HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-06-22, Page 4Thursday, :Tune 22nd, 1916, THE CLINTON NEW BEA PGE THREE W. litiiiLlteNIle BAR1tf8TER SOLICITOR bOTARY PUl31410, gam UGIN9'ON PAINS IN SIDE. AND BACK a.asosW ®..•!!.••bili•i•••• CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. You can Secure It Posi- tion it you take a Course with 'IN. The demand upon us for train- ed help is many tunes the num- ber graduating. Students are entering each week, You may enter at any time. Wiite at once for our free catalogue o Commercial, Shorthand, or Telegraphy 1Departreent D.A. MCLIchhu1, Fri"Willal RARE E u A Rare Chance to buy 'afirst clone Incubator arta very realsonabte price and pay for it in poultry thie nail. We have only a few Incuba- tors and Brooders left this season and we are anxious to clear out the Whole lot at once, We have also three Incubaltors that were only used by us one : season for hatching day-old chicks which we will sell at abig reduction. Phone ns for •prices. Everyone should halve an Incubator as Poultrymen en are all predicting high prices tor (poultry this coming season. Highest prices paid for at hens and roosters. Giln -Lao leis & Co.,, iiiiite0 9 Clinton Branch Phone 19 CHARLES B. HALE Oonneyance, Notary Public, Commissioner, etc. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Huron St•. Clinton, •AAA A AsdAAAaAAAAA/AAAA. 41 110 � ► PhllIOS t See and here our finest t New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianus and ► O, gans, C ► P 5. • it n ► •5. e ► 5. ► ► 4 4 4 C I, • "• Piota' : and organs rent • • ' j •ed `. mice nev" Edison •41, phonographs, Music & N variety goods, Music Emporium �fus C. Ito re �,,Qq �r vvv ee'vv vev a special values in Arl Case's H. " T. RA N C Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estate, INSURANCE AGENT—Representing 14 Fire In surance Oomvanios.- Division Court Office. Piano Tuning Mr. James Doherty wishes to in- formthe public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. ' Orders left at. W. Doherty's phone 61, will receive Prompt attention, M. G. Cameron, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc Office on Albert Street. occupied by Mr. Hooper, In Clinton on every ch a Thursday, and on any day win for appointments are mode, Cfiice hours from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. A good vault in connection with the office. Office open every week day, Mr. Hooper will make any oppointmentsfor Mr. Cameron. ROOFING 3 Corrogated Steel Shingles Felt Roofing and Slate Medk,al. DR <;. W. THOMPSON Physician. Surgeon. Eto epeeist attention given to diseases of the Eye. Ear. Throat. and Nose, E000 aunt, xamined, and suitable glasses prescribed. Mos and Residence. Two doors west of the Commercial HMO Huron St. DES. Gi1CN and CA oD1Eli Dr. W. Gunn, L. R. 0, P., L. H. C. S.. BM Dr. Cunn's office at residonco High Street', Dr J. 0. Headier. H.A. M.B, t -Ontario irA Clinton. Nicht atedenceexnb"r, 8t. or at hosottal DR. F. A. AXON DENTIST .'town and Urldne Work a Specialty. r Oradnaten of C.O.D.S.. Chicago, and F,O,D.S Toronto. BnyaeUl on Mondays. Har 1st to D DR. R. FOWLER, DENTIST. Ofamee over O'NEIL'S store, Special core taken to make dental treat monk ae painless 00 ooseible. How Mrs. Kelly Suffered and How She was Cured. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction rev GODERIOH ONT Cat a 51010 sales a specaals). Otdets 00 a NEW ERA office, Clintonprt,m• Cy sot snap o. Terme reasonable, ?armers' ,ale not. dieoounted'. Eavetroughing Tinsmithing Plumbing and Furnace Work Call or Phone for Prices Estimates cheerfully given Repairs Done Promptly Burlington, Wis.