HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-06-15, Page 2PAGE TWO. s>nocv cxe aneacurosseaaGrr sea o av Millinery Ready to -Wear Garments P9rou e78 Coch &Co Dry Goods and House Fur nis1tings vas CLINTON NES' EDI 41 GILLETTS LYE EATS D°IRT" "•a'f'Wte fGe.f OPC0IMfg IRGG WO lle'W G' L_ LE?' Mee POWDERED SODS + Dig Display of P?eiN E'+ +1Ytr ' K+ f Fashion never created prettier patterns or styles than we are showing this season. They are smart, at- tractive, and dressy, and so cool and comfortable. You. will be pleased when you see them. They are made of pretty Embroidery, Fancy Voiles, Ginghains, i4lusiins and Linens. Be Sure and See this Grand Display NIZZSZIERVAr= axca Washable Skirts We have just received a large shipm=nt of the veru newest in Wath Sl itts in all the newest styles and cloth incluJing Pique, Awning Stripes, Bedtord Cord, Indian Head and Reps. Prices from ;$1.50 to $3.5o. LeU�NERV 12.89 the millirery season is drawing to a close and t to clear the balance of our hats, we put on sale y. .15 Hats, reg 5,00 for 2 98 1 i i` ljijhhjllill is The foundation n®t the �'h mostimportant then g True, you can't have a good barn without agood foundation. but don't forget either that the roof has to stand most of the punishment. Upon it falls the burden of resisting the destructive influences of weather and changing seasons. is ."Where am I' going to find a roof Now, the question g g which will meet these conditions?" Certainly not in wooden shingles which have rapidly deteriorated during the past few years. Not in anything so perishable as wood, nor yet iron, which lets in driving rain, but rather in a permanent mineral composition such as Brantford Roofing. Now, let us lookat a section of Brantford Roofing. First, you notice it has a pure, long -fibred felt base. This is thoroughly saturated with a filler coat of asphalt or mineral pitch. Then it is given another coat, Finally, the surface is thickly covered with crushed'slate. You can imagine what a job rain, snow, fire or heat would have penetrating a roof like that. As for comparing Nature's Water,. pro fling rd ofing with shingles on the score of permanency, or protection, or appearance, or even economy, there is no comparison. You put a Brantford Roof on once, and it will last as long as the building; it will always look well and it will never need repairing. Why not lot us send you oamples, also. a, copy of our booklet which explains bow Brantford Roofing is "always; on the Job?"< Or, if you will give us the dimensions ofout barn or house roof we will gladly submit estimates without charge or obligation.. Roofing Comrantford pany an Limited Brantford, Canada 85 '�tt SSAIC BY 1At11NDi BROTll.RS . a,si i , tl_wham:.7',il•: L.FW,uG'TT-'ANY-IWIRD is TORONTO ONT. non*prµ The Huron Co. Council Iucl.et•snittli, $17.50; Morris, $67,28; The treasurer's booksehowed great care and excellent system. ;Moved 'by Councillors Elliott and Taylor, that the county . council meet at Exeter for the December meeting, -Sent to special com- mittee. Obituary •MRS ALE XANDER, BROADPOOT After Lan Mimeo of only a week's duration, Mrs Alexander 'Broadfoot pasted peacefully away at her home in Tuckeramith, on Sunday even- ing , Besides her 'hus'band and two small children, the youngest a babe M six months, if\Lre Broadfoot leaves an aged mother; Mrs Mary Turner of Joseph' Street, Clinton and four sisters and three brothers, come of whom are.: living in the Moved by Councillors Smalla- Combe ,and L'rwin that the road called the deviation road, between 'Turn berry 'and List Wewlanosh, be referred to the road and bridge committee wide power to take Sol- icitor's advice. -Carried. .Moved by Councillors Bisset and Stewart (Ashfield) that the bridge on the boundary between Ashfield and,Coiborno about one mile eastot Sheppardton, be added to the list of county 'bridges, -Sent to the road and bridge committee. 'b'Ioved :by Councillors Bisset and Doig that the ilk utmrmlie of the bridge at S'tltford be encased with cement M. they are in adlangeroue condition.