HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-05-11, Page 1CLII41"
CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY MAY 6.1 1916 W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers
Established 1865,"Vol, 50; No. 46
amionawnammanwwn,ir. a,.mv.rmY.
The thist is Your Horne Battalion.
z ,
Stir grand Eormildehpde
Insures your grain from Rust. We guarantee Star Brand
Formaldehyde to bethe best Formaldehyde you can use. It will'
save you many bushels of grain, and assures you of having clean
• grain and straw for your stock, also a clean threshing.
50c per pint I cute.
i Buy the Best and be Sure of Results
Best Quality Drug Store The IItexall Store
W. B. R,. g10 LaIN/1M Phm.B.
Itpe Royal Bar*
Capital Authorized $25,000,000
tapital paid up 11,560.000
Reserve and undivided profits 13,500,000
Total Assets 185.000,000
3 -i -r ITC .3E1-�-"t
wi.thWorld-wide Corkin ec tion>z
Interest Allowed on Savings Deposits
General Banking Business Transacted,
R. E.11IAN.NING, Manager, Clinton Branch
t itP1TAL AND ItEsEltVE $8,SO0,000
96 Branches in Canada,
A General Banking Business Transacted
Savings - Bank° D'epcwtnnent
Interest Aileded at Ill host (ennui Rate .:,,a,
(.E. Iltler'dini', 9lau iri'r Clinton Broach
Try The New Era
for Job Work in
\what will YOU do for it?
Canalan Carl Gauen
Dr. Edna Guest, Toronto Univer-
sity • Graduate, Is Surgeon in
Big Army Hospital
The Co,onto Star Weekly gave
the followieg xeference to Dr
Edna Guest, daughter of the lite
John Guest, a 14. river resident Cd.
town. The ,Dot's many friends
-.till 'feel p; oud of her promotion
to this imp• l:taut position,- •
Dr. ,Edna Gust is, so far as is
k:•otvn, rhe oni'• Canadian 'w )-
man plysicien wbo has receaent a
Gcvernote•tt military appointment
since the beginning of the 'wa••
On Mr way home from Ind a
,here Dr. Gleet has been for th
past three seal's, she wa' appoint-
-d by the British War Office t
a post in the Nor•thamptonsh ' e
War Hospital a.t Duston, Nerth-
ampton, -with the Ennio of Captain,
attached to the surgical branch
'Dr. Guest 1.1 the daughter of an
Ontario farmer, and was born or
alarm near Luton, Ont. Fhe was
ducated at the Luean'Bigh school
Co,rtinued on page 2.
Tomato Week
'Fres!' Tomatoes
Imported Tomatoes ere now
at their best. Quality first class
Aylmer Tomatoes
Are always at their best
2 Cans for 250
Rex Catsup
Made of the very choicest of
I tomatoes and particutnrly tine
flavor, only 10c and 20c bottle.
See our ionth Window
The Store of Quality
Phone 48
Intereded for last week. held when Ow finance Commit-
, Council the on - y
Ing with. Mayor Thompson ,1n the "t By -Law :h o. 4 Pot 1016 was read 4,
chair, and Reeve Ford and'Coun- and passed; to amend By-lawlvo. +
cotters, Wilise' Fawkinm, Fatz,iiu- ti, 1AA9, re £ees in regard to the q+
ons, Paisley and Shetphsrd pre_ ;Torun hall Phe yaw scl,odule of
sent. Councilor Wallis albarnt rates ateraisied a few dollwms it:
A letter from ibis to vti solicitor some cases over the old ratel.
W., Bryd!one, lvas reaid in pagarda The Park Committee broughtin
to the .purchase sof a Municipal the ,following report and was
Law Manual, The letter was
1VIinntsa of the last mlee1ing was
read and confitmgd.
4 letter was neeetved from tin,
Huron County War Auxiliary ask-
ing for $200. '
On motion of Reeve 'ord and
Couorilloe Fitzsimons, the matter
awns left in the hands of tba
Finance Committee to furnish
Ways of getting money, and a,
Special Council meeting will be
adopted—Recienencied that 'Wm
McIntyre be given the use of the b
Park •for the coming summer for
the sum of $5.00. He to cnt weeds A
and have the meet the perk for `
two horses. p,
The Street Committee made the 9
following report 1. -That stone. A
crusher be returned as :'.con as I e
possible •—Thr, roller le put'
on inaca,dam roads endiweli rot efd I e
before sheets get dry 'and hard,
Continuos on page 2.
ftro's aeration; ti 161st!
