HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-07-06, Page 1Established 1865, Vol. 5 a. , No. I ERA C• LINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY JULY 6 1916 W. H,• Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers • Be Sure and come to Clinton on VVVvaVVWVa,WWVWW/WWVMameos samesoM/nMH/vVIAM Save the Potat es `, The bug season' is on, and promises to be a hn;d one. Pars Green is expensive and scarce this year, The Governmtsat is advising farmers to, use Arsenate of Lead l5c ib. It kills the bugs. It proverts blight and rot, Best Quality Drug Store 'l'i'e. Rexail Store �u B.Phm.B, knarM1AIVVWVVVVOssAiwWWWSOYVVVWsovsnovooVVVVVVINNOVWW ` VW/1/HrIVUN�'uoArin/MAa/1,hAAA1M1/1AM TOe RoYal Balik OF CANADA A Capital kattlorized....... <... $25,000,000 utpital paid up 11,560.000 Reserve and undivided profits 13,500,000 Total Assets .. 185,000,000 3SCO BR. 1.NC .]E. S World-wide Conn eetiion e Interest Allowed mi Savings Deposits 1 General Banking Business Transacted. 41. <R'E, ANNING,Manager, Clinton Brand � WV'VVVVWVVVV�h/VYWWWVWVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWVWIVVVWIPV 9 • Ordered Clothing 4 • 4 You will be surprised o when you see the fabrics • ' and style we put in our P $ 15.00 suits. e , Everyone who has seen s them has been surprised. • Come in and examine • these. They have a fine- •- ness of texture and firm- ; ness .of weave that you $ would expect to be priced 4' at at least $?o;oo • 2 We show these rt alai k : able $15,00 values in Wednesday, July J2th. A letter from the front Holiday Through the courtesy of Rev. Geo. Jewitt atBLyLh we are per -- milted to publish the following latter written by Major Jewitt June 8th, 1911 Dear IiFolks-In Prance at last, even of for afew dere only. On 11londtay the brigade sent word for a Major and:Captain of the 33rd to help conduct adroit over here so in w ent Capt, Jay's and my name on Tuesday I found I had charge of 693 men, 7 officers and 21,1.0..0 's who same over as condo ctinig offi- cers awho,e big train loo d• r e1 e. a[ trains had gone earlier in the morn ing and several are still Ito come before ,all the men have been sent over. We beld l'o go +from West Sand - ling station up 'toward ',Loudon, switch out' t & 1 1O another iris at h 1 Gal } ford, thence down to Southampton Weleft ,albout 1p.m, and about. 4 apllm gotwordthat Kitchener and histaf had been drowned. i4c;t pleasant beginning 9 can assure you Arrived in Southampton at 5,15 p.m. and embarked at p.m. leav- ing the dieck at 6.45 ppm. Sout'h- ampton is cm tainly a really Sir e Plaice 1n appearance, and'.) portion - Milli splendid harbor. 'which Was viewed easily as we speed out t n n small vessel whish truvelled very iep;dly. On board with. the 90.) was half an English regin're(at, the Royal Welsh +Busciliers who were on their way to the (front -the other half had,gone )ahead on another boat. So that on that 'con founded little boat we had over 1,100 men crowded like sardines. Alter passing the Isle of Wight we struck the open channel and be Neve meitwas rough. as the weal)). er was and had been icor several 'days windy, rainy and bad in gen oral. 13eitmre very long most of the men, and many of the officers were sick and I had 55 minutes of the rottenest time imaginable but I managed to get over it. quickly and was alright tor the rest of the'Gimei The officers ha'd two small sitting zooms dJwn stairs, which were filled with the sick and also the upper hurricane deck on which moat of the Canadian of finers stayed. We wrapped our- selves up ip tarpalins and lay on ,the grating against the smoke stack thus getting a certain amount of waraiitli. s About every ,two hours Igotup to walk around the ship to see :that all was 0. h, of course ,everything' was in darkness and as it was a new moon which went down early it was aclai-k vet age; the only bit of light was u hospital iship going back to Eng- land in a, blaze of light sol that it could be distinguished. We arrived at'Harve at 1.15 eau and day along sidle thetdock .until 7 am, when we disembarkekl ;along with 3 other ••••v••••oo•••®asoome•ooaa ships'-1,oakls, We all marched out Smiles to this Base Depot Cantil.of \Canadians, ,where wo have been t since getting the men ready to go since u e ins 1 to ' •>+ P efr front in lirard '-t •'6t' •. line this 3 v ear afternoon. Q Clothing ' •previouly here haricer r gone up man g e pbs. 'trove we arrived with spur 1,500 so now some of us have to take up + those men and I have been. chosen LO talc (Margo baa• o f 3 �; •i• O ono la g t 3A a trip 1 1 of a• Fou ). days, J stazltatg at iprn Co day. SUIT1 , 7 15 a 'aide • range el • • models and • ♦' patterns. • • if you only want to pay• • • $1IO or $l you • •• Will find splendid • • • assortment of app Z tractive values • • here. • • • •• • IMMO �m_`",, • asoma Because we are offering such really superior values at $ 15.,00 we want you to see them. As we were marching in 3 estcz- da.y,a big engine and lorry passed 4' back and in it with a broad smile in 4, • an exceedingly cli ty, sniutily•face + was Will large. tslifo; he 'hadn't • gone to Salonika but is here wail, + ing to go up the line and doing fa- tigues in the medutime. We haat a good chat yesterday and will see him again to -'tray for a while. He isfeeling. fine pndtenjoying it over ]tele, This is more like Can oda} with open 'fields ;and farm buildngs avery pretty country •• • ind'ee'd with tote of trees and hills4 self weeit into nerve to aee the Last night Jay, McCrae and my 4 • • • 1 • Drop in at your earliest, convenience and we will • • be pleased to show tbeni. • 0 • r • • The Morrish���.