HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-06-08, Page 4THE OLE ,G OF b A HEALTHY B DY Has Not Had An Hour's Sic nes. Sinca Talieng BIJIT-A-TIVES". 7e Lees Ate., Ottawa, Ont., August 9th, 1915. "I think it my duty to tell you what "Fruit-a-tives" has done for me. Three years ago, I began to feel run- down and tired, and suffered very much from Liver and. Kidney TroWlde. Having read of "Fruit-a-tiyes ", I thought 1 would try them. The result was surprising. Diming the ee years past, I have taken them regularly and would not change for anything. .1 have not had an hour's sickness since I com- menced using "Fruit-a-tives ", and. I know now what I haven't known for a good many years—that is, the blessing of a healthy body and clear thinking brain", WALTER J. MARRIOTT. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Earl Kitchener Was Drowned 1 enreitioeiedebe neeenTher s eireeteheHois 01 Coinrnons, who were not satisfied with the conduct of the war. No ;intimation was given that he intended Fee leave England. Lord Kitchener had been one of the moat conspicuous !figure in the war. It was he, who, In November, 1915, went to the Near el est and inspected conditionat the :Dardanelles, This trip led to the 'withdrawal of the British expedition ;from Gallipoli Peninsula. The War 'Secretary lett London on November 6, 1915, Ile visited Gallipoli and 'Salonika where he conferred with the British and French generals in charge. On November 20, Lord Kitchener went to Athens where he conferred with ee.ing Constantine, King of the liee ;knee, for then it was feared Greece might side with the Central Powers, Despite his years, Lord Kitchener was in the prime of his' visor anneesse a tower of strength in the grand war councils that were held in Paris. „lee attended thism from the first and held a leading position in the last grand counell of all the Riviera at Paris in March when he was able to report his unique accempljelement, the notelet enlisenfent of over flee million British subjects as soldiers in tee Allied cause. Without his crowning achievements as the great organizer of the British !campaign in the European war,' Kit - veinier had already won -wide and last- ing fame by his 'nano caininiigns in Egype South Africa and In India. He was born :tune 24, 1850, at Belle -long - ford In County Kerry, Ireland, sefact wh5cheaye rise to a general belief that he was of Irish blood, but his ,parearits were of French and descent. His father wee a refired lieutenant -colonel of dragoons. Youis Kitchener received his fundaments! military education at Woolivich, where he displayed only ordinary' with the exception 'of his likleg for mathematics. Triumphs in Sudan - ••• ' The fight at Omdurman, September 2, 1S98, was the greatest battle of Kit- chener's time in Egypt. Osman Digha faced "the Sirdar" with 50,000 Male (lista, while he had but 20,000 men. 'When the battle was over, 11,000 of the Mandists lied been "killed, 16,000 wounded, and 4,000 taken, while the British andEgyptian loss altogether was' under 500 men, With the capture of Khartum, capital of the Sudan, which meant the re-establishment of British possession • of thee.; upper, eeaches of the .Nile, KiteeMier became ithe object of 16o-worse1p in He was raised to the Peerage es Eileen :Kitchener of Khartuni, and recKeed the thanks of Parliament and a geitit of $150,000. South Africa and After e • Soon afterwerd he became chief of staff" to -Lend Reeerte id. the ,Soute African War, and in Noyenther, 1960, succeeded 'itie 'commander -in -Wee ,in the ffeld. 'By constructing a 3,500 - mile chine of blockhouses he stopped, the 'neer raids and virtually ended the war in South Africa. Then Kitchener event to India es commander-in-chief of the Iiritesti forces there, and in seven yeah tarried out not only many tar-ieaching administrative reforms, but a complete re -organization end strategical re-distributidn of the Brit- ish and native forces. On leaving India in 1909 he toured the Empire 'drawing up a schemeefor defeeee of the overseas Dominions and then re- turned to Egypt, the scene 'et Ms first triumph, enjoying virtually a Gover- nonGeneralthip of Egypt—and led in the economical (Web:gement of the cometry. 