, 0
Surely the phrase. should • le. younger mein do their "bit". If
within the breast of every man a• / under •15 years of sae and not pity- s
feeling ' of pride and of 1 ^treat •nt , smelly fit you ca.n, at least, wear o
tine button -ribbon which will bo 0
in the knowledge that in the day.I supplied .you by the 'Medical Ex- a
of an .Empire's stress our County C -miner el your local Detachment, ,
Las had the glorious privilege of aficr be ha,s•examined you a.,d i e
forming her own Battalion A given your eert!ficate of militaryo
'•aattal,ion,con$pcsed'oftha(ionsrind unfitness. !
the grandsons of those sturdy old ' s
pioneers, who 'n yo u•s gone by This is the last call for mem to s
settled withir the ,borders of the come forward, of their cryo free a
will, anu to save t
County and by the sweat of their County from I e
1 the stigma of reproach in that I e
brows carved out the bread acres 1 "she did not do her duty." e
and laid the foundation for the •
Kitchener says "the last man I t
unexampled prosperity of Muton. I and the last shell twill win the 1
.. To the sons of these men—to the 1 +
t ticloi9 Mayhsrp yon; in9ividell -e
isons .ana grandsons who have not e
enlistment will bathe means of the , p
I listened to the command' of King ji Allies Inevitable triumph. Put - e
1 and Country—I make this appeitl. side all petty jealousies and coir- I m
The 'Huron Battalion has l,eren i sidering only an Empire's need and I +
ordered to mobilize about May ,1
a County's welfare comb forward 1
loth and the needed 250 men, to I and take the placereserves for you ' u
complete the establishment of the I I ua
I amongst the men who in tie, clays q,
Battalion must be enlisted by the r e
1 to come will prove worthy ot a
Itime of Mobilization This is a
direct command of your Ding and i County's pride and of a County -in 4
a command -which must be heart.- b honour. e
ened tohy every man in the i The twelfth hour is striking. The
County. If of military age ane i time fox your d moot, has a, -
physical fi+ness your duty is , rived, Theansbetir "Road e Aye or I +
Plainly to enlist. If over •15 seine ; Hay. Will it be "Road,, Ars, 1
of age year duty can beidene by Ready l'• in the 151st
u. ging anu i insisting that the I H.B. COl1IBE, Licut: G'•1, I'
The ever increasing
demand for Suits at
this popular price has
prompted us 1 o offer
special values, and we
point with pride to our
Fifteen Dollar Suiis
and say
Match Thein it You
Call 9
ITwo and 3 button
models in worsted,
tweeds, etc, 1 he
tailoring. cut, and
Ievery detail of suit
making is the best
that good work-
men could do.
We have a pleasing
surprise in store for the
man that don't know
about the goodness of
Friend yto-Wear.
Fifteen 1) llar Suits 1
Morrish Clothing Via,. I
64.L".baDd207•+A6+6.E49ti4•NWioG+(F.A�yu W�90N+b�oQra,a.sa••aot.NaswSo.,:+,y,o•c rnA,uUYh1
Agent for C. P. At. Telegraph Co.
A Square or Every Man
milm41•••••................10MOZMVIIVIMaarrimammesmo.oemeara Immeresrameu.s114.1446.17=*vememo• e. lot
&—ngE' r° ' aT 7 , M R EN ¢ 9`'� 37t li r E E�+'�+': iSFiEt'w+` .'! `3gWE wg
Es w^ ean5t20 8°° ,751 CiiA tiVe28 32L' m,. 1ST=22;2" :git'2L'E ua.,"alt9' 1 OrAVI
The 161st iFluron Battalion has been ordered to mobilize about May 15th, and AT FULL STRENGTH.
WillYour County be humiliated by having the first Battalion she was authorized to form go into camp under strength '?
Will the word 1:I{uron" ever stand as a word of, reproach throughout the Empire? Or will the people of this County rally
their pride and to their honor ?
To The Men,---
The business of the young men of the County to -day is the
completion of the Battalion she was asked to form.
Kitchener urges "Men and More Men," Canada has promised
him 500,000. Will you ise one ?
Are you content to remain at home in ease and reap business
advantages while other men take your place in the firing line ?
Will your conscience
long years to come i?
]Does the sight of your chum in khaki IeaVe you untroulsled
and undisturbed ?
remain clear and clean each clay orthe:
Make such :sacrifices as may he necessary (the Empire is
worthy of them) to enable you to take your place in your County
ENLIST and. ENLIST TO -DAY, with the knowledge that
at last you are playing- the part of a MAN.
To the Mothers, Wives
and Sisters, ---
Do you know what is happening
Do you know what the women
Flanders, and even of your own race
by the invading Huns ?
250Me.n for
to women in Europe to -day ?
of Belgium, of Servia, of
in the old land have suffered
Do you know that thousands and tens of thousands, with their
little ones, are driven starving from their homes to die in misery ;
that they are being violated and slaughtered d
Do you realize that if this War is not fought out in Europe,
you and your children may be forced to share the sufferings of
those in Europe ?
Do you realize that if Canada is to protect her people, her
homes, and her liberty, her mien must be given without stint to
take part in the struggle ?
Thousands of glorious Mothers, Wives and Sisters have given
their dearest to this cause of Humanity and of the Empire. Can
you meet this type of Womanhood in social intercourse ? Are you
content to see other mothers, wives and sisters proudly sending
off their manhood to protect you and your men-fol'k ?
Or will you meet the burden of this generation with Courage,
"the Highest of Divine Virtues ?
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