-"I was very irreg- alar, and had pains in my side and back, but after taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound Tablets and using two bottles of the Sanative Wash I am fully convinced that I am entirely cured of these trou- bles, and feel better all over. I know your remedies have done me worlds of good and I hope every suffering woman w 1 give them a trial" -Mrs. ANNA KELLY, 710 Chestnut Street, Burling- ton, Wis. The many convincing testimonials con- stantly published in the newspapers women who enough to ought to b eproof g suffer from those distressing ills pecu- liar to their sex that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the medicine they need. This good old root and herb remedy has proled unequalled for these dread- ful ills; it contains what is needed to restore woman's health and strength. If there is any peculiarity in your ease requiring special ad vice, write the Lydia 1C. Pink. ham Medicine Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass, for free advice. Don't let us starve.. Send a your news items We fairly et on ,up Drs. Geo ttc 31, 1 Whitley lleiletnann OSteopatliic Phy. Specialists in Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office=Rattenbury Hotel. Tuesday and Friday. 7 to 11 p.m. G. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggsr NleTaggart Bros. BANKERS ALBERT ST , tJ.S-A R1 Tt)h� General Banking 13us1nesa transacted .e0TES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed a deposits Heart Pal Rated Would Have to Sit Up in Bed. FELT AS IF SMOTHERING. The Stowaway By LOUIS TRACY eeeeeeeeeesieeeeseseereee'n he .had waited 'for this moment, be turned to the assembled company and delivered an eloquent panegyric of the Anciromeda's crew and their dense de- I.iciosa-fOr that is what he called iris -a delightful goddess, Heeler, though by no means 1nd10fer. ent to the good fare provided. wag wondering ho(t muuy boors would elapse before tris' cablegram reached Verity's office, when some words caught bus ear that drove all other considerations from his mind. "I am sorry to say that, in tny opin- ion, there is notslightest chance of your message reaching England Yorke,"t resident was to- day, Misshe P saying, "But why not?" she asked, with an astonishment that was not wholly the outcome of regret. "'Phe cable does not laud here, and the transmitting stations will be close- ly watched, now that my arrival in Brazil Is known. Even the simplest form of words will be twisted into a political significance. No, I think it best to be quite candid. Until 1 con- trol Pernambuco, which should be within a week or ten days, you may rest assured that n0 private cable- grams will be forwarded." "01.1, dear, 1 fully expected a reply, today!" she said, and now that she realized the effect of a further period of anxiety on the Bootle partnership she was genuinely dismayed. "You may be stirs it will not come," said Dom Corria. "Indeed, 1 may as well take this opportunity of explain- ing to you and to °my other English friends" -with the interpolated sen- tence his glance dwelt quietly on Ho- zier and Coke -"the exact position lo- cally. You see, Maceio is a small place and easily approached from the sea. A hostile fleet could knock it to pieces in half an hour, and It would be a poor reward for my supporters' loyalty if my presence subjected them to a bombardment, 1 have no strong de- fenses or heavy guns to defy attack. and my troops are not more than a thousand men, all told. It is obvious that I must make for the interior. There 1 gather strength as 1 advance, the warships cannot pursue, and I can choose my own positions to meet the half hearted forces that Dom Mi- guel will collect to oppose me. In fact, I and every armed man in Ma- eelo march up country this afternoon." Iris by this time was thoroughly frightened, and Hozier, who read more in De Sylva's words than was possible in her case. was watching the speak- er's calm face with a fixity that might have disconcerted many men. Dorn Corria seemed to be unaware of either the girl's distress or Yhllip's white an- ger. "You naturally ask how I propose to safeguard the companions of my night from Fernando Noronha," he went on, "I auswer at once -by taking them with me, The Senhora Poadillo and her family will accompany ner hus- band to my quanta at Las Flores. A special train will take all of us to the nearest railway station this afteru'o0n. Thence my estate is but a day's march, You and my other friends from both ships will be quite safe and happy there until order is restored. You must come. The men's lives, at any rate, would not be worth au hour's purebase if my opponent's forces eouud then) here, and I feel certain that one or more cruisers will arrive off Maceio tonight. For you this excursion will be quite 0 pleasant