'Witting new roads and free Ication projects' on a large scale. At eels wore o• erganization he stood UT1. CASTO R IA For Lifants and Children in MS!, 07.9r aver 30 YearA; Always bears the e; Signature of Att THE CLINTON NEW BRA. Revelled; although ein was Wed re- nowned as a strategist and tactician. Cool, Efficient Enigma During all the years the British people had looked on Kitchener's talent, but effective work, they had gayer been able to fathom his person - elite. 'A cockney noieconathiesitnied officer, who' had; seen much service 'under sMw, summed up the general opinion when he said of Kitchener: 'E's no talker. . all steel and ,ffikee' His face was that of a man .wto neither asked sympathy nor want- ed it. He had steady, blue -gray pas- adonless• eeese and a.lieave nioustetho covered a mouth that shut close end 'firm like a trap. He believed with all lets might, In the goepel of work. He ,had' illifnitable •seif-ebnfidenee. leer bungling and faiteleartedness he was incapable of feellhe sytheathy or show, ing mercy; ad. officer who tailed him once got no •Socond chance. He was indifferent to popularity, particularly among women, and though Rated ,all over the world in social circles, he never married. Cook's Cotton Root,,Compound. safe, reliable reguattina medians. Sold in three de, green of strength—No. 1, $1„, No. 2, $3; No. 3, $5 per boa sod by all druggiatihor Benet ar Fres pomph!ot.AcigeL THE COOK MEDICINE CO., DORT% 011?. (Woody Windsor.) This Applies Here, Too ••••••••••••••• (Buffalo News ) Nat ure is lavish in her gifts. No sooner has the shroud of snow disappeared from the countryside than she hastens to greet us with a nosegay. Peeping from under the carpet of brown leaves the hepatica smiles at us. Tne nooks and crannies of the woods ho'd masses of spring flowers— the violet, the anemone, the myrtle. The lure of the spring weather takes thouse rids pf city folks out into the m een onnofaloors. The interurban cars are crowded with people eager to swell the netvty turned soil, to explore the woods in search of these little messengers or hope and beauty. All this is good ft is necessary to gond health and recreation. Brit there is ueed for a p'ea for con servation of our wild flowers. The wild flower area is being con stantly drivenfatther away. Where once they grew in profusion, now they are rave. Why is this? The answer can be supplied by anyone who has noticed the returner of the city dweller from his country excursion. He brings hack alma full of flowers—great bunch es plucked with careless abandon. Wild flowers are lovely. We would not prohibit .he city in in, woman and child sharing duel Moety. But we would suggcst that a quilt be set sap n their gathering. Let us help to save the wild flowers! Gather a few, certainly. But let us not render the woods desolate by thoughtlessly sttripping them Lotus leave some for others; and leave en ough to reed and propogate. Do not let us spoil the witchery of the woods. •Wood.'s Phosphodinoi The Great Englishelietnedp. Tones and invigorates the. whole nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debility. Marital and Brain Worry, Despon- dency, Loss of Emerge, Palpitation of the Beare, Failing Memory; Price $1 per boa, six for S5. One will please, ine. will euroilloSold by all druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphlet mailed free. THE Wool? MEDICINE co. TOIONTOANT. Monet Maim Truancy ••••••.••••••• This is a subject that should interest every parent, and yet, by the number of children one sees on the street dor ing school hours, it would appear that it is a matter of little or no impedance. But if we stop to consider, is there anytbing of more importance than a good education? How many there are who in their youth had no advantages along this line find the lack of it when they started out in life in earnest. It is nature for children to kick agaiuet going to school- They are 80 full of life, so full of play, so full of the pure cuseedness that it is to he found 10 human nature, that to be confined within the four walls of a echoolroom is little short of torture. So it is with the parents that the responsibility lies and they sbould seato it