HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-05-25, Page 1Established 1865; Vol., 50, No. 48 C LINTON ERA ONTARIO T HURiSDAY MAY 25 19!6 W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers The opist is Your Horne Battalion. VVVVVVVVVVVVVNWWVWWvvvAAM AAAA NNAN AAAnA'VAAAAA :. B. �� PiD' C the reason fOP toe From the ifleet 4th star Brand roc i en eY What will YOU do for it? i a l b444, 84.0AA®vb♦., ♦M♦♦♦♦R0♦4♦66 !!�'?��4'�' ®fit , ♦ Bad e1R9,heri Sonxe moister Tecl 13igaIs lcL J _ y lets to his fattier, Rev. W Rigsay, Thousands Pay Homage to the li I Deaa Dat—Have bald !my larcealx 'Baa Huron Boys of the 161st, Battl 4 s e and•atu -Urrlc feeling much more , .5"....a%keen for ,cork. I still eapeet to The committee who got u. go the oareo to l ektrenches, o cher, but horn &0011 big Military Dey eertaiinly stood as. April 7th in right with the weather man, for ♦ the day was a warmone but 1 y One hardly realizes how time suitable for a holiday out ' :l`he 9 flies. I am notin a mood for morning trains from north, south,• writing nowadays. .Although fro east and Ives`; ;brought in hundreds 9 are often in a fever. of expects tidy, of people,, and autoes were un- 4 we :seldom realize any' of our look countrtble. a for things. lam as much of an op- A big parade was put on in they ♦ theist As anyone, but sometimes J morning when ti.e llist Band, the O do get a bit 'fedi-up," I.ilhe Bandl, Boy Scouts, School The trip to L• ondon was a great Children, and the Soldiers morels .• success, I spent two drys out at ed to the Park, when a baseball • Kew and Richmond, 1n Surrey, It snatch was pull oft 'tbet3G'een two a was lovely even at this season of soldier ;teams.. the year. 1 spent half a liar at In the afternoon it was like a. e Wwstminister Abbey, which 1 eon tin'ee-ring circus and ,hard toful-' s aider the meet interesting place 1 flow—the soldiers were gren r ♦ have seen so far. It was not any- through the various exercises, • thing _like what I had thought ! races were run, anti eluting the. -; (From ;outtedle it looks quite,smael. whole ,afternoon the J:Stat Bsttl. • but inside it seems to cover acity Band gave au excellent p:ograr, • ;'block, ,aird isle reality a series of The Iiiltie Pipers also gave apro- 0 buildings or chapels, each one more gram much to the delight of the ,♦ • beautiful than the one before. too epectltors con ,pend clays there and not Insures your grain from Itust; We guarantee Star Brand Formaldehyde to be the hest Formaldehyde you can usa. It will save you many bushels of grain, and assures you of having clean grain and straw for your stock, also ri c can threshing: 00o per pint bottle. Buy the Best and be Sure of llesu its [$est Quality [Drug Store The Resale Store W. B. � o 1aIe%CE Phrn. B, vVvVVVV VVVVVvvVVVVVVVvvvVVVVVVVVVVVwV VVveAAAAAAAKIoNw/� NsANNAAMEVv�y D OF CANADA 'D e Roy& yG4 a r Capital A.uthorized...,........ $25,000,000 Capital paid isp ... 11,560.000 Reserve and undivided profits 13,500,000 Total Assets 185,000,000 ' ,3 S la 9 "+ A. ��.I�.JIi�.. 'With.World-wide aCoxni1eetnonti Interest Allowed on Savings Deposits General Banking Business Transacted. 45 R. E, MAENIEG, aIlager, Upton Brach l VVlAIVVVVVVVVVVVVVHVI/!/VVWVHMV44/VVVMV'MbV VVVIPW�l00g9VVVAfM INCORPORATED 1855 TilE �MOL.SONS BANK CAPITAL AND II'ESERVE $8,8i1tl,0011 96 Branches in Canada - General [tanking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OP CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDERS Savings Bank Department Interest Allowed at Highest entreat Rate ,C.E. Dowding', illa1ii1;Yr'r Clinton Ihinl@'h esocoms....eartamvxdosearmerauxotax.n.vo WWI, 41.1114,1406.20.,1211.1.....Y4.161/M....11,101914. Try,, The New Era for Job rk in 1 rasp .all the detail9, At to o o'clock a review anu eattes , v A t .x ♦ g march � a Alt tb MrI eve Ayer, who n before hq fre for to graspCq an s •n t1. y e,xs ns tombs are covered with sandbag•3 Combe gold the staff officers. had charge of the "Greyhound'• and many of the windows have In the evening the way movie• excursion :business, and during tits been rel' deed by rilain ones, for pictures many years also visited Clinton He always brought the eunsnine and good weather, but this year he is taken a well-earned test in we�•- shown. at the park fear of image by Zeppelin raiders, and another baud concert was 4 1 couldn't give yon any idea. of given by the Battalion Bann Capt. the