HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1916-05-04, Page 5Thursday, April, 27th; 1916. r RR CLINTON NEW ERA. eft r PAJG IEIVY 04#4++++444+++++++•+,+++ +++++++++++0++44+++++++++++10000044,"* ."4"0" ••+•+, +++ +l.4010011000000440Of000000iNf";Ofii1"00N04iO+""t00N10fOtN00004+t100 000iO404000000O,f0NO 40fOO,O40N1. � The 161st Battalion Headquarter Staff � 4W+++4 +++ +4+++++4++++4 ••••••••••••••••0** ***** ******** + * + ***********,•••••••••••••i4041ff4 �♦ • • 1► *4•••••••004••••••••••••••►f0•04f•40+00+400••++4444**+?4N4♦+N4yN�Ni ••00,0.00••0009.0•.00006100e0.00••00000••eee0000••004400000.09000ss•00.09000000O00s000s0000000..•00000440400.00000•r•OM00•t1s••006040000100001000000.•0040•e•Meeeteee•e•OEee000114 0400ik••ee00ea Medical Officer Junior Major Officer Commanding Second in Command Adjutant • Paymaster ° • • • • Quartermaster ' • • • •• • • 'f y • iii i a-;.;, .,, "a.,, ,'..ia,..:�!-*•,i,.s '- �;; .:, -• u.*s. • •ter 4 • • `. lv3 a;;y .n as A.l, �,y'f✓• •.. t , "'moi.: I fax .r.fi •• • • • ti'; fit. „r'Y,` �; • • • • • • • Itrte a+, e". E $ ' '"�• >`i+: • d a �N • • • aS fi`F v fS » " l;� ... � : . � �., .� Y ,��.,. *y.� �..:.. ffi ' S : t^,„�.. 4.0,,0+9 i.:,. , -, • • vi , +,'*. .M1 .... '`' , t ,..e. y., J� �T iµi`.a 'f .i.q .Y`.l4 5$° • ?0 .x� t fi s a,i t # • • i '`� ,,.+z ffr. , iii z ... • • rtsk fy • p ee • • • • ,0:`. {• • t\ t v - • _xs ,,.i„.< ,-..a' �.a.- ,. .... ,*,.. ,a'_,. i. a' .. sxe_t�& ,-'r M z, .A.r ,.�, • • I MAJOR M. D. McTAGGART MAJOR J. W. SHAW, M.O. MAJOR R. S. HAYS LIEUT.-COL. H. B. COMBS MAJOR B. C. McPHAIL CAPT. C. G. VANSTONE CAPT. W. B. ALLEN : Born in Clinton and has served Born in Hullett Twp., started Born in Huron County, was pay -Born in Clinton. and joined the Born in Goderich Township, has Born in Brussels, was for 11 Born in Hullett Township, has • j served over 20 years 119Huron years connected with the 33rd served four years in Canadian over 20 years in the 33rd Rqt, military life in 1889. Medical master in the 33rd Regt. Is Huron Regt. in 1881, Officer Regt, Is now Senior Major in Huron Regt. Is now AdjutantQuar- • Is Paymaster of the 16Ist. Officer of the 161st. now Junior. Major in the 161st Commanding the 261st. the 161st. of the 161st, Ordnance Corps, and is • •termaster with the 161st. • •9essesso00•eeee000••00•eOoe so•snagant•Des•e•ll90e•e006e0960aOesooftli•000••!9•ea•0tt0.11D•0.O••a•®••tia•••e••e•eetaeaoass•0098000000•600000saaase06®00aaaaaPJoe• asootoestsesolosoo4tl toota®O••D•e®eeNe•• ATTENTION ! of the Sddiers of the 161st Battalion, C,E.F, is called to the 16Ist Signet Ring g ng shown by W. H. Hellyar The Ring is solidg old with figures 181 on top and a maple lea on each shoulder. Made in any size, to lit either a lady or gents Heger. Call and. Get One. We world also call youe at• tention toour large assortment of Military Wrist Watches We have them insilverand nickle cases, with luminous dials and hands, and unbreakable glass, in various grades, All guaranteed by us W. ll. HUM JEWELER and. OPTICIAN ETES TESTED FREE to he prohibited entirely. The only means of procuring liquor for beverage purposes will tie by fru portation from another Province cir from a foreign country, which h is con stitutionally beyond the power of the Province to prevent. Sectiou 1$9 of the Act expressly declare& to this of feet, adding that the Act "is not in tended to effect bona, fide transactions in liquor hetweee a person in the Pro vi,ice ni Ontario and a person in an other Province or la a foreign coun try. It was with respect to this that Hon. W..1, Hanna:referred to the anomaly of our Ontario brewer or distiller be ing able to ship his product to Mont real or elsewhere in any other Pro vince, and have it shipped hack thence in reply to an • orderfrom Ontario sent to a branch house . in Montreal. Mr. Hanna however, referrednot attempi preferred to hemp to Baal with this anomaly until some experience had been gained of the working of the Act. Club Sit•ratian Met 'The prohibition upon clubs is ahso lute. The, mere keeping or having liquor in any house, pall or ,building utilized by any club or associetion