HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-05-11, Page 8PAGE SIX. Ti3E CLINTON NEW 'IRA. Grand TrnnkRuilway System BOWLING -GREej GETTING Men's Wear SuitingS• Are a special feature our '''Dress Goods Stock We have them. in Black and Indigo Worsted, Serge, Cheviot, Vicuna IN SHAPE. . Time Table For Clinton Thursday, 'May lith, •1016. ansioneeszeletemereesemsesee The Bowie's are doing fine work Buffalo and tioderich at their green getting it in shape 7.33 a in for the r Hing seasons' 1f warm Going to Stratford . 2'68 p W weathtir only gets a move on the bwolers tV.11 dr,ur. be geL:Olg doom 0 1507 p m to pt asittce. Going to lloderieh 11 p m UR Spring, 1916, Selection of high- grade, dress fabrics, / from the famous Priestleys' Mills/ at Bradford, England, in- cludes a most attractive range of new shades and fabrics. The high standard of Priestleys' quality is maintained this year as usual, in spite of unprecedented conditions in the woolen trade. At present, when high- grade dress fabrics are so difficult to obtain, Pr'lestleys'.is more than ever the choice of discriminating women. We Carry the Large4 stock oil Wootells and Trimmings in Huron County V ' 1.38 p t% J.1. "'W.ES, THINKS • O,%! IT. 11.18pm London, Huron and Brace t Going. to London... . 8,05 it m 416 p m. Going to, Win gh:am ...., •:1Lh 8.4000 parns Local News �iU° RMPlPAPlt 'BAND AWAY. T• his week the peg", Bend'is up at Wroxeter, .Gerrie and Wingharn and, Will be at Bl Yth on Friday when a military ,dray, will he held. 'SUNDAY BAND CONCERT. Last Sunday afternoon the 161st .Batu. Band gate a'band concert in front of the Postoffice over an hour and the progiam was much enjoyed ,'byalas ge crowed ;Many 'Metered f, 0n, Blyth Seaforth "Hvr:- sall and Mitch.Ta to box,. the coo. ,cert. TRIP TO LEAMINGTON, • Christian Guardian -Leamington at, .A letter 11a9 been received 11 Hensall from Private Nutley Cald- well of the 18th Battalion a 1001 t0.0 I e `y peer nt crate r fighting the front, in which his batta8.on 'su+- (erect severely, as equal to -`six-, teen MILITARY DAY AT CLINTON Grand Military Demonstration tat Clinton on Wednesday, M I2'!, physical Drills layonet Exercise_ Signallers, Battalion Drill, Ex::. !, tion by Maehine Guns, Bomb Throw ing, ,Trench 'Warfare, Bugle ac„ Brass Beanie. Ls.,' chance to see the soldiers boys before they go 10 London. Special rates from all points in the county. Watcht foe. large posters. AMUSEMENT y AX. The .Ioca1 theatre manager has received notiticadon that the new amusement tax will go into effect hon May 16. 1't ovlsion is made in 1 he or w bill for the 1 't - lowing scale of revenue to be col- lected by the government ; price of admission nut ever 10 cents, poi. cent over 101.1 nts and tip to nv cents, two cents , from 50 cents to $1. five cents and over $1, Len cents will be exacted. Attention citizens are nt ovidrug a m, ten was , Also , lawn to rue 1 trip from Kingsville to Le,aini.ng- . for fajta-ire to calif out the plods - ton for members of the London ' ions oI the act. Persons entering Conference, on Saturday after- the theatre '.without aticket shoty- noon. June 3i d Bring ,your bowls ( ing they 'Ito pain the tax wi11 be and enjoy sen aitc4noon on tlic liable e not less than t'i Leamington bowling green. I $10 nor more than $200. Theatre ONE SECRETATIY FOR HURON AND PERTH. Choice Vl'd Cleaning time is here*' for some, it is coming for many more—this suggests 'Gall Paper—the largest and most 'attractive department in our store. Its outstand- ing features are its ,Targe variety of modern designs. Its wide range of prices, and its Prizes GOOD VALUES The Fair Deeo Often the Cheapest—always the Best WOMAN'S STOitL Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phoneni - Next to P.oyal_ f.i'fl: • MEN'S S'T'ORE.. CustoMens ,yulisltin 'Tailoring, Men's Phone 103. OpposilePuhl icLibrary nem Mots em ®----= 0 to JOB DEPARTMENT Is now rea dy do your work. New type and new stock of paper just placed Let Us Do Your Printing THE NEW ERA CLINTON Last 'week's Christian Guardian -nad the following jtom sen` 'r0111 the London Conference correspon- dent, which ryle••s to Rev. 