HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-05-18, Page 6(tl RAGE SIX. 4C: tiou'l)RESS GOODS •• ♦ a T.J. Spring, 1916, selection of high grade dress fabrics, from t h e famous Priestleys' Mills at. Bradford, England, in- cludes a .most attractive range of' new shades and fabrics. The high standard of Priestleys' quality is maintained this year as usual, in spite of unprecedented conditions in the woolen trade. At present, when high- grade dress fabrics are so difficult to obtain, Priestleys' is more than ever the choice of discriminating women.. We Carry the Lar a<t stents or liTO0IC1IS and Thlilll'.iugs in Huron (ounly WOMAN'S STO: E Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phone 67. Next to Royal Bank R'HR CLINTON NEW RRL Men's Wear Suitings Are a special feature w.ift.f of our "Dress Goods Stock 0 We have them in Black and Indigo in Worsted, Serge, S Cheviot, Vicuna at Old Prices MEN'S STORE. Customs Tailoring Men's Furnishings. Phone 103. OppositicPub l isLibrary SOUR JOB DEPARTMENT Is now ready to do our work. y y k. New type and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA CLINTON WE MAY EXPECT Digging for bait,.: Dust from the streets. Dailbi Dairy rsiness to boom. Drill i 1 for ,• s ofI nets to broaden, Destruction of the pioneer flits. Danger ahead forlail violators. Drowning accidents on the pro gramme., ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED- • Mc, ,and Mrs, Frank O'Neill, Moose Jaw, Sask,, announce the ( engage- ment of their feu daughter, Pearl to 116" ""'I Lieut, Launeelot Edward Carter, a Fancy furniture Of dainty character, for Parlor and Reception Room, is here for your inspection. Light in con struction and design but ex- tremely well made in,evsry de. tail. Here are the finest creations of the furniture makers craft, and at prices that will temp the wise and discrimmatiug buyer. The Cheaapest Spot In. ilaaron to buy all hinds of Furniture tniture Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104 N. Ball 110 —RESIDENCE PHONES-- J, ID. Atkinson 180 siamessmalimunswisosoleussassuoutaramai Well Fed an, Can accomplish more with less effort than one improperly nourished We wonld suggest that you begin the day with the correct food. For morning Meal -Breakfast foods such as Clore Flakes, Gus To, Grape Nuts, Shreaded Wheat, X rumbles, Rolled oats,/ Rolled Wheat, RomanRomanMeal,eal, etc., or if you want something heavier try our Breakfast Bacon.aeon. Mid day MSIeal-Cianned Vegetables that are prepared m sanitary factories, We rewarmed the Maga Mlle brand of Peas, Corn and Tomatoes have a quality all their own To addzest to appetite try our sweet or mixed Pickles, Catsup, or Olives, Dessert is always an important feature, try our minute pudding, all flavors 10cpacki.ge Telly Powder, Last but not least when days work is done try our cooked meats. Canned Jams make an excellent dessert -Raspberry. Strawberry, or Marmalade. Fresh Fruits -Bananas, Pineapples, etc, Also Fancy Cakes, aIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. JOHNS • Phone 7.11 TIMSTORE ®1P QUALITY rrtlamae OUTIN("j SIIOES The season is again here when you begin to think' about what form of games or recreation you intend to take up for the summer, This year we are carrying In a much y, g wider range of Sporting Shoes than ever before in the celebrated • gieel fool ✓hrantaC • For Every Came or Sport. Tennis, bowling, lacrosse, 'baseball basketball, running, etc., in white, blue, black, or brown colors, and in Boots, Oxfords or Pumps, for all ages. • 14. ,N (Phone 70 Clinton son of Mo. and Mrs. John Carter, of Ha,edon, Devonshire, England, late manager of the Bank of British North America at Saltcoats, Sask. The marriage to take place quietly, in May. PREAC`11ED iF AREWELL SERMON AT; GOL+EIItICH, Rev, George 13. • Ross, preached his farewell sermon inKnos r•laurch Gorlerich on,Sunday. In impressive words ,he expressed his appreciat- ion for the geed will that had boon accorded himself and family while in the pastorate•• He left oh Woo- nesday for his now cha.r•c:/, St. 1latthew's church, Montreal, SAILING TO ENGLAN 0 Thursday • of this week Mrs Dr, Moore expects to said£or the Ohl Land frpm Note fork, Mrs. (Coll Wilson end'daughter, ,late of Sea - forth, ,and other relatives of sol- diers go by the` same boat Dr. Moore is now on the. staff of a hos- pital, Located