HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-05-25, Page 2PAGE TWO.
ar•o. r.�.. . _ --�.-w•�,�rsnroan.�,:rorzi,. .,,•,,,wn,.,�•�raor-, .
-'-�-� from the Fleet
to -Wear
och &Co.
Dry Goods
Donee Fur
The :First Discount
in Ladies Spring Suits
and Coats.
After a very successful
season in our Ready-to.wear
Dept., we want to clean our
racks of every Suit and Coat.
We have made the price so
low to make sure well ac-
complish our aim. Just 8
suits left, in black and green
only, made of good quality
serge, sizes 16 and 18 years
36 and 38 only, Suit sold
as high as $25 for *o.00
20 00 Suits for .....:....,16 oo
I8,00 Suits for 14.00
16,no Suits for t r.00
Come early Saturday for
best choice,
Reduction .in
Spring Coats
Just 12 Spring. Coats left, in
black, navy and mixed cloths,
sizes 16, 18, 26, 38, 40, 42. We
are anxious to clear out all coats
left, so give a discount of 25 per
cent. -
Millinery ; 90
First Disconnt.in
We put on sale Saturday two
dozen Ladies Trimmed Eats,
values up to $5 and $6, all new
this season, your choice $3.90
Thursday, May, 26th, 191;6,
I received a parcel ,from friends
in ;Montreal rvhIc 1 d i had . been on the
way since Christmas. Its contents
were appreciated,
We are making shell caps now
for the Govec mnent, as well as
shell grummets for protecting the
driving 'bands, This is done in
our spare time and seems to be
appreciated. The caps are prese-
ed into ,the she)1 and then weLoed
solid, forming the base of the
I stilt take a picture now ane
then, so I will enclose a couple. I
don't know whether you care foe
them or not,
April 9th
I am back again on the job and
have almost forgotten that Ihave
had any leave, .,One gets rather
careless of their correspondence at
times, and I believe I have 'misted
a week without writing.
' The war.ana the budget are al
ways the main topics of converse,
tion aboard, 'but f doubt whether
they make a good letter. We do
a, lot of felting, but so far it seems
to end there, . An exchange of iee:.s
however, is often' instructive` and
interesting, ,
I',aim much in the woods attJpre-
sent with iegard to the probable
duration ,of this war. Sotnetimes i1
looks 'like it (would close aeon,
but more calm consideration brings
me to the conclusion that it hits
hardly begun l hope I am wror:g,
but it was said by Xitchener that
three years would see it over. I
believe he Was right,
I',am sorry worries about
my ,going to the trenches. It has
its humor, too. I wonder if she
thinks I am on a, Sunday -school
picnic here, dodging Mines and suh
marines when things ere iluiot.
Probably 1 am a fatalist, or may-
be I am childlike in my faith, or
what I don't know, but it seldom
crosses my mind to be afraid of
anything. 'That good can it do,
and what misery one could put
themselves in were they timid, S
had ,a delightful trip to: London. I
went down by day and had a good
view of the cuuetry. There hart
a great deal of ram and snow;
miles of country were laid under
Water. In London it snowed and
rained tilt the last two clays, when
itwas .beautiful spring weather, No
9"0,20essep•seeseaceneensti®ote interesting ,tern of news which re -
G • :fers to a loaner Clinton girl who
was mar•rled that day, --•A quiet
Q 1'IY T�aCu �, wedding will tit 1helace this t•ven-
Dver T e Gu p ing D1ay, 17, at elle home of M:•.
and Mrs Frauk O'Neil,l AL-
oma ,Avenue when their daughter
g g
• •Pearl, will be married to Lieut
••• O• ••O �••IiM•••OQC••�11•••m
Mr. Jack, Crooks returned on
Monday after his Spring Western
trip, 'He reports business good
out )there at present. O'Neili the Misses Grant pf Stratford
'wedding march. The pretty Little
spent the e4th with their father, bride will wear a dainty blue taf-
Bandmaster Grant of the 161st. feta suit over a, Georletic er e•,e
Mr. Thomas Hawkins and daugh-Idolise, and avmall blue hat with
ter spent the :.4th at Iiamflto.n, mahogany trimming, She will carry
Mrs. ,Armour and the Misses Ar a sheaf of prof, roses ,arid fillies of
moue. of Godorich spent the 2.th the vallety. The bride's mother,.