'Mr. Powell of town, -Rev. E. G. Powell, who Las 'been acting c field secretary ;i the tempo ane organization of 'Sues County for the past ,two years, and has done splendid and unique 'work in the enforcement of the Ceseid, , Tem - 1 MIN on LOC Al:.•w. Come to Clinton on May 24th. People are plt(nntng already . .o take in the Detroit Excursion. Wonder whdn the coal fire will be put nut !Fish stories areinnw current. his isth0 6.17th day that the a 1 British Empire has_been ac war with s Rain, rain and still Hain. Was there ever such a wet spring 1'Hotrsecleaningis the order 0 the .d me to Clinton on the 24th. A �_��� `big time isloohed for. yam There tv many outsiders Io 1o1vn nn Sundae to heat the 161st Band concert, Fancy furniturep dt` tee.. 1 Of dainty character, for Parlor u=u+ and Reception Room, is here for your inspection. Light in run / - struction ,end design but ex- ,n s tremely well made in,every de - of fu furniture the finest makers trans of the lrtrniture makers cratit, and at prices that will temp the a wise n,nd discrimurtting huger. The Cheapest Spot in Karen to -buy .vel acinar of I! 0Ernitaarc�y )hectors-�Itone 104 Theta are about 500 Canadian soldiers ,onthe easualirl 1 cord as "missing'' of whom no record, has been secured. FATHER PASSES Aw,,Y • lWednesday evening of last week Morris community' was sadly sur- -01ised to 1:1arn that Jonn Is , 'n, father of Mrs Martin of town, an old and highly esteemed resident of the south halt of lot 20, con. 3, Morris township, ip, h ct been call- ed to his xewa i nt the gonc.'oki age of S1 year•. 'He left Itis Hone to go acr "ss ;i field to Vile, 1 members of the family were fry- ing Sences, and after wailing s. ict Ihe woul1l wade .along the line t^- v+trd the concession roac, to see , where. I', pairs Were necesRarl'. A 1 half hour later the men followic',g 1 up the fence found icceascd's l,ody cold in c, alit. Apparen, v owners allowing anyone to enter' the theatre without a tax receipt tillable to the same 'penalty'. CELEBRATES GOLDEN WEDDING Toronto Star—The golde!nanni- nivereary of their wedding .day was celefbrated by Mr. ane Ides. John 'Linder, 01143 Gladstone avenue. on April 23 last( gr. Lin- der is 72 years of age and his -wife is two ,years youugeese 'Both were. born in Beccl_s, Suffolk. England, • pd came to Canada 36 velars ago. Fenster White Pine and Spruce Balsarn What's the use experimenting with medicines? We know what White Pine and Spruce Balsarn is, as the fortriula is printed on each Beyond a doubt this is the most' efficient cough remedy we have ever sold. Nothing else will so readily redeye a cough. Try it— peranee tt>et, ha" i nom Aad Pe, r i1t added to his territory. ( residing, ,:n Toronto4 Eacellet health is sitll enjoyed by Mr. ancf Mrs. Linder and they look forward to living for matey more years to- gether, 'There AV: three eons; Mr. •tn<ler Mr. Earnest Linder Perth County conms under the 'Canada, Temperance Act on Mao 1st, although Mr. 'FI. B. Morphy, ne Dominion nielmber for the .r i„ -TAD . i ..�..r-�-a. IN—S. Car Dealers and J.10. Atkinson 1,56 1i'916)�IS I he had c ribed the fat,c, e folic io or 30 t ods from where theecfolic 'Working , the „ Furniture Deal fl >cetaia;r-afl I meinearmozosamommozemecestualawaso N. Ran 110 lltll;8IDENC11 Y has beer. doing _ars 1 J A. L best,>triging 1^^.est to get the date postponed 1 and Mr William Linder all? f o, - until the coming into force of 1 onto, and dTnweod� daughter, One. Jas son, provincial prohibition in Septom- . Bradley, Ler. The temperance people of .Albert Linder, died about 30 years North r,,rth, t: they are trate to , ago, and on-, d.lughter, Mrs. James a reek- 1 of of Clinton died in Nove.n- o.in w('hiples, war ha -.