HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-05-25, Page 3Thursday, May; 25th, 19t51 CENTRAL STRATFORD. ON1T. you can Secure i1 Pusi-. tion it you take a Course ►►itli Es. The demand upon us for train- ed help is many times the num- ber graduating: Students are entering each week, You may enter at any time. Write at once, for our free catalogue of Commercial, Shorthand, or Telegraphy Department LA. McLachlan, Principal Mit Min. �.V RA E eI47NeE A Rare Chance to buy a first claps Incubator alta very reatsoseable price and pay for it in poultry this fall., We have. only:a few Incu'bar tors and Brooders left this season and we are.anxious to clear', out the whole lot at ,once, We have naso three Ineubaitors that were only used by us one season for hatching day-old chicks which we will sell at atbng reduction, Phone us for prices. Everyone should halve an Incubator as •Poultrymen are al predicting high ,prices for poultry Pais coming season. Highest prices paid for fait hens and roosters. Geed edit & t:Jliillled Clinton Branch Pitoac 190 Aa®.4„nwAc,a s AAA. rimer i4G.AA &.* ® o 4 ' 4 4 4 4 4 4 .4 d 4 4 4 4 4 • e O •4 O 4 • 4 4 4 pa1 IdOOV . See and here our finest New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianos and 0,"gans, spacial values 111 Art, Calmst'S Pianos and organs rent e1. Choice new Edison phonographs, Music & variety goods. • ► t. 5. 5 ► • • ► w b Or 5, music Emporium t p►p y C. Hoare ► ► ▪ w v,vvrvvvi t ROO[IPIG IMasSeiner, Corrugated Steel Shingles Felt Roofing, and Slate Eavetroughing Tinsnlithing Plumbing and Furnace Work Call or Phone for Prices Estimates cheerfully given Repairs Done Promptly tmertieSsinr ®m am &Sutter Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7. RE YOIJ GOING. WEST ? d Trunk Railway System will run ekers' Excursions C13 TUESDAY Oct. 31 (iuchisivc) to return within two sive of date of issue Al return.... 163ti.00 Aid return. ,.. 43.00 low rate to other points e, Saskatchewan and Alberta. deniers on applies: Trunk Agents. et Son, city pressen-• Agents, phone 67 tation agent vv. li tt X'.o l t) N tS BARRISTER SOLIOITOIt NOTARY P1lt31.10, RTU Sa1r rxmoN tenARLES B, HALE Oonneyance, Notary Public, Commissioner, etc, REAL ESTATE ANI) INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Huron St., Clinton. H. T. RjANGE Notary Public, Conveyancer,'' Financial and Real Estate INSURANCE AGENT—Representing 19 Fire In snrance drompanie9,. Division Court Office. Piano Tuning Mr. James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 61, will reeeive prompt attention. M. G. Cameron, K C. Barrister. Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc Office ontAlbert Street,:occupied ty Mr. Hooper. a,In Clinton on every Thursday, and on anv day for which appointments are made. Office hours from 9 a,m. tree p m. A. good vault in connection with the'otlice. Office open every week day, Mr. Hooper will make any oppointments for Mr. Cameron. Medit.,aJ. DR 3. W. TI1OMPSON Physician. Surgeon. Ete -'special attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear. Throat, and Nose. Eyes efnlly s.amined, and: suitable'glasees prescribed. Mee and Reoidenee, Two doors west or the Con nterctal nets Miran St. MIS, (11%1% man CA.1111311 Dr. W. Dunn. L. n, C, P.,11,. D.C. d., alt Dr. Cunn's office at residence Rilh Street Dr J. C. Beadier. D.A. M.15 • Moe—Ontario Street, Clinton. Sight nellr at residence, Rattenbnrl St. or at ha,nitel DR. 411 W. SHIAWt PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ec0uchenr, etc„ office and residence on tenb0ry tureet.. DR. 1'. A. AXON DENTIST BMW Crown and Bridge Work a Speellulty.'el Graduate of C.O.D.S,.. Chicago, and F,O,D,s Toronto. liayaetd on Mondays. Mar let to D DR. M. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S errors. Special care taken to make dental trent' merit se painless as erasable. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction ace GODER!OH, ONT nt ).3 ,plea a epoondt . IJide, 3 .r I 5 +row kin. erlicx,, Clinton. pn,m ,.y antenna '0, Terms reasonable. Partners• rale not. iisnn»»tsd� G. D. McTaggart M. D, McTaggar McTaggart Brost BANNERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON General banking Ha almost tr'aeltsacted SOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed n deposits The MclKiliop Mutual fire insurance en. Farm and Isolated Town Prove arty Only Insured. Head Office- Seaforth, Ont OFFICERS. J.13. McLean, Seaforth, President J. Connolly, Goderich, Vice -Pres. Thos. E. plays, Seaforth, Sec. -Treat Directors -D. F. McGregor, Sea - forth; ,I. G. Grieve, Winthrop; W. Rinn, Seaforth; John Benneweis, Dublin ; J. Evans, Beechwood ; M. ticAwen, Clinton ; J. B. McLean, Seaforth; J Connolly, Goderieh: Robert Ferris, 'Harlock. Agents -Ed, 'Hinchley, Seaforth; W. Chesney, Eg mond'ville; J. W. Yeo. 