1VIrs. ,O'Neil, wil'1 wear ablaek faire'
with old friends in town.. silk gown.
gown Mrs. Clanison O'Nc]h:
Mrs. N. L,. Diehl pf Pfisley spent who will play the wedding march
the 24th with ,feel mother, Nit's.' will wear a dell blue brocaded vel
VIcGarva. vet (gown with bodice of Chinehilly
The old friends' of Pte. George lace, She .will wear a becoming
The foundation is not the
roost important thing
True, you can't have a good barn without a good foundation,
but don't forget either that the roof has to stand most of the
punishment. Upon it falls the burden of resisting the
destructive influences of weather and changing seasons.
Now, the question is "Where am I gcing to find a roof
which will meet these conditions?" Certainly not in wooden
shingles which have rapidly deteriorated during the past few
years. Not in anything so perishable as wood, nor yet iron,
which lets in driving rain, but rather in a permanent mineral
composition such as Brantford Roofing.
Now, let us look at a section of Brantford Roofing. First,
you notice it has a pure, long -fibred felt base. This is.
thoroughly saturated with a filler coat of asphalt or mineral .
pitch. Then it is given another coat. Finally, the surface, is
thickly covered with crushed slate. You can imagine wat
a job rain, snow;, fire or heat would have penetrating a roof
like that. As for comparing
Nature's •
with 'shingles -on the score of permanency, or protection, or
appearance, or even economy, there is no comparison. You
put a Brantford Roof on once, and it will last as long as the
building; it will always look well and it will never need
Why notelet us send ;you; 'always 'oa so a job?" Or, m booklet
okyletwihigive xplains
how Brantford Roofing isthe
dimensions. of your barn or house roof we will gladly submit estimates
without charge or obligation.
Brantford Roofing Company, Limited
Brantford, Canada 85
Lancelot Ddwatd' Carter, of the
128th liattabon. Rev, W.G. Wilson
will .officiate at the ceremony. The
bride, who will .be given away by
her lather,will (be unattended:
Mrs , Clausen will pay
Webber and Sergi. Morley Coun-
ter are glad to see them out unce
more After their'. illness.
Georgette Crepe Plat, with touches
of blue After the ceremony,' a
'buffet supper will be •nerved. The
Mrs, S. C. 'Harper is visiting her 'bridal table hilt be pretily decor -
mother at Barrie. orad with pinkand white roses. and
Miss M. D. Chidley spent the
week end with her sister, Mrs
Ccnstantine, at Teeswater.
Miss Nellie Brown of Toronto is. sie ,O'Neil will assist in serving
renewing ,old acquaintances ;with the Iunchebn to the guests. Thu
friends diem. invited ,guests are Lieut. and Mrs
O'N'oil ; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Carter
Saskatoon; Dr. andMts. Ross, Sw,ft
Current; Mrs, Beecher 3lann, Swift
Current; Mr..and Mrs. Gordon Ross
Miss Abbie Knight and Miss Mae
Rutherford and R. G. Bunyard
white satin ribbon. Pink and
white 'blooms Will decorate the
drawing room. The Misses Jean
McIntosh Mary Davidson and Bea -
Mr. end Mrs. Joe, Reinhardt of
Berlin were holiday visitors with
old ,friends iu town and vicinity
Pte, J: Burton of the paymas-
tar's itaff spent Sunday with t:r••
thur ;1imncis.
Pte. .A. 'B. , MilligaUi 'spent the Lieut. and Mrs. Carter will leave on
week end at Brussels, the Tri -Cities ;Express this even-
Mrs. C. C. Rance of Toronto is ing Sos Saskatchewan and vicinity
eisiting ,her brothers, ,1rlessrs. Wm. where they will be the guests of
and Thos. Jackson Lieut. Carter's parents for tcn
Lieut, H. G. "Bub" Brewer of days, when they will return to
to his capabilities., His own chief
ambition was that of being able to
serve his king and country in the
present great crisis, and only the
most urgent entreaty prevailed up
on him last fail, to delayhisen-
n -
tistment till e rin . The sacrifice
was not, however, to be his as his
call came while he was still unfit
for service. • The spirit, however,
was more than willing,and it woula
indeed be a fitting climax to Neil
Lau'ts life, if the spirit, and fire of
this .clean, courageous and patriot-
ic ,young Canadian should be the
means of leading others 'towards
their obvious and bounden duty.