plaice in anything short of a Dancey also , gave a recruiting book, so X won't burden you at this speech California, being retained on the tangs' 0 Lack pf space this tied. keeps 4, pay roll of the company duriat After seeing the wonderful stone us from giving the winners of the • his -roll of g carving of the roof and walls you various races. • can in part comprehend the wan -1 ton vandalism of the 'Hun in des- l• troying "Rheims •and other cattle.,a I duals .It shocks one immeasurably, ® ����$�®®es®e�'s¢®3iacVoseoi3a r e The beauty of such places is some -1s •s thing one feels rather thanseesI `• with the tombs, busts and sloth;- �• � �0 1� Notes with their tablets, recall amul�'- t nJ 'v bb may - n �} tulle of events in history from all �� L arts ,of th.. Empire, It r lion- e erful stimulant for •one suffering WetDg46®�+8�®®a9®aseeea®�®e�®�®® from "Jagging gg� g pAtr'1ot19m," Strawberries Pineapples Tomatoes Celery Lettuce Onions Oranges Bananas The Store of Quality W. TO O'NEIL THF HUB G}MGT.; R ['hone 40 :_..411.1034.11..-,.,.,' The Executive of the Women's The Zappelins are sa, constant Patriotic Society request the at- ♦ menace .to the British Isles at pre- tendance of members at the Conn- $ sent. It will not be for longg,how- ei1 Chamber on Friday afternoon, • I ever, as they will go like the sub- at 3 30 pan .There w.111 be a short • marine pest, 1 believe. The Ger- business tweeting, after :which mans have made their bed, and I Lieut. Brewer, recently returned 2 ern sure they won't enjoy lying from .the front, ;will give a short • in it when the time cornea, the distribution of sgel.a at the 0 • •♦ 14 Ordered Clothing m .I. Ready -to -Weiss 4 Clothing $15 The ever increasing . demand for Suits at this popular price has prompted us 10 offer special values, and,, we point with pride to our Fifteen Dollar Stilts and say Mlatrfi Thein if Tou can r ..in Two and 3 button models in worsted, tweeds, etc. The tailoring. cut, and Ievery detail of suit making is the best that good work- men could do. i LootinnummermatA We have a pleasing surprise in store for the man that don't know about the goodness of our While in Cordon I saw some of front, the results of a bomb in the front. and side iv'alls of a building. it trod been peppered with shrapnel CRANBERRY ,CORNIERS. bullets, so there wasn't a square: yard that hadn't been repaired by See program on page 2 of this ♦ putting in little cubes of stones issue ,for the big show Friday even o They ave been a tot closer to ue ing ,of this week. The proceeds are ♦ for patriotic r•ur - than London, but that is another story. It takes a lot to get a Britisher's "goat,'•.and they have fallen a lot shy of it so far, in spite of their !say after day at- tein e �t Ib ,v e e e r 1 l a r reprisal, el 1, but it isn't considered "good term'. I GETS RANK OP .CAPTAIN, Lieut. Broder McTaggart eldest • son of Mr. and Mrs. G.D. McT a g- gart received promotion last week to the reek of Captain. He is on aa• a ♦ Fifteen Dollar S :its 1p The Morrish Clothing (� Agent for C. P.11, Telegraph Co. am inclined to think it is the only the Intelligence staff ,of the .i t- 2A Square Deal tor Every Lou1 thing 0 Gerinan can understand. i11er•3 at the front. His old friends o rn town offer ,hearty.congratnla- *5 Co7tinued on page 2. tions upon his military success, eeteyo666vamw*mr+m40oa.ac.H-mn.o-.. 6a..,.e.,,,oe- *eeee,,•,y,,a.rom.a,ane••s,s .e ,i ; 1., 1,6 IgMMaFaballgo (a .» •' , ri J'`".tT�l • s1sar1L,S � Kf � o. i. 4.M .:iWraiisaZIZ 'vr azz.wr.n"B'lY'•..J +,e"✓.,,0•L,Y..4ivlaarwru.: s, r.lalYn.IJ=x,w✓ iarg + +`Veza.va aia�4',w,-.^.mosi,5,rw"'•WIW'&adeismitiztoattr' et Y Y`(,roltraw'Rev"ow o =Mat= aY^xIN.'.u,atne1,.>"ui'. a zttiss4ma o'.my Comms o. s00000e0000sesm000seoso ,A Purpose placing in the Public .Achieves of the (County, a complete list containing the names of all men of military age who have not enlisted by June 1st, together with the reason as given by each man, for his non-enlistenent. Phis record will be available through all the years to come, and will be open to inspectipn by the public, Will your name be shown upon this Record, and will your Reason stand the searching glare and severest criticism of Parents, of Wives, of Sisters, and Sweethearts who'willingly gave of their men -folk that an. Empire's Life and a County's ; onour might be saved ? Will Your Name be Bandied and Your Reason Scorned ? st 1 1 1 1 1