HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-05-11, Page 2PAGE TWO. Millinery Ready to+Wear Garments 1•ltone7S Couch&Co. THH CLINTON NBW lam. {Thursday, rda v :11th, 1916. smeerseeset Dry GoodS and House Fur nishinis Are YouLiotis e Cleaning? If so, you need New Curtains, Curtain Scrims, Art Sateens, Linoleums, Oilcloths, Mattings, or something in that line, something to add a touch of newness, We have a complete stock of Lace l)urtains and also the latest a;nd most up-to-date thing in Curtain colors and Voiles,in Scrims, and Netts, Madras, Splain fancy designs—all at the lowest prices. it YOU need anything IR this line, You sbonfdl see our Assortment. The Newestin RUGS No increase in price in our Rug Department, though Rugs have increased in price about 5o per cent. Our stock this year is so large we are able to continue selling at the old prices. We have everything that is new and artistic in Velvet, Brussels, Tapestry Wool and Japanese Be sure and see our Rugs and Linoieums before buying. This store for tai9 h=class Goods 111111111111.11111 Men and Events, • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Canadian Curl and entered on an ats course at inc oiiA sr t y TON.n( only Y ten or eleven ycars ago. A t two weeks ep bt in the Arts course, she had toinsferredetoi the thate medical course,and so began her career 10 nteu e. ,c.,She gradu,o . n in 1911 and sul"acoreA1Y -reecho 1 n apPpoit'rnaent in the Worm:o's ••nd Chihli en s hospital inBoit'1) Turin l r -yet in Boston she was able tt• 00 s.erne post graduate iyork at Harvard. Returning to Canada in 191 she sett red pr,T,I vale practise in 1 ol,nnto'i•S inaint in ,practice for a year and !a !inf. pp 14 , ui1]t 1912 she. a + opted an appoint- ment Li the W men's Medical Cal lege, Ludhiana. India..At '`Ludo ana she beta- the chair of anatomy Sud was first assistant in surgery. It was the onp o'tunity tor exper- ience in sutge:y wh.ch attracted lir. Guest to tri iia.( On the out bit ak of the :e st she volunteered for service, acct it is ' underst000 that her surgical experience 1 ;in- -cressed the Wa' Office favorauly "JIM" LARKIN', Irish, Labor agita- blamed fore starting Jtlter Dublin riots. • ®. CSUMEETING Cil •' 0 4,40MN.•••�eieWOer+NNN•A+ PRTSL,TniltNS. • The ',St.r,day Sebool and chair of CVi11is ,:lurch presented bit•. lit 1'• glexac'ittr ht• th a club ha4, as .1 token of e, tech, for his useful woi;" thus, <,rg ,nretions or. Mon,.. and Tuesday da5t,te Women's s 11,• is s r. -loudly Society Va, n•er A dello!, of Willis church present rid Mr•s M Lwe., and Mrs. Aleft -erre.' kvith afaor•y lnay:_and china. She recip'e,.ts are moving to London where they will reside, Dr. Andersons. Assistance, On her way l•.cme from India, Dr (-nestobtained opportunities tot visit the military hospitals in Egypt and'Pia: cc. 'J.andiu"' .' Folkston ;she tisited the military. ,hospitals fusee • d rater,th through rhe kindness of Dr -Louisa Garr. 11 Anderson, saw through the great. London military hospitals, yr Louisa Garret,: ,nderson was the head of the. Women's 'Hospital in Iaris, esrablish. 1 and officered by women, which was reported on so favorably by the military, .auth ties the: 1)I Anderson Was recalled and ptetea at aha head of one 1 the large Londonmititaryhosp.tats with the rank of Major., On nuLic• ing Dr. Guest's appointment, Dr Gt•rrett Andcr,'It was so gratified by this iwtnor iccognit:un itt work of we men physicians by the War ()Mee that sheat once wrote to her in the kirdt et terms offer•ng any assistance in her power. la this way Dr. Gnt.st had an ext eat lent opportunity to sec the 1 improv emesis 1l• military hospitals in London rind Osler was summoned to Masten befn e the Northamp tonshire War Hospital .had 1], en opened to actviee in fitting the operating rnt.m, The Northam p• tonshire War hospital is rituatcdin hlildings 1ormo'ly used for an a9y- lnrn, It holds ..,000 beds aim re- ceives the wcundcd in 18 hours from the t' enches. A LETTER 'PROM THE F1RINIs LINE IN 'FRANCE. • Mr. W T). Fair receivers fr let ^r on 1liord.