that they do not shirk it. Is -our Truancy Officer doing his duty? Does he know that there is a fine incurred, should he neglect to per form it? These are pertinent questions and those concerned should be able to answer them satisfastorily. Perhaps by reading the following. careful''', every one will see his own responsibility In this matter, but let 'parents try to send their children to school, not only till they are fourteen years, but until they are fitted to take their place in the world, and leave it better than they found it. "No child under else age of fourteen years, who has not a valid excuse under this act,' shall be employed try any person during school hours, while the public school of the section or num ieipaliey in which the child resides is ib sessip,n, and any person who etn ployes a child, itt contravention of this section, slialeincur a penalty not ex ceeding $20 for each offence.' "Where in the opinion of a Justice of the Peace or of the Principal of the school attended by any child .the ser vices of such child are required in hue bandry or in urgent necessary house hold dtltiee. Or for the necessary main tenanee of such child or of some per son dependent upon him, just Justice or Principal may, by certificate setting forth the rename therefor relieve such child from attending school for any period not exceeding six weeks duripg each ,puteic school term." "A parent, guardian, or otber person having the charge or control of any child between the ages of eight and fourteen years who negleete or refuses to cause such child so attend some school, unless such child is excused from attendance as provided by this act, shall incur a penalty of toit lees than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars." "Every person and officer charged 'with the duty ot enforcing any provi cion of thio act, who nealeets in per form the duty imposed upon him shall incur a penalty of $10 for each of fence," Wednesdke evening of last week Thomas Lott, 9th Con., Grey town- ship, died after a brief illness of peritonitis. He was 8a years 1 , month ,and 10 due old. The best sugar for the sugar bowl is lc. mg yeti Irsw e175, c‘i 14;,1.4... P,..r tire eei .45 purity and 'fine!' graingatiGn glee I the hit ,o• I : i•,-, ,, ghly trirelep,- 4* ii,044% 111 ivS instantly in u* • ..1 7 tore, ..) your teacup or On Tql#1*4ke4t *Ail' 2 and 5t4b Cartons 10 and 20 -Ib Bari ' Lantic Sugar Encratftb 6ieseesee .01 anfic ugar tra audit, Mg& "The All -Purpose Sugar" 1,01VummlnimmilagFigmal Some Timely Remarks The Guelph Mercury has been dee canting on "]free Publicity," and the remarks are so timely that tbey are reproduced: A. Mereuey correspondenr in a near by village states that she has been blamed for not doing "sufficient boost ing" to aid a function that was being held in the place in aid of patriotic funds, The inference is that the cove eepondent was to use her position as the corresporment of this paper to in tert it goodly supply off tee advertising for the event, The correspondent is not 3 o blame that the notices, which were extended. U id not appear. They were "censored.' right in thie office. It ie probably hard for en outsider to realize the extent to which dem tnds are made on the space of a 'newspaper for free notices for events where the funds, or parts of them, are to be turn ed over for petriutic purposes. A.nd au outsider cannot realize what the press bas done in the way of spplying free publinity fin these almost count tees money making schemes, Look at it this way: -A society in tends to hold it sele, ot cooking, of work, or anything else, Thnse who contribute do not get their finer, or any of the nurnerious thinge they nee for liaking; fot nothing, because they are going to donate the finished article to patriotic purposes They use a hall. They do not'get the light for nothing, or thelieee because it is a pateeetic affair. A newspaper is a private con cern just as much its the milling com- panies or the other people who sell their goods to the people concerned. Should a. paper be asked to give every time the only. medium of rover ue it has, viz , its white space, free; while others are receiving remuneration? Publishers of newspapers