HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-06-15, Page 1Established 865, Vol. 5i0, No. 51
Fie stere and
-CLINTON ONTARIO' THURSDAY JUNE 15 1916 W. H,Kerr & Sott, •Editors •and Publishers
come to Clinton
on Wednesday, July 12th.
Be Geod to Your Teeth
Good teeth are essential ro bodily health. Yonr teeth
demand daily attention you, sbonld be careful as to the•
dentifrice you use, We suggest ltexall Tooth Paste
Cream. ,It is composed of ingredients that thoroughly
cleanses, without destroying the tooth enamel, It is
a healthy preparation for gums and mucous membrane
of the mouth, Price 200 at
Rest Quality Drug Store The ltexall Stare
V77. (. P./< 110 L ,� PhIn.B,;
eRoyalBank SS
Capital Authorized $25,000,000
Capital paid up 11,560.000
Reserve and undivided profits 13,500,000
Total Assets ....,
0 000
3ESO ] Ft A. I c ELJE ,,iit
Witl1 Torld-wide Cconnee tions
interest Allowed on Savings Deposits
General Ban)iing Business 'Transacted.
R. E. MANNING, Tanager, Chilton kid
AP@TAL AND R + 9E16,VE $8,8110,000
96 iltranches in Canada
A General flanking Business Transacted
Savings Bank Department
Interest Allem rd at Highest Current Rate
C.E. Dowding., Banner Clinton Branch
• 100004,47•4904.00a
SI 5
The Huron County Council Will Celebrate
Treasurer's Report Shows Net
(July lith at Clinton
Cost of C, T, A. Enforcement
Furst Year Was $326.72, South Perth L, 0. L. Accepts
Invitation Here Instead of at
The ,Tune erosion of the count
council opened Tuesday afternoon
June 6th, with '° 1a11 tJ7e Member
present, • l_
The county, treasurer repute
es f°Enmis,-
To the Warden and Council' of tit
County' of Huron,-
Genllemen-I have to" ' eeper
that the debentures underBy-la
No, 6, 1915, were issued and offer
ed for sale, ,toe •Aly, a tew month
ago, I was of [erect fby broker;,
98% foo the lot and think could
halve obtained 99 Chad I felt aa --
posed to sell for that figure,bu
the committee you appointed to
act with me agreed with me tha
we should -endeavor to place 'them
at par within the county. I now
tape pleasure in informing you
thalt we succeeded in so doing, as.
the debentures are now practically
allsod h. St c i
1 T S .r 11 Leben ales
fon 15,000 pounds, with six months
interest' 300 pounds, or in dollar'~,
675,000, falls clue July 1st, next,
and the money to meet this rs
sown in the savings bank.
I have paid to present date S43,-
164.90 for patriotic purposes, leav-
ing less than 617,000 for that
fund from the sale of debentures
and think it would be advisable to
ppass another debenture by-law if
the payments of 65000 per month
are to be kept up.
The cost of enforcing the Can-
ada Temperance Act for one year
endingApril 3011,916was2
11 02012
according to a statement received
from ,Toronto and which is here-
with 0ubmittted. The amount for
fines under this et paid t o c
Q a t t m
the .same period was 62300, show-
ing the not cost of Act enforce-
ment tfor one year to be 6326.7.2.
I have the honor to be, gentlemen
• Your Obedient Servant,
Stratford Beacon ;-Whey, the Co
d Orange Lodge of South Perth met
here on Saturday afternoon a
edeputaidon from Clinton, led' by
Mr, D. Cantelon, of Clinton,
t, triet Master Southgate, of Seaforth
v' and County iMaster Hodgins of
Lyman ' interviewed the 'tuemhers,
and as a result etl,lv;as decided to
Celebrate July .12th in Clinton, in-
;of Berlin as was first intend -
On Wednesday next the North
Perth County Lodge meets at 'Mil-
verton to decide upon a place of
celebration e
The following estimate of • the
suns required to pay the expenses
of enforcing the Canada Temper-
ance Act in the County of Huron
for the year May 1st, 1916, to April
30th, 1917, was submitted by W. J.
