HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-07-06, Page 6PAGE SIX. ieursea.y,, Jol'y %th, 1910. i,.91TIi nii1Wi MIN 1111111111111U111UMI1111 dl' 10, 1111 U1I1 II lU LIR 961 I iw 11 Only here can you get such corsets 'J�1111111A11t1 111 nu 1 111011111 1111 I AW 1111111011111 Im 111111110111111111111 U 1III l lIIIAUIli11111111f 9UUU111 Im1 HIS STORE is always on the alert for better values, finer goods and articles of greater all -'round excellence for its clients. For this reason we have accepted the sole agency for Coilene Corsets —the. only exclusively high-grade Canadian made corset on the market. The policy of this store is fully met by the queiityo A liene curoe ` • t 44 4. .0 •i. it -14 bC f �- IAiA,' pit C6I iiiii ':Jnalle tlnmu11U0AAI0AI0IDAl1A011110 1 UINOmI Amb 1unl1 1111 111 IUIl9AImmIMIIIIIImmlmm1111=T0I9 :Co 'KS iti BROWN'S 1 lel _A Exclenc i by Y - >i• I,III1111nIIliu.. v �,/.,l UIIIIIIIIIAU01118111101 111111111116UIIIUI8LIJIIII*(110111 i 1111*hIl1%0119111118HNIIIIIIIII11111AI81111Al111111 81111ti AAAIIIUAAIIIIIAIA iota They are made in many models — both front Lacing and back lacing styles. We know that they are designed according'to correct principles of tailoring in full accord with the unalterable lines of Nature. You will find Coilene Cdrsets a revelation in the liup- port they lend, the wonderful ease in wearing, the ' faultless fit and fashionable figure they give. Buying your corsets here, you get the benefit of the quality of this fine make, and also the advantage of being properly and cleverly fitted by our corset department experts. Cr.'.nr,t Fancy Parasols Ladies and Children's Surnnier yM._ Parasols Kr 8- w $3.00 up K at less than W holesale Price You can feed the fire with utmost ease `owing to the generous double feed doors—no scattering •of fuel and room to insert big chunks of wood. WOMAN'S STO.RJI Dry Goods and House Furnishings phone 67. Next to Royal Bank �swmemnlr� ••••••••oo••••••o•oeem•e•• •••00•00eo•a••o••oo••••e• OVR JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New type arid new stock of paper just placed Let Us DolYour Printing THE NEW ERA "CLINTON 18a Fancy furniture Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection, Light in con strutter' and design tut ex tremely well made in,ever•y de• tail, Here ate the finest creations of the furniture makers craft, and at prices tbat will temp the wise and discriminating buyer. The Cheapest Spot in Huron to buy allaiinds ofEarnliure BID L?U AFT( I1,V S0.S-V Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104 N. Rail 110—RESIDENCE PHONES— .1, 1). Atkinson 186 s, Camping or Picnlcing Days Summer is here again with its attendant "'Hot Weather'' and 'folk are talking of going camping or of a family 'picnic, ,and always bring an increased demand for ;FRUITS AND READY -TO -GAT 'FOODS 'Hot weather Suggestions - Meats, Ham Loaf Cooked Ham Jellied Hock Bologna, Corned Beef, Canned Goods Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, Salmon Sardines, Pork and Beane Tuna Fish, Etc., Etc, COOL DRINKS. Orangeade, Lemonade, Lime Juice Home -*grown Berries for canning 3IGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. JOHNSON N & O• Phone 111 7711°, STORE OF (IFAi ITY ••••s•S•os••o•••o•ono•••••▪ m000soos0000••®o•••0000••m • • Our Assortment • of Hardware. T • e Is complete and large—equal to most city stores. We i i keep everything in ,Hardware. What we run out of we s get in by express or parcel post. Our catalogues are • • open for our customers to select from, • 0 • e • STAPLE GOODS • • • •• Coil and Spring Wire, Barbed Wire, Black Wire .i • Brace