HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-05-18, Page 2PAGE TWO.
nlilliuery .
to -Wear
Coflch &Co.
Dry Goods
buss Fier
Are You ouse
Cleaning ?
If so, you need New Curtains, Curtain Scrims, Art
Sateens, Linoleums, Oilcloths, Mattie s, or something
in that line, something to ads! a touch of e
We have a complete stock of Lace Curtains and
also the latest and most up-to-date thing in Curtain
Netts, Madras, Scrims, and Voiles, in
plain colors and
fancy designs -all at the lowest prices.
If sou need anything in this line, You
l u_ see our Assortment.
The in
No increase in price in our Rug Department,
though Rugs have increased in price about
5o percent. Our stock this ryear 'is so large
we are able to continue selling at the old
prices. We have• everything that is_ new and
artistic in
-Velvet, Brussels, 'Tapestry
Wool and Japanese
Be sure and see our Rugs and Linoteums.
before buying.
Tads Storefora9 =
� ss seeds
4.4 laEl/
Base, 2-Firstcoatinfwf Asphaltum.
S: Second coetiaa of Asphaltum. 4. -
Coating of crashed slate.
Yesterday -da
Wooden shingles of twenty er thirty years ago were of splendid
quality. and answered the purpose very well. There was nothing
better at that time. In fact no other roofing material was on the
market. Yet who would think of putting on shingles to -day? When
the deterioration of wooden shingles became noticeable, efforts were
made to invent a roofing that would not only be an economical
and permanent' substitute for wooden shingles, but one that would
outlast them in service,'
Brantford Roo/fne was the result. It has "made good." The
secret of its success is. this: First, the base is of pure, long -fibred
felt which is thoroughly saturated with asphalt or mineral pitch.
The asphalt and crystal roll roofings are then thickly coated with
crushed rock particles, which adhere tightly to that base. and the whole
forms a permanent fireproof, water -tight roof.
Brantford Asphalt and Rubber Roofing are made in three
different weights. Crystal is made in heavy weight only, and
in red or green natural colors. All three grades are pliable and
, web suited to either fiat or steep roofs,
comes in rolls with protected ends. The layers do not stick together
and the roofing is easily laid. It requires no painting or tarring
when put on. It does not crack with the cold nor melt with the
summer's heat. It does not curl, split, rust or blow off. It gives
permanent weather and fire protection at a reasonably low initial post.
May we send you our roofing book and samples? They
will show you the real value of these roofing materials.
Brantford Roofing Corlpw.ny, Limited
Brantford, Canada
'r 1ii1 0"ri.I Yl,ltS..dmi
The Blip
the farmers of Huron could get
sight of what has' been done in Pc -
land they would rush to flit up their
quota tor the itiet end so do their
part in warding off Canada a
similar fate. In Poland for two
years. two great armies. each num-
bering millions, have been locked
in a death struggle, Now forward,
now back, these mighty hosts have
pushed each other and tcampded
into barren Waste its fruiLfulfields
and burned its beautiful cities. And
at last, when they found they hod
had to retreat foe ghost, in doing
so the Russians !burned -op their
own crops and gnainaries, applied
the torch to cities bigger than Henn
ilton, drove reivay the cattle tend
the inhabitants and left all des-
olate that the enemy would re-
ceive no benefit., The inhabitants
have perished by tens of thousands
no child of less than ten, it is said
is left ,alive. This, ladies and
gentlemen, is war.
Then there are our friends the
Pacifists. They nee not much in
evidence in Canada today, anci very
little in Great Britain either, til-'
though before the war most every
body was a pacifist, and when peace
terms noose to be discussed in
doubt you will heat their voices
once more. You hear them now
to the South of es: All the an-
vocates ofunprene edness,withMr.
Bryan as their prophet, claimed
that peace treaties had been sign-
ed with all the nations of the world
and war had been abolished. In
there opinion the one stay for a
country to get into war is to pre -
pave for it. Which isabout the.
same thing as .i19110411111r, that a death
by drowning will more likely be
your fate if you learn to swim.
But there is'the third 'school... It
is the Moderate school, standing
between two unreasonable • ex-
tremes.. Its opinions are those to
which I subscribe and which doubt
less most of you share. We do
not bold war to be beneficial, but
that war is really a trelmendous
evil, bringing a train of woe and
suffering aerie] to contemplate.
