HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-06-29, Page 2• PAGE TWO. THE CLINTON NEW HRA. Thursday, June 29th, 1918. einammilessmir Millinery Ready • to -Wear Garments Phone 7S Coch &Go. Dry Goods and Douse Fur nishings This Store for iligh=class Summer Waists Warm days awaken interestin the large and varied assortment of Cool White Waists we h ,ve in stock. Our Waist Department will be found well equipped to sup- ply every need. A new shipment to hand of the newest styles, made of pretty voiles, Prices range from $I.5o to $4.50. Completely Equipped Hosiery D apartment In which a splendid stock of staple and limey mer- chandise is offered. Just at this particular time you should t_tke the opportunity ' to see just how large a range of Hosiery we are showing. Many novelties in ladies and children's Cotton. Lisle and Silk Hose, Price range from 25.: to 2 ao a pair THE PEW ANGLE THE OTHERS NEW AWNING STRIPES Just to hr.nd this week, another shipment of Awiiino Stripes, 'suitahl-i for middies, cont, and skirts, >, P green ' all thefashionable shades, rose a d black, do newfa to a I and white, black and white, Besamagammii sure and see these. solemnized at the Metlto•dis't Church on `vVedneSda Tune 14th Rev• , i, Y Liberals n ltbe Centre tyro l W. Risers B.A,B,D, officdateki. , Meeting A at the was solemniz nu ed at the home of Mr. T. C. Ro etr- ln Arial son of Morris,on Wednesday, June 21swhehis second deugh ter, Amy becbmethe bride of Mr. Buchanan, of Sarnia. The core-, moray ,was performed by Rev. G. Jewitt, of Bliyth 1 Resolutions Indorse Conduct of Leaders in Both Houses. An enthusiastic annual meeting of the Oentve Huron Liherel Association was held at Seat'nrr,h on Tuesday after noon. Addresses were delivered by J. O. Elliott, M P P. for West Middlesex, and Win Proudfont, M. P. P. for Oenter Him ,n; Mr, Thomas elrillill to and A liislop. Resolutions were adopted expressing admiration at the manner in which N. W. It.well, the opiiosition leader. is in $Dancing public a/f Lira and stamping Liberal principles upon the et"atle books, also indotsing Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the course of the Liberal party in the Duminion Parliament The following officers were elected for the ensuing year- President, M. Murdie, Meliillop 1st Vice, J, L. Kerr, Clinton 2nd Vice. N. Kermgham, Brnmiller 3rd Vice, 3. D. Hinckley, Seaforth Secretary, J. Im Killovah, Goderich Treasurer, 'Gordon Young, Carlow 61r. and Mrs. Andrew Stewart of Dungannon announce the engage- ment of their only dati gghl'er lona Pearl, of Wingliam to 'Mr. John E. Cartwright of Preston, Ont„ son of Mr. and Mrs. George Cartwright of Winghaini.. The marriage of Minerva •F, Tile - tor youngest daughter of the . late D. S. Taylor of Gerrie, to O. Ross Kester, of Sitonffville Ont., was Was Troubled With 4 CONSTIPATION FOR OVER ma: YEARS. Unlessone has a free aotion of the bowels, at least once a clay; constipation is sure to ensue, then in the wake of constipation conies sick headache, bilious headaches, jaundice, piles, and many forms of liver complaint. Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills will regu- late the flow of bile to act properly upon the bowels, thus making them active and regular, and removing the constipa- tion and all its allied troubles. Mr. Phil. G. Robichaud, Pokemouche. N.B., writes: I have been troubled with constipatiou for over rave years, and I feel it my duty to let you know that your Milourn's Laxa-Liver Pills have cured me. I only used three vials, and I can faithfully say that they have saved me from a large doctor's bill" Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25 cents per vial, or five vials for $1.00; for sale at all dealers, ormailed direct on receipt of price by The f. Milburn Co„ Limited, Toronto, Ont, 1111110111111111111111 New Issue of the Copy for the next Telephone Directory closes on the above date! ID Order your telephone n13w, so that your name will be in the new issue! Report changes required to our 'Loral Manager to -day. - The Canada. Co.. of Bell Telephone C a 11 Connaughts Get Permission to Return GC Make your Strawberry Preserves with Lantic Suer the pure cane sugar with °FINE" granulation that dissolves instantly, giv- ing a clear bright syrup. 