?" repeated
Iris, and surprise helped ber to smile
with something of ber wonted self pos-
"Yes, on board the steamer. We sail•
ed from Southampton and bad tittle
else to talk of miring the royage. But,
of course, you cannot understand.
Among my fellow passengers were
your uncle and Mr, Buttner."
Iris had long relinquished any hope
of communicating with 'Bootle until
the present deadlock In the operations mules of the two iles was a thong of the
past, Completely mystified pow by
Cameras glib reference to the two
men whose names were so often in her
thoughts, though seldom on her tips,
she could only gaze at the Senhora de
Syivn in silent bewilderment
°artne e, feeling that she was gala'
ing ground tepidly, affected a note of
polite regret.
"Please forgive me for being so
abrupt, Perhaps 1 ought to have pre-
pared you, But it is quite true, Mr. -
and m
r Mr. Balmer came with me
from Europe. We all reached Pernam-
buco the day' before yesterday. In.
re -
f -
t -
What Is Uric Acid ?1 SUNDAY SCHOOL
RHEUMATISM, nlATislvq, GRAVEL. - Lesson Ill. --Third Quarter, For
July 16, 1916.
Ever, since the discovery of aria acid
in the' blood by Scheele, in 1775 and
the bad effect it had upon the Body,
scientists and physicians have striven
to rid the tissues and the blood of
Because e
abundance r=shundonee inthe system it causes
backachepains here
and there, rheu-
'matism, gout, gravel, peuralgia and
sciatica. It was Dr, Pierce who dis-
covered a new agent, called "Anuric,e
which will throw out and completely
eradicate this uric acid from the sys-
tem. "Anuric" bas proved to be 37
times more potent than fithia, and
consequently you need no longer fear.
muscular or articular rheumatism or
gout, or many other diseases which are
dependent on an accumulation of uric
w thin'
Send t
Y o Dr.
Piece the Pierceof eInvalids'
gical Institute, Buffalo, N.
1., for a
pamphlet on "Anuric," or send 10 cents
for a trial package of " Anuric Tablets,"
fou f
that h
Y at
tired, '
feeling, backache, neuralgia; or if your
sleep it disturbed by too frequent
urination, go to your best drug store
and ask for Dr. Flerce's Anuric Tablets,
They are put up in 50 -cent packages:
Doctor Pierce's reputation is back of
this medicine and you know that, his
"Golden Medical Discovery" for the
blood and his "Favorite Prescription"
for the ills of women have bad a splen-
did reputation for the past fifty years.
Doctor Pierce's Pellets are unequaled
as a Liver Pill. One tiny Sugar-coated
PeiZet a Dose. Cure Sick headache,
Bilious Headache, Dizziness, Constipa-
tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and
all derangements of the Liver, Stomach
and Bowels.
Wooemono seg oone0000 .010080
Huron Comity News
• •
008080@f0000•4800000 84;110600411203
The funeral o the )ate Mrs. Jno,
McBurney of Turnberry. Who died
in the Western Hospital, Toronto
on Saturday, evening took place
the Wroxeter Cemetery on last
Tuesday afternoon and was very
largely attended.
A union service which was well
attended was held in the Wroxeter
Methodist church on Sunday even-
ing it'being the farewell service
!for the pasty Rev. B. S. Lacktaed
andadso for Corp. (Rev)t Wesley,
of the Presbyterian Church. Mr
Lackland leaves for the United
States where' he will continue in
the ministry and Corp Wesley will
go to Hillcrest Camp. Londpia
Rev. J'.L, McCulloch, of Cran-
brook who broke a b'oWet'in one of
his legis, is improving, He tapes
charge of Cranbrook service but
is having Ethel supplied.
