HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-05-18, Page 4'Phursdny, May 18th, 1916.. X11.1. .m, tom CENTRAL dais CV. 3titybee v F: /1„ 8At11t1STER SOLICITOR I OTA.RY 11/ i PUBLIC, IaTo oleiNRON STRATFORD. ONT. You eau Secure a Posi- tion .it you take a Course with Us. The demand upon us for train- ed help is many times the num- ber graduating. Students are entering each h week. You may enter at any time. Write at once for our tree catalogue of r Tel graDepartment Deptmenor t D. A. McLachlan, Principal e More and Better Eggs and Poultry To Delp Feed the Lnlpire. In order to assist farmers to produce more Non -fertile Eggs, • and more and better Dressed Poultry of the quality and kind that our high class market demands. the firm of Gunn, Langlois & Co., limited, Montreal, have arrang ed with reliable breeders of Bred to Lay, Early Maturing BarredPlymouth Rock Poultry to distribute in the im mediate vicinity of these benduring thousand (12000) hatching eggsg the season of 1016, at a price of market eggs on the following conditions, - Every farmer who finds it to his advantage to secure the benefitof s muste above lowjngnruld hatching regulations. the lendand every possible assistance so that the greatest good to the commun' ity and to the industry will follow, lst-removeromill rotherwise his present permanently flock of lay ing hens all male birds on hie farm, March 10th, 1016 2nd -Market all eggs twice a week and conform with the suggestion made re the care of eggs for market purpose as same may he issued from time to time 3rd -Sell all cockerels that are fit for the early market as broilers during summer 4th -Bring ail cnckereIe of heavy breedq, tothe firm's plant at either Clinto''r Flolmesville to be canonized at a time. and under such cond,trons as the firm may specify. GUa11-L1DE101% & Co., Limited Clinton Branch Phone 190 iAAAAA AAAAAAAAA0AA•AAAAAA0' A a -pianosv. Y ► ► See and here our finest P. E 1New Stylish designs of E a y Doherty Pianos and E 1 Organs, E ► 40 special values in Art P Cases • 5. 4• ► A w• Pianos and organs rent i ied. Choice new Edison phonographs, Music & E variety goods. E . p. p. 5. 5.N. C. t-ibare 10► iliiii1VVVVVVETTYVTTTTTTTTTT1 4 t 4 Music Emporium � ROOHNG Corrogated Steel Shingles reit Roofing and Slate Eavetroughing Tinsmithing Plumbing and Furnace Work Call or Phone for Prices Estimates cheerfully given Repairs Done Proinptly Byam &Sutter Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7. CHARLES B. HitLB Oonneyance, Notary Public, Oommieeioner, etc. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Huron St., Clinton, H. T. RA'N C E Notary Public, Conveyancer,'t Financial and Real Estate IN0URANOE AGENT -Representing 14 Fire In nuance Companies.. Division Court Office. Piano Tuning Mr. James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that he is pre- pared pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing, Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 61, will receive prompt attention. M. G. Cameron, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc Office on:Albert Street,:occupied by Mr. Hooper. (In Clinton on every Thursday, and on any day for which appointments are made. Office hours from 9 a,m. to 6 p,m. A good vault in connection with the'ofiiee. Office open every week day, Mr. Hooper will make any oppointments for Mr. Cameron, Medit,aJ. DR r:'. W. THOMPSON Phyeioian, Surgeon. Eta rleuoaial attention given to diseases of the Eye. Ear. Throat, and Nose, efully a %mined, and"- suitable Wanes Prescribed. Mee and Residence. Two doors west of the Commercial Hep Huron St. Eves BIBS. Ci 11I anti CA AIIIElt Dr. W. Gunn, L. H, 5, P., L. ILO, S.. Tedi Dr. Conn's office at residence High Street:= Dr. J. C. Gaunter. B.A. 1111.11, Office -Ontario . Street, Clinton. Night oallr at residence, Rat*enbrry St. or at hospital DR. J. W. SHAW. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON. ocoocheur. eta„ soles and residence on tenbnry Street., DR. F. R. AXON DENTIST Crow'u uud Bridge Work a Specially. Graduate of 0.0.0,6•.. Chicago, and 6,0,0.0 Toronto. Bayaeld 011 Mondays. Mar 1st to GRAND :TRUisIIt Rs EM Victoria Day M ay 24th Single Fare Good going end returning May 24th Fare and One third Good going May 23rd and 24th. returning limit May 25th Return tickets will be, issued between all stations in Canada east of Port Arthur and to Detroit teed Port Huron Mich., and Buffalo, Black Rock and Niagara Falls, N.Y, Further particulars on applied - tion to Grand Trunk Agents. John Bamford & Son, city passen- ger and Tiek'et Agents, phone 57 A.O. Pattison, eta Lion agent DIt. A. FOWLER, DENTIST. Ofioes over O'NEIL'S store. Special care token to make dental treat men* es nainleae ea possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stork and general Auction let GODERIOH ONT 51, 71 sta,az sales a encomia ./. theses tr Ie Yaw ERA mics, Clinton, prom t,y sot ends �i. TArnts reasonable. Partners, endo not. 4 W'e:onntea'. G. D. McTaggart M, D. MoTaggar McTaggarit Bros, BANKERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON Caeneral Banking Business transacted eiOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed n deposits The McKillup Mutual Fire Insurance eo. Perin and Isolated Town Prop. arty Only insured. Head Ofiicc-Seaforth, Ont OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, Seaforth, President J. Connolly, Goderich, Viae -Free, Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Sen,-Treas Directors -D. F. McGregor, Sea - forth; .J. G. Grieve, Winthrop; \V, Rion! :Seaforth; John Benneweis, Dublin; J. Evans, Beechwood; M. McEwen, Clinton; J. B. McL"an, Seaforth; J.' Connolly, Goderich: Robert Ferris, 'Hariock. Agents --Ed. Binchley, Seaforth; W. Chesney. Egmondville; J. W. Yeo, 'Holmesville; Alex. Leitch. Clinton: R. S. Jarmuth. Brodhagen Payments made at Morrish & Co. Clinton, and Cutlt's grocery store Goderich an& Jas. Reids store Bay,iielld. • A Carload of Canada Porllann Cement Phone us tar prices It will pay you John Mutton LONDESBORO THE FAMftY PUYSICIAN "Fruit-a-tives" is the Standby in This Ontario Home SCOTLAND, Ont., Aug. 25th, 1913. "My wife wasa marlyrto Constipation. We tried everything on the calendar without ,satisfaction, and spent large sums of money, until we happened ou `Fruit-a-tiyes'. We have used it in the family for about two years, and we would not use anything else as long as we can get "Fruit-a-tives.” J. W. HAMMOND. "FRUIT-A-TIVES" is made from fruit juices and tonics -is mild in action -and pleasant in taste. 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 250. At dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit -a -fives Limited, Ottawa. Asquith Makes Statement London, May 02, -Premier As- quith declared in the 'House 'f Commons chi')pfternoon that a bill to be int educed tomorrow r,'ould be ono of general and im- mediate ,compluszon, Premier Asquith also said he Loped to give an eerier opportwi- ity for discuesioit of the mofiov calling for the resignation of Aug- ustine ,Bi Gleief Secreta fir Ireland Continuing, the Premier toff the members. of I he House of Com- mons that the total naval end, military effort of the British Em-' •,ire since the Feginning of the war exceeded five million met,. The whole recruiting 'problem would be desalt. with in a single bill, adders the Premier. Mr. Asquith wilt that while in August, 1014, the British army 'rt home and overeess consisted of 26 divisions there were new 11 divisi:ns, i_r1u'ing the naval di- vision. i-vision. Mr .'Asquith declared that com- muniealion between bland and England was now virtuaj]y nor- mal Had Dyspepsia. Says: HE NEARLY TURNED UP HIS TOES. Burdock Blood Bitters CURED HIM. Mr: R. N: Manderson, Stettler, Alta.. writes: "About twenty-five years ago, in the Province of Quebec, I came pretty near turning up my toes with dyspepsia. A cousin of mine persuaded me to try Burdock Blood Bitters. In about' two weeks I could eat anything from raw fat pork te unleavened bread. Three bottles did the job, and I have never been troubled with my stomach since. You would say that this is wonderful if you could only see what we sometimes have to live on in this country; bannock, half cooked beans, etc." Burdock Blood Bitters has been on the market for the past forty years, and cannot be excelled as a medicine for all diseases or disorders of the stomach. B.B.B. is manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Drs. Geo & M. E. Whitley lleileniann Osteopathic Phy. Specialists In Women's and Children's Disessee Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSVLTATION FREE. Office-Rattpnbuly 'Hotel. Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m. FORD d McLEOD WHAT MAY BE EXPECTED. Busy buzzing bees. Birds b iilding nests. Bright grow!ng days. Enrr, headed damsels. British Empire to win. Base Ball organisation. Board of'Health Inspector. We're now selling Timothy Seed, (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, Alfalfa,' Aleike, and Red Clover. We always have unhand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices paid for Ray and' ail Ckraine. FOBIB & McLEOD MOB CLINTON NEW SRA' oesuea00®eapeaseoseae00a00 The Stowaway By LOUIS TRACY 0.0000lli00016800006100e0000000'. a patriarch,' because bls'only-hope of Marrying. you is that 1 shall die first. Elven ellen he must be prepared to espouse my widow. , By the way, is it disrespectful to describe him as a patri- arch? Isn't there some proverb about threescore years' and ten?" ' ."Philip, if only you would appre- ciate my dreadful position"- • "•1 do. 4t ought to be ended. The first parson we' meet shall be com- mandeered, Don't you see, dear, we really niust get harried at l'ernam- hheo.,, Iris clinched her little hands in de- spair. Why did he.uot understand her. misery? Though she was unwavering In her resoiutiou to keep faith with the man who bad twitted her with taking, all and giving ' nothing 113 return, she could not wholly restrain the tumult 1n her veins. Married in Pernambuco! Ah, it only that were possible! "I am sure we would be happy to- gether," she said, with a pathetic con- fidence that tempted him strongly to take her in his arms alwl kiss away her fears. "We must forget what -hap- pened in the laud of dreams. 1 will never love any mau but you, Philip. Yet 1 cnun0t marry you." "You will marry me Pernambuco." "i will not because I may not. Ole epare me any more of this! I cannot bear it! Have pity, dear!" "Iris, let us at least look at the poli• tion calmly. Do you really think that' fate's own decree should be set aside merely to keep David Verity out of the bankruptcy court?" "I have given my promise, and those two men are certaiu 1 will keep it." "Ah, they will release you. What then?" "You do not know my uncle or Mr. Bnlmer. Money is their god. 1 owe everything to my uncle. Be rescued my mother and me from dire poverty. He gave us freely of his abundance. We hive had our hour, dear. Its mem- ory will never leave me. 1 shall think of you, dream of you, when, it may be, some other girl -oh, no, 1 do not mean that! Philip. don't be angry with me today. You are wringing my heart!" "I shall never give you up to any other man," be said. "1 have won you by the sword, and, please God, I shall never give you up! Note while 1 live! Why, you yourself dragged me away from certain death when I was lying unconscious on the Andromeda's deck. A second time you saved not me alone, bot the ten others who are left out of the twenty-two, by bringing us back to Grand -pore in the hour that our es- cape seemed to be assured had we put JACKSON, MISS., MAN. Tells How To Cure Chronic Cough Jackson, Miss"I am a carpenter, and the grippe left Inc with a chronic cough, run-down, worn out and weak. I took all kinds of cough syrups without help. I read about Vinol and decided to try it. Before I bad taken a bottle I felt better, and after taking two bottles my cough is entirely cured, and I have gained new vim and energy." -Jona( L. DENNIS Vinol is is delicious cod liver and iron tonic, guaranteed for coughs, colds and bronchitis and for all weak, run-down. conditions. J. E. Hovey, Druggist Clinton. Ont, Better Pay The Price Don't he tempted to choose cheap, jewelery. Far better to:pay a fair price and know exactly,,what you are getting, Yon will neyer be sorry -for as a matter of money, it is easily the most econornical. That has been said so'often that everybody by this time should know it -and yet there is no. scarcity of cheap jewelry in the land Now to get personal- If you would like to miss shat sort altogetherCOME HERE - If you would litre to bay where nothing hot high qualities are dealt in -COME 1110111 And even at that, no person ever said our prices were *10001r Edison .Fecords and