- Sent to retie and bridge cominitlee4 Moved ;by Councillors Leckie and Mihne that the county council grant the slim of $,113 to the village of Brussels to enable it to construct a permanent maradam road ever the approach of the 100 ft. for Whicl, the county is responsible to keep uP the north end of Brussels bridge `Sent .to road and Bridge commit- tee: Moved by Councillors Erwin and Fordthatt the approach to the Bay field bridge on the Bayfield side needs filling and cutting .off the Wimp turns to the bridge. and that the ;engineer make inspection of same. Send to road and bridge committee, dotted by Cc' uneilloes Nairn and Stewart (Seaforth) that the ques- tion of aiding and assisting to emit - able positions, disabled snld:ere returning from tine front to oue county, bbe referred to a commicti e totorniulate some general system whereby thio important matter can be handled satisfactorily - Sent to special committee. Military Matters„ ' Wednesday afternoon mattersl i, connection with the 161st. Battal- ion were discussed at some length in the county cotter/II which was in session. 'Mr. If vilone, of Clinton, • president of the Huron County War Auxiliary, :was present Eincf ad- dressed the council on the ' galest- ion of finances Of the, grant of $2,000 made by the county coun- cil in January, $1,800 in round fig- ures, had been spent, the Motley being for advertisinee, speakers' cn- penses, rent of hall's, livery bilis, rent .of recruiting rooms, in some case furniture for them and coat, (Which/ the 'War Auxiliary though. the Co ternmr•nt would pay fur, but which was pot provided for from that source,) Mr. Brydone explained that since the lirst of May the matter of hastening reeruitin • for the 161St was tahen,over by the officers of the. battalion, as it wras found that the ,battalion was suffering in cont parsion, with other eon Wes 'from not having someone to devote his whole time to this, . Adjutant .Vanstone was seleetee and given an office staff eight or tens $300 ;Was spent in postage, which might seem a large sura, ;rut ftwas thought best to do ishework thoroughly Bills, avgregtting nearly $1,200 had Qaeen :received for expenses in connection with this last effort, ane itwas e:ed thcs e were ,all the expenses incurrau. These Me,-13ryreone would leave 'wide the Warden Every effort had been made, inpav:n.g out what had already 'been paid, to see that there was no excesbov a clia:rge: Some bills had been vejected and sane reducet;ti The 'bills were all in the possession of the county treas urer% in order to cover the cost of this last recruiting effort, the minor ,municipalities had been asked to guarantee certain sums and in this way $1,500 had been pledged, with the understanding that it would , not be ,called for if the county made a, grant sufficient. With the exception of two or three municipalities these grants had not been paid. These bills in- curred 'Were .for speakers' provide ed by the Speakers Patriotic Lea- gue of the sect xid military district, things ;for recruiting rooms, etc, One township had voter! $200 to beused for field kitchens and mess ing tents, another township hod 'stipulated that .is grant was to be expended under the control of the War Auxiliary andrepresentatives 1 n of the township Hay and Bayfield 'had paid their „rants, and the 'Reeve ,ot Stanley reported that las township's grant had been for- warded, r Mr. Brydone stated that the officers themselves had disbursed a considerable sum., In answer to a question be stat- ed. ,that there was no public fund from .which payments could be, - made for the securing odrecrufts,, 1f any such t'lisbuseineet was Mede itwas [made from privetb funds.. The county treasurer pet in a ward for the 'c(Ificees of the war. Auxiliary, President Brydone, Se:- rotary Cooper and Teetisurer Mc- Pherson, who lie thought sJl01J1d5 receive something for their 'set- vices; as there was ;a very ` large amount of weal, in •checking over accounts and seeing they were not paid ,twine 'cote, Cot ,Combo also spoke. The of Daces had made outlayei'.da1 con- nectioe with 'the administration of the ,batter iont, ,Thdre was the Continued on Page 4 t, JOHN GREEN, fdt John Oreen of Port Huron was belied in Clinton on Wed- nesdaythe remains 'having beet, 'brought ip by 0•T.EL, on Tuesday night and taken to the residence of Mr Thomas McKenzie. !Both Mr. Green and