Montreal, .whle returned from the
front ,about March en sick leave,
is visiting at rhe home of Mr, and
Mrs. G. I) McTiiggart. "Bub
" -
rose from the ranks in France to
his lieutenancy, and will insb oat
in trench warfare at Valciertier
camp this summer. '1Iis old friends
were glad to see him once moi e.
Miss Violet Argent returned last 1
week after spending several
weeks ,e,t Paisley with Rev. an•1
Mrs. ,Diehl.
Mrs. Edgar Pattison and children
are visiting in Toronto.
Mr, E.I3oltzhauer of Preston
was fn town over the week end.
one can guess how coming in 0011- He reports That his good wife has
menta,, Ibdlance. Don't think one tion and is in bettea health than
would soon become mentally un- ever. 1
balanced, but you lose your idea Mr. Ike Rattenbury made a busi-
of proportion when afloat. T Cu nese trip' to Lcndon on 'Friday
freshen up like a withered plant fast.
in a few days ashore, and how good Mr. W. Spencer, chief engineer
week end
the other places Ivwith Mr, and
everything looks to your Among
the 'boort Inland, spent the
visited wasWesl; . Mrs. R.
minster Abbey while in the city. I Marshall, Rattonbury street Me.
described it in a letter to Maud. It Spencer is a brother -lin -law of
left aprofound lifelong impression Mrs. Marshall, and as his boathud
on me, I assure you. I will send to wait until midnight Sunday he -
you some cards I got while there fore starting to unload its cargo
I fell to with a young Australian of grain, at lxoderieh, Mr. Spencer
from 1110 flying corps, and as ne thought he would make a short
was waiting,: o go Le Egypt, see visit.
went ,around together. e certain-
ly enjoyed every moment. We •CARTER -0 -NEIL WEDDING.
took a trip out to tlichmond One
out again to .Kew and Richmond, of May 117th we, take the following
afternoon, and the next clay 1 went (From the Moose J'aw Daily News
and spent the afternoon and even
ing. I liked the place, needless to
say. Probably the company had
a lot to do with it. ,Sort of getting
local eolort as the artist chap would
gay. I enjoy good company, anis
itis very scarce where we hold
Talking of company, I have a
number of Scotch 1niencis, The
Scotch plea:ae me~best, I ani fete
to admit. They seem so direct and
honest in their friendship. They
remind meatiest of home in their
ways. They are very serious.
Every custom we have in Canada
seems to find its origin in Scotland,
and it like finding old friends to
suddenly cone faiceto face with
something or other that you
you were accustomed to as a young
sten. 1t is no wonder the C'anadiaus
flock there when on leave.
April 12
Your picture and a considerable
number of papers came today.
They seem tc( save them up and
send ,them all at once.. 1. enjoy
then very much, but sometimes I
wonder whether I shouldn't forego
the pleasure now that the ships
are so overtaxedcoming this way.
There is evidently a congestion, er
they world come 1hi•ough regularlye
r lr
d our picture von mu.
I enjoys 3 � Y
Itis awondetfu. piece of work,
and •though it doesn't makeyou
took any younger, yet itis very,
life like. . 'The photographer did
an excellent job ail the way
through. It 100 long time since
1 have seen you fonts, and aphotn
seems .to freshen one's memory so,
.Things ;are very quiet nowadays.
I never knew them as they are at
present. The Zeppettus sort of
warmed it up for awhile, but that
is over with for the present. They
ran never be successful to any
degree, .and the British mina does
Of 11
opal on
lin s as
not lose its pi t g
easily as was hoped 'by the 'Huns.
