HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-06-08, Page 2Millinery Ready to -Wear Garments Phone 7S 1 Coh &Co. Dry Goods and Dense Fur nisl►u►Rs The First Discount in Ladies Spring Suits and Coats. After a very successful season in our Ready-to-w,ear Dept., we want to clean our racks of every Suit and Coat. We have rirade the price so low to make sure we'll ac- complish p our aim. Just 8 suits left, in black and green only, made of good quality serge, sizes 16 and t8 years 36 and 38 only, Suit sold as high as $25 for ...... ,zo.00. 20 00 Suits for ....... 16 oo 8. oo Sults for 14.00 16.no Suits for 11:.no )Come early Saturday for best choice. sossemeartzumisa, 0 r�l Reduction In Spring Coats Just l2 Spring Coats left, in black, navy and mixed cloths, sizes 16, 18, 26, 38, 4o, 42. We are anxious to clear out all coats left, so give a discount of 25 per cent. Millinery 3 90 First Discount in We put on s de Saturday two dozen Ladies 'l'rimmed Hats, values up to $5 and $6, all new this season, your choice $3.90 i A BRA.NTFORD SLATE,Fibre Base, 2.- crating of Asphaltum. 3. -Second coatini of Asphaltum. 4.-' Contin$ of cru slate. Yesterday a z .= dTo-day Wooden shingles of twenty or thirty years ago were of splendid quality, and answered the purpose very well. There was nothing better at that time. In fact no other rooting material was on the market. Yet who would think of putting cn shingles to -day? When the deterioration of wooden shingles became noticeable, efforts were made to invent a roofing that would not only bean economical and permanent Substitute for wooden shingles, but one that would outlast them in service. Brantford Roofing was the result. It has "made good." The secret of .its success is this: First, the base is of pure, long -fibred felt which is thoroughly saturated with asphalt or mineral pitch. The asphalt and crystal roll roofings are then thickly coated with crushed rock particles, which adhere tightly to that base, and the whole forms a permanent fireproof, water -tight roof. Brantford Asphalt and Rubber Roofing are made in three different weights. Crystal is made in heavy weight only, and in red or green natural colors. All three grades are pliable and well suited to either fiat or steep roofs. Brantf.Roofing= rd comes in rolls with protected ends. The layers do not stick together and the roofing is easily laid. It requires no painting or tarring when put on. It does not crack with the cold normelt with the summer's heat. It doesnot curl, split, rust or blow off. It gives permanent weatherand fire protection at a reasonably low initial cost. May we send you our roofing book and samples? They • will show you the real value of these' roofing materials. Brantford Roofing Company, (Limited Brantford, Canada $7 .r.k SALi+J Hatt HAltLAN'D BROTHERS. A11lc'672c`=R'FML'r,'FA,orse"""�,,,un"�,�"o,°".,n`"'.R... JAr1.Yk' tomeneamarwamogawrnm ........,....... ,..., _. ... - Advertise Vour Wants THE CLINTON NeEW RRA. • 'Thursday, June 8th, 1910. oessosoess•ssoc000dkeesoo•st Stanley 0 • Mise Lizzie McTavish of Clinton 'and her sister, Mrs. John C. Stew- art of Stratford were visiting on the ,second last week, Oni Saturday of last week a mis- cellaneous sho'w'er was held at the home of Dlr. Thomas Campbell in favor' of Miss Lillie 1VIcCowanwho is leaving this part for Hamilton where' she is to 'be married. The i ,+coag couplew 11 later la r take up their abode in Dundas. ;:Miss Me - Cowan ,was highly respected in this district, and hergenial pre- Bence,and kindly help will be much missed .bele. Miasea Bali and Mary McDonald of Brussels, accompanied by .Mr, Crerar Mynd Mr Stewart, called on Miss Lillie