HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-07-06, Page 2PAGE TWO.
Phone 78
Dry Goods
House Far
This Store for hig�rh=Mass
Summer Waists
Warm days awaken interest in the large e and Varied
f Cool White Waists we h .ve in stock. Our
Waist Department rtment 'will be found well equipped to sup-
ply every need. A new shipment to hand of the newest
styles, made of pretty voiles, Prices ratige from $I.so
to $},5o.
Completely Equipped
D epa.rtrent
In which a splendid stock
of staple and fancy mer-
chandise is offered. Just
at this particular time you
should take the opportunity
to see just how large arange
of Hosiery we are showing.
Many novelties in ladies
and children's Cotton. Lisle
and Silk Hose, Price range
from 25c to 2 00 a pair
Just to hand this week,another shipment
Awning Stripes, suitabin for middies,, coats arid sli:ir
in all the new fashionable shades, rose a3d black, green
and white, black and white,
Be Faure and see these.
Social a
and Personal
Mr. A. H. Musgroec,. M. P. P:,
Winghani was a visitor rn town a sho
time on Friday last.
nr Miss Eva Gluff spent Dominion Da)
rt with the Misses Gunn at Londou,
Mrs. H. Bartiif9 and Miss Annice were
visitors for a few days at Seatortlr,
Mrs. Chas. 1-lelyar left Tuesday morn
ng for Man treal to visit with her son,
Miss Dell O'Neil returned to town of
ter the school term in Toronto.
Mr. and'Mre. Gus. Collyer and chi
dren spent Dominion Day with relativ
and old frrends'in to*ni•
Mfrs. R. Rowland .left on Wednesday
es for Preston where sire will spend some
Mrd. Thomas Stewart of Blyth we
calling tin friends last week. •
Mr, Lockwood end'deughters were vi
itors at Luolcnow. The two young lassie
month u '
P I no i
p rtl,
Mr. Mrs. J. Kindrie of St. Thome.
were visitors at the home of their daugh
Mrs, Mrs. J. W Kilbride of town an
Mrs. J. Shanahan of ilullett tawnship.
Master Charlie 13011 spent the wee
end at Stratford with relatives.
Mitchell Advocate-Mlrs, Combe, o
Clinton, wife of Col. Combe, of the 161s
Huron Battalion, spent the week -end t
town the guest of Dr. and Mrs, Cull.
License Insppector Torrance was in
Seaforth on Thucs
time at the springs.
s Mr, Henry EIamilton, of Vancouver, is
visiting with his niece, Mrs, Harry Bart-.
s• Jiff.
s -'M'r. James Smith. our vote rain
citizen 'went to Toronto of Pai-
day last, and on Saturday under-
- went an operation in n. hospital
d there. •, Up to press time he - war,
dieing as well as could be ex -
k petted, and should be home in n
few weeks. $is old friends hope
for a speedy recovery,
t Mr. Will Whitely of Wordstoek
n was a holiday visitor in town,
Lieuts. Knox, Mair and A. J
Grigg of the (01st were here for
the week end
Mrs, Bart of:Grdloi'ir-h• .;spears
. the hol'day with Mrs. George Nott
of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Woods werq;holi
dray visitors in St/'.(lord on the
day last.
Mr. E. Ball, of Toronto, and an old
Clintonian, was renewing old acquaint-
ances in town, His old friends werelad
to see him ohce more, g
Mr. John Symmons mf Goderich; was
in town on Tuesday, 'He expects to get
ready soon for the apple barrel business.
Mrs, Sutherland and MissHattieSuth-
erland, of I -renal!, were callers on Mrs.
McGarva on Tuesday of this week for a
few hours.
Goderich Signal;-9ev, Jas. Hamilton
and Mrs. Hamilton arrived home last
Friday from Winnipeg, where Mr, Ham-
ilton went to attedd'the General Assembly
of the Presbyterian Church of Canada,
We regret to state that. Mr. Hamilton's
health was not benetttel by the trip and
since his return typhoid fever has deve-
'Mrs: Will Branrfield, spent the holiday
her husband at London,
Mrs. Lindsay spent a few days with
Lucknow friends.