•s some day 'nerg,'ast-;tn• and Mrs. Linder etre Dispensing Chemist THE PENSLAR DRUG' STORE Weil Fed M ft Can accomplish more with less effort than one improperly nourished N'Ve would suggest that you begin the day with the correct food. For morning Meal -Breakfast foods such a,s Corn Flakes, G -us To, Grope Nuts, Sbreaded 'Wheat, Krumbles, Rolled oats, Rolled Wheat, R01115,0 Meal, etc., or if you want something hes-vier try our Breakfast Bacon, Mid day Meal -Canned Vegetables that are prepared in sanitary factories. Werecommed the Mago nilia brand of Peas, Corn and Tomatoes have a quality all their own. To add zest. to appetite try our sweet or; mixed Pickles, Catsup, or Olives. Dessert is always an important feature, try oar minute padding. all flavors 10c pack...ge Jelly Powder, Last brit not least when days work is done try our cooked :meats. Canned Jarns make on excellent dessert -Raspberry. Strawberry, or Marmalade. Fresh Fruits -Bananas, Pineapples, etc. Also Fauey Cakes. ZIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. JOHNSON & ph.. 111 TM; STORE Or 411111AlirrY SPRING FOOTWEAR --y"-OU CAN secure all the new toes and sha.pes in New Spring Footwear here, We have all the new lasts and leathers put together by some of the best makers, We sell SHOES that are the best procurable i -n stylish appearance. quality, material, and workmanship—the best yOU can iJossibly buy for your money. A Large Range of Women's, and Men's Shoes to Select from Fit GlUaranteed to be all you could desire. 14. S. ellPiPMPk Were road, suppose with the intenti.m .of gettins• thas mail from the box .at the gate-, and the liltle exer- .some time, and he passed a way intervon-cl so that the exact pal - limiters will never be lenown by those who were nearby q endely he was borne to th, „house 'which 110 had kit an hohr •fair measure of health.- It was a great shock re the family, e.s- pecially ;Mrs. Mason, who has at- tained her ,80th year: Mr. Masen was born at Papn, Westray Isle, one af the Orkney Islands, on Get. 16th, 11131,, and a f ter following fish- ing for a few years ,came tto Canada when. 21. years of age, ma- king his hone in Be,verly townh- ehip wetwec Co.' Ile worked 011 the railroad for a time, then fellosved farm labor in the winter and sailed on il boat running . from Toronto' to Kingston during • the Spinfilee. IT; 1g55 he came west- • ward .to 'Hallett township, and on to Miss Jane We Lt, ,scttling' on lot . 5, eon. 0 where they ;mane then. home until Vq2, when ' they moved to lot 21, con. 3, 1Morils. where the4. have continuously. ri..- sided, The . subiect of this notice was a kind husband, loving 'Other and good peighbor.i He was a member ' of the Presbyterian' chttreh and a, Liberia' in politics., In ad- dition to his widow he is surviYed by 3 sons, (Jahn, .WaW4tiosh ; Wil- liam, !Hallett and ,Aleic. at home, ,Morris t Mrs. 3011 13 TIM, portasre ie." \\ fon) all of Whom were presem at appropriate- Character .ums donduet ed tit the hone and at Burns' coin- ' etory, Where hits rinent \ens re •[(1 . -, ' I bearers were ,s--Jiiines Ireland, Geo. 1 Renderito 1.„ Walter Yttill, Wm. Tay 1 0.13Ce.- in - attendance wore, a&rs 1 Pte. Austin 'Martine Toronto train- , ing. ,Camp., gianelson; .:ip(1 Matthew 1q0.80,, Kincardine, an ela friend, ' i Mr, ',and Mes,. Masan' celebrated the' \•55th amity 01.W -ivy .ef tltOir 1114Tr'.age • been 'very vigorous f.," 'he 'Piet . ,, year ibne it Wei- 5 Lie to., b‘a. Wonder e. 1 . . at When,- ilia age 17PAS.. considered_ 'Re 'Was an hon-eist.4 honorable :man . ' . and respected .1bY 0, wide circle who, ' arepethise With the bereaved tem In the'well furnished home. It makes it a place where everybody likes to come and stay, For furniture that means comfort combined with beauty and durability. We invite attention to our splendid collection of Suites end Separate Pieces yet priced so as to be Within reach ol all At, e:),,der wedeh 1n,, ,„.„„vive,-1 P.EL. P. INC! TO TILL 'PDF. RANKS the changes, hits for 100 years The special 05000(1 'lig campaign withstood competition, and hes 0 r the Hist (5 „„v in f di „ving grown steadily in popater favor, throughout the comity, anci ae- must have good and sufficient ex. cording 70 Capt. Vanstme,, spe- case for living. To have existed cial recruiting officer is genet: lie a direet Off -1,0111 here trorn ', liners of the battalion are outt in uieeix. Nesirly all the d- on American soil 07 years. and to . ,,,lc.ng ehester, England in 1 013, is ths the rural districts accompanied by a number or mem from each of 1 115 older body, 'founded 1 11 Mar,- 1 proun record ef the Independent 1 the platoons, and are making a Order of Oddfellows. Why "Othr ; .,ysternetic C:1111-03 or all available fellow's it is difficiult. to ascertain, ‘, me n. .