HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-06-29, Page 4AIM ell FOUR, Thursday, June 291:h, 101e, r cutis l'l eetetl heelree - ee.Vet a e .l, „r 011d:reo Cry fo' Fietcher's The Hind You Nave Always I1ougA:t, a.;:d which has, been in use for over wO yea;:s, has bornothe signature of ... and leas been made under his per-. 9 sonnl supervision sineo its infancy. �<✓ ' . . ..-cr.C!. Allow no one to deceive yon in this. A11 Colinterteits, Imitatio=-is and ".Just-ae-gond" are but Experiments that trifle with asul endanger the health of Infants and Children—.L:s;.,lrorienee 'against Experiment. What AS CASTORIA Castoria is a li:a is icss sr.iisstitute los. Castor 011, rare. goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is ;pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morplu-io nor other Narcotic Substance. Its age le its guaranis:re 41; clestrops"Worms and allays Feverishness. For rnoo than thirty years It has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Sind Colic, tall 'Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. Ft nen'nitites the Stomach and reowels, assiiiiilates the Food, giving healthy oriel natural sleep. The Children's ?Panacea --Tho Mother's Renal. GENUINE CASTCRIA ALWAYS Boar:, the Sigel l t -e of i4eaaM1°/Yt to i. se For Over 3 Years The Kind You Have Ah.kr y0 Esoiac;ht ME GE ni,A CON1Ena.Ny. pleW IRK C r'�ts�%aaii. auc3R SPEED IN MILKING How to Make Hands Milk With Equal Speed I have often noticed that I milked faster with my left than with my right hand, writes W. I. Thomas, ot Drumheller, Alberta. Until I began ;to eliminate all false moves I thought 'of this greater speed of my left hand only as a curious incident, a.l I aim' aright-hauded and should milk faster with the right hand it there is to be a difference at all. It struck ins that I ought' to Ming my right hand up to my deft and so get through with the •milking earlier. Accordingly, I took to studying the difference between my left and right hand milking. When I first started to milk I had an impression that the best results would be gained by pressing the ends I of my fingers directly in towards the centre of ti.e teat. As I follow the usual custom of milking on the right side of the cow, my left hand does not readily come into position to follow my early motion .end the right hand does. Consequently I clasp my I left lingers farther around the teat with less curve in the engers. At once, when 1` noticed this, I could milk es fast with my right as with my left hand, I am now altogether certain that clasping the fingers well around the teat so as not to press the ends of tbe fingers into the teat, is an un - tailing rule for fast milking. :t might be influenced by the size, length and shape of the lingers, but I am very certain that if a person is a slow milker, it is due to some inapt method of manipulating his fingers which be could discover and correct if he went at it. STRAW COLOR VS. WHITE Causes and Effects of Color in Various k . Fowl A veteran poultryman writes: It has been claimed that feeding yellow corn is the cause of straw color in the' plumage of white feathered fowl. It is difficult to believe that corn has anything , whatever to do with it; neither has the iron in the soil, as one writer puts it. No one really knows. It seems to 'be second nature for a white bird 1'.o throw this straw color, It is no sign ot tmpurlty. For all that, a straw colored bird &uiulA pe lee geese - tbo 1' r stn WHEN USiNG W 1 LSON.'S READ DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY AND FOLLOW THEM ell EXACTLY Far more effective than Sticky Fly Catchers. Clean to handle. Sold by Druggists and Grocers everywhere. ",Atr113GJ Jc W d'r'lAr i. Fen unless there are a numter or other qualities in the bird that are worth more to the flock. In mating for the fancy, of course, straw color would be objectionable. But when mating tor carcass, or for size, color or shape of eggs, coupled with good records, do not sacrifice a bird tor mere appearance sake. It has also been said, but not prov- ed, that straw color has much to do With the stamhtit of a bird. At any rate it has been a fact sit the writer's experience that absolutely white birds did not always give the strong, thrifty offspring that diel birds more or less tinged with straw, but that this