Mise Olive C'oopetr left Mon-
day morning or Toronto) to at-.
tend the Summer School at the
Capt. Percy Town of the, Hist
Battl. wase. visitor in town' Do-
minion Day,
Mrs. J. E. Hovey and sang arc,•
holidn.ying for the month' of July
at 13ay'field! Mr. Bovey Will spend
part of the time tbere also.
Mies Jeseite O'Neil' is atteaddng
the Summer School' at 'Toronto
Was Troubled' With
"Co. Constable
Constable Pellow was in town on
Thursday. Stomach and Liver
Crown Attorney Seeger and Mrs.
.Seager of Goderich, accompanied by
their son, Rev. Dr. Seager of Victoria,
B. C., were irntown last Thursday.
Mrs. I -I. 13, McVittie of Clinton is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. McVittie
at Blyth:
Mrs. McCoy and children pf. London
arevisiting at the home of the forrner's
father, Mr. A. Wilkin.
Mrs. W. Coats and son arc visiting at
Miss Jean !toss, who is milliner at
Kemptvr0e, is home for the summer
Mr. and Mrs. Barry L'artliff and child
ren and Miss Jule Sunlit/ ` motored to
Brussels on Sunday, They took Miss
Cardiff back to her home there.
Mr. and Mee, l.. E. 'Ilunriefnrd
and daughter' sperm thi, 'last at
Goderich. •
nes Irene tonins Rhona It 'few
drays this week alt the 'home of
Mrs. J. 13hanahert. ire Hallett.
Mr, Thorritcn Mustard and -two
sons from Toronto are visiting
with Clinton and Bayfield friends
Mrs. Thomas Sargent, Berkeley, Ont.
writes: "I have been troubled with my
stomach and liver for the past seven
years{ also have had constipation,, caus-
ing headaches, backaches also dizzy
spells, and at times I would almost fall
down. I tried all kinds of medicine,
without obtaining any relief. I tom-
nienced using Mil:burn's I,axa-Liver Pills,
and they have cured rhe. I have recom-
mended them to many of my friends,
and they ere all very match pleased with
the results they have. obtained from
their use."
Milburn's I,axa-Liver Pills have been
on the market for the past twenty-five
years, and can be procured (torn all
The price is 25 cents per vial, or five
vials for 51,00.
If your dealer does not keen them, they
will he mailed direct on,receipt of price,
by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, To.
route, Ont,
,�• - � -_ � Thursday,. July 6th, I916.
Make your.
Preserves with
the pure cane sugar with
"FINE" granulation:that
dissolves'instat1y, gi'v-
ing a clear bright syrup.
2 and 5 -lb Cartons
10 and 20 -ib Bags
A book of preserving labels
FREE if you send us a red
ball trade mark cut from a
Lantic Sugar bag or carton.
Atlantic Sugar Refineries Ltd.
Power Slag. mantra/xi �4
University. She lett here on
Monday .morning,
Huron Co.
On Wednrl:Way 21st inst, Wan.
Blake of Grey tnernshlp was united
fn marriage to Niles Mary daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Kinahat, Cer
mutiny \was preformed in the
church of the Sacretdaleert, St.
There died at Chauvin, Alta., on
June 23rd Richard Robinson a form
erwel9known resident of Exeter
at the age of 84 years and 2 months
For many years deceased resided
with the family near Grand Bend
in the Township of Steiphen and
for many years later lived on the
London Bead alittle soutl, of
E.MI', ,(1.D,Bell of8'ensall hod the
misfortune to lose his very volt. -
able brood marereeentiy from sick
nese. This animal has been a
good prize winners at the local
Local News
The 10th annual Convefntion or
the 'Huron Co W.C,T.U. will he
held in Exeter on July 13th and 1'
A gocd program isprepareel.
July GM -Wesley Picnic
July drib --Huron Old Boys Exo•al'-
si-on y
July 9th-I0,O,T'. Decoration Ser-
vices. .,
July 1291-1. OJ.. eelebratoin at
• Clinton
[•lease's. A, Centelton aid W.