2 and 5.11) Cartons 10 and 20 -Ib Bags Abook of preserving labels FREE if you send us a red ball trade xuark cut from a Lando Sugar bag or carton. Atlantic Sugar Refineries Ltd. rover 111dg. Montreal 04 Minimum Age to Join Boy Scouts Has Been Raised from Eleven to TwelvoYears-New Rules "The Rules for Canada' is' a revi sion of the Bey Scout booklet "Policy Organization and. Rums', to suit Canadian conditions it is le- veed by the Canadian General Coun ail of the Boy Scoufl Ass;oeia.iun and has the approval of the • Cont mittee of the headquarters Council London England. Copies are be- ing distributted throughout each province, eyrie ,of the outstanding features of the new rules is that the minium age ltimit for boys join ing the Boy ScoittsASa/ciattion is raised from eleven to twelve years hos a, tho•i •tai been 1e butt a 1n a I t 1 e Y luctient about putting it into effect until scene provision had been made if or the younger boys,. The complete adoption of the Wolf Cub movement 'for Canada, how- aver. overcoanee the difficulty. The Wolf Cubs are boys between elle ages of nine and twelve years Anew section which e'v'ery Scout master ,will no doubt appreciate the inclusion in the rule 'book of the cerehnonial 'for the investure of a tenderfoot Snout. This is illustrat ed by drawing and is quite conn- ol'eto. Under the qualifiea'tions dor second class Scouts, the oltl rule requiring a Scout to have 25c in a savings batik has been dis- pensed with. A 'Bret class Scout must now have one dolly to his credit inasayings bank. A hew rule with reference to proficiency badges reads "Candidates should 'be ,first class Scouts, bull second class ,Scouts may -qualify for, and wear not more than six pro'ficieu cy badges." It is obvious time the rule has been made in order to stint ulate ,interests in Scouts for first class badges. The "health and sanitation" paragraph in the old ambulance test leas been transfer- red to ,hetLst for the missioner badige. The rules representing 'forestry, surveyors' and neos- pcetor's badges have been entirety reconstructed, A provision has been put in the boatman's' badge rule for proficiency in canoeing. Entirely new tests are laid down 'for the basket worker, blaekennit.h and ,carpenter badges and minor changes and additions have been made in the requirements ,for the clerk, cook, daiiryman eireenan friend to animals,. horseman interp rater, laundry,.an, n,arks:nan p100 eer and plumber badges., Huron Bosla Casualty Y e Ss E:ceter, June 25. -Word was re- ceived yesterday by. Edward, Treble, that his son Lance -Corp. L. V, Treble. formerly of the 33rd Bat talion was officially reported as, admitted to the County of London War -Hospital, Epeeist England se- verely wounded in the foot. -.._SO-- Bruseels, June '25, -Pte. Cleve Denbow, Who is lighting for the Empire in Belgium, was wounded in the .shoulder and is now in a hosptal Sergt. Cunningham was killed in a recent balttl'.e 3niPt•anee and Corp. Dennison ,wounded. -- is-- Seafor:tb, June 27 -fermis Rivers of this place, received word from, Ottawa this evening that bis son, Pte Rupert 17, Rivers infantry, hadteen ofiicially- repori,ed missing, between June 3 and 5. This is the first information receiv ed by the permits and they incline strongly to belief tba:t Le haas Inst hie life. He wse 21 yeti re of age and splen did type of young Canadian manhood. Ela joined the 85th Signal Corps year ago while :weeding Toronto Onivr:r site. ills, soother is at present' in the West, h ',vine. gone oat a couple of weeks ago to bs 0055501 it the inatri age of a. son at Brock, Stack. ' ,Winghain, June 24 -Pte, Percy Snider, who Left here with the' first contingent two years ago. has been Billed inaction. About a year ago onhis birthdVy he was badly wounded ,and after recOveeina• Went back to the, trenches. Before enlisting he was a woodworker in oneof the ,factories here,. Tie w.a, a single man about 21 years of age! d 'o tdi En d ,DUCHESS OP CONNAUGHHT Jr. Co Ce James Dies Su idesly Expired While Travelling on an Electric Car to Niagara -on - the -Lake St. Catharines June 23 -Professor Janes :Dominion commissioner of agriculture died sari dente* this even ing, while tragelling unaecompan-- ied on an electric car running be- tween here and Niagara-,onthe Olake. •, Professor James had come from Toronto today and had taken the 3 o'clock ear for Niagara -;on -the - Lake to join his wife there,and to meet his son who is an officer at Niagara camp Shortly after leav e b-: h •e. soldier nth car 0 ingherea, s i r o seved the motionless body of the passenger and informed the eon duetor, who stopped the car, and Mr. James removed to the 'freight office .of the Company on Clark stredt. .t, doctor was called and pronounced him dead of 'heart fail ure. Coroner Greenwood iinnted- ia.tely ordered removal of the body .which was identified by doeu- menta 1n his posse3asio'n. • Born at Napanee Dr. James w';Ps born at Napanee 1863 and was adescelnclant al U.E. Loyailists. He was a graduate of Victoria University Toronto, in 1883 securing his B. A. and cite gold medal :for natural science, In 1.8a8 he secured J1is M.A. degree and the next year married Miss P. L. Cr os- sen•of Cobourg He ,was professor of Chemistry at the ;Ontario Agricultural College from 1886 to 1801. In 1891. he „vas appointed deputy minister of Agri- culture and secretary of the Liar - eau of industries of Ontario. Rte was appointed adelegate to the deep waterways Convention in .L894 and in 1909 a senator of Toronto's University ands fellow of. the Rt,y al Society of Canada. At the rev ()nation in 1911 he was honored with a C.M,G. - 53:ewas ,a.orroer president of the Ontario Historical Society a well-- known lecturer andefrequent con tributor to magazines. His work •fol• the farmers of the whole DOntin ion wondorhim thereputation of being one of Canada's foremost Agri culturlsts, Be was progressive to an unusual degree and agree!: deal of the advance made in Ontario Lig riculture methods in recent years was the result of his direction, Since ,becoming Dominion Clnmois stoner hehsd a great.r opportunity than ever, and utilized itdully. Legal Queries The Legal •De artrn l p ant of the Maid & Brupi°e had the following question and answer on Saturday: L. R. T , Goderich-'Huron County is under the 0a.0nda Temperance Act. Oen a buss ness men who is a resident ,of the county keep liquor for his own private use in his piece of business? (2) Oen he keep at bis boarding house? (3) If a man becomes intoxleseed in a town ship where be lives and carries on kcal ness can be be fined under the clause 141 of the Liquor. License Act or does the'Oaanada Tempera nee Act supersede the L'quorAct? (4) What is the tine for the first offence and can the man he compelled to tell where he obtained the liquor? Ans. (I) 1 see nothing in the Oaana ada Temperance Act limiting the .quantity of liquor which a man mev keep on his premises for his own psi vote use, no: is there anything in that statnfe saying that a man shall not keeo it at his place of Imainess. • Of course he must nut keep it for sale or for any•purpose•contrary to the pro of the Statute(2)It a man visions , a n rents a rooiri in a hotel or boarding house that room IS his own private premises And of cooise he can keep food or liquor or anything eke, there for his own p01051e use. (3) Section 141 of the Ontario License Act, l?, 4.0 , Chep. 215 only applies to those locali ties in which a local option hylaW is• inform, if the Canada Temperance' Am is to force in the •monlciraiil'y in which the offence was committed only the provisions of that Act or some municipal bylaw against drunkness can apply. (4) Under section 1.11 there is no pettaatty stated bot the sec Hon says itpeesen is compellable 10 state the place in which he ohtained ouch liquor and in the,caase of refusal he may be imprisoned for period not exceeding three months.. But it the Canada Temperance Act is in force the previsions of the Coterie L3gnot Act do not apply. DUKE OP CONNAUG'HT PRINCESS PATRICIA King Cines Its. Consent muses lot Sale. London. June 23 -King Geon -has given his eanetion for the Du,.'