HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-07-06, Page 3Thursday, Jury 6th. 1016. IUSIWIWIWIWWWIWISMa CENTRAL add STRATPORD. ONT. You eau Secure a Posi- tion 1.1 you take a,; - Course viith'Us. • The demand upon us for train- ed help is many times the num- ber graduating. Students aro eutering each week. You may enter at any time. Write at once fur our free catalogue of Commercial, Shorthand, or Telegraphy Department D. A. McLachlan, Principal Broilers& Dulin s k ANTED T ._.,.D W'e ave in the market for 2,000 Young .Chickens, and 1,009 Young Ducks per week. The chickens to !weigh not less than two pounds, and the ducklings three pounds each. Now is the time to take advantage of the extraordinary prices paid for live .]poultry, Non-fer!iieNeW talN Eggs Now that the hot summer wea- ther is approaching, we are in a Position to pay a premium, for Non -Fertile Eggs not over ,, (tour days gild. It will pay you to sell or kill all the roosters alter the breed- ing season ie over. txitn�-L��al�is & Limited Clinton Oran eh Phone 190 *AAA AAAA a ♦A..►AaaAAAAAa,••*Aa MHOS 41 See and here our finest t 4 New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianus and 4 Organs, • ('H S • P anos and organs rent eed. Choice new Edison w phonographs, Music & variety goods. g. g. • :special values iu Art. 1. a ► ► •P ► r 4 1 .4 d 4 4 Music Emporium C. Hoare ► W VTTT " AAAAAAAAAANVssitAeteeeseeeseaaVsAAA 1 R1OFING 1 Corrogated Steel Shingles , Felt Roofing and Slate Eavetroughing Tinsmithing Plumbing and Furnace Work Call or Phone for Prices Estimates cheerfully given Repairs Done Promptly Byam & Sutter Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7. i RAND TRI.INK IVs1--rxt ATTRACTIVE TRIPS Muskoka Lakes Lake of Bayo Georgian Bay - Algonquin Park French River Kawartha Lakes Irlaganetawan River, Temagami, etc. Round Trip Touriet Tickets now on sale from certain stations in Ontario at very low ranee, with liberal stop overs, MUSKOKA EXPRESS Leave Toronto 1101 p.m. • daily except Sunday, and 105 a,m. daily, for Mue- koka Wharf. Oonneet'rons ere ' made at Muskok aW hart' for Muskoka Lakes, .Leave Poronto 10.15 a.rn, daily except Sunday, and 2.05 a.m. daily for Hunts. vine, for pointe on Lola of Bays. Equipment the Finest. Further particulars on appllea,- tion to Grand Trunk Agents. John Raneford & Son, city passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57 ,A. 0. Pattison, station agent w. atelaletia It BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC, 16 TO OOINTON OHARLISS D. 1unix Conneyance, Notary Public, Cotnnliseioner, etc. REAL ESTATE AND 'INSURANCE ' Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Huron St„ Clinton, H. T. R::ANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estate INSURANCE AGENT—Representing 19 Fire 1n mance Companies.. Dlvisiion Court Office. Piano Tutting Mr. James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone, regulating,- and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 61 willreceive prompt attention. P M. G. Cameron, I.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer; Etc d'OfTxaeon: A1 ertS tractooccupied ay Mr. Hooper. In Clinton on every Thursday, and on any day for which appointments are made. Office hours from 9 a.m. to 6 p m. A good vault in connection with the office. 'Office open every week day; Mr. Hooper will make any oppointments for Mr. Cameron. Medi..a,J+ iDR T. W. TAUMFSON Pliysieian, Surgeon, Eto 1860181 attention given to diseases et the Eye, Ear. Throat. and Nose, Eyes elulty sanlined, and suitable glasses prescribed. Office and Residence.. Two doors west or the tbmmerelal note Huron St. DRS. Cl'1 1% and GAS111III Ar. W. Gunn, UR. O. P., L. R, O. B.. Ed) Dr. Conn's office at residence High Street Dr J. C. Candler. ILA. M,B. ' Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night cell, at residence. Bat1enhery St. or at bomb's) DR, M R. itXON sIENTIST Crown and Bridge Work 8 Snectalty.