Elliott lies secured the cont,i•aet
for the erection of the new dry
kiln at the Doherty Pian Co.
The size of the building' will be
25 x' 40, and' the contract price is
$'l,500. It is taken ,from the pat-
tern of the Oland Rapids Veneer
and Dry. 'Kiln plan, With these'
men at the head of it a good job
is guaranteed.
Bread is up to 10c at Acton:
The crops are generally looking
well now.
The New Era commences n, new
year this wec_lr.
Many visitors wore in town over
Dominion Day,
quite afeiw went to Bayfield on
Saturday while nthea•s took in the
sports at Goderich• The Bowling.
Green ;was ease well patronized.
The coming 9u,nday, .JulWW 9th
many church servicels Wil'be held
Tor the "11.„ 0..L. • imeimbera, In
the rmnediete vicinity, the fol-
lowing services, Will be held --
Nos. 360 and 189, Goderich town-
ship at St. James' church, Middle-
ton, at 11 a.m,
Lon(l(esboro at' 10 a.m.
Seatorth, at 9 p.m.
Mombeivs from (Clinton Ledge'
attend the various ser'v'ices. .
The total rainfall from April 1st to
the present is 12,21 inches, It record for
that period not reached since ,1510.
The last three months have been the
rainiest, for any cnrres„ending period'
'since t ee time, though the individual'
rainfall of earl, iuouth has been ex
ceeded. One fanner says in. seventy
seven •years of life he does net rumen'
bet a wetter season, the ,worst for
fnt'i.uing ever knows., and that high
priiees of grain const fnllnsv, since but
one third of the r;ra n has been. sown, '
The highest maximum tempera-
ture foe tho month was 18' on the
24th. 'Thelowest beinirniim temp-
et'aturo was 3E' on the 1st, The
Jaighest range 'Was 29° on Sand the
iowest range was 11' on 919, The
mean', fortherinonth were Max
1num 08.20' t Minimum 50:17° to d
range 18 03;;. t1:ho i'ainf+afl was
e inrhes. 'A cool twelt,menils,
assures at'd vegetables good,
ring crops late. Tht'trder nn
d', ash, 15th and Loth, lea inLow
15th. Hawthorn blossoms ion
til. Alfalfa. cutting on 259h,
SuccepcQ @ +fit Huron •the endhdLest week
ssful Huron Mi. Jobb McDougall and wife
rend Mr. (Elastic ond Mae .troth
Normal Students Kent Co, visited Arlt tfhe home Yf
Mr. ltlaleolm A7cEwen last wc►,k
Results of Those Who Obtained
Standing at the Recent
The [final examinations or
Normal Schools
at Hamilton, a iI
tpn, L
don,North rthBa
y, Ottawa Peteq•b
Stralhtord and Toronto were It
un June 2nd to 5th. The names
the isuecelssfnl students fr
Stratford, (with certificates
tained appear telow,
Interim a
t Se o
c ndyClass Ccrtif'aca
Marion 13. Allan, Wingh im. ,
Anna le Ballantyne, Brussels.
Dora 1.M, Barr, Clinton,
Bower, > W' inghttan.
Alice Cnrbert Seaforth
Mary D Clan. Goderich
Mary u, Currie, Wirghaw.
Mary D. Dickson, Winghant,
Nfalbel Dorrance, Seaforth
Anna M. Elliott, Bayfield..
Kathleen A. Gibbons, Wing -ham
Janet L. Green, Baty:.fieed-,
Letta R. Guenther, Dashwood
iFlovica 13111, Crediton
Freda ALICtil'bflalisch, Zurich
Susan E.,1i.leinfeedt, Exeter.
Gladys E.Laundy Blyth
'Hannah, 17, Lobb, 'Clinton
Charles W. Lott, Brussette.
Mary Meehan 'I3r'nssels
Grace MacKenzie. Dungannon
Marguerite Machennan. Laurie
Ethel G Nebel, Godelrich..
Olive M. C'B •iqn, Zurich
Lydia.E Ostreieher, Crediton Margaret M. Phelan.
KatherineB. Reid. Londes'bor
Florence A. Roe, Brussels,.