experience, and you can absolutely rely on my promise to send news of your safety to Eng - laud at the very first opportunity." Mrs. Francis Madore, Alma, P.E.I., writes: "1\'Iy heart was in such a bad condition I could not stand any excite- ment, and at times when I would be talking my heart would palpitate so that I would feel like falling. At night, when I would go to• bed and be lying down for a while, I would have to sit up for ten or fifteen minutes, as I would feel as though I was smothering. I read in the daily paper of a lady who had been M the same condition as I was, and was cured by using Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, so I bought a box, and they did me so much good, my husband got another, and before 1 lead used half of the second box I was completely cured. I feel as though I can never say enough in favor of your Heart and Nerve Pills." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are composed of the very best heart and nerve tonics and stimulants known to medical science, and are for sale at all dealers, or will be mailed direct by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Price, 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25 Read itheadvertisements in The New Era.. You should find itpro fitallae, Every page of The New Era is in tere'sting Don skip one. The McKIlIOP Mutual Fire Insurance t!o. Perm ®yOnly and lelnsur d. d Town WroTo t (lead Office-Seaforth, Ont OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, Seaforth, President J. Connolly, Goderich, Vice -Pres. Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Sec.-Treae Directors -D. F. McGregor; Sea - forth; .0. G. Grieve, Winthrop; W. Rinn, Seaforth; John Benneweis, Dublin ; J. Evans, Beechwood ; M. McEwen, Clinton; J. B. McLean, Seaforth ; J. Connolly, Goderich t Robert Ferris, Harlock. Agents -Ed. Hinchley, Seatortb; W. Chesney, Eg mondville; J. W. Yeo, ]iolmesville; Alex. Leitch. Clinton; R. S. Jarmuth. Brodhagen Payments mate at Morrish & Co. Clinton, and Cutt's grecer,y store Goderich and Jas. lents store Bayfield. Byarn & Sutter Sanitary Phunbers Phone 7. eneveneennewenenneeienneweemeneene ARE YOE3 GOING WEST? The Grand Trunk Railway System will run Ilomeseekers'' Excursions EACH TUESDAY March 7 to Oct., 31 (inclusive) Tickets valid to return within two months inclueive of date of issue Winnipeg and return.... $135.00 Edmonton and return. , , , 43.00 Proportionate low rate to other points Manitoba, ani Saskatchewan n and inM 'Alberta. Further particulars on applica- tion to Grand Trunk, Agents. John Ransford & Son, city passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 5.7 ,A, 0. 'Patt.tson,station agent A Carload of Canada PerIIan4 Cement Phone us for prices it wilt pay you John .I -I utton,. LO'N DESBORO FORD db 111cLEOI) We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have o,n hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Hawley and Feed Corn Sighed Market Prices paid for Hay and!..all Grains. - c Vanishes Forever onstipation Prompt Relief ---Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purdy ve4et- able-u1 sandy but gently on the liver. Stop after dinner diara.- cureiodi- radon -improve thecamp esioa-brOhen the eyes SnoU•P1R, Small Dew, Smell Prion Genuine HUE bear Signature PERSONAL. St. Catharines, Ont. -"Two years ago I was in a very nervous, generally run- down condition, so that I awoke in the ,morning more tired "; than when I retired. Thedoetorsthought I had heart trouble, and treated me for it but I got no benefit. I heard of Dr. Pierce's reme- dies,through a friendwho had been to your Invalids' Hotel for an opera- tion (which proved entirelysuccessful) and I at once got the 'Favorite Presorip tion.' I took three bottles altogether and at the end of three weeks I felt en- tirely cured and have been well and streak since, without a single bad spell. 3 stopped taking it about three months ago and am glad to tell any one how splen-' ()idly your medicine has healed me." - MRs. JOHN Lewin, 53 Niagara. St., St. tharinea Ca , Ont. ' The mighty restorative power of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription speedily causes all womanly troubles to disappear and brings back health and Strength to nervous; irritable and exhausted women. .It is a wonderful prescription prepared only from nature's roots and herbe with no alcohol to falsely stimulate and no earcotio to wreck the nerves. 