HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-05-11, Page 5Thursday, May 11th, 1916. aroma STRATFORD. ONT. Y ni can Secure a Posi- tion it you take a Course with Us. The demand upon us for train- ed help is many times hee num- ber ' graduating. Students nu may entering each week. enter at any time. Write'at once for our free catalogue of Commercial, Shothm for Telegraphy Depa D.A. McLachlan, Principal More and Setter Eggs and Poultry" To Help Feed the Empire. In order to assist faimerd to mrednee more Non -fertile Eggs ,•• and better Dressed Poultry of the quality and kind that our high class market demands,the firm of Gunn, Langlois & Co., limited, Montreal, have arrang ed with reliable breeders of Bred to Lay, Rock Poultry to to d Ilistrribute inBarred theh Pou mediate vicinity of these hentwelve thousand (12000) hatching; eggsduring the season of 1916, at a price of market eggs on the following conditions, - Every farmer wbo finds it to his advantage to secure tbe benefit of the above mentioned hatching Fggs must the following rules and regulations. and lend every possible assistance so that the greatest good to the common ity and to the industry will follow, lst-Kill or otherwise permanently remove from his present flock of lay ing hens all male birds on hiis farm, March 10th. 1916 2nd -Market all eggs week iotwice ea weweek and conform with the suggestion de re the care ofbeei eeued from biuimarket eoto oise as same may time 3rd -Sell all cockerels that are fit for market as broilers during the early summer 4th -Bring al cockerels of heavy breeds to the firm's plant at either Clinton or Hnlnhesville to he neponized at a tine. and under such conditions as the limn may specify. GuBll-11111101S & Co., LIMited Clinton Branch Picone 190 staaaaAaAAaAasA6asaaAlhaaaAA 4 Pianos. 1 See and here our finest New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianus and (1cgans, r 1 4 • • • • 1 4 4 1 4 1 a C. Hoare 1 • • ► C ••••P • • l values in Art ► ► special ► ► • •••C Cases Pianos and organs rent ed. Choice new Edison phonographs, Music & variety goods. Music Emporium E ► rA AANO'yIVyMM A R000NG Cori ogated Steel Shingles Felt Roofing and Slate Eavetrdughing Tinsmithing Plumbing and Furnace Work Call or Phone for Prices Estimates cheerfully given Repairs Done Promptly 11111111111.11111. Byam Ec Sutter Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7. W. BRYLIt)N1; BA1UtISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC omereoN CHARLES >B. HAILE Oonneyance, Notary Public, Commissioner, etc. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Huron St,, Clinton, H. T. RIA N C E Notary Public, Conveyancer,'( Financial and Real Estate INSURANCE AGENT—Representing 19 Fire In surance Companies. Division Court Office. Piano Tuning Mr. James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning,. tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone. 61, will receive prompt attention, M. G. Cameron. K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc Office on:Albert Street,'oocupied by Mr. Hooper. EIn Clinton on every Thursday, and on any day for (which appointments are made. Office hours from 9 a.m. to 6p.m. A good vault in connection with theloffice. Office open every week day, Mr.'Hooper will make any oppointmentsfor Mr. Cameron. • Medi . aJ. DR at. W. THOMPSON Physician, Surgeon. Etc oeeolai attention given to diseases of the Eye. Ear. Throat, and Nose, Eyes )fully r%mined, and: suitable %glasses prescribed. Office and Residence. Tyro doors west of the Commercial Beta Daren Si. EFS. LYNN ;and CA .11111R Dr. W. Dunn, L. R. C. P., L. 11. C. S.. Ell Dr. Cnnn'e office at residence High Street:: 11r J. C. Candler. 11.A• M.R. Office—Ontario Street, Clinton. •Blght calls at residence. Rattenbury St, or atlio+pita) OR. J. W. SHAW. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON. ccouebeur, ole„ office and residence on tenbury `treat, DR. F. A. AXON DENTIST Crown end. Bridge work a Specialty.;Ql Graduate of C.C,D,S..a Chicago. and R,O,D,B Toronto. Bayaeld on Mondays, Mev 1st to D DR. 13. FOWLER, DENTIST. Mose over O'NEIL'S store. Speoiel dere token to make dental treat ment as painless as oosdible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stork and general Auction ser GODERIOH ONT r 11 T. at3 sales 5 apemen), 01 dm all 1 Naw ERA office, rem •.y attenos T.r.ns reasonable. Clinton,Farmers' %ILIA not. seoountedl G. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggar McTaggart Brost BANNERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON (keneral Banking Boatman; transacted )VOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed n deposits , The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance tyros Farm and Isolated Town Props erty Only Insured. Head Office- Seaforth, Ont OFFICERS. 