at'Hastings, England. Mss. Moore, will have an enjoyable visit, we trust She has visited in the British Isles on 0 former owe,- slon• NEW WATERWORKS PIPE .THERE Four inch waterworks pipes are now distributed along the streets from Charles Wallis' sorner to McKenzie's hill -on North and Dunlop Streets, and will be put in as soon as the weather clears. Mrs.. McDonald land A, Stanley have already bed. new water con- nections matte, and la good many are to go in as Rest as the 'work- ers can do so. Every house, store' and office should have a tap of Clinton's pure wafter, DOOTCRS BROUGHT TO TIME \Yarning is being sent out tc, the medical pl actitioner's of the Province that prosecutions will follow if they fail to ,.onanly wil h the regulation is garding the registration of births` The nd tae iesueri by the Deputy Regia trat•Generat, Major D[ John W, S. Ole Oullough is as follow. The Regis than -General has instructed the vari ons Division Registrars throughout the Province to supply hire with a moutuly list of physicians who have failed to notify births as required by the Vital Statistics Act. Upon the receipt of such notice physicians in de fault will be prosecuted. DEATH OF A NUN Loretta Duncan, in religion Sister M. de Lourtleis, of the Order of St. St. Dominic died et the Mother House of the Order a,t Adrian, Mich oneriaa,y last She was thedaugh •ter of Ms on T' Mrs, ,. I nenc n D a of Se - a fottln, The funeral ceremonies. were ,largely attended, over 60 religious and 300 pupils of the acad- emy being present to pay a last mark of respect to the deceased sister, who had tethered eight years with them in the cause of education Sister M. del Lourdes is survived by her mother ,andfour. sisters. FORMER STRATFORD BOY • KILLED IN ACTION. Stratfoa d Beacon ;-A former re- sident of this city has been killed in action in the person of Pte Philip ,Pred Chidely, son of the late NIr. ,a,ntl Mrs. Chidgey •of this city, Che young colchcr was born in this city 74 years ago end atter at- tending Toronto University went to North 13?;y, and while astudent at the Normal School there enlisted With ;the 68th 'Battalion, He went nveateas in a draft and met death on A ,, it 25, Mt and Mrs John Murrey Nile srteet and Mn anti Mrs. Wm. Chidgey, Argyle street • relatives ofithe deceased: The, soldier Iboy was also a .cousin of Miss ,13 Chidley and Majos• Mc'1?ag- g,art and Mr, Geo McTaggart. Grand 'TrunkRailway.System Time Table for Clinton Buffalo and Uoderich Going to Stratford 7.33 a re 253pw 5,15pm Going to Goderich 11.07 p m' 415rn • • 8.45 80 P 01 Mitchell A.dvocaitel-Our paved Thursday, May 18th, 1816„ ���16 ���`�,6f��t� 5T'I�RC1131YPi6 Local News Pttritls1N'U Apo tivr I�i'v"'.M1 (jam TART*IA. AT 111/T61LLL' • 1 P roads are to be . treated 10 another ' m P coating of tart fa, the coun..ii hay London, Huron and Brace Mg purchased 50 barrels, Goiug to London.., 8,05 pa rn MOTHERS' .DAY OBSERVED. - Going to Wingbam' 13.00 s. m A white flower was worn by 6.40 p in hundred's of. Clinton's citizens :on Sunday in honor of Mo'ther's Day. The'significance oftta day was fittingly alluded to by, pastors in most of the churches. BOUGHT "AN. AUTO. C. C I, Honor Hall The Clinton Collegiate Institute has many pupils in IAhaki- Those who are at the front or training in England hr .• Corp. ,Fred. Sioman Pte, W. Walker Pte, Wes CaJdweIl Pte, .Elsner. .Beacon, The followingwhich have enlisted in the 161st, luton's Own Battalion are :- Corp. L. Wasnaan Corp. F.Finglalnd. Pte. Will S7ontata, Pte. P. Williams Pte. 13. Walker Pte. M. Cook Pte. A. Ner]iger. Pte. A, McCiinchey Pte. A, Mathetson Pte, W. V. Crich The C.C.I, has a great record fo, the .number of pupils in khaki out of the number attending.' Watch it grow( Takes Position With I. and P, S, Lorne Welsh has been Appointed Travelling Auditor of the London Road • (Chatham Planet) Mr. D L. Welsh, who has been connected With the Cha`.liani, Walla e bm• gted Lake Erie Rail- way - way for the past fouryears app for some time past has been'gen- eral freight agent of the road, has accepted a position with the Lon- don and Port Stanley Railway as travelling auditor. He will leave the first of the coming month to take up his new duties at. Lon- don: Although only 24 years of age; Mr. Welsh is rapidly forging to the front ,and his friends 10111 be pleas ed 'to hear of his Mee:Alen to an important position with elle Lon- don road. Mr. Welsh was connect ed 'with ,the ,Pere Marquette RAH - way as telegra77111 operator al cc. nits fon at/out tour years, incl S he has `been associated with the C. s W. and L E. for about the sarin: length of time. Mr Welch is 0 1010 rl of Mr. and ';firs Robert Welsh of Clinton; t The old friends of Mr. Welsh in p frown will he .glad to hear ef • his e rapid promotion in his l.ne of weals. c Last IPriday Rev. P. C. 