Hanna, provincial secretary, ane
the county ashen -to deposit this
sum to the credit of the License
(Fund ,account in the Bank of Com-
merce at Goderich.
Inspector's salary • ...... 61200,01
Inspector's travelling exp, 500.00
Cost of prosecutions, includ-
ing constables, witnesses
counsel .fees etc.....,, 000.00
Office .expenses 100 00
Amount over expended to
April .30th 1910 ._. ...,.. .,. 126 72
Ready -to -Wear
You will be surprised
• when you see the fabrics
and style we put in our
• ysj15,00 suits,
• Everyone who has seen
o then] has been surprised.
• Come in and examine
• • these. They have a fine-
• ness of texture and firm-
• ness of weave that you
• would expect to be priced
at at least $so.00
• We show these remark-
Z.. abbe $15,00 values in
••• a nide range of
models and
1 0 you only want to
pay 110 or $12 you
. will find splendid
.-,,• assortment of ats
tractive values '
• tire• 0
• 4
• Because we are offering such really superior
4 values at $15.00 we want you to see them.
44. Drop in at your earliest convenience and we will
1 be pleased to show ides].
• .•
• The {ftorri h Clothing (;,o.
r . Agent for C. P. R. Telegraph Co.
A Square Deal tor Every Man
• 0000•4•44N444444•••••••44•,u *4*4r**44414 44 444N•O 4
4 •.
2 821.7..2
The stnof ,:2 I v-
1 s GOl t asr •ceen-cd
• from( 'the county the past year for
•enforcement 'of the act, and the
sum of $2620.73 expended.
4• Copy of an order of the Ontario
4' Hallway and Municipal Board, on
the application of Wellington tn.
'Huron Counties to be relieved of
4' rebuilding the ;Well ngton and
'Huron bridge across a branch of
the Maitland river on tine town
4. line 'between tthee townships • of
Minto and IIowiok, was received
on condition that the applies ids i
pay Wm. Pike, owner of part lot 32
con, 3eeHowick, the stun 00.8725 in
full of all depreciation In value,
past, Present or future to the lim-
bered land on the north side of the
said branch of the Maitland, and
also that the applicants pay to
Wm.. Thos. Beller, owner of lot 42,
000.3, Minto, the sum of 8200 ,0
full of all depteoiation, and also
that the applicants fallow Messrs.
Pike ,and Buller to take the mater-
ial in the bridge,
The county tailor reported two
prisoners • in.areerated, one for
„agrancy and one £oi' ineetrdtat•ism,
and called attention to the need of
roof repairs to the jail residence.
The county auditors reported;-
Receipts for the year 1915 $227,631-
28; payments 6232,949,13; leaving an
overdraft of $5,21.4:85- The re-
ceipts during 1916,to Feb, 18, the
date of the audit, were 631,945.62;
total payments, including over-
draft of $5,e1.4„85, were 625,908:71 :
leaving a balance, of 60,030.02, on
deposit in various banks, The tree
surerss bonds were. satisfactory.
The several school accounts were
found correct with the exception
of the lack ore statement of ,a
statement of the municipal grant
toHuliett and both munieinal and
Legislative grants to 13IoKilio p,
The following townships showed
balances onhand; Howick,50c:
Continued no page 2. •
Try Th e:.
The Eraj'
for Job Work in
straw berries
Fresh home grown Straw••
berries all this week, duality
never lovas better, l
Leave lyour orders early
fore canning, in Orden to
secure (best berries at lowest
The Store of Quality
Phone 48
A committee was named to get
preliminary arrangements uncle[
way for the grend( lodge meeting
ire Stratford to March 1917..