'It ban - low irite ce backache,s ban - ' Mies pain,headache, whits, ulh, hot flashes, worry and sleeplesness surely rad without loss of time. Get it nowt All druggists. A Great Book Every Woman Should Have. Over a million copies of tbe "The Peo- ple's Common Sense Medical Adviser" are Pow in the hands of the people. It is a book that everyone should have and read in case of accident'or sickness. Send fifty cents or Stamps to Dr. Pierce, invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., and en- close this notice and you will receive by return mail, all charges and customs duty prepaid, this valuable book. The Republican Candidate IONOSINOVIEIVOINNIPIVIINVIONO Better Pay The Price Don't he tempted to choose cheap • jewelery. Far better topay a fair price and know exactly what you are getting, a h 0 high e 0 I . You will never besorry-for as a matter of money, it is easily the moat economical. That has been said so'often that everybody by this .time should know it -and yet there is no scarcity of cheap jewelry in: the land SUNIDAY SCH1DI1 Lesson XIII.—Second Quarter, For June 25, 1916. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the'Lesson, Phil. i, 1-11; -iv, 1' -9 -Quarterly Review -Golden Text, Phil. iv, 8-. Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. LEssoN I, -The conversion of Saul, Acts ix, 1-11, 17.19. Golden Text, 1 Tim. 1, 15, "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief." That God shout& choose such a vessel for such a purpose is to us a very great mystery, but wes know that Hie way is perfect, and it was a fore- shadowing ore- of Israel conversion I h' colo of the s ad g as a nation by His appearing to them In glory, when they shall become a na- tion of Pauls, with all his zeal. LESSON II. Aeneas and Dorcas, Acts ix, 32-43. Golden Text, Tit. ii, 7, "In all thine showing thyself an example The result of these works." T e of d g� two miracles of health to Aeneas and a return to life in a mortal body to Dorcas (which was no gain to her) was that many turned to tbe Lord and be- lieved in Him and thus helped to com- plete His body, the church, the one only thing worth living for, LESSON III, -Peter and Cornelius. Acts x, 1-16. Golden Text, Rom. x, 12, "The same Lord is Lord of all and is rich unto all that call upon Ilim." Be- cause of the Easter lesson next week: we take the whole chapter and see a Gentile household, with kinsmen and friends, hearing and receiving the word of the Lord, and in Erin forgiveness. and the gift of the Holy Spirit (verses 24, 44). Note the agents. LESSON IV. -The risen Christ, I Cog xv, 1-11. Golden Text, I Cor. xv, 20, "Now bath Christ been raised from the dead, the first fruits of them that are asleep." Our salvation and all includ- ed in it depend upon a risen Christ who waits for a company of people lu redeemed bodies like His own. Then shall He begin His reign on earth, and we shall reign with Him till He bath subdued all things unto Himself. LESSON V, -Peter delivered from pris- on, Acts xii, 1-11. Golden Text, Ps. xxxiv,i7, "The angel of Jehovah en- campeth round about then that fear Him and delivereth them." The devil hates God and' Christ and His people and His truth, and seems to think that he can succeed in opposing God, but our Lord has assured us that all the Inst a a wisdom of hell cannot prevailg Him or His people (Matt, xvi, 18). LESSON VI. The missionaries of An- tioch, Acts xi, 19-20; xiii, 1-3. Golden Text, Matt. xxviii, 19, "Go ye there- fore and make disciples of all tine na- tions." The disciples were so slow to obey the command to go and tell that the Lord allowed persecution to scat- ter the believers, and all but the apos- tles went forth with the word of life even as far as Antioch. Later the Holy Spirit called Paul and Barnabas. LEssoN VIL-Lo, we turn to the gen- tiles, Acts xiii, 13-02. Golden Text, Acts xiii, 47, "I have set thee for a light of the gentiles." On this tour the glad tidings were carried in today's lesson to Cyprus and to Antioch, and we have one of Paul's great sermons, giving the substance of his teacfting, which was always Christ crucified and risen and coming again to set up His kingdom and forgiveuess for all who receive Him. Lessee VIIl.