May Shackelton, Brussels.Irno B. Sweet, Exeter
Olive M. Tiuhbor•nc, GocItedeh
Florence 1.,Trrebner, Exeter
Ada V. Willis E.xetr(r
Anna Woods, Seaforth
Nina R. Woods, St,'Helrins;
Limited Third -,Class vert@ficate
HelenA, Brisson, Zurich
Olive P. Brown, 3lensall
Elinor S.91 lfamilton, Wroxeter
MUM: 'Holmes, mutt-aleGordon Jefferson, St Augustine
Arnold bl,Len•h eroegh Seam). 99
Melba i\laeleherson, Winglsam
Gladys, McDowell Belgrave
aviary E. Robertson, Wingham
Sora Watson, Ilrus.sels
Well Known broil ,Man,
Passes e5
Mrs. Ed. Mole of Seaforth is vlsitipg
with Mr. Mol, -'s parents here
, Mrs J. Scott of Toronto is the guest
of Miss Winnie Rowson •
Mise Patterson of Galt is visiting at
'the home of her uncle, Mn',; Wrn. Pat -
Mr. S. Daer li base' making cement
ks for Mr f3a.lwrg's hely house.
Mrs. Mckenzie, of Uialt, and her'
daughter, Marion w;th the formers
sisters, Mrs. Clark and Mies, Margaret
Roberton of Goderich, operaTuetday,
at the home or Mrs. G. Raithby.
Or. R igers of aur village has par
abetted an Overland auteniohille
James Gemmel of Tuekersmith
has honght a Ford ante,
Mie,s,lessie Genunei' entertained a
nninhernl'Mende m, Thursday even
lug of last week at the home of her
cousins Mr. and ides, klnzelton of
Gi•aod Ra ids M' h
Melly of the farmers have been
otliged to replant beanie erten. potatoes
and grains owing to the incessant reins
Those win, sowed grain early have the
hest fields now
Rev, H. I, Woods visited his par
encs in Londe.. on Saturday
Mi..s Agnes Bentley spent the wee
end In London
Mee, James MrQneen is visiting
ft mends tit Satniiai this, week
Alex McKanzie end wife rif London
spent the week end visiting relatives
in our v,liage and neighborhood
The l'tainiers are. stilt haying, they
report p r t a bumper crop
Mr, Harry J. Morris of Goderich
Died Last Wednesday..
The death of Mr. Harry J. 'Morris'
at his home in Goderich on Wednes
dray, 21stinst, removed ,it citizen
whose name and figure were familiar
throughout West Huron, :He had
taken pert in publir, activites for so
many yearsthat hewas intimately
known in many circles and his death
is generally regretted.
The late Mir, Morris was born sixty
three years ago' on eta tririsdraleFerrir;'
Colborne township, where he lived
until his removal to Goderich in the
fall of 1909. He was the youngest eon
of John Morris. one of the earliest and
hest known of the pioneer,, of Col
horse. 1n Derember, 1870, he married
Mies Annie Pointer, of Dungannon,.
and until their r'enrovat to town Air.
and Mrs. Morris exercised a kind and
genial hospitality at "Morrisdale
Farm' that will he a pleasant ulemol'y
for many years to those who were
entertained there:.
Ever since it started Mr. Merritt ryes
aanember of the West ,Huron Para)
ers' institute and fora number of
years be filled i he office of vie a presi
dent: and later that of president For
thirty eight, yews he was a director of
the Duugannnn lforne.'ly Ashfield
and W awenosh) Agticu turral Society
Ito d be -did his part in making the
undertakings of the Society a success.
was en enthusiastic and active
Liberal and for several years was presi
dent of the West Huron Liberal
Association. He was it councillor of
Colborne township for three years
and after his removal to Goderich he
spent a term as member of the town
animal!, I•le was a, menrber Barn
staple Lodge, Sons or England, and of
Maple 'Leaf Lodge, A. 0. U. W. and
for several tarots was D. D. G. 191, for
r, he A, 0. 17, W, In religions faith be.