But colossal an evil as war is, bi utal
terrible ae it may be yet we holt(
itis preferable to other .fates that
might befall us. 11e}neo look at
Belgium, .ana the position of the
men of 13el;o-ium., The German of-
ficer says to Belgian; "Go tn,
and mace shells." And he has to
make shells to be used against his
own ficin. The Germknn says "1)o
so.." And the Belgian n has to do it.
He has to get off the strietvalk to
let A German officer miss. Ile has
to seek his women insulted, outrag-
ed, a• d : nee l eke or lose hiS hfe
herever the Gert fl ,army sets
its feet its policy is to sterileesuch
areign • of terror that steer pL ler`
tsrnis ,accorded to the conquered
people will appear lite paradise,
As you go on with your usual life
in 'Huron do not forget Belgium;
enol 'hat in Belgl,tm men too around
u block rather than meet other
men sel'aslxamect are they of what
their unpreparedness has ;brought
upon them. War rutty be an evil,
ladies 'and ge,ntiemen, but it is to
be webenm.ed rather than slavery.
We moderates would scc.ept war a
thonsane' times rather than lose
our liberties.
People of C'anarta 1 Let us look
et Canada with outsiders' • eyes. In
the autumn of 1913 at the Royal
ISI11itu.ry College, :Kingston, T set a
history paper to a elates ,of 50 re-
eruit cadets, hand-picked boys
they were from all over Canada.
And to see how' deeply they count
think on such a matter, 1 included
this ,queetintl; ".13y what vightdto
twelve millions of Canadians and
Australians inhibit one -el ;;lath of
the ,entire globe, while the balance
of the 1,600.00D,g00 of the earth's id -
habitants crown the other seven -
eighths?" Yes! The question i.s
founded In fact ,We Canadians
and aur felloit Beil:ishees in Aust-
ralia are about .twelve millions in
number. ,and the occupy the beet
eighth of the world's surface. By
what right do eight million Cana-
dians possess a territory equal to
the continent of laurope, the cradle
oivilization for twenty centurias..
it is not asr,ch i❑ knineral• re-
sources. It has no such foreet
wealth.. Does not 'begin tq have
the ,agricultural potentialities of
Canada. In it three hundred enc]
fifty ,millions of people, much bet-
ter •.o nn ed we a, s. either
forr eace or'.•u ire ex:meted for
elbow i aom:s I want to get this
treui4ndos ..,fact tato ymn• minds
in proper perspective. And so I
repeat to yon this question ; "By
oyouo c , w n
what right „do c u thisn
derful heritagof Can tela, while
millions elsewhere starve for want
of land room?" Do you say you
Will hold it and evelop it for vour
children ,and youe children's child-
ren? Do you sing with Billing,.
"Mine sere the gates to open .and
mine the gates to close"? Whence
cornea your • pee or to close??
But let as get bark to the an -
sweep of the fifty -sir` cadets. Here
leas ono, perhaps the. ,nest fatuous,
-"Out right to Canada is because
we are asuperior, people:, You
smile ; sand yet do you knows for
how !many Canadians this tiny
spoke?' It ivoutd, I believe, he
astonishing to kno-W the people
t 'back 'oi'thetir hoeds
twhoa, the
Cherish this eldiculous idea. In
plain English they,failey us as spec
ial protegee of Ya discriminating
Peovtilr:nce, and whether We fight
or .whether iva do not it will be
our fate tee me out roe top. But
look along''dowii history and read
the stories toe the people who
thought t'hie and found themseli;es
mistaken. The Boman Emp re fen
when the Romans hired others to
do the fighting kind gave themsel-
ves to lust s u 1 and utto The
f n T
Jews carate to
think nl theydid not
halve ,to fight and today they are
refugees over the face of the earth.
Another ,lad's answer was "We
have the right of first -comers.'
But that would not satisfy the
class. It was pointed out that the
i ,e 1
d, t net were ere ler
� e before us the
North American Indians ante -date
the d''retneh; before the redmen
were the mound -builders; doubt-
less there were c:till prior occup-
ants. The answer wild not hold
good. Hieto,'y refuses to teach that
anye, may
p pl quietly sit down.
in any certain territory ana keep
peaceable 'b a a 1 possession session without suf-
ficient reason
A third reply \vas ;"Welhold Can.
ado by right of international con-
sent.." Now that seems a
thoughtful a•nsWe •, I said to the
elites "What's the matter with it?'
