HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-05-25, Page 6PANE SIX. t11 'TUB CLINTON NEW EEL, "DREss GOODS 1 ♦ O 9 11R Spring, 1916, selection of high- grade dress fabrics, from the famous Priestleys' Mills at Bradford, England, in- cludes a most attractive range of new shades and fabrics., The high standard of Priestleys' quality is maintained this year as usual, in spite of unprecedented conditions in the woolen trade. At present, when high- grade dress fabrics are so difficult to obtain, Priestleys' is more than ever the choice of discriminating women. We Carry the Largest stock or Wooaens and Trimmings itt Huron County sr - WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phone 67. Next to Royal Bank Men's Wear Suitings A're a special feature Of our Dress Goods Stock. We have them in Black and Indigo in Worsted, Serge, Cheviot, Vicuna at Old Prices MEN'S STORE. Custom Tailoring Dlen s ,Furnishings. Phone 103. Opp ositlnPubl icLihraay mileassessereensessearesimseasiasserseweu®v#m OUR f t l ed JOB DEPARTMENT Is now, ready to do your work. New type and new stockof paper lux placed Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA CLINTON Fancyfurniture IMO Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection. Light in eon struction and design but ex- tremely well made in,every de. tail. Here are the finest creations of the furniture makers craft, and at prices that will temp the wise a nddiscriminating buyer. ➢ l NQ The Cheapest Spotlit Huron to buy all kinds ofiarnit.aare Ammil Grand Trunk Railway System Time Table for Clinton Buffalo and lloderich Going to 4tratford 716...884355; , a 1,,,,a, 258pe 5,15pm11.i8 pEning tofiaotierich11,07 p m1,35p16.4535p fi0 ,4s Ea London, Huron and Bruce Going to London.:. a m 1.L53.05 pm Going to Wingharm....... 11.00 ani 6.40prn leaves Battle front from Herne strain MINOR LOCALS.. Next Thursday is the'ist of June, The June brides will soon be here, . • County Council meets on June the 6tJi. This is the 561st day that the British Empire has been at war with Germany, and somebody said the war woulct only last a few months. 4: Local News tlitARAmiiimigAmPhilliktv ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. Mr. and Mrs, Murray McEwen an pounce the engagement of their sister, ,Miss Bleie Ross to'Mr.'Harry Twitchell, of Clinton. The marri- ego ,will take place quietly in June. NEW ,SCAL'E5. Mr. A. As J. 'Holiosvay has had his 5 -ton scales erected end was weigh ing this week The scales will be enclose shortly.. Thursday, May, 25th, 1916. .., ., Choice WALL'S PAPER Cleaning time is here for some, it is corning fo many more -this suggests Wall Paper -the largest and most attractive department'm our store. Its outstand- ing features are its large variety of modern designs; Its. wide range of prices, and its siesenciassees GOD VALUES J d 1 tl BEV. C.10 JEARINS. THIGH BROKEN, 'Owing to .nor v e strain • Chaplain (Capt.) C E. Jenkins, of the Ninth Mrs. Turner sr.' fell on Tuesday Brigade, has 'been obliged to re - morning .about 10 o'clock ,and linquish his position. He will take broke )ler thigh., Her old friends up the work of an English hospital will indeed be sorry to hear of'this chaplain ,for the time being. Capt accident ,as it will go hard with Jenkins is the rector of St. Jude's her ,at her age. We all hope for a . Anglican church, Brantford, ar.d quick recovclry, formerly lector of St. Paul's 1 church, .Clinton. He left Brantfoz•d CHURCH'S 50th ANNIVERSARY. ch August 24th, 1016, to jnin the Willis Presbyterian church cele -58th h, .Cli ion, which hacl left for heated the 59th anniversary on Sun 58th Ba .Camp in Tune. day, Rev. Prof, Law, of Knox were lege, preaching at both morning and evening service. Theis: 1 large congregations and the ofl- ening reached $500., FORMER RESIDENT Hl;1RE Listowel , Banner •-• Liston el'a' grand old Man oldest male res' dent, Mr• George Wright passed peaceably from this life on Satur- day, May 13th, in his nth year, Despite his advanced age death was unexpected for silor't1y prior he partook. of his breakfast dna appeared in usual health. 