HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-05-11, Page 7,1 ,Thursday, May 11th, 1916.
of the SCRUM of the
161st Battalion, C,F E.
is called to the
1st Signet Ring
s own by W. H. Hellyar.
i is
solid gold wi
The n d 41?
H 1; R
figures 101 on top and a maple
leaf on each shoulder. Made in
any size, to Ht either a lady pp
gents linger.
Call area Get One.
We world also call your at•
teniton to our large assortment
Military Wrist
We have them in Wiper and
nickle cases, with luminous dials
and hands, and unbreakable
glees, in varioue grades, All
guaranteed by us
Births, Marriages & tr3cNdhs
BROWN -4n Detroit, Mich* on May
Std to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Brown, a
PERRIN-lu Clinton on Wednoe
day, May Srtt. William H. Pere.n
aged 55 ears
BAIRU •I0 Datioit. Mics, on 141.n
day .May 8th, Williams Baird.. ag. 1
70 yea's
DL&SON•••Ia Morris Township of
Wednes lay May 3rd, Joan Mae: o
aged 84 vole s..
••000••••••e..•••.•••••••••••••••.••r••••••e••v.....•. ••••••••••••••••••e•••..r.
: Toronto• gar ' Vinton1r e
`Once The Teacupsfa S a •
Mr, and Mrs, Neil Taylor and dau-
ghter, of 131y111 were visitors in WWII
un Smlday.
The New Era was favored with a call
'Hogs 11.35. Hogs $11:0Q,
Butter 30 hp 33c.
Egg's 230. -
Out's b0.
Wheat 1.0.1.
Cattle 8.95.,
• Sheep 9 50
barley 00 to 62,
Cheese 17yac
Lambs 13 85
Jjucce' 21 :' 25.
Eg1es 21 to 22:
Wheat S00 to SSe.
Oats 35e to 4Cc.
Peas $:150,
Shorts $27.
Bran $26.
Barley 50e to 55e,
Buckwheat 60 to 65.
Hay for bailing $12 and 813.
from• 1\'tr. lathes Mitchell, former
1lIditer of the Goderich Stiar on
We are pleased to bear that Pte.
Webber is uuprovib'g after his opera-
Mi, Si Butt of Goderich, was ruling
on old friends in town on Saturday.
Mr, George Spottou of tVingleale
.made n blismes5- trip to Clinton ou
o tthe 1'EOtli BOW
Lieut. Cat
` e
Bruce Co , spoilt the week
Itis parents, Mr. and Mrs, Witte of
•--- town,.
,The Adult 1+ible Class intend
having a Banana, social In the ba"c-
ment of the church the night of
the .3rd of May.
;Mrs. Han Leib Cooper arrived bark
rn our village after speeding the
winter with her .gi and-daughtee
:George; May ir., of I3lytlt, of the
101st Hatt. spent Sunday the guest
of his parents NIr. and Mrs. George
stir, and elm Thos. Pollard and
Miss Stella Clarlc,spent Sunday the
guest of friends in Clutton. .
• (54r and Mrs Ren. RiJey and
'daughter visitaJ Mr. Chas. Raley
in Tuekersmith on SuudaY.
1Mr John Button of Seaforth
pr.eac'hcd here en Sunday, .
ltlev. MMMT, Bx own, of Varna, n ill
preach to the young people On
Sunday. '
Local News
,The 'C.C.!. Cadets were inspect-
•ed on We•liestlav by Capt.. A.., C.
Itareley, o' Lyndom when tee,
were put t2rougb their paces
.The ti olnig Ladies War Auxt1;-
.any twee ,old en informal dance in
)rte town tall or Werdnesday eve
,the town ,tt)cn Wednesday e'ven-
ce ening L treat ween, Invitations
),ave a1Th dy been issued.