'Harper went down to London on thea morn ing train and returned in the even- ing driving ;anew Dodge auto. Clinton is fast !becoming an auto centre., ( • UNCLE ,DEAD. Mrs. Mary McIntyre and Mrs. Robt. Sweet of town and Mee Chas Moore ,a,nd Miss Annie, of B. n,aa i1 were c'a'lled to 'Listowel by the death of their uncle, Mr. George Wright, who had reached the rips• o1cla�ge of 95 yefars Mr. Wright at One time was Ra resident of town having conducted a'butcher snap. CLINTON' BOYS MJ1T BEHIND iTIRING LINE. In a letter to his parents 'which was received on Saturday by' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Manning, Pie/ Lew. Manning states while ' hu was resting back in village be- hind the trenches, he ran. across Walter Armstrong, a former Clin- ton boy. The latter states he spends two days a week in Lhe front trenches nit the battery phone He ;belongs to ihe artil- lery sent out from Toronto. This was the first time the two r, 1;1 Clinton boys ran across each other•. DICK TASKER IN BASE 'BALL The soldiers are now playing in city leagues at Loddon and 1'Le. Dick '.Casket had to get in the game on Saturday. He started to pitch but had 'to retire 00 account of leek of practice. The London Ad- vertiser says; -The fans were. not disappointed t.d at the class PP L ss of ball ball provided in the clash between the Orients and Ontarios. Dick. Tasker, a fernier. Canadian League pitcher with Brantford, and now stationed in London with his bat- talion, started the, box wo,'k for the O,ntar•io;, While he retired at the end of the second innings on account of lack of practice, he showed his old-time skill and cun- ning and shcukd not have been scar cd upon. ' CAP'!', DANCEY SPEAKS. Sunday afternoon at •1 o'elocic a band concert was held in tate. town hell, owing to the rain, and Capt. N. Denney, of London, made tiering speech. He declared that 1Lut•oes trouble was (prosperity. he farmer's had given neither men nor money in proportion 50 what trey should have done. They were tatting their money into far es and tttiug their sons up Huron need - d a patriotism of the Edith Cavell ype. Thu speaker said some nice hings about the county and the. )-Huron Battalion, It h.ld 0 9laicndld band, and the mem enlisted were of tuagnifioient quality. ;Some Huron farmers had given op 211 - acre farms to enlist and do their duly. Wna. Proudfoot, M. P. 1'., for Centre 'Baron also spoke, Mr. A. T. Cooper was the chairman of he inswing. TIMOR LOCALS Mitchell's ,population has decrees ed 49 during the hist year, bong now 1670' Last call -come to Clinton on the -&nth end see lhelelst Batt'. • The Military field day to bo held in Blyth, last i3'r'iday was car1ea13 ed, as many °Oho soldiers -.re f:n•nl ing. Exeter is going to use oi1 on her streets. It might help some if the censor were able to grab some of the iron ey that goes 1•o out-of-town naerth ants, and turn it over to oras stores ed May17th, 1900,-Mafckiog rellev Get off the sidewalk ; you might interrupt somebody's bicycle ride, May 24th --Victoria Day, is the next public' holiday. • Military Day at Clinton On Wednesday of next week, May 24th, (Victoria Day) there will be a special day for all Huronitea when the 1101st Battalion, "Um ,0 Hurons,', trill rnobilizc before go- ing into camp at London. The l 11 officers .and committees ha.:e mapped out a big clay of sports. so that everyone will get their money's worth by coming to ton that day. .Following 15 the program with additions to be MORNING. • 10.30 -Parade •of Band and the Battalion; decorated automobiles; decorated horses; Public Schoni children; and C. C I. Cadets. All ,10111 march to the park. APTERNNCON Military parade to park at 1,30; march, past at 2 o'clock; bayonet fighting; physical drill; trench building; rifle exercises; spam battle, showing action; trench fighting ; :bomb throwing. EVENING. At ,the park at, 7.30-- Military Band concert; military tattoo; fire works: During' the