is to be an oifeneeagaeist the Art. Hence the locker system could not he employed, as it bas been known to be in some caees previously. •ss•e••••e••••essessesso s o • Over The Teacups. • 0 •e••eseSese••e••Oeesseaseo Me. Jas. Johuston was in Loudon on Monday. Me. Harry Mitchell was a visitor in Ilensel( last Friday. Miss Mayfrid Arlin le visiting her brothel, Mr A. E. Aliin at 'Temente, Judge Dickson, now senior Judge of Huron Danny was in town on Sat- urday. _—.... Miss Lily Kingston, of Toronto, is visiting her uncle Mr. Jos. L`ownsentl: Some Points ofMr. Geo. Roberton was in Hensel( oe Saturday attending the 1:nneraltri the late Pte. Washington. Temperance Act I Capt. cell and Mrs, Campbell of Godes irh hwewer.•e. in town ole Saturday, • _ Mrs. R A. Cuvier is spenchng,it • month with hertwo daughters at All Canvassing or Soliciting For- bidden in Province—Also Billboards Possibly The prohibition of soliciting of or •dens for liquor from individuals by salesmen of liquor firma becomes a feature of the new Ontario Temper .arae Act, through the simple inoor poration in the new Act of the Local Option opuses of the Liquor License .Act of Ontario and making them top plicable to the whole Province and not merely to Local Option districts as heretofore, Clause 42 of the Ontario Temper .ante Act, which prohibits the canvass ing for orders for liquor, recites: Every person whether licensed or unlicensed, who by himself, his servant, or agent. canvasses far, or receives, or solicits orders for liquor for beverage purposes within this Province, shall ire guilty of an' of Fence against this Act, and shall in • cur the penalties provided in Sec. 50 of this Act.” Thus a Montreal liquor firm, while beyond the jurisdiction of Ontario so long as it confines its business to ,pointe oo„'tside Ontario, .immediateiy becomes amenable to the Ontario law teas soon as it attempts through its agent in Ontario to solicit orders for iiquor residents in any part of the Province. Newspapers and bill board adveetie ing in Ontario by liquor firma may pas sibly become prohioitive leader the same clause. There are those wbo ex press that view. A decision given by Judge Reid, of Waterloo, in a case heard before him, that advertising of liquors in a newspaper published iq local option territory was in reality a solicitation of orders by the liquor firm advertising, and punishable under the Act, still stands, Leaves No Loophole The provisions of the Act are very strict against any person having, keep ing oe giving liquor in any place what soever, except in his private dwelling, or unless licensed or allowed by the Act to sell, snch as a druggist or a von dor, ' The druggist, however, will remain Tinder the same restrictions as at present, being prohibited from making any sales for beverage purposes. He may sell only for medieinial, purposes, and then not to exceed six ounces and eon a doctor's prescription, Mr, 1•t. M. McKay, of Blyth was a visitor in tcwn on Saturday afternoon • Mr. Jock Wiseman of the Molson'e 0 Bank, Toronto. is visiting with his 0 parents, Mr and Mrs. John Wiseman. • Major Sinclair, of Wingham, was at e Headquarters on Satorchuy last. a► Lieut. w, P. Grieve, of Seaforth 0 was tut Headquarters s on Saturday. • Mr. hones Smith tirade a business • trip to Woodstock last week. Miss Jule 13artliff was a visitor with 0 Wiughatn friends a few days last 0 week. p� Lieut. Wilson. now in charge at • Hensel, was rat Headquarters ou Sat- 0 urday, • Lieut. Stewart Scott spent a few 0 clays with his father, Postmaster 0 Scott.-.• Miss Rse McCaughey spent the week end at Blyth. Mrs. c war,lefew h and dao hies Mrs. Huron Battaiion; the 61S$H Aterander, tubo have Dere speud- tng the timet in lumina are here uclin u ,thou honsrh hlp 1o illet.ta to move to the Finest City,. 