generally contribute in the usual way in cash to palriot c and other good causes and they are for the most part quite lib eral in their ad verbisi ng rates for such causes, but it is too much to ask them to cat into their revenue to such an ex tent as is sometimes done. COUGHED SO HARD Would Turn Black In The Face. SHE WAS CURED BY USING DR. WOOD'S Norway Pine Syrup. Mrs. Ernest Adams, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., writes: "My little girl, six years old, had a dreadful hard cough. At :fleets She would cough so hard she would get black in the fece, and would cough for seyerel hours before she could stop. We tried different kinds of medicine,and had several doetors, but failed to do her any good. She could not sleep nor eat her ccmgh was so ban,. and she was simply wastingawen. A fnend. advised me to try 'Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. I got a bottle tied saw an improvement, and got another. Now I am ,only too glad to recommend it to all mothers." Too much stress catinot be laid on the fact that a cough or cold should be cured Immediately. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup will wire the cough or cold and prove a Kee !Pe* throat and :4#1$ troubles such as erepebeejs, pneumonia., and consumption. °PP, "is el4 ne. jet srfrOeri iorpeOM trees the ta,4e w#; price e5c and 50c; per'eottle. Menideeteired only by The 'I'. Mil- htere bee lemeeete. Tolneke. Pet In ,the Public Court at Goderich Charles Bell appeared to renewer to a charge of aggnavated assault on his wife. A.s this was the third offence 'Magistrate Kelly was not inclined to deal leniently with the accused and was a.bott to impoee a see tone° ' of imprisonment when Bell pleaded earnestly for another ehance, Rio wife also pleaded for mercy and it was finally arranged to bind him over, with three sure- ties of $108 each, to keep the Acacia tor twelve le -meths., :Following the custem of fotmee years the groeers of Goderich will close their Stores every Wednesday aftern000 during the months of June, July and eSoeusts , CANADIAN CASUALTIES HEAVY AT ZILLEBEKE Many Officers Missing, I nciud I ng General Mercer—Qanedians Regain Lost Ground --Proves Untenable British Heaclquerters in France re- ported on Tuesdan! 'Tile' and Germans are flgeting. hard in tee re- ek:as of Ypres, Where last Saturday the British (Canadians) fn hand-to-hand encounters and with the aid of bombs recietheed most eh the trenches the Germans had preeiously taken from them ie the sector from the Ypres- Comines Canal to Hooge point. In the face of repeated attacks by the enemy the Canadians have been unable to retain the bulk of the recaptured ground,, but are still lighting strenuous. ly to keep what they have and re- capture what they leave lost. The brunt of 'the battle apparently was borne by 'General Viotor Williams' cavalry brigade, 'serving as infantry, and made up of troops from l'orouto, St. John, Montreal and the Eastern townships, ;Brandon, Victoria and other Western points, along with two ininnitry regiments of the Etat division frOin elonthel and Toionto. Lieut. -Coe -Buller, who is dead, is the last. of the original list of officers who, immediately war broke out, lett the iiervice Pf the Duke of Connaught at Rideau Hall and joined their regi- ments. Col. Harry Baker, heading the Eastern Townships Brigade, was elect- ed member of the House of Comraons In 1911, defeating Hon. Sydney Fisher. Fallowing are official casualties among officers received by Sir Sam Hughes: Killed—Lieut, P. S. Nisbet, St. John; Capt. D. A. Whitehead, Montreal; Capt. W. P. Malone and Lieut. G. A. Ross, Toronto; Lieut. E. B. Grondin, Montreal; Lieut -Col, H. C. Buller; Lieut. -Col, A. E. Shaw and Lieut. B. P. Bowles, Brandon; Lieut. E. L. Berkinshaw, Victoria; Lieut, C. S. D. Otty, Sherbrooke; Lieut, Bruce C. MacFarlane, Montreal; Capt. E. Vessey, Montreal. Died of wounds —Lieut. -Col, G. H. Baker, M.P,, Capt. J. Pitts, and Lieut. T. L. Harting, Toronto; Lieut. A. T. Patterson; Capt. P. V. Corniste Princess Pats. Missing Major-General M. S. Mercer, Lieut. S. E. Gooderham, Toronto; Brig. -Gen- eral V. A. S. Williams, Ottawa; Capt, H. N. Fraser, Capt, A. G. Wilkens, Lieut. A. W. Sims, Lieut. W. C. Ince, Lieut. H. C. young, Lieut. -Col. J. F. H. Usher, Capt. J. H. Symons, Capt. F. S. Park, Capt. M. A. Scovill, Capt, J. 8. Lattimer, Capt. A. H. Lightbourn, Lieut, F. S. Ilebbs, Lieut. J H. Doug- las, Lieut. J. R. Martin, Lieut. L. E. Clarke, Lieut. II. T. Bourne, Lieut. N. L. Wells, Lieut, G. Morrisey, Lieut, C. H. Peaker, Lieut. H. E. Smith, Lieut. H. W. tfglow, Lieut. L. 11 Bumstead, all of Toronto. Wounded Captain C. H. L. Pyinan, Saskat- chewan; Lieut, D. 11, M. McLean, Ma- jor A. T. Powell, Lieut, V. G. Rexford, Lieut. R. 