Wire, Dr, Hess Stock Food and Panacea i• Perfection Oil Stoves. S. W. P., Japalac and Floorloc. ie • • Scythes and Snaths o • Specials at Reduced Precis •• 5 Lawn Mowers at cost, job lot of Clothes Baskets • at 25c, Wheelbarrow regular 3 5o for 3,on, job lot of • Nails, Ice Cream Freezers at bigreduction Marvel o Moor Mops at 50c, Paris Green at 65c per pound, Bug ' Finis cper lb 8 lbs. for ^ - to h 5 , b• o 35c a good fertilizer as well s as a bug killer 0 • A `o• 0 AR A, •. • STOTES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES • • •••••••••ld00•••••••.•••••OVO•••••000••••00.0••e)•••00 0 • • • • • • e • • • O • 0 0 0 r 0 • O Grand Trunkfuilway System Time Table foe Clinton Buffalo and lloderiele Going to Stratford 7.36 a in 2,58 p 5.15 p Going to Goderich 7.1.07 p m 1,35pw 645 p r, 11.03 p London, Huron and Bruce Going to London... ..., 8.06 a m 416pn1 Going to Wingliam 11.00 a m 0.40 p •, ":LEST WR,FORGET" The New Eracornmences a new veer this .Wee.k,51 years ago The 'New Era started and stilt continues to grow inlayer with the public, HERE ON SATURDAY Huron end Boys Association will run their big annual excursion to Goderich via Grana Trunk Rail- way, on Saturday July 8th, The usual big crowd is expected. IS ,T'IIE LAW :ODSEP. V.ED A section of the Motor Vehicle Act says-`tNo person shall for nay or gain drive a motor vehicle on a highway sinless be is licensed to do so. and no person shah employ an1* one so to driveamotor -vehicle who , isnot solicenseid.g GOOD NEWS Saturday evening the good news of the big drive was posted np a,tthe Telegraph offices Constable, Welsh rang the town bell to spread the news. 'it was along time to wait however until Monday poo.0 the newspapers. NO PROMOTION RESULTS There will be no promotion re- sults this year from Clinton Public School, as the records of the pupils now show on their 'monthly cards Which was installed last Septem- ber. The number who have passed is elliove the average however this year. MINOR LOCALS. Ju't School Board meets to -night. lJarlY haying is on the program. Council xnet on Monday evening: • North Pertb Byet-ILections an Mondta.y. Besure and come to Clinton on the 12th.. There were many holiday visitors in town,. 1_ Council Meets onFriday even- ing of this week.,. The night train is now due at 11.03 instead of 11,18, Wesley Church picnic is being held todayalt Bay;tejd., The Huron Old Boys and GJrls willbe• here on Sa,turel•iy. There is an Excursion through Clinton to Goderich tom'o'rrow, every effort is being made to have the coming Orange celebra- tion the greatest thils county has yet seen. Bathing in the river is once more on the prog'ratn although tjie cold weather has been a d;eterrcnt to eveln take their annual dip. JTJLY ROD AND GUN; The Julyissue of Rod and Gun is replete with material of interest to the sportsman, Whether he 'be d'isherman, hunter, Clog Ca;neier, gun crank, or what not, Bonny - castle D01101 contributes the leading article "The Pursuit of the Maslciu onge' , F.V. William gives a chap ter in the adventurous life of a Seal Pup; Pea. H. Sarver relates an ex- perieece in which British Colum'! ie sportsmen ,are attacked by grizzlies, !Edward T.Martiu de-. scribes ,a fight put up by a wild goose When attacked: bya retriev er., Other stories and articles an addition to, the regular 'depart- ments departments are; -Burns of Benwelil, A Good :friday Visit to Jack Minces Preserve pear Kingsville, Ontario 'Yatchin o g in Cape Breton ,Miser- ies oil -401111g; A Tenderfoot lost the woods of Cloud's filay. Port Arthur, etc; ate, The !July is- sue esagood oneto tuck into the outer's grit when setting 'forth on On tela vacation, mcaary:s n1Sus ine ' A If you have five or ten minutes to spare come in and I'll show you the other advantages of this splendid furnace. • • 808 Sold by '8YIIM cF SUTTER AAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A•ALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Local News. Ir tr . 