A r (rruittng meeting will be
held in the Luwn ,lull on Saturdap
arveninJ �llay 13111, when Lieut. Co:.
allullav ,better known as tee ,Bll.id
'hoop,']; Molloy of South Afremi.
AL at, wilt adds t 05 the meetinr? `+.
big er..We shci'Ld be present r 0
Lear •.u,
.ARRIV I; Seat1iELY.
J i ,IS1i1ULANL'
lir, John McElroy, one of the few
eurviving pioneer settlers in this dis-
trict passed away on Friday night let
the age of SS, Fur some years he
made his home with his daughter in
law, on the homestead, in the Roxboro
district, near 'eafortb, where he lived
continuously since settling on the
farm. fie came out from Ireland as a
young man and lived ire Wilmot Town
ship, Waterloo County. a short time
before 'loving to McKillop.
. The Oddle'lloWs were out in geo 3
ly numbers on Sunday evenurg
a special sermon was given • to the
Order in tho Prt.sbyterian chive's
Rev. FS.,I. W ods addressed them
onthe r,ul ject "The challenge r f
the Cross."1 Tne choir assisted by
Mr. D. Cosens, ful.ishod the mus c.
Mr, Codons sang a solo, A. number
tient lite surrounding towns we .
om che
hall and frilled y "le cep ched entre seats.
,James Swan has purt.itas0a a.
Chevoxict ,aut,.mobile from a:Eten-
sall eluent.
,atecruihng aeeeats are now a-
round in good force, They axe not
getting very many recruits; '
Wm, Swann ulroronto Medica
College i6 spending his vx,cation at
('arnte5s are growing rliscoui ag-
e d ,with the t.ackward weatne'.
New' ,15115 atble to work on the Ian 1.
LArs Edgar Padtisort .recet u
word ox, '1 nesclay from s shusben.0
Sergi Pattisos lead ,arrived est,
3�y in i' ;g :, nd with tare den Bald
Sergt Pattison was detained 11
13a1,t: s tl .tn a company of men as
slake 466 hast broken out amu din
not get lw- :y with the 71st,
On Di.. rclay everning the con-
;greg•iti,e1 if M Nalb at. Presbyter -
ban 1114101, IIuiuiltoo elelbrared
the 1'tib ai.ni'creary of the pastor
ate '>f Rev, 'H, Beverley' Ketches,.
took auv,intage pf the e' -
u tt present luta v'ith r n
.15 80 e' iid axe of their apps-
tis of his services. 'es. 142. Ket-
is a well known ':•1 'liuron
ng ;been Y.si:l near Bsucefdel't
NuPoo Batt
D. J gs_C1it they(
J. ,1ii2 L Reer, le'
, R. 73.Wnllcer
L. W. Al metrong,
J. C' :sol, tnlaet'id
W. E 'Haines
W. L Jor,es
eT. C', Hutton
.L. ,Winces
L. Stevens,
1M. Ll. Weber
aJ'orrest .
, J. Iheeden.
, A. TI Maier •
T, 144 Miller'
J i•w
L. Ss Llogarth
N. A.Will.nug4a'by
John St:war.,
S. 'H. Dorrranee ,
known erg gatherer, dras slarietr '.town Clerk Groves of Wingheen.
his summer's rk of getherxng was a visitor in town on Saturday.
eggs through the township. , Mrs, John Wiseman left on lees-
s1isa Guest, 1 he populae tcaehee day for Lethbridge to visit het ddu
of S Se NO. 1. nett several ' tow ghLer, Mr's. Robertson,
beginn.:.,i add•el .to ho; roll aft, Mr. Feed Forrester, G.T.R. agent at
Faster. Dublin wee a visitor at the parental
, ,Friday 1 f las,. week therpass- Bunte on Snnddv,
ed covey, iaf er and peacefully, a ,Miss Margaret 13045 of Blyth: was
the home of her ,.fir„ Joseph, 6th
lure; 111orr;s tow heli p, Cathal'lne
Broods, r, lict of the lat•. Jana e
G1•asby, a former eesitl0nt of coni
10, Hallett township. for over 50,
years aged S9 years, She was
'born inIrelaud and married over.
