HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-06-29, Page 1Established 1865, .Vol. 50, No. 53 Be Sure ` and WWieVVWVVe ovvWvvevWVYV/i ewes esseteAAMAesAA/sensev M I3e Good to Your Teeth 1 Good teeth are essential to b odi t health Your o t L Y eche demand daily attentionyou should he careful as to the dent°.fiico von use. We suggest ltea.tll'Teeth Paste Otctti1L It is composed of ingredients that thoroughly cleanses, without destroying the tooth enamel, It ie a healthy preparation for gums and MUCOUS membrane of the mouth, Price 25c at Best Quality Drug Store The RexailStore "W.13. R. E30 LA/1m8 Phm.B, esoesevesessevesesesencessevVenowsovvvversevvvvveivvvvevevvvvvvvvsees L C LINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY JUNE, 29 1916. come to Clinton on ERA W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers Wednesday,. July I2th.a WVWVy VVWWWVVVVVWWV6O"6/NANMAAAA AAAA, ,M 'Fits Royal Bar* OF CANADA Capital Authorizes . $!25,000,000 Capital paid op 11,560.000 Reserve and undivided profits 13,500,000 Total Assets 7•t • -• �.. 185,000,000yp3 3S 0 LA 118.1. with Can Tit ecsti.ollxt Interest Allowed on Savings Deposits General Banking Business Transacted. R. E. MANNING, Manor, Mtn Brandt WWV'r'VVVVv1NV'WVWWWWVVWWv14WwWWWvvvv,sedvlNv INCORPORATED 1855 in! BAN K �l ? CAPITAL AND ltEsERVE $8,8110,000 96 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDERS Savings Bank Department Interest Ahem d at ]tfi;,thect Cnrrcnt hate if'.Ei Dowding', Balmier lyldRhlthil llet811r11 .1•11131. 010160•1•1. Itlera.492{1.744.a.11.......g.j.g.0.100411M.WEICITININ b • ••••••o••••• ••ts•.ro•a©®00•0•Q*9•♦fc'0••••• • • 4, • • • a • •e 0 e • 4 ♦ A N • You will be surprised s• when you see the fabrics • and style we put in our • `, is.ot) suits. eEveryone who has seen • them has been surprised, • • Come in and examine • these. They have a fine- • • ness of texture and firm- ness of weave that you • would expect to be priced at at least $20,00 • • • We show these r( math able $16,O0 values in a Elide range at ♦, models and patterns. P • • • • • • •• • Ordered Clothing IItenslyste..9'ear Clothing Z Immo 17, ,OPOHTtl 0 you only dant to paYIO or $12 you will find splendid assortinent of ata tractive values here. •+ Because we are offering such really superior io values at $15.00 we want you to see them. • ♦ ♦ Drop in at your earliest convenience and we will • bepe tbern. d to show b ern•. ee •se s a�►sac�mscssvrn cameo a • •• de • Th �B h �lA/ �,T * g f es Agent for C. P. It. Telegraph Co. • A Squire Deal tor every Man se so at'edeasesa•c«6•g••Neesese seesee ee ••6►•••me+•ea••♦••4o••a®i +o fi 4 } r 4. 4. 4- •6• 0 • Left for Wyoming - - nton on the 12th Gone -rogation Makes Gift to Rev, Attie . Mr, ,t ltut bef,rre he Leaves RA's V. S J. ALLIN Rev, S.J Alen, completed a four years' pastorate on Sunday even- ing at C,ntar•io &ti. Church and there .was a large congregation to hear his farewell sermon. During the service, Mies Mayteid Aliin sang "The Lost Chord"' in good voice, . The Minister and'family will be much missed in town, Rev. Allin has taken .an aetivo interest both in and out el church, and has been secretary of the Ministerial Asso- ciation. The work in the clench has progreele,ci under his guld- ance. Mrs. Aliin has been*active in the Sunday Scheel as well as the tith- er church organizations. In the public life shehas filled the posi- tion of president of the Women's Patriotic Society in a capable man Wer, and her going leaves a poste Lion hard totUll. ',Miss Mayfrio Alen bas been a greet bert+pinthe choir, both as a choir member and as a soloist. !Mr. Arlin and family left on Wed nestles. ,ler Wyoming where they will make their home for the corn ing Conference Term, and the best wishes of the citizens of Clinton goes with+tfinen, ADDRESS ANI) P1,ES.LNTATIQN r 'Outlay evening, b alter the t'ia League service, the congregation expressed their good ,wishes to Jlev, Mr. Aiiin, by presenting lain, with a purse