Mr, Verne Alexander of the Con
nor Machine Co., of Exeter met
with a very painful accident Mon
Text of the Lesson,' Acts xvii, 22.34,
Memory Verses, 22, 23 -Golden Text,
Acts xvii, 28-CommentaryPr:epared
by Rev. D. M. Stearns,
While Paul waited at Athens for the
coming of Silas and Timothy he was
so stirred by the idolatry .which he
saw that not only in the synagogue
did hea -
theJews, s but daily in
the market place he preached Jesus
and the resurreellon to all who would
t him. And as they delighted
in any new thing. Ibis was certainly
the•newvest they ever beard„ and they
desired to hear more. So they brought
n to '
p where he could
tell them more fully of this, to them,
new doctrine (verses 16-21). The
thought of the dead/ coming to life
again ryas too much for them, and
while there were some who believed
others mocked, even as they do to this
day (verses 32-341. The newest thing
to this very day is the old, old story
of salvation by the sacrifice of the
Lamb of God, as told so vigorously by
Rev, William Sunday and others, but
as strenuously opposed as in the long
ago by the enemies of Christ. Seem
ingly intelligent men still scoff at the
resurrection of the body and the
thought of a body of flesh and bones
without blood. Ministers everywhere
do not believe that the kingdom can-
not come till Christ Games again, but
speak or it as now here, to be advanced
or extended, and the truths of last
week's lesson in reference to His comm
ing for and with His saints are she
ply ridiculed- But there are some who
believe God.
The people of Athens were very su
perstitious, or, as in the R. V., margin,
religious, and seemed to worship all
the gods they bad ever beard of, and
lest they might bare omitted oue they
had an altar with the inscription, "To
the unknown god," and this gave Paul
his topic. It is one of the saddest
truths of the ages and even of our own
time that the true God is largely Un
known. "Israel doll) nor know ,'• "Tbev
know not the thoughts of the Lord,"
"Hast thou not known me, Philip?'
"0 righteous Father. the world hath
not known thee" (Ise, 1, 0; Mie, iv, 2;
John xiv, 9; xvii, 25). God can be
known only in Jesus Christ, and there
fore all who will not receive Jesus
Christ as God do not know the true
God. Speaking to, gentiles, Paul began
at the beginning and told them of Min
who created all things and who there-
fore needed nothing from the creatures
whom Ile had made, as only in Him
o all live and move and have their
Bing, and He giveth to all life and
reath and all things (verses 22.28), It
ust have been humiliating to these
roud and wise Greeks to be told that
)bey were of the same blood as other
atlons and that God their Creator had
laced them on the earth just where
hey were (verse 2u -U),
I1 is another great truth, and but lit-
e considered, that when the Most
gh, the possessor of heaven and
arth, divided to the nations their in.
eritanee He did it with reference to
the children of Israel, although they
ere not then in existence (Gen, x, 25;
eat, merle 8); so that, as one has said,
h historically and geographically,
srael is the great center. That, how
er, was not a truth for the people of
thens just then, for Paul desired to
sad them to the true God and to re -
trance. He told them of flim whom
od raised from the dead, the Creator
ho .had come to the world which He
ad made, but was unknown in it and
Jetted by it and crnclfied, but new
ye forevermore and appointed to be
e judge of all mankind; and not only
as the judge appointed, but also the
ay, which we learn elsewhere would
over a thousand years, for one day is
th the Lord as a thousand years and
thousand years as one day (II Pet. he
This whole age through which we
passing since Christ was crucified
Spoken of as an hoar, and a day, and
acceptable year (John v, 25; II Ger.
2; Luke iv, 19). The next thousand
ars is also called an hour, beginning
ending with a resurrection (John
There shall be a resurrection both of
just and unjust, but a thousand
re shall intervene between the two
els Xzfv, 15; Rev. Xx, 5, 6). All who
ve ever lived shall come into judg•
t before the same Judge; but not
all -at the same time. ,,All who truly
receive the Lord Jeans,,: can : say, "I
am crucified. with Christ" (GaL ii, 20);
nd have passed from dea0 n 10' life
nd shall not come into judgment for
in (John v, 24). But .all such must.
appear before the judgment seat of;
hrlst, where .only saved people sbali'
ppear, to have their workslapproved
disapproved, to'be rewarded or sof-
loss and to be appointed to their'
ees in His kingdom (Rom., xiv, 10;
Cor. v, 10). Then we shall come
h Him to judge the living nations,
ordtng to Matt, ;xiv, 31, with Joe)
1, 2; Zech, xis, and set up His
dom. The rest of the dead who
not rise in. the first resurrection
1 be judged at the great white
ne after the thousand years (Rev
11.15). In the face 00 such elide
ments I cannot understand lion'
who read their Blhlee with ortli
carefulness can think or speal.•ot•
people that have ever tired sten,',
before the great white throne \Ve
need to allow the thoughts of Geo
die place our thoughts
ay evening, He was working b
with a blow torch when the bot-
tom of the torch biew out and the
gasoline exploded, 'His arm was m
burnt from the wrist to the elbow 1)
part of the skin coming ov.