50 years . .ago, r esiding aJi THullett
up to 6 vreOks before her demise
when she went to her son's Sts
above steled( Although frail eh, -
was only 111 e few days, old age
being tete cause .p1 her deals,. ASr'
(;trashy dienJ2
"last Apgust, aged
years. ;Four sons survive, Joseph
and James of Morris township;
Chas., Blyth an,i Thomas on the
homestead, 'Mullett., The funeral
took place Sunday afternoon ,aur
was conducted byReece. C.,Kai ne
of Londeeboro, 'Who spoke words
of good cheer to the bereaved.
and testified to the nobility qi
character ,and confident trust in
God ,of the one now enjoying nor
reward. Interment was made In
Burns' cemetery. Mullett„alongside
the partner ol her joys ane a r -
rows for so menu years, ."Blessed
are the dear who die in the Lox i'
S. S. No, 9, Hu)iiett
,We wonder chat's the matter
with seine of the fine young mea
around (Qolent i,yille that th v
Lav 1 net ;tete': their services fur
she 10195 Battalion yet.
tRev T J. Snowden, of Yet -
mouth Centro spent a few aa.;a,
with hie mice Mrs. Eldred Yee
last w eokd ,
,The League Ives supplanted :y
'trecruiting meting in the base-
ment of the churcn ou Monday
e vtining.
School heieg, elesco f ,ur wer-h.
afros. the mefitsle. a 'epidemic ra•
openou'last Monday.
afire enee50 factory opened rcr
the season's week un Monday last
there. e. sie0ormiclk returned -.home
last Satali'day, her futhet's condi-
tion being 5004.411 tat !rnpruvea .
511', J.hennodv, of the Stainlar,l
Lime Co., Gueinele, spent the week
eau with his baster, Mrs. J,.' R
Goderich To nship
;takes-ThOinburn Wedding -A
quiet wedding tools plar'e at 9.30
Wed.ne,•day eseeinee, April 12th'
in the;First Presbyter;an church,
Vancouver :s. C., when Miss Jennie
Margaret. 9'hroi,rn and Mr. .Glen n
Gordon Oakes, son ofalr, Joan
Oakes, remedy oil the Matti find
Concession, Goderich townsh'p
were united in mart age by Rev
Br. Fraser of \: tneouver•, B.C. Af-
ter the ceremony.the young couple
tools the boat to Victoria aha
Seattle, thence to Juno, Alaska,
Where \the yonc d couple will re-
Bide for the present
The folltoiving is the result of
the promotion exams., held Aped
13ti, and 11th. Those marked ve.th
an asterick failed in ono _or Mere
suhje-els ; Total 700; to pass 120 •--
-Jr. IV to Sr. Pr -Glenn iiaithby 01
Carl Wagner 475, Nelson Patterson
*431, !Fleeter McLeod. *419; Mamie,
Wagner ,424, ;Fred Wegner *42e,
Arc,aie :Robinson 5429, Luella Rob-
inson *120. Jr. 11I to Sr. 1.1I-R"b-.
art Ma•:1. act 470 IHervy Prang
1345, Clarence 'Deer "336. Total to
e•,et 1325; to pass 375 -Sr. II to Jr,1II
-.Gusset Good 388. Ruby Carter'244
London ,lltoad
111Iis't Laura Jervis of the London
'Hord, hats ret viscid home after
being nnarinl eened with, 'the
measles fat the 'homy of Mr. and
Airs. John Batkins.
visitor in town on Snuday.
Mr, Jack Wiseman returned to Tor-
onto 013 Saturday after spending a
short vacation here.
Mr. and Mrs. Pax'llnel', of Hcnsall
spent a Yew hours on Surname with
Mr. A. Wilkie end family.