his wife, formerly Miss Alexander, /were farmer residents of town, but for some years have loved en Port 'Huron, He was in his 41st year and ';vas sick only it short time, his death 'being caus- ed fay appendicitis, for which he underwent an operation , 'MRS CATHARINE TINL'E'Y. Mrs C. P. Tinley of Huron St, died last Monday morning after an extended illness Mrs. Tinley was born in Hamilton 85 years, ego, and was twice married, her first but band being Mr Joseph Keller, of which union there, were two sans The first son Henry Bero ley Kel'er who died Try 1877, and Charles Jos Keller, :with w',iom she had made her home ever since the death of her second husband, who pre- deceaeed her some 33 years ago Mr, M.B. Beasleyiand Mrs. Sophia Springer, of Toronto are a brother. and sister Deceased was a sister of the late Thomas Beasley, city clerk , of Ilaniitton. The funeral was field on I Wednesday afternoon; service being conducted(by Rev Dr Rutledge. Interment was mads at' Clinton cemetery', The pelt - bearers were H 13. Chant, J. May, D Marks, Pte. Dick Wells and. Mr W Tretheway of Seafort'h. MISS NEI.LIE 'HORSLEY: The funeral of Nellie Horsley took piece on Wednesday A service was held in the Methodist church, ,Hensall, .after which the cortege proceeded to Clinton where the interment took place Beauti- ful wreath; from pupils of the Pubiie School and of the bletho-• dist Sunday School lay on the cas- ket, Deceased load been ill since the 24th of May with measles and Pneumonia She was 10 years end 8 months old, and was a,daughter of Mr Richard 'Horsley, formerly of 'Clinton, and it granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. George -Warrener of ,town, Besides her father, she isenrol ed „•s, . by a sister,. Rpby, at tlensall, and three, lurothers, Th ;s and Charles of Prince Albert, Saslt and George at. home Relatives from a distance whet attended the funeral were, Messrs John Warr- ener of Sarnia, Nathan of Hensall, and Robert of Clinton, all uncles; Mrs ,Wm. ARM, Mrs. F. R. Vattern Mrs Thomas Wsrrenet' of Toronto and Mrs N. Warrener of Hensall, aunts; and Mr Ernest Warrener of Wallaceburg^ rand Miss Marne War- rener of Toronto, cousins • besides the two stns of Mr N, Vvru•reuer of 'Hensall Birth', 31.krriages 9rnaahs BIRTHS. ALEXANDRER-In Hay township on June Ord to Mr ami; Mrs. Wm. Alexander, la daughter, • MARRIAGES HORNb7R-RATHWLLfa-In Stan Ley, on June ith, 1916 At the 'home of Mr and Mrs. John Ra Lb well, when their only! daughter , Violet was united in marriage to Albert Horner of Varna, by the Rev Mr Johnstone! of Varna- DRA'l'IIS LEE -IN Londedboro, on Saturday June ilOth, Wilii'arn Lee- aged u8 years and 11 Months TINLEY-In Clinton, onMondey June lith, Catharine Presetl'ia Tinley, aged Bb years And'l month GREEN -In Port Huron. M eh., on $ln,rl+y, ,lune 12'h, Sohn 'Green, a former resident of Clinton, aged 42 years, eeeeeeeeeeeDeo®eesszooss ou Local News eeoeseoesoeuseoee0oeeecuctes SOUTH HURON 'LIB;LRALS, The' Annual ;1$/fa ting of the South Huron Liberal Association as constituted for federal purposes will 'be held in the Town 'Ball, 'Ilensall, on June 20th, at 1.30 pee, Besides the election of officers it is the intention to organize for local ,purposes. The meeting will be addressed by Thomas Marshall, M.P,P. for Monk; Mr. Thomaeel4e- MilLan• and other local speakers. S1TNA TO P.r Trb1P BYSI3i1:tE SHOWS IM?ROVEb'1lsN'T Senator Derbyshire, who has been a patient ofthe General hospital at Brockville for several Jaye, suf- fering from the effects of a stroke of parelyais, is reported to be cox, siderably ,improved Doctors now. told rutsoene hope that he will be around again Seinator Derby - snipe tvmited Clinton on behalf of the T o 0 et. at an At Roma in 1110 His l.,rother Oddfei a s all over ;America hope for a speedy recovelry., , CHURCH WORK IN VA.NOOi7.VE13, The Western Methodist Recorder spanks arsfollows of. a Vancouver chereh, of which R•ev. W. Ti, Derr, formerly pastor of Ontario St church is the pastor: :Sixth ,•\.venae Metho- dist church was erected on Ilia corner of Oth Avenue and Hemlock St. in. Fairview District during i pastor- ate of the late Rev, A E. Green. 7 years ago, whop' Rev. E, WV, Staple ford was pester the church was enlarg e.