5.B. McLean, Seaforth, President J. Connolly, Goderich, Vice -Pres. Thos.E. Hays, Seaforth, Sec: Treae Directors -D. F. McGregor, Sea - forth; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop; W. Rinn, Seaforth; John Benneweis, Dublin; J. Evans, Beechwood; M, N10Elven, Clinton ; J', B. McLean, Seaforth; T. Connolly, Goderich: Robert Ferris, 'Barlock. Agents --Ed. 'Ifinehley, Seaforth; W. Chesney, Eggmondville; .3. W. Yeo. 'Eolinesville; Alex. Leitch, Clinton: R. S. Jarmuth. Brodbagen Payments made at Morrish & Co. Clinton, and Cutlt's grocery stole Goderich and Jas. Beide store Reynold. v--- 4 Carload of Canada ARE YOU GOING WEST? The Grand Trunk Railway System will run Ilonieseekers' Excursions EACH TUESDAY March 7 to Oct. 31 (inclusive) 'rickets valid to return within two months inclusive of date of issue 'Winnipeg and return,... $36.00 Edmonton and return.. • • 43.00 Proportionate low rate to other points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Further particulars on applica- tion to Gr'and' Trunk Agents. John Ransford & Son, city passen- ger and Ticket. Agents, phone 57 A.. O. Pattison, atation agent TPS CLINTON NEW BRA `I DON'T SUFFER ANY MORE" Feel Like a New Person," says Mrs. Hamilton. New Castle, Ind.---" From the time I was eleven years old until I was seven- teen I suffered each month so I had to be in bed. I had head- ache, backache and such pains I would cramp double every month. I did not know what it was to be easy a minute. My health was all run down and the doctors did not do me any good. A neighbor told my mother about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I took it, and now I feel like a new person. I don't suffer any more and I am regular every month. "-Mrs.'HAZEL HAMILTON, 822 South 15th St. When a remedy has lived for forty years, steadily growing in popularity and influence, and thousands upon thousands of women declare they owe their health to it, is it not reasona- ble to believe that it is an article of great merit? if yon want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. PoritanH Cement Phone us for prices • It will pay you John Hutton LONDESBORO A CORK CLONES -PEG' It protects the Garment and Doers Not Let It Slip off Using a nail instead of a hook for hanging clothing has a decided disad- vantage because cloth is liable to be torn by the sharp, rough tread of the nail. if a long cork or one or two short corks are driven on the nail be- fore it is put in the wall or closet door, the clothes will be protected and the nail hanger or peg will give as good service as a more expensive hook. Chiidliood Ailments sefeWi 1e•iSNae•a•Otivaosiooso The Stowaway The ailments of childhood are many but most of them are caused by some derangement of the stomach and bow, els, Therefore to banish these trou' bles the stomach must be kept sweet and the bowels regular. To do this nothing can equal Baby's Own Tablets. Thousands of mothers have proved this. Among them is Mrs. Thomas Hoboes, Blissiield, N.B., who writes : "Every mother m this locality uses Baby's Own Tablets as we all consider them the very hest medicine for child, hood ailments " The Tablets.are sold by medicine oealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the ur, 'Minium' Medicine Co.; Brockville, Ont. Drs. Geo 'a M. E. Whitley Heinemann Osteopathic Phy. Specialists in Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chroinic, and Nervous Disorders Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office-Rattlenbury Hotel. Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m. FORD & MeLEOD Forests Fall in War The havoc of the European war In regard to forests is described as being "without precedent In history," Trees are being cut down out of face for trenches and to make roads, for fire- wood, and to permit the more effective use of artillc,y. Projectiles and forest fires are also doing much damage. Indeed, in Ina ay places woods have been completely Costa•oyed. We're now sellingg Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices paid for Ray and all .Grains. By LOUTS TRACY me0eeeeeee0eeecewmeeo®ae,. foecible and served lts purpose. That should suffice. , "If -if Iris is alive the partnership goes on," saiddDulmer., "1f she's dead it doisu't." "ID'ye menu it?" "I always mean wet I say," The click of are indicator on the desk showed tb at 'Verity's private telephone had been switched on from the gen- eral- ofiice. By sheer force of routine Daviel picked up a receiver and placed it to his ear, The subeditor of the newspaper whose representative had not been gone Gee minutes asked if he wasspeaking to Mr. Verity. "Yes," said