-The cripple of Lystra, Acts xis'. 8-20. Golden Text, lsa, xl, CHARLES E. _HUGHES, former governor of New York, and later a member of the supreme court of the United States, noiminateed for the presidency by publicans on Saturday. There has been scarcely a year in the past •half dozen or more, when Charles'E.'Hughes has not been seriously spoken of as Presi- dental tirubr:'r, His choice now by the Republicans is en indication that the party has moved for- ward, ,for 'Hughes is able, straight - type. A nativelof Glen Falls, restrained type.?? o York, where he was born fifty-four years ago, he took up law -hie ser- vice in the gas investigation and later an the insurance probe brought national fame and reforms in laws relating to these vastly important corporation i'elaltionships, Thum. January 1007, to May 1901, he was Governor of New Y ork, where his wort: along. reform lines attracted still avider notice. In his firat year es Governor he vetoed 200 b'lls passed by the Legislature, CHAPTER XV. CAn10ELA, MONG the many words borrowed by the Brazilians from their Spanish speaking neighbors that for "tomorrow" is per - baps the most popular. The Span- iard's manana is so elastic that it cov- ers any period of time between the next twenty-four hours and the in- definite future. When,-. therefore, Dos Sylva spoke of controlling Pernam- buco before the month of September was barely half sped he was either too sanguine or too literal in bis transla- tion of easy going Portuguese into vigorous English. His gninta, or country house, was situated; on the upper watershed of the river Moxoto. There he raised his standard, thither (cocked rebels ga- lore, and in that direction, with due caution, President Barreca pushed col- umns of troops by road and rail from Bahia, from Pernambuco and from Maceio itself, for Barraca held the sea, and the wealthy and enterprising soutb was strongiy opposed to war, while Dom Corria trusted to the moun- tains end drew his partisans from the less energetic north. In a word, De Sylva commanded public sympathy, but small resources; Barraca was unpopular,' but controlled the navy and part of the army. Given such conditions, with the added abeur- dity that the troops ou both sides were most unwilling to face long range rifle fire, but would cheerfully haste each v. and other to mincemeat with knives. a tedious, indeterminate campaign is the certain outcome. 'A few indecisive but - sanguinary •en- .gagements were fought.iu the neigh- borhood of Pesgnelra. a town in the hills about a hundred miles from the seaboard. These proved tont General Russo was a valiant tighter, but 0 poor tactician, and that was all, Ile was opposed by a commander of lune COur• t,ge, but singuler skill in strati gy '.1`0 restore the balance Dom Corria tool[ the field in person and ..;torn Miguel Barmen hastened from Itlo de Janeiro to witness the crushing of his arch en- emy. . The position was complicated by the arrival at Pernambuco 0f -a German cartel telegraphic nr iu a s ria da'on be g g from the emperor,.. A• Gorman ship had been seized on the high seas. Why'? ' .And be whom? And how ennld any- CONTINUED NEB'F WEEK. Now to get personal -If you would like to tniss chat sort altogether - COME HERE If. you would liketo buy where nothing but hi h qualities are dealt in -COME HERE And even nt that, • no person ever said our prices w re unfair Ellison Records and Supp' res R.