110 Alex. andel. is expected here the end of the week to assist. Then old friends will be sorry to hear they lave betided to leave Clinton. SHEEP PROTECTION ACT At thclast session of the Pro- vincial Legislature the Sheep 1 ro- teation .Act was changes' to per- mit the full payment of aamag,ein etead of two-thirds, as £ormeuly. The Act will now read as follows; "The :owner ,of any sheep kiilco or injured by any dog. the owner of of which ie not known, may within n three e m ontl to after the killing or injury ahrly to the council of the municipality an which the sheep was go killed of injured, cempiensa - tion for the injury; and r£ the c itru r11 is satisfie ?that he has imnde diligent search and quiry to as- certain the owner oc keeper bt such dog, and that he cannot be r',und, they shall award to Ire 'grieved party for compensation a sum equal to the amount of dam- age sustained by him; and the treasueer .of the muoicipalite shall pay oc r to hint the pmourt so t warded.' Surely the phrase should stir within the breast of. every mau a feeling el pr:de and of patriotism in the knowledge that in the any of an ,Empire's stress our County has had the glorious privilege of forming ,her own Battalion. A Battalion composed of the sons and the 1granasons of those sturdy old pioneelrs, who in years gone oy settled Within the borders ofthe County ,and° by the sweat oftheir brows ro a carvrd out the broad aur and laid the foundation for the, unexampled prosperity of BuxomI To the eons of these men—to the sons ante grandsons .who have not listened to thio command of King and Country—I make this appeal, The 'Huron Battalion has been ordered to mobilize about May 15th ,and the needed 250 mon, 10 complete the establishment of the Battalion must be enlisted by the time of Mobilization This is a direct command of your King and a command which must be heark- ened to by every mac in the County. If of military age and physical filness your duty is Plainly to enlist If over 45 years of age your duty can beldoce by urging anu insisting that the younger mein do their "bit". If under 45 years of age and not phy- sieally fit you can, at least, %velar the button -ribbon which will 170 supplied .you by the Medical Ex- aminer pf your local Detachment, after he ha,seexa,mined you and given you a certificate of military 1 unfitness. , ' This is the last call for mein to come forward, of their own free will, anti to nave the County from the stigma of reproach in that "she g ha aid not t dcher duty." "thet Kitchener says last men and the last shell will win the t ici of y,-- lilayhap your individual enlistment will be the means of the Allies inevitable triumph, Put a- side all petty joaiousioe and coo- sidering only an Empire's need and a County's welfare come forward and talce the place reserved for eon smongst the men who in He days to come will prove worthy o£ a (County's pride and of n Counly'e honour. The twelfth hour is striking. The time for your deicision has 0- ' rived. The answer must Pe Aye or j Nay. Will it be "Heade, Ae,e, Ready l' in the 161st H.B. COM.BE, atee•••••••see••Oeseeea•see0se0eeeeese•eeessosss••eee•eeesse•seeeeesessse,eee0•• *' s 5 • 0 0 • , • Clinton Boys Who Are Lieutenants 0• • • •• • 0 e • • i in 161st Battalion. . ' ir•a•0e�ama�ta®•s • e' i Ncw .� SIOCK Thousands of dollars worth of 1916's newest ideas in' up-to-the-minute mer— ) .,r chandise are now on our shelves wait- ing your inspection. We ask you to come in and look these lines ' over at your earliest con- venience n as prices are advancing, and in some cases goods are very scarce. Those who buy early get the season's very best values. We are showing New Dress Goods, Prints, Ginghanls. Wash Goods of all the newest lines, New Dresses, New Clothing, New Shoes. Come Early. Buy Early. t0ao®cmW 8186•—Dreg for Mw.. and Small Woman Sizes 16, 18, 20 Tears Plumsteel Small Profits Phone `35. ros. 910re Business 0 A ' Price • • • ®i 393.'; $15.25 1.