HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-06-29, Page 6PAGE SIS, 113151if1aikooKinif(mdllo lame,aNUTaull em'iu4naIi i,J n17:inon a,,,a m01011,0111 iII li II l' 11001 1 .m 1( f,F "You Sell Really Remarkable Corsets" -5,„.„,„11oil minmininsimamemonuontinionit whin mum iiiiiiiimotwithilonsmnitilhoimaionowinuno Immilutnimmtaimim Nandi 00 SAID a lady customer the other day. It Is true l We consider that our corset department is today giv- ing the greatest value and highest satisfaction in all its history. Furthermore, we are making it pos- sible for ladies to enjoy greater comfort yet receive a better fit than ever before. are our leading lino. They are the only exclusive high grade corsets made in Canada., Wearers -saythatthey are simply wonderful in the figure -control they exercise, moulding the lines positive- ly yet comfortably. • Our corset department takes pride in its fitting ability and cleverness in adaptingto your figure just the corset model your type demands. , COILENE CORSETS $3.00 UP li It " 101101111100111111111,1001101111 T, BROWN'S Extra, Special Balance of Ladies and Children's Sipring Coats 1 WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phone 67, Next to Royal Bank e•ase•esesas®e•e•osalumse®eee••e •ee.see••••ee•eeeso ••1:11E0 URIIIIIIMM0111 JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do your work. New type and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA CLINTON tecennaa001'4acee,na®®eae®tiweemu econc iMi6t7®®oil ans®e®etaeee•• Fancy furniture Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection. Light in non structiou and design Fut ,ex- tremely well made hn,every de- tail, Here are the finest creations of the furniture makers craft, and at prices that will temp the wise and discriminating buyer, The Cheapest Spot in Huron to buy all kinds of Furniture B.A.LL cSz ,.A.t 'M3I\TS®1T- FlernitureI)ealcrs and Funeral Directors—Phone 104 N. Ball 110—RESIDENCE PHONES— J. D. Atkinson 186 Camping or Picrticing Days Summeru a, s here ain With its attendant Hot `Wea±her' and 'folk are talking of going camping or of a family picnic, and always bring an increased demand for (FRUITS AND ;READY-VO.oEAT FOODS Hot weather Suggestions— Meats. Ham Loaf Cooked Ham Jellied Bock Bologna, Corned Beef, Canned Goods Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, Salmon Sardines, Pork and Beans Tuna Fish, Etc., Etc., COOL DRINKS. Orangeade, Lemonade, Lime Juice Home-grown Berries for canning HIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. JOHNSON o• Phone 111 THE STOIUI OF QI11ALITY 000000000000000000000000000 042000000000000000000004000 i • •• W• e Furnish Everything ithin J 8 • in the Hardware Line 41 a • elm e • • • Our Stock of the Widowing Staple Lines • is. Complete; •0 • itt Perfection Oil Stoves • • New Home and Ideal Washers • Garden Hose • Lawn Mowers ®, Fa Spades and Shovels a • Scythes and Snaths w e Dustbane in cans and barrels v eCoil and Spring Wire ••• 8 0, .Barb Wire 8 O Brace Wire 0 • • Black Wire • Poultry Netting all sizes 0 0 5, • • R° 1 LA.irk •` STOTES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES • • e 0 • • • • • e • • •ee•ewe•neeeeseeee•see•o•U.•e•sr•oeseeeeeseee•©•ese Grand Trani Railway System Time Table for Clinton Buffalo and Godericb Going to Stratford 7,33 a in 2,58.p u, 5.15pm Going to Soderich 11.07 p in 1,35 p 6.45 p , 11.18 p re London, Huron and. Bruce Going to London 8,05 a ni 4,15pm Going to Wing -ham U.00 a in 10 lt40pm MINOR LOCALS. Connell meets Monday night'. The middle of the year—July-- comes on Saturday, COUNCIL 'MEETS ON MONDAY The regular monthly meeting of the Town Fathers will be held on Monday evening at 8 o'clock. This will likely be an important meeting, POSTGFFICE HOURS. The regular h6i day hours will be observed at the; postoflice. wicket on Saturday Dominion DaY The front door will be open all day to key holders, THE COMING 12th: Invite your friends from a lis-, . tante to visit Clinton on the 12th and help swell the crowd that will 1 assemble here on that day. Good speakers have been secured and there will be No. 1 bands here that day; VIOLATING VE iIOLES AOT Reports have been received by the highways depart ment at Toronto, re- garding a lax adherence to some poi, tions of the motor vehicles act, and an ofiiciai of the department is being sent out to investigate. The complaints re late chiefly to eases from the