-el Graduate of 0,0.0.8... Chicago, and P,O.D,S Toronto. Bayfield on Mondays. May 101. Sol) ,a DR. A. FOWLER, T ST 1)>EN 1 Offices over O'NEIL'S store, Special care taken to make dental heel meat es painless as possible. THOMAS GUNDRV Live stock and general Auction we. GODERICH ONT Val m 1100e Nates a ep0oialt J, Olds/ 0 rr r New Ee,l office, Clinton'prv.m•rly eft anal to. Terms reasonnhle. Farmers' Pale not, ,eseonntee Drs. Geo tt II I; Whitley !Heileman Osteopathic Pity. Specialiste in Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders Eye, Bar, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office-Rattenbury Hotel. Tuesday and ,Friday, 7 to 11 p,m. 0, D. McTaggart M. D. MoTagger McTaggart Brli;: e WINNERS ALBERT ST , CLINTOIi d,tenarel Banking Dusinears transacted ,SOTES DISCOUNTED Drefte leaned, Interest allowed a deposits The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance eo. Rom and Isolated Town Pres. erty Only insured. (read Office-Seaforth, Ont OFFICERS. J, B. McLean, Seaforth, President J. Connolly, Goderich, Vice -Pres. Thos. E. hays, Seaforth, Seo: Treas Directors -D, F. McGregor, Sea - forth; J. G, Grieve, Winthrop; W. Rinne Seaforth; John Benneweis, Dublin; J, Evans, Beechwood.; M. McEwen, Clinton ; J. B. McLean, Seaforth; ,,7, Connolly, Goderich: Robert Perris, 'Harlock. Agen'te•-Ed. 'Hinckley, Seaforth; W. Chesney, Egmondville; J. W. Yeo. Holmes vilie; Alex, Leitch, Clinton; R, S. Jarmuth. Brodhagen Payments made at Morrish & Co. Clinton, and Cutt's grbcer-i store` Goderich and Jas. . Beide store Bayfield, A Carload of Canada Pylae, Cant Phone us for prices It will pay you John Hutton LONDESBORO FORD dt McLEOD We're now selling. Timothy Seed'. (Government Standlara.), We also, have oa hand, Alfalfa.], Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand-goolse Wheat, Peas, .Barley and Feed Corn Higheat Market 'Prices paid for Hoy anal all Citrates, FORD & McLEOD HEAT FLASHES,. DIZZY, NERVOUS Mrs. Wynn 'Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Helped Her During Change of Life. Richmond, Va. "After taking seven bottles of. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com, - pound I feel like a new woman. I al- ways hada headache during the Change of Life and was also troubled with other bad feelings com- mon at that time- dizzy spells, nervous feelings and heat flashes, Now I am in better health eaith than I ever was and recommend your remedies to all my friends. "-Mrs. LEMA WYNN, 2812 E. 0 Street, Richmond, Va. While C ha a of Life C n is a most crit- ical ical period of a woman's existence, the annoying symptoms which accompany it may be controlled, and normal health restored by the timely use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Such warning symptoms are a sense of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, backaches, dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregularities, constipation, variable ap- petite, weakness and inquietude, and dizziness. Por these abnormal conditions do not fail to take Lydia E. Pinkham's 'Vege- table Compound. Come to Clinton on the 12th Many spent Sunday at Bayfield Send TheNew Era alis[ of your visitors, M I L B U R N' S HEART and NERVE PILLS CURED Salvation Army Captain. Capt. Wm. E. Sanford (Salvation Army), 38 Earlscourt Ave., Toronto, Ont., writes: "A short time ago I suffered from heart trouble, which seemed to come on me ver sudden] a o Y Y I was s bad,that t at times it seemed as if it was all I could do to breathe, I noticed an announce- ment of MiIburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and decided to give them a trial. After taking two or three days' treat- ment I felt fine, and my heart has not bothered me since. If this testimony would be of any service to others you are at liberty to use it." ' To all who suffer from any form of heart trouble Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will give prompt and permanent relief. They strengthen and invigorate the action of the heart, and tone up the whole sys- tem,5 Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for 81.25. For sale at all dealers or nailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. 