of gold and the foe lowing address;- TO THE REV. S. J. ALLIN ; - During the fear years now draw ing to a ,close since you were a1,- eointed to the pastorate of ()nee_ io Street Methodist Church, Cite - ton. and Turners Church, your 1110 has become very closely identi•lied with the life of your people in these eengrega;tions, and not only with them, bat else in the larger Wield of the whole community, We bare learned to appreciate your excellent qualitia., as amen and as.ii citizen, no 1es13 than your ability as a preacher and a. .the bredtdth of your sympathy ins Z a.pastor. We ;have learned to • vane your words of counsel and advice, to lean uponyour help in tunes of sorrow and distress, and to see in your daily life and con- duct the elxempiinication of the Christ spirit ots'erviee and 10 \•e, Upon the occasion or your de- parture ;from among us ive wish to express ,to yon our sense of iurlebt_ edness dor your labours ill OM be- haari. We ask you to accept this purse ,ofg+olcda,s areluembranee. Not only will it convey to you our feedings oflove and good -will be- cause of our past happy red;tytions but it will he a token od tier :good wishes dor the future. Mayyouand your'family long be spared pa to devote to the service oC God and of your fellow men those noble qualities of heart and mind with which 'Heaven has endowed you. e (Signed no behalf of all -13. J Gibbings, Ii Wiltse, E. G-. Courtice. • •• l I Tri The New Ery 191 for Job Work in Straw berries Fresh home grown Straw- berries all this week, quality never lovas better. I_ Le. ve your orders early for canning, in order, to secure hest b e erriesto lowest, a t a t , price„ The Store of Quality i m ` le e �.d T lN. I]llj, THEHUB Ut3GROCER Phone •k8 1 Two weeks from yesterday, (Wednesday) will usher in the 226th anniversary of the Boyne, and• with propitious weather, Clinton is assured 1)f a bu nper cr'o'wd. An ener- getic committee has the work of preparation in fine form and good progress has been made. The townspeople gen- erally should lend a hand in colnpletiig the details; for the celebration. A generous supply of flags, bunting and mottoes are always a pleasing feature on a public day. Make the town look spruce. Let the flags wave: Clinton is easy of access by public and private conveyances hence from near and far visitors are expected Special excursion trains from north, south, east and west will run. No Orange celebration is complete without its fifes ancr drums, but to these will be added the Clinton Kiltie Brass Band, Kincardine Pipe Band and other brass bands will enliven the proceedings. • Preparations along almost wholesale lines will be made for supplying meals, and the usual excellent hotel accommodation is being augmented by the churches and private parties. A great array of oratorical talent is counted on, in- cluding A. H. Hassard, B.C.L., of Toronto, and local clergy, and if they all make long speeches the afternoon will be more than filled. The speaking will take place in the town park. Seventy Lodges were here on a former celebration and it is probable that you will see a duplication of this record or even .ahead of it. Next Governor-General is Duke of Devonshire London Eng, June 27—Official 11,11 nounoemelnt teas made to -day that the Duke of Connaught will be sue seeded as Governar-General of Canada. ;by the Duke of De,'onshire. Victor Chrtstien William Caven- dish ninth Duk of Devonshire \V 10 born. MaY 31 Sees, 'H0 succeeded to his wadies title in 19os. The new Governor-General i'1 a elan who hes many interests and who has taken rather unique role in the public life. of Enamel 'Be is High Ste weird of the Borough of Derby, a t'tce- presid0.nt of the Liberal 'Unionist Duke of Devon 511.1 re Council and a Chairman of the Board of Trade Arbitration Court Be occupied the appointment of Treasurer in Queen •\'ictaria's household from December 1900 to Jan. 1901 and of King Edward's household Prem 1901 to 1908. He was financial Secretary