evening the citizens .oL Buren will present a McLaughlin 3 -Cylinder Automobile OaIned atl01,100) to the officers, • Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R IA {1•••••••r••••sr•®1*••aeoieeoceee osee soceseessii0eeese• • • • • • • • • • • A LIST OF Hardware Bargains • • • • • • • • Raving bought heavily before war prices got on. we have many lines e • to offer you at old prices -Perfection Oil Stoves 2, 8 and 4 burners • Small round oil stoves for boiling teakettles 10 per tens discount e • 1 only Gasoline Stove, regular 7.50 for 5.50 • English fancy Enameled Tespots 75o and 1 00 e 1+ e Granite Dippers regular 25c for ISc • Tin Pudding Pans regular 100 and 150 for 5c • •lhousenold Eland 8 a ws regular 35e fc r ® Granite Basting Spoons your choice 5c rad iOc 25e • Household Hammers regular 35c for 25c • Steel Claw Eammers regular Otto and 75c for 500 ;el 0Job lot Mall•eable Wrenches your choice lie 0 • Sit inch Monkey Wrenches regular 45c for 35e o Twelve inch Monkey Wrenches regular 750 for 55c e • Paint Brushes 5r. 10e 15e 20c and 25c e Marvel DTwo good Cedar Wash Tubs regular 1.25 for 75c • Wash Boust 7bope regular 1.00 ar,ts 25c and 85c •Ia • • Re nu ail Palish for floors etc, regular 50c fur 40oIt • ® Few odd shades Of Paint, Wall Colors, Enamels, at less than hall' price ;• S Oue only No, 2 Daisy Oburn regular 5.00 for 0 25 it ft . Butcher Knives regular 35c for 25c regular 40c for 30o 0 0 S inch Files regular 15c for.,., les 10 mob Files regular 200, 15c • e 12 inch Files regular 35e for 25e • re., A few long handled round point shovels for 50c as Oart Whips for 10e Dusthaue 10c 25e 35c and in barrels • ® easea3asa Gloves atcost e Many lines not mentioned will be displayed on I3argnin Tables 0 5) 0 0. e 1 Y rI-1AIIIxi S B � e. I STOTJ S, HARDWARE ANI) NOVELTIES eoa••o•ressesa09•••COQee..60eu••r•A“••Q409Poolse,666,►edrp -'� Choice WALL PAPER Cleaning time is here for some, it is coming for many more—this suggests Wall Paper- the largestand most attractive department in our store. Its utstand- ing features are its large variety` of modern designs. Its wide range of prices, and its GOOD VALUES The a'D. Fair Often the Cheapest --%grays the Best 322=84=2=141=4 4,14114111143MEM oar Pensiar While Pine and Spruce Balsam What's the use experimenting with medicines? \Ve know what White Fine and Spruce Balsam is, as the• formula is printed on each label. Beyond a doubt this is the most efficient cough remedy we have ever sold. Nothing else will so readily re,ieve a cough..? Try pit— Cfat.O. �f -ryLl p llS1L" Chetlst TILE PT\SziAR DRUG STORE 71",1 Comfer f Abidetn In the well furnished home, It makes; it a place where everybody likes to come and stay, For furniture that means comfort combined with beauty - and durability. We invite attention to our splendid collection of Suites. and Separate Pieces CAo(I(1 Enough for a Palace' Tet priced so as to he. Within reach of all DUN C Undertaker and Funeral Director. I'inone 2S. Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store +m..... -' csoaeaczrwetarmoommom nanna,aev.rrgr euwna..4. 4 xm,rvmaam,m, It win pay you to, get our Prices nil your Plumbing Heating or lw avetr'oughing Estimates given free Material and Workmanship the Best. Agents for Uccle Furnaces Then li'iawkins This Coulter Store 'Live and Let Live" Plreapp es Pineapples are on earlier than, usual this year and •,arse now as cheap as they will be this season: and now is a good time to 'buy for canning, CALL AND GET PRICES Di`lt'd '''tuts Prunes, Peaelies and Apricots :Raisins and Currants, for making pies. Slaeeials I0r Saturday Oranges, Lemons, Bananas,. Grape O+ruit, Strawberries,. Rhubarb, Lettuce and Green Onions. • Plumbing and Heating I Eo E. unniford Shop -over Itowland's Hardware i PRONE 45. *.le4•-F•4••6 e•ls•telel••4••t+i-a•a•++4•Ielsta•rr*14' +getter ,.•b5.0.+5.++4..,.++••d }• ‚coll 4. '' +4 0 e e VIiVe Slues +4 We have the very latest models, of course— but for men who are contentedly wearing the same style y e of shoe, year after year, we show some splen- did conservative styles and sp1 endid values 3309 11400914. a0 t('t 700 Back or Tan Leathers Broad Toes, Low reels, Broad Shanks Ideal Shoes for the Man of Affairs Come here with any Sort of Shoe Trouble you have—we will relieve Them. FR A). JITNIICSOkil 1-IOU5.E OF BETTER SHOES +++++++.*** *;i4 h+.1+5 +; ,94** mar. m , ` L . i 14