Me, 'Hartley LoflIt, ,sou of Mr. A.
H. Lofft, of St. Marys, who was a
fernier residents of these parts. has
left to take •t cunrse in the Onrtiss
Aviation School at Toronto.
Lieut. C. H. Kerr who was wound-
ed in the bitttle of St. Elni, Prance. is
now in a hospital in England, We
trust he will make favorable progress.
Rev, W. G. Howson of Glencoe, a
201'nrer pastae of Wesley Methodist
Church will probably retire fronract
ive work at the close of the present
conference year owing to ill health.
Sergt. McGarry who was drill sergt
here tor some time got his discharge
on Saturday from the 101st.
Mr, Fred Rumba). wits here over
Sunday. Frecl has resigned his posi-
tion with the Royal Bank at London
and w111 join the Ord Howitzer bat-
tery which is still at Guelph.
Dr. McGill and fancily 100torea up
from Mitchell on Senclay and spent a
few hours with Dr. end Mrs, Axon.
Mr, and Mrs. Will Watson suet dale
ghtei end bliss Nesbit and Mr. lack
Watson, of Blyth spent rt fete hours
in town on Snotty.
Mt', William Forrester. of Mitchell
spent a few hours en Sunday with
his brother, Mr. D. A lreteester.
Pte. Roy ]iprvestei, sun of Mr. L. A
Forrester' who joined the Waterloo
Betel has been eritrisferred to the
Total 600, to pass 300 -Pt, kI tar lr. Mrs Willimn Softy and. little 5011
posed of Corp. Tliomipson and Pte.;
Akin, ,Aireieon aid Thompson, wi
also give a selection
The pastor will preach next
Last Sunday was a busy nay.
lheae.evere .His different services
in ;which the .pastor I h tl i some
part. , r i
The con r:a:Mon sorviee that fere
lowed publie worship ,,n themore
Aug Hca'' ur 1u:glly well ; ettetldo'1.
The patriotic mdeting n the al-
tern0 xu a is one pt profound
'tere;st. W nen 'the 'Honor Roll"
.-eras.unveiled .,by'Mrs. Be'com .un't
Walker many hearts were.
deeply '.tt uchcd.. The 1'0ll, con-
tains ;the names' of forty y0uag.
men -U have enlisted for ova.e
'seas service -,part of Whom wi'e
;trout.' Tha e v
t +ea
a 1 e d. �.t
a colt part ers the service Were Mis
1 ern 3Vr_isa Margaret' W esker, ben 4
Bowe ;bless Wiltse (Fred Thomp-
son, Jane 8 Deheaty and i1llai,,r,
Shaw, . Lieut -'Colt Com'bg and
other oi1'i_ere were present
The .S,rttl, Land Was els n in u`-
tendance and played a number et
times. - •
Another epattiotie service was
held in the evening twhen the
t1 ref .speaker was Corp Clarke,
ivho Inas lust returned from she
trenches. He spoke µ'e11 and rime,.
tn 0111i*eet eippnal tar help. A very
ine ,s :;lo wu., ik,ndiered Uy Pte,.
1_1.^.heion. •,
J69 t'TSSie t_I1Uli[ ft...
II -'Harold Longeman 479, Annie after spending several tviceks with her
MacLeod :163, Tom Cunningham 43rD mother,firs. John WiggiugtOU, has
Louis Wagno: 561, Roy Deer 400. Grimsby.
urs 41] isb
Sr. 1'r to Pt. 1I -Margaret Wagner
Miss Maggie R efine isun of sb yfield
492, Muted Goyim 428 ; Lloyd Rait:h returned to her hohas been visiting with her 00tisita Miss
L'Y 400, Jr. Pr, to Si', P111301) L. Richardson of town.