-S.bout 20 teen:tits were se - possibly from the Icelandic uodeli ' i cured lihir week up to Saturd tv three, the firat indivisible uteri, i Jamestown needing th;,. list with of numbers; hence, the three link' 1 seven, while Clint on hael suppiled Lypif yin oneness, unity, perfec- 1 additional 5 and Dungannon three Hon, Or perhaps because, away 1 In some cas09 the farmers 'are in back in 17(in, Wilell LO(Ig0 NO. i need of additio sal help .anel about (the oldcist Lodg..i of which there 1 200 6.,,c,„.„ tide lbott2lwe are rio'w oaidey Arms, Southwark. Lenin:El, , Huron county is entirely made tip it was .ailittle "odd,' for 111 011 1:0 of agrimIliural lands and if peswole meet tued con:Anne for the :ale the premeetiou of grain is not to be purpose oi. being useful one to interfered With, bet from reports o'l,: i received there are still a number of anether. Though this object Is P .0oi o f this was a f forded 1 spared Without seriously affecting tl e redaction, and is 10 reerultii from each municipality ,soul e, secured the necessary 250 men to complete the battalion wculd be secured. It is expected that the Enron County C•mticil will make an additional grant for recruiting* expenses, and the several inunihl- T es are dealing geuerously tildertaher and Funeral Director. Night and Sunday ;cans answered at ReSideneC over store t will pay you to i The eormer Store "Live and Let I4ve"' i HAM/ AND EtiGS get o ouncuLY evening last when near- ly 75 meml,ers iof the local iodg and. visiting brethren from Bruce - field marched under the charge of BrO. SAL Chant, to the EapCsi• church when Bro. Rev. J. R. Fair - full nreached the ,annual sermon, His text was .found in the 2.1st Ver5e of the 3rd chapter of Mark, the la., P clause 'Se isteqicielairoseir a choir rendered an anthem "Onwara . and hiess :toots, which are not Christian Soldiers." After the 1 suPplied by the Government. Clin ton ,litie recently Noted $300 for service the members marched back to the lodge: cons 'Where a bearts, this purpose, Stanley and 'Hallett vote of thanks was ,passed to the townships, $200 each, Bayfield vil- preacher, church ,officlals anti 1 loge, $50, and the others stag, to • o NEXT WEEK • 'We will give a list of a lot of Specials Baroain Prices • • : Now is the Time to Use the Popular le It • • • • • • • • • • 0 0 • gCoiled Spring Wire, Brace Wire, Black Wire Barbed s :Wire, Power and Hand Horse Clippers, Screen Doors : :1,and Windows, 2, 3 and 4 burner Perfection Oil Stoves, 3 44 Lawn nowers—the. good kind. e 0 I, See the new Home high speed Washer—the easiest I„ es • 4. ! 1-171.11LA N 13 ri s . i on your Plumbing Estimates given free Material and Workmanship the Best. Agents for Ueda Furnaces • This is a seasonable combi4ation- you with both and we are in a position to \famish The hams we sell are•speciallis select ed froin young pork,', and la'aNve 110. 1 Strictly New Laid Eggs, directirean enual the farm 1 Swifts Premium Breaklast Ba Specials lor Saturday Lettuce Green Onions Radi Rhubarb and Totnatoes in is iE. E. Hunnifoi (11 Plumbing and Heating Shop -over Howland's Hardware ), PRONE 45. STOTES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES , 6,0410,0•041•41emiewepeeeeeouseembeeeseeeeeseeeocoomos ,,4.4441.4.44+++++.14+4,44.44.0., conservaave ShOCS We have the very latest models, of courM— but for men who are contentedly wearing the same style ot shoe, year after year, we show some splen- did conservative styles and splendid values • Black or Tan Leathers Broad Toes, Low Heels, Broad Shanks Ideal Shoes for the Man ef Plffairs Come Here with any Sort of Shoe Trouble you have—we will relieve MEM HOUSE OF BETTER SHOES 42, 1