Adhered to the Preshvterien,denoniina
tion and he was a member of Knox
ebuarh, enderich
Besides his wife two•sisters survive
-Mrs Clifford, of Bran troll], and Mrs.
Beck, of 'Toren to -of a family of three
sons and eight eieughters of the late
Sohl Morris. Both of his sisters wet'e
k here doting his hast days -
The funeral took place on Friday
afternoon to Colborne cemetery an,l
was largely, attended. The funeral
services were conducted by Rev,'W.K,
Heger and [be pallbearers were W.H.
Good, Geo, Biseet and Jae, F. Thomson
of Maple L a
eWalters, NPFick and
Harry Mew,
of Barnstaple Ledge.
Mrs. Geo, Nowell, of DesMoinea
fovea, and Mrs, Pointer, of 'Toronto,
sister and sister in law, respectively.
of Mrs. Morris arrived Inst week and
are still here •
Dominion Day was duly celebrated
in the usual style of past veer. The.
grove swarmed witb picnickers while
the public houses were filled to capac
Will Mu.tard is again working over
time repairing automobiles anis it ap
pears as if the tipsiness will be a pay
ing one this yens
Mrs. It chards and ritnntly nf'Detroit
have returned to their grove eaten
The Co. Council Ilett made an excel,
lent.;[ [heir widening the lepprnaah to
the 'ridge so that the euro dauger is
numb less than here before
At \Vienipeg nn Teturettrry, tune '92
Miss O:atiterne [lace, daughter of the
hate Donald Ross of !Stanley township
and niece of Miss Annie lines of Olin
Ctee wits united in marriage wii9 Mr.
,A. l,anskali of Regina Sack., form
erly of Toronto. Rev, D; Chester of
Winnipeg performed the ceremony in
the presence of only as few intimate
friends, After a short honeymoon
epent atQu'Appelle Mr, and`Mrs. Lan
nkail wilt take up housekeeping in
Regine, where the groom has a res
ponsible position with rhe elanatie ife,
t`he bride is very well known in Olin
ton and in Stanley township though
she hos spent several veers past in the
west, and her many friends here will
waft good wishes for the future pros
perity and happiness of berself and
Mrs. J. Bryan of London'viisited
her brother Mr. John McCowan on
Dominion Day,
t1,'. James Gilmour and Mr. E.
Gilznonr ,oiTtu•uberry visited ' at.
the homed! afe•, John Gilmour, at
Clinton owe he
50 Yearn Married
iVfr. and Mrs, Wm, Stevens Cele-
brate Event With Appropriate
111.x. and Mrs \Vm• Stevens, of 19'ill
ism street Net Friday celebrated the
509.0 anniversary of their wedding at
the home ni' .the'r daughter, Mere J.
McGill, of .the Flnron (toad. They
were ,harried in Devonshire County
.k?i,glaurl, where they epent the first
two years of theirmarried life, coming
to Canada:48 yerars ago. settling in
Clinton, where they lived for rout.
years, when Mr. Stevens took len
farming settling on the farm which
he as since turned over to hie son
William, situeted on the ninth con
cession of Ilullett. The last 10 years
of their married life has been spent in
Clinton. Besides the son, William,
who lives on the homestead, there are
&daughters Mee. Hudgins, of Regina;
Mee, Pen guiIiv. Wales: Mrs. Clark,
Fergus; Miss Vina. in Tnronto; and
Mrs, McGill, of the Huron Road
An address was read by Miss Vine
soul a purse of gold was presented by
Willie McGill and Willie Stevens
tato grandsons, Mr, Stevens made a
suitable reply after which the evening
was spentin games
I"Septembe9r .8th to
• 16th, 1916
' POPULAR EXHmini s!'
0 v:
: %tl
® A (teat Live Program ,of s tt 'a
• 1 r etions ' WIce Daldy •.
o Q7
c Two Slued Events Daily •
w• • Nev Process llit(in Every Building ll of Exhibits
SINGLE FAItE over all Railways West 1
Toronto p• .