C'oi fur .305, feat, Mlalr s e 381,, �.:,•
rolled 23; avelalge 21. 14Lr. Ned., ;Poster, who was an old
ICE. Brown, Teaches residdnt .of Clinton, but who is
making se's home On Godeii .h,
-pent the week end among, his
Auburn ,,,pent
friends and was avery wale
12)'. Arnow Andrews of auburn heel' come visitor,
been quarinti;ed lit home with tihe,I
r. Nelecn( 14ehipsee who hal
been training .
M1 into in the
S 1(1 , C 1 1
Sergeant's chess .ereturned home
,Friday night to help on the farm,
till the time of mob_liznlg,,
fteln end Mrs .5 Da,nbv of the
Gravel Pia•', have been eeryste1
with th mefasles, We hope to
gee them able to soon be out anal?,
IMr. J:i,. .Cut c, of Blyth the v; ell
Relieve The Kidneys and Bladder
Like Ordinary Medicines
Do The Bowels.
When the kidneys get out of order the
back is sure to become affected, and dull
pains, sharp pains, quick twinges all
point to the fact that the kidneys need
Plasters and liniments will not cure
the kidneys, for they cannot get to the
seat of the trouble, hut Doan's Kidney
Pills do, and cure the kidneys quickly
and permanently.
Mrs. Lizzie Melanson, Plympton, N.S.,
writes; "I am sending this testimonial
telling you what a wonderful cure Doan's
Sidney.. Pills made for me, For years
I had suffered so with my kidneys I could
hardly do my housework. I used several
kinds of pills, but none of them seemed to
be doing me any good. At last I was
advised to try a box of Doan's Kidney
Pills. When I had taken the first box
I found ,iel'ict.. I have used five boxes,
and to -day I feel like a new woman. I
cannot recommend them too highly."
Doan's Kidney Pills are 50c. per box,
3 boxes for $1.25, at all dealers or mailed
direct on receipt of price by The T.
Milburn Coe Limited, Toronto, Ont.
When_ordering direct specify "Doran.'•
"The Hurons,"
Dr, Hoimes of Goderioli Wins the
Prize for the Best Name
The $10 prize offered by Police
M'igfstraite Kelly of Goderich, for
the 'best names sug.gestect for the
101st legime'at, was Won by Dr,
W. J. R Holmes of Goderich who
suggested The Hurons,' Tlre'e
were several tellers 'besides the
Dr. who made the same sag ca-
non, and the decision was airaig-
ed by giving each name 0, num-
ber and thele numbeas pla,ced in
a hat, The fuel nnneber ' drawn
was that of Dr. )Holmes who ,na
turned the money over to Ike
War Aemiliary
Sunday last the plaster preach=.. ,
both mol hang and 1 ei etlin l2"
took toe hie lits' in the evening
Cur. 1.1,2,3. The ordinance; of
the Lord's Supl.et was observed
al ,t,:e close of the 'evening ser-
The Walkerton Association will
meet in 301euten Church on May
11t0, 30th, a,_11 31st., There will Le
a good prc.,Jram, More particle
Bars )next week,
On Sunday last Rev. -J. K. ;Fait' -
fall en'cueed uvea his third' yea:'
is paster et Clir tor: rand Annut'n
Churches. Looking aver the pest
hyo years we see many things that
perm 'to a very successful pastor-
ate. The pastor Vitas pot only
looked after ;the 'building up or
the .church by bringing all 11.3W
members, but.the spiritual life of
teenmom ,el• has not been toilet --
tem In a short tune we expect
to he self-supporting. This Is one
of the h•u'des'; fields in the 'Home
Mission Churches, Since Pastor
1'`airlull 3188 leenitee us he hoe
not looked upon it us hard, but
as a glace 01 love to wdrk for
his 1lbaste: end people Dir., 'Fait -
full is highly esteemed by both
his cohgregat:Ons who tope the
coming ee lar will be one of pros-
perity for paster and peqple.