'Holiuesville; Aloe. Leitch, Clinton; R. S. Jarmuth. Brodhage't Payments made at Morrish & Co. Clinton, and Cutet's grocer, store Goderich and Jas. (Reids store Bayfield, A Carload of Canada Portland CcmeuI Phone us tor prices, It will pay you John Button LONDESBORO Drs. Geo ctilL E. Whitley Deileniann Osteopathic Fhy. Specialiste in Women's and Childrem's Diseases Acute, Chromic, and Nervous Disorders Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office-Rattnbuay Hotel. ' Tuesday and Friday. 7 to 11 p.m, FORD itt 6IcLEOD We're now selling Timothy Seed, (Governmen:t Standard.).. We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Aleike, and Red Clover. " We always have unhand -Goose, Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn .per.. Etgbeat Market Prices paid for Hay and all Gralna. FORD OD HESTRUCK it RISKTAT LAST After Suffering Almost Two Years, "Fruit -a -live.” Brought Relief. MA. WHITMAN 382 St. Valier St., Montreal, "In 1912, I was taken suddenly ill with Acute Stomach Trouble and dropped in the street. I was treated by several physicians for nearly two years. I was hi constant misery from my stomach and my weight dropped down from 225 pounds to 160 pounds. Several of my friends advised me to try 'Fruit -a -fives' and I did so. That was eight months ago. .1 began to improve almiost with the fitet dose. No other medicine I ever used acted so pleasantly and quickly as 'Fruit-a-tives', and by using it I recovered from the distressing Stomach Trouble, and all pain and Constipation and misery were cured. I completely recovered by the use of 'Fruit-a-tives' and now I weigh 208 pounds. I cannot praise 'Fruit a.fives' enough". H. WHITMAN. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25e. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit -a -fives Limited, Ottawa. When Milk is Burned When milk is scorched while boil- ing, remove the pan from the lire and place it in cold water. Put a pinch of salt in the milk and stir it up, and the burned taste will disappead, A. man with money is welcome any where -if he will let his companion do the talking. Pr,,obably Solomon was the one man who married all the girls he ever loved. When the Back Becomes Lame IT IS A SIGN OF KIDNEY TROUBLE Doan's .Kidney Pills cure the aching back by curing the aching kidneys be- neath -for it is really the kidneys aching and not the back. Doan's Kidney Pills are a special kidney and bladder medicine for the cure of all kidney troubles. Mrs. Louisa Gonshaw, 683 Manning Ave„ Toronto, Ont., writes: "1 take great pleasure in Gaiting you, stating the bene t I have received by using Doan's Kidney Pills. About three years ago I was terribly afflicted with lame back, and was so bad I could not even sweep the floor. I was advised to try your pills, and before I had used one box there was a great improvement, and nay back was much better. However, I kept on Inking them until my back was completely cured. I highly recommend 'Doan's' for lame back." Doan's Kidney Pills are the original pili for the kidneys. See that our trade mark the "Maple Leaf" appears on the wrapper. Doan's Kidney Pills are 50e per box, 3 boxes for $1.25; at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. When ordering -direct specify "Doau'a." ,Very little seeding is done in this district yea, as the groung gets tust about dry when the rale comes on regain., i i HOW THIS MOTHER flat Strength To Do Her Work Fair Haven, Vt.-"I was so nervous and run down that I could not do my housework for my little family of three. I had doctored for nearly two years with- out help. One day I read about Vinol, and thanks to it, my health has been m- etered so I am doing all my housework once more. I am telling all my friends what Vinol has done for me." -Mrs. JAMES H. EDDY. Vino! is a delicious cod liver and iron tonic which creates a healthy appetite, aids digestion and makes pure blood. J. E. Hovey, Druggist Clinton, Ont, Better Pay The Price Don't be tempted to cheese cheap jewelery. Far better totpay a fair price and know exactly -what you are getting, Yon will never be sorry -for as a matter of money, it is easily the ntosteconomicai. That has been said so'often that everybody by this time should know it -and yet there is no scarcity of cheap jewelry in the land Now to get pend a al -• I f you would like to miss chat sort altogether - COME HERE If you would like to hay where nothing but high qualities are dealt in-COME'tIERE And even at that, no pennon ever said our prices were unfair Edison Records aiitl Supplies