� �h Clothing C9RP • i Agent for C. P. IE, Telegraph Ca. • A Square Beal toil' Every. ;an' • • l� sights -a city of good size, but darty; not many men Women con- ductors on tike street cars, etr. and French ,e' ery'where, except 1 o, British and Canadian Tommie:, Must close now, •Love ro alt, OL Itirthr;, Marriages & 90atths BIRTHS. Melf1NNON-In Edmonton on JulV 1st to Mr, and Mrs. J Ci. McKin- non (nee May ranee), a soli (Billy Neil McKinnon), JOINS 16151' BATTALIOly •'Mr. Clarence Shepliesd,. son of Mrs. Shepherd, Townsend street, eynd;ti ho has beeln at Ile: qu its 'for some years. with the °Mollson's :Bank, has enlisted with the 101st Yattl. ands now on the Paymast- er's staff. Try The New Era 191�1 for 4013Work in i Straw berries Fresh- theme .groavn Straw- berries all this week, quality never lovas better, I_ Leave :your orders early for canning, in order to secure test berries at lowest '.price, 1 Time Store of Quality W. T. O'NEIL THEHUB GRO GJEk Phone 18 Visitors° 12th of July Specials to Clinton 1Ir, V ellingtun Cook, of the Ford smis•••••7Geno,5,'dsa.eea ciaroatataaas, Ou of Hamilton, was.tt holiday visitor 10 0atparentalthe home.' T� \4iss Cameron, of 0ode tick, ryas a huhchtyvfsWtor with Mrs. Mai arve. Dr. and Mrs Ditwut and daughters and Mrs. 7 K. Nesbitt, of Windsor, and Mr. .11tiniay DeWa7', of Grand Rapids, were calling 017 old Triende in town while marmite to 0oderioh Inst week. Air. and Mis, David (',ol: and Miss Mildred OF ok spent Dow inion Day at Goderiyh. Mrs. Lou. Trouse and her sister Mrs, Tomlinson and two' boys of Woodstock pds;tpek errs visiting old fti)entls iu Clinton. ;Nits r, . Jia i' A. Seller y > of Chicago, is visiting his slater Mrs. A. T. Cooper. Corp, L. 1i.lehaidson of the 110th t B tt r t 1 ttcrompuu d by his mother and two sisters of .Stratford visited 'with Mrs.- Argent tins ,leek nod also with friends at Goderich and Althorn. Miss Mtergare't Garter spent the - week entt with her parents at Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Nixon Welsh of Tor- onto. are spending the holidays in town and vit.mt(.v. . Mfrs. (irassatt of Toronto, was the guest of Mi'. and .Mrs. W, T. O'Neil over the week end. - Mrs, II. T' Ranee and Mrs. IL Is Paul were visitors in Gnderu:h last week. • Mr. and Airs. Frank Holman and baby spent .Dominioir Day at Blyth. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. 3. Nichol and nuttily spent the holiday at Stratford. 9liss Noriuu Bentley spent the week end at Loudon, Mr. and Mrs, (George Phelen were holiday visitors ILL amen ton, Master Charlie McGuire was a visit- or at Stratford. 91isu Emrna Levis, who has been in Los Angeles, Cal., for the past six months and who returned horse -by the Patcifie coast stopping niffor the past month at Vancouver, Itegina, Ox how and Winnipeg, expects to arrive in Clinton this week, Go. Constable Pellow ercts in town in) lnesdtsy. Ah. Glarenco Paisley of the Royal Bans; state at St. Marys spent Domin- ion Day at the parental home. Mr. G. D. Bunek, Principal of the L'ltnto i Public School heft on Monday foo 13racebrid}•,e to eonduet aSummer Mode) Sehoul. Mr. l3ouek was there last vacation. Miss Irate McCaughey. of. Blyth wits it• holiday visitor in town with Mr. auel Airs. J. J. i11+'ealig)loy, 91r. Bert Johnson, Principal of the Pori, Burwell Public School is Bono) for the vacation, (xunnr.r bred Ri,nball was aL holiday visitor with his mother, \1r. ltuuabail. Tkaa wadding of Ma (Mester ()rich at tilt lney, Mau which we pitblisbed hist wool. u ride1'uckcrsur]th heading refers t') at. broths)' of 9,-irs, (Dr,) lot of lawn. Mt', John Wiseman Was a Toronto visitor twee' the tvnek end. 9'seits. I J Miller spent Dominion Dey at. Listowel, Pte. Deimpster and 'bride spent Slew days with theiatter's sister Capt. (Frond, ,of the S.A. forces here. Pte. Dempster is a member of the, 123rd Battle Toronto. . 1 vertisers and Correspondents • Owing to July 12th com- e ing on Wednesday, iv -bleb • will practically be a holiday • 'for our staff we ask that all • n'dvertisers have 'tiny copy • for ehange in not later ti-san • Mona. noon, n Y andall Monday co •- i • i'espondgnce in by Tuesday • noon, 11ossib e P 1 but sex• ds 0 • • • e tl • 0 • • the news anyway tiP you • • cannot have it in by then. • 0: • EDITORS. • • • Mr. and Mrs, W. S. Downs and child- ren visited relatives in Clifford the First. St. 