(ounte'Y pie R M j' rI Jeweler and Optician, W l,l V L 0`� Issuer of Marriage Licenses Stop ackaches Don't complain about' pains in your back when the remedy lies right to hand. Gin Pills stop backaches, and they do it in an easy natural way' by going right to the root of the trouble thus decreasing the volume of leg- .Il , "He giveth power to the faint, and ienlation and improving its quality ;His subsequent service on the Sup- reme( Court has been clear-sighteu and painstaking, his ability being especially( shown in the State rate cases "Jinn Crow" laws, and the pure„food cases., t' 'izrd in- VIr.. ;Hughes 'has been c,lt •ferentiallY lay Col_ Roosevelt be - sed cause his candidature was endo? •7by the German -American Alliance In his statement to a reporter on Saturday Mr Hughes delclared; We ,have but one country, and we do not for an instant tolerate Any division of allegiance'' Mr. Hughes is a strong and 'calm- est man, retiring in habit, a hard worker, a man so little in gym- so than now. Witness the enmity of pathywtth political bosses that he is sometimes ,termed an "ingrate.' the Unitarians and others to salvation. ' by the blood of Christ alone, yet Tit I ills ,•t z Fenn% KIDNEYS Gin Pills act on the kidneys and the bladder, The soothe and heal the inflamed organs, which are causing the suffering. Neglect your kidneys and swollen hands and likelylof follow. res arc saves •L and rink feet, wen a A dose of GM Pills in time suvcs a world of pain. You will realize their value when you read what Mrs. J. 1'. 't, wedge, of eummers,de, P•e.2, writes: "Gin Pills are the greatest of alth'tid- ney remedies and a medicine which is at present doing me a world of good. They are worth their weight in gold to any sufferer.” Get GIN PILLS to -day at your dealer's. SOc. a box,' ore boxes for 82,50. Trial treat- ment FREE if you write 13 National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto More Huron Boys Among the Wounded Goderich, June 15 -Pte, Robert Wilson, son of John Wilson of Nile. has been wounded in the face by a bullet. This is the second time for Pte, Wilson. Ile had just been dis charged from hospital on May 26 Pte Cyril Fraser, son of Mrs. Ed ith &Fraser; of town. is in the hosptt al, according to official announces- ment, but the nature of his injuries is not known 'His brother is drum -sergeant ie the 161st bugle band Seaforth, June 15 -Thomas E. Hays of this placed received word from Ottawa to -day stating that his. son Pte Scott 'Hays, infantry, was officially reported missing be- tween June 2 and June 4, Scott en listed at Regina fn August last year and immediately became ,attached to the 3rd 'University Corps of the Princess Pats He was a notedvoe alist and brother of W T. Hays, popular tenor and druggist of Seaforth',. to him that hath no might He inereas- eth strength." Everywhere preaching the gospel of the grace of God and the kingdom and magnifying the Lord in life and death, thus they went from place to place (verses 3, 7, 21, 22, 27. The coming to life of Paul and his power to continuo were more wonder- ful than the healing of the lame man. rnesoN IL -The council at Jerusa- lem, Acts xv, 1-35. Golden Text, GaL v, 1, "For freedom did Christ set us free." A full salvation through Jesus Christ without any good deeds of ours has always. been opposed by the devil r from the time of Cain, and never more One of his .advocates ,for the nom. nation rias epigrammatically said ; "Nobody wants 'Hughes but the people " Some ,of his axioms are as fol- lows ;- 1/Ilbel:ie:ve in work, hard work not breagc down hours ofd from overwteno h but., from worry and dissipation?' "I regard a successful man as one (who has utilized to its fullest extent the best ability in him.'' "'.roman society cannot be stable unless Cutis progreespve," "The common welfare must ne the ,supreme hew." WHY Y011 ARE NERVOUS The nervous system is the alarm system of the human, body.. In perfect health we hardly realize that we Have a network of nerves, but when health is ebbing, when strength is declin- ing, the same nervous system gives the alarm in headaches, tiredness, dreamfnl. sleep, irritability and unless corrected. leads straight to a breakdown. ' To correct nervousness; Scott's Emul- sion • is exactly what yon should take; its rich nutriment gets into Ole blood and rich blood feeds the tiny nerve -cells while the whole system responds to its refresh- ing tonic force. Free from harmful drags. Scott & nowne, Toronto, Out. MINOR LOCALS. Rev. Andrew Browning 13,lird, ill A. D D.. wit. 35 scats jig° went to the West ;le a pioneer mil:siona,y of the, Preshyterion Church, and who fur e.1 most 30 years has been i•lentifiod with the Manitoba College, of which he is, the acting principal, Wan elected mod erator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church 00 ,Canada,. thoa receiving