8200 evae voted by the Morris Tp. Council to the 161st Battalion to wards a field kitchen and mess tents. bitihnehltaindiltadhileAdakesieentAgas Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine timer in ten when the liner is right the stomach mid bowels ate right. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gentlybutlnslycoa- eel a lay liver to els its duty. Curse C.r aipati.oa Indigos-. lion, Sick lioaari.6.. asrl Metres* attar Eating. Staudt PUO, fisuill'D..ss Small Priv Gosuble taw ie.r Signature frolvoimmetioesommovenmeo Better Pay The Price Don't be tempted to choose cheap jewelery. Far better toipay a fair price and know exactly, what you are getting, Yon will ueyer be sorry -for as a matter of money, it is easily the meet economical. That has been said s0' -often that everybody by this time sbould know it -and yet there is no scarcity of chea,p jewelry in; the land Now to get personal -If you would like to miss that sort altogether - COME HERE 11 you would like, to Jury where nothing but high qualities are dealt in -004411,E 1111Rin And even at that, no person ever said our prices were unfair Edison Records and Supplies `. • . R. Counter Jeweler and Optician: Issuer of Marriage Licenses TEM CLINTON NRW BRA • P/OE THREE anceeglsm••O•tl ma••s•••• The Stowaway By LOUIS TRACY OOOOOOs00000110i0sOa0000000 they dealt with ere from a point of view which differed widely from that presented by Dom Corrine, flees: Oh, it's One to be a sailor leans Watts.] are to cross the ramie main, From Hugh' bar to New Orleans to roam, But 1 'ape that my old ,woman will put me on the ehahl Next It me I want to quit my ' 'amble' 'nnle "Are you one of the Andromeda's mea?" asked Carmela, speaking in the clear and uceurute English used by her fa thee It her•- It was well for watts 01150 the tree prevented bier from falling backward. [Ie was quite sober, but cheerful with• al, as hebl Id nothing `o d o but sleep, b e t p, smoke. eat t at ad drink the light wine o7 the (11510101, of whicb his only comp plalet WUS that "nue might clop up a barrel of tit ate d get no furra •r era" " 11godfather!" Y he bowled, spring, Mg from the rail and recovering his wits instantly, "Beg pardon, mum, but you took me aback all standin', as the say'in' is." "1 am afraid it is my fault," said Carmela. "I have just arrived here, and everybody seems to be so full of troubles that t am glad to bear you singiug." "Oh, that's just humane', mum! 1f you're fond of music you ougbt to 'ear Schmidt. Captain Schmidt of the Un- ser Fritz." Cannel, struck an attitude. \Vat, d'ye know 'tea?" asked Watts. "No, it is something -rather impor- tant, I must go back to my father, Ale I ought to •explain! 1 am the Senhora de Sylva, Dom Corria's daugb- ter." "Are you really, mem-miss?" ex- claimed Watts, bigbly interested. "'Ow in the world did ye manage to come up from the coast? Accordin' to all accounts" - "Yes, what were you going to say?' for the man hesitated "Well, some of our chaps will 'are it that we're rennin' close hauled on a lee shore," Carmela knit her brows. The Watts idioms were not those of her gov- erness. "We had no great difficulty in pass• tug through Dom Barraca's lines, if that is what you mean," she said. "Mr. Verity and Mr, Bulmer bad obtained special permits, but iu my case"- "iMr.