•ty front Pte. ,Tr ink Fair, Itis cutsiro and en old Cl:ntonboy, who has "b ea in the trenches sine March 1St With the Borden Armor. d Battery dI H states that ,t to .c B a drill sio gt. 8 ino nrh i to to i :h Itim to k •clp his head up -but a German En:pet. .bad taught him in half a mrout 'o keep it down 11,s comp ,' ' J been 'along side 1 e O'ordou ;Ili_ltiaxdders,,,,r id.they i..ee earnedth• tame, of he "Ladie from 11 Al" by the Germans, • lie reports that- hi; is keeping well. this will edit about 50 io 60 cents an Lour. 3 -That east end' of Maryst opposite Normandie Hotel be raised drained and co'tered crushed stone. 4 -That nppro rt h to :town on Albert stre',et be re- paired by draining antra coal of crushed stone put on. C -That the Clerk he instructed to notify G. T. R.that cinder) are needed on both sides of London Road crossing. Bay field crossing and also crossing at station. 6 --That 'water Gables be cleaned out on (l1ti] y t t'ro't and others that may neletrt it, 7 -Tho sidewalk opposite Mrs..Beacom to raised also repairing s:u.eii'alk op- posite Mrs T. Johnson. Victoria St, b -a .short anu crit of cement . 'walk at Miss Crich s corner. 9 -That tele drain be pul in on Kin;; street, op- posite Wes=ley church shed and Kennedy barn The P.opeirty Committed and Library Boa"d will work together in the fixing up of tie new park in frond of the Library, • The Charity Committee recOrtt- mend the cutting off a Nicker tap which is now on the C h,ulty 1. it after the first dr July. The iPinan:e Committee's re- port was t,t t'aented and ordered to be paid. They also recommendt.d that Council advance money to Public 'Petit -les Commission to purchase supplies, . The J9+'ire rine Wahe Committee reported that one, :man who a'at on the firxrrigadle. has enlist, .1 and Mr. &rink Dickson was .1J pointed in hie place* Eirh 4.4;i ski VORAIrMOW0 a �e�neA`9Y rr Showing a Root Covered w)th Branrford Slates in Solid Color. flrNagy rrtenor There is Safety Under This Roof Have you ever had a fine job of decorating spoiled by a leaking roof? If you have, you certainly are in a position to appreciate the value of a roof that is positively water -proof. Some of the troubles common to wooden shingles to -day are that they are apt to, split, warp or good, ut ff as well as leak, soon after they are put on. Years ago they C the quality has since gradually depreciated as the available supply of suitable timberbecame exhausted. Brantford Slates have none of the faults of wooden shingles, They cannot rust. They do not allow rain to be driven under them as do metal roofs. They do not require rigid supporting as do the common tile or slate roofs. On the other hand Brantford Slates afford the utmost protection with little weight, They are made on a long -fibred felt "base" which is thoroughly saturated under pressure r then deeply ltti mineral pitch. Crushed, quarried slate particles a embed- ded in the surface of this "base", making it water -tight and fireproof. 