to the Treasury 'from 1901 to 1903. Last year he was appointed Civil Lord oft -h o Admiralty. He has also Oleo following Blow from Cane John Weatherall, of Goderich! Succumbs in House -of Refuge As the result of a small quarrel ' Tuesday morning about 10.30 at the Huron House of Refuge, John Weatheraildorrnerly of Goderich was struck on the head with et cane in the hands of another . Inmate , named Wardell' seed died about.. three quarters of an hour after-, wards. The deceased \vas moved to his room the shock. rather? than the blow, which was a very 'nett 1 1 one , y g and may Along \with heart iailere have haeten'ad on his death, Ile was 70 years of age. , Coroner Thompson, M.D., had a fury tfornied and they viewed the remains .and adjourned to inset on. Tuesday evening next. IF ellowingt a post mmrtem by Dr, Gendier onthe/body el the old Own Weatherall who died 10 Boase of Refuge Tuesday follow ing ablo\v'from a light cane in the; Ithe+hand3 of a fellow inmate named Wardell, it is paid that Weatherall's death resulted t i lt, d from heart f,ulure, The inquest h been ad'o n•n d � a e 1 til] meet Tu.iSdav,bul it',seri'd the :' report ,oif.the most -mortem will. be to this effect No action is being taken Against Wardell!. 1 been Mayor of Eastbourne and of Chesterfield, M.P. for Derbyshire and is President ofthe Anti -So- cialist League of Great Britain, The Duke is a close 'friend of King George and although be is younger he really looks order than his Majesty, 'I.Iis estate has eines ed the principal business of his nee, e, and awriter in The Si:olch said, aptly that hunting is one Ot 1 the chief sr hie bu ' ate nosses of the estate, '.Fie owns nearly 130,000 Acres o•1 land endtialeable minerals aro 10 !ria estate at Lancashire Lind Derby shire. His superb residence an PIccadilly has attracted the at- tention ed mush visitors to London. In 1589 the Duke of Devonshire married Lady Evelyn Easily Mary tritzinaurice daughter of the fifth Marquess ofLansdnwne, lie has two sons and five daughters, The present Duke and Duchess of Devonshire have been a great assistance to the Red Cross, and Devonshire House was turned oyer to that organization last year. L cif News 004080406164004000 teDQ4300t0t9 640) VISITED GODEBICJI The Sunday School class taught by Miss Winnie O'Neil and Mi'. Jatnes Scott held picnic at Gode- rich this weekend while there visit ed the rose garden of Registrar Coate, The genial owner present ed each visitor with a rose A de- lightful clay was spent by all AN ELECTION IN N. PERTH, The Liberals in North Perth have e nomivateri Mx'. +F. Wellington Bay of Listowel as the Liberal a didate for the coming 'bye -elec- tion, made necessary by Me, Tor - ranee Conservative member. retir- ing to become customs officer at Stratford, Mr', Hays, is well known toa great many in Clinton, and is e0usin .of Mrs, Yates, formerly of this town. Election wfllbe held on July 10th. SUDDEN DEATH John 'Hunter died suddenly Wed` nesday morning at his 'home on 91111 street of hemorrhage of the stomach. He tool: hit's supper With his famayy Tuesday night and was thought to be.gettlna nicer over illness ;tvhieh had conifine hen to his home+for a few diiesk. ele' was in his sixty-sixth year, ands_is survived eying \Vide, formerly iss C, Gran t„also one young eon Robin and a; .sister .Miss Hunter: He was one of the oldest residents having been ,born in Tuckersmith Towne ship where until moving to town a feiv years ago, he spent most of rise Mr.. limiter was a member of the Clinton be Weirs send was \Va' to Y e 'found havingr' aearlv d ;game with local membei s or \tsit- ors: l�i3,e, eves a, 'staunch Presbyter- ian Anda member of the N..& A. M,, an d,er whose auspices the : uat- eras twelbe held on Friday after- noon at 3 o'clo%k, Service will be the i;.ite residence a,t f,30: "�xi2tllr+, tpareia,y, 41 tt;*llea'U.Is DEA 'HUNTER -10 ,Clinton on Wednes- day. June 23th John Rueter aged 5vears • nd a 8 Ymonths, EMIGT—In �1vthon Sunday u June 25th, Ann McNamee, beloved wife of Mr, John G. Emigh, aged 60 jyears and'4 months, • t# 0 0 0 •0 o©os•o•oe••••••e•o•000002raas•00•••00•••••eo•0000•oo61 With The Lawn Bowlers •� ,..,',� �"�FN1h�Y , + L 33•'7 . L �`pT�+iY� 4''...l x ln.