'Monies Tiniest C. A Twichell of the 208th Irish Canadian Fusiliers, To. ronto has been spending a few days with his mother, Mrs. A, 'fwichell, $ Antrim street. Stlatford Beacon, Mr. C. R. Twich- chell of Fargo, N. D., is visiting his sister Mrs, Silas Murch, Charles street. Airs John Forbes and two daughters of Hudson. Texas, are guests at the home of Mr Forbes', mother, Mrs. A. Forbes of town- Stratford Beacon: -Mrs. A, Twichell of St. Thomas is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Murch. Charles street. Mrs. K ennt:dy of Staffa, Mrs. M. L. Corless, and children, Benson and Doro- thy, of Levack, Ont. ars guests of their sisters, Mrs, If. Fitzsimons and Mrs. A. J. McMurray. Mr. Corless is expected to join hi$ family on Saturday and will remain a couple of weeks. 0118, bliss Florence Colgahoun, of StafFa, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. lt. Fitzsim lir. Moss, of Toronto, spent the week end in town. Miss Belle Draper who is teaching near Mitchell is here for the vacation, Mrs. Brainlield spent the week end with Mr, and Airs. Fraser of Toronto, Mrs. Fraser is a daughter of the visitor. rich AiissInstwA. Walleak.ace was a visitor in Code- . blv, D. McCoi'vie has been con- fined to the hbnse during the past week and his many ,friends itn Clinton hope for a change for the ,batter. • Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Kilbride wez'e atStz'athroy this week. Mr. Killn'ide went over his new ground la i.'aveelk. He expects to move move there by the 16th, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rumball or Goderich, were holiday visitors in town. i e. - i 'blies Lulu Howe spent the week end at London t .991ss Dell O'Neil left on Tues- day morning 'for Swift Current. where she will spend the summer months with her sister Mrs. Dr".. 'Rossi. , Continued on page 2 Two Former Clinton Boys in Service The ,oldefz'iends in Clinton are Glad to see that the boys are in Khaki and hope that no ill will be-' fall them. Br. ;Fred '.Cicdall, of Toronto and son of Mr. 3,P. Tisdall formerly of Cliinton, sailed on Saturday to Join the staff of the Queen's Caned ian Hospital Shorncliffe, ',Major Chas Tisdall oif'i'orktoo• another son is now attached to the 122nd Battl., which is now drilling at Camp Borden, Back in the Big Fight Again Mr. and 'Mrs. 1. Bezze received the follownng letter from their son, Wilt. Cheeteir Bezzo, who has returned to France 'after 3'ee,p.Ver- ling from his injuries received last Fall). June ilth,•1910 7,119 Pte. Win, Chejs•ter Bezzo, 1st Canadiian Battalion. Ise Candian Brigade C. Company, C.E.F., Fatima Dear Mother and Father; - Just a'few liners to yen to say am well arid, hope you all are the same. Icame across to Fiance a week ago. I was in another a .- tack rand Icame out safe alright Icannot write anything about it I'm out for a rest for a few days now, I will tryand write once a weeelk to you so do not worry ,a'bout' Yue. I will bet alright. l could not wante and het you know that 1 was i o•tng to France as I did not know in time. I was shipped with very little warning. but never mind, we will ,be able to talk it all over with one Another 0 I am spared to come back home again. You remember telling me il)bouti the dresiu you 3tad about seebiing n7e, Well tlreapns go cox' trary. I thin): you Will see it wasn't 'for me to c'oxne home yet. I give'myseit up to my country and duty is siways 'first although itsee)tn-s a little hard St times. You remember that little verse that says 'ureater love has azo man than this that he iayetlh down his life for otheiis,. So if any thing 4happens to me (you will know that my last thoughts wilt that it was for loved ones ,tlhat could not clothe none. Well 7 guess I will ring off .for this 'unit( will write next week. So long for the present. . • From your son Basil The Clinton Bowlers ' 1 Retains Fill Trophy Three rimes of Seaforth ho 'viers were here dsf tdey to try for the Faill Trphy but were kleleat- ed,byascore or 15 dints. When skip ived gens rime finished the Clinton's score was I. up bit the last 'tour ends ran -up trier -score for Clinton, The hup is field ksntil some Club 'beats the home teak Foltovwling are the names of the players and scores by miffs ;- Seaforth ' Clinton JWm Williams 9 Miller ' 19 Jeffrey I Harland J Taman A) Morrish W Willis, sk-23 511 Oourtice sk-17 r 0 ')rte 000lt fillt1201:02{)21-17 Wit is - laaelatione aolet00-23 1I Stee•eit W Grant 0Barnet 0 Wilt se I] Bright I) Hovey - J sk 13 Dr. Axon sk -36 tv i )its -1)'03103001(10120)00-13 Axon - 3000851510820(119153 - 30 Rev. Argo 13 Hovey W D Bright ' (-0 Rnherton Dv. Burrows N Ball W 0 aforsow-17 J lb diger sk --15 53 68 Mcrsou -020221901(02114002--17 Ned igen - 2410012102101,03280 -15 The G.T.P. 