-'oo, did you say, miss?" de- manded Watts, wbose lower jaw actu- ally dropped from sheer amazement. "Mr. Verity, the owner of the An- dromeda. You are one ot the crew, I suppose?" "L'm the chief olSeer. Watts is my name, miss. But d'yoo mean to tell me that ole David Verity 'as come 'ere -to Brazil -to this rotten- Sorry, miss, but you ger' me a turn, you did. Au' Dickey Helmer -is 'e 'ere too? "Yes, or he soon will be here, 1 rode on in advance t n ut en of theothers." t "Well -there -if that don't beat cock- rigbolu'l" cried Watts. "Wot'll Coke say? W'y, 'e'll 'are a tit. An' bliss Iris! She's to marry ole Dickey. Fan- cy 'im turnin' up! Tbere'll be the deuce an' all to pay sow wot between 'ire au' Heeler an' the dasbin' colonel" "Who is Mr. hazier?" asked the giri calmly, "13e is, or was, our second trate, but since the colonel an"'e got to logger- heads 'e took an' raised a corps of scouts. Sotne of our fellows joined, but not me. Kittle' other folks don't agree with me a little bit," "And the colonel -what is his name?" broke In Carmela. "San Benavides, miss. Captain 'e was on Fernando Noronha. 'I) took a mighty quick juinp after we kern ashore. But I as your pardon for ram- blin' on in tbis silly way. Won't you go inside?" The Senhora de Sylva might have been seized with mortal illness if judg- ed solely by the manner in which she staggered into ber father's house, threw ber arms around the neck of an elderly serving woman, whom she pet- rified by ber appearance, and almost Yd N1 "WHAT, THEIN? DOES THIS WOMAN 00,0E t3El85 AND TARE ALL?" fainted -not quite, but on • the verge, much nearer than such a strong meld- ed young lady would have tbougbtpos- sible en hour earlier, Maxie screamed loudly. Tongue tied at 11081, she was badly scared Whet) Carmela collapsed on her emote bosom, al.esioraries and eudoarmeuts follow. ed. Canticle la asked to ee taken to a room where she bright wash and uhnit' the dust from her hair and dutbes. Maria ,'npsidered •ways and (rn0:rns. Every room in the big hoose was crowded. "Who is in my own apartment?" de manded Oarmela. Even before the answer was forth. coming she guessed the truth. The Sanborn ingleee, of course.:, Those tine eves of hers flashed dangerously. CONTINUED NEXT WEBS. HAD ALMOST GIVEN UP;" Sarnia, Oita, -"About 27 years ago 1 was taken very bed, my blood, too, was in bad shape. L got so I had to go to bed and I was there for over three months. I could not eat and suffered untold agony,, I had three of the best doctors I could get but it- just=seemed nothing was going to help me, I had almost given up. I thought I would never be any better and was willing to give up and die rather than suffer as I was. A neighbor of mine told me of Dr. Pierce's wonderful remedies and I decided to use them. My husband bought me six bottles of 'Favorite Pre. emotion.' I had not taken it long until I felt better. In less than six week[ I was out 'of bed, and in less than six months I was cured and have been well ever since,' Do all my own work. I have raised three daughters, two are married and have children. They have used it and they are healthy, so are their children. I am sure it was all on account of my having them use the medicine. "I keep all of Dr. Pierce's medicines in the house. Have ''Favori#t, Prescrip- tion,' 'Golden Medical Discovery' and Smart -Weed' --anything prepared by Dr, Pierce is good. I 1 have a co of the Peopl0 a s s Common Sense Medical Adviser, which I have had 213 years; it baa been very valuable to me." -Mas. J. WAY 232 Ontario St. Sarnia, , Sa ala Ont. If you are. a sufferer, ' If o daughter, , your d ghter, mother, sister need help, get Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription m liquid or tablet form from any medicine dealer to -day. Then address Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo) N. Y„ and get confidential medi- cal advice entirely free. A most valuable book in any borne is Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, . A splendid 1008 -page volume, with engravings and colored plates. A copy will be sent to anyone sending fifty cents in stampsto pay the cost of wrap- ping and mailing only, to Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the original little liver pills, fust put up nearly 50 years ago. netaaaosseous Ooe e00ence:4 0 Huron