The improvement imthe weather
gives ,one a new zest to living,
Spring is not as spectacular here as
in Canada, as there are not the
great variations of temperature;
but neveirtbelese..itis quite as love
ly. 1, go ashore whenever I can, as
it keeps tone, in better amiable
Most of the mon (have colds just
now, but, with the exception o f a
day or two. 1 havn't 'had any
this year or last.
The Wesleyan', Presbyterians,
Congregationalists, etc., have join-
ed ha,nds at this (base, and have
union services every other
for each land of ship
ashore) Last
Sunday Was Communion Sunday.
The chaplain comes ,aboard now
ane then to see us,as does, the
Catholic priest.
I am glad to hear prohibition is
piogressiing soly
fa'vorab in Can-
ada It is high tithe. With lovo,
your son, • TED,
Are Caused By CONST1PATEO121.
When the bowels become constipated
the stomach gets out of order, the liver
does not work properly, and then follows
the violent sick headaches, the sourness
of the stomach, belching of wind, heart-
burn, water brash, biliousness,and a
general feeling that you do not case to do
Keep your bowels regular by using
Milburn's 1,axa-Liver Pils. They will
clear away all the effete matter which
collects in the system and make you think
that "life is worth living."
Mr. B. W. Watson, St. Jolla„ N.B.,
writes: "I have been troubled with
constipation,for the last three years,
and during that time have tried several
remedies, all of which failed to help me.
A friend recommended Milburn's Taxa
Liver Pills, and after using three oe four
vials, I felt like a new man•.. I am now
still taking them, and am positively sure
that I am on the road to recovery. E
strongly recosunend Milburn's Taxa,
Liver Pills,
Milburn's taxa -Liver Fill's are 25e per
vial, 5 vials for $1,.00, at all drug stores
be marred on receipt
or dealers, or colt
of price by )the T'. lefilbuse Cole Limited,
Toronto,, Otaet-
As the Old Country portiamert
has decided that the compulsion
bill is not for Ireland ; if the same
bill becomes law in Can.eda, will
Quebec Ibe excluded?
Moose Ja'w unlit the 128th Bette -
lion ,goes overseas
Over a hundred soldiers passed
through OUP" tillage on Monday,
from Exeter ane Heiman, enroute•
to .Clinton. They had dinner in
the 'Presbyterian Church. They
were a fine hunch of men.
Mrs. Manson is visiting her sister
Mrs, H. Papp.,
Mrs., John Cameron of our village
leaves this week to visit her dau-
ghter, Mrs. 'Henry near Saskatoon.
For Sale
The Council of the Corporation
of the County of Huron will meet
in the Council Chamber, in the
Town of Goderich 00 'Tuesday, the
6th day of June, next, at 3 o'clock
Dated ,May 22nd, 1918.
W. LANE, Clerk
Meeting of Huron
County ' Connell
The ,targe brick house on Isaac
Street,.ust south of the bowling
greebn. Rae good barn and or-
ehaaid,. Also the double house on.
King St., south of Wesley chinch.
For particulars apply tot
A smart girl to learn the dry goods
business. Apply advertiser, Box 215,
Clinton, Ont.
bttiss Christina McLaren, nurse
has gone to 'visit her brother in
the West,
Miss Jessie Grainger, nurse, is
home for elven earned rest.
David Cameron has returned from
the West and moved on his farm
on the 4th of Stanley. 'He stilllikes
Old Ontario..
Mrs. Snider who has had a severe
attack of measles is recovering..
)From the Crossfield Chronicle we
the following obituary notice
which .refers to a son of former res
idents of this section. -On May 'Rh
Niel ,Dunoa,n Lent, the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Tames Laut, breathed hie
Jast rt the home of his' parents, aft
era long and severe illness. The
funeral ,toots place on Saturday,
May 7th alt1.[a.m. the service being
conducted ,by the. Bev, Box Brown
of Carstairs, assisted by the Rev.