%6v •�. �, 4�..,.� 1.i� � � yr. Y.l.' t'�� �.r •u;•r�n,,'r,a;1,'' (v�r?" .ter. ' ` ._ �f +�,e�'t .�� +`„ t�a ®0 0SO4l o000000aho•450SS tso ewes®®o®o•®®®e®®em®la0001001i e 0 0 0 Clinton Club Wins Faffl Trophy While Skips Courtice and Nediger Huumbembe Air, gey,Stretford s5 GodericU 54� Willis beaforth •I;i Also take first and second Tntan,tietlrth5 Burrett, I+Lchel l 42 Durkin, Iliccheti 41 Tovell, St, Marys 40 Dewey, St. Marys 85 Prizes Ideal weather conditions prevailed o Tuesday for the P,aill Trophy Toni" nament, played in Clinton. There were twelve reeks teeing part, two from each place, St, Marys, Stratford, Mitohell, Seafortb, Goderich, and Clinton. President, W. Jackson, of Clinton and Secretary (Joie of Mitchell looked after the wants of the players. There were also two other prizes given besides the Feel '.Trophy, club ua s and umbrellas, he Pails Trophy was won by Olin - tont while the club bags went to Skip Oourtice and men, and the uxnhrell:ae to Skip Nediger and his team. Following were the points scored by the various rinks— Clinton 133 points Goderich 113 Stratford 100 Seaforth (11 - Mi tco-bell 83 St, Marys '74 The following are the points made 1•y the various skips for the two in- dividual prizes — Cotu'riee,Clinton .,, 09 points Nediger, t)tiuron .,.,(11 McDermott, Cioderich 51) It'ollowing are the names of the play. ers as they see tee the tournament; — Saatfortit St. Marys J. A. Williams 3, J Dunsettth J. O Greig 1, i{arstone J. Willis J. Pool ., T•' man, skip W. Tovell, skip IV, i), Bright 3. Ray W. 0. 9l Orson W. Methane J. AI Be.t 11. Nnrtbgraves W. G. Willis, skip lei. Dewey, skip G,dericlr Si Telford A. Gotdrhome (3, L. MMeHattie W. 'Dwell J. %V. Lloyd W. Lithe W 910:!(00 13. McDermott, sk 0.16, Mclibargey sk F. W. Woods l+, J. Scull F. Bunt W. Bern J, E. Edwards W. A Johnstone D.H. number Skip A. lie Cash, skip 0110ton Mitchell B. Hovey Dr. Mat). G Roberton 1'. S Ford N. Sill F. Ilord J. Nediger, skip 91, Durkin, skip J. 9Iiller H. Pendleton d, Harhtnd. W. G. Greenwood A, J. Morrish Dr, NeGill E,G, Courtice skip Dr, Burrett skip Social and Personal Mess Duty Cooper spent the week end in St.t101urd, Alt's. W. 3. [1010108 is visiting with friends in Detroit. Miss Mabel Can tpion was a vlSitor at London ove t Sunday. • uilu 1 friss Edna I'cnntb,aker leaves on 1"ridgy For as months visit at Toronto, Lieut. Chas. McPherson, of the Ullst Was late un 1''t'] lay night Pte, 1'e'l''3' llilol o, W;t$ a visitor in Stl eaten l Over 1lu WOO: anA, Miss Garrett, of Washington City i, visiliugltor cunsie, Miss' Word. Mts. R. Ilewt. ins of Hamilton 14 visiting with stet' softs in envtl, \1t', John McMillan, of Blyth %vias a visitor in town 0u Wedne+dety. llr, Arthur Ca ntelon made a bnsi' mss 11'11) to \Voodstucic last week. Miss 1 lute C.la'ditf, of 13rnsse1s, was visiting het sister, Maes, Harry Berttiff 911', and Mrs. W, 3. Millet• and Miss Biggins wore visitors in London least week. Wieghana Advance—Miss C. Dens more as visiting with her sister In Clinton. Mr; and M'i's, Cranston of Part ArLhnr arta spending the summer Roll clays hese., • Mrs, Phoenix and young sou were ealiecl to 1151010101, owing to the death u1' leer sister in.laty. Miss Melee I3artllil' iimse-in-train• ing • at London, is spending a shunt vacation at her home, Miss Nellie Brown, who has beau visiting in Cliiriori with oldf.lencle left for Aylrnei' on Wednesday. Co. '.treasurer Dr. Holmes, of Godo rich was in town on Tuesday, atte nct ing the meeting of the War Auxiliary. MO, lea Johns, of 'Tuckersunitb, ,left last week to visit with relatives and Weeds in the West for st couple of months. Warden Livingston etas 111 towtt 011 Tuc'sahaY. Mr. and Mrs. Peenel eker spent Sunday at Sheppardtuu, Rev.P. 