HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-06-22, Page 1Established 1865, Vol. 50, No. 52 CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY JUNE 22 1916 W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Pubiishers Be Sure and come to Clinton on Wednesday, July 12th, vvv VVVooVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWoketiv ~AAAAAAAAMAAAAAAA e Good to Your Teeth Good teeth are essential w bodily health. Your teeth demand daily attention you should he 'careful es to the ctenttfriee von use. We suggest Rex:tit Tooth Paste Cream. It is composedof ingredients that thoroughly cleanses, without destroying the tooth enamel, It' is e healthy prepazatibn for gums` and mucous membrane of the mouth, Price 25c at Best on:tlity Drug Store Tilt; Hexall Store W. S. R,1 -I0 LA/X3338Phu B. VVVVVVVVVVVVUVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVWVVVWVVVVVVVVVVV V VM/VVoVVV V V V V V V VV V vv V W AAAAAAAAAAAAAAi�AAAAArsAAAAA 1 1te Royal Bar* Capital Authorized 825,000,000 Capital paid up 11,500:000 Reserve and undivided profits 13.1500,000 Total Assets. 186,000,000 3f .0 313IRA.lo UX -111 1S with World-wide Coreleectiont Interest Allowed on Savings Deposits General Banking Business Transacted, R. E. IiIANNING,13ilager, 1 Cliato Branch ')VVcsVVVVWVIAI WVVVVVVVVVVVNWVseweev VW INCORPORATED 1855 THE MOLSIONS BANK tt 40.498000404• 4.0400404440 9490e40e0e0004440*••4,,904• CAPITAL AND RESERVE $8,890,000 96 branches in Canada • A General Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OP CREDIT BANK 1011:ONEY ORDERS Savings Bank Department Interest Alloy ed at Highest Current Rate C.E Dowding, O➢sall:a:rt r Clinton $;;rtmc h a + 4 + + 4 + 4 + 4 4 4 + 4 + 4 4 • 4 4 4 4 4 e 4 4 4 a 0 4 4, • • 9 9 • • 4 • A • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • . • 0 9 • s 'Ordered i Clothing Ready -to -Wear Clothing i5 S You will be surprised when you see the fabrics and style we put in our $i5.00 suits. Everyone who has seen them has been surprised. Come in and, examine these. They have a fine- ness ne- ness cif texture and firm- ness of weave that you would expect to be priced at at least $•20.Oo We show these remark- alive $1.5.00 valiles in a tilde range of models and patterns. if ,you only want to pay 410 or $12 you will find splendid assortment of at. tractive values here. 15 Because we are offering such really superior values at $15.00 we want you to see them. 9 Drop in at your earliest convenienceand we will sbe pleased to show tbem. • • • • • f •4 • • 4 00000904••44•••94,904,•944* 4A•444.4.4,*4444+9 The Morrish Clothing r®a Agent for C. P. 0.,'l'taiegi *ph Co; A Square »ca,l for Every Mart Try The New Era lout for Job Work in Imiertat Deisioe Iffeets C. T. A. Places Judge Dismisses Appeal in Case of Rex v. Scott of Seaforth A decision of more than ordinary interest to Canada temperance a'ct. counties was handed out by 'lib,, Justice Sutherland at Toronto on Saturday, ,Por about ayear clause 141 of the Ontario Liquor act, which en- aibies a magistrate to inflict a pen arty of $20 and costa as first cif - fence for a mao being intoxicated in a public place, $40 for second of fence and $00 for third offence, has been used by the -inspectors in C.T.A. counties, with the approval of the provincial attorney general and license departments but e. few weeks ago a lawyer'by the. naane of Thompson attacked' th's clause, and appealed the case Rex vs. Scott of Peaf oath, to la h;ghee. court, but the judge has dismissed the appeal with costs. This Clause has been most valuable and has helped materially in a strict en- forcement ,of the latw inset no- license districts. Recommend Conscription. Grand Jury at June General Session Congratulate New Judge The grand jury called for the gen eeal sessions of the peace for the County of Huron. which opened on Tnesday be forethe new senior