J P. Berry. The unprecedently
large gathering in attendance at
the funera't anti the mass of tfloral
tributes were a mark evidence of
the esteem in which the deceased
was held. anti of the ividespreact
sympathy far the bereaved parents
The pall bearers were Messrs
Reeve Jones, Van Arnold, Otte
Roedter, Melvin andDewey Casey
and Robert Smart. The death of
Niel Lunt, aitho'agh following upon
api otracted illness, came as a
great shock to the entire com-
munity. in spite of the fact, gen-
erally known that ,his condition was
00110115 everybody was.],3uoyed up
by the hope that Niel would ivin
back to health. and would reap
the re,Warct of the plucky fight ht'
was making ,against sickness, This
however was not to be, and three
dn,ys niter his rceurn ,more from
the lhospitol 'ti Calgary he passed
very peacefully away at the age of
18 years and 6 months. Niel taut
was ,particula:'ly well known in the
village of Crossfioid,, where he at-
ttended the High School last year.
He had matri culaled in June 1915,
with a display of ability that
held promise of a brilliant carom.
his early death was par'tieular1.v
keenly belt by those of bus acquaint
ances ,who :had held the hope
that he woulctbe vouchsafed the
err r to give scope to
health nee
-a v
1 eai g p
Seed Patatoeb
We havequantity a uantit. of
DaV ie Warrior
Seed Potatoes
Pi. J. Holloway, Clinton
Western university, London
Income ,Doubled -Now $75,000
Another large addition to. Faculty and
Equipment in Arts and Medicine
Greatly Increased Enrollment in yiew
Write for particulars to:
The following stallions will stand for
the improvement of stook this season
as follows:-
(1)221) Enrolment No, 97
MONDAY- L- W ill len ve his own stahle
West endTuckeesinith. and go north
by waw of the Huron Road to the Gra
ham House, Clinton, for noon. then by
way of the lath ion., Goderich town
ship, to Mr, Bert [nohb's for nicht
TUESDAY -13v cony of Maitland
con, to Wm, Dural; and Sob for noon.
then by way of Bethel and Benmiller
to Wm. Long's for night.
WEDNESDAY By way of the 6.
and Sth con, to Win. Cunningham's
fur noon. then by way of the Sib cun,
to Fred Qlraid's, Dunlop for night.
THURSDAY - To Union Rotel',.
Goderioh, for noun, then by way of 1st
con. to Salkeld'' corner and atlr con. to
Huron (toad to Wilmot Haacke's for
FRIDAY -By way or 0th con- and
Porter'sht: Hill to Fred l'ickard's for
noon; tben by way of 7th con., to John
Stewart's for night,
SATIJRD,IY-13y may of Bayfield
Line to Jas. Jackson's and of Stanley
for noon; then to 1119 own ,,table where
he will remain until the following
Monday morning.
Terms, X13 to insure, G. W. Nott,
proprietor; J. P. Fisher, manager
Hon. T. Chase Casgraiu x•nnouu,,es
in response • to euggections by tib
Wilfrid Laurier, that it had been de-
cided to print all finure two -^lent.
postage sl amps marked 'with addi-
tional :ane Bent for tear tax, malt-
ing there really ;throe cent stamps,'
in a new color The green will re-
main the regular color for the two
cent stamp, while the future war-
taut. three -cent stamp Wil'1 be in a
Cranberry Corners.
A Drama by
For Patriotic Purposes
Torn Dex ter
-Sidney Everett
Beti Latham
Andrew Dexter
One of Nature's Noblemen
Mr. T. Cameron
01 the weld worldly
Mo. 0. Cook
A wanderer
Mr. el. Drysdale
Tofu's father
Pte. Jos. Hudson
Hezekiah Hopkins Fond of an aargumenl•,
Mt', 1,1. Ortweiu
Nathan S
i n ' ?eek
T u
The hired man
Mr. G. AruistLong
Carlotta. Bannister A child of fate
Miss M Phis
Anastasia Bannister ....Hee stylish aunt from New York
Miss A. Ocnsitt
ArnelLa,Dexter Sister . of Andrew
Miss E. Johnston
Mrs. Muslin. , ,Somethieg of a talker `as you might say
Mies A. (Jsalyle
Bella Ann Help at the form
1111ss B. Reynolds
Marine A maid
Miss 13, Urquhart
ACT f Tho yard at Ferndale Farm, Cranberry Cor-
ners, on an .afternoon in July -The telegram.