• -•--„'d. -,
e Priie List Entry (forms and'• ail • l Information
• from the; Secretary
• 10'. J. R1:TD, President A.'lil. RUNT. Seer,+[try •
• •
Convictions Show
Strictness of Law
The following summery of liquor
cases hail by In:Teetne Mitchell, of
North Boron, and disposed of at Goee
rich during the last few days goes to
show that the Canadian Temperance
Act is being strictly enforced in
Huron' County
Cooper Rebinsrn was fined S 50 and
, B
f r
bringing g 1
uGoderichfram McGaw station for other than
his USP
finepersonal a acosts for giving liquor
away. which is a violation of this act,
0 Swartz, of the British Exchange
Hotel appeared before Judge Holt aad
was fined 525 and costs for an assault.
on 'County Constable Pellow while
searching Swartz premise Tee judge
warned Swartz that the court would
protect Leet
their constables nstah
, 1 if
the a
was repeated the.at
:Penalty would he
made very severe for the one who nom
witted the assault
Iloottel,c McLellan.
Seafort b, of was (he Commercial n ic
chargeon a second
recent Laid made by County Constable
Pellow, of Goner ch, Police Magistrate
Holtnetead recor.led the con eiction,
but stated that he would not state the.
the penalty for one month
A batch of drunks, which had ao
cumelated during the Net six weeks
pending the deoisinn of the court as to
whether Section 141 of the Ontario
Lounties,uor twer eedisc, osepd lof,i Threin 0.e men..
were Seed 020 and costs each for being
drunk In a i1Ub110 place, and one was
fined 40 and costs it being his second
Prine ; (reoDr;;e
iVelslt Pony. Stallion.
Color --White and black. ''Hei'ght,
14 hand's, Reputed to be the
prettAe,st pony. in Ontario and is
the sire of many beautiful animals
12. T, DUNLOP- owner
Zurich, Ont
Machinists and lathe hands
wantedl Apply tb'e
Clinton, Ont,
For Sale
1919 Studebaker
1ieg Car. equland ndon-
dition. N lbe sold at a bar-
gain. ,
CONS 'Or `litic
Three C'olts-2, 3 and :1 years
old„ Apply to
Dinsley Terrace
(louse for Sale
House on Rattonhury 89., formerly
occupied by the late Mrs. William
t(Iurray. Apply to
(x. D. McT4.GGART
[lours lot Sale.
Bill ----
c t, one and ft half storey
house on Vietiria Street, six
looms water, electric light, also
frame house,, seven rooms. on Vic-
toria Street, both central. Apply
on premises to
or to W. BRYDONE
For Sale
Property occupied by Dr, Gan-
dier, including two lots, house, of-
fice and stable. Will be sold sep-
arately or togettierr., Electric
lighting throughout, water in the
stalble, '.Hard sand soft water in
and summer
kitchen. ,Apply .to
Wool 1V;uited
Wool wanted, highest price paid
-Caor trade,
Voting Men
Young men or others who are.
unalble to join for overseas ser-
vice, can serve their Xing anct
Country by helping on Munition
Work, Apply toe.
The Robert Bell Engine and
Thresher Co., Limited,
(Seaforth, Ont.
rani lee for.8ale
A second -Stand Kelsey furnace
in First-class condition. A bar-
gain if sold at once.
at Rowland'•s Hardware.
Painting Paper flanging
Painting and Paper Ii urging neatly
and promptly dope, Orders .left at
Hunnitord s Grocery Store or at my
residence, Victoria Street,
Calves •' for Sale
A few good calves for sale, Apply.
phone ]4 on 166 Clinton
For Sale or Rent.
. A ';six -boon[ house, on Mill St.
lately 'vacated Eby 191r. Robert
Sweet, Apply to 'Il. hollandor
f• Lockwood, ,MnrySt.
Teacher Wanted
School [teacher wanted for 13, S,
No. 5, l3ttndett, Duties to ecru-
mento Sept. 1st. State ,salary and
qualifications, Apply °bo
Lond;esboro P. 0.