smaller towns In some instances there have been motors driven without: markers, and in others the number, 1015 had not been changed to 1016, It is also em phs.i-ied by the department that it is au offence to act as chauffeur without p.tssing the provinical examination and having a license, and without re newing that annually. . JUDGE DICKSON'S MOTHER DEAD Renfrew Mercury;—While some- what tailing in health for ,some few months past, the demise of Mrs. James B Dickson came com- paratively sudidetn. She had been out with her daughter, Mrs, W. A, Cameron, for an automobile rideon Friday enjoying it greatly but early on Sunday morning 'vas taken with weakness from heart- trouble.. earttrouble.. and -from that time stead- ily declined in strength till the end came on Monday morning Mrs. Dickson was a daughter of the late William ,McAdam of Pakenham, in which village shewas born very eighty years ago(Au ust 28th 1836) There also•she was married by the late Rev. Dr Mann. on October 25th. 1855, to Mr. Dickson, then begino-. ing the career as a lumberman, in which he was very prominent many years ,thereafter. 'For afew years after 'their marriage they lived at Cedar 'Hill, Pakenhare, and then moved to Pembroke, which was a 'better centre for Mr. Dickson's `business activities. There they resided (for somewhat over thirty years and there all their children except ;the two eldest sons were born. Early in the new century they removed to Renfrew, where Mr. Dickson died in 1905, Cooti•nu ing to reside here—of late ye-irs years 'with her daughter, 'Mrs Cameron—Mrs Dickson was highly esteemed ;by those who were of her circle of acquaintances. Tho surviv ing sons and daughters are Fred W. of Ottawa; Lewin H (county fudge) of Ranter, Horace W. of Ottawa; Albert E. of Chicago; 11 A. Hali'lax; Mr5 .Iamrs Brophy of Montreal; Mr-, Alex Morris of' Pembroke, Mr JK. Meredith or O:ttaawa; Mrs \S A. Cameron nl Renfrew.. Allo these were able to get to Renfrew and Pembroke for the (funeral Afa•s.illy service was held in Mt'- Camera a's residence on Thursday morning,, Interment was' made'at Pembroke T13E CLINTON NEW RR.a, No less than four radiating surfaces gather up almost every scrap of heat and send it through your comfortable . rooms. Drop in some time soon and hear about ; McCiary's special installation service that gets out of every ton of coal all the heat there is in it. Sold by B;YAM d SUTTER dismsilmasonsmaswai AAAAAAAAAAAA6AAA®AAAAAAAAI.AAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i LOCr T",. , News vmr r v .r .J111. r � s'rvvVcvvvvvVVVVVVsvn*VVwrvr,vvvvywwnv'vtryrvave yet SOLDIER'S SHOWERS Don't forget the Shower for 'our Clinton Boys a(tthe +Front, on Tues day. July 4th on Mrs. (Dr,) Gueres lawn:. A 10e .lunch will' be served from 3 to 7r MORE USESS O)F HYDRO Three new customers have been secured for Hydro -Electric during the last month, The homes of. Sandy Morris, Thomas Carter and William Walker. , CLOSED ,ON SATUDAY' Saturday is alegal holiday and 'the custom cffice win be closed. Those -who have entries to be made should attend to the ,sane'_ before Saturday. ENTRANCE EXAMS OVER, After ;three days of examinations the entrance students concluded on Friday evening last. The paper, all the way through were very, fair Itis expecte't the successful pupils will be announced by the middle of July. r. . h WLN GUN CERTIFICATIES Those sueuessful in obtaining ce" tificates at the Colt Machine gen classes 'held last February have ,been announced at London and we see that Lieut. J.K. Mair of town and Lieut. E.W. Porter of (Coclerich both connected withthe 161st were among the successful ones, ON TEE iF1RING LINE Under the auspices of the Girl's Auxiliary, Mons. G. Marcel Andre of Paris, France gave an illustrated War Lecture in the town hall on Tuesday to a small audience, owing no doubt to but ' a clays notice,, Many excellent pictures were shown. Miss Mayfrid Affix) and Mr. Jas. Doherty each gave a solo. WILL MAKE ,ALIOWANCI4 FOR MISTAKE The Minister of Education wishes itgbe generally understood that clue' allowance will be made • when the results of the ' clepartmrn0nl middle schools arebeing settled tor the unfortunate mistake in not sup plying the outline map to students writing on the ancient . history paper. SOLDIER'S LETTERS ARE WANTED The New Era would be pleased to secure forpublica.tion any interest ing letters arriving do Clinton from the seat of war, especially those describing' the recent naval fights or the battle around Ypres. Per;-: onal or other matters of whi..h it is desired no mention should be made will he eliminated upon request. Ail such letters should be delivered ;;r mailed to The Editot. MORE TAKE TOWN WATER, The Public Utilities Comte lesion are having another busy season in stalling water -works and already new services have been put in at the following homes, Mrs. D. Macdon- ald, Jas, Manning. Morgan Agnew Wallace Wheatley, 13. 