McCowan last Saturday Over The Teacups. • • 0001•000000•60011000•00666••a We are pleased to hear that Miss Edna Peunabaker is getting along nicely after '1iea Operation. She ex- pects to be able to sit; up soon. bins. E. Walsh of Detroit is the guest of Mrs. 0; Akam. Mrs, F. lifel3ahi of Toronto, is spend ing a month with Mrs.H. Pennabaker Mist Mary Crawford of Londesboro is visiting Mrs Jas. Oriole Mrs T. E. East and Master Roy Jackson East and Miss Fannie Jack- son left on Tuesday for Winnipeg where they will visit for a cr nple of mon ths, Mr's. A. F. Cameron of Tiverton was the guest of Mrs: lf. Pennabaker during the Baptist Association last week. blrs. Shillington and children of South Bend, Inc,, ern visiting with cornmunity. her parents, Dr. andlllrs. W. L, Itut• ledge ab the Wesley parsonage. The death of Archibald Galbraith ?Le. Thos. Pickettett returned home on Saturday frond Toronto to visit for a few days with his father'. Mt'. John Pickett, Mrs. Jas. Crich underwent an oper ation on Tuesday and is getting aloug very well and her many friends will Rayfield The body of'i Miss Cleric. who was drowned .ai.He$pelr r while at a picnic outing, . was interred in this cemetery on Sunday last. The interment' 'being attended' by a large number of friends about this whfeh occurred on Saturday last wa,s rather nnexpeeted, although Mr. tialbraitlr had been raiding for some time. Be will be. greatly 'Missed in church circles. He was a Presbyterian, ,and in polities ' a Liberal, The interment which took be )leased to know it was su^•oessl'uL, place on Mendey • was largely- at Col, Fl. B. Cimibe of the 101st spent ;tended as Mr. Galbraith was 17 a. few days in town this weer and also years of age, and one of the - Old - attended Co, Council. • est residents •o,. this place. VVrsrden Livingston was in town on ' 'Tuesday. u Co. Clerk Lane of Goderich was lirnee•.tield lret'e,on Tuesday: Mr. and Mrs 1'i, E. Manning and daughter spent the week end with the former's brother at London, Reeve t Ford is attending Co Council at Goren r ieli this week. Miss 11131' 13artIiff has been in Wing - hall, during the past at the home of Mr. W. P. • ronstone. Dir. Thomas McMillan, Liberal CAD. didate for South Huron, was in teem on Satnt'dae, Mr, A J' Mor•t'ish made a bnaiiiess trip to Stratford on'T'uesday. 3111, {Seng'(.) Seeley and children who were ict London a temple of weeks have returned )1(10(1' on l unielay The house was beautifully rlecorat- A1i a Margaret. eldest cburghfer' of ed for the occasion and very pleas - Rev. W. 1+:. and Mrs herr, Vancouver ant time Wfla spent.13. ( and for nm sly •of Clinton, has • undergone an °pupation for append' ('itis and is matchlg favorable progress, ire are pleased to henry. ilhs. lrttJohn, of Tilekersniith is in tending to nieke a visit among her Lang, friends :,nt West for the summer 111isa Cassie McBurney is visiting monDfths•her aunt, Mes. Thompson near Chi- iss Rnse Livermore of ,Toronto cc go - spent the week., end with friends in 101.r. Snider our shne man is kept town. busy- • this wet season mending Mr. Otto Pink left yesterday to shoes and rubbers. speed afew days at Lucknow with his wife afterwhich theyivill visit at Pal. mars. ton and Hanover, Mr..and•Inns. Jelin 1I Wise a1lcnt1- ed the funereal of their nephew in Goderich township on lucidity. Mt • A T. Cooper spurt Sunday at St.'l`houms, Mt', John Crooks leaves in a week or sit to make his horde permanently at Vancouver, as his ditties will confine him solely ta the 1 shiedVancouver, Victoria and •Westnunister. lacks old free n•le will be sorry of this change was observed at the close of the as he spends meet of his Holidays in 1 