• •
Inlet Sunday ;the choir appear. !
in the new choir gowns recently
purchased, a in 'the effect was
• "Mother's Tey'' will ,be observe'
next Sanity. Wear e. white flow-
er. The minister, Rev. N.C. 'Har
per, 43 D., w111 conduct both se.-
vices. In the morning the subte_t
will be. "'I'l'k Truth of the Virg,n
Mother.?' Et ening, "As one whom
His Mother is °netontoth.''
The 5010 anniversary of the o
ganizat:on 01 \)/alis Church will be
comhterlorated with special servi-
ces on -St raay 15Say. 21st. R,e. e.
Professor .Rober't.Law, D D..,: o
Knox, rollepe Toronto, will be the
preacher, A cordial invitation t,:
near 'him fa extended to visitors ,
A Khaki choir evill hafi'e charge
of the musical prat` on Sunda:
mi•elning. Pte. 3.achisou hilt ino r
solo, aucr'tlie male quartette 0.3411'
••..•••e•e••.•••e••••••.•• .e•0••••••••••
a' The following stallions will
• stand' for the .improvement of
• stock this season as follows: -
42 MOND AN -Will leave his own stable, West end •
Tuckersurith, and go north by way of the Huron •
Road to the Graham House, Clinton, for noon, •
wthen by way of the 16th con., Goderich township, g'_
to Mr. Bert Iobb's for night, •
eT�1ESDAY--Bv way of Maitland eon. to Wm, re
Durst and Son for noon, then by way of Bethel •.
• and Beumiller to Wm. Long's for night. . •'
"v YI'EDNI'1SDAY -By way of the 0 and 8th con. at
• to War. Cunningham's for noon, then by of •
� the 8th con. to lured C�traid's, Dunlop for night,. •'
• TIIUIISUAY-To Union, Rotel, Goderich. for 4
• noon, then by way of 1st con. to Saikeld's corner •.
0 sash sish cen, to !•,Luton Road to Wilmot 5Litackie'a se
•for night. is
• FRIDAY -By way of 81h .con. and Porter's., .,
• Hill to Fred Pickard's for noon; then by way of a
4• 7th eon„ to John Stewart's for night. •,
q. SATURDAY' -By w:iv of Bayfield Lineto Jae, . •
* Jackson s2 md of Stanley for noon; then to his own te
• stable where he will remain until the following A
• Monday morning.
0 MONDAY -Will' leave his own stable, West
• End. Tuckersmith, and go south. to the Mill Roado
• to Pf1i1e & Sons for goon, then across to Huron
0 Road and west to Wei. Dales for night. 4
® 'TUESDAY -T' Graham house, Clinton, for
• noon and unthe tol'lowiug morning •
VetEDNESiKY-By way of Huron Road to N-. 0
•Trewartha's; kIolmeevitle, for noon, them by way
• •
of fill con. to Thomas Coles for n:igb t 4
1 _ "J ICRSDAY-By way of M•iddleton's corner to •
• ,George Holland's for noon then' to his owe stable 4
. where he u ill remain until the following Monday r
nrerning 4
• •
Tawn and Country
Mas, Neil McGregor and Miss
Lizzie iMcuregor were delegates
to Ithe Women's Missionary .Con-
tention in Loi don hest week.
Mrs. Mi"lregor• visited Mos.. Die.
Dougall and Mrs. Legg of Dorches-
ter ';the 5.407 of the week.
Duncan Mt -Kenzie and Hugh 141•: -
Kenzie wee • 'suiting ;their sister,
Mrs. r' sans', at Atwood ties
The obituary of Mr. Williutn
Baird was in i I over till next week
Local News
Spring Siock
Thousands of dollars worth of 1916's '
newest ideas in up-to-the-minute mer—
chandise are now on our shelves wait-
ing your inspection.
We ask you to come in and look.
these lines over at your earliest con-
venience as prices are advancing, and
in some cases goods are very scarce.