Co. s•o•soeetesooesoosee•oo,eme We are very sorry to hear that Sergt. Cunningham, only 'son of Richard Cunningham 16tH Con , Grey township, was killed inaction 'He was a braveife1low and men- tioned .00 various occasions for deeds Of valor and his demise will 'be detepiy regretted, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA A most sad and distressing acci- dent occured in Howick Township the victim being Mr. Fred Edgar He was ,cutting open some potato bags ,when the knife alipped up- wards and entered his right eye, splittingthe eye-amll completely open, 'He was taken to the hospital next morning and the reports were not very favorable: tbedoctors fearing that Nile entire sight o1' both eyes has been destroyed. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C S T O. R I A Making Crops While Trees Grow. Potatoes are a good previous crop for an apple orchard, says a contrib. titer to the American Agriculturist, I planted my trees forty feet apart each way, then I planted potatoes, cultivat- ing both ways. I like early potatoes best. The fertilizer and eultivation given the potatoes aid the growing trees. When potatoes are dug and re- moved a cover crop is seeded in the orchard. I like rye and hairy vetch exceedingly well. This cover crop can be plowed under in the spring and planted to beans, CASTORIA For Infants and Children in Use For Over 30 Years Always bear$ the ��,,��.,,��,.� Signature of dllt41er Tho Lana Roller. There are soils where it would be ,just about impossible 10 do good farm - lug 'W11.1.10Ot arm•lug'wilhout the 01.100' of the hard roller, the plank drag or some of the other eiuitlar implements 11) this class. On soils which are likely to become clod- dy they are very necessary. On, those SUNDAY SCHOOL Lesson Il.—Third Quarter, For July 9, 1916. ' THE INTERNATIONAL' SERIES. Textof the Lesson, 1 These. 1 and iv, 13--Mmy V'7814-e r,( 6, 4. Golden Teextor, iv,' 1-ses Coivmmen1tar17y Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. It is grand to have a whole epistle to meditate upon this week, and especial- ly such a one as this, so full of the glorious truth of our Lord's second coming and its two stages, first to the air for )lis eburcb and to the earth with us to set up IDS kingdom or righteousness and peace. The refer. cute s to His coming in erica chapter (. we gave in last week's lesson, and be. Pore taking it up more fully let us receive a few heart lessons from the whole letter. Itis is tf• om the thr ee with Whom we have been traveling recently, Paul and Silas and Timothy, faithful and devoted witnesses to the risen diving Christ, and it is to the believers who lived en earth at Thee- salonica, but were really in God the Father and in the Lord .108)15 Christ as to their heavenly standing (I These 1, 1; 1I Thess, i, 1). It was by the gospel of God and of Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit, that they were led into this holy position and the assurance of it, and the apostles' desire for tbem was that they would walk worthy of God, who had given them this great joy and called them unto His kingdom and glory (chapter 1, C, 6; 11. 2, 4, 8, 9, 12; iii, 2; iv, 1). The one only thing that a sinner is asked to d0 and can do is to turn from his sins to God and receive the Lord Jesus Christ as his own personal Saviour. That makes him to be in God and in Christ and secures to him all the benefits of the finished arorlt of the Lord Tesus, lire eternal, the forgiveness of sins, acceptance in Christ and a joint heirship with Him without any works whatever or any merit on the part of the sinner, Having eternal redemptionour one occupation is summed up in serving the living and true God. which means with quietness doing der own bust. Hess. filling the place Ile assigns us, bring together with i tt IIirn, as children of light rejoicing, is everything giving thanks and trusting the God of Pence to do all in Its and through us because