HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-06-15, Page 7'PAGE SIX:
THE CLINTON Nlair BRA. ,"•i �l
Thut•aday, June 75th, 1016,
,elaiiltelenaefile nennitluoeicireertnnNmemallulle IVIMuIeuIIIIIieleBllm!o!IlWiuilllili!l
!,I I !1111111! Iia
You Sell Really Remarkable Corsets"
W111111euulnelliln,„„„„„ iIIIIIIIIl0111„„, ill utillllunll1utlmul!11!iilmInII IlII 1otlnnii111111luanuellll lullulilii 11111111u11111111111i hili 11111811111 11 Ie 111111111111111110011 n m 081
QO SAID a lady customer the
other day.
It is truer We consider that
our corset department is today giv-
ing the greatest value and highest
satisfaction in all ika history.
Furthermore, we are making it pos-
sible for ladies toenjoy greater
comfort yet receive a better fit than
ever before.
o,e Ina e.
irDo r t
are our leading line. They are the
only exclusive high - grade corsets
made' in Canada.
Wearers -say that they are simply
wonderful in the figure -control they
exercise, moulding the lines positive-
ly yet comfortably.
Our corset department takes pride
in its fitting ability and cleverness
in adapting to your figure just the
corset model your type demands.
1111111110101 of r ammnl tulle ono volmminnl amnulnanl Ileummun 111181 18 1%e a el nm 111 I
II 811111111 1011 1ryll 1111'%1
pIIIII ; k%'"u"" ,.iIII 1111111 11111118 11111110111ellllllllllnnllnlllllmIIJIOIllll
Balance of
Ladies ` and
Dry Goods and
House Furnishings
Phone 67.
Nefst to Royal Bank
01111•4110,11011111100•64110•04110•0064111 11116010111011100111411/11•001111110•••••11
-�--OUR --a-�-
Is now ready to do your work. New
type and new stock
o paper just placed
Let Us Do Your Printing
�arw® nrs1111111We111111r
enufzeoneeace1TBt'a•Aeoneocto oecon6tonaleno•coeo•esesessi
anomnnannanannommommaanzusummamrn m -
Fancy furniture
Of dainty character, for Parlor
and Reception Room, is here for
your inspection. Light in can
struction and design but ex-
tremely well made in,every de-
tail. Here are the finest creations
of the furniture makers craft,
and at prides that will temp the
wise and discriminating buyer,
The Cheapest Spotin Huron
to buy all kinds of Furniture
T31�. ,L 8z .A!MICINeOZ
Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104
N. Hall 110—RESIDENCE, PHONES— .i(. D. Atkinson 180
Cut the Cost of Cooking
During these timet when we are all cutting down expenses within a
reasonable limit. You will appreciate the advantage of our Easifirst
or Griscoe Shortening offer It 10 excellent for all kinds of pasty, it is
odorless,, and the price is another feature to oonsider. Try either of
these shortenings, we are convinced you will make him say delicious
Don't forget that this is the big week for Pineapples. We have
just received wine nice fresh stock, all sizes, and the prices are lowest
they will be this season
•I/••S•••••••••••••!0111.00000 oe••••tmesseanao••dtsi•6•••0
• •
••• We Furnish Everything •
in the Hardware Line
• i
• •
• •
,` v. •
r Stock of the followin•g Staple Lines
is Coni ete 0
• p =
- • Perfection Oil Stoves e
4• New Home and Ideal Washers •
• •
• Garden Hose i
• Mowers owers ®,
• / •
• Spades and Shovels •
•S0cythes and Snaths ••
• 0Dustbane in cans and barrels ••
• °oil and Spring Wire 0
• Barb Wire •a
•• Brace0
• BlackWires
• .
• Poultry Netting all sizes ••; t
0 •i3
le ALIARLAND L s 01y
ds•• •
•••••••••o•N• t,S0eS••seess••6••••••••6•s i
Grand TrunleRailway System
Time Table for Clinton
Buffalo and d-loderich
Going to Stratford .. .. 7.33 a to
Going to Soderich 11.07 p m
... 1,35 p w
.. 6.45 p
11.18 p m
London, Huron and Bruce
Going to London 5,055 a m
4.15 p m
Going to Wingham 11.00 a m
0,40 p m
MEET'S IN LONDON ,THIS WEEKThe 519th session of the Synod of
Huron is meeting in Croyn Hall,
this week. Rev. J. A, Robinson is
down for an address,
Don't Oce backward aziour letting
us have (your ipetrsonadtr
elp us make a newsypaper and
that's the ,rind weaSeways •try to
The Stratford 'Herald makes the
following reference to a Clintod
boy, son of Councillor Paisley ,-•
Mr. C. D. Paisley, who has been a
member of the Royal Bank state
here; has been transferred to SI
'Marys,,and left Monday morning Lo
take up his new du ..