11r. Wright was possessed of remark- able Vitality and with the exception of hearing had good use of his mental faculties enjoying ahearty appetite and being able to read without difficulty, It eras only• e7- \ago he i coined from active. business Ifo was born kn Nen- ton, Yorkshire, England end came Canada 50 years ago, at which tirn'c• helocated atClinton, where con dome time he farmed and conduct Pi avutcher business. From Clinon iie came toLsiliowel and for e7 years clid abutchcrieg business in tills Arnold stand. Mr. Wright has BOUGHT PROPERTY. ,On Saturday Mr. Arthur Clan csou purehased the home he has been living in on corner of Princess 81 from ,Mr. E. Holtzhauer, now of Preston, The .price was in the neighborhood of $850, MEAN WORK. Someone: with the touch of the Hun .about him has been destroy, ing some of the monuments in the Clinton .Cemettery, Mr. Ike Rart- tenbury :offers $25 reward forin- 6ormation that will lead to the arrest of the party who destroyed part of a monument oll the fam- ily plot. POWERFUL FLPht Ewell, of Clinton, i i elcreta y of the the Pertlz and Huron counties tem perance organization, preached le the Methodist church on Sunday morning and in the Presbyterian church in the evening. He made n powerful plea for the support of all the temperance people of the county in seeing that the Canada Temperance Act is enforced. TOOK 3988, MARKS. Signaller Sid Watts, son of Mr and Mrs. H. W. Watts, of town, took 398le marks out of a, possible 400 ;and was only beateai in the exams ,by the Instructor who took 1 mark more. This brings honor to town and the 101st Battl, S. A. i3P I'ICEII ENLISTS. Capt. P. Stockall, w'ho has been relieving at the local organization has joined the 16161 Battle Capt. Alf. Russell? of Seaforth has also enlisted and with Bandsman New- all, this will make throe S. A. of- ficers in the 161st Battl, (FAMED EVANGELIST DEAD. Miss Leyda Hall, one of the fam- ous Hall sisters, for many years well known to Cahadian 1Ylethodism as evangeliste mf great ability, gg i, died .a L' Guelph Tuesday morn cg at her home, where she had ).ani living quietly for the past ten years. EMPIRE DAY IN THE SCHOOLS WILL LOOK AFTER Hon. R. A. Pyne Minister of Ed - PERTH AND HURON, ucation issued thefoillowing circa Listowel Banner. -Rev. E. G lar to Educational Authorities in Powell, of Clinton was appointed ialgto the presto ent opportunity ee -I re tf field secretary for Perth and thanking the educational author, Huron counties at a meeting r f 'ties of the schools 'the oughout the committees representing the ten'- Province for the way in which peran0e o'gain..ations of the tiro Empire Day has been celebrated in coisntkes, held Monday nfterncai' the past, and tri express the Furniture Dealers and Ranteraal Directors -Phone 104 I lived under five sovereigns, was a N. Ball 110 -RESIDENCE F PHONES-• J. D. Atkinson 186 Liberal n politics and t staunch member of the Listowel Methodist church With which lxehas been con -' �"�e" nected'for She past fifty years. He 1�. Well Fed Man Cap accomplish more with less effort than one improperly nouriebed We would suggest that you begin the day with the correct food, For morning Meal -Breakfast foods such as Corn Flukes, Gus To, Graj eNuAtt or Shti £ So Wheat, Krumbles, Rolled Oats, Rolled Wheat, Roman Meal, ' want something heavier try our Breakfast Bacon. Mid daMeal-Canned Vegetables that are prepared in sanitary factories. We recommed the Mago nilia brand of Peas, Corn and Tomatoes have a quality all their ivos, own. To Dessertadd e zest to appetite try our sweet or mixed Pickled, Catsup, or always an important feature, try our minute padding, all flavors 10c packr.ge Jelly Powder, Last but nob least when ndessert-Raspberry,da isdntry our cooker ed meats. Canned Jams maker an excellente. lco,aSbrncy wberr Marmalade. Fresh Fruits -Bananas, Pineapples, .aIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. JOEINSO Phone 111 TIH', STORE OF QUALITY The season is again here when you begin to think about what form of games or recreation you intend to take up for the summer, This year we are carrying a much wider range of Sporting Shoes than ever before in the celebrated deet Boot .J`3rand For );very Game.or Sport. Tennis, bowling, lacrosse, baseball basketball, running, 'etc., in white, blue, black, or brown colors, and in Boots, Oxfords or Pumps, for all ages. 14. S. em-ipm 1N Phone 70 Clinton aoso ways of a kindly diepos'ti•in and a faithful parent: Mr. Wright had an exceptionally gond memory and was a very enteri,aining converse tionalist. To a representative of The Banner some months