'have, issued their time taibles dor the special trains thatdwill run to Clinton on the 12t17 --'o®--- - Tho 'first onehvil'i leave iPorest art 6 A.m. and is due to arrive, here at 9.30 and return in the evening Another e. 1 flVe e Gode''c 7 a•' 10 It i a,nr„Holesmvilie at 10,17, arrives here at 10,30. Return train at Gp.m. Another comes 'from St. Marys at 6 a.m., and gets to Setaiforth at 8 andrreturns a,t 6 p.m. i Another leaves 7 ist'pwel at`; 5,46all d connects a t Wi ng ham with' the regular train from Kincardine It leaves Belgra ve at 7.10; Blyth at, 7.30; Lend eaboro at7.40; and are rives here at '5. Return train leaves here at 6.15 p.m, ---0•-- A special train will leave I)dead:on at10 a.m. and leaves Exeter, 10.50; Hensall 11.03; Kippeyn 11.10; Bruce field 11.20 and arrives Here at 11.40 Return train leaves at 8.15'. --ea-- The •fares in all cases will be a single dare'with 10 cent added. Small posters have already been diistributted. ®m•••f•aoe ssaam•,ese ere • • WITH PEt0u C1ItRCIIRS, a • lh Os•/e•ta ceeseata0•q®0®a* ONTARIO ST. 0'931193019. Rev, 3,A, Agnew preached intro dtielory sermons in the Ontario Street ,Methodist Chnreh Sunday which were highly appreciated' by the large audiences WILL'S CHURCH Bev. ' Mr. Har ea• took charge too'f p the sehvtces at Goderich01.1 SundyJ r' oa, preach ed eogood semonlWillis Church on Sunday in the absence of the pastor. • W.ESLi3Y CHI(MCI I. • Rev. Dr Rutledge .',00h hie own services in the morning and conditcted tate opening a,nd etos- ing exercises at the evening ser-, vine white Het. E G. Powell preach ed tate sermon. . The League has withdrawn dur ing July and August. , The pastor will preach next San day morning and evening Rev. Harper Chaplain of 111th Presbyterian Minister Notified of His Appointment to Simcoe County Battalion Rev. sprat*: 0, Harper,. B,:aY, B.D•, minister of ,1Villls 'Pres,byterlan Church has received confirmation olbis appointment as chaplain of Borden as soon as possible. He Will enter the ranks of the batta-i lion as honorary captain and the fact ttliat Simcoe is Capt. 'Harper'e home county, makes the appoint merit to this battalion very please ing to him. Two years ago Mr. Harper was indiucted into the church at Cline ton, and(during his term here has done much to build up the eongree gation and has been, setj.ve in ata good work of the community and at present holds the position of of president of the local' Minister ial Association. Het, Mr. 13arper came here 'from Chalmers Church Lond0n.1 Rev. 119)'. Harper received word from the Adjutant early last week to be ready as word from 'Ot rawa was expected any dray and on :Fri. do,y hist ;the above 'word was re- cowed, %dr. Harper will leave short ly as soon the church boards ems merit. - MINOR LOCALS. The Butchers delivered on Sat- urday. 'F Ba,yriiel(1 and,Godgrich were the REV. F. C. HARP Pi ttwo "cobwebs" for (Clinton ',but- terflies", . the 177th (Simcoe County) Battalion Its wonderful how the fine weak&: emit will report for d'ni(y at Camp er has continueldi t Specia sermon to the L. 0. 1.. Rev, J. A. Robinson, Rector of St, Paul's Church, Preaches an Excellent Sermon, Last Sunday afternoon the mem- bers of Murphy Lodge, No, 710, along with a goodly number of via iting. Brethren attended the annual church serviceiin the Town Hall Before the service, the members headed, by the Si;itie Band had a short march and at 2,45 service eommenced. Old 'favorite hymns were sung- as "Onward Christian Soldiers' ; "All Hail. the Power of Jesus' Naive"; '10 God our help in ages Past' ; and "Stand up for Jesus." Peel. ,Sristewe as pianist The first prayer 'Wats( offered,"by Dr. ;Rutledge while Rev, Mr. Moul- ton read the preyers for our sail -- ors and soldiers and closed the meeting with the Benediction. The first lesson Joshua IV wee read 'by'Br'o. W E. Southgate, D- M, if orHuliett District, while thio second lesson 1st John III was read by Rev. E G. Fowela Between the lessons Bro. Edgar Bast sang "The Endless pay'• in good voice. Rev. Mr. Robinson, teak for life subject Verses 1'1 and 15 of the Sad: Chapter of Joshua ;and drew many Practiced lessons from the text not only if or the Orangetmen but the othee's attending the service, The service closed by 'singing the National Antheim., Atter the return to the Lodge rooms ,hearty votes of thanks weird passed to the various ministers taking part. and the choir. Short epeech.es ,wore also made by many. of the visiting Orange5nen• Regular Session of Council Couneii met on Monday evening with Mayor Thompson in the elia>•i . Reeve ;Ford' and Cou-ncillors Hawk ins. ;1•Viltse, paisley Fitzsimons Wallis end Shepherd, present. Minutes of last regular meeting was road and passed as aalsowars the ,special meeting of the 16th alt, A iette9' from Josiah Rands was read re -n ditch near his place -lest to Street (Omi77ittee. A. letter from a committee from the L.0'i1.,, asking for $100 and one free 'booth Jn account `of the big 12th, .A graxlt of 950 was matte with the other, pioriaion• A.letier from the' P@blicUtilities om las n 1a a ids ren '10 C m. io ) 1 cg i to is r ipubiio taps addrin)ting lount�ins at the market will'be left over to the August meeting, The Public School Board ask dor $8,900 for the coming year loth it was ]eft over until the estimates are presented. , A long drawn out discussion took place over the rates for 