1n (Western Ontario sovetai mer-
chants and farmers have been tined
for selling batter which Vas wrapp-
ed in plain butter parchment. The
leerrequires that all butter ort
pound prints must Ibe labelled
"Dairy" or "C'1 eame`'y" It is re-
ported that Same 'butter is being
sold in Clinton without the label.FAJTA,TROPHY GAMES
• The various Bowling Clubs who
contest tot the Fain Trophy will
be here next Tuesday, There will
be two rinks limn each club and
they will play ten end ,games
The cup will go tie the town mak-
ing the highest ?core but the first
and second 1liiZOB )°/ill go to ',the'single rinks making the largest A
scores. . most enjoyable day is
expected as this is the first time•
that the(aill tournament has been
held ,in Clinton.
Another thing the Weather aio
should remember, that if he keeps
on using no his rain supply he
may not have enough left where-
withto soak the Sunday school
A song foe every Day;- '"Little
Drops of water "•
Canadian soldiers believe in the
old motto, "What we ;have we'll
hold" They also are imbued w
the spirit, "What we lose we'll vm
Public School closes June 29
How is yourwife getting along
running the sawn mower'?
One requires an immense amount
of "preparedness" tor such weather
aswe ere now getting
FROM fa. -WOUNDED sof.,: 991.
Last 'week ;M'rs Chas. J. Rel'y'ar
received the following letter from
a wounded Caeadioan boy in p hos
vitalin Scoilaita,-
May 20911, 19.16
Mrs. 'Chas. J. Helyar,—Jost alit -
tie note Co: let you know that I
was /the lucky soldier that got
tl e shirt which you sent, and I
trust saty it 1t a,t a. splendid ft
But it hats taken me a long time
to answer ,your note which a got
In the pocket; but I have lots of
ince now, as 3. got wounded May
rd, in the lett leg. ret St 'Slot 1'
must say that' I am getting on eine
nd hoping that I will be back
with the boys It a few months from'
ow, Thanking you very much for
our (present
79991 Pte W. Watson
31st Canadaian, Edingburgii
War Hospital Ward 4
• � Bangour, Scotland
Thrice the capacity ofordinary grates is given because
the Sunshine grates are three -sided, one side at a time
meeting°the fire. Bulldog teeth smash clinkers easily.
thrill co
Wouldn't you like to know the cost of installing a Sun-
shine in your home ? P11 gladly give you particulars
without obligation.
Sold by • lY1M EZ SLITTER
LocalNewstovevvreirryvvvvvvvirreveve•vvvevt.vvyvvvvevvvyririrvvvrm s,re
This is the 002nd day that the Send us in your news items There
British k,mpi re Ihas been at war f are others like yourself who enjoy
with _Germany, ., reading the home paper
It didn't rain on 1Vfonclaye
And it didn't rain on Tuesday
-But it did on Wednesday.
Mr. W. G. Medd, of Winchelsea
purchased a large Clinton truck for
hauling butter and creeps.
With the vacation reed draw-
n ` nigh the t•chool clti cl
beginning to wonder if there will
bea dry spell cols .summer,
Mr J.N. Shanahan, savings tel-
ler in the Royal Bank at Stratford
for the past yea and arialli has
been promoted to the Hamilton
blanch. He isa son of Mr, and
Mrs John Shanahan of 'Hutlett, and
abrother of Miss Shanahan, of
Mr. 1Wm. Tiplad'y has 'had the ex-
terior of his house brightened up
with thepainter's brut!),
Lieut% tA.. J. Gregg. es ha;ving 11
new cement walk laic, athis home
en Victoria street,
bL. A. Hooper has had abalcoey
elected at his home on'Huron st
The store fronts of Brown's and
Fred Jackson are being repainted.
Mr. Wesley Walter is putting a
new cement foundation and fluor
kinder the cottage on 'Huron street.
It haus been finally deckled to
hold the excursion of the 'Huron
Old Boys Association of Tei onto,
on Saturday, July 8, The truth wit,
leave (J'orunt'i, tit a.boot 7.15 .r. 01.
and twill be divide.: at Stratford,
Hart of it going to Sarnia. The.
Goderich seethes will arrive there
'.Elrout 32 noun andethe Safina soot -
ion About 1 plus A special traria
hill Icatve tlodorich 0u Monday
evening at 6.30 for Toronto.
i g 6 l ten aro
elation with Clinton L. O, L., N.
770, With our kindest regards and h
lay, the lath of •Junee, On belga,;`
ARM 13R101iEN
Pte, Ceei'1 Cooper who is with
the 101st Band' is in t9he hospital
with a broken arm In geltllrng off
rstreetesult ear,hefell evitt the :Oxeye
The annual meeting of the W C.