4, h, Brantford hoofing Brantford Slates are made in the natural slate slateors of s do not n, re e' black and grey. The colors never fade and the er ainting nor repairing, These elates are pliable and fit eans a contdi oaround gd ables and into. the angles of any roof. This m of without seams eejoints' are done with the job.ks die on rdMates. When Remember they don't haveou . these slatesinsea youn ar al- most painting or staining n and the price is notbey beyond nd may be selected to harmonize yourWith reach. any exterior ler color deseg We would be pleased to send you samples and our :Roofing Booklet. Brantford Roofing Company, Limited Brantford Canada 80 FOR SALE BY HARLAND BROTHERS. The Ce(nyetery Committee i 0• ported that the Spring work is progressing out theme. The question of the payment of the water rates for fountains and taps was brought up and led to a big discussion Inst wag (fluffily set, tied byamotion of Reeve )Pero and Councilto' ;-That Council ex- press their willingness to pay for water used by t•auntains and tape on town property, Tiie motion was carried A depulatiot, from the War Auxiliary woks present anct M& W. Brydone Chairman of the County Association; spoke on the mate which was refereed in a commun- ication 'which Was read at ihe first of the mating Mt G. McTigg arc rice president of the local aux'- Iiary, also addressed the meeting. Mr. A T. Coope: also spoke on he• half of the request, t, The motion moved l e my in the evening inregal, l9 this matter wet, Withdrawn and the'vouncil the - cussed the matter one] the foll,oiv- ing• motion Was presentee,:lby Coa]n- cillors Hawkins and Vrltse th t-• this Council rt eke a supplement try grant of lino to the. War A.uxlot ry. The motion carried. ' The Mayor ;brought up tlie, question of an ieveatns,e "ixtthe p .11 tax tol$5,00 t On motion of Councillors Wiltse and Ha(wkins the Clerk Was in- structed to prepare -,'bylaw fixing the Poll tax .z0 the sum o1 ($3.0e The ,motion carried, Moved by C our,erllors Paisley artd Sheppard that the first meeting, of the Court of Revision beheld or. 26th ins(„ at 8 o'clock p.m. Ca: vied, Council ,adjourned, `own of Clinton Court of Revision. NOTICE is uereby given that a meeting of the Court of Revision of the Town o t Clinton will be held i1 Friday, Mev the Council Chamber, 0n 1 y 20th, at S o'clock p.m for the purpose of hearing and determining' complaints against `the Assessment Roll of the said town, for the year 10,10. Persons, having business at the Court, please attend at the said time and niece. 1), L. MACPIHERSON, Town Clerk Dated May 11th, 1016 A NIGH')' W 11 11 SHAKESPEARE Under the utrpices of the Cl* 0 - ton Traver Cinhatay.. 1)r. ffacMi1110 gave :ail inter sting address' on Shakespeare, .at Owen Memory .Ttall ,on Monne evening and this address (:,,ono more to be long r:- inember•d with the other pc) .'s i. Clin- ton 1 •r 11mvo1 d] IL.r nh.s 1 c D. D1 ton trulienrc with. :Rev. Harem ` was rhairman of the eve-, ing. Be•hdes the address Mos h, Green: 1 d idles. Penotici a :each sang ,i solo. Y.na 'Miss Clete (Poi d gave well r•.rdercd piano solo. hearty vete ofthu'nits Was tenderer' the 31,091011 of the evening h;. Principe'. ltouck and Rev. 8.3. 021•' The ptaasn'malana profitable even- ing el .'td with the Natioea. Anhtent, PRESBYrlli1S" MliT IIERE. The Pte l v)Ery of Huron n.et here 00 "'ucttt:ty, fund the 1o pee et. pal itim ct l,isfncss WO* to re- Ctive a .1011 1• m one of theI ad- ,a'g c'.tur'h-9 in Montreal to 11,•v. George 11 Tues B.D„ of Gode- rich There were. present from Montreat Revs. James McKay, 11. W. Gloss mud Alex. Nichol who 1epresetttnd the Montreal Presby- tery ne,'. the St Matthew's Church and after listening to the deputa- tion eputa-1ion the call was unanlmc usly '•o 1 eived and indorsed, the 'n lueti'1n to take place Sunday, May2l. St, Matthew's d nurch is in the Pcritit St. Cha' 1' rietiicl, and presents a great opportunity for iWor •nong the young people in] which Mr. Roes 11 specially fitted). elev. tunes 'Hamilton of Gorietice. era elected moderator of the presby- tery. Local News IUelp Wanted An timber good hod steady men want 1 Bell The Robert immediately. ed imm y 1. Engine and 'Thresher 00. Limited, Ont. 00000•009900.000000004900•0 THE 1ST II OP JULY, ;Clint s t Orangemen are pre- io ceieib,ate the Battle Of tie Boyne nu July 121ht LEAD i• SPF.NGS, The We•lertt Ontario Tennis League haisuspendednfor t the ye .