0. and Mrs, Harper acennl- oni+ d byinti AIt is Intl , .. iMaud lc n.uce a and Winn(. O'Neil were visit ors ,at London ou 1't ulrty last. • Mr John Brown who has been vision}; with 13.111ives and friends to town left for his home in New York on \\"adu4Mlay. Mrs,Swavely of Los Angeles, for. 1111'1'1] elle N. Miall', of Clinton, is thn guest of 91sle 1., Saville and other old friends 111 tower.. Mr, alai! Airs (temp, Metenmes ac- companied by Misses Eva Chili and. Margaret McLanensi m etored to Lon- don on Tuesday, Miss Jean Scott t'eteened hones on Siatuxdaay night from her trip to the Western previews. Hiss Scott re - pees to delightful trip. 815, las, Twitchell, Mr. Charles Twitchell, Mrs. Bawclee and .Mr. Prank Bowden attended the funeral of Miss. l G. Emighcat Blyth 00 lkiesday, Monday's Stratford Beacon — Mr. Norman T. Murch, teacher in erre Uni- versity Sete ols, Toronto, is reeuper- atines at his house here, rafter an operation performed recently in Tor. on to., Pte. Ernie Britton, of the 171st Batts was bore Inc a few days hast week, but was .t'ectalled on Saturday to St, Thomas as the Battalion left on Sun- day <tfternnon for somewhere to take boat for England. The best wishes of our citizens go with the young soldier. Rev, 3, W. Hodgins, Rector of S0. Pang's church, Straatforcl, and formerly of Seaforth,. who is also Chaplain of the 88rd Huron Regt, has been grant- ed a leave of absence for two months or longer on amount of ill health. Mx'. Hodgins' old friends in Huron will wish fora speedyrecovery: . Huron Co. News We regret to record the death of. Annie Maud Hart, Wife of Mr. John A.',Howes and eldest daughter of Mr. Reuben Hart of Winthrop which occurred at het' home in Mc-, Kiielop, June 20th at the early age of 28 years and 2months. The de- ceased seats a sufferer from heart trouble forseveral months. Miss,,C.B McKinley B,A., t!e-, sentry of the Listowel Bigh School teaching staff bee been appointed. the position of classical teacher in the Collegiate Institute at her home town Seg1orith, 9t'. Jos. Keyes, a railway engin eel who has been i11 for a couple of yens arid residing with his sister Mrs. Wm, Brielcwooci of Exeter, N orth is able to resume his dueles. andJas lcftifor+the States.. Dr. and Mrs.ho aq T m _ Chisholm formerly respected residnts of Wangliam celebrated their 'golden wed' tang on Thursday, June 15th alt'their residence 115 Playtex 0resent Toronto, They were mar- ried ' intFergue in the year 1855 At the het mooting of Wingham Lodge of Oddfeliows, Bro. W. J. Deyele, 73? Groves and3.W, Dodds were presented With veteraua"ew- C s,. These 'r L 1 s (mem ]envbeen ] h worthy members of+tbe order 'Inc over twenty y * year •s , Me John Brethauer of Wroxeter was aconsiderablet teeter from the hail storm on'Frida,y last. A good ,many dollars worth of glasa in his greenhouse being broken, Mr. W. Gienuey accountant in the Dominion Bank Seaforth left for llespler to (meanie the position of Manager of.the Dominion Bank! in that pls,ee to which he has now beeu Appointed, Serrgt. Michel of the et,N.,W,14I,P. and Mrs, Michel are the guests of Rev. F,(. and Mrs. Richards of the! Bayfield rectory. Mrs. Michel is a sister of Mrs. Richard, Mr's, Galei'or'merly Miss ,Eva Piper, daughter of Mrs. Piper. of Exeter received word last week tied her husband Was killed i n the h overseas battle Aitnost every house in Crediton is pia.oarded formeaaies• Exeter Advoeete—It will be graft. ifyieg .news to many that Dr. Bol- fins assistant superintendent of tiie 'Mimi0o Hospital for the In-• sane, wise some weeks ago , under went aerittcal operation that threatened his life. has ,su((icicle:1y improved as to look after the' of- flee duties of that institution. ItProm nearly 200 pound e, his weight was reduced to that of 120, but he is nowal bout 140. Judge L,1I, Dickson was called to Renfrew on Monday morning owing to the serious illness of his mother Before his arrival on Tuesday more. big Mrs. Dickson had passed away,