judge, His Honor Judge Dickson, made the following presentment: To His Honor Judge Dickson; Your (Grand Jury, in making their presenstion to the Court now in sea elan' take the opportunity of compli mootin you, Site upon your elevation to the Bench as Senior Judge for the County of Huron, and may we expect the hope that you may long he spared in health and strength, to perform the duties appertaining to your judicial position, 10 our visit through the County buildings, Court House, regisl 'y office and jail, we were pleased with the state of older and cleanliness which was applicable to each institution. We were pleased to only find one prisoner in confinement, hoein there b h re for no g fault,of his own, he expressed himself es having no complaints as to his treat went. We were a'so pleascd to learn that the County Council at their recent see sion had continued their grant of $30 0month n the' OU U per nt i for C atuotic ' Fund Association for the benefit of the wtvet and mothers of those who are fighting one cause In this terrible struggle. aim that they have provided mean. whereby our County regiment, the 1131.t, e111 he second to none in equipment and comfort. Iu the matter of recruiting we feel very strongly that the present system is to slow Inw and expensive and think that it is the duty of the government to enact some form of national regis ra iotor r er' do t t z orfs t i n whereby p e the y younger m o i in y en i fi r, si a p t n to go would be called upon first to fill the existing requirements at this most critical time, After reading the recent and satis fectory reporteit the Rouse of Refuge committee, we deemed it unnecessary to incur any expenseat the present time, in making en inspection of that' instant ion. If there is nothing further to detain ns we ask that we may be discharged from Wither duties. OrAAS. A; NAIRN June 12, 1016 Foremen The tnarriege of Frederick Edwin Hess of London. son of )dr. end Mrs. 1, Bess of Zurich, to Mies Alma Wat- son, daughter of Mr; 5. J. Watson of Owen Sound, took place on Wednes• day at the pride's home, Rev, 3. W. Steward of First Methodist Church Officiated at the. ceremony. A..E. Colson, manager of Dominion Bank. at Seaforth for the past sight years, received notice today of hie ap- pointment to the St. Thomas branch of the same lank, His successor will he Mr, Tones of the inspector's staff, Toronto, but at present in temporary charge at Walkerville. Strawberries Fresh home grown Straw- berries all this Week, quality never Was better. Leave your orders 'early for winning, in orders to s.ecurei best berries at lowest price,, l The Store of: quality W, T. O'NEIL THE HUB GROCER Phone 48 ®6 etioseemeesedve4®gs®eirn es.em oespei !>RIAnifse9WeAd6.thki t9�1:e0ees Men arld L�venc;; Over The Teacups'e eoesescoa�earmes,®:oe�aoeisese®aea Mr. 1f. Coupe of Bolton, formerly of Clinton,: has moved from Bolton to Esse, where lie has beein appointed. C. P. 12. station agent. Mr. \V. J. eenbride spent the week' end at Strath,'ov. Pte. Norman I ctsmions of the 1JSth Batt,. "Buffs" Townie), under cow )nand of .Lent, Col. .1. A. Cooper, another old Clinton buy,, spent the. week end in town with his parents and other friends. He loops as it soicieinia agreed with him. 11res. Sheeley and Miss Charlotte left Wednesday afternoon noon to spend the next divee months with re ,anti+es and friends at Williamsport, Maryland. 1.1. S. Their old friends in town will i•eL wish then, a pleasant visit and safe urn. � _. Mrs. J'. A. Robinette has been visit- ing at her home in Markdatle. Mrs. N. A Phoenix and ' Master Robert J., are visiting with this. 12. -J- OMIT and the Misses Oleff, High at, Miss Mae Forbes and Mr. A. J, He Itoway were among the coal dealers who took in the annual meeting and ewxceek.ursion on the St. Lauwreece last Mr. D. S. Muff has been spending a few clays with his family in town. Lieut -Col. Combo. 