is due to the absence ot the straw color, I (to not believe. The health and vigor of a fowl largely depends upon the teethed of breed. Ing. YOUR WRIST WATCH Remarkably, Minute Parts in Simple Watch of Soldiers It is a marvel of minute workman- ship, It is one of the most wonderful things the human hand fashions: The pivot of the balance wheel has a dia- meter measured by the two•hundredth part of an inch, and, more marvellous still, in order that the pivot may have free play, the jewel hole into which It fits is exactly one live thousandth Part of an inch larger, The guage which enables this to' be -done meas- ures to the ten -thousandth part of an inch. But not only are the screw of h watch as minute as its bolts,'but they have a thread just like the big screws you drive into the door, but the thread of the watch's screw has as many as 260 turns to the inch. What is called a pallet jewel in a watch weighs a pound when there are 150,- 000 of them, and of the roller jewel it Would need 256,000. The largest round hair -spring stud in your watch is the pour -hundredth of an inch in diameter end sine -hundredths of an inch in length. Canadian Woods Only In order to encourage the use of Canadian hardwoods for interior de- coration, Lord Shaughnessy has is- sued instructions to use nothing but panadian forest products in the sleep- ing, parlor, dining and observation cars in the obbbces and hotel buildings of the Canadian Pacific Railways. This decision was made only after careful consideration and experiment. Lord Shaughnessy has had samples laf all Canadian hardwoods treated at the Angus Shops in Montreal, where selected specimens were tested with polishes, stains, etc., and the results ishowed that Canadian woods compar- ed very favorably with imported varieties. An abundance or moisturo is needed for rotes, ant not swamps. .Soils need to be kept rich by the application of utanure. Yuan Shi Kai, President of China, died in Pekin Monday, say Shanghai reports. Poisoning is rumored. Shang- hai reports en Tuseday were That. Premier Okuma of Japan has also been assassinated, Zion. P. J. Mahoney, new Minister„ of Public Works in the Ciarlte Govern- ment of New'Brnnsetick wits defeated for the Legislature in the Westmore- - land bye -election on Tuesday. Investigation Proves that various disease germs have their breeding -place in the waste productsof the body. Don't, then, let your bowels clog and throw these harmful germs hack on the blood. Take no chances with serious illness. Keep your bowels free, and the bile regulated with ISL which promptly and surely relieve constipation, ndigestion, biliousness and sick headache. They are compounded from drugs of vegetable origin—harmless and not habit fur :ting. The experience of three generations show that 13eccham's Pills prevent disease and are Treat Ald Health Worth a Guinea a Boa Prepared only by Thomas neeebam, St. elens, Lancashire, England. Sold everywhere in Canada and U. 9„Amcr,oa, In f,oaca, 25 eenta. HELPS UNITED STATES Welland Canal Will Help New, York State Routes Major R. W. Leonard, speaking be- fore -the Canadian C. 21.-Soelete, said: "Oswego is about 150 miles nearer (by Erie Canal). to Troy than is Buf- falo, and, as the enlarged Wetland Canal will be, 'by treaty, `tree to United States -.ships, their largest lake einem will deliver grain cargoes' to 1,500 -ton United States barges at Oswego, ill the New York State Barge Canal for New York' instead of Into 200 or 3'00 - ton barges at Buffalo as at present, and thus compete With large Canadian ships discharging into 2;000 -ton barges at Prescott or liii.gston for Montreal. In the past the little Erie canal boats taking grain from Buffet+) to New York have been very keen competitors against the St. Lawrence ronte. What willbe the result of the new -con. dations when in operation? It would' appear that the expenditure on the proposed Welland Canal enlargement when completed will be quite as much to the advantage of the United States as to Canada, and during construction probably much more than half the cost goes to the United States tor coal and machinery.” Great Yachtsman and Mascot Sir Thomas Lipton and "Ten" the young baboon Prom far oft Uganda which Sir Thornes chose at mascot for the Shamrock IV. Though tite war interrupted the races set for the Autumn