Those who buy early get the season's
very best values.
We are showing New Dress Goods,
Prints, Gingham. Wash Goods of all
the newest lines, New Dresses, New
Clothing, New Shoe,.
Gime Early. Ray early.
8l86-Dra■s f■■
Bless 18. 18, 20
Plumsteel Bros.
1Sall Profit's
Phone 35.
'Word iUs received that Mahn?
'il T. Ramo., senior officer of fete
33r51, not0 11' England, is Leaving
on the 12th, a5 there is no chance
at presort fc•r the officers,
111ore Business
a oca-1
ieVwsvwvvvvvv'wvvvvvvvvvvv'.,vvvvsvvvvswvovr r^'g-r;
Saturday's papers a sport that
Pte..Dalton Beans, of Hayfield was
among the wounded at the battle
The Amendments to the nlariLege
.Act c oine into fo r(e on the 16th Inst
there ate two amendments
The first widens the territory of
issuance ofliceese, from acounty
or dietriet to the province. sPifteee
days residence within the pro-
vince ;by one of the contracting_
Parties is now deemed sufficiert,
The second amendment increases
the license fee to $5 00 after the
14th May, In view of the fact h .7
ever, thata marriage license rr,
valid for a marriage solemnized
within three months from the date
of issue prospective'br:idegro ms of
an economical lain of mind wel'bet
likely .toseicure the necossarya;,c
ument with the nig red seal witaru
the next tenda;:s, for May. Junior
July wedding.
.13onnycasrle pale contributes
the ,ppelning article to the May
issue of Rod and Gun Magazine,
published at Woodstock, Ont., .hy
W. J. Taylor, Limited. 'Tales of
the Trappers end -Hunters of 191(4
-1915" isthetitle of the article fay
this ,well-known writer who can
always be depended upon to know
what he is talking about when he
writes .of the creatures of the wild.
In Weighanother well-known
Canadian Writer contributes "One
Eye, Exley r. !the Tendo ' nl
The ;Tail of a Trail," a Story of the
depicts some of the idiosyncracees
of the sturdy 111110 pack pontes 01
tete. Me. Robson region. There are
a dozen ,Or so outer articles of in-
terest 'before the regular depart -
mentals, whirls arc up-to-date
and full of ,nLerest to the lover of
out-of-door sports, whose ,egn,11-
ment includes rod, gun, dog ur
•• ■ ■ e.
Patriotic Notes
0 •
The TV., 1' S , organized Sept
2811, Jell, during the eighteen
months, which have elapsed, 111i.°s.
S. J. Aldir has ,in eu a mo-tvitiated
end active president or the Sot•-
iety.r I: a very sheet time, Mt s.,
6.1510, tvlli 'be leaving. our town and
the keenest i' -gr•et is telt fcs; all
ieaiiae, aerobe a splendid 01rely
ane Wo x has .been most faithful and
s nthuliastic iu the work' of the
Weme na. Pa tree tic' Society: A
heart e vote of thanks and the, best
of good wishes for the future are
exietded to Mee. Allis
Nrocn 0 review of the work of the
Society the, ft llowing statement"
'isave been prc.parea..
t 3 ,ciallcin•i
Ikirgin Ott '?r cl 1014 to April 30.1 t
,Total Reeeip01 $4,649.:1
Total ' tunt spent be town for,
,work, supltvs etc. 52,966.92. Fec;ni.
the balance Many do,natit,ns Have
loon ,t.'n tc rhe Red Cross, Bel-
gian 1 1,11, Slicanel:ffe Hospital,
tMaki g .a t °tat expenditure of
Last Palate.e April 30th 1.4115
$99 34.
hex cc lle':r+nns continue ver. i
kat4sfavt.ury 1'he aolount c(Alec 1:e I,
tines Dee. leie to April 1916 9719.84 i
'Total bj .3 Marring, Tress,, W.1 3..