0. C. of the 161st and Major IvlaTaqgirt, Payutastee were here over Sunday. Mrs Will Hamblyn and children itl•e visiting atBow•manoille and Tor - on to. Mrs. J. Leslie Keri• returned last week from an extended visit at Toren to. Miss Violet Argent is visiting with friends in Milieu township this week. Major J. W. Shaw, M. D., of the 161st spent a few hours in town last Thursday. ' Mr. Thos, Jackson is away to Win- nipeg, on a business tri) in the in- terests of the Tackson Clothing Co. Miss Train 'Nebo is a teacher at the C. C. T. left fez' her home at Colling- wood. Lieut. Earl °'Ned of the 161st, was home for the week end. Mr. Nen Ohowen spent the week oed ae Guderich with Mr. apd Mrs. Ray Rumball, Miss Campbell, C. C. I. teacher left for her home at Chesley. Editor Hess of the Zueic1s Herald gave rise New Era a call last Thurs. clay, Miss Nellie Cooper left on Monday to visit friends in Toronto. Mr. ,John tllcGuiro of Goderich Township, w es in Stratford on Wed• nesdav attending the funeral of the late Thomas Byrne, Pte. Cecil Cooper. who had the, mis fortune to break his arm tt couple of weeks ago, is now haus on sick_ CLVe. Pte. Douglas Goddwin formerly of this place, Nerve has been training with the. 132ml Butte Weymouth, Sask., is now with the battalion under canvas at Camp Hughes, M,enitebtt. Miss t nl n Spindler, ! flack uow, graduate of g the Stenographic and Commercial Dept. <r1 the Clinton School of Commerce was placed lash Week by the School With theellteekly Sun of Toc'onto. Last Thursday's Stratfor i Beacon had the follow mg personal note which refers to fanner Clintonittns;-,bliss Bessie Murch, whose school in Welles• le'he as It, been closed e. u, d for two weeks on account of measles, has been visiting under the tt)revental roof for some days. She left t few Toronto on Tuesday s a to Y visit her brother Norman who has undergone a es Meal (*oration in the General there. Mr. David 0antelon was at Toronto hast Friday completing arrangements with the Grand Trunk for rates and s trains )lent, 1 ntti Lo Clinton on Juiy 12t11. Miss McDongall, 0. C. I. taaohet.is spending the vacation at her ,route in Can n in gtmr. Jack Amens, of Winglznm, a grad nate of the: Commercial Departteen4 of t:he Clinton School of Commerce was placed last weak with the W. le. Williams Co.. 64 Front st. Toronto. Mr, Amos Cooper of 5t, Thomas spent Sunday the guest of his parents Mr, and Mrs, Win. ••Cooper. Pte. Malcolm Douglas, of Wood- stock whose parents are well known to many OJintoreane has been serious- 7y w ottnded ao the battlefront. Mrs. Oliver Johnson of Goderieb and two sons Pte. Oliver and Master Earl, were calling on old fridnds 0n town cn Saturday. Mr. Dalton, who has been 'on sick leave trete the Molsee'si3aaik staff, was here over the week end to get" his clothes as he has been moved to Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cooper anci dam gtiter Lney, rcterreed to Tornnto:on eleeday Otto spending a week with his parents, Me. and. Ivirs. Cooper. Mr, W. Glen Campbell ,of Aylmer and foiiwerly of Clinton, is, lying critically ill at bis Izume in Aylmer,. the remit of Neuritis which has taken a serious turn. eses&eseesseedsesoesettoses Local News ao+oee®atace®oasee®aevIO.Wcee WORD FROM THEIR SON Mr. and Mrs. 'Huller received word from their son Ernest who is in a Military hospital in Eclingburglr LIBEBA,LS, A.TT'RNTION' There wallbe ameeting lis 'the Liberal 'Club rooms on 'Monday right to serest delegates to go lo Seaforh on Tuesday to attend the Centra Huron Liberal annual meet ing. TOURNEY POSTPONl7135f3 The ,Clipton lawn 'bowling tourna ment which was to have been open ed on Tuesday and which has the Paul Trophy for its principal (went has ibeon postponed to Feeidsy bc.