ago, Mr. Wright recalled having ridden on the first steam engine, it being the invention in 18(1 of Mr. George Ste); eeson and called The Blucher. The Blucher 'burned Wood for fuel and was ,known to Barry eight loaded wagons, weighing 30 tons, et a speed of four miles an hour. This first engine did not 'become of gen eral use and is now on exhibition at Newcastle. The Stockton -Dar - Wigton lington railway which Mr. Wright saw insticiuted and over which he hes travelled several times, ' war, authorized by parlsament in' 1821. Animal .power was first suggested hot l hrough ties. ,advocation of Stevenson a steam engine W.L0 adopted' This tine 'ha.o three branches covering in all upwards thirty-eight miles and when first installed eonsieted of but asingle track. Places for the passing of trains were provided atinteivale of a quarter ofamile[ At its opening, in September 1835, Thirty-four ve- hicles making a, gross load of 90 tons were drawn by one engine, di.iven by steam, while a signal man horseback went in advance. The train moved out at from ten to twelve miles en hour, and are tained a speied of fifteen .miles at favorable places along the line. Mr. Wright was wedded in October of 18.19 to Elizabeth :Jane Moore, who ,predeceased him in 1991. A. family of nfne children was born to them, of whom five survive. They are Me. A. W. Weight, for 15 years a butcher in Torontro; Mr. Mr. B. G Wright, 26 years on the city, police force Toronto; M. M. W. ,Wright of Fiske Sask, Mrs. 'H.. Armstrong of Molesworth and Miss C. A. Wright aft home 5'ifte,en grand childreii; twenity one great grand children also survive, Wray Ronald one of the •great grand children having made hie home with Mi Wright. Rev .Dr. F, L. The Often the ehealpest--Tlertrays the Best in Knox church vestry. His salery was fixed at$1500 per year and ex- penses, an equal porton of which is to be ,paid by each county. Mr. Powell has been Being efficierr anti effective work in seeing that the Canada Temperance Act hos been enforced in Huron county mei the Perth County Temperance rtf- 110000 anticipates that ,he will do equally good service here., Tbnee present aitthe meeting from out of town were; -Mr. A. J. Irwin, and Rev. E. G. Powell of Clinton. Mr.P. Buchanan of Wingham, and. )itr. T. Dickson of Atwood. Barber of Colborne street Method- ist „church, London, afoxmer Lis- towel paster and great friend of the deceased officiated atth,e very largely attended funeral Tues- , day afternoon Interment was e, made inrFairview cemetery and 0 pallbearers were; -two of the sons o+ Messrs. A. W. and R. G. Wright of . Toronto; aeon-ink-la:W Mr, 'henry 0 0 o Armstrong ,of Molesworth; and Messrs. 'Henry Karges Thos. Sea- e man Lind lhomas Male, At the. ' e service ,at the house, 5tliss Hermis- tun sang,`i1f it Night There." Am- e ong those from out of town who 0 attended the funeral 'were -Pte. Frank B Wright, of the Queen's • Own, Toronto; Mrs. .7. A. Hewitt 02 Guelph Mrs: McIntyre ,and Mrs. Sweet,of Clinton, Mrs. Ches, Wore Miss Annie Moore of Hensall. samaisessamaaassasiaaaa a o WITH TWO CHURCHES. 05 0 o88800000000.0weweese ONTARIO ex (3SSITRC11." Sezwiees .on Sunday next will be conducted by the Pastor Rev. S. J. Alliik. The male quartette of the 161st Battalion will sing in the evening. The program for the young' peoples meeting on Monday even ing was prepared ,by these wearing the white 'badge audit was a good one, Those ,taking part were;-- Mi Sh1 Plumsteel Walker waI Molar White Pine and Spruce Balsam What's the use experimenting, with medicines? We know what White Pine and Spruce Balsam is, as the formula is printed on each label. Beyond a doubt this is the most efficient cough remedy we have ever sold. Nothing else will so readily rre,ieve a cough.Tryk- J-. t J�-,s e� r � 1107.7=Y" Dispnnslug Chea list THE PENSLAR DRUG STORE hope that for the present year these exercises maybe made a still more efficient means of in- spiring national and imperial senti- ment. I believe that the glorious share which the Province of On- tario has had in the struggle for liberty and the freedom of hunenn- ity is due iu come measure to the early. impressions made by such exercises as these. It is not long since that a handful of Canadiaus, less than fortythousaod in all, were the only barriers that steo0 between the German barbarians and the sea. and history will