- owing Of players Ciiai,ou was a raem her. 'TRAVEL CLUB. The l]utiness meeting of titer frivol Club` wilt bet held at 1 ," home of 1111'9 (Dr.) Axon, 0n Sat- e d:t1' ovening,. All members pia tcq,nested to be present, Capt. Blatchford Killed Seed Potatoes We have a quantity of Davies Warrior Seed Potatoes 1l. .1. Holloway, Clinton Western University. London -- -o-- uv GREAT ADVANCE G ANOTHER Income Doubled—Now $75,000 Wanted Another large addition to Faculty and Equipment in Arts and Medicine Experienced Menders and Loopers for plain and ribbed hoeiery. Highest wages paid, Steady employment. A. BURRITT & CO, Mitchell, Ont, NEW AI 3 NTS )Messrs„ It Graham and Richard Baker hat'vetak.•rl over the aged y el the M C rtuu 1, Machincty a tit are opoa der 1 uainess in the 011 stand north o1 Become; Gent; C`urnishirite 0. WHAT MAY RE EXPECTED. Busy buzzing bees. Birds building nests. Bright growing da"s, Baru headed damsels. British ,Empire to win. Buse 13x11 omgttnizlllietl. 'Boatel of Health Inspector: MOVED 15.10 N,EW 3101110. :Mr if J. Andrews ai qt family Brownville, Ont April 30. -Rev. and Mrs, T. W. 131atchfoad s •i- ceived word from Sir ham Hughey that their eldest sour Captain 1 L I laicliioi I, of the 36th Re•. rt e Bat- talion, had beep killed in ,setae, on Thursday, April 27th Csolein BJ.atc ).ford recruited 'iB"Company of the 39th Bat '(lion at Dundee, and with his 'bt:ttalian landed ,at Plymouth on June 28, Until March ere he ,was on foe instruclioe,tlsttfi' of .officers. H. then crossed to France, and wa : in the front line trenches about emeriti) when the fatality occurred. He held the rank of Catptain before the cerr inencentent o1 the w'lr•., and was subsequently promoted to the rank of Mounted Captain and first in ccmmand of a coanpaaty n t t t was e ,t riaitin he e Prior o t g r g ins real. ,sstete and brokerage business with i offices in the Cen- federation Life J3mld°ng, Toronto, rum was also for six years with the Merchants' Bank being statiarco at the ,•head office, Toronto, and theNapanet rind Thiameavil:le branches. Besides Rev.' T. W. Blatchford, raster of the Methodist church at Brownsville, and formerly of Cen- tralia);, and Mrs, Blotch ford, he is survived (by a sister, 01r9. k, Buchannan, ,of Hamm, Alta., and three brothers, G V. lllatchf ti d editor of the Listowel Banner; D. II, Llatehfo•d' of Toronto ITniver city, and a former GC.I. studen rid T,A. 3.31atct o , who et Barred Rock Eggs Having purchased a pen of Parks( 200 egg strain of Barred Rocks, what $ eggs 1 have to spare I will delPat per 15. This pen is headed by a cock front a pen which layed 205 eggs in one year. Also eggs from other pens at $1.50, 82, $3 and $5 per 15, All in- fertile eggs replaced free. Write or call for mating het, fully describes my pens. 11' A' Clinton, Ont. Eggs for Hatching From Hens that Lay LC Welt' .new home on Queen strOra. cin lu'gday awl their many friends, hope they may be spared. to en) r,: many years. in Vac: comfort+atrl' hom,�, MISNOR LOCALS. The total of the enlistments Canada up to April 15 Was 309,610 Thar ty thousand Canadian sol- dier's crossed the Atlantis during March apo 1p^i] ' The Ontario 'Iemperance eke mayntetan a reduction of ncaarle Seel' COO in ell0 revenue of the Provincial