- caude of the unfavourable weather Premier since 1850, who returned to power on Tuesday. June ----0---- SE[Gt 1> L1.at BIyth Withdraws IOL Celebration Worcs. ,was received . ie Clinton 12th, and will join in With Clinton, on Thursday of this week that the phis will mean a target crowd Blyth Orangemen have withdrawn Vete and ways and means must be arranged at once so that none their L.O.L. celebration on the will go hungry on that day. Died from Shell Wounds The following letter wad re- ceived this weele by Miss Currie, who le a cousin of Pte. Homer C'anteion,— - let Canadian B'attl., C;E.'F, May 24th, 1016. Dear Miss Currie, -During the Be t- tal:ion's last tour in the trenches, when We were holding one of the most difficult fzcult parts of the British hoe, ;Isomer Cantelon was hit, on. May 22nd„ Some piecee of a Gee - man ,shell wounded him in several places,. He suffered no pain ;and became unconscious in about ten minutes; u little while later the deed, We buried his body in a little .cemetery behind the lines. A erose now stands. above hie grave, leIle was one of the beet chaps 'n tho company, always cheerful el - ways willing, and was to be pro- , at the first vacancy, It was I a great pleasure to have him in 1 the platoon, everyone liked him and At was a sad 'blows to us all J when be went. ''However, he died the noblest- death in the world and has gone to his reward only a few ,years before : usq L. Please a aq> excuse the libevty I take in writ- ing to you, but I thought it the least I could do to let you know how highliy, we thought of :him and bow quietly he passed ;away. ' 'Yours very sineea•ely, 13. NEVITT A °'„y Reports Capt. Hodgson Well quiet wedding took place on 'Wed n-sday at the Wesley Church Parson age when Miss Pearl Halter slaughter of Air, and tire. tfr-oree Huller was un ted in marriage w Mr. George Sieg net-, member of the 111) h 13 tttellen. Owleg to the til health of the bride's parents the wedding Leek place at the ' Tie he 1e P u . wt s , ,atrzi d 'r parsonage. , e 1 her travelling suit tit dark navy blue serge with creme silk Neat -t and bat to match, The groom ,s with the ma chine gun section of the ICU,le Perth Battalion. The voting couple left on a trip to the Falls and will return Mild week• They will take up rooms in London until the b tttalion is moved, The Merle cud gloom were at tended by Sergi. Pranks and Miss Maisie Cooper, The groom expects to be a lieutenant Lite; he has tried his ex ams, het has not received his papers. yet, Tbe bride has been an active worker in Wesley Chureh Choir. The best wishes accompany them, DEMPSIL'aY—CONNELL. The home of !lt'Ir. and Mrs. \V. Stanley, Vietotja Street, was the scene of n Wet wedding, when their daughter, ;Miss Lulu Pearl Connell, wee united in nuirriage in Mr, ,Stirling Dempsey, by Rev. U. J. McCormesh .of Iloimcsville, The bride looked charming, and carried a bouquet of pink roseta. The home was very prettily derotated with flowers 1 h.inc after elle nuptial knot drat, been tied, they ell par- took of a sumptuous wedding feast,. The bride wee attired in a suit of caster gaibeyrdine with hat to match, The 'nuznet'ous and us f presents t t o ale f o the l r t e l:i Y 1 g x esteem in wIuch the bride is held. The happy couple went On a short motor trip, They \vill take up housekeeping In Mrs. Holden's cottage ,on James Street. 0 g� � Merlin County t News Y e e The name of Pte. Ernest 1', Oke son of Mr, and Mrs. Win, Oke of Ushorne appears in the casuality list Wedues day, Pte. Oke learned the harness making with Mr, P. Frayne of Exeter several years ago and is well known rn that viaiuity. The marriage of Jean Camphell youngest daughter of Mrs. M. A. Mel lin of Lueknow ,end John R. Ritchie of the firm of Ritchie .k Oosees, of Wingham, took place quietly on Fri day at the home of the minister, the I Rev. Jas. Wilson Dovercourt Road Toronto. I 'On Monday of thie week Co. Sergt.