ACT Ti -Sterane as Act I, about a wool: litter -The
stn angor
ACT Ili -Residence of Mrs. 13lbunistcr, New 7oelt
Oily. Three months have elapsed. In the hands of fate.
ACT IV -Back at the Farni, two mon the later. The
silver lining. -
(131190) [7819] Enrolment No, 1998
MONDAY -Will leave his own
stable, West End. Tueltersmith, and
Sonsgo Road to Pelle &
for noon, to t , then across tofliu'son
Road and west to Wm. Dales for
Ta I1SDAY - '1•o Graham, House,
Clinton, for noon and until the Yellow
ing morning
WEDNESDAY -By waw of Huron
Road to N, Trewartha's, Hohnesville„
for noon, then by way of 911i eon. to
Thomas hole's for night
THURSDAY -By way 08 Middle
ton's corner to George Rolland'e for
noon, then to his own stable where he
as ill remain until the following hlonday
Terms l$15.ta insure, GeW • Nott, prop.
25 Handymen
Huron Battalion needs men
handy with tools for the
Pioneer Section
Good Wages—Short Hours
JEit.RY J.
Standard Bred Trotting Stallion
Wit stand at the Normandie Barn,
Clinton, every Saturday during the
season. He is a very fashionably bred
colt and while not yet 8 years old ho
is a big horse now. No, (11882 Arnerica.n
Trotting Register, No. (11111 Canadian
Standard Bred Society, Ne, 4419•En
raiment. `Perms -$12 to ensure with
foal ED. ,j,OHNSTON, Prop.,
Phone S on 102 Clinton
Position Wanted
By a young lady in a good home
-a capable worker.. Apply to
The Ne'w Era
Gunners Wanted
Goderich to Detroit and 'Return
Machine Gun Section offers,
fascinating inducements tor
ambitious young men.
E,,cellent Chances for
No ()uard Duty nor Fatigues
Going -Leave eave God each Tuesday, June
lath, h, 1910, at 9.80 a m
Returning -Leaves Detroit, Thursday
June ]5th at I p m
This trip provides is magnificent
opportunivoyage ontthe Big Steel Steamerwater
and time lo visit your friends
in Detroit
Pare $1.50 Hound Trip
$1.00 one wiry with baggage
CL1ldren-half (Rate
Don't forget the
Goderich Band
M i onli ht
June 12th, at 8°30 p.m. W. Jenkrnsik8on
6 -froom Cottage for Sale
A 5,room cottage and acre of land, .
fruit trees, the house has town water .
and electric 'lights, for sale cheap on
easy terms, apply to
Agency manager Northern Life
Phone, office 39; house 140
Paintings & Paper Hanging,
Painting and Paper,11 laming neatly'
and promptly done, Orders left'at
Ru.nnitord's Grocery Store or at my
residence, Victoria Street, •' ✓
For Sale or Rent
A 10'mom house on Mary Street
with three lots, town water, a new
furnace, cistern, stable. Apply at the
New Era Office er phone 13.3
For Sale
Two and a half horse power gasoline
engine in first class running condition
Apply to
House ror Sale
House on Rattenbnry St., formerly
oceupiel by the late Mrs. William
Murray. Apply to
Fat dens and Chickens
Taken at any time.
Highest Market Prices
Phone 14 on 100
Seed Corr=
We now have in stock a quantity of
Seed Corn which we can otter you at
a reasonable price, also
Good Seed Buckwheat
This is the hatching season and that
means lots of feed for the baby chicks.
We have a large stock of
Baby Chick Feed
and also Chick Grit on band
Try some of our Oreameal and Oilceke
for young calves and pigs, there
is nothing better
Since Lard has risen to such a high
price, why not try our
Easiflrst Sliorteni'ng
as it is not so expensive and goes
farther, We live it in5and
20 lbs pails
Bran, Shorts, Low grade Flour. Oat
meal, Breakfast Food, . and Flour
always kept in stock
UJgleest Prices paid for Grain
and Wool at "Elevator"
rare only 55c. �i
White Star Line, Detroit, Mich. Flour and lr'eed. phone 199