Charles 0, Shephard has severed n
his connection with the office p
staff of the Dominion Rond Ma- t
ei Co,,sw
y . Ltd., Goderich
an ha
Purchased � the l3x•olc'n ,stationary tl
busine.ss in Faris,
Was Caused By
Change of Map Encu
Diarrhoea arises from many causes
such as, change of diet, change of water,
change of climate, catching cold, the
eating of unripe fruits, or anything that
will cause or induce an excess of bile.
On the first sign of any looseness of the
bowels it should not be neglected, but
should be looked after immediately, for
if not diarrhoea, dysentery or some other
serious bowel complaint may ensue.
Mr. Geo. Smith, Victoria, B.C., writes:
"It is five years ago since I first tried
Dr. Fowler's Extract ow 1a a t of Wild d Strawberry.
I was then on a timber survey, and s-
fered greatly from diarrhoea, caused by
change of diet, etc. A friend in the
party gave me a few doses which gave
me great relief. Siuce then I have been
in survey work, and would as soon think
of starting out on a trip without my
compass and blankets as without my
supply of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry, which I consider the woods-
man's best friend."
3nDr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-
erry has" been on the market for the
ast seventy years, and is universally
nown as a positive cure for all complaints
from any looseness of the bowels.
'When you ask for "Dr. Fowler's" be
re you receive what you ask for as a
ere are many rank imitations of this a
terling remedy placed on the market to s
and fool the unsuspecting public.
The genuine is manufactured by The a
Milburn, Co., Limited, Toronto; . a
Ont. or
Price; 35 cents. fer
Mt•. CS Holman o'f .l5gmondville re II
ceived ,worcl receetiy that 'his wit
nephernr Mr. Joseph 'Holman of ace
London has been killed in: action. ill,
A number at neighbors and' king
friends nlsselmhled at the home of slid
Mr. Jas. W. Scott. in Morris Town steal
ship one evening last week the
occasion "beingreeding of an ad ttu'o
drea,s a,nd presentation of Pte. xx,
Wm. Scott, who is with the l61st state
Huron Overseas Battalion with a any
wrist watch. The address was nary
read by*Mr. Jumps Phelan and the ,all
.presdn 'ation was made by Mr. It. iltg
County Judge :Lewis 13. Dickson oily
has ber( t d Judge f b
n ap otn'e u ge o' ba
Surrogate Court off the county 'of
Huron. .
A Christian college -home,
healthful situation,
Forprospectusand tenns,wrItetheprineleal
R.I: Wamer,lVLA.,D.D.,St.Thomas, Ont.:
Miss. Pearl McPherson has tend
ered' her resignation as assista nt to
Frfneipal Scott in Brussels Conlin«
ation School. 'Miss McPherson did
o ev .
gd crit in the e schoold
an to -e
k s
with her the hearty good wishes of
the townfo'llt. She purposes . at-
teading, She University we under-
A Ir, E' ET.
Everybody now admits
Zan* -Bads Lest for these.
Let, it. give YOU ease
and .comfort.
D,w itr
end Storrs !o{u trc+ywhsrr
Ted. Mg* Visited
eecded aifter inepeeting their new
steel du of �
g t s • to the reserve
trenches, passing Divisonal Heed
euarters on the way. ,•
The T reserve '
r e m
1 er is 'well back, haclt but
gets its raw share of shelling. dram
there we used the( communication
trenches up through a seemingly
endeeste lot a. twists and thee-
ingto the.front tont
g me where 0 th rc -
can loot over with; a Sine,
;Fritz, with a11) iris "hun;nishness',
snugly ensconsed across a slight
dee abou4 220 yards 't way. 'Tie is
always improving things, so he
Puts upSaseines to hide his mores
but Tor 0111' benefit they put over
Mew dozen elicits. just to stir him
up.and(get hirn to"straee' us a
bit. He wasn't having any, how-
ever, 'raid didn't reply, at least at
us, but the next trench Sestet it
pretty hot. We' were opposite
Messines in the Messines-Wolverg
hen roach,
Itis a faiviy quiet spot, but will
liven up some day. The Canadians
were there Lor sixteen months.