evening service. - town tee all wish him success in his new territory.,Services will be held as astral. Dr. Rutledge reterned from Confer. next Sunday. ,Prayer' meeting' 011 ee error 00 Tnday evening 1 Wednesday evening. Everybody Mre. Sam lr t erington awl sort Pet'cy Wdlcomc(t; t of .13tanttoi'rl, but formerly of Clinton Rev, 3.K. g'afrfulr has been grant spent the week with old friends in ed leave oralrsence .from the both town 111r, ariMrs, Lverington are ll churches. Upon his return from natic•ee of England, and oe ts(xeount of overseas, 11 spared,. he. will again illi'. Lverington mothers' ill health is resumer the .work on this field, returning to I+lttgland lo inakt their much toiihe delight tinct pressure home with. her. Mrs Ii t eringtin's of the metmbers of both churches. friends were pleased to see her in Olin It is expected a supply will be pro ton before tetnt'nlog to her old house cured for both churches ('luring the incl, all good wishes go with them for pastor'k ,absence,. whicb we RE Trope a safe. voyage. 'till he of short duraltion. Printer and Publisher. ''Joseph T Clare one of the Editors of the'I'oeon • to Star, has leen ill with pinro•pnen- Caretaker Wanted morns hilt is recovering. He is ono. of Canada's hest known end most poli War newspapermen and nen ex•presi- (ittutoi the Cal adnni Pic.ss Awoniation -:lir Clark is a hr•oihrr of bliss M. year, Ann v (0 Clet'1 of town, and well Itutva to a PETETe • CANT le LON, Clinton, great many Clintouians. See. Trustee -Board Thompson, on May 28th, to Mr and Mrs. Samuel 'Thompson, a daughter. Married, on June 5th, at the home of the bride's parents. Mora. youngest daughter of Mr. and blies Robt.:McKay of Tuckersmith, to Hurry Stewart .of Tuel:ersmith,by Rev, Mr. ,Johnston of Varna, Miss Edith Bowie of one village entertained the girl friends of Miss Lillie McCowan on Thursday ,at her home, when a miscella.necua shover was given to the bride-tn- he, who was marriedquietly in Hamilton nn Wednesday* last, The secranlent of the Lord's ,upper will beheld in the Presby- terian ,church on Sabbath next, Preparatory se(rvice will .be held on ,Pi'iclay afternoon by Re;v. Mr • • • WITH TRP. CIIURCITES. • • • • o••••er.edeino••so••s 13APT'S l' C1IU11OI1. Rev. J,11. tl'airfull preached on Sunday last, morning and evening. The ordinance of the Lord's Supper A oar'eteker wanted for Wesley Methinilst ilhnrah, salary $150 per ainwiree a ieoei©ateelee nftenteseee ee smboepsoom6rscatotaastS+vetr'tlea6120la 69 GW 0 en W !crook) G. -•. ',7/ :F,. ..4! .•.gni 'in 0 0 0 • mozeoanscasoneastaaesseneBoace Hogs 10.65 Butter 266 10 23 Eggs 23c. Oats 63 Wheat 1.02 Cattle 10,00 ,Sheep 10,00 Lambs 12.00 Barley 65 to 00 Cheese 1834 eo®oet+ncon •®c ore dna Ge®ameom®®e Hogs $11.0.0: Butte . 21 to 2e. E gg s 21 to 52 Wheat 005 to e5c. Oats 35c to Ole, Peas $1 50. Shorts $27. Bran $26. Barley, 50c to 55e. Buckwheat 60 to 65. Hay for bailing $12 and $J3. The Clintoti Kiltie and Piper's Band. Are now open for engagements of al: kinds ('luring the Coming season. While we have lost 1.5 players who have enlisted since the outbreak of the war, we still have a Brass Band of 17 players. We have added -to our band 3 pipers, which will be quite an attraction this seast.n. For terms and dates apply THOS. W4T't'S, Secretary. HERESA SECRET If you want to cure that skin die. ease of yours, yon can only do so by using an ointment so refined as to becapable of penetrating to the P g root of the disease, Zam-Buk is capable ot,doing this, whereas or--' dinary olntmeets remain on the sur- face skin, Besides Its wonderful power er penetration, Zam-Buk is such a strong germicide that germs cannot live where Zam-Buk is applied. Thus, all germs, both on the surface and in the underlying tissues, are destroyed, Then the herbal essences. 