'water taps. (.I . t Mr. Davi.9Cantelon, on behalf of the L.O,L. spoke on behalf of .their communication to the council- The Street Committee made their report and on mohjton of 'Hawkins and ,Wiltse, tf any money is to kit spent it be used on the entrances to Own. 1 1of The reportp +'i n , e the Fine nee dui p it t C tee was read and adop, ted Council adjourned until 1Frida). eveningg to strike the rate, INCORPORATED 1855 •.............. •.., 1-11E-MOLSONS. • (APNTAL AND RESERVE $8,8110,000 90 •Branehes,in Canada it .General Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT BANK" MONEY ORDERS Savings Bann Department � Interest! AHets ed al Iliac Si Cilrrent •('.E. DI, Wilii r, 61u11ag4'i' Clinton Matte litr.411111 • Ordered Clothing 4 • 4 You will be surprised o when you see the fabrics • ' and style we put in our P $ 15.00 suits. e , Everyone who has seen s them has been surprised. • Come in and examine • these. They have a fine- •- ness of texture and firm- ; ness .of weave that you $ would expect to be priced 4' at at least $?o;oo • 2 We show these rt alai k : able $15,00 values in Wednesday, July J2th. A letter from the front Holiday Through the courtesy of Rev. Geo. Jewitt atBLyLh we are per -- milted to publish the following latter written by Major Jewitt June 8th, 1911 Dear IiFolks-In Prance at last, even of for afew dere only. On 11londtay the brigade sent word for a Major and:Captain of the 33rd to help conduct adroit over here so in w ent Capt, Jay's and my name on Tuesday I found I had charge of 693 men, 7 officers and 21,1.0..0 's who same over as condo ctinig offi- cers awho,e big train loo d• r e1 e. a[ trains had gone earlier in the morn ing and several are still Ito come before ,all the men have been sent over. We beld l'o go +from West Sand - ling station up 'toward ',Loudon, switch out' t & 1 1O another iris at h 1 Gal } ford, thence down to Southampton Weleft ,albout 1p.m, and about. 4 apllm gotwordthat Kitchener and histaf had been drowned. i4c;t pleasant beginning 9 can assure you Arrived in Southampton at 5,15 p.m. and embarked at p.m. leav- ing the dieck at 6.45 ppm. Sout'h- ampton is cm tainly a really Sir e Plaice 1n appearance, and'.) portion - Milli splendid harbor. 'which Was viewed easily as we speed out t n n small vessel whish truvelled very iep;dly. On board with. the 90.) was half an English regin're(at, the Royal Welsh +Busciliers who were on their way to the (front -the other half had,gone )ahead on another boat. So that on that 'con founded little boat we had over 1,100 men crowded like sardines. Alter passing the Isle of Wight we struck the open channel and be Neve meitwas rough. as the weal)). er was and had been icor several 'days windy, rainy and bad in gen oral. 13eitmre very long most of the men, and many of the officers were sick and I had 55 minutes of the rottenest time imaginable but I managed to get over it. quickly and was alright tor the rest of the'Gimei The officers ha'd two small sitting zooms dJwn stairs, which were filled with the sick and also the upper hurricane deck on which moat of the Canadian of finers stayed. We wrapped our- selves up ip tarpalins and lay on ,the grating against the smoke stack thus getting a certain amount of waraiitli. s About every ,two hours Igotup to walk around the ship to see :that all was 0. h, of course ,everything' was in darkness and as it was a new moon which went down early it was aclai-k vet age; the only bit of light was u hospital iship going back to Eng- land in a, blaze of light sol that it could be distinguished. We arrived at'Harve at 1.15 eau and day along sidle thetdock .until 7 am, when we disembarkekl ;along with 3 other ••••v••••oo•••®asoome•ooaa ships'-1,oakls, We all marched out Smiles to this Base Depot Cantil.of \Canadians, ,where wo have been t since getting the men ready to go since u e ins 1 to ' •>+ P efr front in lirard '-t •'6t' •. line this 3 v ear afternoon. Q Clothing ' •previouly here haricer r gone up man g e pbs. 'trove we arrived with spur 1,500 so now some of us have to take up + those men and I have been. chosen LO talc (Margo baa• o f 3 �; •i• O ono la g t 3A a trip 1 1 of a• Fou ). days, J stazltatg at iprn Co day. SUIT1 , 7 15 a 'aide • range el • • models and • ♦' patterns. • • if you only want to pay• • • $1IO or $l you • •• Will find splendid • • • assortment of app Z tractive values • • here. • • • •• • IMMO �m_`",, • asoma Because we are offering such really superior values at $ 15.,00 we want you to see them. As we were marching in 3 estcz- da.y,a big engine and lorry passed 4' back and in it with a broad smile in 4, • an exceedingly cli ty, sniutily•face + was Will large. tslifo; he 'hadn't • gone to Salonika but is here wail, + ing to go up the line and doing fa- tigues in the medutime. We haat a good chat yesterday and will see him again to -'tray for a while. He isfeeling. fine pndtenjoying it over ]tele, This is more like Can oda} with open 'fields ;and farm buildngs avery pretty country •• • ind'ee'd with tote of trees and hills4 self weeit into nerve to aee the Last night Jay, McCrae and my 4 • • • 1 • Drop in at your earliest, convenience and we will • • be pleased to show tbeni. • 0 • r • • The Morrish���.