of His faithfulness (chapters 1, 9; iv. 11; v, 5, 10, 10-18, 23, 24). Having become followers of Christ, who suffered everything and was kill- ed for our sakes, we must not shrink from suffering with Ebel and being killed for. Iris sake. never pleasing men. but only and always pleasing God, who trietlr our hearts (chapters 1, 0; iv, 14, 15; ill, 4). Being deliv- ered from the wrath to come, of which He speaks more fully In the second epistle, our attitude should. always be that of waiting for Els return, Our individual personal salvatiou is three- fold -we are saved, we are working it out, and we wait for the redemptiou of the body at lits coming. This is simply stated in chapter 1, 9, 10, but see also Rom, v, 1, 2; Tit. it, 11-13; i John 111, 1, 2. There is another and larger threefold view of salvation, cov- ering the whole church, which shall be caught up at His cowing, then the salvation of all Israel at His coming back with us in Ells glory, and after that the salvation of all nations, so that "salvation," one of the greatest words in the Bible, has a sixfold sig- nificance, reaching on to the kingdom when the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord. Pana seems to have taught so much about the blessed hope and associated events that the believers feared lest those who had died•had missed a great biassing and privilege, but he assured them that those who might remain 1111- th the Lordcame would not prevent or go before or gain any advantage over those who had died or, as to their bodies, fallen asleep (chapter iv, 13- 75). I have many friends who think • that between death and resurrection the soul sleeps and that there as no conscious existence, but I cannot find any Youndation in Scripture for each a belief, so I tell my friends that Lf I shall die I will be more alive than I Ian now, believing Phil. 1, 21, 23; II Cor. v, 8; Rev. Ti, 9-11; Luke xvi, 22. As to His coming for us andour meeting Him in the air, chapter Iv, 16-18, with I Cor, rv, 23, 51, 52, mattes it very real. The Lord Himself shall descend, the same Jesus who ascended from the Mount of Olives (Acts i, 11), trumpet than sound, and all the dead bodies of believers, whether baried in e earth or in the depths of the sea or burned to ashes, shall come to life, and those who once lived in them when they were mortal bodies, but hale since death been with Christ in glory, shall live again in those resurrected, glorified bodies. At the same mo- ment, In the twinkling of an eye, all living believers shall be changed with. out dying and, together with the raised ones, be caught up in the clouds to meet the. Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord. There is comfort in these truths for all who will receive teem. The words "They Oat are Christ's. at 19 is coming" (I 00e, XV, 3) convince me that no true be. lievers shall be omitted i11 this great event. The dead bodies of tieheliev ere 511511 not be raised till lathe the thousand yeere (Rev. ex, 5.1i, 'There is no foundation for believing that death or the destruction nt' .loruselenr or any other great event or the cum Ing of the holy' Spirit Iles arc (melee toy or asso(intiuu with the socuud :aiming of Christ. a tight, porous soils. almost ashy in con- sistency, they serve the purpose of packing the earth particles. There are sections where practically every farm 143 equipped with a land roller, and any- where nywhere from 15 to 30 per e•ent of all the work done 'on the corn crop is done with the roller, The plank drag is also in high favor in the corn belt. -Farm Progress. 8iWood's r'hoophodiaa The .Great Boglisheltemedt/. Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veiae, Cures Nervous 17ebditlf Mental and Brain Worry, Deepen. deny, foss of ICnerp1, Palpitation. of,, the Heart, Failing Minoru. Price 51 per box, six for SG"Ons well please, ma will ours • Sold ;by all druggists or ensiled in plain pkg. m, roos,pt of price: Nara painphfet mailed free. THE WOOD MEDICINE CO..TORONTO.:0NT. (frepery WtedNr' We actually heard a lady remark that we ,were slow because we to publish )the names of her visit- ors in our personal column., Well we lenoagine she was ,slower than we or she would have phoned their;, names tows ai act which we 'would have appreciated very much. A Christian college -home, healthful situation. Forprospectueasd terme,write thePrincipal R.I. warner, M.A„D.1r„St. Tbomss,Ont. 63 Cook's. Cotton Root Compound. A safe, reliable re!/ci atina medicine. Sold in throe de. grrecs of attongth—No.1 $1,: No. 2, 53; No, 3, Se perlios Sold by all druggists, or ecnt prepaid' on receipt of peon. Free pamphlet. Address; THE COON rheotense co, 7060800, OUT (t'atssN, Wlydna) WILL KILL MORE FLIES THAN $8n° WORTH OF ANY STICKY FLY CATCHER Clean to handle. Sold by all Drug, gists, Grocers and General Stores, llotori,t's 1t Llitlttal Annthenl My auto'tis of thee short cut to poverty -of .thee I chant. I 'blew t Mae of dough one year ago, and andow you ngrate f e re use to Boor' won't, or can't Through town and country side von werenly iov- and nride? A. hap day?, I o' ci ? 1 to thya uc 'pY Ygaudy � as o; l you rotted through Y it tu0t{gdl the^goo; 'but note you're ,out of true in every way. e Tothee old rattle box came r 1)7 wilts and knocks. Tor thee I grieve Badly thy top was torn; frayed are thy seats and worn, the whoop ing cough affects thy horn T do beliet;'e. Thy perfume sweles the breeze while people choke and wheeze as we pass by l paid )for thoe a pric0 '[would paint a mansion thrice - now everybody's yelIirg ice, I wonder why, Thy motor has the grip, thy spark plug has the pip, and woeiis thine. I too have suffered chills ague and kindred ills. endeavoring to pay ally bi1111 since thou were mine, , Gone is my bank roll now ; no more 'twould choke the cow, as once betfore. Tet ifI had the "mon'' so help meJmhn-amen, 1'd buys car again and speed some more, Lord Wimborne Likely To be Last Viceroy Over the Irish People ORD WIMBOItNE, whose re- signation as Lord -Lieutenant has L been placed in the hands ot the British Cabinet, will be offered another post of importance under the Government. The Daily News says that the scheme for the solution of the Irish problem which las received the lark - BARON WI111130Ii.NE. est support in the Cabinet is for an agreement between the Irish leaders accepting the principle of separate Parliaments for 'Ulster and the rest of Ireland .after the war, but until the end of the war the government to he in the hands of a coalition Executive Council, with the offices equally distributed between the parties. The expectation now is that the of - Dee of Viceroy will be abolished en- tirely. Wonders of Liquid Fuel. One of the latest oil-eugiuod steamers, of 1,200 toes, can, it is said, on abut 600 tons of liquid fuel, make a round voyage between Lon- don and New York without refilling her tanks. ++ + O 4' WATCH YOUR SEED. '4 1 • +k Grain smuts and blights were 0 4. unusually severe in 1915 owing Is +F largely to the cool, wet season. +F 4. The seed, then, that will be sown +t+ d• the coming spring will have an 4. .1. abundance of smut spores or 4. 4. germs underthe hulls, in the + .•- furrows and even inside the keen d+ .t+ eels. This statement applies pate 4. i ticulaely to oats smut and bar. O 4. ley smut, but certain other wide- ill 3• spread diseases, such as the leaf +A 4• stripe disease of barley, come 3$ +. in the same class. • 4. If seek seed Is sown without r first killing the spores•loss from 'A smut is sure to mem-Wisconsin + 4. Station, 'k .f. • •+f. 4+ .$ + rN 0.4. d+'f. 4 +k •k dt Worth a Guinea aBox as a remedy for the evil effects of quick eating, overeating and strenuous liv- ing. The medicine that meets this need -that tones the stomach, stimu.. lates the liver, regulates the bowels -'ii LL Lament Sale of Any Medicine in the World.. Sold everywhere, In boxes, 26 goats. a