(11101le a of articles sent out
by the, worls departments
Knitted Comforts .-. . 2,9.89
,Garments 1', one the shoat de-
- paetment . .. ,. 1,318
11Zoepital ,.. 3 343
;For the summer menthe the work
of the Society will be arranged b\' a..
ilanagrr.g Committee. l '.,env' or
'Vire. W D. tYan!.
Renio,uoa': the regular meeting-,
Friday sii'lernoor
;Th. Soeiely acknowledges wi.c'h
sincere..ndgi iteroi themes the•
Sollewing clone: ions.
M19. AI, va , a ......., $, 03
INIi85 Mount 1 axle 5 50
Kir Jc 1'. Grant 5 00
.T1t e L adien of r ntrddletrn
Pathetic Society ........ 15 90
The poll tae this ye.a;r will, be
raised from $1 1', 53. The Legisla
tura recentlypassed an act allow-
ing any munisLpelity ee raise from
$Lto 95 if they deemea it advis-
able. The council deem it necess-
ary 'Inca -nee this is the only weer
a great ,many young fellows who
are not assessed Will contribute to
the funds of the town. Volunteers
are excepted from payment of the
tax. Pay or put'on the Khaki is
the motto. '
The .Ontario Legislature :has (w-
elded that the "market" shooter
must be wiped out. and has passed
aleov prohsbiting the :,ale of eel .e
duck, wild geese ler any hither
wild water fowl. The etbject of the
law is to put out of business mem
who shoot for ,monetary purposes
and slay the fowl in great numbers
for market. An aimendment was
also passed prohibiting any non-
resident of the pi evince to carr; a
gun without alicense from the
Throwing ,afit.
Catching ,a fever.
'Holding the breath.
(Stopping a minute.
)Snatching ,a chance.
,Passing ,an hour. -
Wrestling with a problem.
,Fighting Sete. -
Vaulting umLit Oil.
Grasping a situation.
Grappling 1%1t11 a difficulty.
Overleaping conventions.•
Upsetting a theory.
'Balancing probabilities.
:Swinging a c, will
Pitching .a tele
1Hurling r•upecrim°naldon0.
Catching wiht the fesit:on.
');eating the devil. -George B.
Nloreti'o0d, in Judge,
To the Citizens of the
Town of Clinton
The season has arrived when a general "Clean-up" is
suggested to our minds. To the women, this question of
house-cleaning is ever prominent with us during this month.
To the men, we desire to make the back yards, stables, hen
place to
them as important elan a
e P
houses, etc., Loom up before t P
clean as their residence.
From the outhouses come many obnoxious odors and
filth even if not dangerous to health themselves, when not
cleaned serve as breeding places for flies, rats and mice, in
themselves not harmful, but from their habitations and stir-,
roundings, carry infections to our food and clothing. .
If all manure is removed from the stable that has ac
cunlulated during the winter,. anti all refuse about the back
yard burned, the tin cans with the remnants of the contents
that affords a breeding place forr flies, he buried.' You will
have removed the most important sources of infection.
The health regulations are very strict as to building
manure tanks with cement bottoms and sides 'at least 15
inches high with fly -proof sides and top well ventilated, where
one or more horses or cows are stabled within the town
limits. 13y not complying with the regulations, a fine of
920.00 may be unposed upon conviction.
Much sickness of a rheumatic nature has been prevalent
this season mainly due to neglect pf cellar drains. I would
advise, as 50011 as the soil permits, to thoroughly clean these
drains especially if there be roots of trees in the vicinty. By
thus taking a little preventative means your children may be
made exempt from this too prevalent a malady.
Owing to the extremely long wet ,season, the septic tanks
not been giving the expected results this year. I would
advise an early lifting of the tile, to empty and replace
them. If this is not attended to at once there may result
an epidemic of typhoid fever.
M. O. 1-1., Clinton
1 Clinton, May 1st, 1916.