W. R. counter Jeweler and optician; Issuer of Marriage Licenses Wiimannommilor- THE, et' INTON NEW BRA fise cese8ameilooso0h008Boso PAGE THREE The Stowaway By LOUIS TRACY seess,•••looeftee oosoe• at Pernambuco. Our only flange either plate will be eucorwtered at actual moment of lauding. ,3t Ma there is practically norisk of flu a warship in rhe. harbor. That is we are going there,". "Aud not bec.tuse you are more 1 IS to find adherents there?" "1t is a muchsmdller town t Pernambuco, and my strength lies side' the huge cities,- 1 admit: there can be no question as to wisdom in Preferring ikiaeeio, e where the young lady's; well being concerned." "1 see that, whether willing or. we are to he made ,the tools of y ambition," interrupted Dozier cur "It is also fairly evtclent that 1 aru only man of the Andromeda's eorepa whom -you have not `bribed to 0 you. . Well, be warned now by me. circumstances fail to justify y change of route 1 shell make it my business to settle et least one rev. bitten in Brazil b3' erecting your skull." "Let me under- stand!" said De Sylve. "You hold my life as forfeit if any mischance betalis Miss Yonne?" "Yes • "1 accept that. Of course you no logger challenge my direction of affairs?" "1 am no mateb for you in argu- ment. senhor, but 1 do want you believe that I shall keep my part the compact." "'I'm vie' to 'ave a nap," Coke a nouuced. "Either you or Watts mu take 'old. W'icb Is it to be?" "No need to ask lir. oozier any su gnestioa," said the euave Dom Cone "You can trust him implicitly. He with us now -to the death. Soon after sunset Iris reappeare She walked on the after deck with Sa Benavides and seemed to be Ilstenin with great attention to sometbing h was telling her. When Bonier was relieved and su moped to a meal in the saloon wit Norrie and some of the ship's ow officers Iris was nowhere risible. f] went straight to her cabin and knocked "Who is it?" she asked. "1, Pbillp. Wilt you be on deck a quarter of an hour?" ' "But this time I want to tell yo something." "Philip, dear. I am weary. 1 mus rest -and -I dare not meet you." "Dare not?" "1 am afraid of myself. Please leav me." He caught the soh in her voice, en it unmanned him. He stalked oil, rag ing. While off duty he kept strict watch and ward over the gangway in which Iris' cabin was situated., It was useless. She remained hidden. As Coke had told Iris she might ex- pect to be.rishors about 2 o'clock, she waited until hall past 1 ere com- ing on deck. Despite ber unalterable -decision to abide by the hideous com- pact entered into with her uncle and Bulmer, her first thought now was to find Heeler. Iris was tboroughly wretched and not a little disturbed by the near pros- pect of landing in a foreign country which would probably be plunged into Civil war by the mere advent of De Steve. It need hardly be said that under these circumstances Dozier was the one man in whose company she would feel reasonably safe. But she could not see (shit anywhere, At last she hailed one of the Androm- eda's men whom she met in a gang- way. "Mr. Heeler, miss?" said he. "Oh, 's forrard, right up in the bows, epin' a lookout"" Phis information added to her dis- ess. She ougbt not to go to him. well she knew that her presence ight distract him from an all im- rtant task. So she sat forlornly on e fore hatch, waiting there until he ght leave his post. The steamer crept on lazily, and Iris neled the hour must be nearer 5 lock than 2 when she beard Ho- er's voice ring out clearly: 'Buoy on the port bowl" There was a movement among .the m figures on the bridge. A minute er limier cried again: 'Buoy on the starboard bow!" he understood then that they were a marked channel. Already the road s narrowing. Soon tbey would be here. At last Dozier came. Ile saw r as be jumped down from the fore. tie deck. Why are you here, Iris?" was all he d. She looked so .bowed, so bum - d, that he could not find it in his bee to reproach her for having ided him earlier. I wanted to be near yon," she wbis- ed. "I -I ant frightened,' MAIM. 1 terrified by the unldnown. Some• Sr on the roc(: our dangers were asurable; here we shall seam be allowed up among a whole lot of aple " hey beard'Coke's graft order to the tch to clear the falls of the jolly - t. The Miser h'ritz was going dead er, On the stnt'bonrd side were the is of a largo town, but rhe op. ite shore was somber rind vague. Are we going to land :it Duce in a til boat?' stilt Iris timidly. fanny there is a new move on t. A gunboat is moored half 0 e downstream, Sou massed her he - se your back was turned. She has tn up and could slip her emblem in minute, They saw her from the dgo, of course, but I did not report