Back came the answer like a shot;
"Why, international consent is
good only so long as the nations
consent; but when war comes
where is the protection in inieirnat-
ional consent?" And the object-
ion is soiled. International con-
sent ctid not save Poland to the
Poles se century and a half ago.
Nor .'Korea to the Koreans a few
years back; nor. Arizona. and C.li
fornia to the Mexicans, nor Alsa,:e-
Lorraine to the French, Not will it
salve Canada to the Canadians to-
day or tomorrow., We must have
something bellied us more potent
than international consent, if we
are to make ,good mu right to stay
in Canada and work out our destiny
in our own Away in the face of the
predatory nations, r'
And :here comes tike best answer
that d got. from the class ;"Our
right to Canada, if the challenge
comes, is our ability to Bold it
against 1511 comet's" The boy that
gave that thoughtf,tl answer grasp
ed the crux of the whole great
problem. And Some months ago
he Jaid dowry his life on the fields
of lFlandere to support of his idea.,
He recognised something that the
people of Baron ,have nor yet come
to see, That our enemies must be
met as enemies; are not to be eve --
come by temporizing, hitt met in
the ,field end overcome.
And tonight I repeat in slightly
differing phrase, bat with the same
meaning. to the farmers of Herne
-By what right do you hold your
farms; what is your title to tliepn;
who ,and what will keep them for
you in the hour of supreme teat?
You speak of your deeds. What's
a dc+ed? a scrap of paper if nothing
is ,behind the law by which it was
cvolived. fou 'pay your taxes.
Does Any one love to pay taxes?
Yet wean pay them, even if we
have to hustle about to get th+e
money, because we know that be -
bine ,the tax noticslisthe collet,-
toe's warrant and the sheriff and
the sale of good. by destraint, M.
Jones receives a notice to act on a
Jury, Does it read; "Please Mr.
Jones, come to Goderieh and be a
furor and If you cannot comekind-
yy notify the clerk?" Not at all,
as you know, Mr. Jones gets a citta
notice to be on hnnd and at the
bottom "herein fail not. Goo save
the Icing." And Me. Jones coni -
plies lbecause he knows that behind
that notice is the strong arm of the
hew and the courts. And beyond
all, clearly showing through to the
eyes ofthe informed, the police-
man and ;the army. Reeky ballott
box in every democratically gov-
erned courtry, finds ituliimafe au-
thority in force. The only other
alternative is ani rchy, Out of an-
archy will come autocracy, with
means eventually tyranny, The
British ,Empire dict not want war
Canada dia not want war. We
stood for peace, loved peace, he -
hen ed in peace. But argienettts diel
_set Prevail War was thrust mien
us, tua _tis iuconcel,IOi ,ib that we
should Ilene deserttd .the Mother
laurd. Weare Teethe struggle, our
future is the stake; we Etre fig+lating
the must Will, or as a free people per
ish from the earth.
And this applies not only to your
liberties, but to your pusyessioii', t ca
your business to your farm, A. man
said .tome "I want my sun to stay
sit home bud help farm" 1 asked
"How much is your farm worths',
"It :wouldn't be worth fifteen cents
to you 11 we lose the Star.,-•, When
you hear a. business man say, "1.
want my boy to stay at home anci
succeed me in the business"" tell
him he \viii haven() business if eve
do not ;vine Another may talk • of
the career he is looking forward to
for his son. inti :love education,
Itis hard to think of any boy being
deprived of it. But edueatien
Continued on Page 4
Goderich to Detroit and Return
Gnmg-bortve Goderich 741esday, June
13th, 1919, at 9.30 am
Returning -Leaves Detroit, .Thursday
Juno ILab at Ip ro
This trip provides e megnificeut
opportunity to en;jny sen all de.y water
voyage on the Big Steel Steamer
and tinea visit your friends
in Detroit •
Fare $1.50 Rosi sd Trip
$1.00 one way with Uaggac
Children–hall Ritts`
Don't forget the
.moo IIIA and
00 ht
alnane i2th, at 8 fl`.rn.
rr?ttrc only 34c.