In recognition of his good ser-
vices, 151n' B. W. Switzer, of Ran
nock,, for two years county master,
was, ,presented with the past mas-
ter's jewel, There was a good
5 000 Acres Under
flax in District
Growers Meet at Hensall and Dis-
cuss Conditions of Growth
and Labor
'Hensall, June 9, -The first meet -
of Western Ohtnrio flax mill
owners at llensall yesterday after-
noon, was fully attended and in-
teresting, addressed were given by
Messrs„ IFraileigh, of Forrest, W.
Forrester, of Mitchell, A Tipling Of
Wingham, and 0 Geiger, of Her, •
The general natters up for
mission ;were in regards to the
labor question ancl' conditkons of
the ilex growth It was estimated
that .there are 5,000 acres in this
section of Ontario under flae,
This is just about e
per er c:nt)of
what .was figured on., The lalling
()flits due to Nhc continued wet
weal:hen With what help is avail
able from home labor itis expected
that the Government willbeesker!
to furnish some hundreds of men,
which. they will bring in from the
United Sl'a'tes.
Pullers and machinery for such
work was an important question,
Mr. Kalbfleisch was appointed. t7,•
the mill owners present 1010021 in-
to all new intentions for flax pnli-
ing machinery that had been
brought to their attention. Mr.
Kalbfleisch \t 111 visit Detroit as a
beginning in his important int*est-
Reports ,on the condition of the
'crops that are now in, were v'.ery'
favoralble. Under the present eL•-
cumstances (ofwe(t weather and,
other natural drawbacks the pro -
gloss the flax has made has'been
declared marvelous., Following
the report on the flax it was de-
cided that another meeting would
beheld on Jnl;y ' 14 -c Sarnia,
timing, the new water vetting met-
hods used in Port 'Huron will be
carried .on throughout all minis
where itis possible for them to get
water from the St. Cini River,
which has been found to be the
tight quality of water for such
Local News
'Mr, Lorne Murch' and family will
' move (shortly to the house vacated
"by Mrs Gardner, Ontario St,
Saturday of last week Mr and
Mrs Wm. Jackson, Mr, and Mrs -
John Hansford, and Mr Melvin
Ransford left: Sarnia on the steamer
'Hamonic for Port Arthur and Fort
William, where the gentlemen will
attend the 30th annual convention
of the Canadian Ticket AgentAsso
elation, After the Convention
they Will return by boat to Port
McNichol' and will probably be
home tereorrowG
Capt C E. Dowding, Paymaster
of the 33rd Battle was one of the
officers who returned on the Sierl-
lian last wecilt At Montreal. The
Capt „ has 'Doan 111 'with pneumonia.
pen is home for two months. Avoth
er officer is Lieut. Manning Smith
of Bayfield, better known as Dr
Smith, who served at the Dardan-
elles and later At Sued, He was
with them imperial 'hospital t
� p t 1 corps a.,
Lemnos. Capt. rt. Dowding arrived.
home On Saturday evening and his
old 'friends in town are giadt to
sed him once more„
With the Fleet
Another Letter from Ted Rigsby
Dear M -•,-If 1 could tell all that
ha,s taken placer since; last I wrote
it would, make a decent -sited
(book, The scenes and ciecuinstan-
ces have been much different from
what we lave been used to for a
hong, ,time back
As eve ai'e the Haat: 'striking force
of the Grand Fleet (the light emirs-
miser squadron), we cannot very well
miss any action that may take
Place, and 1100' that "business is
(looking up" we are on the top line
all .the time This is getting to
be areal war., The Germans are a
very wily lot, and anything we win
from them will have to be fought
for. We shall see,I believe, ere
long .lomething stupendous in the
wary ,of naval operations.,
t Writing ismost difficuljt whenyou ,are limited to personallmatters,
especially when there are other
things worth while, the s,on rises
DOW about 4.45, and itt remains
light quite later. It is snaking it-
self felt, so WE' are enjoying real
Juneweather. It ' delight
Clinton Boys at the Battlefront
The above group ave Huron boys of I he 33rd 13attalinn, now fighting in
rc. The second in the toplow from 1
rn alt to right t is Pte re.