as there was a chance that my might he heard, and we cams iu r itt the eel() why. Ilse - ban out - But our ven is not, our tly. the ny hey If our 4':) "YOU 2OL2 MY aI1111:as FORFEIT?" to of n - St eh a. is d. g c m- n e in up t e d he ke tr Ftll m no th mi fa o'e zi di lat s 10 wa ns he ccs 44 sal ble be, rive per am ho me sw pe wa bot. I igh pus sae " foo tail 1 ,'au sten a bri her, hail CONTINUED NEXT WERE. PERSONALS. Ontario Women. Chatham, Ont. -"Some time ago I had a general breakdown, It terminated in quite a' bad case, Dr. Pierce's Favor. ite Prescription was recommended to me by a friend who used it and received much benefit: I be- gan taking it and in SIX months I was completely cured of my ailment and ,have never had any r" assn caunrecomme I d this medicine as being good, if one will give it a fair trial?'-Mne, Jona AoarlaT, 67 Edgar St., Chatham, Ont. M the first symptoms of any derange- anent at any period of life the one safe really` helpful remedy is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Thousands of women in Canada have taken it with unfailing success. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a true friend to women in times of trial. For headache, backache, hot flashes, mental depression, dizziness, fainting sells, lassitude and exhaustion, women should never fail to take this tried and true woman's medicine. • Prepared from nature's roots and herbs, it contains no alcohol or narcotic, nor any harmful ingredient. In either tablet or liquid form, Write Dr. Pierce Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., to -day for free medical advice. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets not only the original but the best Little Liver Pills, first put up over 40 years ago, by Dr. R. V. Pierce, have been much imitated but never equaled, as thousands attest. They're purely vegetable, being made up of con- centrated and refined medicinal prin- ciples extracted from the roots of American plants. Do not gripe. One or two for stomach corrective, three or four for cathartic. • in Farmer's Mail and Breeze. ments in the soil may not be greatly increased by its use, the resulting im- provement in physical and bacterial conditions may increase considerably the, productiveness of the poll. A Screen Coop. This drawing shows the plan of chicken coop we designed and have been using the last ten years. The cgops, are made in the winter time when the men are not busy with other work, They are made of twelve and six inch soft pine boards. They are twenty-three inches long, eigh- teen inches wide, eighteen .inches high in front, and a foot high at the back. The roof extends over the side, walls about three inches' on all sides. Thefloors are hinged on, as shown, and the corgis are painted inside and out, Wire screen is put in the ends, as shown, to provide ventilation, The • Little slide door permits chicks to come and go. The material in each coop costs about el. We use the coops from yeas' to year, as they are cleaned out every fall and put away in a dry place during the winter. I have never ,yet lost a chicken in these coops, either by drowning,, smothering, or through having some animal get in, -Mrs. S. M. Gephart Fighting Apple Scab. e The fungus which, causes this dis- ease lives over winter in the infected areas of dead and decaying apple leaves. In the spring it produces tiny spores. These spores may be carried by wind or by girds to the young and tender foliage, where they germinate readily and produce infections which endanger both fruit and leaves. The first step in the control of ap- ple scab is to destroy the sources of infection. The methods by which this may be done vary somewhat with conditions.. If the orchard is small and cannot be cultiv ted the dead leaves should be raked and burned at some time during the late fall or early spring. -.Oar larger orchards early spring plowing is recommend- ed, as it covers the leaves to such a depth that they are no longer sources of danger. The second step in the control of this disease is to protect the foliage "by the use of lime -sulphur testing 28 degrees Baume at the rate of one and a half gallons to fifty gallons of water. The first application should be given when the blossom buds' are beginning to separate in the cluster and show a pink color. The second should be applied just after the pet- als fall, and a third ten days or two weeks later. Where rainfall is plentiful a fourth spraying may prove beneficial. A Reap Preventive. There is no cure for roup, but here Is a recipe for prevention: Clean quarters, which means freedom from insect pests; clean floor; new earth if the floor is of dirt; regular cleaning, not