- ' tri,, e 0 r e dui e � sri: :'�°r.a. - `aen? 3 u_... �8s a to 0 • e • e • at 9 a e • • • Mr. Robert Sweet lett on Tuesday for Stratford where he will work at his trrde as `bricklayer. He reports that there is quite a bit of work going I)13 in, the Classic City. 141x. and Mrs: 0. li iibbyleft to day for Lowell, Mass., where they will spend a week with their family. Mrs: 11.B. Chant entertained a few of her friends on sVedttesday evening in honor of her guests, Ptes. Ran rcin and Milligan of the Br nssels company cable to Clinton on Tuesday and are working at the Re. ceuiting office.. . Mr. •Gey Ohieliey left on Monday for his home in Inclian Bead after attending the funeral of his mother. Mrs. Chant st•„ and daughter, Miss 91. Chant expect to return to Toronto on Friday after spending some time with Mr, and Mrs, H. 13, (haute Mrs, W. J'. Kilbride returned horite after spending two weeks with her parents at St, Thomas. • 0 0 0 • • • • 0 0 • • 0 • • • • • • • 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rev: 11. J. Treleaven, president of. 0 theTorento conference of theMetbo• • dist church and a cousin of Principal 0 Treleaven of the C O,I. has been nude , • a D, D. by the Wesleyan Theological m le college, Montreal. Miss Mabel Cantelonwas a visitor 0 at Hensel' last l+liday afternoon 0 Mr, George McKenzie is in Toronto on business 0 Miss Violet Argent is spending a in short, the sale of liquor within c,ounle of weeks with Rev. and 33 s. • the Province for beverage purposes is Diehl at Paisley. i s•®AssessseseeGeeeee•eosose 00000000 0ae•00000asessome9esse'ssear ssessesess®Wee• Lieut. A. J. Grigg Lieut. J. IC. Mair Lieut. Chas. S. Hall Lieut. W. E. O'Neil 0 0 0 • • 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 •: • • •' •0000000•tt0000., • *Trice e 15.25 e 0 • o o 0 LATES0 T' WONDER IN^PPHONNO�GRAPHti CD -tyhe it J V `..J -C ..CSL. .J_V .tea a e0 o Compares with the (test by Actual Test 0 w • A Phonograph second to none, yet ata price no home esu ow o afford to be without ie. Its beauty of tone and clearness of . • •reproduction are marvellous. Play any sized record, vocal, 0 tl instrumental, band, etc, For Sale at 0 • • S Jas. Durnford Furniture Ciinton s a • ache®eeiSeaease00a®••000••••00000'00000000.000000000000 4 s000A0&ALAAAAAeAAAAAAAA�,AA AA AAAA AAA AAA•.AA.AAA4A ora I Local News a i vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv rvvvvvvvvvvvvvt vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvrIk C. C. L CADETS TO BE INSPECTED. :Itis expected that the C.C.I. Cadets will'beingat9insjr a.in. ccted next Wednesday morn- ei SUNDAY BAND CONCERT. By permission of Lieut: -Col. Combe 0 the 16Ist Battl. Band will render a sacred • Band Concert on Sunday afternoon from • 4 to 4.30 p. m, at the bandstand. • ROYAL ARCH MEETING. The Murphy 'Lodge L. 0. L. are • putting on a Royal Arch meeting on • Tuesday, May 9th Also expect to put on the Orange, Purple and Blue degrees. s RECRUITING MEETINGS, 0 Special recruiting meetings in aid of 0 the' 161st to get 250 recruits to fill up the ® Battalion, will be held as follows 8•, Varna, Friday May 5th 0 BayGeki, Saturday May 6 0H-olnresville, Monday May 8 Londesboro, Tuesday May 9 • Rev. S. J. Arlin Rev, J. K. Fairfull, A. H Musgrove, M. P'. 1'. anti other speakers 0 will address the meetings, MCMI'LL $ SPI REV. AILS 13191097 AN MONDAY On Monday evening, May 8th, at 8 o'clock, in the Memorial Hall of St. Paul's Church, Itev, Alex Mole/Wan of 0 •I A Toronto will give one of bis delightful' literary talks. On this occasion Mr. Mclelillan, has chosen to .speak on . Shakespeare, and the meinnhers of the Clinton Travel Club the all to come and hear him. .A silver collection will be taken in aid of the Iced Cross. I. Hickson of Exeter Senior Judge of Huron Mr L. H, Dickson of the law firm of Dickson ee Carling Exeter has been appointed Judge of Huron County to fill the vacancy caused by the retire ment of his His Honour Judge Doyle. Mr. Dickson has practised law in Exe ter since 1884, Mr, Dickson was born in the village of Pakenham, Lanark and spent his boyhood days and reoeived his eerier ednoation at Pembroke, Renfrew Oo. Ke graduated from the Kingston collegiate. He stutied law in the office of Thos. Deacon, K. C. or Pembroke afterwa''rds Judge Deacon of Renfrew, also Hector Cameron IC. 0. of Toronto and graduated in law in the year 1884 goon* after nommencing to practise in Exeter, His law partner is :Mr, Darling. We extend our cangractrla tions on his appointment, The new ,judge is a brother in law of Mrs, Baw den of town,