� �h Clothing C9RP • i Agent for C. P. IE, Telegraph Ca. • A Square Beal toil' Every. ;an' • • l� sights -a city of good size, but darty; not many men Women con- ductors on tike street cars, etr. and French ,e' ery'where, except 1 o, British and Canadian Tommie:, Must close now, •Love ro alt, OL Itirthr;, Marriages & 90atths BIRTHS. Melf1NNON-In Edmonton on JulV 1st to Mr, and Mrs. J Ci. McKin- non (nee May ranee), a soli (Billy Neil McKinnon), JOINS 16151' BATTALIOly •'Mr. Clarence Shepliesd,. son of Mrs. Shepherd, Townsend street, eynd;ti ho has beeln at Ile: qu its 'for some years. with the °Mollson's :Bank, has enlisted with the 101st Yattl. ands now on the Paymast- er's staff. Try The New Era 191�1 for 4013Work in i Straw berries Fresh- theme .groavn Straw- berries all this week, quality never lovas better, I_ Leave :your orders early for canning, in order to secure test berries at lowest '.price, 1 Time Store of Quality W. T. O'NEIL THEHUB GRO GJEk Phone 18 Visitors° 12th of July Specials to Clinton 1Ir, V ellingtun Cook, of the Ford smis•••••7Geno,5,'dsa.eea ciaroatataaas, Ou of Hamilton, was.tt holiday visitor 10 0atparentalthe home.' T� \4iss Cameron, of 0ode tick, ryas a huhchtyvfsWtor with Mrs. Mai arve. Dr. and Mrs Ditwut and daughters and Mrs. 7 K. Nesbitt, of Windsor, and Mr. .11tiniay DeWa7', of Grand Rapids, were calling 017 old Triende in town while marmite to 0oderioh Inst week. Air. and Mis, David (',ol: and Miss Mildred OF ok spent Dow inion Day at Goderiyh. Mrs. Lou. Trouse and her sister Mrs, Tomlinson and two' boys of Woodstock pds;tpek errs visiting old fti)entls iu Clinton. ;Nits r, . Jia i' A. Seller y > of Chicago, is visiting his slater Mrs. A. T. Cooper. Corp, L. 1i.lehaidson of the 110th t B tt r t 1 ttcrompuu d by his mother and two sisters of .Stratford visited 'with Mrs.- Argent tins ,leek nod also with friends at Goderich and Althorn. Miss Mtergare't Garter spent the - week entt with her parents at Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Nixon Welsh of Tor- onto. are spending the holidays in town and vit.mt(.v. . Mfrs. (irassatt of Toronto, was the guest of Mi'. and .Mrs. W, T. O'Neil over the week end. - Mrs, II. T' Ranee and Mrs. IL Is Paul were visitors in Gnderu:h last week. • Mr. and Airs. Frank Holman and baby spent .Dominioir Day at Blyth. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. 3. Nichol and nuttily spent the holiday at Stratford. 9liss Noriuu Bentley spent the week end at Loudon, Mr. and Mrs, (George Phelen were holiday visitors ILL amen ton, Master Charlie McGuire was a visit- or at Stratford. 91isu Emrna Levis, who has been in Los Angeles, Cal., for the past six months and who returned horse -by the Patcifie coast stopping niffor the past month at Vancouver, Itegina, Ox how and Winnipeg, expects to arrive in Clinton this week, Go. Constable Pellow ercts in town in) lnesdtsy. Ah. Glarenco Paisley of the Royal Bans; state at St. Marys spent Domin- ion Day at the parental home. Mr. G. D. Bunek, Principal of the L'ltnto i Public School heft on Monday foo 13racebrid}•,e to eonduet aSummer Mode) Sehoul. Mr. l3ouek was there last vacation. Miss Irate McCaughey. of. Blyth wits it• holiday visitor in town with Mr. auel Airs. J. J. i11+'ealig)loy, 91r. Bert Johnson, Principal of the Pori, Burwell Public School is Bono) for the vacation, (xunnr.r bred Ri,nball was aL holiday visitor with his mother, \1r. ltuuabail. Tkaa wadding of Ma (Mester ()rich at tilt lney, Mau which we pitblisbed hist wool. u ride1'uckcrsur]th heading refers t') at. broths)' of 9,-irs, (Dr,) lot of lawn. Mt', John Wiseman Was a Toronto visitor twee' the tvnek end. 9'seits. I J Miller spent Dominion Dey at. Listowel, Pte. Deimpster and 'bride spent Slew days with theiatter's sister Capt. (Frond, ,of the S.A. forces here. Pte. Dempster is a member of the, 123rd Battle Toronto. . 1 vertisers and Correspondents • Owing to July 12th com- e ing on Wednesday, iv -bleb • will practically be a holiday • 'for our staff we ask that all • n'dvertisers have 'tiny copy • for ehange in not later ti-san • Mona. noon, n Y andall Monday co •- i • i'espondgnce in by Tuesday • noon, 11ossib e P 1 but sex• ds 0 • • • e tl • 0 • • the news anyway tiP you • • cannot have it in by then. • 0: • EDITORS. • • • Mr. and Mrs, W. S. Downs and child- ren visited relatives in Clifford the First. St. 'Monies Tiniest C. A Twichell of the 208th Irish Canadian Fusiliers, To. ronto has been spending a few days with his mother, Mrs. A, 'fwichell, $ Antrim street. Stlatford Beacon, Mr. C. R. Twich- chell of Fargo, N. D., is visiting his sister Mrs, Silas Murch, Charles street. Airs John Forbes and two daughters of Hudson. Texas, are guests at the home of Mr Forbes', mother, Mrs. A. Forbes of town- Stratford Beacon: -Mrs. A, Twichell of St. Thomas is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Murch. Charles street. Mrs. K ennt:dy of Staffa, Mrs. M. L. Corless, and children, Benson and Doro- thy, of Levack, Ont. ars guests of their sisters, Mrs, If. Fitzsimons and Mrs. A. J. McMurray. Mr. Corless is expected to join hi$ family on Saturday and will remain a couple of weeks. 