David. "Wot's up now?" and he motioned to Bulmer to use a' second receiver, "A cablegram from Pernambuco states specifically that the captain and crew of the An- dromeda fought their clay aCCOSS the island of Per- nando Noronha, rescued Dom de Sylva, seized. a steam launch, at- tacked and cap- tured ap- tured the Ger- m a n steamship _ Unser Iritz and \ "• landed the insur- g e n t leader at wa Maceio. The mes- sage goes on to say that the cap- tain's name is Coke and that be is accompanied by his daughter. Eh? What did you say? Are you there?" "Yes, I'm 'ere, or I think I am," said David with a desperate calmness, "Is that all?" "All for the present." "It doesn't say that Coke is a ravin', tearin', 'owlan' lunatic, does it?" "No. Is that your view?" Bulnler's hand gripped David's. Their eyes met, "I was thinkin' that the chap who writes these penny novelette wires might 'ave rounded up his yarn in good shape," said Verity aloud. "But there is not tbe slightest doubt that something of the kind bas oc- curred," said the voice. "It's a put up job!" roared David. "Them bloomin' Portygees 'ave sunk my ship, au' they're wbackin' in their Ilam now so as to score first blow." To Bulmer David said savagely: "Wot's bitten Coke? 'E must 'ave gone stark, starin' mad." "Iris is alive!" murmured Bulmer. "An' now, David, I'll tell you wot I 'ad iu me Blind iu comin' 'ere this mornin'. You're bard up. Yon don't know where to turn for a penny. If yon're agreeable I'll put a trustworthy mac in this office are give 'im full pow- ers to pull your affairs straight. Mind you, len doin' this for Iris, not for you. An' now that we know loot's 'appenin'- in South America you an' 1 will go out there and look into things. A• mail steamer will take us there in sixteen days, an' before we sail we can work the cables a bit so as to stop Iris from starter]' for 'oma before we arrive." . CHAPTER XIII. TUE LURE OF COLD. 606D & McLEOD RUN-DOWN WOMAN Made Strong By Onr Vinol Fort Edward, N.Y.-" I was in a run- down, nervone and weak condition, so I could not do the housework far my little family of three. I had taken cod liver oil emulsions and other remedies with- out benefit. A friend told me about Vinol. I tried it and it soon built up my strength and made me a well woman so I now do all of my housework." -Mrs. ELMER GLIDDEN. We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, for all run-down, weak and debilitated conditions. J. E. Hovey, Druggist Clinton. Ont, Better Pay The Price "n'YE MEAN ITT, Don't be tempted to choose cheap jewelery. Far better tolpay a fair price and know exactlygwhat you are getting, Yon will 'lever be sorry -for as a matter of money, it is easily the most economical. That has been said sal often that everybody by this time should know it -.kind vet there is no scarcity of cheap jewelry in the land Now to get personal -If you would like to miss that sort altogether - COME HERE 7f you would like to buy where nothing hat high qualities are dealt in -COME STERE .And oven at that, no person ever said our prices were unfair Edison Records and Supplies W. R. eounter Jeweler and Optieian: Issuer of Marriage Licenses t1 HILIP, I want to tell you something." "Something pleasant?" "No." "Then why tell pre?" "Because, unhappily, it must be told. I hope you will forgive me, though I shall never forgive myself. Oh, my dear, my dear, why did we ever meet? Aud what ant Ito say? I -well, 1 have promised to marry another mar." "Disgraceful!" said Philip. "Philip, dear, this is quite serious," said 1119, momentarily withdrawing her wistful gaze from the faraway line where sapphire sea and amber sky met in harmony. Northeastern Brazil is a favored clime, Bad weath- er is there a mere link, es it were, be- tween unbroken weeks of brilliant sun. shine. .At her present pace the Unser Fritz would enter the barber at Per- nambuco on the following morning, Iris, her troubled face resting on ber hands, her elbows propped on the rails of the poop on the port side, looked at Philip with. an intense sadness that was seemingly lost on him. "I really mean, what I say," she con- tinued in a low voice that vibrated with emotion. "5 have given my word -written it -entered into a most sol- emn obligation. Somehow the pros- pect of reaching a civilized place to - 'morrow induces a more ordered state of mind than has been possible since - since the Andromeda was lost." "Who is he?" demanded Howler dark- ly. "Coke is married. So 15 Watts. Dom Corria has other fish to fry than to dream of committing bigamy. Of course I ant well aware that you have been flirting with San Benavides"- "Please don't make my duty harder for me," pleaded Iris. "Before I met you, before we spoke to each other that first day at Liverpool, I had prom- ised to marry Mr. Bulmer, au old friend of my uncle's" - "Oh -he? I am sorry for lir. Bnl- met•, but it can't be done," interrupted Rocher, "Philip, you do net understand. 