supplies W. . Counter Jeweler and Optician„ Issuer of Marriage Licenses Misery in Back, Headache and Pam In Limbs. Dear Mr. Editor -For, more than a year I suffered with misery in the back, dull headache, pain in the limbs, was somewhat constipated and slept poorly at night until I was about ready to col- lapse. Seeing an account of the won - derail qualities of aAnoxic," prepared by Doctor Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., I sent for a box, and before using the whole box T felt and still feel improved. My sleep' is refreshing, ii misery reduced. and life is not the drag was before, most cheerfully recommend this remedy to sufferers from like ailments. Yours truly, W. A. ROBERTS. NOTE: You've all undoubtedly heard of the famous Dr. Pierce and his well- known medicines. Well, this prescrip- tion is one that has been successfully used for many years by the physicians and specialiets of Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute,' of Buffalo, N. Y., for kidney complaints, and dis- eases arising from disorders of the kidneys and 'bladder, such as backache, weak back, rheumatism, dropsy, con- gestion of the kidneys, inflammation of the bladder, scalding urine, and urinary troubles. Up to this time, taAnuric" has not been on sale to the public, but by the persuasion of many patients and the mereased demand for this wonderful healing Tablet, Dr. Pierce has finally decided to put it into the drug stores of this country within immediate reach of all sufferers. I know of one or two leading drug- gists in town who have managed to procure a supply of "Anuric" for their anxious customers in and around this locality. If not obtainable send one dime by marl to Dr. Pierce for trial package or 50 cents for full treatment. Enron -Please insert this letter in some conspicuous place in your paper. Jox4 "we SEAMY MOST 010 MARRIED AT PER- NAMl000. out to sea. We are more than quits, dear heart, when we strike a balance of mutual service. We are bound by a tie of comradeship that is denied to most And what other man and wo- man now breathiug can lay better claim than we to have been joined by the Almighty?" The strange exigencies of their lives during the past two days had ordained that this should be Philip's first avow- al of his feelings. Under the stress of overpowering impulse be had clasped Iris to his heart when they were part- ing on the island. In obedience to a stronger law than any hitherto re- vealed to her innocent consciousness the girl had flown to his arms when he came to the hut. And that was all their loveinaking-two blissful mo- ments of: delirium wrenched from a time of gaunt tragedy and followed by a few hours Of self negation. Yet they' sufficed -to the mau-and the woman is never too ready to count the cost when ber heart declares its passion. "Give you up!" he muttered again. No, iris; not if Satan brought every dead Verity to aid the living one in his demand." Coke, to whom tact was anathema, chose that unhappy instant to summon him'to laito charge -of the ship.,* "We're givin' Pernambuco the go-by. If's Maecio for us, quick as we can get there," said Coke. Dozier was in no humor for con- ciliatory methods. Lie turned on his heel and walked straight to where De Sylvia was leaning ,t tainst the rails. "Captain Coke tells ole that we are not malting for Pernambuco." he said, meeting the older mat's penetrating gaze with at glance as drm and self contained. - "'That is what we have m'ranged;" said Dore Corrin. "11 does ant 00(55 to have occurred to you shot there is one person on boned tine ship whose interests are vastly, more important than yours, sen - ''Meaning hiss Yorke?" asked the other, who did not require to look twice at this stern visaged man to. gr ienp the futility of any words but the plahae.t. "fib" will he safer at Maleic than CONTINUED NEXT WEEK. Fine Confirmed Goderich Man Must Pay for Im- porting Liquor Into Huron Toronto, May 6. -Justice Riddell to- day confirmed the sentence of a fine of $66,38 or 21) days on Clarence Swartz, one of the proprietors of the British Exchange Hotel at Goderich for unlaw fully bringing liquor intnan area under the Canada Temperance Act. In the trialbefore the magistrate the accused insisted aganiet the advice of counsel, in giving evidence that the liquor was for his own use and not for sale. The judge says that if the de- fendant had not given evidence there might have been no proof of the of. fence of bringing liquor into the conty but he did give evidence and proved that he had bought the liquor in Guelph. The judge says the saving clause which expects 'liquor sent, shipped, brought or carried to any person for his personel use" dues not cover the case of a person bring into the county liquor "not to any one but for him self." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA 0)Qt40000060010s®Oessseasclss •O Men and Events. • esaesssesssaseessmssoessae may hang sone day in a web of his own weaving, but a watery grave he'll never all, not while he has eight legs to skate on. It's his skates that' makes the spider. confident when he's on the billowy waves, for his skates -those 'hairy claws of his -glide over flowing water as well as over ice. And besides he has sails to help carry him along. His skates lie has always with 'him, but the sails he makes right on the spot as soon as he ; strikes water. With his eight legs' firmly planted on top of a wave he begins to spin. Out flies a fine, strong strand of silk; it catches the wind at .once and away *coots Mr. Spider. When he gets close to the shore the web is flung across a weed or a bush making an aerial bridge on which THE RIGHT HON, LEWIS HAR COURT, First Commissioner of Works, has been appoiuted to sue coed Augustine Birrell as chief Secre MIT for Ireland. Sir Robert Chat mere, who bas been Governor of Ceylon since 1913, has been appoint ed to succeed Sir Matthew Nathan es Under•Secretary for Ireland. Sir Matthew reaiened simultaneously with Mr. Birrell. Stton sly Recommends Baby's Own Tablets Mrs. Alonzo ':ower, Johnson, Mille, N.B„ writes: "I can strongly recom mend Baby's Own Tablets to all moth ere whose little ons are suffering from constipation as I have proved them an excellent medicine for this trouble," Baby's Own Tablets not only cure constipation, but they make teething easy; break up colds, expel worms and regulate the 'stomach and bowels. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail ar 25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Go., Brockville, Ont. . SKATES ON THE WATER Mr. Spider Has 'no Fear of Shipwreck • or .Drowning There's one nice thing about being a spider -you can rock the boat all you like and there won't be any funeral afterwards. If the boat does tip, and everybody gree overboard, the spider never as much as looks for a straw to clutch as do some drowning men; he has no notion of making food for fish; be Cofieffie A Christian eollege-home, healthful situation. For prospectus aadterms,wtt to the Principal R.I. Warner, M.A.,D.D., SI.Thomae, O 8. the champion skater cuts a few "figure eights" and finally lands with e Sourish on the bosom of good old Mother Earth again none the worse for Ids shipwreck. Gook's Cotton Root Compound. A safe, reliable rmiie,atin° medierne. Sold in three de. g�reee of etrcogth-No. 1, $1: No. 2, $3; No. 3, 06 per bo, Sold by all druggists, or sent pprepaid en receipt of price. bias pamphlet. Address; THE COOK MEDICINE CO, O T000600.001. Maud, Windier,) He "It a vey no from' great re of Gin recomm ing as I Gin Pil $2.50 at a request to National of Cana, 4444444. Loc 5+444+4' NEW POS' Hon, T. general, lit stamp will The.eureha the 3 cent to be very 01 NEW PAS TO ST. JO The win ports that formerly o at hearty a by the church, ed his fi Rev, M B. Hir histol' cont home his w is a Few people associate 11 ining anti sanitation, but in the Oliver mine, in the Lake Superior district, tee two go together. For the convenience of its miners, the Oliver _mine established bubbly fountains of the most improved type, and, more than that, concrete and steel reinforcements replace the on dinary timber to prevent a cave in. Step into Bert Willi My Lane Nobody Joe Haym Cohen A Cohen at Raymond H Ain't,it N Hours Ma And the l Weber & Fie Restaurant Billy William Here We ar When Pathe & Weston) Remember Columbia thou.eedo of Columbia Rec free. Comnlete Record 0.a for it tat LUNE Graphophone Company Canadian Feetorr & Headquarter* Toronto.. Ont. maristarsammowear BALL Sc, A T; CC, NTON