of 1914, Sir Thomas did not give up hope of eventually ltIt- ing the Americans Cup. Ile boxed up bis racer on the Brooklyn water -front, set a strong guard over liar, and sat back to await as pa- tiently as possible the return of peace. MANY SPORTSMEN DIED The United States Lott Leaders In Many Branches Johnnie Poe, the famous Princton football player, met death, fighting; with the Black Watch in France, Sep. tember 25, 1915, and other prominent United States sportsmen whom death claimed during 1915 were:- Lincole Beachy, one of the most daring smite tore, who perished after a fall ilsto San Francisco Bay, March 14; Capt. George Knox, of the American aero squadron, who was killed in Okileho- ma, August 12; "Tim" Hurst, the, base- ball umpire; Charles Littlefield) joc- key and horseman; Michael Mlarray, "lather of soccer" football in America; Blind John Coudron, a Chicago race track owner; Peter De Lacey, the "pool room king"; Floyd efeleariand, the international cyclist, and Eugene Cook, a chess expert. How French Fatten, Fowl For fattening poultry in France the epinette is the favorable plan. It ls, 'merely rowa of, cages, with a separate. compartment for each bird; generally 20 inches square, and opens at the top. No place is alio,ved for im- provement. Soule of the epi'nettes San accommodate flaky to ono hundred birds. The bottolu of the cage is in ripen work, and below a moveable board strewn with ashes or sawdust to receive the droppings, In front a trough for food and an earthen ves- sel for water. The cellar or Metall- ing house is 'kept warm, and the light gradually diminished till darkness is secured on the fifth day. Only when 'being fed is daylight re -admitted, and then even many prefer to employ a lamp. Shirt Has 23 -inch Collar What is thought to be, the biggest shirt ever made was tureed out by a factory at Parsons, Kane for George W. Nicklor, of A.rnes, Ia.' The shirt was an 83 -inch waist, 29 -inch collar, 06 -inch chest, and ,28 -inch armee It is made of chavlo, and coot Nicklor e11.' Nicklor weighs 495 pounds and is only 5 feet 5 inches in betaiht- South Nuroli liberals Met arliensaii Reforn's Association Elects Officers at Large Meeting 'Jensen, June 20- South .Huron Lib.' erals flocked to llensall today to- at tend the annual meeting of. the South Huron Reform Association. The at tendance at the streeting was large and considerable enthusiasm was shown. The principal business was the -el�ec tion of officers and organization, but the proceedings were enlivened by a stirripg address from TbomasMarshall M,1.P. of Monck, whe spoke on vagi ons questions•such so education, hydro electric and temperance. Resolutions -oil utmost confidence in Sir Wilfrid Laurier and N. W. Rowell M,P.P:, were passed unanimously. The officers elected were: President. Mr. Smith of Exeter. who has held the - ofnee for six years, Let vice president, Ml. McGinnia::2hd vice preeident, Mr. Vineland: Srd vice prey„ W, Itlurdie of lerucefield:secrstary,.Mr Sheldon of. Exeter: treasurer, Dr. Moir of Hensall For Provinical organization purposes the following oitibers were elected: President, John Essery, Exeter: secet my, Thos. Shillinglew. Seafortb; treas twee, John Premise, Zurich; 1st vice president, 3, Kellerman: 2hd vice presi dent, Robert McKay. Township chair men were chosen as follows; Goderich. Ed. Wise: Stanley, David Anderson; Bayfield, Louis Thompson: Hay, Chas. Fritz; Uahorne, S. Bentley; Stephen, C, Conine; Exeter, Chas. Harvey; Hen Pall, Dr, Molloy; Tuekersmith, George Black: Clinton Mr. McLennan; Hallett Mr. Watt; Mcleilinp, John McDowell; Seaforth, James Watson. HAVE YOU`IVEAK LUNGS? Do colds settle on your chest or in your bronchial tubes? Do -coughs -hang oneor are you subjectto'throat troubles? , Such troubles should have immediate treatment with the rare curative powers of Scott's Emulsion to guard against consumption whichso • easily follows. Scott's Emulsion contains pure eocl'litter oil which peculiarly strengtbens the res- piratory tract and improves the quality of the blood; the glycerine in it soothes and heals the tender. membranes teethe throat. Scott's is prescribed by the best special - lats. ,eYou can. get it at any drugstore: Scott &.Down Toronto. Ont Liberals Returned in Nova; Scotia Will Have 31 out of 42;Seats•in New: House Elalifax, June 