1-I cared for nobody then. and my uncle said he was in danger of bankruptcy, and Mr. Bulmer undertook to help hint if I would consent." IIe `turned and met her eyes. There was a tender smile en his lips. "Se you really believe you will be "compelled to marry kir. Buhnerl" he cried, "Oh, don't be horrid!" she almost. sobbed. "1 enc -cue -can't help il." "I have given some 'thought to the problem myself." he said; "aur] 1 appreciate exactly 'bow well it would serve Mr. • David Verity's interests 11 his niece married a wealthy old party like Blamer. By the way, 'bow old is Reamer?" . "Nearly seventy" ' 11i is • ;$1_-,Ihnty_ihfltmer ehoottd.:b? CONTINUED NEXT WEEK. NERESA SECRET If you want to cure that skin dis- ease of yours, you can only do so by using an ointment so refined as to be capable of penetrating to the root of the disease. Zam-Buk is capable of doing this„ whereas or- dinary ointments remain on the Sur- face skier. Besides Its wonderful power of penetration, Zam-Buk is such a strong germicide that germs cannot live where Zam-Buk is applied. Thus, all germs, both on the surface and in the underlying tissues, are destroyed. Then the herbal essences, of which Zam-Buk is composed, pro- mote the growth of new tissue, and a complete and permanent cure is the result. Prove it for yourself. All drug- gists, 50e, box, or Zam-Buk Co., Ta- rontn.for price. To Clean Lamp Chimneys A lamp chimney is one of the most difficult things to get perfectly clean without a lot of trouble. Here's a way to lessen the diffrculty. Put a stick through a rubber ball and cut slits in the ball. Use this to wash imus-. The elastic surf out the ch y ace of the ball will tit tightly against the surface of the glass, but will not stick and can be rubhed as hard as any one wants without breaking this glass. HARD WORKING WOMEN Will Find New Strength Through the Use of I)r. Williams' Pink Pills Itis useless to tell a hard worker g and the Canadian Pacific Railway woman to take life easy and net to e and the Guelph Mohd worry. Every woman at the head of Com Pany . a home; every girl in offices, shops and Goderich Railway Company, are factories is subjected to more or less the .defendants. The plaintiffs claim that on the northerly siege Caring for the Colt in Winter. The,important question of how to care for the growing colt through the winter confronts the farmer. Many colts will be taken from pasture with a goodly store of fat only to be turn- ed out to a straw pile for feed and shelter and, will come out next spring lighter in weight than they The are now, On the other band, not a few colts may be ruined by heavy feeding in stalls, whereethey cannot take exercise. I' The ideal shelter for colts is a tightly'built shed, open to the south,' where the animals may go in and out at their own, pleasure and where they I may have the run of a good big Geld for exercise, Idle farm horses can• best be sheltered in the same way, A dry bed and protection •from. cold winds and rain are all that is needed, Two parts of oats (preferably crushed) and one part of bran make a very suitable feed for growing] colts. In cold weather a little corn may be added, nor; to exceed 25 pee cent. of the ration. If clover or al- falfa is used as half of the roughage ration no oilmeal will be needed, but if the roughage consists of wild hay or corn stover about 8 per cent. of oilmeal should be added to the grain ration. Where oats are high in price and barley is plentiful a ration of crushed barley, 60 per cent.; bran, 30 per cent., and oilmeal, 10 per cent.. shonld sive zond, results - write benef `Frail suffer aches, Nothi seen)) Children Cry • tried )FOR FLETCHER'S A splen. CASTOR'IA than]; sicker Maitland Muer is Cause as e made of taw Court Cases i pati Godcrich, April .28. -An inter- esting lawsuit is on the eeock,et for the next, nun -jury sittings of the Supreme, Court of Ontario to be ]rad in Goderich, before Mr. ment Justice Clutef Charles W. Cad- of it, 'well anti Oscar E. Fleming, of the plain city of Windsor. who own the and former Attrill property tit the ance 'Maitland Ruver, are the plaintiffs, railw or .d;l pure way with rail\ Olt mem a ser pert; The Benr nme1, later fes t and Wer that Mart mat yet Skin fide At al by Fr worry. These cannot he avoided But it is the duty of every woman and every girl to save her strength asmnch AS possible, and to build up her system to meet unusual demands. Her future health depends upon it. to guard Against a break down in health the blood muet