T Ur and elector .of officers will be
held otthe. home of Mrs.lFairfull un
Thursday evening of this week at
8o'clock. Ali lihemembert are
w ged to be present
11•Ii0.1'ES 110 I.OPTDON
Rev Ode. T9cwson, formerly pats
tor of Wesley Church who has been
pastor• of the Methodist .Church at
Glencoe for the past four years.
has retired ftom, active work in the
ministry and will move to London
in a few days having bought a home
on tkskin Street
At Kingston last Wednesday Miss,
Ruth Baker was united in marriage
to Mr. Harvey James Bongard ac-
countant in the Standard Bank of
that city, 'Miss Baker visitea here
on various' occasions withher uncle
and auutMr, anti Mrs. R. Marehull
Rattan bury Street
'Rev Mr. Moulton. Rector, 0E Mid-
dleton, ElulmesvOle and Stamm ci•-
hill Anglican Churches was adtanc
ed to the Treastd ood of the (•huruh
of England ,at London, on Sunday,
His 'many friends en town and tio.te
rich ,Township offers hearty con-
gratulations to the new .Rector
I3EL'1' T13fs BOYS,
The 'Young Ladies' Patriotic Aux
III:41 ';pi -111 heilding atlawn tea the
end of this %month, The special
feature tot the afternoon will e
10 louwur for Ihie Clinton Boys at
the front, The Yuxil'aav wilt' be.
pleased torceeive donations of
socks, shaving soap, shavlrig paper
gum, cantly, milk chocolate, OM)
etc., from anyone interested in the
ORDAINED 1311T. 8318 V1NCt
'01' ERSE-AS
Among the young ren ordained
into the ministry of the Methodist
Church, at To; onto Conference, u u
Sunday last, was Hartley W e\ atte
son of the Tato Fred W' Watts form
erly- lot Clinton. Hartley was bntn
in Clinton a:.,tl received his early
religious training in connection
with•the Ontku•io St ' +Me.tlt,oui:it
Church Hie ordination wits both
a matter 01 fact and of forth.
he beteg absent overseas, but he
previously completed his hue years
probation , C
Read ,the advertisements in The.
NewfitabteID's' you should find it pro
Don't (let us starve,. Sean in
your news items We fairly eat
'ern ,up
,Every) page of The New Era is in
terd sting Dou 9 skip one,
Canada's egg crop for 1915 was
valued at $32,0011,000 --two and a half
times the value of the Dominion's
fruit ,crop
The Beekeepers met
Ae %few tpeti. to the circ
rich. 'on Setu day
L.'0.L service onSunc
noon :July end 111 the tot
(South Hume Liberal
in Hensall next Tuesday
The first heavy installment of
the 6,000 t.1nd upwards of Canadiun
caeualtics announced 1)y the Min-
ister of Militia last week was pub-
lished on Monday, A despatch
from Ottawa, last Sunday 'eget
says; -About 1,000 names have
been issued so far by the Militia
department, another thousand or
so will be issued within the neiet
two Clays in the regular course'
when the next of ,kin have 'been no••
tified and the casualty branch has
received replies indicating that the
casualties 310110ea have been duly
1 ecetivedr
On 'Tuesday evening, at the L.
01,. meeting, duringi, the course of
the evening ,Rev. Bro. C. C. Keine
road leo address to Bro .Rev, Mr.
Arlin, and Bro, George Hanley pre-
sented him With a gold leaded um-
brella suitably engraved, Rev.
Arlin made a fitting reply. Several1
candidates were shown the neystot• i
lea of the L. O. L. degrees. vol.,
dowing was the address read; -
To Bev S. J, Arlin, •1
Dealt •8r othc',r AIlin,-ln i fee-
transient course, two words recur
that mark the beginning and the
end of the stages of our .journey
Both are but t'he expression of a
hope aul:l a pi envie The fuse, is
"Welcome" and the last "Farewell"
Not Song ago it Iwas our ,sappy
lot to bid you welcome --Well Clo,ine 1
it has pproven to be, and the lew
tears during which our paths in
life have run together have proven
years of 'benefit and profit to n -s,
and not less happy, we trust, to
you, in the cense ousne.ss of set-
vice :well done, 'which is'labor's
chief reward;, We come now to'
the J)ai•ting 01 the way, and .as we
welcomed •you with a prayer, we
a.pced lyr,la with a w1sh that you
may fare we11, ' in the remainder
of the journey, That you may be
enabled in your new field of labor
es in the past, •qo see the fruition
of ;your Ja,bors in tele service of
eeonr eclinw men; that you may,
-be alble for many years to come
to consecrate your efforts teethe.