%, to a seating capacity of seven hum dred aunt fifty. A loci tire room and elate rooms were added, making it n church well adapted to the needs of the eenstituencyst tsrves, Marine the past year, under the pastorate of l;,ev:. Wesley 1], herr, who was transferred from Hamilton Conference, Ontario, i1 has enjoyed peace ai,nd, prosperity, Despite trying financial conditions it has paid its way, and will go into the work of the new year with courage and hopefulness. Thursday, June 15th,, 1916. PUB CHASED PROPERTY Mrs, Gardner, who 4oas 'been div- ing neat to Councillor Wilts& on Ontario Street, has purchased the house of the late Mrs Crich,'Huron,, Street, and is moving there • CRUSHER, HOME, The stone crusher, (which has been in Brussels over 'a year,' was returned to town by Contractor McLean as the Ioeal council expect to do some road building; REMEMBERS THE BOYS The Huron Old Boys of Toronto` have veru kindly ferwnrdeci to the colonel of tl a 101 • t ? 175' whi, his ;in u h appreciated . hy, the otfisers .and the men of the 1 attalion, COMING HOME Itis reported !that Lieut Chas Kerr, al former Ontario ! Street nftrsonage boy, is on his way home to recuperate From wound and shell' shock It is altogether likely he will visit old friends in Clinton GRADUATED MONDAY. Miss Edna Rcdeway. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rollaway graduates this year free) ,the School of Aeme Boone mics and Dietetics of the Battle Creek Sanitarium: There were flirty in the class to receive their diplomas on Monday evening at the Sanitarium gymnasium. MINOR LOCALS. .June is a very notable month with so much rain and so many/ weddings. Amateur gardeners were probably never so silent as at the present time. Ic begins to look as t hough "the man with the hoe' and all other agriced lure implements will he out of a job this season: ft is a safe het that. many of the lux intent, burdocks that ere to seen in the town have as many lives as the aver age eat. It you doubt, try to !till them - The Canadians Casualties continue to grew. The town Sig and the Poatoffice and Public Se,honl fi igs have been half mast for Etre r Kitchener. The New Ere and Patnily Herald anp Star to Jan, 1017, for 75e. Goderieh Township The following is the report of S, S. No. 11 for May: - Se. TY -Elsie Ferguson, Pearl Churchill, Verna Elliott, Ruby Church Jr. IV -Clifford Weide. Bruce Hol Mind, Glen Ferguson Francis Powell, Howard Ourfie• Jr. If -Elmer 'Ibiok, Laura Currie, Oliver Ferguson, Part II -Ernest Kerges. Pruner -Melvin Elliott, Verna Ool cloueh, Viola holland. Mervyn Bad kin. Erma Diehl Teacher East Wawanosh The fnhlowing is the renort of S. S, No, ID Best Wawanosh for the month r , of May: Sr. 1V (A1 -Ella ].rear, Hillard Me. Gowan. Sr. LV (B)-Dorot.hv Howard, Edna McGowan, Luella Wilson, John Park er Pr, IV -Walter Patterson, Sr. 11I-Olsi a 111uGowau, May Park er. .1, 111 - Finlay McGowan, Sr, f4 -1,1a McGowan. Jr. II -Evelyn B'troh,Berl Ott'dwelh Jr. IL -Ella Crtldwell, Honest Parker Enrolled attendance 15. Average attendance 113. E. M. Phillips, Teacher !Pomace for Sale A Second-hand Kelsey Furnace M firsteclass condition. A bat• - gain, it sold at once. THOMAS HAWKINS at Rowland's Hardware. Range For Sae Happy Thought Range in good condition, cheatp for quick sale Apply to New Era For Sale a: 'Colts -2, 3 and 4 years' old, ISAAC BEZZO, Dinsley Terrace Caretaker Wanted A caretaker wauted .for Wesley Methodist Church, salary $150• per year. Annly to PETER OANTILON, Cunene, Sec. Trustee Board South Huron Liberals The Annual Meeting - of the South Suror. Liberal "Association, as constituted' for Federal purposes will he head in the Town 'Hall, Hensall, on ,Tune 20th, at 1.30 p,in. Besides the election of officers it is the intentfo.n to • organize for local purposes, The meeting will. be !addressed by Thomas ida.rsh,all, M.P.P. ,for Monk; Mr. ThomasMc- Millan and other local spelakers. HARRY SMITH., President KEEP THE BOWELS REGULAR AND AVOID CONS TI PATlOte When the bowels are not kept regulat they become clogged up with waste end poisonous matter, causing constipation, biliousness, skk headaches, piles, and all kindsof liver troubles. s Milburn's taxa-T,ivcr Pills will regu- late the bowels so tliat you may have a free and easy motion every day. One pile every night for thirty dayswill cure the worst cases of constipation. Mr. John J. Smith, Elginburg, Ont., writes: "I had been troubled for a'great white with constipation, and tried many different remedies which did me no,good. I happened to try Milburn's. Laxa-Liver Pills, and T have found them most bene- ficial." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills arc 25 cents per vial, or five vials for .$1.00; for, sale at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co, Limited, Toronto, Ont. ,•: •. , For Sale Property occupied by Dr. Gan' diem including two lots, house, of- fice ,and stable, Will be sold sep- arately or togetrter., Electric lighting ,throughout, water in the stable,, Hard 'rend soft water in path -room, kitchen and summer kitchen. Apply to • • DR. GANDIE1I Wool Wanted Wool wanted, highest. price paid -Cash or trade. BENMILLER WOOLEN' MILLS. Young Ill'n Young men or others who are tumble to join for ovea'seas ser- vice, can serve their King and Country by helping on Munition Workt Apply to, The Robert Bell Engine' and Thresher Co., Limited, , tS'eaforth,' Ont;. Teacher Wanted Experienced teacher wanted for S: S, No. 3, Ooderich Township, Duties to commence the lst of Sepptelmber. Please state salary and .experience: Applications to be in, by 20th of June. EDGAR J.'TRII WARTHA Secretary -Treasurer Ho'lmesvife P. 0. TO THE PAWNERS I am in a position to erect Silos on reasonaible notice, this present season', Our Silos are of Red Cedar, tounged and' grooved. Silos compfete with Roof, Go- thic, Ladder.; !Guyed well from the top; and Anchored' securely to its foundation, Doors, ,ventilators -in fact ev- erything right -left ready for the corn. I am also putting on our Strong and Attractive Roof on old' Silos that have been built in the past, any size: A sample of our roof may be seen on the farm of Mr. Bert, Lobb, Clinton P.O„ 'which I in- stalled last season. For full particulars and prices. drop a card or phone at my ex- pense, so I may call on you per- sonally: G. GREEN, 1024, 2nd'Ave., West, Owen Sound Dcbentllr.e.s for Sale Town of Clinton, guaranteed, yield. ing of per cent. Government and mu uncipal Bonds of various issues, yielding 5 to Q, per cent, Annly to B14YDONE P'aint'ing .&. Paper Bali, iiig • Painting and Paper J3 tnging neatly rend promptly dune, Ceders left at Hunniturd's Ceru..ery Store on at my residence, Victoria Street, TH08, GRAELIS Calves for Sale A few good calves for sale. Apply to W. MARQUIS, phone 11 on 10(1 Clinton For Sale Two and a hall horse power gasoline ergine in first class running condition Apply to W. J. NED,fGER In the. Matter 41 11. S. Chap- man, lnFNivelat. NOTICE: le hereby given that the tabot'e• named Insolvent, H. S. Chap- man,carrying on business as boot and shoe merchant, at the Town of Clinton, in the: County of Huron has made an assignment of his es- tate to me for the general benefit of ;his creditors, under the Assigxi- ments and Preferences Act. The creditors are notified to meet .at the store lately occupied' lie the said 21. S. Chapman, in the town of Clinton, on ;Friday, the 16th day of Tune, at the hour of 130 o'clock in the afternoon, .for the purpose .of receiving a state menti of the insolvents affairs, for the appointment of inspectors and the giving. of directions with refer- ence to the disposal of the estate; All persons claiming to be en- titled to rank on the estate must file their claims with me on or be- fore the 301:h day of June, 1916, after which elate I will proceed to distribute the assets thereof, hav- ing regard to those claims only of, which I shall then have receiv- ed notice, and I will not be liable for ,the said assets or any part to any person of whose claim I have riot 'thein received notice, Dated ,e't C:lintbn. Ontario, this 7th day of Juice, A.D„ 1910, CHARLES B. HALE, Assignee. W. 1311YDONE, Solicitor for the Assignee, !oti/'e to Creditors In the lisr;ite of Julia Crich, widow, deceased NOTICE is hereby given that all persons .having dolma against the estate of Julia Crich, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on