DVxllrer of town; the first iu the second row is Pre, Stewart Knox, tie•
turned from the front with mounds; next Pre Nnt'n to Levy, who was
wononi Pfl 1'venntly; Pte. Homer ante/on, who was killed in actio, on
May 22nd: and the second from Pte. (lanteinn is fete, .Ernest Hillier of
town• who was wounded last week, 'The lir sr in the bottom row is
Pte. Maxwell of Winghane, a nephew of llr', and Mrs, Hugh Ross of
may or u -ea ,er- is deltg• t
fill ,after such a ile.leaden winter, .it Social
and Personal
is hard to realise, when you look 1
back, that there ever was anyth.;ng 0
different from this kind of weather
It seems so far away, se vague and
so like ,a mese memory. -
I ;vas hall ready to go to the
trenches last Tuesday,
but unfore-
m f re -
seen circumstances intervened, of
which the papers made mention. I
hope to pick up a party going
next Tuesday, and i0 I do 1 shall
try. to get with the Canadians, as
they seem to'be in the thick of it at
St. Eloi.
Since I wrote last I have seen
the Grand ,elect, with Milts new
additions „ It was a marvellous
sight, ,and would do your heart
good to see, ittt Tor cannot coin-
ceive what some of those big ones
look like as compared with our
ordinary cruiser. The reverbera-
tions from one of their guns doll
back like thunder, quite unlike the
single clap from a small gun: while
at night, even when miles ewa.y,
the flash is blinding, like that of
lightning in a jet black sky„ It
is quite awe-inspiring, •r ins rat 'A broan-
1 P
side resembles .earthquaker
an fo
noise, smoke, and spectacular ef-
fect, It looks as if there was about
as ,much exertion in snaking a hit
s in playing- b. s i r th a
abean a r c
parlor. I suppose you read about
the bombardment of Lowestoft
and Yarmouth, I don't believe a
lot of what the papers say, but T
do ;believe we shall see those leg -
gars back again. There is method
in their madness I h:1vo no doubt
Affectionately yours.
No Excuse to be Without
Reliable Up-to•date News
from the Battle Front.
We have pleasure in announcing
an arrangement completed with
thatgreat fancily paper The Fam•
ily Herald and Weekly Star of
Montreal, by which we can offer
The New Era and the gamily Her-
ald ,:rod Weekly Star for thebal-
face of 1010 or until Jan. 1s 1517.
or the small son of 79.cents.
The Family Herald and Weekly
Star is notefor its reliaPle von
news summaries each [week and la
replete with most interesting
stories from the battle front, The
Papally/ Herald and Weekly Star ,is
a faintly, paper all Canada, is
proud of, and when combined with
The. Now Era our readers are sup-
plied with all the local news and
news of the world„ In addition to.
the news the reader receives in
Tlie Family Herald each week a
magazine section equivalent to
several of the best monthly maga-
zines printed The Agricultural
section ,is another fenttiure of that
great weekly which is keenly ap-
preciated and is alone worth many
times the subscription price. We
none offer the two papers for Only
75 cents until lst of January, 1917
Present readerts of the New Era
may have The Family 'Herald and
Weekily lSta,r for the :balance of
1916 torr only (Forty Cents.,
The following letter was receiv-
ed from Col. Combe by the Sports,
Committee,- 1
t East Camp,
' ( London, June 'b, 210
Mr. leaac Rattenbury,
,Chairmen ,of May 24 ' Celebration.
Committee, Clinton;
Sir, -T_ [beg to acknowledge re-
ceipt ;of cheque of 81095 52 also 'a
letter containing resolution passed
thy the committee, at a meeting in.
