HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-06-22, Page 2PAGE TWO. Millinery Ready• to -Wear I ar Garments Y ho ne7$ Dry Goods and HouSe Fur ta1 A iShill i.*s i.,Couch&Co Big Display of Preiigsuniv?'?, s s Fashion never created prettier patterns or styles than we are showing this season, They are smart. at; tractive, and dressy, and so co& and comfortable. You will be pleased when you see them, They are made of pretty Embroidery, Fancy Voiles, Girlghars, Muslins and Linens. Be Sute and See this Grand Display Washable Skirts We have just received a large shipment of the veru newest in 'Math Skirts in all the newest styles and cloth inclu.ling .Pique, Awning Stripes, Bedford Cord, Indian Head and Reps, Prize:; from $1.50 to $3 50. MILLINERY $2.98 9 As the millinery season is drawing to a close and we want to clearthi~ balance of our hats, we put on sale Sarurday: 15 Hat , reg 5,00 for 2 9$ agIsammezirf AMY i Report of the County Cooncil The June session of the county council closed last Friday mornin at the Court House here Severer matters of more than ordinary im- portance came up during the ses- sion and severed delegations welt- ed on the council .A !'ell report of the deputation from the County War Auxiliary with reference to the county malt ing a grant sufficient to pay the expenses incurred in the late cam- paings for recruits for the 161st, and for ,mess tents etc needed for for the battalion was published in last w.ee1. s issue of New Era The council decided to pay ail necessary expenses inconneetion with the battalion -the bills incurred in re- cruiting and for mess tents, etc required for the battalion, voting $2,500 for present requirements and, leaving it to the discretion of the Warden and treasurer to pay lurch er amounts if they decide it is OW- N isaiol.e t Another deputation to wait on the council was from the Huron Co Moral Reform Alliance, which ask ed the county to assume reaponai- bility for Constable bellow's salary Kr. Powell, county field secre- tary of the Alliance. addressed the council and said that Huron would be still under the C T. A. after the new Provincial Prohibition hill came into effect In the new 'bill there was no provision for the ap- pOuntmeet of a license inspector but the two inspectors would pro- bably be appointed by the Government under the C T.A Mr Powell said the association .thou ht the time had arrived. when the county council should appoint a eonetable and pay his salary or atleast part ofliis salary. The in- spector's reports showed that $3,- 360 of fines hadbeon imposed the past year, while' the county treas- urer's report showed only 82,300 paid tin,, Mr. Powell supposed the, deficit of $1000 was made up of fines' not collected and if these Were paid.in there would be a, sur- plus of 867300. instead of the ,l:e- ficit the county's treasurer's re- port sho'1ved, They 'had ten working under clause 141 of the license Act and for the infractions of this section $1,350 had!been collected in fines In these cases the legal men's ex- penses ;were taken out, and the bal ante.. the speaker considerectshould come back to the county, also he thought that the Inspector should be able to deduct a proportion of his salary from -this fund, 8000 0c $600 at least The surplus, accord ir.g.tothe Act. goes to the Got - ermine* and not to the county, - The enforcement of the, C T.A. in Ilur0n Thad '?one a great dent to put ;lion on on the men. as ahowieg that the Act could be enfoced sat isfactorily and had brought Hur- on County to, the fore( Mr A. T. ,to of Clinton, said the idea of having azconstable ap poitated by the county M1v8s the: "of the Central. License Board There was a county surplus of $4,000 00 hand draevirg interest ,ever since the :old alct was tT force, 'and this amounted to about 0- u $1 ,00 0 by now The Association intended to spend 90,000,andwa;led the county Cu OD , ria to pay Censtalble y'ellow's sal- ary and give hint county jurisdic- tion Rev Mr. fin:ght, of Hansen and and Crown Attorney Seeger aiso Mr Seager stating that were ,}'to0 of fines ilmposed in GOdericlh which Were not yet paid in on account of appeals pending, which had since been settled in favor of the temp erance people, 'Mr. Seeger paid a compliment to Constable Pet - low's work. 