0118, bliss Florence Colgahoun, of StafFa, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. lt. Fitzsim lir. Moss, of Toronto, spent the week end in town. Miss Belle Draper who is teaching near Mitchell is here for the vacation, Mrs. Brainlield spent the week end with Mr, and Airs. Fraser of Toronto, Mrs. Fraser is a daughter of the visitor. rich AiissInstwA. Walleak.ace was a visitor in Code- . blv, D. McCoi'vie has been con- fined to the hbnse during the past week and his many ,friends itn Clinton hope for a change for the ,batter. • Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Kilbride wez'e atStz'athroy this week. Mr. Killn'ide went over his new ground la i.'aveelk. He expects to move move there by the 16th, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rumball or Goderich, were holiday visitors in town. i e. - i 'blies Lulu Howe spent the week end at London t .991ss Dell O'Neil left on Tues- day morning 'for Swift Current. where she will spend the summer months with her sister Mrs. Dr".. 'Rossi. , Continued on page 2 Two Former Clinton Boys in Service The ,oldefz'iends in Clinton are Glad to see that the boys are in Khaki and hope that no ill will be-' fall them. Br. ;Fred '.Cicdall, of Toronto and son of Mr. 3,P. Tisdall formerly of Cliinton, sailed on Saturday to Join the staff of the Queen's Caned ian Hospital Shorncliffe, ',Major Chas Tisdall oif'i'orktoo• another son is now attached to the 122nd Battl., which is now drilling at Camp Borden, Back in the Big Fight Again Mr. and 'Mrs. 1. Bezze received the follownng letter from their son, Wilt. Cheeteir Bezzo, who has returned to France 'after 3'ee,p.Ver- ling from his injuries received last Fall). June ilth,•1910 7,119 Pte. Win, Chejs•ter Bezzo, 1st Canadiian Battalion. Ise Candian Brigade C. Company, C.E.F., Fatima Dear Mother and Father; - Just a'few liners to yen to say am well arid, hope you all are the same. Icame across to Fiance a week ago. I was in another a .- tack rand Icame out safe alright Icannot write anything about it I'm out for a rest for a few days now, I will tryand write once a weeelk to you so do not worry ,a'bout' Yue. I will bet alright. l could not wante and het you know that 1 was i o•tng to France as I did not know in time. I was shipped with very little warning. but never mind, we will ,be able to talk it all over with one Another 0 I am spared to come back home again. You remember telling me il)bouti the dresiu you 3tad about seebiing n7e, Well tlreapns go cox' trary. I thin): you Will see it wasn't 'for me to c'oxne home yet. I give'myseit up to my country and duty is siways 'first although itsee)tn-s a little hard St times. You remember that little verse that says 'ureater love has azo man than this that he iayetlh down his life for otheiis,. So if any thing 4happens to me (you will know that my last thoughts wilt that it was for loved ones ,tlhat could not clothe none. Well 7 guess I will ring off .for this 'unit( will write next week. So long for the present. . • From your son Basil The Clinton Bowlers ' 1 Retains Fill Trophy Three rimes of Seaforth ho 'viers were here dsf tdey to try for the Faill Trphy but were kleleat- ed,byascore or 15 dints. When skip ived gens rime finished the Clinton's score was I. up bit the last 'tour ends ran -up trier -score for Clinton, The hup is field ksntil some Club 'beats the home teak Foltovwling are the names of the players and scores by miffs ;- Seaforth ' Clinton JWm Williams 9 Miller ' 19 Jeffrey I Harland J Taman A) Morrish W Willis, sk-23 511 Oourtice sk-17 r 0 ')rte 000lt fillt1201:02{)21-17 Wit is - laaelatione aolet00-23 1I Stee•eit W Grant 0Barnet 0 Wilt se I] Bright I) Hovey - J sk 13 Dr. Axon sk -36 tv i )its -1)'03103001(10120)00-13 Axon - 3000851510820(119153 - 30 Rev. Argo 13 Hovey W D Bright ' (-0 Rnherton Dv. Burrows N Ball W 0 aforsow-17 J lb diger sk --15 53 68 Mcrsou -020221901(02114002--17 Ned igen - 2410012102101,03280 -15 The G.T.P. 