'Worrell, Lieut. T. Evans, Lieut. W. L. Beaton, Lieut. R. W. Walker, Lieut. C. B. Price, Lieut, G. L. O'Brien, Lieut. R. D. Torrance, Lieut. W. 51. Luger, Lieut. es. Owen, Mon, treat:, Major J. W. Forbes, Capt. H. Price, Capt. A. 1 Sinclair, Capt, E. W. Bickle, Lieut. 0, A. Watson, Lieut. M. Beck, Major F. C. McGee, Lieut. C. H. J. James, Capt. J. J. Jameson, Lieut, G. A. Watson, Lieut, 11, Beek, Lieut. H. ft. Pullen Lieut. E. 'Ebben, 'Lien t. R. A. Brown, all of Teronte; Lieut. 0, Mereereau, St, John; Major A. H. Gall% Major S. L. Jones', Lieut, P. Nelson'Major S. B. Coristine, Capt. G. H. Blackader, Lieut. le. N. Mac- Dougall, all 'of Montreal; Lieut, G. Triggs, Edmonton; Lieut. le W. Beat- ty, Lieut. W. A. Kenny, Lieut, A. MacDougall, Lieut, G. N. Patton, Lieut. G. J. Lloyd, Lieut. H. A. Smith, all of Brandon; Major 1. Bardolph, Capt. H. J. Redpath, Lieut. W. R. Lati- mer, Lieut. C. j. Lewis, Lieut. FL G. Scott, Lieut, A. K. Strachan, all of Victoria; Capt, H. E. 'L. Coleman, Lieut. G. W. Rutter, Toronto; Lieut. EL W. Roscoe, Lieut. A. L. Rice, Lieut. W. H. Barton, Lieut. E. W. Fish, Lieut. I. Adam, Lieut. H. G. Rogers, Lieut, 11. H. Chauvin, Lieut. W. A. Warring- ton, all of Sherbrooke; Capt. J. E. auction, Port Arthur; Lieut. S. C. Miller, Montreal, Wounded, Shell Shock Lieut, R. G. Marion, Montreal; Ma- jor M. V. Allen, Lieut, W. II Pue, Victoria, Bee' Capt, N. P. Kelly. Toronto (severely) Lieut. A. P. Nor- man, Vancouver; Lieut, C. McGowan, Elora, Ont.; Capt. R, Gregory, Ma- jor C. Y. Weaver, Lieut. Harold Drab - bin, Lieut. K. G. Houghton, all of led - Menton; Lieut, Arthur Evans, Winni- peg; Lieut. P. McA, Murdoch, Lieut. Arthur J. Pearson, Regina; Major Al- pert K. Hohbins, Edmonton; Lieut. W. E: C. Irwfu, (Mavis; Lfeet. Chatlee Bennington, Lieut. Stanley Marten, Veocouver; Copt: Hugh Niven, Wend - peg; Lieut. Heron, HialifaxS Lieut.' Gil - bort T. Lea, Western Ontario; COL W. }Wee Creighton, Montreal; Capt. pima. ercieble, St. eatherinee; Lieut. a.n9410‘,011Yeke, Peterboro; Lieut. Charles L. Rionne, Veinneeete TAKE 13,000 ArtarmAns ertillery Avalanche Precedes Russ. ' Triumph Naar RoUinania " London despatches on Townley said: On a, front of 85 Weep from the Ro- trete° •SWamp, not Ate south of Pink, arab t'd the weeeeremeet Nevi of. Be'- isarahla, beer the peentewleeiee the 'bop ilers Of enstrfaellieigmet, Rupee). 'We Roumini'a meet, the' Russians tiering :dentist! 24 hours have lee•geh' the long- ,xpected concentrated infantry attack senst the Austro-Hungarian lines, an ttack thoroughly prepttred for month mid 'initiated by 48 hours of one of -tbe most violent artillery avalanches tecordied since the war began. The het result ofthe first day of the new thieve, according to the Petrograd War piece, consisted in 13,000 prisoners taken in "important successes achiev- ed in many sectors." The great at - lack ,is stili in its preliminary stage, 1lie Russian official report indicates, gaging that "the fighting is develop. James J. Hill, the railway magnate, who was born and educated amp! auelah, Ontario, died on 1Viondat . Glynn ,L', Cousley, son of thelate Andrew L and Mrs. Cousley, now of Gladstone, Mao., 12 ormerly of Brus- sels, where Glynn was born, pass- ed the recent final exams in his Arts course in Manitoba U.niver- sity,, and received the B A degree at the Convocation in Winnipeg. toeinnwsiniswensimemenieniesseeem NO .ALUM MAGIC BAKING POWDER ftE,Afi LABEL ' oe e ENEMY'S NAVAL LOSSES MORE -THAN NATO'S Eighteen German Ships Sunk in Sketierraele-eiAil mi reetye Diatribes 'Running •Erattial•=:Earlier aaAs By degrees the German exaggera- tion, og success M the raved battlels being.shown up. 