'But for Mr. Pellote,' he said, "we would had have had any enforcement o the law at all No action, however, was takes: bvthe council Still another matter which u'ae discussed /It consideraible length was the question of flood Roads, W A. McLean, deputy minister of highways, addressed the council ex Naming the Government ay tent of assisting in the building of eoocl roads,:: by which $40 waspaici bvthe Provincial Government :for $60 the county laid out on design- ated roads built according to stand aid The Majority Ma3 m oT the coiiatciDots \Vere do fiver 0f something being done ae committee Was appointed Cto p ittouch wit h the matter and report at the December session A hearty 'vote* thanks was passer.! to Mr McLean by the council. House of Refuge Salaries Raised. The House of Refuge committee met in Clinton on Tuesday and r'e• ported that after making a careful examinaeton of the House of Refuge and outbuildings pn the farm they found that the new keeper Mr Brown and the new matron, ,and the assistant Miss hicks. were very painstaking officers "We found everything 121 perfect shape," they, reported, clean tidy sanitary and the inmates were found clean and satisfied We also find the new keeper doing without anassistent We would recommend that the sal- ary paid to the old keeper be new paid to the flew keeper. hehavingg now proved to be on to the work also that the mat'ron's salary be raised to the aid ata,ndard, + c., 31'.' .grown now receives $466, should be $600; Mrs, :Bro tun -now receives. $300 should be $400 i The committee recommended 'that the tender of of Mr Carril) for meat at 15e per lib ,per quarter be accepted. Also that the resigea.-' teen of Dr Shaw he accepted and that his lo.eutn tenons Dr Milton Shaw. 'he•al:lowed to act as'.riouse oc Refuge physician: during Dr John W Shaw's absence on military duty On the 161st Battalion, Also that the Inspector : arrange bond with the county solicitor, protecting [he county, 'bef ore removal of Mr,Raa,1 an inmate of the House of Refuge Also that the account of John; CASTORIA For Infants and Children fiuUse For Over 30 Years Always bears the '' i a +?nLu S re 0f ,. IINOMMIIMAY \'iters be pi aces at $45Walker d, Son for burial of John ', The county property eontnitteo reported everything clean and tt c a ejail.the goodtwo itisoners expressing ng themselv : as having no faint to find with their treatment. Recommend that here grueet of the Jailer Griffin for re - airs of the teeetroughing 005 the noise be granted The steel case and'boxes ordered for the registry • office had been .installed according to contract The court house hued ing„ and offices were in good con- dit'ion, clean and comfortable The education committee recom- mended - that the resignation of Rev D. Walter Collins as the ;county':; representative on the Senate of Western University ;Ira accepted,and that Wm Lane be his successor hi that position, else that the expenses of Mr, Collins tp ]rest meeting $3 90 be paid , areae that $40135 be paid to the : Harris- ton High School," the amount due (less fees) for County of .Huron's pupils Phe county 'treasurer's estimate of expenditures and receipts for 1916 Was as follows 0. -- Expert clitures, Exprrdtures, County Rate 0 118 'Mitis THE 'CLINTON NEW BEA. Thursday, ,lune 22nd, 1916 Administration of Justice ...$9.000.00 Jail • 2000 00 Division Cont Jury 100.00 Schools ....- 25,00e 00 School management 3,20000 Grants 2,600 00 Municipal Government _.-..- 8,000 00 Stationery, etc , -._ 1,000 00 Lunatics, et 600.00 Miscellaneous ' 500 00. County p -or a rty 1,609 00 Roads and T1h r;igee 10,42270 Iuclnstrial Hayne .... -... 1,004 60 Bridge debentures interest 1,200 Ott Bridge debentures No. 2600!x0 Patriotic debentures . 3,000 00 Patriotic, deb sinking fund 5,000 lei Patriotic deb No 2 fund4 09000 Patriotic deb No 2 in{:erest 1,60000 War Auxiliary . ,... 3,500 00 Total 92,722 72 Re eeints Sui phts $1,307 Z6 Licenses . , ..... 1,000 00 Interest 10000 Total $ 2,407 26 Amount required to be raised 00,315, 46 A report of the finance committee recornineed rl the acceptance o. the treasurer's estimates, requiring agate of 21!8 mills on the doper The equil,ization was left as form erey In c0nsicleriug the report of the equalization committee, if. was moved ibyMessrs ])nig and Powell that the asseevnent of Ho wick and Ternberry townships be reduced $3, iter acre Last. 