'have, issued their time taibles dor the special trains thatdwill run to Clinton on the 12t17 --'o®--- - Tho 'first onehvil'i leave iPorest art 6 A.m. and is due to arrive, here at 9.30 and return in the evening Another e. 1 flVe e Gode''c 7 a•' 10 It i a,nr„Holesmvilie at 10,17, arrives here at 10,30. Return train at Gp.m. Another comes 'from St. Marys at 6 a.m., and gets to Setaiforth at 8 andrreturns a,t 6 p.m. i Another leaves 7 ist'pwel at`; 5,46all d connects a t Wi ng ham with' the regular train from Kincardine It leaves Belgra ve at 7.10; Blyth at, 7.30; Lend eaboro at7.40; and are rives here at '5. Return train leaves here at 6.15 p.m, ---0•-- A special train will leave I)dead:on at10 a.m. and leaves Exeter, 10.50; Hensall 11.03; Kippeyn 11.10; Bruce field 11.20 and arrives Here at 11.40 Return train leaves at 8.15'. --ea-- The •fares in all cases will be a single dare'with 10 cent added. Small posters have already been diistributted. ®m•••f•aoe ssaam•,ese ere • • WITH PEt0u C1ItRCIIRS, a • lh Os•/e•ta ceeseata0•q®0®a* ONTARIO ST. 0'931193019. Rev, 3,A, Agnew preached intro dtielory sermons in the Ontario Street ,Methodist Chnreh Sunday which were highly appreciated' by the large audiences WILL'S CHURCH Bev. ' Mr. Har ea• took charge too'f p the sehvtces at Goderich01.1 SundyJ r' oa, preach ed eogood semonlWillis Church on Sunday in the absence of the pastor. • W.ESLi3Y CHI(MCI I. • Rev. Dr Rutledge .',00h hie own services in the morning and conditcted tate opening a,nd etos- ing exercises at the evening ser-, vine white Het. E G. Powell preach ed tate sermon. . The League has withdrawn dur ing July and August. , The pastor will preach next San day morning and evening Rev. Harper Chaplain of 111th Presbyterian Minister Notified of His Appointment to Simcoe County Battalion Rev. sprat*: 0, Harper,. B,:aY, B.D•, minister of ,1Villls 'Pres,byterlan Church has received confirmation olbis appointment as chaplain of Borden as soon as possible. He Will enter the ranks of the batta-i lion as honorary captain and the fact ttliat Simcoe is Capt. 'Harper'e home county, makes the appoint merit to this battalion very please ing to him. Two years ago Mr. Harper was indiucted into the church at Cline ton, and(during his term here has done much to build up the eongree gation and has been, setj.ve in ata good work of the community and at present holds the position of of president of the local' Minister ial Association. Het, Mr. 13arper came here 'from Chalmers Church Lond0n.1 Rev. 119)'. Harper received word from the Adjutant early last week to be ready as word from 'Ot rawa was expected any dray and on :Fri. do,y hist ;the above 'word was re- cowed, %dr. Harper will leave short ly as soon the church boards ems merit. - MINOR LOCALS. The Butchers delivered on Sat- urday. 'F Ba,yriiel(1 and,Godgrich were the REV. F. C. HARP Pi ttwo "cobwebs" for (Clinton ',but- terflies", . the 177th (Simcoe County) Battalion Its wonderful how the fine weak&: emit will report for d'ni(y at Camp er has continueldi t Specia sermon to the L. 0. 1.. Rev, J. A. Robinson, Rector of St, Paul's Church, Preaches an Excellent Sermon, Last Sunday afternoon the mem- bers of Murphy Lodge, No, 710, along with a goodly number of via iting. Brethren attended the annual church serviceiin the Town Hall Before the service, the members headed, by the Si;itie Band had a short march and at 2,45 service eommenced. Old 'favorite hymns were sung- as "Onward Christian Soldiers' ; "All Hail. the Power of Jesus' Naive"; '10 God our help in ages Past' ; and "Stand up for Jesus." Peel. ,Sristewe as pianist The first prayer 'Wats( offered,"by Dr. ;Rutledge while Rev, Mr. Moul- ton read the preyers for our sail -- ors and soldiers and closed the meeting with the Benediction. The first lesson Joshua IV wee read 'by'Br'o. W E. Southgate, D- M, if orHuliett District, while thio second lesson 1st John III was read by Rev. E G. Fowela Between the lessons Bro. Edgar Bast sang "The Endless pay'• in good voice. Rev. Mr. Robinson, teak for life subject Verses 1'1 and 15 of the Sad: Chapter of Joshua ;and drew many Practiced lessons from the text not only if or the Orangetmen but the othee's attending the service, The service closed by 'singing the National Antheim., Atter the return to the Lodge rooms ,hearty votes of thanks weird passed to the various ministers taking part. and the choir. Short epeech.es ,wore also made by many. of the visiting Orange5nen• Regular Session of Council Couneii met on Monday evening with Mayor Thompson in the elia>•i . Reeve ;Ford' and Cou-ncillors Hawk ins. ;1•Viltse, paisley Fitzsimons Wallis end Shepherd, present. Minutes of last regular meeting was road and passed as aalsowars the ,special meeting of the 16th alt, A iette9' from Josiah Rands was read re -n ditch near his place -lest to Street (Omi77ittee. A. letter from a committee from the L.0'i1.,, asking for $100 and one free 'booth Jn account `of the big 12th, .A graxlt of 950 was matte with the other, pioriaion• A.letier from the' P@blicUtilities om las n 1a a ids ren '10 C m. io ) 1 cg i to is r ipubiio taps addrin)ting lount�ins at the market will'be left over to the August meeting, The Public School Board ask dor $8,900 for the coming year loth it was ]eft over until the estimates are presented. , A long drawn out discussion took place over the rates for 'water taps. (.I . t Mr. Davi.9Cantelon, on behalf of the L.O,L. spoke on behalf of .their communication to the council- The Street Committee made their report and on mohjton of 'Hawkins and ,Wiltse, tf any money is to kit spent it be used on the entrances to Own. 1 1of The reportp +'i n , e the Fine nee dui p it t C tee was read and adop, ted Council adjourned until 1Frida). eveningg to strike the rate,