'of which Zam-Buk is composed, pro- mote the growth of new tissue, and a complete and permanent eure le the result. Prove it for yourself. All drug- gists, 50c. box, or Zam-Buk Co., To- ronto, for o-ronto,for price. Tenders Wanted Sealed tenders will be received, up to' Saturday, June lath, for the erection, of a brick dry kiln. Plans and specifications may lie seen at this office, . ,DOTIERTY PIANO CO., Limited, Clinton, Ont. Wool Wanted Wool wanted, highest price paid -Cash or trade, BENMILLER WOOLEN MILLS. Voting Hen Young men or others • who are unalble to join for overseas 'ser- vice, can serve their King and Country by helping on Munition Weiler Apply to, s Th Robert o errt B1 Bell Engine and C; L Thresher o, )mite d; iSftlOnt ea or i, n i. In the Matter i,t 11. r';.'Chalp- elan, insolvent. NOTICE is hereby given that the above ,named insolvent, H S Chap- man, carrying on business as boot and shoe merchant, et the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron Inas made an assignment of his es- tate t or 3180a ere g n a1 benefit of his creditors, under the Assign- ments and Preferences Act. The creditors are notified to meet ia:t the store 'lately occupied bv' the said 21. S. Chapman, in the town of Clinton, on 'Friday, the 16th day of June, at the .hour of 130 o'clock in the afternoon, foe the purpose of receiving a state- ment of the insolvant's affairs, fo1 the appointment of inspectors anti the giving of dieeetions with refer - epee to the disposal of the este le All persons claiming to be en- titled to fame on the estate must file their claims with the on or be- fore the 30th clay of June, toile, after ,which date I will proceed to distribute the 'assets thereef,llav- ing regard to those claims only o6 which I shall then have receiv- ed notice, and 1 will not be liable for ,the said assets or any park to any person of whose claim I have not 'then received notice, Dated .at Chintbn. Ontario, this 1111 day of Jane, A.D., 1016.\ CHARLES B. HALE, Assignee. • W. BRYDONE, Solicitor for the Assignee, South Huron Liberals The Annual Meeting of the South Huror, Liberal Assecfatfou, as constituted for Federal purposes will be held ire the Town Hall, Henault, ,on Tune 20th, sit 1.30 p,m, Besides the electionof officers 11 is the intention to organize for local purposes., The meeting will be 'addresses' by Thomas Marshall, 1LP.P. ,for Monk ; Mr. Thomas 131c - Millan and other local speIaJ8.ers, 'HARRY star $, P,resid.ent For Sale Property \occupied by Dr. Gan- dier, including two lofts, house, of- fice and stable. Will be sold sep- arately or togett.or.. Electric lighting throughout, water in the stable., Hard land soft water in oath -room, kitchen and summer kitchen. Apply' to DR. DANDIER, Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Julia Crick, widow. deceased NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Julia Crich, late silt the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on or about .the 123111 day of Detccmber, 1016, are required to deliver to the ;under.signctt administrator or his solicitor, on or before the let day of July 1016, e frill statement of their claims togetb-, or with particulars there lf, and the nature of the securities, it any, held by them, all drily Verified by affidavit. And Take Notice that alter the said last mentioned date, the said administrator wilt proceed to distribute the estate of tine said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto• having regard •cnly to such claims .as they shall have received due notice and in