Secretary's Deportment. D.CK TA SB ER IN:KHAN:1 Brant toed I'spositor;-Bruce no We are prepared to supply a large numberag u of eggs Par hatcha'n r uses g p p from the famous Guild bred -to -lay strain of Single Condi White'Legborn -Sittings 50c per 13 or $3 per hundred Our Special pen of 2 year old bens mated with Tom Barrow strain cock- erels $1 per 15, incubator lots a For Sale specialty, IIOLMESVILLE POULTRY YARDS N. W. Trewartha, proprietor hone t on 1.42 Greatly Increased Enrollment in view Write for narticulaes to: --0--, E. L'. BRAITHWAITE, Id A. Ph.D. President. Debentures for Sale The County of Huron offers $00,000 The debentures s for sale. ores f 1 of debentures are first class security, and will he offered to the residents of Huron County'ffrst, For partioularsripply to Rohert W. Livingstone, Warden: W, J. R. Holmes, Treasurer, or to the un deteigned W, LANE. County Clerk Goderich May 10th, 1910' 5 -Room Cottage for Sale A 5 room cottage and acre of land, fruit trees, the house has town water and electric lights, for sale cheap on easy terms, apply to WESLEY WALKER, Agency manager Northern Life Phone, office 39; house 140 OLD RESIDENT PASSES AWAY, Qs t W•'dnesdgy Mr. William iF T -eerie who bat. resided n' Clin- ton for Over 50 years passed away -t the ripe age o188 years. Darin; hi•• ton rt i.,Ience he .hos • (ben'( connected with the grai'r 'business and 11 was in 1 his line y elirs ago. he was `reanc'ltlly crippled during n slump in th• market. In alta tarty bays he built the brick -re sidenee now owned by £dr. W111100! Jackson . the block occupied the Secksan Mfg Co., and the ,ixvc 'brick cottages on Ontailo stro" Mrs. Perrin predeceased her ]unbend some years ivgo and IVIr Perrin is see vie e:t by one son, 19L W. Goracn, wt.o resided with hie father, ",nu one daughter, 195r8. W. 13.Brownfec, o.• ,Gooding, Idaho. The funeral wee held on Tuesday c 1 this week lir ri kits late reside rico and int'rmcttt was made at t.•1 Clinter. cemetery, a 1f d Easter resigned his p',4ition' nn to . teaching staff of the Mount Elgin is seecn1e,cE for servte a with the White Star Eine, Detroit, lilicl4 institute, Money..to enlist with the 4.(Teller, l e Wg cc,rps,; Stewart . Mc- 182nd. Battalion at Whitby, admission ,is else god, a great man} Professional I?bels inthe rank., 00 the man} battalions :encamped ;it. London alt peel ori ng in these cavy :Vague d t Dick TatOcer.. o.i Clinton, f rimeriy of Brantford and 11101c Drnsnteie formerly rtlierlip. Wanted Laborers and handy men with tools wonted, Highest wages, apply Stratford Stretford Chair Co., Cattle Strayed One wuoley steer with a white head and one grey steer with a white head; coming tivo years, have ittrttved from racy property. Any one finding I.hem please phone 15 nn 1(30 JOHN Me DON ALD, Base Line, Goderich Tp Wanted Experienced boarders, apply Holeproof Hosiery Co,, London, Ont, ' For Sale or Rent A 1.0 ruom house on Mary Street with three lots, town water, a new furnace, cistern, stable. Apply at the New Era Office cr phone 13a JERRY J. Standard Bred Trotting Stallion Wi 1 stand at the Normandie Barn, Clinton, every Sta rteday during the season, He is a very fitshiona:hly bred colt, and while not vet: 3 veers old, he is a lig horse clow. No. 01882 American Trotting Register, No, 1n01 Canadian Standard Bred Society, ATC. 4410 Ln velment. Terms -$12 to ensure with foal 1:D. JOHNSTON, Prep., Phone 8 on 10`2 Clinton BROTHER UG:/&Dl Hugb Smith died in Sr. Marys Sat urday, Slay 0th, aged 75 years. He retired tram . a feral ie 131ansbard 13 years ago and has Peen living than town retired, oh Wellington 'street;. south, for the past eighteen years, 115 suffered a hemorrhage of the brain a week ago, Three sons and four lough tees survive to mourn their loss, ' G. Smyth of Clinton is a brother of the deceased. The funeral took p laoe Monday to St. Marys cemetery. WILE. '1511 011 On M nrtay t veiling the 'Cao. 0;11 sig'ad upa10 tract w,tt) ;he for 5 000 ' Co Gil Bridal- tm ••r ar gallop" of oil al 9c to bedelii,'re3 .1 jute, LB; 0 1 vlaw 1" 'WO' g pr. - pa,•e 1 m,Ier t e Local Improv.