111. 7A'VAvoyvVVvVYY70YT,,V vvvvvo. VVTV,wYVnV•vovvvvv!,, ENGINEER DEAD -• GENUINE 'HARES. (Frank Young G,T,E. engineer, was ,found dead in betel .at his home in Stratford on Thursday morning. Engineer Young ei1*11s well known here, as he was on this run., MORE WO,RK FOR TDB WOMEN !The loss of Red Cross stores by dire in England is a sed i-1ow to the valiant Daughters of the ;m- pire. Ent watch theta regain the position at the point of the needle USD A LITTLE CARE In view of the large number of autos now being driven it wouldbe weli'for all persons. whether in automobiles or other vehicles. to be earelful turning the corners. A little care willprevent accidents. CLINTON BO r S WON WATCHES I Master John and Joe Yesbee each got awatch last weekwhich were given by .the Saturday Evening Post lfor•securing new subscribers. The boys are faithful workers and are well liked by the reading ,]unbar, MORE TEiRRITORY FOR MOTORISTS Hon, Finlay G. Macdiarmid, min- ister of public works has received word ;that the State of Washington had agreed to Motor license reef proelty )vith Ontario. There ore now fourteen states. in the Ameri can union where Ontario motorists may travel without the necessity of taken out licensees_ • URIs OLD TIMES Tobe ;down atthe station on a Friday night when 'tile London train comes in, a person weuid have imagined that the "Hurons', were ;back once more, between • the Clinton boys and those changing 901 Goderich, end the.boye going Northward. they made abig Onnl- nany when the Goderich train pull- ed out it.was jammed to -the doors HAD A SUNSTROKE. Sergi. Darold •areinlin, of the .101stBatt e suffered a suustroke on the parade grounds on•l riday last and was able to be brought home on Saturday ,Where he will reculee- ate. The soldiers have heel gm - planting, ne other 13ot1:L11013s have beep given straw halts while the. "Hurons" are still drilling, we111- ing• their winter hats, The went!: er has been getting a little 'warm for felt halts, SORRY TO LOSE 1-1E15 The scholars of Miss M.E. Cenci ley at the Public School were in- deed sorry to lrise their teacher. and upon the closing day of school presented herwitlh an umbrella, The Girl's Club of Willis Church, in which Miss Chlidley has'beeu ii valued member presented an ivory dresser clock to her. Miss Chidley left on ]Vlonday.to make her future home in Toronto and the best wish es of all the townspeople go with her to hen new home. &.g,D:f, OFFICERS, The 'following officers were in- stalled in the Clinton 'Masonic. Lodge byR.W Rev. F.C. Harper Master, J.W. Treleaven; past maw-, ter, A. C. Clarkson ; seiner warden Wm McEwan, junior weed en, Dr, Axon, treasurer, W. D Fair; chap. (lain, Dr. Evans ; secretary H. 13. Chant; senior deuton R,'S. Byam; junior deacon, G. Elliott; stewards .1'.W Nedigc ; J.Batten buty; len er gHuard, HE. Paull; tyle Amos Castle; auditors, A.T. elloway; , E. Rorke. McTAG G.teRT--TIERNAt A very charmin_g wedding took place at "Orchard. . Lodge ' East Wewenosh, the 'bdautidnl home of 1VIr. and Mrs, Tames B. Tierney, on Wedncieday, June 28th, at high noon, when their eldest daughter Miss Margaret Louise, was marri ed to Dr. J. A. McTaggart in the preselnce of a goodly nutnber of in vited gueets, by the Rev. W, 13 Hawkins, Rector of