I haven't Formed a. very high
opinion of some of the, Belgians
They would cell us ou't for very
little. One of this elates was
caught signalling Willi his' wind-
mill. Anter what I 'lava seen I
wouldn't trust them a minutes, .
The first night I went out to a
listening post, which is chole well
beyond our wire,. At night the
Germans send up a large number
of star bombs, or flares, that light
up the whole countryside. When
moving between lines you m ust
stop still when they are up, or
you will be spotted;,
The machine guns start with the
darkness, and lIsd quack, quack of
the bullets, as they pass you re-
mindone of firejcraclrers.
There is no great d:ymage, how-
ever as only aboub one in a million
Bind aelcshy target They awes):
our parapet all night t rinds we
sweep theirs 7 shot a couple of
rounds of ammunition at one of
their working parties and prob-
(bly did some good.
The second night 0was out on
patrol and, saw a lot of odd sights.
You soon_ lose your nervousness,
as it is all eo intensely exciting
and interekting, We 'brought iu
two 'bridges; made of duck boards
awnter bottle, abomb all German
Ihave the bottle yet,aleo a great
lot of souvenirs' :[colleted, 1
sniped agood deal day and night
Dp the third day we returned to
rest camp, and took sl0ma side
trips. Will write later of them,
With love, your; son 7T,D
IT:M.S.TInconstant, June 5,1916
Dropped Into Chtutnel.
In a letter ,just received by Mrs,
Thos Stephens, 19 Roxborough street
west, Termite, her son, Flight -Lieut.
G. Stephens, telia of his exciting ex-
perience when hie aeroplane became
crippled in the air and dropped eight
.hundrecl feet into the English Chan-
nel thirty miles from land. The in-
cident occurred during a patrol flight
from the base at Bembridge, Isle of
lifter flying for a little more than
half au hour," says the letter, "I
beard an awful bang and thought a
wire had broken. Eight hundred feet
was my height, but it did not take
very long to come down. The sea
was terribly strong, the wind was
something awful, and I thought sure
I would go under. But luck was with
me and I managed to get away with
it alright. When I stopped my en-
gine to see what the trouble was I
round that the intake pipe had
blown off, and I was afraid to start
my engine for fear of fire."
Flight -Lieut• Stephens says
unable to start his crippled aero-
plane, he drifted helplessly for sev-
eral hours on the waves, during an
unusually severe storm, waiting for a
ship, It was 5 o'clock, nearly three
hours after he had set out from his
bane, before a hospital ship on its
way to France came over the hori>aon
and with difficulty managed to get
him, and his mechanic on board. As
a result of 'tide episode, as he,terms
it, he was confined to his bed four
nearly two weeks.
Wasted Elgqtten,ee.
Addressing the Reform Club of
Montreal a few weeks ago, Lucien
Cannon, Liberal'M.L.A, for Dorcbes-'
ter'totd'an amusing story in coanec-
tion" with his Federal campaign • 111
Charlevoix against Sir Rodolphe
Forget, the successful Conservative'
can'd'idate. Ate. joint meeting be had'
delivered ',elute -he thought' was a
powerful elucidation of Liberal prin
ciples and a telling arraignment of
the political record and beliefs of his
opponent., his, address lasting for
three-quarters of an hour, As he left
the platform he asked.' one of the
"free and independent" how the
speech had Impressed him. "Oh,"
replied thevoter, "it was a 'fine:
speech, Sir Rodolphe always brings,
good men with him to support Fla'
cause,"—Toronto Saturday Night,
Clean to handle. Sold by all Drug,
gists, Grocers and General Stores,