tell to all succeeding generations the story (Allow nobly they performed their ;task upon that dreadful day in dome of the sell. ols it has been the practice in the past to use cop tributions by the children for the purchase of flowers for decorative purposes; where this has been the practice, Iwould recommend that these funds, whether' largo or small be devoted ,tossipplying contorts forthesoldiers nit the front. The contributions of whatever kind. may ,either bo shipped directly to the frant or may be handed over to the local Red Cross Society. This is the clay of sacrifice and i am firm ly eotvincect thatt ,our present sae- rifices ,must bee source of moral purification ,anti must contribute ma Misses , ip. ey, Hibbert, Cooper, Wiltse, Master terially to theupbu!lding ofa soon . Master Ernest Bradshaw andRev. serious and noble national semi - S. 3, Alhn. Mr, IWallter presided ment. t,800o•••teeeo•®aseo®000o••o seeeeeeaseaseee'.®Qseet4G eec ue 0 0 ® A LiST OF w 0 0 • 0 0 e e 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 e tr 0 80 a 0 89 s 0 10 fa Hardware Bargains 80 Having bought heavily before war prices got on. we have many lines • 0 4. to offer you at old prices -Perfection Oil Stoves 2, 3 and 4 burners • email round oil stoves for boiling teakettles . ,.,.10 per veno disco•u111 nt 1 only Gasoline Stove, regular :r.50 for 0 English Fancy Enameled Tespots 7.5c aad 1 00 Granite Dippers regular 25e for 1qe 2 Granite Basting Spoons your choice 5c and 1pc .0 25c Tin Pudding Pans regular 10c and iSe for A Housenold Hand 5 ws regular 35c trr 20c 80 Household Hammers regular 35c for . Steel Claw liaurmers regular 60c and 75c for......... . SOo o 350 55e `b The Features of Our, Furniture. To which we invite special attention are its beauty, its assured comfort, its. solid onustruction, and its below the uenel prices. Any one of these points: would be bntlicient to earn it your preference. When they are all nom- bined we feel ewe you Will realize that this is a furniture buying oppor- tunity you cannot afford to ignore, si j undertaker and Funeral (Director. Night and Sunday Calix answered at Residence over store Phone 28. It will pay you to Get otw Prices on your Plumbing Heating or Eavetrou;hirig Estimates given free Material and Workmanship the Best. (gents for nock Furnaces The corner Store ` Live and Let Live" Pace ppies Pineapple, are on earlier than usual this year and are note- as cheap as they will be this season and now is a good time to `buy for canning. CALL AND GET PRICES. Dried rafts Prunes, Peaches and Apricots Raisins and Currants, for making pies. Specials for Saturday Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, , Grape ,Fruit, Strawberries, Rhubarb, Lettuce and Green Onions. Tho JJlhwkMns E. Ea l a nnifor Plumbing and Heating Shop -over Itowland's Hardware PHONE 45. 11.+++++•1.+++++++•1"+++++•�+++4,4: o-+s:+.4.4;a••r•a•'m4.÷ .1. a•.ri.a•4.4.1.+ ra••r•t•4 ,W 4+ + We have the very latest models, of course - T but for men who are contentedly wearing the same T. style of stioe, year after year, we show some splen- did conservative styles and splendid values 3•500 46009 143 to 700 Black or Tan Leathers (road Toes,. Low Heels, Broad Shanks ideal Shoes for the Masi of Affairs Job lot Malleable Wrenches your choice Six inch Monkey Wrenches regular 45c nor. , Twelve inch Monkey Wrenches regular 75c for Paint Brushes 5e 10c 15c 20u and 250 0 Two good Cedar Wash Tubs regular 1.25 for 25c and 75e e Wash Boards 6ilc o Marvel Dust Mops regular 1.00 .00c o Re nu all Polish for floors etc, regular 50e for Few odd shades of Paint, Wall Colors, Enamels, at less than half prri 2 DaisyChurn regular 8.00 for o One onlyNo, Butcher Knives regular 35c for •),fir, regular 40c for .. • • . 300 B 8 inch Files regular 1555c for,... 100 10 inch Files regular 20xInc A Conine Shoes 1 12 inch lrtles rogu ar5c for 50c • lid A few long; bandied round point shovels for Come Here env with any Sort oOe Many Whine for 100 Dusthane 100 25c 35c and in barrels ''* Base Ball Bats and Gloves at cost any lines not mentioned will be displayed on Bargnin Cables 0 Trouble you have -we WO Wtlt relieve ` Than. asss I 1-111 LAND O -11 STOTES, HARDWARE AND Nfl4J5 .TIES .'OUSE OF TETTER SHOES FRED. • �, essoessros0.0eeesssessoos.BUosossoesoseiossooteasoose I.++9•+:+++�i++1.+++++44 r* 6.+4++!t+tsii?b+4++4.+80*'`