'Moved by Messrs Bissett and Crich, that the egnaiazed value of Colborne lownship be reduced from $44 per acre 909138 per acre Lost "Tate county is continuing the grant of $6,003 a month to the Pat italic di'und t.n 1 another lot of der bentures, amounting to $60,000, is to be issued to raise the money. In view of the; success in selling the first lot in the county it was ale-- cided to try to dispose 02 these also within the county The county treasurer explained that he had made atrrangemenst fee the cashing of interest coupon, at: ally Charter ed Bank in the county with theex- ceptio:n o1 Blyth.. Brussels, Clolri,,,, Wineeter, Peed rich and hoped to make ar m to ements g in these Plaices or it would be a small ex- pense for the County to asinine the bank discount in these cases anti nut the whole county on the sante basial, %loved ;by Messrs Govenlock and Elleriugton, that for selling the debenture,; (nett member of the committee be paid his actual ex- penditures and $50 -Carried, Special Committee The Special,• Committee recom- mended rio action on the invita- tion of the Ontario Municipal As- sociation to attend the anhum' con- vention in Toronto Attg 30 end 31; no ,diction on the invitation of the Orion of the Canadian 11Iui>icipali- ties to attend an arganisiition meeting called by,His Worship the _%leyor of Toronto foe June 10 at which a Provincial branch or the Zfnion of the Canadian .iiunicilmarii ties was to be formed to he called the Union oi' Ontario Municipali- ties, similar Ito the very successful 'Provincial branches in all [heoth- er provinces ; re motion to hat e the 00123125' .ouncil meeting hold at Exeter for, the December session that, on account of the la.tenese of tate season we do not accept the kind invitation of the Reeve of Exeter; that no action be Laken on the request of the united c:ounl•os Stormont, Dundee and Glengarry. asking the council to join /II me- morialieing the Provincial Legisla- ture ,to take up the, construction of actdo 1 . permanent inter -urban roans run- ning. to and from important ten- tree in each county, the roads to be selected by some engineer nominated by the Govereinent, With the idea of forming 111 tithe a continuous chain or net work of permanent roads covering the most thickly populated •portion of the ,province, Re motion. of. Messrs Nairn and Stewart with reference to formu- lating some general scheme where by the important matter of aicliegg and assisting returned disabled soldiers to suitable positions can "tie handled eatisfactorily, 'the com- mittee recoramend4c1 that a c0'm- tral executive committee of the Soldiers' Aid Cohnn:isnion be form• ed in the town of Goderieh also a local branch in each municipality, consisting of the peeve and the War Auxiliary, for the purpose' of looking after the interests of of returned soldiers of their muanici- nality to repnl•I to the central ex- ecutive. at. God elicit They recom- mended further•' that the County Soldiers' API Commission be link - ea up with the Provincial Soldiers Aid Commission and that all nec- essary expenses arising therefrom he met by the county council, when certified hy the Warden. the eouutyTreasurer and the Presi- dent of the 13xeeutiee of Godro- ilch Re motion of J A. Stewart and 0 A, Nairn the.t the coancit go on r eta, d as strongly in favor, of Good Roads and the: they. keep in touch with and join this Pro- vincial Good Roads Association and have representatives attend their annual come -Onion aed ec Port back to this board, ' lave re- commend that no action be taken Re motion 0f Messes J. M. Gov. cnloclt and Chao, Stewart,: that this county take up the Good Roads System 4.nd act on it as soon as 'lressible, we, in our opinion, think this to be a move in the light direction, but would leave the question to the council as, a whole to decide whether any action I at present 'be taken or not. It wars moved by - ,Y, E. Irwin and Seconded by , P. W. Smalla- comOhe, that the Warden, J. M. Go- venlock J. A. Stewart of Seaforth, and C. Stewart of Ashfield, 'ancl J M. Taylor 1,e a committee to look into the Good Roads questto'n and report at the December ses- sion of the conn_ll, also that the Reeves of the different municipal- ities take up En municipal council and be prepared to report the feeling of connces at: December session. In amendmept it