'Fitzsimons, Joe Becker, H. !'remlin and W Glenn. with many applications yet to be (fi;led. New extensions are at ranged dor on North Btreet, Dun lop aiid Spencer streets and will be laid as soon as possible - 161ST BATTALION WIN CUE The challenge cup, presented by the London Advertiser for timbal talion gaining the highest number of points at the military 'field day itrst Wedn.sd+,y, 3villgoto the 16,51 '(Huron) Battalion, It tied with the 142nd and 160th, each making 10 Points. At a meeting of the execu- tiveit was decided to include in the total the points madein platoon drilling. This added 5 to the Hur- on battalion's 'score, making its total 24. We can always count on the Huron Boys doing 'their best. COMING EVENTS ' Unity Club Garden Party tonight at 'Harvey Jenkins Huron Road July lst—Saturday, Dominion Day July 2nd—L O.L. services .at 2.30 July 3rd—Conseil Meeting. JulySdtta,nl'ch—MyapieLeaf Garden party July 4th—Bethel Church, Garden 1?a6th July rty —Wesiey Picnic July bth--Huron Odd Boys Excur- sion ' July 9th—I GOY, F. Decoraalon Ser- • vices, July 18th 1., O.L. cele'bra,toin at Cilinton t MADE ,TWO SEIZURES' County Constalbles Fellow. Balk well and Wallis madee couple of raids ohhotel,s ins Snaforth and Exeter .recently. At Tom Newell's hotel, Exeter, they reached aback room in time to hear 'i, party' of welleiknown citizens lodge a,ccm- plaint by saying "clow long is it going to tale Billy to -get us those chinks?). Newell is now wondering what the verdict of Police Ma,gas-. tratte Andrews will be, The Com- mercial !Hotel alt Seaforth was also visited pa Ilan night of the ,sirens day and six bottles of whisky of various kinds were secured by the eonstalbles. The 'Exeter cage has !since Jaen settled, PIANO EXAMS The piano examination for To- ronto Conserva'tory- 'of ;Music were held on Wednesday of this 'week in the town ha1L CURATE AT WINDSOR Rev. Or. John Young of Goderict+ who was ordline d at London a week ago has been appointed curate at St. Alphonsus Church, Windsor 'RAVE YO'U THE TICKET Would those who have purchased raffle tickets at the. .Girls Club Bazaar kindly hand same to Miss Sadie 'Mtilhaffy. As the right number has not yet been received HAS GONE TO FLANDERS Among the Canadian officers who are reported as gone to Flanders is Lieut. A.W. Deacon of Stra,tlford. Lieut: Deacon was formerly' G.T.R. agent there and well known to many Clintonians• IOA.F. DECORATION SERVICE. The Clinton 1.O:O.8'. lodge will hold their annual Decoration ser- vice on Sunday 'afternoon, July 9th at 2.30 at Clinton cemetery. All Oddfellows are invited to a hand this service; L 0 L. SERVICE The L 0.L. service 'will be held in the Town Ball on Sunday July 2nd,, A good attendance is re- quested. It is expected that brethern from different towns will be present. Rev.M;'. Robinson (Rec- tor of St. Paul's Church will preach the sermon. PATRIOTIC GARDEN PARTY ,TONIO'H'r` The 'Unity Club of Gnderich Twp are holding aPatriotic Garden Party et the home of Mr. Harvey Jenkins, Enron Road tonight. The Brass .Band' and Pipers are going to give the program, BASEBALL On Saturday afternoon the Scouts played their return game of baseball in Soeforth. The Sereforth Scouts were badly beaten by the score of 36 to 5 Bari Cooper was the pitcher and when he pitches the telaim is sure to win, On Saturday afternoon a team known as the Clinton Juniors tin der the captaincy of Bert Decves defeated a team known as the Gode rich Juniors b'5'the score of 15 to 10 A return game will be played In Croderich ,on July bit. 611NOR LOCALS Saturday. July 1st will be itpublic holtiday. July 8th'tlhe Iiuroe Old Boys and Girls from Toronto will be here, 'Many spent Sunday atBayrfield Return tickets .for afare and a third ontFriday2 June 30th. "Best hay crop ever" is the gen- eral report. Home grown strawberries were on sale in Clinton on Saturday, The