-Major Barrett. who went to the front with the first Battalion, and served there for over a year and a, hall, spent a fenv ,hours In Clinton ca li _ 1 i , on old friends 01 Capt. Hodgson, formerly of the Maisons Bank. The sergeant re- ports that he met this captain about two months ago in England I and he was locking fine, The ser- geant has served .fifteen years in the Imperial army, and was with the first contingent along with Lieut. Hodgson, Our vv townsman has been promoted to rank, of staff' -rapt„ and has been doing good work at the front. °010••99.9999990••••990••9n40MiY99009499•••9.90•••99• 4 Local • • News s • 0 404444004004400400040490444 SEAFORTI3 SCOUTS 1 IE,RE The Seaforth Scouts paid the local scouts a visit on Saturday and In a game os 'baseball :were badly defeated. ,A return visit will be niad'e(t WENT TO HENSALL Last Tuesday Messrs, T. Watta Chas. TW>tchell, J. L. Kerr and G. 1VIcLennan motored down in the latter's car to Hensel, to attend the Libetral Convention in that pa e lc, ORANGEMEN PARADE The Orangelmen's church parade Will be held on Sunday afternoon July 2nd. when Rev Tiro, Robinson will conduct a service in the town hallat 2 30. -Man lodges in t Y l i e t the dstr' t are c gg- d rC a expected fed to send r> p 4 presentatives or attend in abody MOVED AWAY TO SARNIA During the past week Mrs, 11. Sweet and daughter moved to Sarnia where Mr. Sweet bus se- cured steady work. Both Mr. and and Mrs. Sweet will'be missed in town and in the Ontario Str. Church Sunday School where Mr. Sweet taught a Masa All hope that they he g p Y Will ;prosper in their new home. STRUCK DOWN W'flIl,E ' CARRYING COMRADE, Lance -Corporal Jeakins, a youn- ger .brother of Capt, C. E. Jeakins.. formerly of Clinton, who a few days ago was reported wounded. is now at the Wbr Rospillall, Dart, ford. Kent. and is rapidly recover, etr prom a shrapnel wound receiv- ed 1 the bac jus below the right shoulder. Writingto his parents on the 6th inst., e says, "I am not badly hurt. Most of the offic ars .Ware either kilted or wounded There' were many deeds of heroism • • + 4 4 • 1.00000040c•0000004404)00094 performeid which wilt never be men boned• It is only •bytl)e grace of God that 3 got out at all.,Men were struck down at my side, I was in the part where the bombardment was he&viest, and eight opposite the place were the Buns came over Our company held its position and gave agood account of itself. I am afraid thereore very few left of the whole •battalion. Col. Buller was killed, T went safely through the bombardment and the attack which c followed,l h but was hist bitr t .t dawn, on .Saturday when trying to carry a.wounded man across the open. Don't worry. I am quite all right. DEATH OIF W..H. COOK On Tuesday, f e .o I y this week William Henry Cook an old resident of town- passed away at his 'home at' the age of 67 years ,and 6 months Deceased was !born in Goderich township and when ayoung man came to Clinton where for over 28 Years he was in the implement busi- ness. About four years age he was taken ill with' anaemia and though able to be about has been in ill health. A week ago Friday he took tto his bed, He is survived by his wife and six daughters and two sons .—Mrs. Ross and Mrs: Boyer, of Toronto; sirs, Garrett of Hamilton, Mrs. Diamond of Chien go; :Mrs. Pridhany of Halifax and Miss Ruby of Town. and J: E. of the -161st Batti. and Will of the 1101h Ba!ttl, 'He was the oldest+ chartered memlber of the C.O. 1?. he also belonged to the L.O.L. was a Conservative inpolitics and a member ,of the Wesley Church. The funeral will take place Friday after noon under the charge of the C.O. 1?. All the family is here and and Mrs. 'Howlett, of. Ypejilanti, Mich., who is .asister of Mrs, Cook Ge manT rped� Boats A flotilla of German torpedo, boats in the Kiel Canal. Several of these, fast veisaelie were sunk 'by the British in the, great naval Battle. }