Trinity Church Blyth, To the strains orf 1Vlendel- satin's ;wedding march, played by Mies Doro-thy Piernay, cousin ' of the bride, the bride unattended es- corted by hex father, entered the room, attired in a rich and !bcauti' fug .gown ,of crepe de Chcnee caught up with rope of *pearls, with curt -1 oma.ry veil and orange blossoms, Mr. George E. McTaggart, iia splen diad voice thein sang, 'cbe _Sweet 5.0(1 Faix' and (5104y' After the ceremony and congratulations, a delicious dejenner was served, the table artistically decorated, with carnations es the *predominating f$oWei'. The bride was the recip- ient of roue lay costily and useful presents, beilokenirg the high es- teern in w11901* she 93 held. Tlie new ly waddled couple left on elle alter noon train. for Torollit0, Niagara Valls, Buffalo end other p-)ints. Tho bride's gding away dress was navy blue with hat to match. On Mr. and Mrs Mr Cagg ii t s return to Blyth. they will take up their resi- dence in Coma, Horney'c dwellii g, Queen Street, south -The bride is agranddaughter of Mrs. !Thomp- son. Albert Str North. DIitchell Advocates Rev, E. G. Powell ,of Clinton was in town since our last issue delivering apair Of genuine Siberian hares co- ..Mr. William Babb, THE PRESIDENT OF ALBERTA CONFERENCE (From the Christian Guardian of last weeps we take the 'following complemelntary note which re- fers to a. son of the late Rev. Geo, Webber, who ,vas a minister in the B.C. Chureb Clinton. The old friends were glad to see the son gaming .the high position of T're-' sident of A$bex'ta. Methodist Can - dormice ;-The new President of the Alberta Conference, Rev. Geo. Webber, is surely in the Apostolic Succession. Not only is he a soil 'of aMethodist minister who Was him self a President of Conference, but he was• bora in the year of his father's presidency.. The lata: Rev. ,George Webber was pester of the old Angus Street Church, To- ronto, and President of the Bible Christian Cordei•ealce when his son George, now President of the Alberta Conference of the Metho- dist Church, firstsanethe light of day. The father always (rewired. that the son would >follow in his footsteps in the work of the Nletho dist ministry; we are sure ec would, werehe alive to -day, re- ioiee to see him raised to Minor in his chosen calling. Mr. Weather spent his early life in Ontario, re - misting bis college training at Alberta ,College andy'ictoria Uni- versity. He entered his probation tion in the Toronto Coneference in 1806 was ordained in 1802., and went w 08 into the Alberta Conference in 1005. His labors in this Confer- ence have been uniformly success- ful and appreciated, his fields of labor being Innislall, Dk.otoics Vegre+ville n11d Eastwood Church J991anonton, Mr, Webber was sec- retary of Conference fur several Years, tied has re:u:eived ° his 'full measure of honor and responsibil- ity at the hands of the 'brethorn. He has good business ability, and the 81913118 of the Conference will be well looked miter by hint, Mr. Webber is still under forty y eat s of age, and is one of the yonngc•st presidents our conferences have had. • Min nod fills of the Council Brevities None the Less Interest- ing Because or Their Condensation The Cemetery receipts totalled 5100.50. • The Mariret reales receipts for June were 53:00. a - e• -- The street pay sheet for June was 5120.03 — 00 -- The billlor Hydro for the"streets Was 5137.00 --S0-- The cost 11''1 lighting ,hall for the past month was :$2.34. Telephone rent and account was $11,'88( --0•-- Street ;watering for month was $20.60 • 1 s • —R• Superintendent Shobbrook was paid $50 dor