was moved by Messrs. J. Shortreed and 'Arm- strong that no action be taken at the present time. The amendment wan lost, only members voting for it, and the motion cat'ried, • Executive Committee The Executive Committee re- ported as follows, - Re letter of Chas. M. Robert- son. asking un additional payment for potatoes supplied to the jail, as, owing to tate failyrre of the potato crop, he has had to pay 91.50 for potatoes that lie tender- ed to supply :it 76c per 'bushel, an actual loss of $13 60, we recom- mend that no action be taken, as it might a =esta'blis ibad pre- eeclent 3' Re motion of'112essrs Dewar and Mitchell, asking foe the return of money granted and paid by muni- eiPalfties towards recruiting of the 161st battehom We recomnten that the demand of the motion 'be granted„ as an necessary expenses for recruiting are being paid by tate county 'grants. Re motion of Messrs Smalla- combo and Harding, asking for a grant of $3000 to toe War Auxil- iary, with similar restrictions to the grant of $2000 made in Jan- uary last, we recommend that the sum of $2,500 be granted to cover all necossitir-s for the present on came restrictions as in former grant in January last Re communication from iron W. J. Hanna prOs'incial-See'y, notify- ing he county council to deposit the eum of *0,826 72 to the credit of the License Puna for the year following 0 first day of 1tIay, 1010 are rettofnmend the necessary de- posit be made; Re letter of Sheriff Reynolds con corning discharged prisoners we recommend no action at present, On iPriday morning it was moved by Messrs. Elliott and Lobb that the matter of increasing the grant to the War Auxiliary for the efi!st battalion be reconsidered -Carrico. It was then moved by Messrs, Najrn and Lobb that the following words be added multiuse Sof the report of the executive committee• That any further expenditure that the Warden and Treasurer find necessary over this amount \t•'lt Le guaranteed by this council -Carried • 'Roads and Bridges, The road and bridge eonrmiltee reported es follows ;- That the engineer's report be ac- cepted and printed in the minutes. its motion of Messrs- Irwin and Ford re having approaches to Bay- field bridge from Bayfield bide fill ed sons to avoid the shag trtrnie we recommend that the eoginear and road and bridge COmmittee x c U1't th 9'11 p e same .fie motion ' f Messrs. Taylor and and Elliott to raise the bridge at Exeter one foot and have the. county Construct a permanent road bed for 100 ft at each .end oil 9110 bridge, as the bridge floor is int: foot ,below theroid level, we rec- ommend that no action betaken, Re motion of Messrs Neep and Smallecombe that the abutments of St. Joseph's bridge be repaired, as the water will soon 'be cutting be- low the abutments, we recommend that .the engineer and the road and bridge committee examine the same. Re notion of Messrs. Bissett and Stewart that the bridge on (ho boundary Between Astlfield and Colborne about one mite east of Sheppardtou, be added to the countybri.dges we recommend thee the engineer tend road and bridge committee examine the same Re Huller and Pike bridge we recommend !hat we accept the ruling of the Railway and ,6lunicip al Hoard as final. This ruling was given in last week's issue of The New Eva, Fie mod>0 cfJ Leckie and 01. Milne, that the county `grant to the village of Brussels $145 to eon-. struct. apermanent macadam road over theappr'caeh of the 100 ft for which they are responsible to keelp np the north end of th Brus- sels bridge, we recommend titret the county grant $145. Re morion of Messrs Bissett and Doig, that the abutltnents at the Saltford Bridge be encased with. cement ,as they are in a da ngerous condition, we recommend that this be lett in the hands of the road and bridge committee, Re ,motion of Messrs. Stewart and and Dalton, that the bridge over the Mee toile river in the Ton n - ship Of Ashfield, known as the Dungannon bridge be assumed .and built by, the _county this year, we recommend lhalt the road e11d bridge coentnittee examine the saline ASluggish ugg ih Liver CAUSES LOTS OF TROUBLE. Unless the liver is working properly you may look forward te, a great many troubles arising, such as constipation, severe headaches, bilious headaches, sick headaches, jaundice, sick stomach, etc, Mrs. Sbeltsworth. 