necessarily daily. i1;Ai t'S W I ARE The welfare of the baby is the fond mothers' greatest aim. No mother wants to see her little one. suffering from colds, constipation, colic or any other of the many ills that so Often affict little ones. Thousands of mothers have learned that by giving an occasional dose of Baby's Owu Tablets to their child- ren they can keep them well. Con- cerning the 'Valblets Mrs, Richard Boston, Pembroke, Ont., says; -- "Baby's Own 'Tablets saved may little girl when nothing else ap- peared to help her. I would nut attempt to raise ababy Without the Tablets in the house." They ate: 2by 5 c nts a bo fl ant9Theor lMrmalWh- liams ;Medicine, 00., Brockville, Word was received last week of the death in Detroit of Hose Fitzpatrick, beloved wi1'e.of Mr. Chas. Leach, Mrs. Leach childhood was spent in hast Wa,wan osh. Her brothers, Geoege and Albert Fitzpatrick were in t.,etroit PALPITATION lathwek dtindeFIunaearia, Union Cetuetet•y in the spring end fall, owing to then iter filling newly dug graves is so revolting, that the I3ensall Cheer ver suggests the erecting of a vault where bodies may be kept till the ground al. is in a proper state for their — buri OF THE E.t'ix FtT. Sudden fright or'cmotion may cause a momentary arrest of the heart's action, or some excitement or apprehension may set up a rapid action of the heart thereby causing palpitation. Palpitation, again, is often the restilt of digestive disorders arising from the stomach, or may be the result of over indulgence of tobacco or alcoholic drinks. The only way to regulate this serious heart trouble is to use Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. Mrs. J. S. Nicholls, Listowell, Ont., writes: I was weak and run down, my heart would palpitate and I would take weak and dizzy spells, A friend ad- vised me to try Milburn's I3cart and Nerve Pills, so I started at once to use them, and fount( that I felt much stronger. I cannot praise your medicine too highly, for it has doue me a world of good,,, Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50c per box, 3 boxes for 81.25; at all dealers, or mailed direct by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. SAVE FERTILIZER ELEMENTS. Ingredients Existing in the Soil May Ile Utilized and Developed. In the unusual conditions existing in the fertilizer trade, it is important that all fertilizing materials on the farm, especially those containing pot- ash, should be conserved. The fer- tilizer ingredients already existing in the soil should be utilized and devel- oped to the fullest extent. A great deal can be accomplished in this di- rection by deep plowing, constant cultivation and thorough tillage. There should be a proper systein of rotation. Especially where one crop has been grown for several -years a different one should be planted this year. Green manures and cover crops should be used as much as possible'in their proper rotation. Of the organic substances manure, both solid and liquid, is the most im- portant and should be utilized when- ever possible. All material of an or- ganic nature, such as leaves and bed- ding of various sorts, should be corn - posted and the compost applied to the soil. Special attention should be given also to the conservation of wood ashes, Depending on the char- acter of the wood,"they contain pot- ash in quantities varying ordinarily from 3 to 10 per cent. All tree trimmings, brush cuttings, etc., should he burned and the ashes de- rived therefrom utilized. The application of lime to many soils is of undoubted benefit. Though the avn.ila.huiity of the fertaliz' is ei . A Christian coHege-home, healthful situation. Forprospectu.aadterms,writcthe Principal. R.I. Wemeq M,A.,D,D •, St.Thomse, Oa 8. 000000000000.•0 teOrnese Farm and Garden 00000 0 00000 ,. 'pcA<X>C•i(�,.X1<: COMFORT FOR FARM i ' O I Rl1 R 02<fEV. The Simplest Way of Getting Run. ning Water Into the Kitchen. The convenience and comfort of having running water at least in the kitchen and in the bathroom if pos- sible are so well recognized that en- gineering specialists have been gee- ing attention to the simplest as well as to the more expensive methods of saving the farm housewife the carry. Ing of water .n buckets from the well or spring up the porch steps and through doors lute the house. Almost any system of obtaining running water in the kitchen is bet- ter than none at all. If the well or cistern is located within a short dis- tance of the house about the simplest and perhaps the cheapest method is GOOD TYPE OF EIBPATIW TAB11. to place a pitcher or other pump over a sink in the kitchen and extend the suction pipe to the well. The suc- tion lift should not