Caretaker Wanted
A. caretaker wanted for Wesley
e odist Church, salary 5150 per
year. Apply to
Sec. Trustee Board P
Smxllaller Coa! Bilis
Let us reduce your coal
bills. We can do it by sup-
plying you with a coal that
lasts long, gives a steady
heat and leaves' only a small
'amount of ash. This coal i;3
The Coad That Satisfies
It will save you money. Give
H. J. Holloway, Clinton)
Western1.1n1iversity,' Louden
Income Doubled -Wow 575,000
Another large addition to Faculty and
Equipment in Arts and Medicine
Greatlylnorensed Enrollment in yiew
Write for narticulars to;
E.'1,, B1RAITHWAITE,, M A.. Ph.D.
Fur Sae
Two frame houses for sale; one
and�Townsend dostreets, and a six -
roomed cottage on Kirk ;Street.
Electric lights and town water in
bosa4a.. r oril furtherhpl�axticularsf or quick-
Ontario Street
Fat glens and Chickens
Taken at 1107 tithe,
Highest• Market Prices
Phone 14 on 100
Seed oro
We now have in stork a alnantity of
Seed Corn which we can otter you at
a reasonable price, also
' Good Seed Buckwheat
This is tine hatobing season and that
means lots of feed fur the baby chicks.
We have 1 large stock of
Baby Chick Feed
and also Chick Grit on hand
Try some of our Oreemeal and 011cake
for young calves and pigs, there
is nothing better
Since Lard has risen to such a high
price, why not try our
Easitirst Shortening -
as it is not so expensive and goes
farther, We have it in 5 and
90 lbs psiis
meeal,, Hrpakt net o Food, anFlour.F our
always kept in stock
highest Prises paid for Grain
and iVool at "Elevator"
Flour and 1+eed. phone 199.
The following stallions will stand for
the iruprovemene of stock this season
as follnws:-
(13221) Enrolment No, 97
htONl);;;y - Will leave his ownstabte
West end 7uekersrrrit9, and go; north
by way of the Huron Road to the Gra
ham Clouse, Clinton, for noon. then by
way of the 10th con., Goderich town
ship, to Mr, Bert Lohh's for ni ht.
TuE8001--Bv way of Maitland '
con, to Wm, Durst and Son for noon,
then by way of Bethel and Bemniller
to 'War: Lung's for night.
WEDNESDAY -13y way of the 6
and 819 con, to Wm, (uuningham's
for coon, then by way of the Sth con.
to Fred Quaid's, Dunlop for night.
THURSDAY - To Union Hotel,
Goderich, for noon, then by way of 1st
con. to Satkeld's corner and d•th con. to
Huron Road to Wilmot kiaaoke's for
FRIDAY -By way of 0,:h con. and
Porter's trill to Fred. Pickard's for'
noon; then by way of 7t9 con., to Sohn
Stewart's for nigbe.
SATURDAY -By way of.Bayfield
Line to Jas. Jackson's god of Stanley
for noon; then to his own stable where
he will remain until time following
Monday morning.
Terms, A13'tm insure. G. W, Nott,
proprietor; J. P. Fisher, manager
(18090) [7819i Enrolment No, 1995
MONDAY -Will leave his own
stable, West End. Tuekerrsmith, and
go smith to the Mill Road to Palle ass
Sons for, noon, then morose to Huron
Road an,t west to Wm. Dales for
TUESDAY 'Co Graham House,
Clinton, for noon and until the follow
ing morning
WEl1NES'l1AY--By we,v 69 Elnr'ou
Road to N. Trewartha's, ,Elohnesville,
for noon, then by way of 9th eon. to
Thomas (Dole's for night
THURSDAY- By way of Middle
ton's corner to George Rolland's for
noon, then to his own stable where he
et 191 remain until the following Monday
Terms 838 to insure. G. W • Nott, prop.
Standard Bred Trotting Stallion
15710 stand at the Normandie Barn,
Clinton, every Saturday during the
season. D0 is a very fashionably bred
colt, and while not vet 3 years old, he
is II hig horse now. No, 01882 American
'Crofting Register, No, OM C'nadien
Standard Bred Sooiety, Ne. ;1490 On
rolmeut, Terms -;612 to ensure with
1 D, JOHNSTON, Prop,,
Ph 8 on 162 Clinton.