22 7 7 Albemarle St., Halifax, N.S„ writes: "I take pleasure in writing you .concerning the , great value I have received by using your Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills for a sluggish liver. Waled my liver got bad I world have severe headaches, but after using a couple of vials of your pills I have not been bothered with the Headaches any more. Milburn's Lam -Liver Pills are with- out a doubt, the best liver regulator on the tnarket today. Twenty-five years of a reputation should surely prove this. Milburn'sLaxa-Liver Pills are 25 cents per vial, 55 vials for $1.00; for sale at alt dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price ^by The T. Milburn Co Limited, mitedy Toronto; Ont. Re motion of Messrs, Smalld-- combe end Erwin, the the road melted the Deviation Road between Turnberry and East Wawanosh be referred to the road and bridge g oro a 1 committee w'' rt rw po er to tans ' ep lrcilor s 3(119331 The committee consulted the county county so- licitor and initis opinion the de\,a tion described is, for the purpose of tile Municipal Act a ooundery line between .municipalities„ 'Mr. Bays wrote, "10 the councils of the local municipalities interested fail to agree is to m.iantaining or repairing the deviation road anis desire to apply to the commit ci the county of Huron County of Hut! On to determine the dispute, the For Sale Properly f>ecupied by Dr.' Gan- dies ' including twolobe-house, ! o- fi f roe and stable. Will be sold sop-. arately or together„ Electric lighting throughout, water In the stable„ Hard lEtnd soft water " in bath -room kitchen and summer kitchen. Apply to DR, GANDIER Wool Wanted Wool ,wanted, highest price paid application shall be by ,petition -Ca h or.., of the majority of the ratepayers, aBENMILLERtradeWOOLEN MILLS. Young Hen resident on land abutting on it, ©s provided by sec 468 of the. Act.' • •• WITH TER CHURCHES. 0 0 WEST L'k CIIURCt1, Last Sunday morning the subject feet of Rev Dr, Rutleege's address was "The Unchanging Christ '• the evening he spoke on "The 'Royal Law "• Next Sunday will be (Flower .Son days. Tlfe pastor will ` preach at both servicers; AL the League service on Monday night, Mrs (Lar,) Fowlers will ad-• dye99 the meeting On the recent St Thomas., ONT.eirllo ST. CEWRCH. The ladies of 'Ontario St. Methodist 01103091 wilt serve dinner in the church on July )21h. The Sunday School will meet next Smithy in the meriting at ten o'clock. The retiring, pester, Rev, Mr, Arlin will close his work here on Sunday. Mr, Saunders addressed the League Monday evening. Miss Margaret W,ltker sang most aceeptahly. Miss Mayfrid Alen will sing "The Last Chord" by Sullivan on Sunday cveoi'ng. flAr'l'[sr 0IIURC6. The pastor will preach next Sun- day morning and evening. This wilibe the last Sunday Pastor F'arfull ,vial be with els. A cail having been extended to Mr. Te. Eastman student of Ancona. He will commence this Julies first Sun day in July. We are very ,grateful to be able to get a suphly so readily so many having enlisted for over seas in the Baptist demonination it is hard to get a student a et alone a minister, , BOUGHT HOUSE Mr. Jas. Appleby has purchased the frame house on King street owned ;by Mrs. Grigg, sr., and oc- cupied by Miss Ross. The price Was said to be ti 000. Executor's Notice to Credi- tors and Others lit the Estate of Mrs. Frances Louisa Robertson, Deceased The creditors of Mrs, Frances Louisa Robertson, late of the city 00 Toronto, in the County of York, v' \ rduw deceased, who died ted on or •bout the if 1 at t 15th r clay, 0f January,. 1910, and a41 others having claims against, the L'sta,te, ore Thereby notified to send by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to ,the under- signed (Executors) on or before the 10th day of July, 1916, their Christian and surnames, addresses and., descriptions and fup9• partic- lars of their claims, accounts and interests, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. Immedisltely after the said 101.01 of .Jruy 1916. the assets of the said testatrix 'will be distributed amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to clafma OP interests of which the under- signed 8111111 then have notice, ants the untlelrsigned will not be liable to any person of whose claiin they had not notice at the time of dis- bursements, for any part of the Estate eo disbursed, NATIONAL .TRUST CO., Limited, ,22 King, St. East, Thronta by their Solicitors heeeinr,. ARMOUR & MICKLE. Dated at Toronto this 1.6thh da • of June, 1916. b Centre Huron Liberals The e annual meeting of the Cen- tre Huron Liberals will be held in Cardno's Balt, Seafortlh, on Tues- day afternoon, June 279h, at 3.30. C,EJl,ott' M.P.P. for West Middlesex will be present and will address the meeting; L. Hurdle, President, J. L. Iallor all, Secretary., For S.ile or hent. A six -room house, on Mill St. lately Vacated Iby M. Robert Sweeft, Apply to H. 