? of Connaught whose term as gov- ernor ,general o'fCanada expires in October ,next to return to England says an announcement issued by the colonial office. The King also excused Prince Alexander of Teck whose appointment was made be - lore the war, from being the nieces sor to the :Duke el Connaught as the prince feels he cannot a elin- quish Ms military duties, • , Nothing is known officially con- cerning the reports that liar! Cur- zon of Kedleston. Termer viceroy of India will become governor -genes al of Canad'e,. The Times states that the rumor. that .Earl Curzon Is to sucdeed the Duke 04 Connaught is incorrect, 33rd Reinforces Noted Battalions Fighting With Princess Pats, R. C. R„ and Mounted Rifles A. splendid r- i 1 verse of the story n work o.'the 3rd Battalion repre- sentatives IMPrance is sent home by Sergi. Ed 'ilaullcuer of "D°Co. The 33rdisnow. a reserve station- ed at West Sandling Camp, Kent, Engl.. but many of the battalion have gone to the 'front as re:n- 4oi•cements to the Princess Patricia the Royal Canadian Regiment and the 4th. Canadian Mounted Rifles Sergt. draull-ner states that al- though to men, it was the fiirst baptism of fire, the record of the members of the 33rd is spoken ,high ly of byoffircrs of other battalions Sergi, 'Fauliceuer's number has been changed Brom 400658 to 491221 TIII:Y PROVED) THEIR WORTH. 'Tis hard to tell,, but still 'ids true, rimy fought too well, the boys we l.ncw. They bad hardly gone before :we (heard They- had proved 'their worth, the 33rd Torenlorce the R,C••,R.'s They'd just arrived and took their stand. Within the foremost 1 fie of trench When sweeping fire smashed up our Mand: The boys we keen!. the boys weh1 trained, Light -'hearted event to do their bit, Would prove their worth and try their gtit: And little thought that one short d+ay woulldprove the stuff of :which they're made, And thi t they did. I give my 'wo,d Per this is jst the remora we' Have heard about the 33rd Prom ,others who their valor saw This sto.rYto Our ears has come: That 'Tian a, ainst a seething fire They :fought while shells their trenches boneycombedt They stood their ground and wav- ered' not While many of our comrades fell Amidst the foernan's red'l o•t shot They stood ami 1st a su g;ng ,belt And Only just afew returned When came the order to retire, While somelhad 'wounded been and Ife14, At their :first baptism of fire ,Tis very hard to have to say Alter the training they have had To end it all in one shoat day The story true ie very sad. Some reinforced the G.Mf,'s. They also felt rifle battle 'ba•uata While shot a.nd shell around them dell ° And smashed their lines along the 1£ront, And with the rest' they stood their ground, They proved their worth, the 33rd. So, friends at home, whaa,te'er you Bear Oti read about this - cruel 'tsar Remember that 'the 33111 Will fight until it all is 01er. Then when we home again return The victor's song shall Jthen be heard, And Clinton 'folk will feel quite proud, To welcome, home tits 33rd, Sergt: Ed ineullcner, ' D. Company 33rd Reserve Patti , • Brick, one and a half storey. house, on Viet:,ria Street, six. rooms, water, electric light, also frame house,• seven rooms. On Vic- toria Street, both central.. Apply on premised to MRS. HARTIGAN-, or to W. BRYDONE Fees tor Bo,l1W, Ete. The following license fees will be charged by the Corporation. of the Town of Chilean eor Booths, etc., on July. 12th, iFor 1 Booth, 12 -!loot counter (frontage, on Streets, or town property $10.00 The same on private property 8.00 Hawkers orpedlars on Moot 2.50 Shooting galleries, ole...-. 5.00 .Applications, with foes, Will be re- cei ved cominencing • on Lriday, June 30th, alt 1 o'clock p.m., and locations will be rade 1 n1 according , to number on receipt of tie If the Public Park is used the same scale of fees will be charged 'tor booths, etc:., - On Ike park grounds. D. L. MACPHIERSON, 1 Treasurer For Sale Property occupied by Dr. Dan- dier, including two lots, house, of- fice and stable. Wi11 be sold sen- arately or togetker.. Electric lighting tluough:out, water in the stable., 'Hard and. soft water in bath -room, ,kitchen and summer kitchen. Apply 4o DR. GANDIEB3 Wool Waalllt.ed Wool warted, highest price paid -Cash or trade, BENMILLJIE WOOLEN MILLS. Young Men Young men or others who are unable to join for overseas ser - ice, can serve their Kin gg ana ountry by helping on It maim Work, Apply to,. The Robert Betl .Engine and Thresher Co., Limited, _ Seaforth, One. Furnace for Sale a,le _.�. A Second-hand Kelsey Furnace in first-class condition. A bar= gain if sold at once. • THOMAS HAWKINS at Rowiand's Hardware. Painting ti Paper Hanging Painting and Paper l3 timing .neatly and promptly done, Ordere left at Ilunniturd s Grooery Stove or at my residence,' Victoria Street, IROS, GRAELIS s 'aa Ve Gttor Sale. A few good calves for sale, Apply to VV. MARQUIS, phone 14 on 160 Clinton For Sale or Rent. I A six -loom house, on Mill St. lately `vacated by Mr. Robert Sweet, Apply to H. Polland or _.. 