-White Star Utile,.Ddtroit, Mich,
Local News
The Ministerial Association will.
meet in Rayfield on Monday, June
Rev. A. K. t Birks, of Niagara
Falls, and well known here was
thrown from his wheel the other
day, and had his ahoultxer dis-
located and 0,15 badly beuised.
Pte, Will Greig, son of Mr ana
Mrs. Thomas Greig of town, is
laid up in France with rheumatism.
His old friends ;will wish flim al
speedy recovery,
The W. C T. U. will 'meet on.
Friday evening at the home 01
Mrs. 0 J. Wallis, rat 8 o'e1Rek.
The program will he on Scien-
tific Temperance,'• and will be of
interest to mothers,
The',Wingham Times states that
-The visit of the hand will do
do 1110,11 ,good in aiding, in remelt l -
much good in aiding in recruiting
at Wingham.
iFordivich itecordiast weer; ince
porting' the visit of Recruiting
speakers and the 13att1. Band says
-The stirring ninsic of the Bonet
eves a treat to our citizens and was
thoroughly enjoyed,
Rev. W 11. Roberts, :rector of the
parish o1Foedwich, Gerrie and
Wroxeter., h•,s enl,istect with the
101st Battl., aelo Alex Graham, son
of Mr. and :tire A.A. Graham, .16th
Con., Howlett. RevRobart was 011
able tepees the medical tet on
account of his eyesight.
Eev, Mr. Snowden; former Hasten
of Holmes vele Methodist church,
and now stationed at Yarmouth
Centre, ,has purchased the brick
residence on Batterbury street
from 'Mr. J. C. Henry, Mr. Snow-
den will superannuate this com-
ing +Tune and settle in Clinto.n.
The 2oEa'y meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute will :be held at the
home of Mrs. Jas. Flynnton Thurs-
day, May 36th, at 3 o'clock. All
the ladies are requested to be
Present, as this is the annual meet-
ing, for the election of officers.
Jessie McLaohlan, the Lan'ioni
Scotch ballad vocalist, Who ` .has
visited Clinton many times and
delighted audiences that packed
the hall she sang, in is dead in
Scotland: She was one ofthe most
popular singers evho ever came
to Western Ontario, and the news
of her death will be heard with
deep regret by thousands ail
through this district. In private
life she was :iSli s. Buchanan, and her
husband travelled with her on tun':
acting as her accompanist.
Goderich Star -The 'hand of the
161st from Clinton arrived in Gode'-
rich i'nthe' monaing, Wetloesday
end ga\ e. '.i opein air concert on
the sdl„i,re in the 'fternoon alld
in the rink in the evening The
band has made splendid progress
and gave a fine concert- There was
a large gatheeing in the intik in
the evening and after A. number of
selections :lead been given by the
band, Rev J.11 Rotherin ;ham call
odfor cheers for the band
Judge Doyle itthie report nn the
Ontario tWest Shore Railway Co ,
states ;-That the defendant John
W Moyes, by procuring to he is-
sued false and fraudulent progress
certificates, withdrew from the To
ronto Trust Corporation the pro-
ceeds .of sale of the bonds guaran-
teed by the municipalities of Ash-
fielcl, ,township af'Iiuron and towns
of Gooerieh and Kincarctine, the
sum of ;1102,837 17, with which the
defendant biennia is chargeehle un
dei' theterma of judgment hot'ein
The' Huron 0111 Boy's Association
of Toronto leas for several years
been in the habit of running an
dermal exclusion to the county,
thus .giving furter residents un
opportunity revisit their old home
and many pleasant reunions have
thus hem) enjoyed. Last year it
was found i nasi visable to run an ex-
cursion, many being disappointed
the etrt: This year the Executive
ha,4 decided to resume the exult!,
cion and though nothing definite
has yet been decided upon as to
date, itis intended to run one on
ora bout the 81511 of July, if arrange
ments can•be made Iaccordinglp.
E'ormerly the excursion was run to
Goderich and Kincardine jointly,
the tatter being to accommodate
persons :who bad eelsided in the
northeast pact of the county,. The
destination !this year will be Gode-
rich ;and Sarnia, the southern pact
of the county being served in this
wee-, It is anticipated that low
rates will be secured, to both points.