'Folland or F. Lockwood, 11Tary St. Fur Sale Two frame hoilses for sale; one an -8 -roomed house, corner of Kirk. and Townsend Streets, rend :a six - roomed cottage on Kirk ISltreet, Electric lights and town water in both. Will sell cheap or quick sale. 1Por further particulars ap- ply tot JOSEPH TOWNSEND, Ontiirjo Street Teacher Wanted School teacher , wanted nutted for. S. S. No. 5, Hullett:.. Duties to Com- mence Sept. 1st. State salary and qualifications, Apply do GEO. C. THOMPSON, Sec., Londes'boro P. 0. For sale • C3 Colts -2, 3 and 4 years old. ISAAC BEZZO, Dinsley Terrace Caretaker Waisted' A. caretaker wanted for' Wesley IDI ho i r et d s, Church, salary '16U per year. Apply to PETER OANTELON,:Clinton, W. T1R .DONE, Clinton, Ont, Sec. Trustee Board ,1 Solicitor for .Administrator 'Young men or others who are unable to join for overseas ser- vice, can serve their Ring and Country Illy helping on Munition Workt Apply to, t The Robert Bell Engine and Thresher Co., Limited, lSeeforth, Ont;, Furnace{ for Safe A second-hand Kelsey Furnace in first-class condition. A bar- gain if sold at once, THOQiMAS HAWK1NS at Rowland's Hardware. TO TI1E Pik RMERS I On/ in a position to erect Silos on reasonable notice,this present season. Our Silos are of Red Cedar, tounge'd and grooved. Silos complete with Roof, Go- thic, Ladder; l uyeei wen from the top; and anchored securely to its foundation, Doors, •Ventildtors-in fact ev- erything right -left ready for the corn. •. I am also putting on our Strong and Attractive Roof on old Silos that have been built inthe past. any size. A sample of ow roof `may be seen on the farm of Mr. Bert, Lobb, Clinton P.O., 'which I in- stalled last season. For full particulars and prices, drop a card or phone at my ex- pense so I may call on you per - G, GREW, 1024, 2nd Ave„ West, Owen. Sound Debentures for Safe Town of Clinton. g,utr,tnteed, yield- ing 05,91 per cent, Government and rot uncipet Bonds of various issees, yielding 5 to OS per cent. Annls' to W. :131,'yDONE Painting 4 Paper Flanging Painting and le ;per 61 tnging neatly and promptly done, Orders left at Hunnitord's Grorery Store or ab my residence, Victoria Street, PROS, GILAELIS (;awes for Sale A few good calves for sale. Apply to W. MARQUIS, phone 14 on 100 Clinton For Sale Two and a hair horse power gasoline engine in first glass running condition Apply to W. J. NEOI0ER In the Rattier (.f H. S. Chap- man, Insolvent. NOTICE is hereby given that the above named insol\-ent, H. S. Chap- man, carrying on business es boot and shoe merchant, at the Town of Clinton, in the County of IIuror has made an assignment of his es- tate to me for the eeeneral•loenefit oflris creditors, under the Assign- ments and Preferences Act. The creditors are notified to meet at ate store lately occupied by. :the said H. S. Chapman, in the town of Clinton, on !Friday, the 16th day of June, at the hour of 1.30 o'clock in the afternoon, .fat the .purpose of receiving a state- ment of the insolvent's affairs, 001 the appointment of inspectors and the giving Of directions with refer- ence to the disposal of the estate All persons claiming to be en- 'stitled to rank on the estate mast file their claims with me on or be- fore the 30911 day of June, ' 1916, after which date I willeoceed to distribute the assets thereof, hay- ing regard to those claims only of, which I shall then have receiv- ed notice, and d will not be liable for ithe said assets or any part to any person of whose claim I have not thein received notice, Dated at Clinton. Ontario, We 7th day of June, A,D., 1916. CHARLES B. HALE, Assignee. W. ERN DONE, Solicitor for the Assignee. Notice tai• Ureditors In the Estate of Julia CrieJ, widow, deceased NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having