1... 1P+. Lockwood, Mary St. Fur Sake Two frame houses for sale; one an 8 -roomed :house, corner of Kirk and Townsend Streets, and a six - roomed cottage on ,'Birk ,Street. Electric lights and town water in 'both. Wil'i sell cheap for quick sale, !For further particulars ap- ply tai JOSEP'IS TOWNSEEND, Otaterio Street Teacher Wanted ted School teacher wanted for S. S. No. 6, :)Mullett:, Duties to com- mence Sept. ist. State salary and qualifications, Apply to - Gno C. THOMPSON, Seo., Londesboro P. O. Caretaaker, Wanted A oareteker wanted for Wesley Methodist Church, eaiary $150 per year'. Apply to PETER °ANTELON, Clinton, W. Sandling, KentEngland Boa Trustee Booed Seed Potatoeb. We have a quantity of Davies Warrior Seed Potatoes A. J. Holloway, Clinton Western University, London - -- ANOTHEn GREAT ADVANCE Income Doubled -Now 1075,000 Another large addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine Greatly Increased Enrollment in yiew Write for narticulars to: E. :E, BRAITIHWAITE, M A„ Ph.D. President. Wanted A smart girl to learn the dry goods business. Apply Advertiser, Box 255, (Minton, Ont, lloulse for Sale House on Rattenbury St., formerly nacupie3 by the late Mrs. vVilliam Murray. Apply to G. D. McTAGGART Fat Rens and Chickens Wanted. Taken at any tune, Highest Market Prices W. MARQUIS, CLINTON Phone 14 on 108 Saul. earn We now have in stock a quantity of Seed Corn which we can offer you at a reasonable price, also Good Seed Buckwheat This is the hatching season and that means lots of feed for the baby chicks. We have a large stock of Baby Chick Feed and also Chick Grit on hand Try some of our Oreameal and Oiloake for young calves and pigs, there is nothing better !Pince Lard bas risen to such a high price, why not try Our Easifrst Shortening - as it is not so expensive and goes farther, We have it in 5 and 20 lbs pails Bran. Shorts, Low grade Flour, Oat meal, Breakfast Pood, and Flour always kept in stock Highest Prices paid for Gratin and Wool at "Elevator" W.Jenkins& Son Flour and treed. phone 199 Popular ,; Stallions The following stallions will stand for the improvement of stock this season as folinwsc- DUNiIRE CURTLY (11221) Enrolment. No. 07 MONDAY- Will fea.ve his ownstable West end Tnckerslliith, and go north by way of the Huron Road to the Gra ham House, Clinton, for noon. then by way of the 16th eon,, Goderich town ship. to Mr..Bert Lobh's for night. 't'EESI9AY--Bv way of Maitland con, to VVni, Durst and Son for noon, then by way of Bethel and Benmiller to Wm. Long's for night. WEDNESDAY -Byway of the 6 and 8th con. to Wm. Oanningham's fur noon, then by way of the Sth con. to Fred Quaid's, Dunlop for night. THURRSDAY. - To Union Hotel, Goderich, for noon, thea by way of 1st con, to Selkeld's corner and 4111 con, to Huron nn Road to Wilmot Ilaacke's for night. FRIDAY -By way of 6th con. and Porter's Hill to Fred Pickard's for noon; then by way of 7th con,, to John Stewart's for night. SATURDAY -By way of Bayfield Liue to Jae, Jackson's and of Stanley for noon; then to his own stable where he will remain until the following Monday morning, Terms, 618 to insure. G. W, Nott, proprietor; J. P. Fisher, manager GUINEA GOLD - (18000) [78.191 Enrolment No. 1098 ]MONDAY -Will leave his own stable, West End, Tuckeremitb, and go south to the Mill Road to Pffile Sons for noon, then across to Huron Road and west to Wm. Dales for night. 'TUESDAY - To Graham House, ' Clinton, for noon and until the follow ing morning WEDNESDAY --By way of Huron Road to N Trewartha's, Hnlmesville, for noon, then by way of 9111 con, to Thomas Cole's for night THURSDAY -By way of. Middle - ton's corner to George Holland's for noon, then to his own stable where he w ill remain until the following Monday morning Terms 515 to insure, G,W• Nott, prop, JElt.RY .J. Standard Bred Trotting Stallion Will stand at the Normandie Barn, Oltnton, every Saturday during the season. Ela is a very fashionably bred colt, land while not yet 3 years old, he is a big horse now. No, 01882 American Trotting Register, No, 0101 Canateen Standard Bred Society, Ne. «19 En roimant. Terms -812 to ensure with foal ED. JOHNSTON, Prop„ Phone 8 on 182 Clinton,