Clinton, ,on June Gth,
h ve the 'honor at no o be, sir,
R. 13. • COMBI Lt, -Col,,
, 0,C. 161st Batttl„
Miss Edna 1'c step, cls lace of the el ins Mable Chuff is visiting with her
William mtr r
u R
a rr l
e. r Winnipeg, on the ]st ins[ at Stratford.
to Dir. R.G, Symons, of that city. Miss i;lirabeth Cthidleh spent the
She has been livingin that pltee for u.
couple of years, s, tt 0th her [Tither,
Mrs. Ken (ibowen was a visitor ae
Detroit this week.
late ill
treat o
let of Clinton, O1 Lou, tins myth, told aunt, Rev. and�ilirs. Cleft
Mr. A, T. Conner was in Toronto
and ?lutdale over the week end hat
ing gone down to take charge of the
services Sunday in the latter place,
speaking in the interests of the Dom-
inion Alliance,
Miss Lizzie Shanahan spent a few
days at Detroit.
The old friends of Mr. Jas, Rey-
nolds were indeed tread to see him in
town 1tga1) '•Jinriny" is ter uperat-
1ng from an operation foe appendicitis
01r. 0110 Whitmore returned last
iter.), Troll his visit iu 1111' States.
1V, Irwin or London, was re.
waving old acquaintances in town on
Ti teoRa y.
miss Maida Cooper was a visitors al
London on Saturday.
Dir, and Mrs Fred Motel, end child
rem, of Toronto. tore spending ti few
drys with relatives and friends in
Mr. J. 1 S e• `r1
1 .tl . 1. .r. " son, 1
, t tt. c
l Sh' olo 1. o' 1., c
t uulonv•a.,•
iiia, m inns
011 Monday.
Postmaster Inthetlaud, of JTensal1,
gave The New Era a call un Monday
Men. rs Andrew Gunn, ,un Toronto [inf" i ,, .
ostr o '
nailing tg
un old friends in town last
illi mid Mee. John Ransfcird and
Mr, Melvin I1rnsfottl attended the
Canadian li ke1. bents 0-M17011 inn
)1 fort Arthuu. 79)1 111) nibs 110)10
by boat, •
Mr. and Mee. S. 13. Tierney, "Or-
'Oreh aril Lodge,' Myth, Ont. announce
the en•ngement ul 1 '1' lgdest dau
filet, ]41 tr,garel Louise, to Dr, J. A.
1oTaggatt, Blyth, the nlnauage to
take. place this his
i e mmtth.-'.Che -rule- to•
be is a graucl•elauglticr of Mrs. Thom-
son, Albert Street North.
Goderich Signal -Mrs. Wesley Wal-
ker, of Clinton, was in town on Mon -
'lay, and while here Mr. • and .firs.
Walker prac.ticallyrotupleted arrange-
ments for the basing oe rosid.ental
premises They hope to be settled as
residents of Goderich by July 1st,
Dir. David Orl•ntelon was in Strat-
ford on Satnrdav interviewing the
Perth District L. -0. L. meeting,
Mrs. WViltse, of Seaforth, has been
visiting her father•, IVIe, A, D, Wiltse,
Ontario street -
with Miss Barr ut ht ucies-
Miss Mamie C1nit' 00 Eloderich town•
ship is visiting with relatives in town.
We are sorry to report that Master
George (],titer is confined to his bed
with i.n,flantatory rheumatism,
Ripley 1,xpress-Miss Walkinshaw
of Gliitluu, was the guest of Miss Flor-
euce Chapm, n for the week end,
Me. anti Mrs, Wm. Jackson spent
Hie past few days at Prier, Arthur,
NL'. J. C. Stewart of Stratford, has
been visiting her sister• Nurse Mc-
Miss Dle0at.c'11, nurse, leaves Satur-
ilay i n' Spulsate:, lvaslriugton, where
she will visit relatives for a while.
Her many friends hops for a safe and
pietism,1 trip. Miss 0101rn'en may
stay Cour 'Months
Mrs. Joseph Townsend, who is now
spending a few months with her
mother and other relatives at Bourne•
uunilh, England, is reutr rube[•ing her
lieienils in Clin ton ,with sp10111111)ns .ra-
Lions of that famous pews.