Arrangements will also be made
so that those who wish to taicei a
boat trip from Sarnia to Detroit-
adeIi delightful richt-will t�
ilI tae. able to
do so fora small;additionalamount.
The tickets to Goderich will be
good until ,Monday evening, and
to Sarnia until Tuesday.,
Machine Gun Section offers
fascinating' inducements tor
ambitious young men.
Excellent Chances for
No Gaud Duty nor Fatigues
Town of Clinton
ourt of Revision.
NOT' it is Hereby' given that a
meetin of the 'Court of Revision of
the Ton of Clinton will be held in
the Cou cit Chamber, on Friday, May
26th, at ' o'clock p.m, 'for the purpose
of hearii tg and determining eorpta ints
against the Assessment,• Roll of the
said tow for the year 1910. Persons
having t usiness at the Court, please
attend at the said time and place.
Dated May 11th. 1916 Town Clerk.
Delp Wanted
A number of good steady men want
ed immediately. The Robert Bell
Engine and Thresher O. Limited,
Seaforth, Ont.
Experienced Menders ana Loopers
for plain and ribbed hosiery. Highest
Wages paid. Steady employment.
Mitchell, Ont,
Barred Rock Eggs
Having :purchased 'a pen of Parks
200 egg strain of. Barred Rocks, what
eggs i have to spare I will sell at $2
per 15. This pen is headed by a cock
from a hen whish layed 205 eggs in
one year. Also eggs from other pens
et $1.50, $2, $3 and $5 per 15. Ail in-
fertile eggs replaced free. Write or
call for mating list, fullydescrihea my
pens, 11. A, HOVEY,
Clinton, Ont.
Position Wanted
By a young lady in a good home
-a capable w'orkep',, Apply to
The .Now Era
25 HaHandymen
Huron Battalion needs men
handy !with tools for the
Pioneer Section
Good Wages–Short Hours
Tolvnsliip of Hultett
Court of Revision
Notice is hereby given tbat the
Court of Revision on the Assessment
Roll for the Township of Mullett for
the year 19113 hill be held in the town
ship hall, Lonieshoro, on Thursday,
the 25th day olMay, next, at the hour
of 10,30 o'clock in the forenoon, for the
purpose of hs acing and settling cora
plaints against the Assessment Roll.
Parties having.husiness at the Court
will attend at t le said time and place
without furthe'[notice
Mullett, Maylth
Township aerie
A smart girl learn the dry goods
business. Appl Advertiser, Box 255,
The following :talions will steed for
the improvement n° :'ock- ehla season
as follniv ' - , .
(6221) IltnnlmentNo, 07
1UON1DA'Y-(Will leave his o,on s tobl e
West end' 1'ncl(ersrnith, and go north
by way of the uron Road to the Gra
ham House, Cli ton, for noon, then by
way of the 10th eon„ Goderich town
ship. to Mr, Berttobhts for night
TUESDAY--Iry way of Maitland
con. to Wan, Must and Son for noon,
then by way of Bethel and Benmiller
to Wm Long's Or night,
WADNESDAi? -By way of the 0.
and 8th con, to Wm. Ounninghem's
for neon. then be wap of the Sib con.
to Fred Quaid's, Dunlop for night,
THIURSIDAY -• To Union Hotei,
Goderich, for noon, then by way of 1st
con. to Sellceld's corner and 4th con. to
Huron Road' to Wilmot Haacke's Inc
FRIDAYBy vni;y of Ooh con. and
Porter's Gill to Frecl Pickerel's for
noon; then by way of 7th con„ to John
Stewart's for night.