or about the 12l'.ilo day of DeCernber, 1916, aro required to deliver to the undersigned administrator or his solicitor, on os 'before the lst day of July 1916, a full statement of their claims to'geth- el' with particulars thereof, and the nater& of the sectn'ities, it any, held by them, all duly Verified by affieevit. And Take Notice that atter the said last mentioned date, the said administrator win proceed to d ,tribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled therebo. having regard cnly to sueit claims as they shall have received due notice and in acoordaece therewith, Dated at Clinton, June 5th, 1016 Herbert Crich, Administrator. W. BRYDONE, CI°; t, n Ont. Solicitor for S tr..tor. Seed Potatoes We have a quantity of, Davies Warrior Seed Potatoes 11.J. Holloway, -Clinton, Western University. London ANOTREB GREAT ADVANCE Income Doubled -Now $7.5,000 Another Targe addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine Greatly Increased Enrollment in view Write for particulars to: --o-- E, E. BRAITHWAITE, M A. Ph.D. President, Wanted A smart girl to learn the dry goods business. Apply Advectieer,. Box 255, Clinton, Ont. House for Sale House on Ratten bury St„ formerly nccupiei by the late Mre. vVilliam Murray, Apply to G. D, MCT9.GGART Fat !lens and Chickens Wanted. Taken at any trine. Highest Market Prices W. MARQUIS, CLINTON Phone 14: on 100 Seed corn We now have in stock a quantity of Seed Corn which we can offer you at , a reasonable price, also Good Seed Buckwheat This is theloatching Season and that means lots of feed for the baby chicks. We have a large stock of Baby Chicle Feed and also Chick Grit on band Try some of our Oreameal and Oiloake• for young calves and pigs, there is nothing better Since Lard bas risen to such a high price, why not try our Easiilrst Shortening as it is not so expensive and goes farther, We have it in 5 and 20 lbs pails Bran, Shoots, Low grade Flour, (bit meal, Breakfast Food, and Flour always kepi in stork Ili ;hest Prices paid for Crain and Wool at "Elevator" W Jenkins&Scan Flour and eed. phone 199 Popular Stallions The following stallions will stand for the improvement of stock this season as Follows:- I/UNIfIRE GARTLY (0221). Enrolment No, 07 MONDAY -Will leave his ownstable West and 'I'uckerstnitb. and go north by way of the Huron Road to the Gra ham House, Clinton, for noon. then by way of the 10th ion., Goderich town ship. to Mr. Bert Lobb's for night TUESDAY--Bv way of Maitland con, to w m Durste, nd, then by way of Bethel and Benmiller to Wm. Lndg's for night, WEDNESDAY -13y way of the 6 nod 8th con, to Wm. Cunninghatin's fur noon, then by way of the 8th non. to Tried Quaid's. Dunlop for night. THURSDAY - 1'o Union Betel, Goderiohj for noon, then by way of 1st con, to Safkeld's corner and 4th con, to Huron !toad to Wilmot Haacke's for night. FEIDAY-By way of Oth con. and Porter's Hill to Fred Pickard's for noon; then by way of 7th con., to John Stewart's for night. SATURDAY -By way of Bayfield Line to Jas. Jackson's and of Stanley for noon; then to his own stable where he will remain until the following"` Monday morning. Terms, 313 to insure. G. W, Nott, proprietor; J. P. Fisher, manager GUINEA GOLD (18090)1-7810j Enrolment No. 1098 MONDAY -Will leave his own stable, West End, Tutbkersmith, and go south to the Mill Road to Pfiile & Sons for noon, then across to HuronRoad and west to Wm. Dales for night. TUESDAY - To Graham House, Clinton, for noon and until the tollow ing morning teE1/NESDAY--•By way of Eturon. Road to N. Trewartba's, kinlmeeville, for noon, then by way of Oth eon. to Thomas Onle's for night TIIVESDAY-)3y way of Middle ton's corner to George Holland's for noon, then to his own stable where he u iltremain uracil the following Monday morning Terms $15 to insure, (•a W• Nott, prop. .11.1tRY J. Standard Bred Trotting l nn„ Sta,lli»n Will stand at the Normandie Barn, Cli$tou, every . Saturday during, the season, He is a very ftsshiomthiy bred colt, and while not yet 3 years old, he s a big horse now. No, 01882 American trotting Register,' No. 0101 Canadian Standard Bred Society, Ne, '1110 En raiment. Terms -812 to .ensure with foal ED. JOHNSTON, Prop, Phone 8 on l62 Clinton,