parsons alt tell us,that the crop of June brides has been a regular 'fizzle. If the cool weather keeps -onwet soon see that the song "Keep the Home Fires Burning'' has a brand new meaning in it that the writer never dreamed of. "Kitchener'' maybe adopted for there -,naming of Berlin., Abd if the city will only measure up to the name itwin 'beina, position toren der very effective service to the Empire. I Send .TheNew Era alist off your ; visitors. We actually heard alady remark that we .were slow because we're -4 - ; ed to publish the names of her visit- ors in our personal column.. Well we imagine she was ;slower than We Or she would have phoned their names to us an act which we would have appreciated very much. Itis well to keep the overcoats within easy reach for awhile yet. The Odd 'Fellows' Grand Lodge will meet at Chatham during the second ,week In August. 'Come to Clinton on the 12th 00000000000000000000000009 O D Pert Questions • 0 tt at seeeeeemeessea®ese•eseseee ,What about the Dog tags?' --•e-- Is the Street 'Committee going to have any of the streets levelled up by the 12th. Good roads are a advt. for any towel, By the time the oil gets het'e, will it be worth while using it? .--es-- Can't the Council and Band get. together on the price for open' air concerts ,this summer? What nvill'the tax rate'this yea"? Why not call Berlin "Allison"? A. truly patriotic name, Thursday, June 29th, 1916. imoseammemorsommismau wwhldtfpw �• Tye �$.e .. f.,.�'n .Y „f�,a►ERfillllllll s ..,,, Add a cool room to your house by equiping your verandah with shades—will let in the air and keep the heat our. Sizes 4, 5, 6, y, 8 and to feet wide, T W a D. FM. ryin„ erten the f heap:sit--TliwIlys the Best 8 Peusiar Wldte Pine and Spruce Balsam What's the use experimenting with medicines? We know what White Pine and Spruce Balsam is, as the formula is printed on 'each I label. Beyond a doubt this is the most efficient cough remedy we have ever sold. , Nothing else will so readil-yre.ieve a cough. Try tit— T.M. t— ' T .�,.i�..dre. �V ...G,.I 0 LDispensing. Chemist THE PEN15L 1R DRUG STORE 01 .. sm�mal® The Features tcf Our. urniit re ei To which we invite special attention are its beauty, its assured comfort, its, bnlid. construction, and its below the usual prices. Any one of these points would he sufficient to earn it your. preference. When they are all com- bined we feel sere you will realise• that this is a furniture buying opeer• tunity you cannot afford to ignore, tomoormasatamourassommaxmocusersonea JAS- DEIN "Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 2)4. Night and. Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store it Will O I The Corner Grocery "Live and Let Live" et our Pr° cesi on your Plumbing Heating or Eavetroughing Estimates given free Material and Workmanship the Best, Agents for Hecht Furnaces Plumbing and Heating Shop—over litowiand's hardware Let tis Select dlie EatabliS, tor lour Camping Trip Our stock of canned goods has been specially selectel 'fol' their' duality and purity, and in tract, everythipg we suggest 'to you Will have your unqualified appro— val. Check front this list the goods you know you want; come in and let us show you others.—, Cannell Tomatoes, Corn. Beans. eto Concentrated Packet and Canned Soups; Meat Extracts; Canned :Preserves and Jams; Marmalades• Bacon, All kinds 'oil Cooked Breakfast Foods; Condensed Mill: C'oifee, .ancl Cocoa. Canned Salmon : Sardines ; and Kippered Herring. Specials Strawberries, Lettuce. Raddishes Tomatoes, Cucumbers and Green 'Onions. E. E. Hunniford PHONE 45. 1544.+4.4.4.+++++4.4.+4.4.4.+ 4.....i'!itit N+d 44++'S'g'++. Put Your Thumb On This I Just put your thumb on the fact that this is a Shoe Store with never a Shoe Disappointment If there is anything the matter with our $4 50 5.00 or 6,00 Men's Shoes we will make it right, for �. we back them up for all we are worth, , II there is anything wanting in style or dura- bility in our Women's Shoes at $8.5o, 4,00 or 4.5G we are not aware of the tact, and the purchase money goes back. If there are any better $1,50, 1,75 or s,oe School Shoes than ours, we are yet to see them. If there is anything wrong with, our shoes or our shoe service, we will make good. Bank on wham we Say and Buy your s.lioes there F ED. .1 O N t?' HOUSE OF BETTER SHOES 4, R4 i"..** ta***.* r ta+ watitdry_' ±444'4'404.4 +-.1" et_4'4'iek4'.i at;