20—The Liberal party, in power in Nova Srotia since 18822, and Hen. George EL• Murray, premier since 1390, coon a sweeping. victory in ihs provincial elections today, carry Ing R1 of the 42 seats in the new House. The campaign was bard -fought in every county. the Conservatives being assisted by anumben of'fedenall mens, bets from Ontario. An effort was made to defeat the Liberals on the roads policy of Premien Murray, the Conservatives chargingthat much money had been ill spent. Some of the Liberal majorities are as high as 700. The standing of the parties at dis solution was Liberials- 24, Oonseeva tives 14. Few seats. have been added, Premier Murray and all the mem bets of his Government were returned to power. One of the an•peises of the won coign was the defeat of tamales 1], Tanner, the Oonservattive leader, in Pluton. 13alifax,elector) four Liberals,,Mime Bauld. b'inn,.Faulknee, Connolly, and the Conservative member, Heater Mb Innis, K. U. A WOMAN'S HEM AtTft A NEER t0 a CRN T , S � CABE When the Blood Becomes, Poor Otsease Speedily Fol'lows Every woman's heelteh• iseculiarl dependent upon the condition of hoe blood. How many worsen sullen with headache,.grain in the back„. poor appe tite, weak digestion a constant feeling of weanincss„palpibatlon, oft the• heart ahrrtnees of breath, pallor and ner vousness. Of course all these syout tops may not be present—the .more there are the worse the condition of the brood' and the More neeeesary that von shoeld begin to enrich it without delay,. Dr. Williams Ptok Fine are be yond doubt the greatest _blood build ing tonic offered to thepublic, today, Every y dose helps, to mage new, rich, red blood welch, goes to. weeny goat of the body and brings new health and stroiigth'to weak, despondent people. Dr. Williams Pink fills ane valuable to all women, but they are particular ly useful to ,girls, of sehrol age who he come pale languid and nervous. Thin blood during the growing years of a girl's life noeally means Sat chested, (hollow checked womanhood. There. can be neither health nor beauty with out red blood wmieh gives brightness to eyes and color to. the cheeks and lige. Dr, Williams Pink Pilie do all tbie ao is proved in thousands of cases, Mrs, Wm. Rowe, Carlow avenue, To eon tno,-sayb —"1 received so much bene tit from tar, Williams' Pink Pilia that I feel it my duty to recommend them to others. I was about completely prostrated with anaemia. I had no appetite, wine terribly weak end sub ject to fainting opel'ls. 1 suffered greedy from dizziness, and the earl oue other symptome that accompany a hloodleas condition, Remedy atter remedy was tried bat to no avail until airieud advised. me to try Dr, Nil limns' Pink Pills. Deters completing the second box, I was again enjoying splendid health, and have since re mained in that happy condition." You can get Dr. Williams Pinh Pi11e through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a bsx or six boxes fur 52 59 from The Dr. Williarise Medicine Co-, Brockville, Ont. Wild ..strawberries ars coming in season and promisee to be a fair crop, 4MBUK is the best remedy kfown for sunburn, heat rashes, eczema, sore feet, stings and blisters. A, skin food! eeeteeei•e•e••eeeeeee•eelm i Men and Events cootaeioses feirieeeee! SSNe• W.S. MIDD'LPB11,0 W.C.,M. chosen by North Grey Conserve- tives for neer, constituency. Not Complimentary to His People +++++1o+ott•+q,,P4+,'"?r e` Hips HEART BADLY MY LADY'S coLUMN. AFF[CT[B "Fruif-i<-fives Soon Relieved This, Dangerous Condition' A NEW LUXURY. Could You Really Rest All Dolled Lip, In This Negligee? � Id White taffeta; figured with roses and bunched at the' hips, in a pannier ef- fect, corded a.'t the itnees and tucked up harem fashion at the ankles, almost makes dila?gorgeous negligee. The fin - Dr.. Charles M. letayte ' Dr. Charles `H: Mayo, well known in Canada as one of the greatest sur- geons in the, world, and who has been elected president of the Amer fears, Medieal Society, in an address before the Medical men• at De- troit gives. as his opinion that "the Slays will be the coming nation of the earth, ,while- ours is destined to be a eommerciel.nation one of the meanest typos” Ile added that time, commercial nation evenytliin}t is platted on a, commercial basis. The dollar rules the nation" This ithas been