service of God rind humanity, to the
nroniotion 'o, triose' principles of
equality, fraternity, and toleration
for which youhxve consistently
stood in this community., Taking
achantage rel this opportunity ve
wish to'expreut ,in a tangible man-
ner our appreciation of the helpful
Influence of you/ life and character
among.us, As webavelea.rned to
lean upon your friendly counsel
and sympetey,.we ask you to accept
from us this cane as a torten of r•e- f
metabrancq which In future years
may recall to you your happy also-,
here on
10 at Grote
Sunday of ter -
noon ,tali ,
Canyon ben
The ?following letter +leas been
mailed of every citizen of Clinton
and speaks for itself;-
1 Clinton, 12th June, 10..
To the (Citizens of Clinton,-
The Men of the Huron Biettaliou
halve gone into Camp for training
to fit them foe their place at the
&&rout in clefdnce o4 the honor and
integrity ofi'lie Umpire. As most
Mmnci;paleties rn the Connty have
in .t tangible way lionored their
men twine have matte the great'sae-
rrf:ce Idank9stine01 it has been
felt that a.responsibility rests up-
on our eitije,ns to make some per
gift to the boys who ,macs
left Clinton homes art the call of
nietriotism, The ('Town Councilhas
voted ,the sum of $200 for this par -
pose and it has been decided by the
Clinton Branch of the War Auxil-
iary to eel: that this be supple-
mented through private contribut-
ions, the any being to raise, a Puna
el $t.00 :Which shall be expencled for
personal gifts Ilor the Clinton boys
of the 1:61et. In order to do Ibis it
will ' be seem that only .la small Baur
rem each party canvassed will 'be
needed. Coutributicens' are tie lie
dated in the enclosed envelope
which will be celled for at your
owes orpia:es of business on Fri -
in behalf of our membcrehilp, we are'!
Very truly yours, o
Wm. 'Walker, W, M.
A. iClarkson, Secy.
f theClinton "War Auxilirary,
John,Torrance, President,
1 Will: L. Johnson, Sectreteey
Add a cool room -to your house by equiping your
vetandah with shades—will let in the air and keep the
heat ou,t. Sizes 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and ro feet wide,
Oftel, the eheapast—11w3ys the Best
,,,,[Y' craw
Peusler White Pine and Spruce Balsam
What's the use experimenting
with medicines? We know what
White Pine and 'Spruce Balsam is,
as the formula is printed on each
Beyond a doubt this is the most
efficient cough remedy we have
ever sold. Nothing else will so
readily rere,ieveeaa�-cough. Try it—
sescsairmas 1219/312131•1111.11111/1
The Features of Our
To which we invite special attention
are its beauty, its assured comfort, its
solid construction, and its below the
limped prices. Any one of these points•
would be audit:ient to earn it your
preference. When they are all oom-
billed we feel sore you will realize
that this is rt furniture buying oppor-
tunity yon cannot afford to ignore.
Iindertakcr and Funeral Director. Phone 2g.
Night and Sunday balls answered at Residence over Store
It wiHH pay you to: The eoroler Grocery
' Live and Let Live"
get o r Prices
e 'see
on your Plumbing
For Frying ,For Shortening
Heating or Eavetroughing, Por Cake Raking
Crisco Is purely' Vegetable, nevei»
varies, and has neither flavor nor.
odor, 1t .therefore enables count-
less 'thousands of women to give
Estimates given free to ;thele own cooking that tasti-
ness for which every good coat.
Material and Workmanship
the Best.
Agents for Ueda Furnaces
Specials for Saturday.:
Oranges, Lemons, Bananneoul' • 81
Pineapples and Strawberries,
Lettuce, Radishes,
Green Onions and Cucumbers,•
Plumbing mud, HeatingE. E e a$ n n iford
Shop -over ]low land's Hardware PHONE 45.
ir$ 4 d A F A Aon kfi Air F p i A i 19 bfi fi g d g, eee S_3• $++o''9.*'i.eiee+.r++4.1•.1-3- F,9 ,
Put Your Thb
� r"•rd;
fr On This! !
h ti
Just put your thumb on the fact that this
is a Shoe Store with never a Shoe Disappointment
If there is anything the matter with our $40
5.00 or 6,00 Men's Shoes we will make it right, or
weback them up for all we are worth,
a If there is anything wanting in style or dura-
bility in our Women's Shoes at $lied, 4.00 or 4.5o
we are not aware of the tact, and the purchase
money goes back.
If there are any better bi,500 1,75 or a,00
School Shoes than oars, we are yet to see them,
If there is anythi7tg wrong with our shoes or •
our shoe service, we will maike good.
Rank on what We say and Buy y011 sI
G#S here
FRED. dJ.f+' L1e✓ a 7.
4,44.+143r,•A4»t'•t'4•444 i-iiF.+++_41 ''.