'The British Aneileae ty, 00Sunday issued seetatement see, Ing' there *as the strongest ' grounds tot thee belief fleet the 'British .:nayn, in the battle tilth the Germans. off nutted jase 'yee ite had accounted . fee a tetel cif efghteen. 'GetITI1012 thereof - war; and theft there even 'nothing to add to or sobtrect 'from the' original announcementof the Brifieh losses. Vie statement gave the Gernien losses Ilta two battleships, two' dreadnought battle cniiiierS, four light cruisers, Mae torpedo boat destroyers 'arid a submarine The•text 'of,the statement follows: "Until 'the commanderie-chlef has had tithe to consult the 'ineders engaged, and write a' full despatch, any attempt to give a detailed history of the naval engagement, which began on the afternoon of June 1, would evidently be premature. But the re- sults are quite plain. "The grand flee( came In touch with the German high seas fleet at 3.80 on the afternoon of May 31. The lead" ing ships of the two fleets carried on a vigorous fight, in which the battle cruisers, fast battleships and sun - ternary craft ail took an active part. The losses were severe on both sides, but when the main body of the British fleet thine into contact with the Ger- man high seas fleet a very brief period sufficed to compel the latter, who had been severely punished, to seek refuge in their protected waters. This manoeuvre was rendered possible by low visibility and mist, and al- though the grand fleet were now and then able to get in momentary con- tact with their opponents, no continu- ous action was possible. Huns in; British Out "They co:aim:oil the pursuit until the leeia 2 eliely tallest, while the NOT ENOUGH CHILDREN ewer receive the proper balance of food to sufficiently newish both body and brain duritig the growing period when natere's demands are greater than in mature life. This is shown in so many• pale faces, lean bodies, frequent colds, and lack of ambition. For all such children we say with unmistakable earnestness: They tided Scott's Emulsion, and need it now. It possesses 'in concentrated form the very food elements to enrich their blood. It chaetriaireaknesa to strength; 11 snakes than sturdyand strong andoctive. 'sestt ainerwir MILO Viet Poeberieeeeeealeee tiia1tn' a successful attack on the enemy dur- ing the night. Meanwhile) Admiral Sir John Jellicoe, having driven the enemy into port, returned to the mate scene of the action and scoured the sea in Search of disabled vessels,. By noon the next day„June 1, It became evident there was nothing more, to ee done. ?le returned, -therefore, to his base, 4Q0 spites eway, refueled hie fleet, and in tbe evening of June 2 was again 'reedy to put to see. 'The Britielf losse4 have been fully stated, There is' nothing to add oe subtract 'from the latest account, published by the Adeelealty. The enemy, eidee'es 'lire lee& 'etitty to determine!' Tend tee' accounts they have elven to the world are teasels certain, and wentannot Yet be ours, of the exact tfuthe 'front such evidence -sits has- come to our keow- ledge, the Admiralty entertain no doubt that the 'German 'losses are heavier than the 'British, not merely relatively no ,tee istreggeh of teie two fleets, but' ebetnetelee;; .een 'tbee seems tti be 'the serongest'ground or supposing . that ' 'o:tuned- n, tae Ger- moo. lossas. are two etieetreetffes, tyro dreadnought battle cruisers:Aka:55(We- baden and Elbing, a light erntser of the Rostock type, the light cruiser Fratientols, nine neetroeers and a sub- marine."' ' • 1Thursday, ;Jerrie 8th, 1916, KING HONORS CANADIANS Birthday List Includea Hundreds, Mostly For Services In Fleld The following King's Birthday hon- ors are announced: ' Sir Mat Altken, the Canadian official "Eye -witness," has been made a Baronet, and Sir Gilbert Parker a Privy Councillor. Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George --Lieut.