truly, remarked, is not very flattering toliis own people OTTAWA'S ARCHITECT Same Man Designed Burned Blandings, and Albany Capitol In the Lundin Times Mr. Vessey- Knox has the following letter: "It its. curious that two of the fittest builds tags in the New World should both, [lave been designed by tete same are ohitect and should both have been. burned down. Thomas Fuller was an Englishman, shorn at Bath, who erns grated to Canada fa 1357. His design, tor the Parliament Building at Ottawa was accepted in competition in 1357:, In 1867 his, dosiCn aleintly with. Augustus Laver) for the Capitol at', ,Albany was, accepted—also in compe, talon. It would be diffinnit to imagine two buildings more ulxtiks than the lavish- structure in the 'style of the French Renaissance which overlooked. the Iludsso and the severe and simple building; en en even titter ,cite blv the Ottawa„ But both band' great merits." PANTS OFTEN ARMED Only Seat Will Attack One. Flint- Some Carry Poison Many plants protect themselves frotm, their enemies by the use of spikes or prickles, and venom, just as. certain animals. do. Of those using, the. hest named, device there are—as a naturalist pointed out—iunuuterable examples. Tito bramble, the gorse, and the bollen are t'aminar instances of shrubs aad trees "tamed to the Wetly," so to speak. Many plants imitate the, reptiles in arming them- selves with venom. elf these are the deadly nightshade, or belladonna, and - the tux vomica, Less destructively inclined are those plants which are simply ,protected by their disagree- able taste. The o0nl0On buttercup, which is one 01 these, is generally ehueeed by horses and cattle. A plant which, .like the skunk, is Pro- tected by a disagreeable smell is the figwort. Only that hardy and insen- sitive animal, the goat, will touch it: Busnriess and Shorthand is 'esteirvelt School: Y NI; C. A. Building ? 1 London, Ontario ' 'h R t; Colle m Session,Se t•, 1st fo JiYL ge p t�l Catalogue Free. Enter;iinyiitr J. W. Westervelt, -Principal FOE WOES, ear mlut. lsh, is achieved by squares of pale fink. georgette crape for butterfly alcetss, dainty rosebuds for a heut lull a crushed girdle of pink satin rib- bon; to say nothing of the, frill of menti' lace,around the neck. NEW COLOR SCHEMES'. Clever Women,D:esign,Their Own. Dec- orations, These Gaye.. Magpie rooms have long been in favor and pronounced as a, success, because of the way he whittle this com- bination of bled: andwhite intensi- Iles, the • color ot9tairembitunts'dresses. Now 1t is t befollo'wed by other bird s, TE settetE s woman who, lovesto work out color schemes for her house• CIA, find no more interesting study than, the plumage or birds. It ranges from. the, most delicate pastel tints• to, deep metallic greens and blacks. The ideaof a peacock room has been, immortallred by au, artist but it may be. carried out in, simpler terms by any woman witha good: eye for color tend, texture Another idea is to bane a, peacock suit of rooms, The bed- rooms may be decorated: in the soft- est of blues and greens, the living rooms in the gorgeous bronze and gold, the brilliant blue and: luminous green. Even the domesticated birds of the farmyard may suggest good decora- tive schemes. There is a smoky gray sort of henwith a comb of soft gera- nium red which might inspire the pret- tiest of boudoir. A bluebird froom for children, is rath- er obvious, but usually very satisfac-_ tory. A stork nursery just devised for a new baby has a faint gray paper; coral; red cushions and curtains ' and white furniture, Round the white frieze of this room go flapping large storks with their delicate red beaks and legs .and their gray tinted plumage. These appropriate birds were cut out, colored and, pasted ug by the young art student aunt who designed the whole room. SUMMER TEXTILES. Two et the Cottons- That Wilt ss Popular Soon. Owing to complications in dye indus- tries all manner of white goods will be in vogue this summer. The cut nxemenh wBlonla snows a voile figured with whitespriga,. and the heavy basket weave is suitable for tennis skirts, school gowns and shirtings. - ., 632 Gaaanao Sr. 'Lan,. TORONTO. "Foe two years,, I was a victim of Acute indigestion and Gas In The Stomach. 