exceed twenty feet or the pump will not operate satisfactorily, if at all. It should alga be remembered that water flowing through a pipe meets 'with 'consider-, able resistance due to friction, which, increases as the velocity of the water and the Iength of the pipe increase and as the diameter of the pipe di. minishes. Elbows and bends in the pipe greatly increase the friction. Pump mtanufacturers give inforoa' **JR regard: to thin frictional lana. LAME BACK Spells Kidney Trouble There's no use putting on liniments and ,plasters to cure that ache 10 your hips or back -the trouble is inside. Your kidneys are out of order. GIN' PILLS go right to the cause of the backache and heal Wand regulate the kidney action. Then you get reef, permanent relief 1 Many a man and woman who has' been doubled up with shooting pains in the back having to stop work and lie down to get a little relief, has found new health and comfort in FORTH KIDNEYS. Two boxes completely cured ArnoltiMcAsliell, of Lower Selma,N.S. "I have never had any trouble with 'myback since," he says, It you have a lame back—or any sign of ' Kidney trouble—get GIN PILLS to -day and start the cure working. sac. a box, six boxes for $2550—and' every box guaranteed to give satisfaction or your money back. Trial treat- ment -free if you write„ National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited Toronto • Ont. is which should always be considered in arranging a pumping system in the kitchen or elsewhere. An elevated water supply tank may be placed in the attic, on the 1001, on the windmill tower, on a special tow- er, or on the silo. It must be high enough to give the desired pressure at points where the • water is used. The tank may be of wood or galvan- ized metal. Its size will depend on the amount of water used daily in the' house. A 250 to 500 -gallon tank is sufficient for the average family, al- though some have a much larger tank, so that a supply sufficient to last several days may be maintained. A larger tank is else necessary where water is supplied to the bouse and barns. The simplest system of this kind is one with the tante iu the attic or on the roof, supplying water to the kitchen only. When the expense can he afforded a hot water tank connect- ed with the range may be placed in the kitchen and the water plumbing be extended to a bathroom. The pump for this system must be a force pump, which not only raises water to its owu Ievel by suction, but forces it to greater heights, according to the power applied. The pump may be placed over the well or in any other convenient spot as long as the suction lift does not exceed twenty feet. A three-way valve on such a pump permits the operator to direct the water to the tank or through the pump spout, as desired. The pump may be operated' by hand, but where much water is to be pumped to a considerable heigbt a windmill, a small gas engine, ar au electric motor will save much time and exer- tion. If the location of the pump, which should be convenient to the en- gine, necessitates a long suction line the size of the pipe should be in- creased and all unnecessary bends or fittings avoided in order to lessen the friction. The great objection to an elevated tank system is that in the colder cli- mates there•is danger of the water in the tank freezing. Tbis is particular- ly objectionable when the tank is lo- cated in the attic, where considerable damage may be caused if it should burst, it is also necessary' to pro- vide an especially strong support for the tank. Another objection is that if located in the attic the tank is likely to catch considerable filth. It should in such cases be easily acces- sible for more or less frequent clean- ing. It is well also to cover the tank to prevent, as far as possible, the en- trance of dirt and vermin, and when placed on a towel' outside it should be covered to prevent the breeding 0f mq Thoosgreatuitoes, advantages of this sy» tem are its cheapness and simplicity. All that is needed are a force pump, a storage tank, a pipe from the pump to the ta.nit. a pipe from the tank to the point at which water is used and accompanying fixtures, The tank should have an overflow pipe, particularly if located in the attic.. Damp Pig Pens. Rheumatic and stunted pigs are the result of damp pens, Give them plenty of dry litter • Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times in ton when the liver u tight the stomach end bowels ere right. CARTER'S LITTLE. LIVER P1113 gently but firmlycom- pal a lazy liver to do its duty. Curti Cos. stipaHen, Indigos - tion.. Sick Heada.6a, ii Diitesee-sifter Ealing, Sawn P81, Sawn Dego. area i 01.S, Genuine mot bear Signatrta e'