salary. ---S•-- An ,aecouot 'for stave was paid to. I. Benzo 53.25, The W. D . Fair & Co. had a sta- tionary account •of $7.48 which was paid. --A•-= The . Council ata special meeting to holdup the oil order. S'e5r i the time ;being. The Council has granted the'fi'ee use of Council chamber and cout- Initt.ee room. T] too� •t c, 1 eqr h- all has been rented_ for da:neing during the 13th. -ma-- . The Cemetery Commitltee has purchased wire for the new wire ,fence whichwi!IJbe ereetod in 01a� near (Sutural, • $11.40 was paid dor insurance en Tire applia;nectt,� Advertise and the world is with you ;' t• Don't end you'll be alone, pee the world to -day will never pav A pent to the great unknown, Add a.cool Loom to your house by equipi•ng your verandah with shades—well let in the ¢lir and, keep the heat out. `izes 4, 5, 6, 7,\8 and to feet°wide, The W. D. Fair 111, Often the' heapest—Always the Best MG21011121=81113.2 0171921012112 +muirarmsmr13=11M- 9artaxr=; =.1, _ 112=KMS English Paris Green Paris Green is tired for 't purpose which makes pocr grades worse than useless It won't pay you to experiment, Get Bergers then you will have the best in original lb and t 'ib packages. Arsenate of Lead also in stock. t. _L.!,1 IO V r .b. NYAJJ QUALITY STORE Dispensmg Chemist n miesmssea The.'Features o£ Our Furniture To which we invite special attention . are its beauty, ils';L=(+ured uOnlfort, its. , solid +oislructroo, and its below the usu'r1 prices. Any one of these points would hesolIl ient to earn it your preference. When they are all com•- hined we. feel .sure you will realze• that this is ar furniture buying oppor• nun ty you cannot silbrd to ignore; j A lei ilii DUN )C Ender taker awl Funeral Director, ]Toone 28. Night and Sunday Calls answered at, Residence over store It will pay you to The, cornier Grocery, "Live and Let Live" Get our Prices on your Plumbing "Heating or Eavetroughing Estimates given free Material and Woeltmanship the Best. Agents for leech Furnaces Thos. ilawkins E. E. Hunniford Let us Select the Esstables� for lour Camping Trip Our stock off canned goods has been specially selected 'for their • quality And purity, and in 'last, everything We suggest to you will have your urquahIied appro-. val. Cheek Brom this list the goods. you knee/ you wait; come 10 and let us show you others.- Canned Tomatoes. Corn. Beans. etc Concebtrated Packet and Canned: 'Soups; Meat Extracts; Cannell, Preserves and Jails ; Marmalades • Bacon, All kinds of Cooked • Breakfast Foods; Condensed ,Milk Coffee ,a.nd Cocoa. Canned Salmon: Sardines; and. Kippered Herring. Specials Strawberries, Lettuce, Raddisbe:t• Tomatoes, Cucumbers and. Green Onions.. Pluinliiing and floating Slop -over Rowland's Hardware PHONE 45. 5.+4•+++4•+•,++4+8-++4*++++++10e**+Hdtfi.• +++++*a+aeleiteeefeet.•eeeeees , 4*1' 4, • • 1?ut Your Thumb n This C� s 1 • Just put your thumb on the fact that this is a Shoe Store with never a Shoe Disappointment If there is anything the matter with our $4 50 5.00 or 6,00 Men's Shoes we will make it right, for 4+ w� back them up for all we are worth, t' 1t there is anything wanting in style or dura- bility in our Women s Shoes at $8.5o, 4,00 or 4.5© aware of fact and the we are not the , purchase • money gbes back. If.. there are any better $1.50, 1.75 or 2.00 School Shoes than ours, we are yet to see 'them. It there is anything wrong with our shoes or. g' .our shoe service we will make' good. oo Bank on what we say and Buy your shoes here • • - - g 0 • • • • l�tt ti 3 k `k&•Fj1•F t'►i E44 i+'t�!!t't+iOt t•➢e't4 41+9 +++ +°t++4 FRED. JA(MSON HOUSE OE BETTER SHOTS 4 4, 4- 14 .l,