- trent Alcto have the oiling clone on Ii ,lag•: tax. •Jhe New 9.,1 L. tg+l:id ih : Council ha ctcicn(1 1 10119he 'tI, "1 hope(, ,e". that 11.19 tel; thea pt t in rhe i +ng nut than. hall g In, water. 3311) R8IC+F. NEWS )From the cf(frial news the f'1•• rowing aepoiet merits five been made to 1lie 3erd Huron Regl 1 -- To be pt''n'ision;al Lieutenants ;-- ltayrnir'i St"es 'timbale Gdoet]ch pit v, Bi"harfl Lnstace Page, Iirus- '.tis; Leyland Afeldl. Walter, T. Albert smillic A. E. McKay, rite For Sale Colt rising 4 years, well broken, Air ply to L RA17 EN1IURY For Sale - A white brick 1 story house of TO rooms with good cellar; Town water; O acre of laud with apple trees; also a stable. Corner of Princess and Spen- cer street.. For terms etc, apply to Mrs, E. Holtzitauer, on premises. Two and a half horse power gasoline engine in first Clare running condition Apply to W. J. N.E'D.CGER Nouse for Sale House on Rettenbury St., formerly occupied by the late Mrs. William Murray. Apply to G. D. M1 GGAltT CT Fat hens and 'Chickens EXCURSION Goderich to t Detroit and Return Going- Lee veGot1 i1ckTuesday,June 13th, 1918, at 030 am Returning -Leaves Detroit, Thursday June 15that3pm This trip prpvides a magnificent '. water 'n an a41d t to enjoy y opportunityy vage on he Big Steel Steamer Greyhound and time t0 visit your triends in 'Detroit Rare $1.50 Hound' Trip $1.00 one way with baggage . Children—half hate Don't forget the 'Goderich Band Moonlight June 12th, at 8 p.m. Fare only S e. Wanted. Painting t Paper Banging Painting and Paper 11 teeing neatly and promptly done, Orders left at Elunnitord's. Grocery Store or at my residence, Victoria Etreet, THOS, GEAEL1S Taken at any time. Highest Market Prices W. MARQUIS, CLINTON ,a t t Phone 14 on RIO Flour and teed, phone1'99 Seed eorn We now have in stock a quantity of Seed Corn which we can offer you ab a reasonable price, also Good Seed Buckwheat 'ibis is the batching season and that means Tots of feed for the baby chicks. We have a large stock of Baby Chick Feed and also Chick Grit on band Try some of'our Oreameal and Oilcake for young calves and pigs, there is nothing better Singe Lard has risen to such a high price, why not try our Easillrst Shortening as it is not so expensive and goes farther, We have it in 5 and 20 lbs paile Bran. Shot ts, Low grade Flour, Oat meal, Breakfast 'Food, and Flour always kept in stock )Iigilest Prices paid for Grain and Wool at "Elevator" W. Jenkins&Son • •• 1 • ti• tr• • m • • • • • We make these only from • • • • Genuine Vegetable Parchment • • • _• We carryin stock a line printed with the words Choice Dairy Butter • • • • for immediate delivery. They are sold at the o following prices: 0 • • • • • • • •' 0 •, A O • • 0 • • s • 0 • • ••• • • 4••••••••••••••••••••e•••r•••0•••••••••••••••••••••• • • • 0 • • • • • • • 0 • • • 5, -'i • • • • 0 • 1000 Sheets ........................... $2,25 • • Soo Sheets 1.50• 250 Sheets - 75 • : oo Sheets • 35 • Wrappers specially printed from your own copy, we can supply them at the following prices — 1 1ST . $2.25 1.75 per IV 5 I.5o per M iiclM...............................5:40..... ........... per M 2tO4M.. New Nw Era eLINTON • 0 • 0 • •. • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • W • •