SATURDAY -.By wayof Bayfield
Line to Jai. Jackson's d of Stanley
for noon; then, to his own stable where
he will remain until the following
Monday moening,i:
Terms, 913 to ins re, G. W. Nott,
proprietor; J. P, Fuher, manager
(1.3000) [78101 ,1ilnilnlment No. 1998
MONDAY -Will' leave his own
stable, West End.T ckersmith, and
go soth
to the Mill Road to PfSile &
Sons for noon, thee across to Huron
Road and west to Wm. Dales for
IMF.) - 10; Graham Rouse,
(Minton. for noon and until the tollow
ing morning •
Ott ENESDAY- •Hy way
ol0f Hesvuron
Road toDN. Trewa,rylia's, Emillr,
for Doom then he i Ity of 9th eon. to
Thermos Dole's for ni ht
TIIIIRSDAY-By: way of Middle
ton's corner to Geotjre Holland's for
noon, then to his ownietable where be
is ii'l eemaiu instil the f(?l'lowing Mooday
Terms $15 to insure, q,W' Nott, prop.
JIMMY; .1. r.
Standard Bred 'Trotting Stallion
Will stand at the Norinanilie Barn,
Clinton, every datertlay during the
season. Bs is is very fashioxabiybred
colt and while not ye83 years old, he
is a hrg horse now.No, 0J1.882 American
Teo ttingRegister , Nee1)1et0 na,disn
Standard .Sued So iety, No, •1179 Be
velment. Terms -$12 to ensure with
EDs JO11N8'TUN, Prop,,.
Phone 8 on 102 Clinton
Thursday, May 18th, 1916„
Seed Potatoe,
w( '
We have a quantity of
Davies Warrior
Seed Potatoes
11[. J. Holloway, Clinton
Western University. London
Income Doubled -Now $75,000
Another large addition to Faculty and
Equipment in Arts and Medicine
Greatly Increased Enrollment in view
Write for particulars to:
Debentures for Sale
The County. of Heron offers 900,000
of debentures for sale. The debentures
are first class security, and will be
offered to the residents of Huron
County first, For partienlars apply to
Robert W. Livingstone, Warden: W,
J. R, Holmes, Treasurer, or to the un
W. LANE. County Clerk
Goderich May 10th, 1910
5 -Room Cottage tor Sale
A 5 room cottage and acre of land,
Inuit trees, the house has town water
and electric lights, for sale cheap on
easy terms, apple to
Agency manager Northern Life
Phone, otli:e 39, house 140
For Sale
A white brick 2 story house of 10.
rooms with good cellar; Town water;
acre of band with apple trees: also a
stable. Corner of Princess and Spen-
cer street. For terms etc, apply to
Mrs. E. B.oltzhaner, on premises.
Painting & Paper Hanging
Painting and Paper in inning. neatly
and promptly done, Orders left at
iiunnitord's Grocery Store or at my
residence; Victoria Street,
Eggs tor Hatching
From ]Hens that Lay
We are prepared to supply a targe
number of ogee fee hatching purposes
from the famous Guild bred-teelay
strain of Single Comb White Leghorn
-Sittings St)c per 13 or 53 per hundred
Our Special pen of 2 year old hens
mated with Tom Barrow strain c $1 oek-
per � 15. Incubator Tots a
N. W, Trewaetha, Proprietor
Cattle Strayed
One wooley steer with a white head
and one grey steer with a white head,
coining two years, have strayed from
my property- Any one finding them
please phone 15 nn 100
Base Line, Goderich Tp
For Sale or (tent
A. 10 room house on ;Mary Street
with three lots, town water, a new
furnace, cistern, stable. Apply at the
DM New EOffice or phone 131)
For Sale
Two and a hall horse power gasoline
engine in first class running condition
Apply to
House for Sale
S e
House on Rattenbury St„ formerly
ocoupice by the late Mrs. William
Murray. Apply to
Fat Hens and Chickens
Taken at any time.
highest Market Prince
Pbone 14 on 100
We now have in stock a quantity of
Seed Corn which we can otter you at
e reasonable price, also "
Good Seed n
: Buckwheat
This is the hatching season and than
means lots or feed for the baby chicks,
We helmets large stock of
Babyi k
zc Peed
and also Chick Grit on hand
Try some of our Oreameal and Oilcake
for young calves and pigs, there
is nothing better
Since Lard has risen to suet' a high
price, why not try our
asifirst Shortening
as it is not so expensive and goes
farther, We have it in 5 and
20 lbs pails
Bran, Shorts, Low grade Flour, Oat
meal, Breakfast Feed, and Flour
alwave kept in stock •
Alielnest Prices paid for Grain
and 'Wool at `Elevator"
'14)tlr anineed. phone 1Nfk