vin gcte highest 6h, e et honour r' which cam ' the denomination r intL7t bestow. w. ion in the to wn hall undafter- noon Julyy end iii, 5, and other texts emphasize "not by works of righteousness." Lessors X. -The call of the west, Acts xvi, 6-15. Golden Text, Acts xvi, 9, "Come over into Macedonia and help us." Farther and farther the glad tid- ings are carried, for God would have all to hear, but the messengers are so few. In thio case buman weakness is overruled by God to send out four in- stead of two missionaries, the Holy Spirit controlling, and the gospel is tak- en to Europe. Lesson XL -Sowing and reaping and the Spirit teaching, Gal. vi -1 Cor. it. Golden Text, I Cor. ii, 10, For the Spirit sear'eheth all things -yea, the deep things of God." When we be- come new creatures in Christ by faith alone, then it becomes our privilege to be so given up. to the Spirit that He alone may ,guide and teach and In all things so control that we shall not sow to the flesh nor build to be destroyed. LESSON ':%II, -The Philippian jailer, Acts xvi, 19.3.4. Golden Text, Acts xvi, 31, "Believe on the Lord Jesus and thou shalt be saved, thou and thy house." The third household saved in the story of the Acta. See Cornelius and 1,ydla. What strange events in this case -an evil spirit speaking the truth, a demon cert out, a per'secntiou and'lmprieonment praises at midnight with graver, an eel tlar5n,,l.e, a boom- '. hold saved. . HAVE YOU A RAD SORE? If so, remember these facts, Zam Buk is by far the most widely used balm in Canada ! Why has it be- come so popular? Because it heals sores, cures skin diseases and does what is claimed of it Why sotlet it heal your sore. Remehn'ber that Zam-Bol: is alto wether different to the ordinary oint merits' ;Most of these consist of animal fats, Zant-Rut: contains to trace pf any animal fat, or any min oral matter, it absolutely herbal Rein ember that Zam-Bull is at the same time healing soothing' 'and antiseptic hills 1101001) instantly and all harmful germs. It is suit - 'able alike for recent injuries and diseases.andtor chronic sores ulcer eta, Test how different and su-' perior Zam-Buie really is. All drug gists and stores at 50e box Use also Zana -But: Soap Relieves skin burn and'prevents freckles Best for !baby's bath 25c tablet. hipper. The following is the monthly re- t rof SS. No, 4 ., tan- port for 14Iay 1 , ley. Names are in order of merit 5-L B. Hyde, A.L IFisher. Sr 4-M. A. Cooper, V.M. Jarrott W H. Collins, Jr 4--V.M iilcClymont, G. J. Cocpeh', N J. 'Hood.; Sr 3-E, L. Hyde, W.M. Roos. Jr 3 L. S. Near, W.L. Workman Foster, and --W1 A. Ross, L. C. Work- man, D; M. (Foster. 2nd Part -C Bridges, A. Bridges E Foster. 1st Part -H, A. Hinsdale, M. M. Meriams, The best spellers in the month- ly spelling, matches were - 15th --Anna L. Fisher Sr 4 -Sidney H Thompson Jr 4 -Ella I'. 'Pusher 15r9 -Erna, L. 'Hyde ' Jr , 3 -Luella M. (Foster. end -Wallace A Ross A Christian college -home, healthful situation. rind al i7orprospectneand terms, writetheP p R.h Wainer, M.A.,D.D., St. Thomas, Ont. 63 Cook's Cotton Root Compound. .4 safe, reliable reppu,atina medicine. Sold in three de. No B2 55;rNo. 3, 36 per bol Sold by all druggists, or sent pp058idp on eoce,pt of pprfce- lYno. pampblot.. Addeosst THE COOK MEDICINE CO., TORONTO, ONT. (Firmly Windsor) The Western Fair London, Ontario September 13th to 16111, 1916 The management of the Western Fair, London's great Exhibition, is very busy preparing for same. With- in the next few days, thousands of prize lists, hangers and maps will be mailed tbronghtoutthe Country. The very 'generous prize list of 1015 has been added to very materia,.1 this year. Several new sections have been added in the Florae and Cattle D.'partment and a new class entirely for D'uroc Jersey :!wine, Anew class has been given for a Wool exhibit and also one for nn exhibit of eggs The manage ment realizes that the success of the Exhibition depends to a large extent on the Live Stock and Agriculture De partments and are mitth t forth every effort to give the Exhibi tore in these departments all the consideration pas shIe. Prize lista surf forms and alt infin' mtuticn given on application to the Secretary, A. M. Hunt, London, Ont.