DIr•. Pat. L. O'l.'un u.
r it s
, re c t•r r
, , l ['car
nilmivel al the Ratite -dime 1.10n08er. is
taking in the sights at Detroit this
week. Ther. will be 3n1111- stur'ics to
)tear \viten Pat ('011)8 home,
Dlit '1'. 11. Shepherd, led tee knt,wtc
rs' h,
C un who has been n ,',
ns manager of
un "r '
the Royal Bank at llc IL.slc Sask., has
joined 1ht 5111 Mehl 11 A. Medical
Corps and is in !mining a t Winnigeg,
i in young Soulier is a sou of Alis, Jas
Shepherd. of town.
Sr'rgt-Major 3. Seeley r(p11 ted to
the l.Cilst. 13)111.1 for duty on ,June letdt.
Mrs. J. Dickson anus family of Gar.
retie Toil., aie visiting her sister Mrs.
1V111 But L. •
Mee, Thos, duck is able to he up
once more and through The New Era
wishes in thank her many frieuds fon
.heir kindness &tying her illness,
DIessts. Joico Wiseman and T. W.
Moore attended the 1. 0. 0. 1' District
meeting at Breed- .1cl on VWedneschr,y.
Master Mervie Dickson is spending
a few weeks with his cousin, Hilton
Dr, Wallace Irwin and wife of
Meese Jaw, were calling on old friends
in town on Monday. They motored
flown from the Western province and
are on [her way to speed a short
holiday at Atlantic City.
Crown rlitnrney Seager was in town thMrs. 10.'11. Jackson, daughter. of
on Saturday. died
late Constantine Van Egntond
died at Egmondvillle„.
Presentation to Capt. Hessian
DR, 33. A. HESS1AN, who is leav-
i ung for the front with a draft
.of, ten other doctors.. •
Toronto News ;-•Capt.(Dr,) H
Hessian, formerly an old Chilton
boy, was the recipient of a large
ease .of Thermos bottles aid an
addeess last Thursday evening ,it
the home of Mrs Chaa•les Joiliffe,
Gladstone avenue, Toronto, by u
number of his Wends, who compose
Ile Sunburst Club,of which
Captain rs a member, The present-
ation was made by one of the mem-
bers, Captain 'Hessian making a
most fitting r'eplly'„ The Captain
is one of, a draft of ten doctors
who are leaving immediately for
the front, The good wishes of
all present was extended to the
Captain and the pope expressed
that he may return safely home,at
the close ofkfhe war,
Hessian-Sehadel Wedding
At thigh noon Tuesdayt;amost Int
eresting [military wedding took
place. quietly at filet 'home of 'Mr
and Mrs IE, Schad el, 436 Gladstone
avenue, when their eldest daugh
ter Vera Beatrice, was united 10
marriage to Captain (Dr) henry
Arthur Hessian of Toronto the Rev,
Dr 1, R. Patterson' officating. To
the strains of the wedding march
played Iby Miss Hazel Horswell, the
bride leaning on thei arm of her
father. entered the drawing room
which was a,perfect 'bower of Kilr
arney .roses and bridal Zvi eaths The
bride looked exceedinglyi
some in ahFrench suit of duo- tone
navy striped taffeta, with corsage
of sweetheart roses. attended by
her sister, Bertha.; who wore a
cream' bmoadclgth suit_ with bou-
quet of sweet peas and lily' of the
t alley Sergt-? ajor Wilfred John
aton,recently returned( from the
Tient acted as best man, The
grooms gift to the bridesmaid was
a Parisian carved handbag, to the
man a pearl tiepin and to the pian
ist abar pats set with pearls After.
the wedding repast) Capt, .and Mrs.
Hessian left foI the north or a
honeymoon ipon their
the captain will leave immediately
for `the front