15 s3terwarcls allacked my Heart anal hadpains all over my body, so that I could hardly move around. I tried all kind's. of Medicine butnone of them, 013 me any good. At last, decided to try "Fru-it-a-tives'''. T bought the first box last June, and now T am well,, after using only thn'ee boxes, 1 recommend "Fruit -a -Lives"' to. anyone •suffering 'from Indigestion", PRJI1D J. CA.YEI1N. 50e. m box, ,6 fce'$2;5O, trial size, 25e. At all dealers or sent postpaid. by Fruit- a-tives Limited,, Ottawa„ - five in Car Struck By :Express Train Marvelous Escapefor Occupants of Con, Eckert's Autoat Seaforth Seafort h, June 21—A motor car con taining five passengers had a narrow escape at the G. '1', , R. crossing this: afternoon. The car which was owned and drivenbyMr, Con Eckert a well known farmer of McKillop, attempted to cross the track just as the 1,20 train was pulling out, with the result that the car was struck amidships, tearing off the wheels and giving the passen gets a severe shaking up, Poi tunately the engineer was able to stop his eu gine in time, otherwise the car would have been overturned and its occupant seriously injured. The watchman at the crossing declares that he flagged the car. Healthy Babies Sleep Well at Night W ,well child sleeps. wet! and during its waking +hours is never cross 'but always happy andlaugh- ing. It is only the sickly tehild that is cross and peckish. 'Moth era, if your children do not sleep well; if .hely are cross and cry a great deal gave them Baby's Own Talblets ;end they will soon be well and happy - Again, Concerning the Tablets Mrs,. Chas. Ditto. North Temaseaming, Que., writes;,—"My baby was greatly troubled with. constipation and cried right and day, I began giving her Baby's Own Talblets and now she is fat and healthy and'sleeps well at night". The Tablets are sold by- medicine ymedicine dealers or by snail at 25 cents a box, from The Dr. W tl- tha:me Medicine Co:. Broclkviele, Ont. The Western Fair London, Ontario September Stir to 16tky 1916 London's popular. Exhibition promises to he better pabronised than ever, this year The management is plannirg larger and better things for Septem her next than have ever beau under- taken before. The new Process Bnild- ing promises to be a hive of indus- tries and coneiherable space is already taken. A. new system of admission at the gates will be adopted by means of new coin turnstylea, Change booths will take the place of ticket booths and the public will he admitted by de - pushing twenty-five cents at the teem - styles, Children and those holding tickets will be admitted through a special gate for the purpose. If apace of any kind is req:tired application should he made to the Secetary at once Prize Lists and all information on application to the Secetary, A, M. Hunt, London, Ontario. BOUGHT HOUSE Mr, Jas. Appleby has cpurehased the frame house on King street ' owned by Mrs. Grigg, sr„ and oc- cupied by Miss Ross. The price was said to be X900. GOT RIARRROEl FROM DRINKING BAD WATER.. People moving from one place to ane other are very subject to diarrhoea on account of the change of water, change of climate,, change of diet, etc., and what at first appears to be but a slight looseness of the bowels should never be neglected or some serious bowel complaint will be sure to follow.' The safest and quickest cure for diarr- hoea, dysentery, colic, elsolera, cholera; morbus, cholera infantum, pains in the, stomach and all looseness of the bowels is Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry. Mr, Ernest Jeffery, Moose Jaw, Sask., writes: "A few years ago, when I first came out to Canada, I went to the har- vest field to work, - Somehow or other the water did not agree with me. I had the darrhoea so bad that blood was coming from mc, and I thought my last , clays had come. One of the harvest hands advised tie to take Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and before I had used the bottle i was able to go to work again, My advice to all is always keep a bottle of this wonderful diarrhoea cure on hand," '" Dr. Fowler's" has been on the market for the past seventy years, and has been used in thousands of Canadian homes during that time, and we have yet to hear of a case of bowel complaint where it has not given perfect satisfaction, The genuine "Dr. Fowler's" is manful factured only by the T. MilburnCoe Limited, Toronto, Ont. Price, 35 cents. - it