accordance therewith, .Dated At Clinton, June 5th, 1015 Herbert Crich, Administrator. W. BRTDONE, Clinton, Ont. Solicitor for Administrator DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS Relieve The Kidneys and Bladder Like Ordinary Medicines Do The Bowels. When the kidneys get out of order the back is sure to become affected, and dull pains, sharp pains, quick twinges all point to the fact that the kidneys need attention. Plasters and liniments will not cure the kidneys, for they cannot get to the seat of the trouble, but Doan's Kidney Pills do, and cure the kidneys quickly and permanently. Mrs, Lizzie Mefanson, Plympton, writes: "I am sending this testimonial telling you what a wonderful cure Doan's Kidney ?file made for me. For years 1 had suffered so with my kidneys I could hardly do iny hpusework. I used several kinds of pills, but none of them seemed to be doing' die any good. At last I was advisedto a box oa ' of D n s rte try Kidney Y Pills When I had taken the first box I found relief. I have used five boxes, and to -day I Feel like a new woman. I cannot recommend them too highly." Doan's Kidney Pills are 50c. per box, 3 boxes for $1,25, at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price' by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Whon'brdering direct specify Doan's." Teacher Wanted Experienced teacher wanted for' S.S. No. 3, Goderich Township, Duties to commence the lst of September. Plea,se state salary' 'and .experience. Applications to 'be in by 2011) of June: EDGAR J. TRiEWARTHA Secretary -Treasurer Holmesvllle P. 0. TO THE FAlltIEIItS ,1 ,am iu a position to erect Silos on reasonable notice, this present season. Our Silos are of Red Cedar, tounged and grooved. Silos complete with Roof, Go- thic, Ladder; (Guyed well from thee. top; and .anchored securely to its foundation. Doors, ,•Ventilaltors-in fact ev- eryt-hing right -left ready for the corn. T am also putting on our Strong and Attractive Roof on old Silos, that have been built in the past, any size. A sample of our roof `may be seen 00 the 'farm of Mr. Bert. Loh)), Clinton P,O., Which I in- stalled last Beason. For full particulars and prices, drop a card or phone at my ex- pense, so I may call on' you per- sonally. G.. GREEN, 1024, 2nd Ave„ West, Owen Sound Debentures, for Sala', Town of Clinton, guaranteed, yleld- inC5f•per cent. Government and mu uncipel Bonds of virions Issues, yielding 5 to 04 per cent. Apnly to W, B11YDONE For Sale The large brick house on Isaac Street, .tensa south of the bowling greeln. Has good barn :and or- chard:, Alsa the double house on Xing St,, south of Wesley church, For particulars apply td MISS M. L. CHIDLEY, Clinton 5-ltoolll (,pottage for Sale A 5 room cottage and $ acre of land, fruit trees, the house has town water and electric lights, for s.1e cheap on easy terms, apply to WESLEY WALKER, Agency manager Northeru Life Phone, office 30, house 140 Fainting ik Paper Hanging Painting and Paper H snging neatly and promptly done, Orders left at titcunitord s Grocery Store or at my residence, Victoria Street, THOS. GR.AELIS Cows for Sale "-Two cows just freshened and one to freshen. all young cows. Apply to W. MARQUIS, phone l a on 106 Clinton For Sale Two and ihall hoose power gasoline engine in first' class running condition Apply to W. J. NEDIGER EXeURSIeN Goderich to Detroit and Return Going -Leave Goderich Tuesday, June lith, 1016, at 9.30 a m Returning -Leaves Detroit, Thursday June 15th at 3 p nn This trip provides a magnificent opportunity to enjoy an all day water voyage on the Big Steel Steamer Greyhound and time to visit your friends in Detroit Faie $3.50 Bound Trip 51.00 one way with baggage Children-. MM Rate e Don't forget the Cx a ir- o � lets Band Moonlight ,lune I2th, at £3.30 p.m. Fare only 25e. White Star Line, Detroit, Mich. Seed Potatoes We have a quantity of Davies Warrior Seed Potatoes R. J. Holloway, Clinton Western University, Loudon -O- ANOTHER GREAT ADVANCE Income Doubled -Now $75,000 Another large addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine Greatly Increased Enrollment in yiew Write for particulars to: E. E. $RAITHWAITlil, .M A., Ph.D. ' President. 