crinis against the estate of Julia • Crieh, late ro:f the Town of Clinton, in the County of Hurotl, widow, deceased, who died on or about .elle lOtih day of December, 1916, are required to deliver to the undersigned administrator or his solicitor, on or before the let day of July 1916, a full stat5:hrhent. nl' -their claims togeth-, er with particulars tlt,'3eof, aim the nature of the securities, et any, held by them, all duly versified by affidavit, And Take Notice that after the said last mentioned date, the said administrator will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the p0rsons entitled thereto. having regard drily to such claims as they shall have received duo notice and in accordance therewith, Dated th, D9tea <tClinton,,nhoriJ u o 5th, 191.6 6 Herbert Crich, Adninistrator. Seed : Potatoes, We have a quantity of Davies Warrior es Seed Potatoes 1L J. Holloway, Clinton, Western Dniversity, London ANOTHER GREAT ADVANCE Income Doubled -Now $75,000 --oma- Another large addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine Greatly Increased Enrollment in yiew Write for particulars to E, EiBRAITHWAITE, M A.. Ph.D. President. Wanted A smart girl to tern the dry goods business. Apply Advertiser, Boit 255, Olinton, Ont. House for Sale House on Rattenbury St„ formerly occupied by the late Mrs. William Murray. Apply to G, D. McTAGGART Fat Rens and Chickens Wanted. Taken at any time. Highest Market Prices W. MARQUIS, CLINTON Phone 14 on 166 Seed eorn We now have in stook a quantity of Seed Corn which we can otter you at a reasonable price, also Good Seed Buckwheat This is the hatching season and that means lots of feed for the baby chicks. We have a large stook of Baby Chick Weed and also ()hick Grit on hand Try some of our Oreaineal and Oiloake for young wives and pigs, there is nothing better giSince Lard has risen to such a high price, why not try our Easiflrst Shortening; as it is not so expensive and goes farther, We have it in 5 and 20 lbs pails Bran, Shorts, Low grade Floiiz�„Oat meal, !i' reakfast Food and Flour always kept in stock Highest Prices paid for Grain and wool at "Elevator” W. J enk lnS&' eon Flour and 11 eed. phone 199 Popular Stallions The following stallions will stand for the improvement of stock this season as 10110151: - DUNURE GARTLY (0221) Enrolment No. 9; MONDAY -Wilt leave his ownetable West end Tuekersmith, and go north by way of the Huron Road to the Gra hem House, Clinton, for noon, then by way of the lath con„ Goderieh town ship, to Mr. Bert (obb's for night. TiUESDAY--By way of ' Maitland eon. to Wm, Durst and Son for noon, then by way of Bethel and Benmiller to Wm. Longe for night. WEDNESDAY -139 way of the (9 and 8th con. to Wm. Ounningham's for noon, then by way of the 8th eon. to F1 ed Quaid s, Dunlop for night, THURSDAY - To Union Rotel, Goderieh, for noon, then by way of 1st .000. to Salkeld s corner and 4th ecu. to Huron Road to Wilmot 1{aacke's for nighFRt:IDAY-Ry way or O,,h con. and Porter's Hill to. Fred Pickard's for noon; then by way. of 71b eon„ to John Stewart's for night. SATURDAY -By way of Bayfield Line to Jas. Jackson's Ind of Stanley for noon; then to his own etable where he will remain until the fotiowing Monday morning, Terms, 418 to insure. G. W, Not. proprietor; J. P. Fisher, manager GUINEA GOLD (13090) [78191 Enrolment No, 1998 MONDAY -Will leave his own stable, West End. Tuckersmith, and go sonth to the Mill Ro,td to P13ile .31 Sons for noon, then across to Huron Road and west to .Wm. Dales for night. TUESDAY - 'To Graham ::::en, ()buten, for noon and until teew ing morning WEDNESDAY --•By way 0r Road to N. Trewarthas, Holmesville, for noon, then by way of Oth con. to Themes? Oole's Der night THURSDAY- By way of 'Middle tori s oorner to George E.olland's for noon, fhen to his own stsble where he ss i l I remain un til the following Monday morning Terms $155 to insure, G, W Nott, prop. JERRY J. Standard Bred Trotting Stallion Will stand ab the Normandie Barn, Milton, every Saturday during the season. He is a very fashionably hated colb, and while nob yet 8 years old, he s a nig horse now, No. 01882 American l'rotting Register, No, 5)15)1 CnOlinanian Standard Bred Society, N0. 4419 kin 'olment. Terms -812 to ensure with eel k70, JOHNSTON, Prop;, Phone 8 on 162 ntora 1