he kept rich, red and pure. To keep the blood in this condi tion nothing can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They strengthen the per ves, restore the appetrre, bring the glow of health to pallid cheeks, and renewed energy to listless people Women cannot always rest when they should, hut they can keep up their strength and keep away disease by the occasional use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mrs.A.Rhodes, lianlilto+., Ont., says: "A few years ago on coming to Canada, working long hours, and close confinement began to tell upon me. I was completely run down, and finally could do no work. I was pale, suffer ed from headaches, did not rest well and felt altogether very miserable. The doctor said the trouble was %nae mea, and after doctoring for some weeks without getting any relief', I de tided to drop the doctor and take Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. Very soon I be gnu to notice a change for the better, and by the time I had used a half, dozen boxes of the Pills 1 vfss again enjoying the best of health, I have never had any return of the sickness and never felt better in my life than I do now. I give my experience, therefore, that it may be used for the ben, fit of others" Yov can g't Dr;Willioms' Pink Pil's from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box ore six boxes for $2 50 from The Dr. Williams' Medimne Co., Brockville, Ont. Value of Oats. When oats are no more expensive than corn, pound for pound, wise poultrymen ',:Ili feed a fair propor- tion of this vigorous building food, Oats put quality into the muscle and nerve tissue of horse and hen. CONSTIPATION Is Productive Of More 111 Health Than Anything Else. If the truth was only known you world find that ever one half of the ills of life are caused by allowing the bowels to get into a constipated condition, and the sole cause of constipation is an inactive liver, and unless the liver is kept active yon may rest assured that headaches, jaundice, heartburn, piles, floating specks before the eyes, a feeling as if you were going to faint, or catarrh of the stomach will follow the wrong action of this, one of the most important organs of the Keep the liver active and working properly by the use of Milburn's Lara- I,iver Pills. 'Miss Rose Babineau, Amherst, N,S., writes: 'Having been troubled for years with constipation, and trying various so-called remedies, which did me no good whatever, I was persuaded to try Milburn's I,axa-Liver Pills. I have found them most beneficial, for 'they are indeed a splendid pill. I can heartily recommend them to all who suffer from constipation." Milburn's Laza-Liver Pills are 25c a vial, 5 vials for $1.00, at all dealers, or mailed direot on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. of the Maitland, upon the plain- tiffs' land are high ranks of sand and gravel of excellent merchant- able erebant-able .quellity this baling the in- ducing cause for the purchase of the said landa by the lihrintiffs who are engaged in the sale of sand and gravel for building and pavements and other purposes. It is claimed ;by the plaintiffs that in the building of the railway to tion of Goderich and the construe the enbanknnent at the river the stream has been so narrowed and diverted that the waters of the river Rro thrown with great force against the northerly tank of the river on this plaintiffs' lands, washing .away large quantities of sang :and gravel which they 0101 111 to be not less than 300,000 cubic Indi yards, worth at ldast 10c per euoic and yard as 11 leas, Thei pitaintiffs orgt claim .$300,000 damages, an injunc- illn tion restraining the d�elfendslnts from further i.njming the plain- con tiff s' lands, and eaa mandatory or- re der .requiring the defendants to restore thea Maitland River to its natural stalte. The defendants deny eha't the cmbanl:nio it has the effect ahem. ed.. and state, further, that the embankment .and bridge were constructed and are aneaiotainled under authority of Acts cf Parlia- Bush Fruit in Winter. Curragts end gooseberries are sometimes broken by the weight of heavy snow. If the branches are drawn together and tied with coarse cord this danger will be obviated. Hand Picked Seed. Clean up the seed grain with the fanning mill, then hand pick it. The latter job may be a hard one, but it 9a1s. • A Christian college -home, healthful situation. Fiaprospeetueandterme,writethe Principal LI. Werner, M.A.,D.D.,St.Thomes,O 3 an ba wi rel fi R oil co Herbert "Goo Scott G The Nam Latimer The The Scots Briti- Wear of w Men Blue Blue. Pn nc '. Orcho Municipal Band of lett i. Hear. tho record list from hi Graphophone Corr Canadiea Factory & Hoodoo Toronto. Ont. ALL &A1 CLINT(