3 Wanted A smart girl to learn the dry goods, business. Apply Advertiser, Box 255; Clinton, Ont. House for Sale • House on 'Rattenbnry St„ formerly occupied h p i y the late Mrs. William Murray. Apply to G. D, McT AGGART Fat Hens and Chickens Wanted.' Taken at any time. Highest Market Prices W. MARQUIS, CLINTON Phone 14 on 106 Seed eorn We now have in stock a quantity of Seed Corn which we can offer you at a reasonable price, also 'Good Seed Buckwheat This is the hatching season and that means lots of feed for the baby chicks. We havea large stock of Baily Chick reed and also Chick Grit on band Try some of our Oreameal and Oilcake for young calves and pigs, there is nothing better Since Lard has risen to such a high price, why not try our EasiUrst shortening as it is not so expensive and goes farther, We have it in 5 and 20 lbs pails Bran, Shot ts, Low grade Flour, Oat meal, Breakfast Food, and Flour always kept in stock Highest Prices pant for Grain and Wool at "Elevator" W Jenkins&'Son Flour and I+•eed. phone 199 Popular Stallions The following stallions will stand for the improvement of stock this season as follows: - IMMURE GAWTLY 03221) Enrolment No, 0; ` MOND.hY-Will leave hi,s, ownstable ;Vest endTuckersmith, and go north by way of the Huron Road to the Gra,. halo House, Clinton, for noon. then by way or the 10th con., Croderich town ship, to IDlr, :Bert Cobb's for night TUESDAY--Bv way of Maitland con. to Wm, Durst and Son for noon, then by way of Bethel and Benmiller to Wm, Long's for night. WEDNESDAY -By way of the 0 and 8th con, to Wm. Ounningbatn's for noon. then by way of the 8th eon, to .Fred Quaid's, Dunlop for night. THURSDAY To Union Hotel, Goderich; for noon, then by way of 1st • con. to Saikeld's corner and 4th con, to Huron Road to Wilmot Hatsoke's for night. FRIDAY -By rvay or (3ch con,. and Porter's Hill to Fred Pickard's for noon; then by way of 5th con„ to John Stewart's foe night. SATURDAY -By way of Baayfield Lune to Jag. Jackson's 2nd of Stanley for noon; then to his own stable whore be will remain until the following Monday morning. Terms, 813 to insure. G. W. Nott, proprietor; J. P. Fisher, manager GUINEA GOLD (13090) (78101 Enrolment No. 1005 MONDAY -Will leave his own staple, West End Tnekersmith, and go south to the Mill Road to Ptlfle Je Sons for noon then across to Huron Road and west to Wm, Dales for night, TUESDAY - To Graham Renee, Clinton, for noon and until the follow ing morning WEDNESDAY -By way of Huron Road to N. Trewartha's, Holrnesville, for noon, then by way of Ohh con. to Thomas (Dole's for night TiIUJISDAY-By way of Middle ton's coater to George Holland's for noon, then to his own stable where he e 113 remain until the following Monday morning Terms $15 to insure, G.W. Nott, prop. JERRY J. Standard )Dred Trotting Stallion Will stand at the Normandie Baru, Clinton, every Saturday driug the season. He is a very fashionably bred colt. and while not yet 3 years old, he is a hig horsetow. No. 01882 American Trotting Register, Pio. 11101 Canna Ian Standen:\ Bred Society, Ne. 4410 En velment. Terms -18.12 to ensure with foal - 1130, JOHNSTON, Prop„ Phone 8 on 102 Clinton.