- Governor the Hon. P. E. Le Blanc, 51.0,, of Quebec, and Senator J. A. Lougheeu, P.C., Calgary, Alberta. Knight Bachelor—Wallace Graham, x.c., Chief Justice of Nova Scotia; and Pierre Armand Landry, Chief. jus- tice of the King's French Division of the Court of New Brunswick, and Robert Frederick Stupart, Director of the Meteorological Obesrvatory, Tor- onto, Companions of the Order of $t. Michael and St, George—George Laur- ence Fortescue, Comptroller el the Northwest Mounted Police; Henry Le Messurier, Deputy Minister of Cus- toms, Newfoundland; Frederick Mon- tizambert, Director -General of Public Health. Honors for Service in the Field— C.M.G.—Lieut-Col. P. E. Thacker, $trathcona's Horse, Winnipeg; Lieut.- Col. S. William Dodds Lieut. -Col. letro bury; Lieut. -Col. (Dr) 2. T. Fother- Ingham, Toronto; Lieut -Col. IL T. Hughes, Canadian Engineers, King- ston; Temporary Brigadier W. B. Lindsay, Canadian Engineers, 'Winni- peg; Lieut. -Col. A. H. Macdonell, B.S.O., Royal Canadian Regiment, Halifax; Lieut. -Col. H. A. Panet, Royal I Canadian Horse Artillery, Kingston; Lieut. -Col, G. W. Ramsey, Canadian Engineers; Temporary Brigadier H. 0, Thacker, Canadian Artillery, Hallitax, and Chaplains 3. McAnnond and Win Item Beattie, Cobourg, The bowlers have commenced hit tinge :the "kitty" already, WILL 1(111 MORE FLIES THAN $892WORTH OF ANY \STICKY FLY CATCHER Clean to boridle.,•:Sold by all Drug, gists, Grocers, and General Stores LAURIER FOR RECRUITS "Join 178th in World's Honest Crus- ade," Says Sir Wilfrid The historic Mopument National was thronged Sunday night on the oc- casion of Sie etelifrin Laurierei 'recruit- ing speece. Crowds blocked St. Law- rence street in front. Sir 'Wilfrid spoke to his compatriots in their own tongue', under an entwined Union Jack and tricofor. The plea for recruits for the new 178th French-Canadian Bat- talion was touched with stinging scorn for those unworthy men In Quebec Province, 'bitter, warped, prefofficed little souls," ho calren thein;' 'Who would have Frencli-Canadiane seined useless aside in the supreme 'struggle. war, waged by Britaip and France to-daYe' said Sir wags& "le a Rely crtisecte, 'the kOlteilt Mites& in .histmen, ter those, - things which stand highest and mean most to man- kind, In this holy crusade none should stay behind." e • ' Sir Wiltrid's tribute to La Marine Anglaise in its hour of testing ,swept the French-Canedian gathering iiitoset tumult of cheere. "Greet Britain' has done her full' 'duty," he seed: "For twenty months the British navy has bottled up; the Kaisers armada, At last the German fleet ventueedniut and was promptly' met by iquadroir 'or British ships. The Teuton armada, whit was lett of it, scuttled 'back' to eafety. Who says' defeat? Britain Mill rules the waves." The Dungannon NeINVS has been • merged with the Goderich Star, theeditor of the News havieg en- listed with the 161st, • Busin'ess and • Shorthand Westervelt Schipoi • Y. M. C.A. Building , , • London, Ontario • 'S College in Session Sept" lst to JulY:I. Catalogue Free. Enter any tinee,' J. W. Westervelt, Principal Jogging Laziness into Activity • The merchant w- lacTS6 busin's lags iiithsummeili has himself to thank. To slacken the selling pace in the hot season—to / lessen Advertising activity—indicates a resignation , which has no place in modern business. If we think we cannot keep our business booming in summer time, we surely will not, What a jolt it must have been to the fur trade, what the first mid -summer fur advertisement was run in ,a daily paper! No syf many fur stores are following the example of that progressive fur man who dared ' to believe that fur sales need not go down as the mercury goes up. Energy, linked with Advertising, has turned the month of January into the biggest selling season for white goods. Advertisements of a high Still:Ulla. tive power, combined with a disregard of "seasons,' have opened up automobile selling two montlia earlier than was once thought possible. Advertising; has started Christmas shopping early in October instead of the middle of December. Advertising rises superior to seasons and thermoma eters. The right kind of Advertising strikes a responsive cord in IltlInan, nature—and human nature is the same in August as in Deeember. Advice mardift your advertising problems Is available through any Ca. advertising agency, or the Secretary of the Cane actimaPressAmoMation. Room 505 Lunniden Building. Toronto. &wiry involved no eWigation on your part--eo write, if interested.